Page 1: From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy ......Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate ... is present in your
Page 2: From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy ......Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate ... is present in your
Page 3: From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy ......Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate ... is present in your

From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy Communion and now to Confirmation, the Church recognizes you as your child’s primary educator in the life of faith. Your role is pivotal as your child prepares to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Undoubtedly, parents respond differently to this role. Some are enthusiastic and eager to be involved in the formation process, while others feel discouraged because their teens seem either rebellious toward or apathetic about Christ and the Church. To some, Confirmation seems more like a family tradition or rite of passage than a fuller incorporation into the Church. Some parents may even be unsure about their own beliefs and their practice of the Faith. Whatever your personal situation, we are here to support you, the parent, as well as your child during this process. We pray that, as a parent, you will be encouraged by the fact that God loves you and your child without limit. This limitless love-which is the core of our Catholic Faith-is very good news indeed. May the Holy Spirit inspire and encourage you as you guide your child into the fullness of the Faith.

Page 4: From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy ......Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate ... is present in your

What is Confirmation? Confirmation is a sacramental outpouring of the Holy Spirit that leaves a permanent imprint on the soul, completes Christian initia-tion, and empowers us to be witnesses to Christ (CCC 1302-1305). Many people mistakenly see Confirmation as a teen’s “graduation” from religious education, as merely a cultural passage into maturity, or as an opportunity to choose whether or not to remain Catholic. None of these views is consistent with the teaching of the Church on this powerful sacrament. Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate chooses whether to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and, with the reception of the sacrament, takes a step toward maturity (and, yes, mandatory catechism classes often do come to an end), none of these facts captures the heart of the meaning of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

What happens at Confirmation? As with every sacrament, Confirmation does not merely symbolize a spiritual reality-it actually effects what it signifies. In Confirmation, our senses are fully engaged: We see the bish-op’s hand raise in anointing. The candidate feels and smells the sacred chrism, or sacramental oil, and hears the bishop pro-claim, “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.” What we physically see, hear, feel and smell in Confirmation is an anointing, a sealing with the Holy Spirit. These visible ele-ments are not merely symbolic. Working through what is visible and sensory, the same Holy Spirit who was poured out upon the apostles at Pentecost makes a mark on the newly confirmed person’s soul.

Page 5: From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy ......Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate ... is present in your

The Holy Spirit When the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles as they prayed together at Pentecost (see Acts 1-2), the effects of this miracle were immediately apparent. The apostles proclaimed their faith fearlessly. The sacramental presence of the Holy Spirit in their souls emboldened them to speak the truth. The Catechism of the Catholic Church lists five effects of Confirmation (CCC 1303). It affirms our identity as children of God (“divine filiation”). It unifies us more firmly to Christ. It increases in us the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. It strengthens our bond with the Church. It strengthens us to spread and defend the Faith by our words

and actions, to be fearless witnesses to Christ and the power of the cross.

The relationship between Baptism and Confirmation Confirmation “completes” the graces we received at Baptism, when we became adopted sons and daughters of God. Confirmation confirms that we are a part of God’s family and leads us to focus on what we have been called to do as children of God: to be living witnesses of God’s love in the world. In Confirmation, we receive the power to make a stand for Christ and his Church, as well as special gifts to help us serve God and the Church in particular ways. Through the sacrament, we are also “sealed” for God; our bond with Him, a well as with the whole family of God, is strengthened. All these graces help us to shift our focus from interior formation (which began at Baptism) to exterior proclamation, giving us courage to witness to the Faith in our words and actions (CCC 1305).

Page 6: From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy ......Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate ... is present in your

How does the Chosen program work to prepare my child for Confirmation? Chosen will lead your child on a journey through the Catholic Faith in all its richness and vitality. Through engaging and powerful lessons, your son or daughter will not only learn about the Faith, but will be invited to experience a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Using a combination of videos, workbook material, and group discussions, the goal of the Chosen program is to win over the hearts of youth at this critical time in their lives and to keep them firmly planted in the faith community of the Church.

What is my role as a parent in Confirmation? Your role is indispensable. While your child’s sponsor will help him or her prepare for Confirmation and offer encouragement to continue to grow in faith, as parents you are your child’s primary educators in the faith. This role began at your child’s Baptism, and it continues throughout his or her adolescence and young adult life. The Catechism calls the family “the domestic Church” (CCC 1658) because it is primarily within the family that your child will learn how to live the teachings of Jesus, which lead to eternal life

The two most important ways you can help form your child in the Faith are to practice your faith and to pray. Regardless of your faith practice up to this point, God is calling you now to a deeper relationship with him and the Church.

Page 7: From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy ......Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate ... is present in your

Preparing your Son or Daughter for Confirmation: Two of the most important things you can do to help your son or daughter prepare for the sacrament are: 1) Be personally committed to prayer. 2) Impress upon your child, by word and example, the importance

of participating in the sacramental life of the church. The principal way we participate in the Church’s sacramental life is through regular reception of the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Why do we need to attend Mass every week? Having a parent who is personally committed to prayer and is participating in the sacramental life of the Church can have a profound effect on a teenager and can provide an important example that will stay with him or her for life. For this reason, and for your own spiritual well-being, make weekly Mass and regular Confession a priority in your family. When we do not attend mass we miss receiving Jesus in the Eucharist, which is the “source and summit” of our faith (CCC 1324).

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How can I encourage my child to grow in faith at home? Regular family prayer time is important. Simple family prayers, such as grace before meals and a weekly Rosary, can have a powerful impact on your child’s faith formation. The witness of St. Monica, who spent many years praying for the conversion of her wayward son, Augustine (later St. Augustine), reveals the power of a parent’s prayers and participation in the sacraments. Your role as a parent in your child’s faith formation does not end with his or her Confirmation. Your prayers and personal example can exert a powerful impact on your child for his or her whole life. Accept the challenge-and it is a challenge-to establish a family habit of discussing faith, morals, and spiritual growth.


Your Baptismal name may serve as your Confirmation name. If you choose to pick a different name for this sacrament, it must be a saint’s name or a word of Christian significance, such as Faith, Hope or Charity.

You have been introduced to many Saints over the last year and we will continue that moving forward. We will have you research the name you have chosen so that you can verbalize why the name is important to you. Bishops often ask the confirmation candidates why they chose their particular saint name. It is good to be prepared.

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One of the first decisions you will be faced with as you prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation is choosing your sponsor. A Confirmation sponsor has three primary roles: (1) to assist the candidate in preparing for Confirmation, (2) to present the candidate for Confirmation, and (3) along with the parents, to help the confirmed person to live out his or her Christian life faithfully. Encourage your son or daughter to choose someone with a vibrant faith life who would serve as a good role model in the Faith. Requirements for a sponsor: (1) be a Catholic who is at least 16 years of age (2) have received the Sacrament of Confirmation (3) be a person who leads “a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on” and (4) not be a parent of the candidate. You will need to spend time with your sponsor, so the person you choose should be someone you are comfortable talking with about your faith, is present in your life as a role model, and has qualities you admire and would like to develop in your own life.

Responsibilities of your sponsor:

Helping you recognize your own gifts. Attending the Sponsor / Confirmandi mass Available to listen to your questions and concerns

We will be sending out information to your sponsor inviting them to the special student/sponsor liturgy in November.

Page 10: From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy ......Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate ... is present in your


Parent Meeting: Monday, September 23rd or Wednesday, September 25th at 7:15 PM

Confirmandi Retreat: Friday, October 11, 2019 Our Lady of the Woods Church 9:30AM - 2:30PM

Confirmandi/Sponsor Mass

Sunday, November 24, 2019 Our Lady of the Woods Church 6:00 PM

Confirmation Interviews: Tuesday February 18, 2020 (Times TBA)

Confirmation PRACTICE:

Thursday March 5, 2020 at 6-7PM or 7-8PM (TBA)

CONFIRMATION: Sunday March 8th, 2020 at 2:00 PM & 6:00 PM

FINAL RE SESSION: All eighth graders are to attend all RE sessions, including those after Confirmation. This year we will have a very special session for ALL 8th Grade on Monday, March 30th at 6:30 PM. This will be the final session, there will be no class on April 1st.

Page 11: From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy ......Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate ... is present in your

As part of the formation process, we require Confirmation candidates to complete 20 hours of service work, 5 hours of service in the following four categories: Liturgy, Community, Church and Family.

Upon completion of a service project, students are asked to sub-mit a completed Service Reflection Sheet. Students will ask the project supervisor to sign their sheet. These sheets can then be submitted to the students catechist, or directly to the REP office to be recorded. You will need to submit a form for each service project. Incomplete reflection sheets will be returned to the stu-dent. You will find a sample service reflection below. We strongly encourage students (or parents) to keep a copy of these reflection sheets. Completion of the 20 hour service requirement is expected by the night of Confirmation interviews on Tuesday, February 18, 2020.

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If you have any questions please feel free to contact the REP office at 708-361-9435.

Service projects include: *Babysitting on Sunday mornings *Serving Hospitality on Sunday Mornings Teacher Aides– R.E.P. (for Grades 1-4) Monday/Wednesday af-ternoons In your neighborhood: Helping the elderly especially in the fol-lowing areas: - Raking Leaves - Shoveling Snow - Helping carry groceries Volunteering for additional parish events and drives– they will be posted at each class. Church set-up/clean-up during special seasons (upon request) Additional sites where you may want to volunteer your help: - Casa Romero - Peace Memorial Village - Parish Spaghetti Dinner Fall Event (Oct. 19th) -Orland Food Pantry * All Sunday morning projects do not replace Mass attendance. You must still attend mass, it is not included in your hour. As a group: make special gifts, table favors for any of the above.

Page 13: From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy ......Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate ... is present in your
Page 14: From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy ......Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate ... is present in your

Confirmation Information Sheet After your child’s Confirmation, we record your child’s information into the Archdiocesan records system. This way, Sacramental rec-ords can be accessed at any point in a person’s life. In order to accu-rately record your son or daughter’s information, we need you to complete a Confirmation Information sheet. Additionally, this sheet will ask for information regarding your child’s sponsor, including their address. The students write letters to their sponsor and we mail them out for them. We must have this information in order to do that. You will receive a link via email from the REP office, or you can access the Full Form at Ourladyofthewoods/worship/confirmation/confirmation information sheet.


Page 15: From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy ......Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate ... is present in your
Page 16: From Baptism to first Reconciliation to first Holy ......Confirmation is not merely a symbolic ceremony or a rite of passage. While it is true that a candidate ... is present in your

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