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Table of Contents 

1. The Cockroach Transformation ( 1, 2, 3 )

2. Lunch n’ Recess

3. Nearest Paris

4. The Worst Swim

5. I’m a Calm Person That Likes to Relax

6. Just because I’m Chinese  7. The First Date 

8. Tree Gems 

9. Adam5100

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Dedicated to Me 

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LUNCH n’ RECESS eat at lunch at night

“yum”play at recess

“fun”Lunch n’ Recess is the most fun

see them playing under the sun All eating n’ saying “yum”no bullies taking lunches

no bullies throwing punchespeople playing basketballpeople throwing footballs

fun n’ gameslunch n’ recess

which one is the best?lunch

or recess?its all goodI love

Lunch n’ Recess

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Nearest Paris

I travel around the worldto the Nearest Paris

I see EgyptI see AmericaI see England

I see AsiaEverywhere

Anywhere is so farbesides the

Nearest Paris

Paris is JollyIts so happyA lot of foodA lot of love

Good FoodCool Dudes

I will not forget anything thats beautiful

about theNearest Paris

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The Worst Swim

“Ring” “Ring”, It’s a beautiful Sunday morning, birds are chirping, the sun is ascending. A fetus boy named Tyler with slick and wavy brown hair and bright brown eyes wakes up by his window on his soothed bed. The morning light is shining vividly through his clear window. Tyler tosses his alarm clock across the room and gets up out of bed.

Today is Tyler’s first day of swimming, he bursts into the air with thrill in his eyes. He quickly brushes his teeth and runs downstairs to eat breakfast. Then there’s his mom, the most annoying person in Tylers life, well thats what Tyler thinks. But anyway, Tyler eats his breakfast and packs up for his very first day of swimming. Tyler feels fear and and excitement at the same time.

Tyler goes to swimming. He changes into his spandex and gets ready to swim. Tyler is feeling fear due to him being insecure about his body. He comes out of the locker room, and gets in position to dive. He dives, he soared into the air, and “SPLAT”. The water was frozen! He slid across the pool, and hit against the wall.

Tyler returns home and and tells his mom the story. Tylers mom helped Tyler feel a lot better and thats when he realized that his mom is probably the most important person in his life. He ended the day with a smile on his face. He didn’t regret diving into a block of ice.

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I Am Franky

             I am a calm person who likes to relaxI wonder what it would be like to have no tax

I hear the wind pounding against my earI see things that are not reality

I want to live a good life with no regretsI am a calm person that likes to relax

I pretend I’m floating on airI feel wind brushing against my ears

I touch and wipe my tearsI worry about useless things

I cry about nothingI am a calm person that likes to relax

I understand lifeI know god is real

I dream of traveling to different places in the places I try my best on tests

I hope I don’t die early I am a calm person who likes to relax

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Just because I’m chinese It doesn't mean I’m good at math

It doesn’t mean I speak ching chong ling longdoesn’t mean I drink milk tea

look beyond the stereotypes and look inside me

Just because I’m chinese It doesn’t mean i’m hate science Doesn’t mean I eat rice everyday

Doesn’t mean fry riceJust because you put labels on me doesn’t mean I have to listen


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Act 1: Okay, so I’m scared, Why? Maybe because I tend to throw food a lot whenever I go to a restaurant or a place to eat in general. You might be thinking “What the heck” but It’s a habit I have. So I’m going to a restaurant with my date and I’m afraid I’ll throw food at her, nobody wants their date to look like a salad. I’m recently tried to change my habits so I don’t throw food at her, but its not really working out. I’m starting to play with food now instead of throwing it. I can’t stand having this habit. Ill try to control myself during the date.  

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Act 2: 

Brandon: Sabrina! Are you done changing?

Sabrina: Wait!

Brandon: I’m going to wait in the car

Sabrina: Ok! I’m done changing

* They  go in the car * 

Sabrina: why don’t you get a new car? 

Brandon: I can’t afford one

Sabrina: yea, sure. 

* They arrive at the fancy restaurant *

Brandon: Here, let me open the door for you

Sabrina: I’m waiting..

* Brandon opens the door * 

Sabrina: did you reserve seats? 

Brandon: aw snap, I forgot

Sabrina: Ugh! You’re the worst date ever 

Brandon: I’m trying my best

Sabrina: doesn’t seem like it.

Brandon: let’s just go in and eat alright?

Sabrina: ok.

Brandon: can I get seats for 2

Waiter: ok, do you guys mind waiting 5 minutes

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Brandon: sure.

* 5 minutes passes by *

Waiter: Table for 2!

Brandon: here! 

* they sit at their table *

Sabrina: waiter! Can we order! 

Brandon: I didn’t even decide what to get!

Sabrina: well too bad for you.

Waiter: Yes, what would you guys like today?

Sabrina: can we get a salad for both of us and a prime steak

Waiter: sure

Brandon: I don’t like salad, or steak! 

Sabrina: deal with it

* the food comes *

Sabrina: why aren't you eating  Brandon: because of you

* Brandon throws food at Sabrina and runs out the door *  

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Act 3: Ok, so thats how my date went. It was probably one of my worst dates in my entire life. I just couldn’t handle her attitude, she probably only went out for dinner with me because I was paying. From now on, I probably will never pay for dinner for a girl ever again unless I really know that they like me or something. 

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Tree Gems“Bok bok”, cries the chickens from the old barn.

Its a beautiful summer day at the aged brown barn house, the yellow morning sun

ascending from the straight horizon, the wind blowing almost looking like clouds. Joey, a

young intelligent boy, with bright blue eyes and wavy blonde hair is reading an

interesting book under the old tree with tanned bark, and falling leaves. Without noticing,

“pok” a large luscious blue diamond falls out of the tall magnificent tree hitting young

Joey’s head.

The diamond was huge! Maybe even gigantic! Joey slowly picks up the gem,

struggling to walk it back to the old barn house. Joey, breathing as fast as a jet, stops, and

pants for a while thinking how in the world can he get this gem back to the barn. After

standing and resting continuously, Joey notices his friend Franky! Joey breathing heavily,

runs over to Franky and asks for help.

At first Franky was scared if Joey was dying due to his breathing. Joey’s face was

the color of an apple, sweating heavily, and could barely talk. Franky quickly got a cup of

water and carefully handed it to Joey. Joey swallowed the water in one gulp! They sat

down at the park, there were kids sliding, monkey bars and much more, but they just sat

and took a rest.

Franky asked,”Where did you get this gem?”

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Joey didn’t want to tell him where the he got the gem due to the fact that the

tree can help him make millions.

Therefore, Joey told Franky, “I found it on the street somewhere, I forget”

Franky told Joey to sell the gem at the store near by, so they did. At first, they had

a problem on whether they should split the money or not. Joey wanted most of the money

just because he found the gem, but Franky wanted most of it because he was the one

who thought of selling it. They fought and fought over who would get the gem, it soon

turned into an actual fight. Joey swung his fist at Franky and hit clear at his face causing

a big purple and black bruise on his cheek. Joey took the money and attempted to run.

Franky caught up and tripped Joey into a big smelly dumpster causing him to face plant

into bags of nasty smelly garbage. The money scattered around the floor. Franky is trying

to pick it all up, but Joey, in which hes ascending from the dumpster, jumps and kicks

Franky straight in the head causing him to bleed. Joey quickly, as fast as he could, takes

the money and runs back to the old barn house.

Once Joey got home, he washed the nasty garbage off his luscious blonde hair.

Then, he quickly ran around his house looking for wood to block his door in case Franky

came and broke in. He got some wood, used nails, and fastened the door. Then Joey

thought, why fight with Franky, he’s known him since kindergarten.

Franky took down all the nails and opened the door. He saw Franky standing in the

rain. His black hair and clothes were wet. Joey told him to come in and he gave Franky

half of the original money. Joey explained to Franky how he got the gem and everything.

Franky and Joey became true friends again. Ten years later, Joey and Franky became

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millionaires. They still kept the tree a secret and never told anyone about it. When a

reporter asks how they became a millionaire, all they say is “Tree Gems”.

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