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An Interview with J.K. Rowling Divorced, living on public assistance in a tiny Edinburgh flat with her infant daughter, J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in stolen moments at a cafe table. Fortunately, Harry Potter rescued her! In this interview, Rowling discusses the birth of our hero, the Manchester hotel where Quidditch was born, and how she might have been a bit like Hermione when she was 11. Question: Did you want to be an author when you were younger?

Jo Rowling: Yes, I've wanted to be an author as long as I can remember. English was always my favorite subject at school, so why I went on to do a degree in French is anyone's guess. Question: How old were you when you started to write, and what was your first book? Rowling: I wrote my first finished story when I was about 6. It was about a rabbit called Rabbit. Very imaginative. I've been writing ever since. Question: Why did you choose to be an author? Rowling: If someone asked for my recipe for happiness, step one would be finding out what you love doing most in the world and step two would be finding someone to pay you to do it. I consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing. Question: Do you have any plans to write books for adults? Rowling: My first two novels--which I never tried to get published--were for adults. I suppose I might write another one, but I never really imagine a target audience when I'm writing. The ideas come first, so it really depends on the idea that grabs me next! Question: : How long does it take you to write a book?

Rowling: My last book--the third in the Harry series--took about a year to write, which is pretty fast for me. If I manage to finish the fourth Harry book by the summer, which is my deadline, it will be my fastest yet--about eight months. Question: Where did the ideas for the Harry Potter books come from?

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Rowling: I've no idea where ideas come from and I hope I never find out, it would spoil the excitement for me if it turned out I just have a funny little wrinkle on the surface of my brain which makes me think about invisible train platforms. Question: How do you come up with the names of your characters?

Rowling: I invented some of the names in the Harry books, but I also collect strange names. I've gotten them from medieval saints, maps, dictionaries, plants, war memorials, and people I've met! Question: Are your characters based on people you know? Rowling: Some of them are, but I have to be extremely careful what I say about this. Mostly, real people inspire a character, but once they are inside your head they start turning into something quite different. Professor Snape and Gilderoy Lockhart both started as exaggerated versions of people I've met, but became rather different once I got them on the page. Hermione is a bit like me when I was 11, though much cleverer. Question: Are any of the stories based on your life, or on people you know?

Rowling: I haven't consciously based anything in the Harry books on my life, but of course that doesn't mean your own feelings don't creep in. When I reread chapter 12 of the first book, "The Mirror of Erised," I saw that I had given Harry lots of my own feelings about my own mother's death, though I hadn't been aware of that as I had been writing. Question: Where did the idea for Quidditch come from? Rowling: I invented Quidditch while spending the night in a very small room in the Bournville Hotel in Didsbury, Manchester. I wanted a sport for wizards, and I'd always wanted to see a game where there was more than one ball in play at the same time. The idea just amused me. The Muggle sport it most resembles is basketball, which is probably the sport I enjoy watching most. I had a lot of fun making up the rules and I've still got the notebook I did it in, complete with diagrams, and all the names for the balls I tried before I settled on Snitch, Bludgers, and Quaffle.

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Question: Where did the ideas for the wizard classes and magic spells come from? Rowling: I decided on the school subjects very early on. Most of the spells are invented, but some of them have a basis in what people used to believe worked. We owe a lot of our scientific knowledge to the alchemists! Question: What ingredients do you think all the Harry Potter books need?

Rowling: I never really think in terms of ingredients, but I suppose if I had to name some I'd say humor, strong characters, and a watertight plot. Those things would add up to the kind of book I enjoy reading myself. Oh, I forgot scariness--well, I never set out to make people scared, but it does seem to creep in along the way. Question: Do you write by hand or on a computer? Rowling: I still like writing by hand. Normally I do a first draft using pen and paper, and then do my first edit when I type it onto my computer. For some reason, I much prefer writing with a black pen than a blue one, and in a perfect world I'd always use "narrow feint" writing paper. But I have been known to write on all sorts of weird things when I didn't have a notepad with me. The names of the Hogwarts Houses were created on the back of an aeroplane sick bag. Yes, it was empty. Question: What books do you enjoy reading?

Rowling: My favorite writer is Jane Austen and I've read all her books so many times I've lost count. My favorite living writer is Roddy Doyle, who I think is a

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genius. I think they do similar things--create fully rounded characters, often without much or indeed any physical description, examine normal human behavior in a very unsentimental and yet touching way--and, of course, they're FUNNY. Question: What books did you read as a child? Have these influenced your writing in any way? Rowling: It is always hard to tell what your influences are. Everything you've seen, experienced, read, or heard gets broken down like compost in your head and then your own ideas grow out of that compost. Three books I read as a child do stand out in my memory, though. One is The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge, which was probably my favorite book when I was younger. The second is Manxmouse by Paul Gallico, which is not Gallico's most famous book, but I think it's wonderful. The third is Grimble , by Clement Freud. Grimble is one of funniest books I've ever read, and Grimble himself, who is a small boy, is a fabulous character. I'd love to see a Grimble film. As far as I know, these last two fine pieces of literature are out of print, so if any publishers ever read this, could you please dust them off and put them back in print so other people can read them?

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Colombian Reggaeton Star J Balvin Talks “La Familia”

“I want to try and make my own movement,” says J. Balvin, the rising reggaeton star, whose album “La Familia” was just released on Capitol Latin. “We are going to conquer the world.”

Maybe it’s not such a lofty goal for the Colombian artist, whose following extends from (logically) South America to (surprisingly) Romania, where he performed for a crowd of a reported ten thousand at one show of a recent Eastern European tour. The video for his single “Tranquila” has over 61 million views. “Sola,” the latest video from the new album, is nearing a million plays on Vevo.

In the United States, Balvin’s song “Yo Te lo Dije” seemed to come out of nowhere last summer to spend 14 weeks in the Top Ten of the Billboard Latin Rhythm Airplay chart, where it is currently at no. 11. “People hadn’t heard Colombian reggaeton,” the 28-year-old artist from

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Medellín told Billboard. “We know that means we have to do something new.”

Balvin, who grew up listening to salsa and rock, played Nirvana and Metallica songs in a cover band before a period living in New York turned him on to hip hop. “I fell in love not just with the music, but the marketing,” says Balvin, who speaks fluent English. “So I started doing hip hop, and then I was like I have to do something that really represents us. I want to make a special kind of reggaeton that’s more like hip hop; a Spanish version of American hip hop.”

After a discouraging period trying to make it in New York, Balvin ended up returning to Colombia. “No one would sign me,” he remembers. “I went back to my country and started as a nobody here.” He gained a following in Colombia, and started touring South America. Over the past year, a global audience has found his music through social media. “You have to do it step by step, little by little,” Balvin comments. “It takes risk, and having different sounds and topics and different vibes.” With a nod to leading Latin urban artists who have walked in his shoes to superstardom, here are Balvin’s picks for five favorite videos from “la familia” of reggaeton

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THE CURSE OF THE CRYING BOY PAINTING Js. Escobar from the New York Times

The legend around this painting is as grim as it gets. The stories began around 1985, when several mysterious fires occurred all around England. When the debris was sifted through the only item that remained un-charred was a painting of a little boy with a tear rolling his cheek in every fire. Could this all be coincidence? Whether real or not a Yorkshire fireman was so upset that he talked with the “Sun” newspaper in England. They ran his story about how everything in the home was consumed by fire except for a painting of a crying boy. There were at that time more than one of these paintings around and each seemed to have the same effect. The home and all contents would be

totally destroyed but the painting of the little crying boy would not show any sign at all of going through a fire. The newspaper began receiving telephone calls from people all over the area that had similar stories to tell about the crying boy painting. One person that called the “Sun” was Dora Mann of Mitcham and she has been quoted as saying "Only six months after I had bought the picture, my house was completely gutted by fire. All my paintings were destroyed, except the one of the crying boy." After one month of hearing all the tales, the “Sun” gave their readers the chance to bring their crying boy paintings and agreed to have a very large bon fire to rid everyone of this cursed or jinxed painting. All paintings that were brought to the newspaper were in fact burned and everyone rejoiced. However, the story goes on. There have been reports of the crying boy painting being found in charred homes untouched since 1985 and as recent as 1988.

No one knows for sure who the artists might be and where he got the idea to paint a portrait of a crying boy, the rumors are many and the tale is still around. The fact is beware if you find a beautiful painting of a sad, little crying boy.

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★ Horoscope 2014 ★


Personal and Social Life in 2014: If you thought 2014 would be dull, think again. And again. And again! Because, for certain, this will be a year when you'll do a lot of reassessment. For some people, especially the Aries, this could threaten to sink into self-absorption. But with all that's happening, especially with the Capricorn Moon in late January causing a flurry of excessive self-examination, you certainly have the right to be introspective. However, others may not see it that way. With the overflow of Cancer's influence in the June of 2014, your attention will naturally drift to the people you love: family, friends, and even acquaintances - all with their own troubles. There's a marked desire to make your home a place of refuge, and August's Sun in Leo trine the Moon in Aries brings you the determination to make things better for others. It helps you, it helps your loved ones - everyone's happy!


Personal and Social Life in 2014: At the beginning of the year, you're going to be channeling Greta Garbo in "wanting to be alone." You've got a lot on your mind, and though you might have a few days here and there of major support, you're mostly going to be lost in your thoughts. However, this is likely to dissipate into a desire for Taurus-style action. Unfortunately, by the time you're more focused, schedules between you and others might start conflicting, leading to an atmosphere of casual frustration. It won't last. The Annular Solar Eclipse on April 28-29 should bring your social and private life to a pleasant and steady rhythm. The summer promises a more synchronized and steady routine that will allow you to stay focused on important tasks and chores while granting you the free time to get out and have fun with friends.

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Personal and Social Life in 2014: Your aims this year are going to make you very single-minded. You will likely have a personal financial goal that will prompt a do-or-die feeling all year. You're going to face a number of planetary influences that will have you measuring your progress, thus giving you a concrete feeling of moving ahead. However, starting right out of the gate with the Moon in Aries opposing Mars in Libra on January 7, you'll also feel the tension between maintaining a satisfactory personal life and achieving a deeply desired objective. That may not be helped by friends wishing to keep you "in the circle," but family, on the other hand, will be more supportive. Family members might have minor quarrels at times but they're easily overcome. The ultimate point is that your hard work is producing results, and few can really object to that. The aspects altogether are good for personal goals, provided you don't let outsiders guilt you into deviating from your course. True friends will understand your needs!


Personal and Social Life in 2014: Dreams, ideas, and personal connections are going to be extremely valuable to you at the beginning of this year. You have a lot of ideas to sort through, and your friends can be very helpful in making this happen. Some of these ideas can seem very powerful, and others can seem a bit peculiar, but none of them should be dismissed. Jupiter is in your sign at the beginning of the year, and he's giving an approving nod to your idea-making. With such mental stimulation, it seems you're charged like a battery, even when Jupiter leaves your sign on July 16. You may feel a bit abandoned for a while, and not want to talk, but you'll have developed enough favor that people will trust your intuition in even the most confusing of crises! What's more, your charged confidence will exert itself once again, and come to a head toward the end of the summer. Keep your head up, and don't let the smallest clues pass you by.

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Personal and Social Life in 2014: If you have a taste for the unusual, this is going to be the year for you! Uranus is mostly in Aries this year, and during the year it creates interesting and harmonious aspects with planets in both your sign and another fire sign, Sagittarius. Because of this, you're going to be faced with fresh, interesting new challenges that might require you to be on your toes more often. Friends may come to you with interesting puzzles for you to solve. Family may be looking to you for advice that will help a loved one out of a crisis. If this sounds daunting, you will be glad to know that your inner strength and stamina will be up to the task. Also, your mental acuity will be able to cope with the smaller, more mundane stresses as if they weren't even there. It could make you feel like a bit of a superhero, but even they have their limits. If you know when to pull back and allow yourself that precious "me" time, you should sail through 2014 with ease!


Personal and Social Life in 2014: This year, two fire signs - Aries (clutching on to Uranus at the beginning of the year) and Leo (seizing Jupiter toward the end) - are acting as stimulants to help bring the best of you to the forefront. A friend or acquaintance will be amazed at what a treasure trove of helpful information you are. At first, you may be dismissive because you'll have so much on your plate you can barely think about yourself! But in the end, this could well be a channel for a new network of friends or acquaintances, thus opening up a new world for you! This is one of those times when just being yourself will pay off a hundredfold. Besides your personal advancement, this also means a time when your communication with others is more open and honest. And for you, getting to know your family and friends better is going to open different doors within you. With Uranus in Aries, you'll be looking at your companions in a different and much more positive light!

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Personal and Social Life in 2014: Like a beautiful and intricate spider web, you're going to feel connected with others via various strands of communication in 2014. On January 21, the Moon enters Libra and creates a trine with the Sun that helps to enhance your interpersonal skills. People who might have looked past you in previous years are now looking at you, and finding a valuable human being. On one hand, this is going to increase your personal network. On the other hand, you could find that people who need your skills will be coming to you more often. While you definitely like to help now and again, you're going to have to learn to say no occasionally if it severely interferes with your life. The best part is that your physical stamina will be stronger toward the end of the year, especially on September 24, when the Sun meets the Moon in Libra. You're going to need that level of endurance, because you might have a lot to do for a while. Toward the end of the year, you're going to be getting out and doing things - even in inclement weather - just because you're feeling really good about life!

Scorpio Personal and Social Life in 2014: The Universe has plotted a way for you to reveal more of your inner self to your friends and family, but you'll be getting something in return! From February 10 through February 12, the Moon in Cancer will be trine Saturn in Scorpio, meaning that difficulties within the home will be ironed out through the use of your own personal wisdom. The level of familiarity you might have with friends, acquaintances, and neighbors might be equally unnerving and exhilarating. But don't worry! You'll be getting something out of it as well. And with the Sun conjoining the Moon in Cancer, you'll be able to retreat with no guilt when the outside world gets to be too much. The important thing to remember is every bit of information you receive this year will helpful to you. Mostly this will involve how to handle or talk to difficult people, which will be worth a lot to you, both in your daily life and your career. Keep your eyes and ears open!

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Sagittarius Personal and Social Life in 2014: You're hitting the ground running this year, considering Mars is in Libra and Uranus is in Aries, balancing out the staid effects of Capricorn. With the Moon entering Aries almost immediately (on January 6) you're finding that chores aren't back-breaking work but interesting puzzles that you're bending over backward to solve. Some of your more personal goals may take a while to achieve, but the path to solving them is strewn with solutions to questions you'd lost hope in answering. Your personal energy level may slide a little in periods here and there in the summer, but you've got enough going so that friends can carry you during those low points. The good news is that you actually gain a burst of energy with the advent of fall. Jupiter will also be in Leo from July 16 onward, giving your stamina a boost. It all comes to a pleasant crux on December 1 with a Grand Fire Trine involving the Sun, Moon, and Mercury granting you a calm sense of reason to process all the information you've received all through the year. If you had a grand question to ask, you'll have your grand answer before the year is up.

Capricorn Personal and Social Life in 2014: The year begins with five planets in Capricorn - the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto. This suggests that you will be very busy, but that doesn't just apply to your job/work. With Jupiter in Cancer most of the year and opposing planets in your sign at every turn, you may find yourself knee deep in home maintenance. And this doesn't just mean upkeep of your physical residence. It also means keeping family and romantic ties strong with a certain amount of effort. The "work" required will often be pleasant, but if you've ever wanted a reason to avoid laziness, this is it. Adding to the momentum - particularly later in the year - is Jupiter's position in Leo starting in mid-July. Not only are you getting your second wind, but at last the work-to-results ratio is skewing in the favor of results. What those results may be could surprise you, but they're worth the continued effort at the same time. You'll be seeing progress in interpersonal relationships, status, and emotional balance. But why stop when things are getting good? When Mars in Sagittarius trines Jupiter in Leo on October 8, even retrograde Mercury can't slow you down!

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Aquarius Personal and Social Life in 2014: You may not believe you have all the answers, but this year you're going to have the right answers at the right time. If you go to others for advice, you may not be totally satisfied with what you're hearing. The Sun in your sign squares Saturn in Scorpio on February 11, while the Moon in Cancer opposes Venus in Capricorn. As a result, you're going to feel as if your logic is flying in the face of what others call logic, and yet you're still going to feel justified in your actions. You may have to be cautious in what you do early in the year, but you're not going to be happy just bowing to the wishes of people around you, either. As the year progresses you're going to gain more encouragement for the more offbeat solutions you provide. Your friends may be amazed when advice you give (and they were skeptical about) works. Thus, if there's something you want to do (within reason) that may not fall within conventional wisdom, don't dismiss it. With Saturn leaving secretive Scorpio and entering flighty Sagittarius on December 23, your elevated intuition could eventually pay off more than you expect.

Pisces Personal and Social Life in 2014: Sometimes when people say the right thing, they're not just cheering up the person who's crying for help - they're often helping themselves as well. On January 31 the Moon conjoins Mercury in Pisces, setting off a time period during which you have a lot to offer others. Then when Mercury goes retrograde and lands in Aquarius on February 12, a friend could come back and reciprocate your help in some manner. Take advantage of it. One good turn always deserves another, and for you, "another" could be beneficial for the rest of the year! One thing to remember is to pace yourself. Some people might be trying to take advantage of your good nature. With Mars and Saturn both in Scorpio in August, someone might not even be too subtle about using you. Keep your distance as best as you can, even if the devious person in question is the friend of someone you care about. You won't be of much help to anyone, least of all yourself, if you burn your candle at both ends with no promise of additional illumination.

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World on wheels

In the world of luxury cars and jousting is simply exquisite. We are dealing with models of which there are no more than 10 units in the world and even do that, and with prices so expensive that can be compared to a house. To say that the most expensive part of this list of cars or cars more expensive of the world, the first place has a unique model. There is no other in the world

1) In the first post is the Maybach Exelero with a cost of US$8 millions

Unique in the world, the Top 1 from this list of the most expensive cars of the world. This is the Maybach Exelero, of which there is a single unit in the entire world. When this car with an engine V12 twin-turbo 700HP, it reaches a maximum speed of 351 km/h and accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 4.4 seconds. Yes, the Maybach Exelero perhaps is not the fastest in the world but its price already breaks all brands: US$8 million. AND has an owner. In 2011, rapper Birdman was made with the Maybach Exelero.

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2) Lamborghini Veneno Roadster with a cost of US$4,4 million

Super Sport, Italian, and unique in the world. OR well, almost. The Lamborghini Venom Roadster is the variation of the already exclusive Lamborghini Venom and will be manufactured only 9 units in 2014. Clear, with a price of US$4.4 million, there are that go over applying the extent of delivery of these vehicles to the world automotive. This Lamborghini is a powerful model V12 of 6.5 liters, which dispenser a power of 750 HP. What is the maximum speed of the venom Roadster Lamborghini? 355 Km/h

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2) Lykan Hypersport with a cost of US$3,5 million

The third auto world's most expensive is the Lykan HyperSport, a Super Sport manufactured by the Lebanese company W Motors and that was presented at the Car Show in Qatar in 2013.The Lykan HyperSport has been named the car the world's most exclusive and their characteristics so endorse; comes with a 6 cylinder engine and 750 HP, you need to run up to the 394 km/h and accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 2.8 seconds. What makes a car so expensive and exclusive? In its interior features with terminations with threads of gold, Swarovski crystals in the bulbs with LED lights, tapestry in skin and reduced to a first batch of only 7 units. AND eye that although the Lykan HyperSport arrives at the US$3.5 million, there are already several stakeholders

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4) Koenigsegg One-1 with a cost of US$2,4 million

The Koenigsegg One:1, the auto fastest in the world. And one of the most expensive, too. With a price of US$2.4 million, the six units to be manufactured of the Koenigsegg are already sold and there is no more. It is clear that, when you have a car V8 5.0 liter able to accelerate up to the 450.63 km/h, the temptation is too great not to say that.

5) Bugatti Veyron Super Sport with a cost of US$2,38 million

Bugatti is already synonymous with speed and exclusivity. The Bugatti Veyron Super Sport remains one of the most expensive cars of the world, with a figure of US$2.4 million. With a TwinTurbo V8 engine of 1,200 HP and a torque of 1,500 Nm.

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6) Aston Martin One 77 with a cost of US$1,85 million

Limited to 77 units, the Aston Martin One-77 is a Super Sport manufactured entirely by hand. This model is a V12 of 7.3 liters and 750 HP which is able to accelerate up to the 354 km/h and 0 to 100 km/h in 3.7 seconds, being the fastest Aston Martin ever built. The Aston Martin One-77 reaches a value of US$1.85 million, one of the most expensive cars of the world and one of the most powerful.

7) Ferrari LaFerrari with a cost of US$1,69 million

The Ferrari LaFerrari has a price of US$1.69 million and only 499 units will be manufactured. How is the Ferrari LaFerrari? Account with a V12 engine of 6.3 liters, 800 HP @9250 rpm and also has an electric motor for 163 HP, with what is reached to the maximum

power of 963 HP. All this allows the Ferrari LaFerrari a maximum speed of 350 km/h and accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in less than 3 seconds.

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8) Koenigsegg Agera R with a cost of US$1,6 million

The Koenigsegg Agera R has a price of US$1.6 million and incorporates a carbon front rims of carbon fiber and numbers that leave us more than lovers: the model 2013 accelerates to 440 km/h and will take 14.53 seconds to reach 300 km/h.

9) Maybach Landaulet with a cost of US$1,38 million

It is designed for those special occasions where the exclusivity goes hand in hand with the sobriety and a precise power. What is the price? US$1, 38 million. The Maybach Landaulet is considered one of the most expensive cars of the world to have a engine of 6.0 liter 612 HP AMG,

two turbochargers, and a torque of 1,000 Nm between 2,000 and 4,000 rpm. It accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 5.2 seconds and is limited electronically to 250 km/h

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~ VideoGame ~

League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, inspired by the mod Defense of the Ancients for the video game Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. It is a free-to-play game, supported by micro-transactions.

In this game you can play with other people around the world to classify a league >>>>>>>>>

Have five role to play

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Second wave of nude celebrity photos leaked

The other day a bunch of leaked nude photos of famous women such as Jennifer Lawrence, Kayley Cuoco, Ariana Grande, etc. but now get ready for the second wave of naked photographs featuring unwitting celebrities.

Js. Kaeyleen from Hollywood Reporter.

More nude images of famous people have been leaked online, most likely by the same hacker who posted dozens of inappropriate images to an Internet forum earlier this month. The new set of images reportedly include hacked images of pop star Rihanna, reality-TV personality Kim Kardashian, former Disney Channel star Vanessa Hudgens and U.S. Olympic soccer team goalie Hope Solo.

The second set of photographs reportedly include previously-unreleased photos of female celebrities who were exposed in the first leak, including Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence and Kaley Cuoco, star of the top-rated CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory.

The new set of images first appeared Saturday morning on the anonymous website 4chan and were subsequently reposted by Reddit users (Reddit administrators have since removed the shots).

Earlier this month, the celebrity world was thrown into a tizzy after dozens of nude celebrity photos – supposedly obtained from the stars’ personal smartphones and other devices – first appeared on the 4chan website. The celebrities in the first wave of leaked photos include Lawrence and Cuoco and Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Kate Upton. Through her publicist, Lawrence released a statement declaring the leaked photos “a flagrant violation of privacy.” The personal photos were reportedly obtained by the unidentified individual hacking into individual iCloud accounts. The FBI is currently investigating the first set of hacked photos. In wake of the leaked-photo scandal, Apple

recently said it is beefing up security to prevent similar security breaches in the future. Meanwhile, at least one semi-famous person is showing no sympathy for the hacking victims.

In a recent interview with the Washington Post, former American Idol contestant Clay Aiken stated bluntly, “Anybody who takes inappropriate pictures of themselves deserves exactly what they get.” But since Aiken is also currently the Democratic candidate running for a seat in North Carolina’s 2nd congressional district, he did manage to elicit some

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1.- Francis 2.- Pop 3.- Legends 4.- Balvin 5.- Cry 6.- Car 7.- Akolatronic 8.- Nvidia

9.- Smile 10.- Creepy

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