  • I

    B. Omelayenko, M. Klein (eds.)

    Proceedings of the Workshop on KnowledgeTransformation for the Semantic Web

    KTSW 2002

    Workshop W7 at the 15-th European Conference on ArtificialIntelligence

    23 July 2002, Lyon, France˜borys/events/KTSW02

  • Preface

    The vision of the Semantic Web envisages the Web enriched with numerous domain ontologies, which specify formal se-mantics of data, allowing various intelligent services to perform knowledge-level information transformation, search andretrieval. Recent successful projects in the ontology area have resulted at creation of thousands ontologies, development ofseveral ontology-based annotation tools and inference engines.

    However, the absence of an efficient transformation technology for distributed and evolving knowledge hampers furtherdevelopments of the Semantic Web area. Preliminary non-automated knowledge transformation approaches, experimentalresearch prototypes and early proposals of transformation languages need to evolve into a working technology with solidtheoretical grounds and powerful tool support.

    The workshop attracted a number of high-quality submissions concerning different transformation issues and models pre-sented in the present book. The book is opened with an extended abstract of the invited talk of F. Casati presenting a discussionabout the role of services at the Semantic Web.

    The first section of the proceedings is devoted to model transformation approaches. The paper on ‘Effective schema conver-sions between XML and relational models’ by D. Lee, M. Mani, and W. Chu is followed by the paper on ‘Transforming UMLdomain descriptions into configuration knowledge bases for the Semantic Web’ by A. Felfernig, G. Friedrich, D. Jannach, M.Stumptner, and M. Zanker. Generic model transformation issues are discussed in the paper ‘On modeling conformance forflexible transformation over data models’ by S. Bowers and L. Declambre.

    Specific modeling issues are again discussed in the second section. Namely, the problem of ‘Tracking changes in RDF(S)repositories’ by A. Kiryakov and D. Ognyanov, ‘Tracing data lineage using schema transformation pathways’ by H. Fan andA. Poulovassilis, and ‘An algebra for the composition of ontologies’ by P. Mitra and G. Wiederhold.

    The next section of the book is devoted to the papers on mapping conceptual models. First, ‘Knowledge representationand transformation in ontology-based data integration’ by S. Castano and A. Ferrara, then ‘MAFRA -An Ontology MAp-ping FRAmework in the context of the Semantic Web’ by A. Maedche, B. Motik, N. Silva and R. Volz. These are followedby application-driven approaches ‘Conceptual normalization of XML data for interoperability in tourism’ by O. Fodor, M.Dell’Erba, F. Ricci, A. Spada and H. Werthner; and ‘RDFT: a mapping meta-ontology for business integration’ by B. Ome-layenko.

    The fourth section contains the papers discussing configuration issues: ‘Enabling services for distributed environments:ontology extraction and knowledge-base characterization’ by D. Sleeman, D. Robertson, S. Potter and M. Schorlemmer;‘The ‘Family of Languages’ approach to semantic interoperability’ by J. Euzenat and H. Stuckenschmidt; and ‘A logicprogramming approach on RDF document and query transformation’ by J. Peer.

    The last section is devoted to poster presentations and system demonstrations: ‘Information retrieval system based on graphmatching’ by T. Miyata and K. Hasida; ‘Formal knowledge management in distributed environments’ by M. Schorlemmer, S.Potter, D. Robertson, and D. Sleeman; ‘Distributed semantic perspectives’ by O. Hoffmann and M. Stumptner; ‘The ontologytranslation problem’ by O. Corcho.

    We would like to thank the authors for their contributions and wish you to enjoy reading the book.

    June 2002 Borys Omelayenko,Michel Klein,

    co-chairs of workshop

  • Organization

    The workshop on Knowledge Transformation for the Semantic Web was held on July 23-th during the 15-th EuropeanConference on Artificial Intelligence, Lyon, France, 21-26 July 2002.

    Program Commitee

    Michael Blaha OMT Associates, USAHarold Boley German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, GermanyChristoph Bussler Oracle Corporation, USAHans Chalupsky University of Southern California (ISI), USADetlef Plump The University of York, UKDieter Fensel Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NLNatasha F. Noy Stanford University (SMI), USAMichel Klein Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NLBorys Omelayenko Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NLAlex Poulovassilis University of London (Birkbeck Colledge), UKChantal Reynaud University Paris-Sud, FranceMichael Sintek German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, GermanyHeiner Stuckenschmidt Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NLGerd Stumme University of Karsruhe (AIFB), Germany

    Additional referees

    Danny AyersShawn BowersJeen BroekstraMario CannataroWesley ChuOscar CorchoJérôme EuzenatHao Fan

    Alfio FerraraOliver FodorOliver HoffmannAlexander M̈adchePrasenjit MitraTakashi MiyataDamyan OgnyanoffBorys Omelayenko

    Joachim PeerStephen PotterRafael PulidoMarco SchorlemmerRonny SiebesCarlo WoutersMarkus Zanker

    Sponsoring Institutions

    OntoWeb thematic Network

    Bibliographic Reference

    Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Transformation for the Semantic for the Semantic Web at the 15thEuropean Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KTSW-2002), Lyon, France, 23 July 2002. Available online at˜borys/events/ktsw2002.pdf

    Workshop Homepage˜borys/events/KTSW02

  • Table of Contents

    Invited Talk

    A Conversation on Web Services: what’s new, what’s true, what’s hot. And what’s not. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Fabio Casati

    Modeling I

    Effective Schema Conversions between XML and Relational Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Dongwon Lee, Murali Mani, Wesley W. Chu

    Transforming UML domain descriptions into Configuration Knowledge Bases for the Semantic Web. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Alexander Felfernig, Gerhard Friedrich, Dietmar Jannach, Markus Stumptner, Markus Zanker

    On Modeling Conformance for Flexible Transformation over Data Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Shawn Bowers and Lois Delcambre

    Modeling II

    Tracking Changes in RDF(S) Repositories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Atanas Kiryakov, Damyan Ognyanov

    Tracing Data Lineage Using Schema Transformation Pathways. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Hao Fan, Alexandra Poulovassilis

    An Algebra for the Composition of Ontologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Prasenjit Mitra and Gio Wiederhold


    Knowledge Representation and Transformation in Ontology-based Data Integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51Silvana Castano, Alfio Ferrara

    MAFRA — A MApping FRAmework for Distributed Ontologies in the Semantic Web. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60Alexander Maedche, Boris Motik, Nuno Silva, Raphael Volz

    Conceptual Normalisation of XML Data for Interoperability in Tourism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69Oliver Fodor, Mirella Dell’Erba, Francesco Ricci, Antonella Spada, Hannes Werthner

    RDFT: A Mapping Meta-Ontology for Business Integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77Borys Omelayenko


    Enabling Services for Distributed Environments: Ontology Extraction and Knowledge Base Characterisation. . . . . . . . 85Derek Sleeman, Stephen Potter, Dave Robertson, W. Marco Schorlemmer

    The ‘Family of Languages’ Approach to Semantic Interoperability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93Jérôme Euzenat, Heiner Stuckenschmidt

    A Logic Programming Approach To RDF Document And Query Transformation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101Joachim Peer


    Information Retrieval System Based on Graph Matching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110Takashi Miyata, K̂oiti Hasida

    Formal Knowledge Management in Distributed Environments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111W. Marco Schorlemmer, Stephen Potter, David Robertson, Derek Sleeman

    Distributed Semantic Perspectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112Oliver Hoffmann and Markus Stumptner

  • V

    A framework to solve the ontology translation problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114Oscar Corcho

    Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

  • VI

  • A Conversation on Web Services: what’s new, what’s true, what’s hot.And what’s not

    Fabio Casati

    Hewlett-Packard1501 Page Mill Road, MS 1142

    Palo Alto, CA, USA, 94304Fabio [email protected]

    Hi Tim, what are you doing?I am writing a paper on Web Services. They are the next

    wave of Internet-based applications.Oh! I heard about them, but I was never really able to

    understand what they are. What’s a web service?Ah. I get this question a lot. It reminds me of when peo-

    ple were asking me ”what is an agent?”. Well, a Web serviceis an application that exposes functionalities accessible viathe Internet, using standard Web protocols (that’s why theyare calledWebservices). In particular, the names that are al-ways made are those of XML, SOAP, and WSDL. If your ap-plication has an interface described in WSDL, and interactswith clients by exchanging XML messages encapsulated intoSOAP envelopes, then it is a web service.

    I see. Doesn’t seem too exciting, anyway. What’s newabout it? Sounds just like good old RPC over the Web, onlyunder a different form.

    Well, that’s true. Conceptually, and technologically, thereis nothing particularly new. Perhaps, the biggest difference isthat these languages and protocols are supported by prettymuch every big software player. This level of support isunprecedented. You don’t have to deal with things such asCORBA vs DCOM, java vs C++ vs C#, Solaris vs Windowsvs HP-UX vs Linux. With web services standards you goacross platforms, from the top to the bottom of the softwarestack. Application integration becomes easier, because ev-erybody speaks the same language, or at least they use thesame grammar. Think about it: One of the problems you havein application integration is that enterprise processes need toaccess many different systems, each supporting its own lan-guage and protocols. Therefore, either you write ad-hoc codefor each of them, or you buy an integration platform alongwith system-specific adapters that hide the heterogeneity andshow to the integrating application a uniform view of an oth-erwise diverse world. But, with XML, SOAP, and WSDL,these adapters will become much simpler, considerably lessexpensive, and easier to deploy. After all, if Web services be-come reality, what adapters will end up doing are translationsbetween different XML formats.

    Another aspect to keep in mind is that all these languagesand protocols are simple. Simplicity is paramount. If you tryto make standards too complex, they won’t fly. They will bedifficult to understand and difficult to implement. SOAP andWSDL are just at the right level to gain acceptance and stim-ulate the development of design and runtime tools.

    mmmm. Yes, makes sense. So, they simplify enterprise ap-plication integration and reduce the need for integrationplatforms. That’s a great benefit. Indeed, it’s one of thebiggest headaches in many of my projects. But tell me onemore thing: I never really hear about web services in the con-

    text of enterprise application integration. Everybody seemsto talk about “dynamic discovery”, “loosely-coupled”, “Se-mantic”, and that’s where the hype seems to be.

    Yes, Web services were not born with enterprise applica-tion integration in mind. The original goal was (and still is, tosome extent) to get to a do-it-for-me Internet. Basically, youshould be able to tell your “agent” what you need. Then, thisagent will search the Web for the available service that bestsuits your need, finds out if and how it can talk to the ser-vice, invokes the desired functionality, pays for the service,and then brings the results back to you.

    Wow! Sounds like magic. How is it done?Well, with Web services, not only you describe the ap-

    plication interface in a standard language (WSDL) and ac-cess its functionalities through a standard protocol (SOAP),but you can also describe it in Internet registries, structuredaccording to another standards, called UDDI. In this way,clients requiring a service can just go to an UDDI directory,enter their search criteria, retrieve the list of services that sat-isfy their needs, and access these service.

    OK, but didn’t you have that with other naming and direc-tory services? JNDI and CORBA for example have similarcapabilities

    Yes. One of the differences, however, lies in the way UDDIis designed. In fact, its purpose is to enable the dynamic dis-covery of services over the Web, across platforms and acrossorganizations. It’s been created from the start with this pur-pose in mind. Entries in the directory can be posted by anycompany, and services can be deployed on all sorts of plat-forms. Therefore, the description needs to be independent ofspecific languages or platform. Other issues are the need forflexibility and extensibility. You don’t want to fix a servicedescription language, data structure, or ontology because youjust don’t know what will be needed to describe a particularweb service or set of web services. For example, sometimesin the future a shoe store standardization consortium may de-fine a standard set of properties of shoes and shoe stores, aswell as a description of the behavior that Web shoe storesshould have. Right now, not only we do not have a clue aboutwhat are the characteristics that users will need to describeshoes and Web shoe stores, but we do not even know whatlanguage will be suited to specify their behaviors. Maybethese standardization consortia will want or need to definethe semantics in a very detailed manner, using some languagethat we cannot imagine right now. UDDI let’s you do it withthe notion oftModel: any UDDI client (the standardizationbody in this example) can define a document (the tModel)that describes the properties that a web shoe store may ormust have, in terms of attributes, interfaces, supported pro-tocols, transactionality, and other attributes that maybe we

  • 2 Fabio Casati

    cannot even imagine right now, but that will be importantin the future. The structure of this document is open for themost part, and is not interpreted by UDDI. Therefore, youcan write specifications in any language. Let’s assume thatthis tModel has been defined, and assigned some identifier(say, 643).

    When you describe a web service, you can specify thatyour service has the propertytModel 643, meaning that youare compliant with that tModel, and therefore with the speci-fication by the shoe standardization consortium. In this way,clients that have been designed to interact with web shoestores can look for service provider that supports tModel 643.You can even go into more details, for example specifyingthat you sell shoes that, according to the definition of “color”given in tModel 643, are “yellow”.

    Another important characteristic of UDDI is that it alsodefines how to operate and maintain global directories. Youneed this if you want client applications to be able to findand access services wherever they are, based only on theirproperties and not on whether you can locate them or not. It’syet another manifestation of the democracy of the Internet!Big vendors and small shops will look alike, you only selectthem based on what they offer.

    Well, I am a little skeptical about this, Tim. I am sure thatbig guys will find a way to make you buy from them. But letme understand this tModel. From what you are saying, clientapplications are not really going to read tModel 643. Theyjust want to know whether a service is compliant with it ornot. Basically, it is a human that, when developing the clientapplication, reads the tModel to understand how to interactwith web shoe stores, and then writes the application code ina way that it can communicate with such web services. So,the tModel description is meant for humans, isn’t it?

    That’s one use of the tModel. It has benefits in its ownright. However, you can use tModels in a more powerfulway. For example, if your tModel specifies a WSDL inter-face, then you can think of tools that simplify the develop-ment efforts by reading a tModel and automatically generat-ing the stubs to be plugged into your client application. Thenext (and most interesting) step consists in formalizing moreaspects of a web service within a tModel. In this way, ap-plications could be able to read the tModel associated to aservice, find out the interfaces and interaction protocols sup-ported by this service, and understand how to invoke the de-sired functionality.

    See, Tim this is what looks like magic to me. I hear thisa lot, but I don’t see how it can happen. Let me tell youabout my last project. We had to automate our supply chainoperations, invoking our business partners automatically forsuch things as sending and receiving quotes, executing pur-chase orders, and the like. We decided to use the RosettaNetstandard to perform these B2B interactions. As you proba-bly know, RosettaNet defines a large number of very detailedinterfaces and protocols for supply chain operations in theIT domain. It has full industry support, it has been carefullydesigned by all industry leaders, and it has gone throughseveral revisions so that it is now at a good level of matu-rity. There are also many commercial platforms that supportRosettaNet out-of-the-box, and integrate B2B conversationswith the execution of your internal processes. Our partnersand us had two different platforms supporting this standard.

    When we tried to perform the B2B interactions, well, nothingworked!! Even if both platforms supported RosettaNet, un-less both of us had the same system from the same vendors,we could not communicate.

    But that was only one of the problems! Even with identicalplatforms, we still had to do a lot of work to get things go-ing. The fact is that, even in mature vertical standards, spec-ifications are often ambiguous. In addition, many practicalcases have needs that are not supported by the standard. Forexample, in this project we had to meet face-to-face severaltimes with our partners to actually agree on what is the ex-act meaning of what we write in the RosettaNet-compliantXML documents that are exchanged. Furthermore, in somecases there were some attributes that we needed to transfer,and there was no place for them in the XML document as de-signed by RosettaNet. For example, we agreed that we woulduse a “date” field to enter a line item number.

    That’s why I am skeptical about all this “dynamic interac-tion” and “semantic specifications”. In many practical situa-tions, not only you are not able to dynamically discover howto talk to your partner, but you are not even able to invokea service that follows the exact same interface and protocolthat your application has been designed to support.

    I see. That’s an interesting perspective. So, you think thatit is not possible to perform any kind of dynamic B2B dis-covery and interaction over the Web?

    Well, no, I would not go that far. I think that you can indeeduse UDDI to dynamically search for a service that supportsthe standard your client application has been designed to in-teract with. And the support you have in UDDI seems just fineto me. What I am saying is that this can happen for relativelysimple cases and for services that are not mission-critical. Iwould not use it to dynamically find my supply chain partnersand interact with them, but I can use it for a PS to PDF con-verter, or for finding out the movie schedule. Even there, ifyou put payments into the picture, things become more com-plex. And not many companies will provide web services forfree, given that since the interaction is automated, they can-not even show advertisements to you. The other point youmade, about dynamically discovering how to interact witha newly discovered service implementing a protocol that myclient was not designed to support, well, that I think will nothappen for quite some time. You may find some simple casesfor which it works, but I doubt you can have any real deploy-ment around it.

    From what you say, this is a generic problem, independentof Web services, SOAP, or UDDI.

    Yes the problem is always the same. It’s hard to do businessautomatically with people you don’t know and with whomyou do not have a contract in place. Not to mention theproblem of resolving disputes. But I can see that there aremany contexts in which Web service technology is applicable.Enterprise application integration is one of them. You haveconvinced me that Web services provide significant benefitsthere. I can see how I can integrate quickly and with lowercosts. The same concept, I think, can be extended to closedcommunities of business partners, where agreements are inplace before the interaction starts, and where the details canbe worked out by humans.

    After all, do you think that Web services are here to stay?Yes, definitely. They are here to stay.

  • Effective Schema Conversions between XML and Relational Models

    Dongwon Lee?, Murali Mani??, and Wesley W. Chu

    UCLA, Computer Science Department,{dongwon, mani, wwc }

    Abstract. As Extensible Markup Language(XML) is emerging as the data format of the Inter-net era, there is an increasing need to efficientlystore and query XML data. At the same time,as requirements change, we expect a substantialamount of conventionalrelational data to beconverted or published as XML data. One path toaccommodate these changes is to transform XMLdata into relational format (and vice versa) to usethe mature relational database technology.In this paper, we present three semantics-basedschema transformation algorithms towards thisgoal: 1) CPI converts an XML schema to a re-lational schema while preserving semantic con-straints of the original XML schema, 2)NeT de-rives a nested structured XML schema from a flatrelational schema by repeatedly applying thenestoperator so that the resulting XML schema becomeshierarchical, and 3)CoT takes a relational schemaas input, where multiple tables are interconnectedthrough inclusion dependencies and generates anequivalent XML schema as output.

    1 Introduction

    Recently, XML [1] has emerged as thede factostandard fordata format on the web. The use of XML as the common for-mat for representing, exchanging, storing, and accessing dataposes many new challenges to database systems. Since themajority of everyday data is still stored and maintained in re-lational database systems, we expect that the needs to convertdata format between XML and relational models will growsubstantially. To this end, several schema transformation al-gorithms have been proposed (e.g., [2,3,4,5]). Although theywork well for the given applications, the XML-to-Relationalor Relational-to-XML transformation algorithms only cap-ture thestructureof the original schema and largely ignorethe hiddensemantic constraints. Consider the following ex-ample for XML-to-Relational conversion case.

    Example 1.Consider a DTD that models conference publi-cations:

    Suppose the combination oftitle andyear uniquelyidentifies theconf . Using the hybrid inlining algorithm [4],the DTD would be transformed to the following relationalschema:

    conf (title,soc,year,mon)paper (pid,title,conf_title,conf_year,

    abstract)? This author is partially supported by DARPA contract No.

    N66001-97-C-8601.?? This author is partially supported by NSF grants 0086116,

    0085773, 9817773.

    While the relational schema correctly captures thestructural aspect of the DTD, it does not enforce cor-rect semantics. For instance, it cannot prevent a tu-ple t1: paper(100,’DTD...’,’ER’,3000,’...’)from being inserted. However, tuplet1 is inconsistentwith the semantics of the given DTD since the DTDimplies that the paper cannot exist without being as-sociated with a conference and there is apparently noconference “ER-3000” yet. In database terms, this kindof violation can be easily prevented by aninclusiondependencysaying “paper[conf title,conf year]⊆ conf[title,year] ”.

    The reason for this inconsistency between the DTD andthe transformed relational schema is that most of the pro-posed transformation algorithms, so far, have largely ignoredthe hiddensemantic constraintsof the original schema.

    1.1 Related Work

    Between XML and Non-relational Models: Conversion be-tween different models has been extensively investigated. Forinstance, [6] deals with transformation problems in OODBarea; since OODB is a richer environment than RDB, theirwork is not readily applicable to our application. The logicaldatabase design methods and their associated transformationtechniques to other data models have been extensively stud-ied in ER research. For instance, [7] presents an overview ofsuch techniques. However, due to the differences between ERand XML models, those transformation techniques need tobe modified substantially. More recently, [8] studies a genericmapping between arbitrary models with the focus of devel-oping a framework for model management, but is not directlyrelevant to our problems.

    From XML to Relational : From XML to relational schema,several conversion algorithms have been proposed recently.STORED [2] is one of the first significant attempts to storeXML data in relational databases. STORED uses a data min-ing technique to find a representative DTD whose supportexceeds the pre-defined threshold and using the DTD, con-verts XML documents to relational format. Because [9] dis-cusses template language-based transformation from DTDto relational schema, it requires human experts to write anXML-based transformation rule. [4] presents three inliningalgorithms that focus on the table level of the schema con-versions. On the contrary, [3] studies different performanceissues among eight algorithms that focus on the attribute andvalue level of the schema. Unlike these, we propose a methodwhere the hidden semantic constraints in DTDs are systemat-ically found and translated into relational formats [10]. Sincethe method is orthogonal to the structure-oriented conversionmethod, it can be used along with algorithms in [2,9,4,3].

    From Relational to XML : There have been different ap-proaches for the conversion from relational model to XML

  • 4 Dongwon Lee et al.



    NeT & CoT

    SchemaDesigner XML


    Fig. 1.Overview of our schema translation algorithms.

    model, such as XML Extender from IBM, XML-DBMS,SilkRoute [11], and XPERANTO [5]. All the above toolsrequire the user to specify the mapping from the given re-lational schema to XML schema. In XML Extender, theuser specifies the mapping through a language such as DADor XML Extender Transform Language. In XML-DBMS, atemplate-driven mapping language is provided to specify themappings. SilkRoute provides a declarative query language(RXL) for viewing relational data in XML. XPERANTOuses XML query language for viewing relational data inXML. Note that in SilkRoute and XPERANTO, the user hasto specify the query in the appropriate query language.

    2 Overview of Our Schema TranslationAlgorithms

    In this paper, we present three schema transformation algo-rithms that not only capture the structure, but also the seman-tics of the original schema. The overview of our proposals isillustrated in Figure 1.

    1. CPI (Constraints-preserving Inlining Algorithm): iden-tifies various semantics constraints in the original XMLschema and preserves them by rewriting them in the finalrelational schema.

    2. NeT (Nesting-based Translation Algorithm): derives anested structure from a flat relational schema by repeat-edly applying thenest operator so that the resultingXML schema becomes hierarchical. The main idea isto find a more intuitive element content model of theXML schema that utilizes the regular expression oper-ators provided by the XML schema specification (e.g.,“*” or “+”).

    3. CoT (Constraints-based Translation Algorithm): Al-thoughNeT infers hidden characteristics of data by nest-ing, it is only applicable to a single table at a time. There-fore, it is unable to capture the overall picture of rela-tional schema where multiple tables are interconnected.To remedy this problem,CoT considers inclusion depen-dencies during the translation, and merges multiple inter-connected tables into a coherent and hierarchical parent-child structure in the final XML schema.

    3 TheCPI Algorithm

    Transforming a hierarchical XML model to a flat relationalmodel is not a trivial task due to several inherent dif-ficulties such as non-trivial 1-to-1 mapping, existence of



    format (ACM|IEEE) #IMPLIED>

    Table 1.A DTD for Conference .

    set values, complicated recursion, and/or fragmentation is-sues [4]. Most XML-to-Relational transformation algorithms(e.g., [9,2,3,4]) have so far mainly focused on the issue ofstructural conversion, largely ignoring the semantics alreadyexisted in the original XML schema. Let us first describe var-ious semantic constraints that one can mine from the DTD.Throughout the discussion, we will use the example DTDand XML document in Tables 1 and 2.

    3.1 Semantic Constraints in DTDs

    Cardinality Constraints : In a DTD declaration, there areonly 4 possible cardinality relationships between an elementand its sub-elements as illustrated below:

    1. (0,1): An element can have either zero or one sub-element. (e.g., sub-elementprice )

    2. (1,1): An element must have one and only one sub-element. (e.g., sub-elementtitle )

    3. (0,N): An element can have zero or more sub-elements.(e.g., sub-elementref )

    4. (1,N): An element can have one or more sub-elements.(e.g., sub-elementauthor )

    Following the notations in [7], let us call each cardinal-ity relationship as type (0,1), (1,1), (0,N), (1,N), respectively.From these cardinality relationships, mainly three constraintscan be inferred. First is whether or not the sub-element can benull. We use the notation “X 9 ∅” to denote that an elementX cannot be null. This constraint is easily enforced by theNULL or NOT NULLclause in SQL. Second is whether ornot more than one sub-element can occur. This is also knownassingleton constraintin [12] and is one kind of equality-generating dependencies. Third, given an element, whetheror not its sub-element should occur. This is one kind of tuple-generating dependencies. The second and third types will befurther discussed below.

    Inclusion Dependencies (INDs): An Inclusion Dependencyassures that values in the columns of one fragment must also

  • Schema Conversions 5

    Int’l Conf. on Conceptual Modeling

    2005 May 20

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    Indexing Model for Structured...

    Logical Information Modeling...

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    Making Sense of Scientific...


    Constraints-preserving Trans...

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    Table 2. An example XML document conforming to the DTD inTable 1.

    appear as values in the columns of other fragments and is ageneralization of the notion ofreferential integrity.

    Trivial form of INDs found in the DTD is that “givenan elementX and its sub-elementY , Y must be includedin X (i.e., Y ⊆ X)”. For instance, from theconf elementand its four sub-elements in theConference DTD, thefollowing INDs can be found as long asconf is not null:{conf.title ⊆ conf, ⊆ conf,conf.editor ⊆ conf, conf.paper ⊆ conf }.Another form of INDs can be found in the attribute definitionpart of the DTD with the use of theIDREF(S) keyword.For instance, consider thecontact andeditor elementsin theConference DTD shown below:

    The DTD restricts theaid attribute of the con-tact element such that it can only point to theid attribute of the person element1. Further, theeids attribute can only point to multipleid attributesof the person element. As a result, the followingINDs can be derived:{editor.eids ⊆,contact.aid ⊆ }. Such INDs can be bestenforced by the “foreign key” if the attribute being refer-enced is a primary key. Otherwise, it needs to use theCHECK,ASSERTION, or TRIGGERSfacility of SQL.

    1 Precisely, an attribute withIDREF type does not specify whichelement it should point to. This information is available only byhuman experts. However, new XML schema languages such asXML-Schema and DSD can express where the reference actuallypoints to [13].

    Equality-Generating Dependencies (EGDs): The Single-ton Constraint[12] restricts an element to have “at most”one sub-element. When an element typeX satisfies the sin-gleton constraint towards its sub-element typeY , if an ele-ment instancex of typeX hastwo sub-elements instancesy1 and y2 of type Y , then y1 and y2 must be the same.This property is known asEquality-Generating Dependen-cies (EGDs)and denoted by “X → Y ” in database the-ory. For instance, two EGDs:{conf → conf.title,conf → } can be derived from theconf el-ement in Table 1. This kind of EGDs can be enforced by SQLUNIQUEconstruct. In general, EGDs occur in the case of the(0,1) and (1,1) mappings in the cardinality constraints.

    Tuple-Generating Dependencies (TGDs): TGDs in a rela-tional model require that some tuples of a certain form bepresent in the table and use the “�” symbol. Two usefulforms of TGDs from DTD are thechild and parent con-straints[12].

    1. Child constraint: "Parent � Child" states thatevery element of typeParent must have at least onechild element of typeChild. This is the case of the (1,1)and (1,N) mappings in the cardinality constraints. For in-stance, from the DTD in Table 1, because theconf ele-ment must contain thetitle anddate sub-elements,the child constraintconf � {title, date } holds.

    2. Parent constraint: "Child � Parent" states thatevery element of typeChild must have a parent el-ement of typeParent. According to XML specifica-tion, XML documents can start from any level of ele-ment without necessarily specifying its parent element,when a root element is not specified by . In the DTD in Table 1, for instance, theed-itor anddate elements can have theconf elementas their parent. Further, if we know that all XML docu-ments were started at theconf element level, rather thanthe editor or date level, then the parent constraint{editor, date }� conf holds. Note that theti-tle � conf does not hold since thetitle elementcan be a sub-element of either theconf or paper ele-ment.

    3.2 Discovering and Preserving Semantic Constraintsfrom DTDs

    The CPI algorithm utilizes a structure-based conversion al-gorithm as a basis and identifies various semantic constraintsdescribed in Section 3.1. We will use thehybridalgorithm [4]as the basis algorithm.CPI first constructs aDTD graphthatrepresents the structure of a given DTD. A DTD graph canbe constructed when parsing the given DTD. Its nodes areelements, attributes, or operators in the DTD. Each elementappears exactly once in the graph, while attributes and oper-ators appear as many times as they appear in the DTD.CPIthen annotates various cardinality relationships (summarizedin Table 3) among nodes to each edge of the DTD graph.Note that the cardinality relationship types in the graph con-sider not only element vs. sub-element relationships but alsoelement vs. attribute relationships. Figure 2 illustrates an ex-ample of such annotated DTD graph for theConferenceDTD in Table 1.

  • 6 Dongwon Lee et al.

    Relationship Symbol not null EGDs TGDs(0,1) ? no yes no(1,1) yes yes yes(0,N) * no no no(1,N) + yes no yes

    Table 3.Cardinality relationships and their corresponding semanticconstraints.






    id name

    fn ln email







    idtop node






    (0,1)(1,1) editor


    (0,1) (0,1)(1,1)












    (0,1) (1,1) (0,N) (1,N)

    ? * +






    Fig. 2.An annotatedDTD graphfor theConference DTD in Ta-ble 1.

    Once the annotated DTD graph is constructed,CPI fol-lows the basic navigation method provided by thehybrid al-gorithm; it identifiestop nodes[4,10] that are the nodes: 1)not reachable from any nodes (e.g., source node), 2) directchild of “* ” or “ +” operator node, 3) recursive node with in-degree> 1, or 4) one node between two mutually recursivenodes with indegree= 1. Then, starting from each top nodeT , inline all the elements and attributes atleaf nodesreach-able fromT unless they are other top nodes. In doing so, eachannotated cardinality relationship can be properly convertedto its counterpart in SQL syntax as described in Section 3.1.The details of the algorithm is beyond the scope of this pa-per and interested readers are referred to [10]. For instance,Figure 3 and Table 4 are such output relational schema anddata in SQL notation, automatically generated by theCPI al-gorithm.

    4 TheNeT Algorithm

    The simplest Relational-to-XML translation method, termedas FT (Flat Translation) in [14], is to translate 1) tablesin a relational schema to elements in an XML schema and2) columns in a relational schema to attributes in an XMLschema.FT is a simple and effective translation algorithm.However, sinceFT translates the “flat” relational model to a“flat” XML model in a one-to-one manner, it does not uti-lize several basic “non-flat” features provided by the XMLmodel for data modeling such as representingrepeating sub-elementsthrough regular expression operators (e.g., “*”,“+”). To remedy the shortcomings ofFT, we propose theNeT algorithm that utilizes variouselement content modelsof the XML model.NeT uses thenestoperator [15] to derivea “good” element content model.

    Informally, for a tablet with a set of columnsC, nestingon a non-empty columnX ∈ C collects all tuples that agreeon the remaining columnsC −X into a set2. Formally,

    2 Here, we only consider single attribute nesting.

    CREATE TABLE paper (id NUMBER NOT NULL,title VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,contact_aid VARCHAR(20),cite_id VARCHAR(20),cite_format VARCHAR(50)

    CHECK (VALUE IN ("ACM", "IEEE")),root_elm VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,parent_elm VARCHAR(20),fk_cite VARCHAR(20)

    CHECK (fk_cite IN(SELECT cite_id FROM paper)),

    fk_conf VARCHAR(20),PRIMARY KEY (id),UNIQUE (cite_id),FOREIGN KEY (fk_conf)

    REFERENCES conf(id),FOREIGN KEY (contact_aid)

    REFERENCES person(id));

    Fig. 3. Final relational “schema” for thepaper element in theConference DTD in Table 1, generated byCPI algorithm.

    Definition 1 (Nest). [15]. Let t be an-ary table with col-umn setC, and X ∈ C and X = C − X. For each(n − 1)-tuple γ ∈ ΠX(t), we define ann-tuple γ∗ as fol-lows: γ∗[X] = γ, andγ∗[X] = {κ[X] | κ ∈ t ∧ κ[X] = γ.Then,nestX(t) = {γ∗ | γ ∈ ΠX(t)}.

    After nestX(t), if columnX has only a set with “single”value{v} for all the tuples, then we say thatnesting failedand we treat{v} andv interchangeably (i.e.,{v} = v). Thuswhen nesting failed, the following is true:nestX(t) = t.Otherwise, if columnX has a set with “multiple” values{v1, ..., vk} with k ≥ 2 for at least one tuple, then we saythatnesting succeeded.

    Example 2.Consider a tableR in Table 5. Here we assumethat the columnsA, B, C are non-nullable. In computingnestA(R) at (b), the first, third, and fourth tuples ofR agreeon their values in columns (B, C) as (a, 10), while their val-ues of the columnA are all different. Therefore, these differ-ent values are grouped (i.e., nested) into a set{1,2,3}. Theresult is the first tuple of the tablenestA(R) – ({1,2,3},a, 10). Similarly, since the sixth and seventh tuples ofRagree on their values as (b, 20), they are grouped to a set{4,5}. In computingnestB(R) at (c), there are no tuples inR that agree on the values of the columns (A,C). Therefore,nestB(R) = R. In computingnestC(R) at (d), since thefirst two tuples ofR – (1, a, 10) and (1, a, 20) – agree onthe values of the columns (A, B), they are grouped to (1, a,{10,20}). Nested tables (e) through (j) are constructed simi-larly.

    Since thenest operator requires scanning of the entire setof tuples in a given table, it can be quite expensive. In addi-tion, as shown in Example 2, there are various ways to nestthe given table. Therefore, it is important to find an efficientway (that uses thenest operator minimum number of times)of obtaining an acceptable element content model. For a de-tailed description on the various properties of thenest oper-ator, the interested are referred to [14,16].

  • Schema Conversions 7

    paperid root elm parentelm fk conf fk cite title contactaid cite id cite formatp1 conf conf er05 – Indexing ... dao – –p2 conf conf er05 – Logical ... shah c100 ACMp3 conf cite – c100 Making ... – – –p7 paper – – – Constraints ... lee c200 IEEE

    Table 4.Final relational “data” for thepaper element in theConference DTD in Table 1, generated byCPI algorithm.

    A B C

    #1 1 a 10#2 1 a 20#3 2 a 10#4 3 a 10#5 4 b 10#6 4 b 20#7 5 b 20

    A+ B C

    {1,2,3} a 101 a 204 b 10{4,5} b 20

    A B C

    1 a 101 a 202 a 103 a 104 b 104 b 205 b 20

    A B C+

    1 a {10,20}2 a 103 a 104 b {10,20}5 b 20

    A+ B C

    {1,2,3} a 101 a 204 b 10{4,5} b 20

    (a)R (b) nestA(R) (c) nestB(R) = R (d) nestC(R) (e)nestB(nestA(R))

    = nestC(nestA(R))

    A+ B C+

    1 a {10,20}{2,3} a 10

    4 b {10,20}5 b 20

    A B C+

    1 a {10,20}2 a 103 a 104 b {10,20}5 b 20

    A+ B C

    {1,2,3} a 101 a 204 b 10{4,5} b 20

    A+ B C+

    1 a {10,20}{2,3} a 10

    4 b {10,20}5 b 20

    (f) nestA(nestC(R)) (g) nestB(nestC(R)) (h)nestC(nestB(nestA(R)))

    = nestB(nestC(nestA(R)))(i)

    nestB(nestA(nestC(R)))= nestA(nestB(nestC(R)))

    Table 5. A relational tableR and its various nested forms. Column names containing a set after nesting (i.e., nesting succeeded) areappended by “+” symbol.

    Lemma 1. Consider a tablet with column setC, candidatekeys,K1,K2, . . . ,Kn ⊆ C, and column setK such thatK = K1 ∩K2 ∩ . . . ∩Kn. Further, let|C| = n and |K| =m (n ≥ m). Then, the number of necessary nestings,N , isbounded byN ≤



    Lemma 1 implies that when candidate key informationis available, one can avoid unnecessary nestings substan-tially. For instance, suppose attributesA andC in Table 5constitute a key forR. Then, one needs to compute only:nestA(R) at (b),nestC(R) at (d),nestC(nestA(R)) at (e),nestA(nestC(R)) at (f) in Table 5.

    After applying thenest operator to the given table repeat-edly, there can be still several nested tables where nestingsucceeded. In general, the choice of the final schema shouldtake into consideration the semantics and usages of the un-derlying data or application and this is where user inter-vention is beneficial. By default, without further input fromusers,NeT chooses the nested table where the most num-ber of nestings succeeded as the final schema, since this is aschema which provides low “data redundancy”. The outlineof theNeT algorithm is as follows:

    1. For each tableti in the input relational schemaR, apply thenest operator repeatedly until no nesting succeeds.

    2. Choose the best nested table based on the selected criteria. De-note this table ast′i(c1, . . . , ck−1, ck, . . . , cn), where nestingsucceeded on the columns{c1, . . . , ck−1}.(a) If k = 1, follow theFT translation.(b) If k > 1,

    i. For each columnci (1 ≤ i ≤ k − 1), if ci was nul-lable inR, usec∗i for the element content model, andc+i otherwise.

    ii. For each columncj (k ≤ j ≤ n), if ci was nullablein R, usec?j for the element content model, andcjotherwise.

    5 The CoT Algorithm

    TheNeT algorithm is useful for decreasing data redundancyand obtaining a more intuitive schema by 1) removing re-dundancies caused by multivalued dependencies, and 2) per-forming grouping on attributes. However,NeT considers ta-bles one at a time, and cannot obtain aoverall pictureof therelational schema where many tables are interconnected witheach other through various other dependencies. To remedythis problem, we propose theCoT algorithm that uses In-clusion Dependencies (INDs) of relational schema. Generalforms of INDs are difficult to acquire from the database au-tomatically. However, we shall consider the most pervasiveform of INDs, foreign key constraints, which can be queriedthrough ODBC/JDBC interface.

    The basic idea of theCoT is the following: For two distincttabless andt with lists of columnsX andY , respectively,suppose we have a foreign key constraints[α] ⊆ t[β], whereα ⊆ X andβ ⊆ Y . Also suppose thatKs ⊆ X is the key fors. Then, different cardinality binary relationships betweensandt can be expressed in the relational model by a combina-tion of the following: 1)α is unique/not-unique, and 2)α isnullable/non-nullable. Then, the translation of two tabless, twith a foreign key constraint works as follows:

    1. If α is non-nullable (i.e., none of the columns ofα can takenull values), then:

  • 8 Dongwon Lee et al.

    student(Sid , Name, Advisor)emp(Eid , Name, ProjName)prof(Eid , Name, Teach)course(Cid , Title, Room)dept(Dno , Mgr)proj(Pname , Pmgr)student(Advisor) ⊆ prof(Eid)emp(ProjName) ⊆ proj(Pname)prof(Teach) ⊆ course(Cid)prof(Eid, Name) ⊆ emp(Eid, Name)dept(Mgr) ⊆ emp(Eid)proj(Pmgr) ⊆ emp(Eid)

    Table 6.An example schema with associated INDs.







    Fig. 4.The IND-Graph representation of the schema in Table 6 (topnodesdenoted by rectangular nodes).

    (a) If α is unique, then there is a1 : 1 relationship betweens and t, and can be captured as .

    (b) If α is not-unique, then there is a1 : n relationship be-tweens and t, and can be captured as .

    2. If s is represented as a sub-element oft, then the key fors willchange fromKs to (Ks − α). The key fort will remain thesame.

    Extending this to the general case where multiple tablesare interconnected via INDs, consider the schema with aset of tables{t1, ..., tn} and INDs ti[αi] ⊆ tj [βj ], wherei, j ≤ n. We consider only those INDs that are foreign keyconstraints (i.e.,βj constitutes the primary key of the tabletj), and whereαi is non-nullable. The relationships amongtables can be captured by a graph representation, termed asIND-Graph.

    Definition 2 (IND-Graph). An IND-Graph G = (V,E)consists of a node setV and a directed edge setE, such thatfor each tableti, there exists a nodeVi ∈ V , and for eachdistinct INDti[α]⊆ tj [β], there exists an edgeEji ∈ E fromthe nodeVj to Vi.

    Note the edge direction is reversed from the IND directionfor convenience. Given a set of INDs, the IND-Graph canbe easily constructed. Once an IND-Graph G is constructed,CoT needs to decide the starting point to apply translationrules. For that purpose, we use the notion oftop nodes. In-tuitively, an element is a top node if itcannotbe representedas a sub-element of any other element. LetT denote the setof top nodes. Then,CoT traversesG, using say Breadth-FirstSearch (BFS), until it traverses all the nodes and edges, whilecapturing the INDs on edges as either sub-elements (whenthe node is visited for the first time) or IDREF attributes(when the node was visited already).

    Example 3.Consider a schema and its associated INDs inTable 6. The IND-Graph with two top nodes is shown in Fig-ure 4: 1)course : There is no nodet, where there is an INDof the formcourse[α] ⊆ t[β], and 2)emp: There is a cyclicset of INDs betweenempandproj , and there exists no nodet such that there is an IND of the formemp[α] ⊆ t[β] orproj[α] ⊆ t[β]. Then,

    – First, starting from a top nodecourse , do BFSscan. Pull up a reachable nodeprof into courseand make it as sub-element by . Similarly, thenode student is also pulled up into its parentnode prof by . Since the nodestudent is a leaf,no nodes can be pulled in: . Since there is no more unvisitedreachable node fromcourse , the scan stops.

    – Next, starting from another top nodeemp, pullup neighboring nodedept into emp similarlyby and .Then, visit a neighboring nodeprof , but prof wasvisited already. To avoid data redundancy, an attributeRef prof is added toemp accordingly. Since at-tributes in the left-hand side of the corresponding IND,prof(Eid,Name) ⊆ emp(Eid,Name), form a superkey, the attributeRef prof is assigned typeIDREF,and notIDREFS: and .

    – Next, visit a nodeproj and pull it up to empby and . In next step, visit a nodeemp from prof ,but since it was already visited, an attributeRef empoftypeIDREFS is added toproj , and scan stops.

    It is worthwhile to point out that there are several places inCoT where human experts can help to find a better mappingbased on the semantics and usages of the underlying data orapplication.

    6 Experimental Results

    6.1 CPI Results

    CPI was tested against DTDs gathered from OASIS3. Forall cases,CPI successfully identified hidden semantic con-straints from DTDs and correctly preserved them by rewrit-ing them in SQL. Table 7 shows a summary of our ex-perimentation. Note that people seldom used theID andIDREF(S) constructs in their DTDs except theXMI andBSMLcases. The number of tables generated in the relationalschema was usually smaller than that of elements/attributesin DTDs due to the inlining effect. The only exception to thisphenomenon was theXMI case, where extensive use of types(0,N) and (1,N) cardinality relationships resulted in many topnodes in the ADG.

    The number of semantic constraints had a close relation-ship with the design of the DTD hierarchy and the type of


  • Schema Conversions 9

    DTD Semantics DTD Schema Relational Schema

    Name Domain Elm/Attr ID/IDREF(S) Table/Attr→ � 9 ∅novel literature 10/1 1/0 5/13 6 9 9

    play Shakespeare 21/0 0/0 14/46 17 30 30tstmt religious text 28/0 0/0 17/52 17 22 22vCard business card 23/1 0/0 8/19 18 13 13

    ICE content synd. 47/157 0/0 27/283 43 60 60MusicML music desc. 12/17 0/0 8/34 9 12 12

    OSD s/w desc. 16/15 0/0 15/37 2 2 2PML web portal 46/293 0/0 41/355 29 36 36

    Xbel bookmark 9/13 3/1 9/36 9 1 1XMI metadata 94/633 31/102 129/3013 10 7 7

    BSML DNA seq. 112/2495 84/97 104/2685 99 33 33

    Table 7.Summary ofCPI algorithm.

    cardinality relationship used in the DTD. For instance, theXMI DTD had many type (0,N) cardinality relationships,which do not contribute to the semantic constraints. As a re-sult, the number of semantic constraints at the end was small,compared to that of elements/attributes in the DTD. This wasalso true for theOSDcase. On the other hand, in theICEcase, since it used many type (1,1) cardinality relationships,it resulted in many semantic constraints.

    6.2 NeT Results

    Our preliminary results comparing the goodness of theXSchema obtained fromNeT and FT with that obtainedfrom DB2XML v 1.3 [17] appeared in [14]. We further ap-plied our NeT algorithm on several test sets drawn fromUCI KDD4 / ML5 repositories, which contain a multitude ofsingle-table relational schemas and data. Sample results areshown in Table 8. Two metrics are used as follows:

    NestRatio= # of successful nesting# of total nestingValueRatio= # of original data values# of data values D in the nested table

    whereD is the number of individual data values present inthe table. For example, theD in the row({1, 2, 3}, a, 10) ofa nested table is 5. High value forNestRatioshows that wedid not perform unnecessary nesting and high value forVal-ueRatioshows that the nesting removed a lot of redundancy.

    In our experimentation6, we observed that most of the at-tempted nestings are successful, and hence our optimizationrules are quite efficient. In Table 8, we see that nesting wasuseful for all the data sets except for theBupa data set. Alsonesting wasespeciallyuseful for theCar data set, wherethe size of the nested table is only6% of the original dataset. Time required for nesting is an important parameter, andit jointly depends on the number of attempted nestings andthe number of tuples. The number of attempted nestings de-pends on the number of attributes, and increases drasticallyas the number of attributes increases. This is observed forthe Flare data set, where we have to do nesting on 13 at-tributes.









    Fig. 5.The IND-Graph representation of TPC-H schema.







    0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

    # of


    a va


    in X





    size of TPC-H raw data (MB)


    Fig. 6.Size comparison of two algorithms.

    6.3 CoT Results

    For testingCoT, we need some well-designed relationalschema where tables are interconnected via inclusion depen-dencies. For this purpose, we use the TPC-H schema v 1.3.07,which is an ad-hoc, decision support benchmark and has 8 ta-bles and 8 inclusion dependencies. The IND-Graph for theTPC-H schema is shown in Figure 5.CoT identified twotop-nodes –part and region , and eventually generatedthe XML document having interwoven hierarchical struc-tures; six of the eight inclusion dependencies are mapped us-ing sub-element, and the remaining two are mapped usingIDREF attributes.

    Figure 6 shows a comparison of the number of data valuesoriginally present in the database, and the number of data

    4∼mlearn/MLRepository.html6 Available at∼mani/xml7

  • 10 Dongwon Lee et al.

    Test Set# of attr. / tuple NestRatio ValueRatio Size before / after# of nested attr.Time (sec.)

    Balloons1 5 / 16 42 / 64 80 / 22 0.455 / 0.152 3 1.08Balloons2 5 / 16 42 / 64 80 / 22 0.455 / 0.150 3 1.07Balloons3 5 / 16 40 / 64 80 / 42 0.455 / 0.260 3 1.14Balloons4 5 / 16 42 / 64 80 / 22 0.455 / 0.149 3 1.07

    Hayes 6 / 132 1 / 6 792 / 522 1.758 / 1.219 1 1.01Bupa 7 / 345 0 / 7 2387 / 2387 7.234 / 7.234 0 4.40

    Balance 5 / 625 56 / 65 3125 / 1120 6.265 / 2.259 4 21.48TA Eval 6 / 110 253 / 326 660 / 534 1.559 / 1.281 5 24.83

    Car 7 / 1728 1870 / 1957 12096 / 779 51.867 / 3.157 6 469.47Flare 13 / 365 11651 / 133454745 / 2834 9.533 / 5.715 4 6693.41

    Table 8.Summary ofNeT experimentations.

    values in the XML document generated byFT andCoT. Be-causeFT is a flat translation, the number of data values inthe XML document generated byFT is the same as the num-ber of data values in the original data. However,CoT is ableto decrease the number of data values in the generated XMLdocument by more than12%.

    7 Conclusion

    We have presented a method to transform a relational schemato an XML schema, and two methods to transform an XMLschema to a relational schema, both instructuralandseman-tic aspects. All three algorithms are “correct” in the sensethat they all have preserved the original information of rela-tional schema. For instance, using the notion of informationcapacity [18], a theoretical analysis for the correctness of ourtranslation procedures is possible; we can actually show thatCPI, NeT and CoT algorithms areequivalence preservingtransformations.

    Despite the difficulties in conversions betweenXML and relational models, there are many practi-cal benefits. We strongly believe that devising moreaccurate and efficient conversion methodologies be-tween XML and relational models is important.The prototypes of our algorithms are available at:


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  • Transforming UML domain descriptions into Configuration Knowledge Basesfor the Semantic Web

    Alexander Felfernig1, Gerhard Friedrich1, Dietmar Jannach1, Markus Stumptner2, andMarkus Zanker1

    1 Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Anwendungssysteme, Produktionsinformatik,Universiẗatsstrasse 65-67, A-9020 Klagenfurt, Austria,

    {felfernig,friedrich,jannach,zanker } University of South Australia, Advanced Computing Research Centre,

    5095 Mawson Lakes (Adelaide), SA, [email protected]

    Abstract. The Semantic Web will provide the con-ceptual infrastructure to allow new forms of busi-ness application integration. This paper presents thetheoretical basis for integrating Web-based salessystems for highly complex customizable prod-ucts and services (configuration systems) makinguse of upcoming descriptive representation for-malisms for the Semantic Web. In today’s economya trend evolves towards highly specialized solutionproviders cooperatively offering configurable prod-ucts and services to their customers. This paradigmshift requires the extension of currentstandaloneconfiguration technology with capabilities for coop-erative problem solving. Communication betweenproduct configurators, however, necessitates the ex-istence of an agreed upon definition of the configu-ration problem itself and the sharing of knowledge.A standardized representation language is thereforeneeded in order to tackle the challenges imposedby heterogeneous representation formalisms of cur-rently available state-of-the-art configuration envi-ronments (e.g. description logic or predicate logicbased configurators). Furthermore, it is important tointegrate the development and maintenance of con-figuration systems into industrial software develop-ment processes. Therefore, we present a set of rulesfor transforming UML models (built conforming toa configuration domain specific profile) into con-figuration knowledge bases specified by languagessuch as OIL or DAML+OIL which become the fu-ture standards for the representation of semantics inthe Web.

    1 Introduction

    Configuration is one of the most successful AI application ar-eas, but easy knowledge acquisition and use of an appropriateset of modeling primitives remain major research areas. In-creasing demand for applications in various domains such astelecommunications industry, automotive industry, or finan-cial services can be noticed that results in a set of correspond-ing configurator implementations (e.g. [1,2,3,4]). Informally,configuration can be seen as a special kind of design activity[5], where the configured product is built from a predefinedset of component types and attributes, which are composedconforming to a set of corresponding constraints.

    Triggered by the trend towards highly specialized solutionproviders cooperatively offering configurable products andservices, joint configuration by a set of business partners is

    becoming a key application of knowledge-based configura-tion systems. However, when it comes to integration issuesof the configuration systems of different business entities, theheterogeneity of configuration knowledge representation is amajor obstacle. One of the guiding application scenarios ofthe EC-funded research project CAWICOMS3 is for examplethe provision of highly complex IP-VPN (IP-protocol basedvirtual private network) services by a dynamically formedconsortium of telecommunication companies [6]. To performsuch a configuration task, where the required knowledge isdistributed over a flexibly determined set of separate enti-ties, the paradigm of Web services is adopted to accomplishthis form of business application integration [7]. In order torealize a dynamic matchmaking between service requestorsand service providers, a brokering main configurator deter-mines which configuration services of the participating or-ganisations are capable of contributing to the problem solv-ing and cooperates with them. Currently developed declara-tive languages (e.g., DAML-S4) for semantically describingthe capabilities of a Web-service are based on DAML+OIL,that is why we show how the concepts needed for describingconfiguration knowledge can be represented using semanticmarkup languages such as OIL [8] or DAML+OIL [9].

    From the viewpoint of industrial software develop-ment, the integration of construction and maintenance ofknowledge-based systems is an important prerequisite fora broader application of AI technologies. When consider-ing configuration systems, formal knowledge representationlanguages are difficult to communicate to domain experts.The so-called knowledge acquisition bottleneck is obvious,since configuration knowledge acquisition and maintenanceare only feasible with the support of a knowledge engineerwho can handle the formal representation language of theunderlying configuration system.

    The Unified Modeling Language (UML) [10] is a widelyadopted modeling language in industrial software develop-ment. Based on our experience in building configurationknowledge bases using UML [11], we show how to effec-tively support the construction of Semantic Web configu-ration knowledge bases using UML as a knowledge acqui-sition frontend. The provided UML concepts constitute anontology consisting of concepts contained in de facto stan-dard configuration ontologies [11,12]. Based on a descrip-

    3 CAWICOMS is the acronym for Customer-Adaptive Web Inter-face for the Configuration of products and services with MultipleSuppliers (EC-funded project IST-1999-10688).

    4 See for reference.

  • 12 Alexander Felfernig et al.

    tion logic based definition of a configuration task we providea set of rules for automatically transforming UML configu-ration models into a corresponding OIL representation5.

    The approach presented in this paper permits the use ofstandard design notations by Software Engineers, vice versa,reasoning support for Semantic Web ontology languages canbe exploited for checking the consistency of the UML config-uration models. The resulting configuration knowledge basesenable knowledge interchange between heterogenous con-figuration environments as well as distributed configurationproblem solving in different supply chain settings. The pre-sented concepts are implemented in a knowledge acquisitionworkbench which is a major part of the CAWICOMS config-uration environment.

    The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we givean example of a UML configuration knowledge base whichis used for demonstration purposes throughout the paper.In Section 3 we give a description logic based definitionof a configuration task - this definition serves as basis forthe translation of UML configuration models into a corre-sponding OIL-based representation (Section 4). Section 5discusses related work.

    2 Configuration knowledge base in UML

    The Unified Modeling Language (UML) [10] is the resultof an integration of object-oriented approaches of [13,14,15]which is well established in industrial software development.UML is applicable throughout the whole software develop-ment process from the requirements analysis phase to the im-plementation phase. In order to allow the refinement of thebasic meta-model with domain-specific modeling concepts,UML provides the concept ofprofiles- the configuration do-main specific modeling concepts presented in the followingare the constituting elements of a UMLconfiguration profilewhich can be used for building configuration models. UMLprofiles can be compared with ontologies discussed in theAI literature, e.g. [16] defines an ontology as a theory aboutthe sorts of objects, properties of objects, and relationshipsbetween objects that are possible in a specific domain. UMLstereotypesare used to further classify UML meta-model ele-ments (e.g. classes, associations, dependencies). Stereotypesare the basic means to define domain-specific modeling con-cepts for profiles (e.g. for the configuration profile). In thefollowing we present a set of rules allowing the automatictranslation of UML configuration models into a correspond-ing OIL representation.

    For the following discussions the simple UML configu-ration model shown in Figure 1 will serve as a workingexample. This model represents the generic product struc-ture, i.e. all possible variants of a configurableComputer.The basic structure of the product is modeled using classes,generalization, and aggregation. The set of possible prod-ucts is restricted through a set of constraints which are re-lated to technical restrictions, economic factors, and restric-tions according to the production process. The used conceptsstem from connection-based [17], resource-based [3], and

    5 Note that OIL text is used for presentation purposes - the usedconcepts can simply be transformed into a DAML+OIL repre-sentation.

    structure-based [18] configuration approaches. These config-uration domain-specific concepts represent a basic set usefulfor building configuration knowledge bases and mainly cor-respond to those defined in the de facto standard configura-tion ontologies [11,12]:

    Component types.Component types represent the basicbuilding blocks a final product can be built of. Componenttypes are characterized by attributes. A stereotypeCompo-nent is introduced, since some limitations on this specialform of class must hold (e.g. there are no methods).

    Generalization hierarchies. Component types with asimilar structure are arranged in a generalization hierarchy(e.g. in Figure 1 aCPU1 is a special kind ofCPU).

    Part-whole relationships. Part-whole relationships be-tween component types state a range of how many subpartsan aggregate can consist of (e.g. aComputercontains at leastone and at most two motherboards -MBs).

    Compatibilities and requirements. Some types of com-ponents must not be used together within the same configu-ration - they are incompatible (e.g. anSCSIUnitis incompat-ible with anMB1). In other cases, the existence of one com-ponent of a specific type requires the existence of anotherspecific component within the configuration (e.g anIDEUnitrequires anMB1). The compatibility between different com-ponent types is expressed using the stereotyped associationincompatible. Requirement constraints between componenttypes are expressed using the stereotyperequires.

    Resource constraints.Parts of a configuration task can beseen as a resource balancing task, where some of the compo-nent types produce some resources and others are consumers(e.g., the consumed hard-disk capacity must not exceed theprovided hard-disk capacity). Resources are described bya stereotypeResource, furthermore stereotyped dependen-cies are introduced for representing the producer/consumerrelationships between different component types. Produc-ing component types are related to resources using thepro-ducesdependency, furthermore consuming component typesare related to resources using theconsumesdependency.These dependencies are annotated with values representingthe amount of production and consumption.

    Port connections.In some cases the product topology -i.e., exactly how the components are interconnected - is of in-terest in the final configuration. The concept of a port (stereo-type Port) is used for this purpose (e.g. see the connectionbetweenVideocardandScreenrepresented by the stereotypeconnand the portsvideoport andscreenport).

    3 Description logic based definition of aconfiguration task

    The following description logic based definition of a config-uration task [19] serves as a foundation for the formulationof rules for translating UML configuration models into acorresponding OIL representation6. The definition is basedon a schema S=(CN , RN , IN ) of disjoint sets of namesfor concepts, roles, and individuals [20], whereRN is adisjunctive union of roles and features.

    6 In the following we assume that the reader is familiar with theconcepts of OIL. See [8] for an introductory text.

  • Configuration Knowledge Bases for the Semantic Web 13


    CPUclockrate : 300..500




    1 0..11 0..1








    1..61..6 1..21..2 0..10..1



    CPU1clockrate : 300












    CPU2clockrate : 500

    Fig. 1.Example configuration model

    Definition 1 (Configuration task): In general we as-sume a configuration task is described by a triple (DD,SRS, CLANG). DD represents the domain description ofthe configurable product andSRS specifies the particularsystem requirements defining an individual configurationtask instance.CLANG comprises a set of conceptsCConfig⊆ CN and a set of rolesRConfig ⊆ RN which serve as aconfiguration language for the description of actual configu-rations. A configuration knowledge baseKB =DD ∪ SRSis constituted of sentences in a description language.2

    In addition we require that roles inCLANG are de-fined over the domains given inCConfig, i.e. range(Ri)= CDom anddom(Ri) = CDom must hold for each roleRi ∈ RConfig, where CDom

    .=⊔Ci∈Cconfig Ci. We

    impose this restriction in order to assure that a configu-ration result only contains individuals and relations withcorresponding definitions inCConfig and RConfig. Thederivation ofDD will be discussed in Section 4, an examplefor SRS could be ”twoCPUs of type CPU1 and oneCPU of typeCPU2”, i.e. SRS={(instance-ofc1, CPU1),(instance-ofc2, CPU1), (instance-ofc3, CPU2)}, whereCLANG={CPU1, CPU2, ...}.Based on this definition, a corresponding configuration result(solution) is defined as follows [19], where the semantics ofdescription terms are given using an interpretationI = 〈∆I ,(·)I〉, where∆I is a domain of values and(·)I is a mappingfrom concept descriptions to subsets of∆I and from roledescriptions to sets of 2-tuples over∆I .

    Definition 2 (Valid configuration): Let I = 〈∆I ,(·)I〉 be a model of a configuration knowledge baseKB,CLANG = Cconfig ∪ Rconfig a configuration language,andCONF = COMPS ∪ ROLES a description of a con-figuration.COMPS is a set of tuples〈Ci, INDIVS Ci 〉 foreveryCi ∈ Cconfig, whereINDIVS Ci = {ci1, . . . , cini} =CIi is the set of individuals of conceptCi. These indi-viduals identify components in an actual configuration.ROLES is a set of tuples〈Rj ,TUPLES Rj 〉 for everyRj ∈ Rconfig where TUPLES Rj = {〈rj1, sj1〉, . . . ,

    〈rjmj , sjmj 〉} = RIj is the set of tuples of roleRj definingthe relation of components in an actual configuration.2

    A valid configuration for our example domainis CONF={〈CPU1, {c1, c2}〉, 〈CPU2, {c3}〉,〈MB1, {m1}〉, 〈MB2, {m2}〉, 〈mb-of-cpu, {〈m1, c1〉,〈m1, c2〉, 〈m2, c2〉}〉, ...}.The automatic derivation of an OIL-based configurationknowledge base requires a clear definition of the semanticsof the used UML modeling concepts. In the followingwe define the semantics of UML configuration models bygiving a set of corresponding translation rules into OIL.The resulting knowledge base restricts the set of possibleconfigurations, i.e. enumerates the possible instance modelswhich strictly correspond to the UML class diagram definingthe product structure.

    4 Translation of UML configuration modelsinto OIL

    In the following we present an approach which allows theapplication of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [10]to configuration knowledge acquisition and interchange.UML configuration models can automatically be translatedinto a corresponding OIL [8] or DAML+OIL [9] basedrepresentation. This enables a standardized representationof configuration models and configuration knowledgeinterchange between different configuration environmentsusing standard Web technologies. The usage of UML allowsthe integration of configuration technology into industrialsoftware development processes, furthermore a standardgraphical knowledge acquisition frontend is provided whichis crucial for effective development and maintenance ofconfiguration knowledge bases especially in the contextof distributed configuration problem solving [21]. For themodeling concepts discussed in Section 2 (component types,generalization hierarchies, part-whole relationships, compat-ibility and requirement constraints, resource constraints, andport connections) we present a set of rules for translatingthose concepts into an OIL-based representation. UML is

  • 14 Alexander Felfernig et al.

    based on a graphical notation - therefore our translationstarts from such a graphical description of a configurationdomain. In the following,GREP denotes the graphicalrepresentation of the UML configuration model.

    Rule 1 (Component types): Let c be a componenttype,a an attribute ofc, andd be the domain ofa in GREP ,thenDD is extended with

    class-defc.slot-defa.c: slot-constrainta cardinality 1d.

    For those component typesci, cj ∈ {c1, ..., cm} (ci 6= cj),which do not have any supertypes inGREP , DD is ex-tended with

    disjoint ci, cj . 2

    Example 1 (Component typeCPU ):class-defCPU .slot-defclockrate.CPU : slot-constraintclockrate cardinality 1 ((min 300)and (max 500)).disjointCPU MB.disjointMB Screen.... 2

    Subtyping in the configuration domain means that at-tributes and roles of a given component type are inheritedby its subtypes. In most configuration environments adisjunctive and complete semantics is assumed for general-ization hierarchies, where the disjunctive semantics can beexpressed using thedisjoint axiom and the completenesscan be expressed by forcing the superclass to conform to oneof the given subclasses as follows.Rule 2 (Generalization hierarchies):Let u andd1, ..., dnbe classes (component types) inGREP , whereu is thesuperclass ofd1, ..., dn, thenDD is extended withd1, ..., dn: subclass-ofu.u: subclass-of (d1 or ... ordn).∀ di, dj ∈ {d1, ..., dn} (di 6= dj) : disjointdi dj . 2

    Example 2 (CPU1, CPU2 subclasses ofCPU ):CPU1: subclass-ofCPU .CPU2: subclass-ofCPU .CPU : subclass-of (CPU1 orCPU2).disjointCPU1 CPU2. 2

    Part-whole relationships are important model proper-ties in the configuration domain. In [22,23,12] it is pointedout that part-whole relationships have quite variable se-mantics depending on the regarded application domain. Inmost configuration environments, a part-whole relationshipis described by the two basic rolespartof and haspart.Depending on the intended semantics, different additionalrestrictions can be placed on the usage of those roles. Inthe following these two basic roles (which can be refinedwith domain specific semantics if needed) are introduced.We discuss two facets of part-whole relationships whichare widely used for configuration knowledge representa-tion and are also provided by UML, namelycompositeand shared part-whole relationships. In UML compositepart-whole relationships are denoted by a black diamond,

    shared part-whole relationships are denoted by a whitediamond7. If a component is a compositional part of anothercomponent then strong ownership is required, i.e., it mustbe part of exactly one component. If a component is anon-compositional (shared) part of another component, itcan be shared between different components. Multiplicitiesused to describe a part-whole relationship denote how manyparts the aggregate can consist of and between how manyaggregates a part can be shared if the aggregation is non-composite. The basic structure of a part-whole relationshipis shown in Figure 2.

    Rule 3 (Part-whole relationships): Let w and p be



    clockrate : 300..500












    Fig. 2.Part-whole relationships

    component types inGREP , wherep is a part ofw andubpis the upper bound,lbp the lower bound of the multiplicityof the part, andubw is the upper bound,lbw the lowerbound of the multiplicity of the whole. Furthermore letw-of-p and p-of-w denote the names of the roles of thepart-whole relationship betweenw and p, where w-of-pdenotes the role connecting the part with the whole andp-of-w denotes the role connecting the whole with thepart, i.e.,p-of-wv haspart, w-of-pv Partofmode, wherePartofmode ∈ {partofcomposite, partofshared}. Therolespartofcomposite andpartofshared are assumed to bedisjoint, wherepartofcomposite v partof andpartofsharedv partof .DD is extended with

    slot-defw-of-psubslot-ofPartofmode inversep-of-wdomainp rangew.slot-defp-of-wsubslot-ofhaspartinversew-of-pdomainw rangep.p: slot-constraintw-of-pmin-cardinalitylbw w.p: slot-constraintw-of-pmax-cardinalityubw w.w: slot-constraintp-of-wmin-cardinalitylbp p.w: slot-constraintp-of-wmax-cardinalityubp p. 2

    Remark: The semantics ofshared part-whole relation-ships (partofshared v partof ) are defined by simplyrestricting the upper bound and the lower bound of thecorresponding roles. In addition the following restrictionmust hold for each concept using partof relationships:

    7 Note that in ourComputer configuration example we only usecomposite part-whole relationships - as mentioned in [12], com-posite part-whole relationships are often used when modelingphysical products, whereas shared part-whole relationships areused to describe abstract entities such as services. The lower andupper bounds of the whole are not explicitly modeled (see Figure1) - if not explicitly mentioned we assume multiplicity 1.

  • Configuration Knowledge Bases for the Semantic Web 15

    (((slot-constraint partofcomposite cardinality 1 top)and (slot-constraint partofshared cardinality 0 top)) or(slot-constraintpartofcomposite cardinality 0 top)).

    This restriction denotes the fact that a component whichis connected to a whole via composite relationship must notbe connected to any other component.2

    Example 3 (MB partof Computer):slot-defcomputer-of-mbsubslot-ofpartofcomposite

    inversemb-of-computerdomainMB rangeComputer.

    slot-defmb-of-computersubslot-ofhaspartinversecomputer-of-mbdomainComputer rangeMB.

    MB: slot-constraintcomputer-of-mbmin-cardinality1 Computer.

    MB: slot-constraintcomputer-of-mbmax-cardinality1 Computer.

    Computer: slot-constraintmb-of-computermin-cardinality 1MB.

    Computer: slot-constraintmb-of-computermax-cardinality 2MB. 2

    Necessary part-of structure properties. In the fol-lowing we show how the constraints contained in a productconfiguration model (e.g., anIDEUnit requires anMB1)can be translated into a corresponding OIL representation.For a consistent application of the translation rules it mustbe ensured that the components involved are parts of thesame sub-configuration, i.e., the involved components mustbe connected to the same instance of the component typethat represents the common root8 for these components (thecomponents are within the same mereological context [12]).This can simply be expressed by the notion that componenttypes in such a hierarchy must each have a unique superiorcomponent type inGREP . If this uniqueness propertyis not satisfied, the meaning of the imposed (graphicallyrepresented) constraints becomes ambiguous, since onecomponent can be part of more than one substructure andconsequently the scope of the constraint becomes ambigu-ous.For the derivation of constraints on the product modelwe introduce the macronavpath as an abbreviation fora navigation expression over roles. For the definition ofnavpath the UML configuration model can be interpretedas a directed graph, where component types are representedby vertices and part-whole relationships are represented byedges.

    Definition 3 (Navigation expression):Let path(c1, cn) bea path from a component typec1 to a component typecnin GREP represented through a sequence of expressionsof the form haspart(Ci, Cj , NameCi) denoting a directpartof relationship between the component typesCi andCj . Furthermore,NameCi represents the name of thecorrespondinghaspart role. Such a path inGREP isrepresented as

    8 In Figure 3 the component typeComputeris the unique commonroot of the component typesIDEUnit andCPU1.

    path(c1, cn) =< haspart(c1, c2, namec1),haspart(c2, c3, namec2), ...,haspart(cn−1, cn, namecn−1) >Based on the definition ofpath(c1, cn) we can define themacronavpath(c1, cn) as

    slot-constraintnamec1has-value(slot-constraintnamec2 ...

    has-value(slot-constraintnamecn−1 has-valuecn)...).2

    Example 4 (navpath(Computer, CPU1)):Computer: slot-constraintmb-of-computer

    has-value (slot-constraintcpu-of-mbhas-valueCPU1).2

    The concept of anearest common rootis based on thedefinition ofnavpath as follows.

    Definition 4 (Nearest common root): A componenttyper is denoted as nearest common root of the componenttypesc1 andc2 in GREP , iff there exist pathspath(r, c1),path(r, c2) and there does not exist a component typer′,wherer′ is a part9 of r with pathspath(r′, c1), path(r′, c2).2

    When regarding the example configuration model ofFigure 1,MB is the nearest common root ofCPU andV ideocard. Conform to Definition 4 the component typeComputer is not a nearest common root ofCPU andV ideocard. As shown in Figure 3, the component typeComputer is the nearest common root of the componenttypesIDEUnit andCPU1.

    CPUclockrate : 300..500




    CPU1clockrate : 300


    CPU2clockrate : 500





    1..21..6 1..2

    navpath(Computer, CPU1)

    navpath(Computer, IDEUnit)

    Fig. 3.Navigation paths fromComputer toCPU1 andIDEUnit

    Requirement constraints.A requiresconstraint betweentwo component typesc1 and c2 in GREP denotes thefact that the existence of an instance of component typec1requires that an instance of component typec2 exists and ispart of the same (sub)configuration.

    Rule 4 (Requirement constraints): Given the rela-tionshipc1 requiresc2 between the component typesc1 andc2 in GREP with r as common root ofc1 andc2, thenDDis extended with

    r: ((not(navpath(r, c1))) or navpath(r, c2)). 29 In this contextpartof is assumed to be transitive.

  • 16 Alexander Felfernig et al.

    The condition part of the implication describes a path fromthe common root to the componentc1; the consequent con-tains a corresponding path to the required componentc2.

    Example 5 (IDEUnit requiresMB1):Computer: ((not (slot-constraint hdunit-of-computer

    has-valueIDEUnit)) or (slot-constraintmb-of-computerhas-valueMB1)) 2Compatibility constraints. A compatibility constraintbetween a set of component typesc={c1, c2, ..., cn} inGREP denotes the fact that the existence of a tuple ofinstances corresponding to the types inc is not allowed in afinal configuration (result).

    Rule 5 (Compatibility constraints): Given a com-patibility constraint between a set of component typesc={c1, c2, ..., cn} in GREP with r as common root of{c1, c2, ..., cn}, thenDD is extended withr: (not((navpath(r, c1)) and (navpath(r, c2)) and ... and

    (navpath(r, cn))). 2Example 6 (SCSIUnit incompatible with MB1):Computer: (not ((slot-constraint hdunit-of-computer

    has-valueSCSIUnit) and (slot-constraintmb-of-computerhas-valueMB1))). 2

    Resource constraints. Resource constraints can bemodeled in UML using stereotyped classes representingtypes of resources and stereotyped dependencies with acorresponding tagged value indicating resource productionand consumption. Resource balancing tasks [3] are definedwithin a (sub)tree (context) of the configuration model.To map a resource balancing task intoDD, additionalattributes (resp and resc in the following) have to bedefined for the component types acting as producers andconsumers. In addition we have to introduce aggregatefunctions as representation concepts, which are currentlysupported neither in OIL nor DAML+OIL. However, thereexist proposals [24] to extend description logics by conceptswhich allow the modeling of such resource constructs. Thefollowing representation of aggregate functions is based onthe formalism presented in [24], where a set of predicatesP associated with binary relations (e.g.,≤, ≥, ) overa value domaindom(D) and a set of aggregation functionsagg(D) (e.g

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