






• Social exclusion and racism is a common issue in many countries and students should develop a positive attitude towards people at risk to being excluded, to avoid bullying and victimization of such students...

  • Excluziunea sociala si rasismul sunt probleme des intalnite in multe tari. Elevii ar trebui sa dezvolte o atitudine pozitiva vis- a-vis de oamenii cu risc de excluziune, pentru a evita violenta si victimizarea asupra acestor elevi, asupra acestor oameni...



 Students had a chance to look for, classify, talk about, share, write, compare and

present information on their culture and that of their partners.   Students :   Consider  the definition of culture, and reflect on what this means to them Share relevant information about their culture with their European partners Create "Culture in a Box” presentations(Power Point , e-book, e-magazine, exchanging final products by post office,exhibiton) Reflect on what  they learned about the other country and the differences and similarities between the  cultures,  Reflect on what is the importance of  friendship between people from all over the world  Write reflective essays on what  they have learned about  differences, similarities, tolerance, empathic and altruistic person, friendship, common good.  


The teachers prepare worksheets on exclusion, discrimination, racism and implement them in the classroom to sensitize students

on the above issues.

Students made posters based on the worksheet work


Students prepared presentations about many ethnic minorities from their country

 •Alex-Lippovans •Iulia-Turks • • Radu-Baclava • • Bogdan-Suberek • •Lorena-Rabbit food • • Ioana- Romanian personalities  with Greek origins • •Ioana-Greeks from Romania • •Ioana-Saxons • •Ana Maria-Slavs •

Students designed their own books, giving information on themselves and their daily lives. They shared this information with their partners.

 The book of friendship 

Students watched the film “Charlie and the chocolate factory” that touches issues of prejudice,

exclusion, racism. Afterwards, they were asked to re-create the film by drawing pictures in a comic


We wrote and illustrate a Collaborative Story (Greek School, School Nr 2 Codlea Romania & Italian School)


“- Do you believe in the power of falling stars? “asked the child. The teacher turned to him with a warm smile and said:

          “-Sure. Everything that surrounds us has this power.”.          ....he imagined having a big pen  to write words on each star, such as love, joy, tolerance, friendship and then let them fall on the earth, like a rain. Because anything is possible , just look with a pure heart and listen with an open mind.

"-I wish...I wish....that everybody in this world have someone who understand and love and cherish him !”


 “Suddenly, an idea came to his mind:-I know how to keep my friends smiling, I learnt this from my teachers, from my partners in this project!                         He opened his drawer, on a big piece of paper he drew himself waving goodbye to his friend. But he had no SMILE on his face. Instead of a mouth, he let that part completely blank. And then he drew a big SMILE on his friend’s hand. He knew that his friend would keep his friendly smile and would always be happy  in his life. In this way, his wish would become true.” 

5.Raspunsul la intrebarea esentiala

 • Life without friendship.....sad, bad, ugly....

  • But we built an  intercultural communication to form a

community where students can communicate with one another, join together to overcome prejudices, break down discrimination barriers and develop into empathic and altruistic adults, contributing to the common good

6. BIBLIOGRAFIA1.Uniunea Europeanã • Ministerul Educatiei, Cercetãrii si TineretuluiProiect Phare 2004 Acces la educatie pentru grupuri dezavantajate Maria Kovács, Curriculum la decizia scolii în mediul incluziv, Editura Didacticã si Pedagogicã, R.A., Bucuresti, 20072.Banks, J.A. si Banks, C. A. McGee (2004) – Handbook of Reasearch on Multicultural Education, Jossey-Bass, San-Francisco.3. Bernat, S.E. (2003) – Tehnica învãţãrii eficiente, PUC, Cluj-Napoca.4Dunn, R. si Griggs, S. A. (1995) – Multiculturalism and learning style. Teaching and counseling adolescents, Preager Publishers, Westport.5 www.divers.ro6. www.recensamant.ro7.Uniunea Europeanã • Ministerul Educatiei, Cercetãrii si Tineretului Proiect Phare 2004 Acces la educatie pentru grupuri dezavantajateDoina NedelcuEducatie democratica, incluziune si interculturalitate8 Drepturile copiilor, pe intelesul lor, Editie ilustrata si comentata de copii, UNICEF si CEDU 2000+9."Mapa sfaturilor ptr parinti" UNICEF si PETROM, MEC10. Jigau, Mihaela. Factorii reusitei scolare. Bucuresti, Editura Grafoart, 1998.11.Jigau, Mihai. Copiii supradotati. Bucuresti, Editura Societatea Stiinta si Tehnica, 1994.12.Tobias, J. M.; Tobias, E. S.; Friendlander, S. B. Inteligenta emotionala în educatia copiilor. Bucuresti, Editura Curtea Veche, 2002.13.Tomsa, G. Consilierea si orientarea în scoala. Bucuresti, Casa de editura si presa Viata Româneasca, 1999.14. Manual on Human Rights Education with Young People.15. Guidance Curriculum for the Comprehensive School CounsellingProgram, North Carolina, 2001. Real Game.17. smilebox18 ISSU-tutorial 

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