Page 1: Front cover analysis

Front cover analysis

Page 2: Front cover analysis

MastheadThe masthead on the ‘SPIN’ magazine is bold and big, is behind a red background which is a contrast to the actual front colour . The font is very simple and clear to read showing it’s importance to the magazine.

‘Left’ side thirdThe left side third here is meant to be on the left but with ‘SPIN’ magazine we see a different layout to the ‘traditional’ way. This disadvantage of having it there is that if the magazine was stocked up in a store the buyers won’t be able to see what’s in there. But the advantage is that you will read it first before you turn the page because it shows a list off all the headline of what is inside.

Main image. The main image on this front cover is of a famous indie singer who almost everyone who likes ‘SPIN’ magazine would know of or like. the image is of ‘Florence welch’ in a mid shoot. Her pale face goes in well with the background and her red hair compliments the background on the ‘SPIN’ masthead. She is looking directly at the reader giving a more gentle ,soft look

Cover line. the typography of the cover line is very bold and big. The words ‘FLORENCE and MACHINE’ are bigger than the rest because of the importance of those words and how appealing it is to the target audiences. It also links in with the picture.

Sell line. The sell line grabs the readers attention and another reason why they should buy the magazine. The word ‘free’ ‘top 40 albums’ are written in bold to be more appealing to the target audience

Page 3: Front cover analysis

Cover line. The cover line is in white which links to the masthead, this is showing how important they both are. The word ‘my chemical romance’ is a band and famous to is eye catching and is typed in bold big letters but also simple to read, the cover line “Gerald see’s red”. Is a smart way to start of the article because it fits in perfectly with the image of his eccentric hair colour and the nature of the cover story itself.

MastheadThe masthead on the ‘NME’ magazine is bold, clear and simple which makes it easy to read. The colour stands out really well against the blue background . The font is very strong and conspicuous more Manley instead is italic.

Main image. The main image on this front cover is of Gerard Way who is in my chemical romance . The image looks very colourful, the artist is looking directly to the camera looking marginally angry and which fits in with the nature of the story, “We loathe what Goth has become”, this story is interesting and slightly controversial and fits in with the magazine genre too. The bold colours used are in sick with his character.

‘Left’ side thirdThe left side third here is meant to be on the left but is not because of the kind of magazine ‘NME’ is they are rebelling and not ‘outmoded’ which links in with the kind of target audience they have. The

plus sign ‘+’ a symbol showing of what else is inside the magazine it is also a modern way of writing the ‘word’ this shows that the magazine is in the present and young and.

Sell line. The sell is line is written in red and black colours which is the colour inform . The red typing is very bold and stands out from all the rest of the typography. The word ‘free’ and ‘poster’ are written bold to grab the readers attention

Page 4: Front cover analysis

MastheadThe masthead of ‘INDIE’ magazine is always in white unless the issue was a very special important /special issue. The font is big and bold which stands out against the blue background and black hair.

Cover line/Banner. the cover line is ‘in love with Daisy’ which is referring to the main image. Is written in a funky, young, modern style. This shows that is not serious and it’s informal, it looks like someone hand wrote that which again projects how the person writing this would feel like.

Main image. The main image is of Daisy Lowe who is a model but also the daughter of Pearl Lowe who was a singer/songwriter. The image is looking directly at the camera with emotions of shy, clueless, and a bit flirtatious which associates back to the cover line. The colours of the image are all natural and in harmony. Her heavy eyeliner and black hair are some serotypes of what indie people look like.

Indie. The magazine as an individual is unique and different from the other magazines you would find in stores. It does not have a lot of the traditional features of a magazine cover but that makes it stand out as whole. The whole indie culture is about being different and unique and independent so I think that is what the magazine has put across.

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