
Frustrated When She Doesn't Text Back? Here's the 1 Texting Mistake You Need to Avoid

Plus 3 Hook Texts That Get a Girl to Text You Back

By: Frankie Cola

One of the most frustrating texting situations is when a girl goes dead cold on you and stops texting you back.

If this is happening to you, then there's a good chance your committing 1 deadly texting mistake that is murdering your chances with the girl...

Not only will you soon learn about the texting blunder that most men commit, but I'm also going to reveal exactly what to do when a girl doesn't text back.

It used to happen to me all the time...

I would get into these long back and forth text exchanges with a girl that always seemed to start off great.

She would respond quickly to my texts
she would lol at every text I sent her... and she would even send me random texts asking how I was doing.

I really felt I had something special going on with this girl!

So I proceeded to spend days, weeks, and MONTHS in this same routine of texting her and making jokes and building up the "connection" I had with her...

Until one week...

She started to fizzle out

Her texts became shorter and shorter...
Her responses shrunk to only "lol" or boring one or two word responses...


I didn't know why this was happening.

So it was very confusing.

I kept trying to kickstart the texting relationship and have the old texting conversations we had before... but I felt completely POWERLESS.

Even my friends who I bragged to, where asking me hey so how's it going with that girl?

And I had nothing to tell them.
It was very frustrating.

Fast forward several years later, now I know why she went cold.

It was because of 1 huge mistake I was doing that I was oblivious to.

You see, one of the biggest mistakes guys make with a girl is confusing her responses for attraction.

They think that the more a girl texts them back, the closer they are to getting her attracted to them.

So they do what I did: They get into long, drawn out text conversations with her and mistakenly think that the more responses they get from her, the closest they are to getting her on a date or seducing her.



The longer you spend texting a girl (without getting her out)... the more your MURDER your chances of actually getting her out.

What's more: Attractive women have TONS of guys texting her as unfortunate as it may be, you're probably not the only guy texting her...

You've got competition, dude.

If she realizes you aren't willing to "make things happen" and get her out, she's going to find a guy who can...

Which is why you need to get her out as soon as possible before your window of opportunity closes shut.

Now, there are some texts you can send to
get a girl to text you back, even if she hasn't for a while...

I wrote these 3 texts down and packaged them all together in a PDF report that shows you how to send them...

3 Types of Hook Texts to Get a Girl to Text You Back

It's called...

3 Types of Hook Texts That Get a Girl to Text You Back

Its a Free PDF report, and you can

click here to get it.

Go ahead and read it I know youll get something useful from it.

Specifically, the texts on page 4 of the report have proven to be very effective in getting a girl to text you back.

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