
Front Cover

Contents Game Concept|

My game is Terminal; an isometric horror game forcing the player to travel through anisolated facility alongside another online player. You will have access to computers and terminals to figure out codes, passwords and other information that could help you survive as you travel deeper and deeper unearthing the true nature of the experiments and what has happened in the facility.

You have the ability to play as a variety of the experiments, all with different abilities and weaknesses to make each play-through unique and give the player the opportunity to decide how they want to navigate the levels.

Puzzles within the game vary from time-basedpuzzles, like countdown locks and traps, to figuring out codes and passwords from filesreports and other documents that can be found by the players throughout the rooms.

The focus of my game is co-op play. The players will not be directly able to talk to one another but will be given the ability to point and other small interactions to help guide one another through. I would aim to have it as one main partner for the game through online play to help encourage the bond between the players.

> Concept

> Target Audience,Language and Genre

> Style & Theme

> Format & Objectives

> Game Controls

> Mechanics

> Game Environment

> Narrative

> Characters & Abilities

> Character Profiles

> Concept Art

> Final Model - Level 1

> Final Model - Level 2

> Final Renders

Style & Theme|My game feature’s stylised models and character designs, in addition to detailed environments and atmospheric lighting to create interesting places to explore. My style was influenced by Firewatch and it’s considered colour schemes and weighted models.

This is paired with an isometric camera perspective to increase the fear in the player, with inspiration taken from classic horror games like Silent Hill to help incorporate the horror genre.

Target Audience|The target audience for my game is 16+ dude to the nature of the game. With this age rating, it would give me the ability to incorporate more difficult puzzles and themes into the narrative without the limitations that may come with a younger audience.

Language|I would aim to release this game in English first, as it would be more efficient for me from a game’s design perspective when writing up documents and narrative points in the game.

Genre|I would categorise my game as a puzzle & strategy game with horror elements. I would like which character’s you choose to change and influence how the game-play occurs and how you progress through the facility. This would add to the re-playability for my game; however, if this would not work I would consider having a story mode and free-play mode.


As it is 3D and requires rotation, I feel it would be better suited to be played using a remote such as Xbox or PlayStation. However, I would aim to release on PC via Steam due to the nature of the game, how I would like the graphics to look and the target audience. A majority of PC gamer’s also have access to a remote so it wouldn’t be a huge issue.


> The objective of the game is to work alongside your partner and fight or stealth your way down deeper into the facility.

> The different character options would mean each play through is different; if I were to develop this more, the character that the player chooses would change some of their objectives and side-missions to be different and add more into the game.

> You must use computers and access terminals to unlock doors and set traps to progress through the levels and escape enemies.

Game Controls| Xbox Controller

> Movement = Analog Sticks

> Sprint = LT

> Open Hotbar = LB

> Start = Pause

> Ability Tree/Description/Inventory = Select

> Open Ability Wheel = RB

> Use Ability = RT

> Jump = A

> Melee - X

> Use/Push/Pull - Y

> Crouch/Sneak - B

Mechanics|> Scoring System: Gain points through collecting items, pick-ups and killing enemies.

> Time-focused challenges: Gain a better score by completing missions and completing the level within a certain time frame.

> Online Multi-player: Open your game to play with a partner and solve the puzzles together. > Levels: Complete multiple levels as you progress through the facility. [If this was to be developed further, I would include a mode where you could design levels and play ones designed by the community.]

> Developed Narrative: Detailed story revolving around the facility and its characters. [If I were developing this further I would have individual story arcs for each playable character.]

> Variety for Characters: Multiple playable characters with different abilities and weaknesses. [Developing this concept further, I would have more than 2 characters to play.]

Game Environment|

Various facilities were built to create self sufficient populations within containment to ensure that the population does not suffer side effects or health deterioration; a temporary solution while they cleansed the toxins outside. However, a scientist proposed maintaining the facilities as an experiment.

Government’s approved of this proposal. An organisation named the Bureau of Regulation was created and they put different rules and methods into place for different facilities.

The organisation became more powerful. They did not want to end the experiment; it allowed the scientist free reign to conduct immoral experiments with no control over them. This group grew in power until they took control.

In this era, the corrupt Bureau is in control of the laws and regulations put into place both inside and outside the facilities, and each country has a representative inside the Bureau.

You play through the corruptfacility controlled by the

Bureau, watched wherever you go as you try desperately to escape.


The main story revolves around 2 experiments.

When the facility goes into lock-down, both the experiments use the opportunity to escape their cells and must travel through the facility to override the lock-down and escape, facing enemy scientists, guards and other experiments as they go.

They travel down and through encountering various issues that will lead them through different areas of the facility such as the upper labs, underground lab, citizen sectors and the closed down section of the facility to gain access to the control rooms.

On their way, they will discover files and documents that will help them to travel through the different areas.

[Though this is the general playthrough, I would like to have another version available to the player with the more developed story and narrative and possibly introduce side-quests dependent on your character].

Character’s Abilities |

In this game, each character has different abilities they aregiven as they continue through the game.

Each will have their own skill tree to develop and explore, changing how the character navigates the level.

The character’s will vary from experiments to important members of staff to add variety to the game, and I would aim to develop voice lines and some interactions specific to those characters, like in Dungeon of the Endless.

Nina| Alba|

> Ability 1: Blackout

Allows the player to completely shut out the power in one room in the level. Shuts down lights and limits guard fields of view | Can be upgraded to up to three rooms.

> Ability 2: Overload

Allows the player to overload a circuit to create distractions or damage enemies with an explosion | Can be upgraded to overcharge faster and work on different circuits/traps.

> Ability 3: Breach

Allows the player to travel from one terminal to another locked in terminal. | Can be upgraded to be faster and not noticed by the guards.

> Ability 1: Foreshadow

Allows the player to see guard’s/enemies planned destination and field of view | Can be upgraded to see multiple enemies and their planned routes through the level.

> Ability 2: Possession

Allows ALBA to take control over an enemy for a short period of time. Can be used to get access switches from guards or make them use keys to open doors, or on enemy mon-sters to attack or bust through areas. | Can be upgraded to last a longer amount of time.

> Ability 3: Telekinesis

Allows the player to pull or push targeted object. Will be noticed by guards if seen. | Can be upgraded to larger items or to create a blast that pushes back enemies and has the chance to break doors.


> ALBA has a smaller stamina bar

> ALBA needs hacking kit’s to use terminal.

> ALBA freezes when noticed by guards


> When is noticed by guards easier

> Nina is slower than ALBA

> Nina’s base melee attack is weaker


> ALBA is less likely to be seen by guards

> ALBA is faster than Nina and her health regenerates.

> ALBA’s base melee attack is stronger than Nina’s.


> Nina can drain computers and electrical items for health

> Nina can travel through vents

> Guards will notice Nina faster

Concept Art|

Area 1 [Textured]| Area 2 [Untextured]|

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