
French Revolution --"Liberal" Phase

The Revolution BeginsViolence and the Rights of Man

Meeting of the Estates GeneralMay 4, 1789Over 1,200 elected deputies met at VersaillesThird Estate members were angeredOrdered to vote in three separate chambers (rooms)Dressed in black cloaks to mark their inferior status

The National AssemblyFirst Estate votes to join the National AssemblyBy June 27, Louis orders remaining delegates to join the National AssemblyHowever, in early July, he also ordered 20,000 to nearby Paris and fired his only non-noble advisor Jaques Necker.

The Tennis Court OathMay 17Members of the 3rd Est. refused to meet separately, and a few members of the other estates joined them.They took the name National Assembly, claiming they represented the general will of the nation (France).May 20th: After being locked out, the members of the National Assembly moved to a nearby tennis court and pledged their loyalty to unity, the pursuit of a constitution, and the true principles of the monarchy.

Trouble in ParisBread prices rose from 8 to 14 sous (currency) per four-pound loafSuspicions and rumors spread that the noble landowners were trying to starve the people into submission by withholding grain.The common people of Paris began to raid gunsmiths and other stores for weapons, but gunpowder was in short supply.The Bastille To obtain gunpowder and more arms the Parisians attacked the Bastille a prison fortress that was also a symbol of royal tyranny.The governor of the fortress Marquis de Launay further enraged the people when he ordered prison guards to fire on the invaders killing about one hundred of them and injuring another seventy.Launay surrendered when some soldiers joined with the crowd and turned the cannon on the prison.

Results of Victory at the BastilleSaved the National AssemblyProvided arms and gunpowder to a new Militia commanded by the French hero of the American Revolution the Marquis de Lafayette.The withdrawal of royal troops from Paris and the recall of NeckerThe invention of the French flagThe beginning of a pattern of violenceViolence at the BastilleMarquis de Launay and six of his troops had been killed after losing the fortress.

More ViolenceJuly 22ndThe Royal Governor, Louis Bertier de Sauvigny, who allegedly told poor people in France to eat straw, is captured trying to escape Paris.He and his father-in-law were both decapitated and had their mouths stuffed with straw.

Violence in the CountrysideAs in Paris, the countryside was a place of open rebellion with noble rule being replaced by popular militias and councils.The common people refused to pay their feudal dues to nobles and the churchThe National Assembly RespondsThe National Assembly passed laws (known as August decrees) abolishing feudal dues taxes paid to nobles.On August 27, the National Assembly also approved the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen which guaranteed rights of free speech, association, religion and opinion.The age of feudalism was over.

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