  • 8/10/2019 FP Media Kit Leadership Brochure


  • 8/10/2019 FP Media Kit Leadership Brochure


  • 8/10/2019 FP Media Kit Leadership Brochure


  • 8/10/2019 FP Media Kit Leadership Brochure


    POe FP Group worldwide audience

    averages between 2.5 and 3 million

    unique visitors a month. 40 percent

    are from outside the United States.

    ey are drawn from the very top ranks

    of business, finance, government and

    the military worldwide. 65 percent are

    top management or professionals.

    Over two-thirds of our private sector

    readers work for companies doing

    business internationally. More than

    a third are decision-makers at

    companies with over 1,000 employees.

    One in five business people in our

    audience can be found in C-suites


    e FP Group servesthe people who run theworld.

    Foreign Policy magazine, andFP Events are essentialtools for those entrustedwith the worlds mostimportant decisions.

    !"# %&' ()'*+#Our global audience of heads of state,

    cabinet ministers, top military officers,

    diplomats, finance officials, central

    bankers and other government officials

    is drawn from each and every one of

    the worlds governments, militaries and

    leading international institutions. ey

    are among the most senior officials in

    their governments, averaging over twelveyears of service, with about 40 percent

    spending in excess of 15 years rising

    through the ranks.

    Approximately a quarter are from the

    executive branch of government, drawn

    from the top echelons of international

    policydecision-makers. ese include

    approximately six in ten from the foreign

    policy, defense, national security and

    military community and the rest spreadamong top economic and regulatory


  • 8/10/2019 FP Media Kit Leadership Brochure


  • 8/10/2019 FP Media Kit Leadership Brochure


    In the past decade alone, e FP Group

    has been nominated for eight National

    Magazine Awards, winning six. It is one

    of only two publications to win a digital

    National Magazine Award for three years

    in a row.

    Foreign Policyis an essential modern

    guide to global politics, economics and

    ideas for people who want to know whats

    really happening in an increasingly

    complicated world.(National Magazine

    Award citation in 2009)

    INFLe FP Group not onlyreaches the worldsmost influential menand women, it

    influences them.Over the course of adistinguished42-year history that hasmade it one of the mostacclaimed and respectedpublications of its kind,e FP Group and itscontributors have set a

    standard for excellencethat is exceptional.

    340'1 5)&&)&.

    is standard for excellence has in

    turn made Foreign Policythe place

    where world leaders turn to express

    their own views and to engage one

    another. From Bill and Melinda Gates

    to Israeli President Shimon Peres, from

    Condoleezza Rice to Senators John

    Kerry and John McCain, from Turkish

    President Abdullah Gul to Chinese

    dissident Ai Weiwei, the FP contributor

    list reads much like the whos who

    that is our audience. To choose just a

    few examples of their extraordinary

    engagement with FP, consider the

    following recent illustrations involving

    top U.S. government officials:

    When the Romney and Obama

    campaignsengaged in their first head-

    to-head challenges to each others

    international policies, they chose, inMarch 2012, to offer dueling columns to

    FP. e back-and-forth made national

    headlines and kicked offthe foreign

    policy debate for the 2012 general


    (",2#& 67 /#01#'2 When General Stanley McChrystal

    chose to write his first major article

    following his resignation, he outlined his

    views on modern warfare to the

    readers of FP.

    Secretary of Defense Robert Gates

    announced his pending retirement in an

    exclusive interview with Foreign Policy.

    Secretary of State Hillary Clintonsarticle Americas Pacific Century

    was seen by many as the first extensive

    description of the signature strategic

    shiknown now as the pivot,the

    transfer of Americas focus from the

    Middle East to Asia.

    When a scandal enveloped the

    relations between Pakistans ambassador

    and the U.S. government, it was in a

    November 2011 interview that the

    chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,Admiral Mike Mullen, revealed the

    existence of a memo that led to the

    resignation of Pakistans ambassador.

  • 8/10/2019 FP Media Kit Leadership Brochure


  • 8/10/2019 FP Media Kit Leadership Brochure


  • 8/10/2019 FP Media Kit Leadership Brochure


    ATION5,'F)&. 4)-" G2

    And it will soon see a host of innovations

    including new channels featuringexclusive reporting, insight, and analysis

    on the critical issues cited by our readers

    as being most important to them, new

    events, and new content products

    catering to the professional needs

    of our readers in key industries and

    government jobs.

    But the area where much of the greatest

    innovation has taken place is in the

    way e FP Group is working with our

    clientsadvertisers and sponsors

    developing customized, unique,

    comprehensive programs for reaching

    and influencing some of the worlds most

    elusive and vitally important individuals,

    our readers.

    For those companies, the fact that

    we are in the business of helping the

    worlds leaders meet some of their most

    demanding challenges, means that no

    other organization is as well positioned

    as e FP Group to help them solve

    their most difficult marketing and

    communications problems.

    Singapore Ambassador Chan Heng Chee accepts

    FPs Outstanding Diplomatic Achievementaward.

  • 8/10/2019 FP Media Kit Leadership Brochure


  • 8/10/2019 FP Media Kit Leadership Brochure


  • 8/10/2019 FP Media Kit Leadership Brochure


    11 Dupont Circle NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036 Telephone: (202) 728-7300 Email: [email protected]

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