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From Montgomery to Memphis: Lessons on

Leadership from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Matthew A. Gilbert, MBA

[email protected]

(661) 513-3370


From humble beginnings, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led a nation – and the

world – out of the chains of societal slavery. How did he achieve such lasting results? Leadership is

a skill few individuals master. Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of those individuals. This paper

explores King’s success and presents a framework in which anyone can learn to become a

great leader.

I. Memphis and the Mountaintop

On April 3, 1968 – one day before he was killed – the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,

delivered his “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech in support of striking sanitation workers.

King’s presence in Memphis was significant because he had experienced a major failure there just a

few weeks earlier.

During a planned nonviolent march, a local gang incited the crowd to commit acts of

destruction, vandalism and theft. When hostilities subsided, more than 100 downtown stores were

damaged, 60 people were injured and one black teenager had been killed by police gunfire. The

governor of Tennessee called in the National Guard and imposed a curfew on the town

(Phillips, 1998).

King was determined to lead the march again. As was the case in 1962 when efforts in

Albany, Georgia had failed, King admitted he had not involved the local community enough. So, King

“made it a point to spend a great deal of time with the youth gangs that had caused all the violence

in the previous march…[who, as a result] agreed to assist in the upcoming march and keep it

nonviolent,” (Phillips, 1998, p. 325). By admitting defeat, assuming responsibility and learning from

his mistakes, King exemplified the essence of leadership.

II. Confluence of Influence: Leadership Defined

Phillips (1998) explains, “the only real power a leader may possess is the power to

persuade…People won't follow a new leader unless they…are persuaded that the course advocated

is the right one to take,” (p. 61). DePree (2000) presents another perspective:

A leader is a person who has followers. Leaders are those from whom we learn. They

influence the setting of society’s agenda. They have visions…They create…Their behavior and

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words positively reinforce the best in our society. Leaders trumpet the breaking up and the

breaking down of civility. They offer hope…They ask the painful and necessary questions (p. 4).

According to Maxwell (1998), “leadership is influence,” (p. 17). King was influenced by

Ghandi (Phillips, 1998). It wasn’t until King studied the assassinated Indian leader that he

embraced nonviolence – the cornerstone of his cause. Similarly, the start of the civil rights

movement was influenced by Rosa Parks when she refused to move to the back of the bus. King’s

mastery of leadership is especially admirable because “his leadership…was always being

questioned during his lifetime,” (Ling, 2003, p. 1). Knowing this how was it possible for King to

accomplish what he did?

III. Assessing Aptitude and Attitude

The key to King’s outward achievement can be found in his internal orientation. Primary

components of his exceptional aptitude and attitude include:

Humility: A Reluctant Reverend

Lao Tzu cautions leaders “Do not intrude. Do not control,” (Heider, 1985, p. 33). King

reluctantly assumed leadership of the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott. Phillips (1998) argues,

“because he had not sought the point – and even hesitated at accepting it – Martin may have been

the best possible leader,” (p. 42). A humble leader is more open to alternative viewpoints and can

tactfully modify, then satisfy expectations. While some feel compromise equals capitulation,

retreating (even slightly) often yields greater gains.

Listening: An Ear without Fear

DePree (1998) explains, “The leader listens to the ideas, needs, aspirations, and wishes of

the followers and then…responds,” (p. xxi). Ling (2003) adds, “King…listened while others argued…

and then he would calmly sum up the debate and identify a way forward,” (p. 2). Leaders connect

with their followers. Listening to and integrating the desires of others into an effort develops trust,

which renders respect, which creates community. Biologically speaking, humans have two ears and

only one mouth – which function does Mother Nature favor?

Communication: The Strength of Storytelling

DePree (2000) argues, “good leaders…have stories. Stories help us learn and remember

whom we are, where we have been, where we are going,” (p. 1). Using a mixture of metaphors,

movements, similes, imagery, alliteration, rhythm, cadence and repetition, King held audiences

spellbound. However, he, “also spoke in the shared language of the community,” (Phillips, 1998, p.

90). Storytelling is the heart of consensus building.

Education: A Yearn to Learn

Maxwell (1998) claims "leaders are learners," (p. 23). Phillips (1998) mentions,

“Martin…constantly learned from experience – so that he could do better the next time around,” (p.

77). King was also aware that education was a prerequisite for future advancements. “’We in this

generation must stimulate our children to learn,’” he is quoted as saying (Phillips, 1998, p. 208).

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Compassion: Lovers Share Soup

DePree (2000) tells how, after sampling a bowl of his granddaughter’s soup, she exclaimed

“’lovers share soup,” (p. 6). In response, DePree (2000) says, “we don’t think enough about love,” (p.

6). Love was the foundation of King’s cause. In his August 28, 1963 “I have a dream” speech, King

proclaims, “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness

and hatred…we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force,” (ABC

News, 2013). Phillips (1998) believes King “became the acknowledged leader of the civil rights

movement, in large part, because he combined a deep-seated compassion and empathy with

oratorical skill,” (p. 96).

Empowerment: Involving Others and Sharing Success

Maxwell (1998) observes, “only empowered people can reach their potential…the greatest

things happen only when you give others the credit,” (p. 126-127). King made efforts to share

success with everyone and rewarded initiative. Recognizing “nonviolent direct action…had to be

taught,” (Phillips, 1998, p. 204-205), King recruited future leaders early. Phillips (1998) describes

this as a succession strategy: “part of the reason for such intensive training was to develop new

leaders from the organization’s existing ranks – those who could take over when the current

leaders were long gone,” (p. 206).

Management: Administration of Inspiration

Leadership is about inspiration. Management is about administration. Leadership may

ignite a fire, but effective management keeps it burning. Kotter (1998) warns, “strong leadership

with weak management is no better, and is sometimes actually worse, than the reverse,” (p. 39).

While he had a ‘dream,’ King paid attention to details. Phillips (1998) explains, “for every major

initiative during the decade of the civil rights movement there were frequent planning and strategy

sessions,” (p. 160).

Consistency: Practicing What You Preach

Phillips (1998) argues, “People will respect and follow leaders who do what they advise

others to do, who display courage in the face of adversity, who act and behave as they are expected

to,” (p. 119). Once, while giving a speech, King was punched in the face by member of the Nazi

party. King later proclaimed, “I’m not interested in pressing charges. I’m interested in changing the

kind of system that produces this kind of man,” (Phillips, 1998, p. 100).

Optimism: Heal with Hope

As explained by Phillips (1998), “hope is a sustaining element, not only in leadership, but in

life. Hope motivates and inspires. It causes people to take action,” (p. 279). Hope is future focused,

hate is anchored to the past. “Even though he had private doubts, Martin maintained an outwardly

optimistic attitude,” wrote Phillips (1998, p. 46). When the protagonist in the film Shawshank

Redemption is told, “’Hope is a dangerous thing,’ he responds, ‘Hope is a good thing…no good thing

ever dies,” (IMDB, 2013, p. 1).

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IV. Conclusion: Creating Lasting Change

Leaders make a difference. According to Phillips (1998), “change is what leadership is all

about. Leaders are change-makers, they are masters of change. By helping followers achieve goals,

they lead people to where they’ve never been before. Leaders blaze new trails …Leaders are out in

front,” (p. 263).

Martin Luther King, Jr. created lasting change because he “portrayed the cause as bigger

than any one person,” (Phillips, 1998, p. 337). A dedicated humanist with an undying spirit, King

possessed “an indescribable capacity for empathy that is the touchstone of leadership,” (Phillips,

1998, p. 287). His outward, universal energy motivated others to achieve their own personal

potential. People followed King because he was equally as committed to the cause as they were.

According to Phillips (1998), “people listened to him and followed him precisely because he

articulated their longings, their hopes, their aspirations, and their dreams – and because he

experienced what they experienced,” (p. 287).

King taught his followers how to fish – and didn’t just feed them when they were hungry. He

inspired them towards a collective independence – confidence in themselves and a lasting

commitment to each other. He wanted the struggle to continue beyond his time and knew that

would only happen if he empowered others. Intriguingly, the concluding remarks of Kings

“Mountaintop” speech in Memphis eerily echoed those of Moses when he proclaimed to the


The Lord has said to me, ‘You shall not go across yonder Jordan.’ The Lord your God Himself

will cross over before you; and He Himself will wipe out those nations from your path and you shall

dispose them (Jewish Publication Society, 1985, p. 323).

By awakening the internal intelligence of the individuals whom he directly influenced – and

those his words and actions continue to touch – King led an entire generation cross into the

Promised Land of true freedom. As a result, he made a difference in his world and worlds to come.

King’s dream is alive today as it ever was.


ABC News. (2013). Martin Luther King's Speech: 'I Have a Dream' - The Full Text. Downloaded April

4, 2013 from


DePree, M. (1989). Leadership is an Art. New York, NY: Bantam Dell.

DePree, M. (2000). Does Leadership Have a Future? Pasadena, CA: DePree Leadership Center.

Heider, J. (1985). The Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching Adapted for a New Age. Atlanta,

GA: Humanics Limited.

IMDB (2013). Quotes for Andy Dufresne (Character) from The Shawshank Redemption (1994).

Downloaded April 4, 2013 from

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Jewish Publication Society. (1985). Tanakh: A New Translation of the Holy Scriptures, According to

the Traditional Hebrew Text. Philadelphia, PA: Jewish Publication Society

Kotter, J. (1998). What Leaders Really Do. Harvard Business Review on Leadership, 37-60. Boston,

MA: Harvard Business School Publishing.

Ling, P. (2003, April 1). Martin Luther King’s Style of Leadership. Downloaded April 4, 2013 from

Maxwell, J. (1998). The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow

You. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Phillips, D. (1998). Martin Luther King, Jr. On Leadership: Inspiration and Wisdom for Challenging

Times. New York, NY: Warner Books, Inc.

Publication Credit

Gilbert, M. (2004). From Montgomery to Memphis: Lessons on leadership from Dr. Martin Luther

King, Jr. In Alkhafaji, A., Biberman, J. & Gardner, C. (Eds.), Business Research Yearbook, Vol.

XI (pp. 891-895). Saline, MI: McNaughton & Gunn.

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