Page 1: Founder Leader Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, …...3 PREFACE Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah have mercy upon him, was concerned with building the human being in parallel

Founder Leader Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may hissoul rest in peace.

Page 2: Founder Leader Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, …...3 PREFACE Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah have mercy upon him, was concerned with building the human being in parallel

“All the officials should encourage teamwork and detect the creative energy of the youth for disposition towards the benefit of the society.”

“Work is as money that we must use for good, and as ammunition to the human mind

that must be developed.”

From the sayings of the LeaderZayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may his soul rest in peace.


Page 3: Founder Leader Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, …...3 PREFACE Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah have mercy upon him, was concerned with building the human being in parallel



Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah have mercy upon him, was concerned with building the human being in parallel to building of the homeland, to be the most important achievement of the United Arab Emirates, inspired by his conviction that human being is the core of every actual progress and the learning of human being is the mainstay that the UAE depends on. He asserted that by saying: “From the very beginning, we realized that the human being is the foundation of every civilization process and the pillar of every actual progress” The establishment of the Founder Leader’s Award by the Ministry of Education comes as a part of the initiatives through which the Ministry aims to consolidate the thought and the visions of Zayed, the Founder Leader, to all its personnel including students, faculty and administrative staff, as well as all those responsible for the educational process to be an attitude and a platform for goal-oriented, goal-achieving concrete work of the national Agenda of the United Arab Emirates. For achieving this initiative, the Founder Leader’s Award has targeted several categories including the distinguished sector, the distinguished school, the best innovative project, and the special honor. So, the Ministry has allocated awards of excellence at the level of the Ministry and the educational field to promote the culture of creativity and innovation of the targeted categories, thus, contributing to converting all the creative ideas from their theoretical framework to actual practices operating within the motivating and attractive environment. We are looking forward, by earmarking this Award for the teaching and educational field in particular and the personnel of the Ministry in general, to realize their happiness and create positive attitudes for them, and to highlight the leading national competencies by the competitive empowerment features that will be able to fulfill the strategic governmental plan that emerges from the UAE national vision and upgrades the performance quality of all the employees in the educational sector, both public and university, aiming to attain high quality educational system.

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Award categories

1. Distinguished Sector 2. Distinguished School3. Distinguished Department4. Best Innovative Project 5. Special Honors

Excellence Awards on the Ministry levelBest Undersecretary/Assistant Undersecretary Best Supervision Employee Best Customers’ Happiness Service Center Manager Best Employee

Best Customer Service Employee

Innovative Employees Junior Distinguished Employees

Field-Level Excellence Awards

Best Supervisory Employee: Zone Manager / Assistant Zone Manager / School Principal / Senior Manager / Board Manager Best Educational Employee: Secretary, Vice Principal , Vice Academic Principal, Vice Administrative Principal, Vice Principal For Student Affairs, Vice Principal For School Services, Academic Advisor, Security and Safety Specialist (And any other titles) Best Teacher: Teachers from all specialties/ laboratory specialist / learning resource specialist Innovative Employees Distinguished Student Distinguished university student Innovative university student Innovative Student Distinguished in loco parentis (parents)



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The Distinguished sector award includes four criteria, namely; The

The Criteria ResultsCapabilitiesResultsCapabilitiesResultsCapabilitiesResultsCapabilities


The First Criterion: National Agenda

Capabilities (40%):

• Comprehensive definition of the national indicator including: The scope and coverage of the indicator for all the targeted measurement areas of national level, elements of the indicator and sub-indicators that may fall within it, measurement mechanisms and data resources, periodic targets, and appropriate standard benchmarking, as well as identification of any existing gaps in the availability, accuracy, and sustainability of the national indicator data. • Identify all the departments related to the achievement of the national indicator, and ensure coordination and active participation in all phases of planning and implementation to achieve the National Agenda. • Identify and implement the initiatives and programs necessary to achieve the objectives of the national indicators and to ensure the community’s awareness of the issues of the National Agenda and its effective contribution to achieving them through action plans that clearly define activities and implementation responsibilities, timeframes, required resources, performance standards , and risk management plans. • Ensure non-overlapping and duplicity. Such initiatives and programs may include: - The initiatives and programs implemented by the Ministry itself . - Initiatives and programs that are implemented jointly or in coordination with the contributors.6 - The initiatives and programs to address statistical gaps in the availability, accuracy, and

sustainability of the national indicators data. • Periodic review of the National Agenda initiatives and programs, its action plans and national

indicators data to ascertain their relevance, novelty, and effectiveness. • Commitment to provide the results and the statistics on national indicators, the results of the implementation of the National Agenda initiatives and programs of the relevant bodies, and the results of the relevant international bodies in accordance with the agreed requirements on the specified timings.


Strategic Indicators

Initiatives and




Strategic Indicators

Initiatives and Projects


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The First Criterion: National Agenda

Results (60%):

• Results of the national indicators. • Results of the implementation of the National Agenda initiatives and programs. • Ratio of implementation by contributors of their roles in joint programs and initiatives. • Ratio of commitment to time to provide the results and the statistics on the national indicators.

The Second Criterion: Strategic Indicators

Capabilities (40%):

• Collecting and analyzing data of performance indicators and submitting reports to relevant bodies on a regular and timely basis and according to their needs. • Implementing and using performance reports for periodic review of the performance of strategic indicators and decision-making by relevant bodies. • Implementing a mechanism for internal audit of the validity and reliability of the performance results and the integrity and accuracy of the mechanisms for collecting performance data and ascertaining data sources and methods for calculating indicators.

Results (60%):

Results of the Strategic Indicators Performance. • Ratio of commitment to time to provide results and statistics on Strategic Indicators.

The Third Criterion: Initiatives, projects, and programs

Capabilities (40%):

• Identifying the objectives and the scope of the project / initiative / program and expected outputs and the relevance of the project objectives to the strategic plan.

• The provision of a management action plan for the project / initiative / program covering the phases of planning, implementation, and evaluation and how to select the project team members and define their duties, responsibilities, and competencies. • Managing the change process and identifying the affected parties of the project / initiative / program and analyzing how they are affected by this process to ensure that the planned objectives are achieved. • Studied and compared solutions or alternatives for the project / initiative / program and their exclusion reasons. • Financial planning for the project / initiative / program and analysis of benefits and costs. • Risk management and analysis associated with the implementation of the project / initiative / program. • Mechanism and steps to implement and review the work plan.

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The Third Criterion: Initiatives, projects, and programs

Results (60%):

• Results and achievements of the project/initiative/program inn realizing the strategic objectives. • The extent to which the results and achievements of the project / initiative / program contributed to the achievement of the strategic objectives. • Concrete achievements and results achieved by the project / initiative / program and their physical and non- physical implications. • The extent of the commitment to implement the time-bound plan within the approved budget. • The ratio of risks that occurred to the previously predicted risks.

The Fourth Criterion: Processes

Capabilities (40%):

Identifying and classifying the needed processes to implement the strategic indicators, achieve their objectives, and prioritize the processes. • Identification of who are responsible for each process and indicating their roles and responsibilities. • Designing performance indicators for processes (operational and strategic) and linking them directly to the strategic plan.

Results (60%):

• Operational performance indicators ratio for Processes (results of Processes). • The amount of work performed. • Efficiency of processes implementation (e.g.: Reduction ratio of the process cost, increase ratio of the outputs while maintaining the same inputs). • The required time to perform the process. • Process indicators Results. • Improved processes ratio. • Physical and non-physical results of the processes development. • Errors / comments ratio on processes. • Productivity (the amount of improved processes in the time unit compared to the objectives).

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2. Distinguished School

The First Criterion: The Educational Aspect

• Percentages of the students according to the levels of their educational achievement. • Students’ performance percentages in the national tests. • Academic progress levels of the different student groups (e.g. Talented or gifted students or those with special educational needs). • The responsibility of the students for their learning and self-reliance in learning. • Students’ ability to ask questions and provide explanations. • Students understanding of what they have learnt and their ability to assessthe points of strengths and weaknesses they have.

• Students’ ability to relate their learning to real life situations and contexts. • Students’ use of information and communication technology (ICT) to support their learning. • Students’ ability to discover things by themselves. • Skills of the twenty first century include critical analysis and thinking , problem solving and technological skills. • Students’ thinking and analysis skills. • Students’ ability to use higher thinking and critical thinking skills.

School Administration aspect

Student care aspect

Teaching and Evaluation aspect

Social aspectEducational aspect The Criteria

25% 10% 10% 10% 25% Weights:

The Second Criterion: The Social Aspect

• Students’ roles and responsibilities. • Students’ knowledge and understanding of local culture and traditions, their appreciation of the UAE’s heritage, and their recognition of its importance and value as well as their understanding of the world culture. • Students’ participation in the applied activities and programs at the school. • Students’ responsibility and contributions at school and to the outside community including their contribution to the voluntary activities. • Students’ efficiency in the projects performance, innovation and their ability to come up with new ideas and apply them practically.

Kindergarten Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

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The Third Criterion: The Teaching and Evaluation Aspect

• Teachers’ knowledge of their subjects and teaching methods. • Teachers’ understanding of the methods of students’ learning at different stages of their development. • Teachers’ planning to cater for the students’ versatile needs on the individual or group level. • Teachers’ use of adequate and appropriate resources including ICT resources. • Extent to which teachers interact with their students through dialogue and questioning. • Teachers’ methods of questioning to enhance their students’ higher thinkingand the critical thinking skills.

• Teachers’ understanding of the methods of helping students with learning difficulties. • Analysis of the results of the students compared to national levels. • Take advantage of this information to meet the needs of all students. • Teachers’ knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of their students.

The Fourth Criterion: The student Care Aspect

• Students’ safety and security such as the applied procedures to maintain their safety and their suitability to the numbers of students in each classroom. • Understanding of the school community members to the procedures of students’ safety maintenance. • Adequacy of school premises and facilities for all students including students of special educational needs , the excellent and talented students. • Applied policies and procedures to ensure the implementation of safe and consistent practices such as fire evacuation drills, methods of conserving medicines and chemicals, and assessment of potential risks on school trips. • Promoting healthy lifestyles and developing their own procedures.11

• Identifying the social, physical, psychological, and intellectual needs of the students and developing mechanisms for these needs. • Guidelines quality including that related to their educational future and career. • Students’ behavior management and the commitment of entire members of the school staff to apply it. • Strategies adopted to enhance students’ attendance and schedule punctuality and to respond to absenteeism among students.

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The Fifth Criterion: The School Administration Aspect

• Success of the school leadership in developing an objective vision that strengthens the vision of the Ministry of Education and national priorities. • Competencies and abilities of school leadership members to lead the educational process. • Promoting the culture of consultation and positive communication within the school community. • Impact of the school leadership in directing the continuous development of the school and its role in raising the levels of the students. • Effectiveness and accuracy of performance management processes. • Systems quality and applied procedures in the application of self-evaluation processes. • Follow up of development and improvement plans as well as the results of implementing them. • Participation of the parents in the work of the school, and exploring their views. • Parents’ understanding of the importance and impact of their participation in the learning of their children. • Informing the parents of the main priorities and all other aspects related to the school development and the levels of their children performance. • Participation of the domestic community and the outside community as partners in the offered learning experiences to the students. • The extent of representation of the members of the Board of Trustees to the school community and the domestic community. • The role of the Board of Trustees in supporting the school and providing the necessary advice. • Adequacy and suitability of the school staff and resources. • Taking advantage of the capabilities of the staff to achieve the main developmental priorities in the school. • Success range of the school in managing its daily affairs. • Extent of school premises impact in supporting the effective learning. • Quality and scope of available resources and utilizing them for supporting the teaching and learning process in the school. • Implementing programs to rationalize expenditures. • Designing financial planning processes, internal controls, oversight, audit, and financial reporting to ensure efficient and effective optimal use of resources. • Accuracy of Financial planning of expenses (operational advance). • Efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance operations. • Reduction ratio in electricity and water consumption. • Volume of materials that have been reused/ recycled. • Reduction ratio in material consumption (paper, fuel, chemicals, etc.). • Average of the sick leave per employee. • Application of vocational training programs and continuedlearning for the administrative, teaching and technical staff.

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The first criterion: Strategy

Capabilities (40:)%

• The comprehensive definition of the national indicator includes: The scope and coverage of the indicator for all the targeted areas of measurement on the national level, indicator elements, sub-indicators that may be inserted within it, measurement mechanisms, data sources, periodic targets, and appropriate benchmarking. • Defining and carrying out the necessary initiatives and programs to achieve the objectives of the national and strategic indicators in coordination with the relevant bodies to ensure non-overlap and non-duplication. Initiatives and programs may include: - Initiatives and programs carried out by the administration. - Initiatives and programs implemented jointly or in coordination with other administrations. • Commitment to provide the results and statistics on national and strategic indicators and results of carrying out the initiatives and programs of the national agenda of the concerned administration. • Collecting and analyzing data on performance indicators and providing reports regularly for the relevant bodies, on time and according to their needs • Applying and using performance reports for periodic review of the performance of strategic indicators and decision-making by the relevant bodies.

Results (60%)

• Results of national, strategic, and operational indicators. • Time ratio commitment to provide results and statistics on national and strategic indicators. • Extent of achievement of the strategic objectives of the administration and measurement of the contribution extent to cope with the Ministry’s strategy. • Results of the identified strategic, specialized, and competitive indicators.

Social Programs

Human CapitalProcessesInitiatives and

Programs StrategyThe Criteria



3. Distinguished


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اإلدارة املتميزة

The second criterion: Initiatives and programs

Capabilities (40%):

• Defining the objectives and scope of projects / initiatives of the administration and the linking of the project objectives to the strategic plan. • The existence of a project management plan / initiative / program that includes planning, implementation, and evaluation phase. • Selecting project team members and defining their tasks, responsibilities, and competencies. • Project financial planning / initiative / program and analyzing the benefits and costs. • Risk management and analysis associated with project / initiative / program application.

Results (60%):

• Results of carrying out the administration initiatives, programs and projects. • Results of implementation ratio of the contributing administrations for their roles in the joint programs and initiatives. • Extent of commitment to applying projects and initiatives. • Achievements and concrete results fulfilled by the project, initiative and program and their material and non-material reflections. • Ratio of the realized risks to the risks that were previously foreseen.

The third criterion : Processes

Capabilities (40%):

• Defining and classifying the necessary processes needed to carry out the strategic indicators, to achieve their objectives, and to prioritize operations. • Simplifying the administrative procedures for the relevant bodies and the disabled persons and involving the employees therein. • Defining and classifying the necessary processes to carry out the administration strategy, to achieve their objectives, to prioritize operations, and to use appropriate methods for its management and development. • Defining those responsible for each process and elaborating their roles and responsibilities in developing, managing, and creating the structure of the main and subsidiary processes as well as setting up the upper and lower time limits for both main and subsidiary processes. • Identifying the practical practices and addressing the issues related to overlapping and duplicating in task performance and operations implementation.

Results (60%):

• The ratio of achieving operational performance indicators related to the processes (processes results). • Efficient implementation of processes (e.g. Reduction ratio in process cost, rate of increase in outputs while maintaining the same inputs). • Productivity (the volume of the processes performed in the unit of time compared to the objectives). • The extent of developing the provided services to the beneficiaries according to local and international standards (e.g. The 7-star government services program). • Accessibility of the service. • Service processing time. • Errors / Comments ratio in the provided services. • Satisfaction rate on the services provided by the administration.


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اإلدارة املتميزة

The fourth criterion: Human capital

Capabilities (40%):

Qualifying and empowering a new generation of employees and enhancing their skills and participation in decision-making to support commitment and spirit of responsibility as well as improving their performance and ensuring the achievement of the strategic objectives of the administration. • Managing organizational change, identifying its incentives and making the right decisions regarding it. • Identifying , analyzing, and understanding the external and internal indicators that affect the nature of the administration work. The most important threats and opportunities that can face administration, mechanisms for handling and mitigating the same by adopting alternative scenarios. • Investing the available resources (human, financial, technological) to achieve administration trends, orientation, and objectives. • Preparing human resources policies and procedures to achieve administration objectives, including, but not limited to: Creating and developing their structures and analyzing and assessing functions and courses, considering checking their development and effectiveness by introducing improvements such as simplification of procedures and automation. • Planning for continuous learning and development of employees’ knowledge and capabilities by identifying the training requirements as well as the current and future employees’ requirements. • Establishing plans, programs, and mechanisms for Emiratizing the jobs, especially the specialized ones, thus, contributing in raising the general Emiratization indicator. • Encouraging the continuous self-development of employees through setting incentive measures and programs. Periodical impact assessment on functional performance. Documenting and developing of knowledge assets at the individual and team level.

Results (60%):

• Number of the empowered employees and given the authorities as well as the employees who have been involved in decision-making processes, brainstorming sessions, and institutional development programs. • Number of awards, rewards, and material and moral rewards received by employees inside and outside the administration. • Training courses that have been conducted to qualify the work team. • Average training hours for each employee according to different employment categories and according to the requirements of the administration work, its objectives, programs, and initiatives. Success levels of these programs in achieving the desired objectives (assessment results of training impacts). • Citizens ratio to the total human resources. • Number of employees holding postgraduate degrees (i.e. Masters & PhD.) • Number of work papers delivered by the employees in conferences inside and outside the UAE. • Number of the promoted employees. • Number of the proposals submitted by the administration employees, participation rise ratio in the proposals system, and applied proposals ratio to the total number. • The general satisfaction level of the employee with the administration.

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اإلدارة املتميزةThe fifth criterion: Social programs

Capabilities (40%):

• Community correlation within the administration. • Programs carried out to support administration correlation. • Internal and external community participations. • Voluntary programs.

Results (60%):

• Number of social, voluntary, and private programs. • Number of participants in the program. • Satisfaction of the Employees

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Best .4اإلدارة املتميزةinnovative project

Best innovative project applied on the level of administrations and schools.

The first criterion: The degree of creativity and innovation (50%)

• Genuineness and originality of the idea. • Association of the ides with the government’s strategic trends or orientations or to meet the requirements of customers. • Creative / innovative scientific idea and its reliance on information and facts. • Extent of using modern technologies.

The second criterion: Application and impacts (50%)

• Applying the idea effectively to achieve its objectives. • Easiness of application requirements including the necessary financial resources. • Actual results and impacts of applying the idea, including financial impacts or returns. • Adopting the same idea as a whole or in part, or use it as a general model that can be applied elsewhere. • Exerted efforts to disseminate and popularize the idea.

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اإلدارة املتميزة5. Special Honors

The Higher Committee Of the Award is authorized to grant special honors to (the children of martyrs and their families, a handicapped teacher ( from people of (....,determination), the early educator’s founders, scientific researches

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Excellence Awards on the Ministry level

Excellence Awards on the Ministry level

Category/ Criterion

Performance and


Performance and


Initiative and innovation

Containing education

Supervision skills

Best Undersecretary/ Assistant Undersecretary

60% 40%

Best Supervisory Employee

40% 25% 10% 25%

Best Service Center Manager

40% 25% 10% 25%

Best Employee 60% 15% 25%

Best Customer Service Employee

60% 15% 25%

Innovative Employees


New Distinguished Employees

50% 25% 25%


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The first criterion Performance and achievement (40%)

Achievements of the employee during its tenure. • Size and nature of personal performance and achievements that he has fulfilled within his current work • The most distinguished achievements during his professional career in all the areas where he previously worked. • Size and nature of personal performance and achievements that he has fulfilled outside the scope of his work • Voluntary works that have been carried out by him within the bodies in which he works or outside the scope of his work

The second criterion Leadership Skills (60%)• Assessment of leadership skills through personal interviews with the candidate and

meetings with the categories of related bodies and the employees working under the supervision of the candidate or directly with him.

Criteria and Standards for

assessing Awards Best Undersecretary/Assistant Undersecretary


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The first Criterion: Performance and achievement • Achievements of the organizational unit that is supervised by him during his tenure (only for the supervision category). • Size and nature of fulfilled personal performance and achievements of the employee within his current work. • Size and nature of personal performance and achievements that exceed the predetermined objectives to the employee or exceed the scope and the requirements of his work. • The most distinguished achievements during his professional career in all previously worked-in bodies. • Size and nature of personal performance and achievements outside the scope of his work. • Voluntary works that have been carried out by the employees within the bodies in which he works or outside the scope of his work. • Nature of obstacles and difficulties that he overcame to accomplish his achievements. • Employee’s exerted personal effort in accomplishing these achievements and the extent of the participation of the others in fulfilling them.

The second Criterion: Initiative and innovation Size and nature of the employee’s creative or pioneering innovations or initiatives related to the employee’s scope of work or outside the scope of his work (ideas, thoughts, studies, work methods, projects, etc.) • Results of the creative ideas/ initiatives presented by the employee. • Results and impacts based on the applied creative innovation and initiatives • Patents, published researchers, scientific, and literary works and others registered in the name of the employee

The third criterion: Continuing Education • The employee’s keenness and acceleration in the self-development field by the acquisition of expertise and skills related to his work tasks. • Extent of the employee’s keenness to master and develop his linguistic skills or his communication capabilities or develop specialized technical or administrative skills related to his work tasks (by training) as well as the extent to which he applies these skills in his work. • The exerted efforts of the employee to accentuate his academic achievement.




Best Service Center



Best Customer

Service Employee

Innovative Employees

New Distinguished


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The fourth criterion: Supervision skills • Ability of the supervisor to identify a clear strategy for his organizational unit / his

teamwork and prepare complete plans to be efficiently and effectively fulfilled. • Supervisor’s skills in the organizational field and optimizing the available human, material, and technological resources and maximizing their revenue. • Extent of supervisor’s application of reliable techniques and tools to measure the level of performance of his teamwork/ his organizational unit and monitoring the extent of objectives achievement and making the appropriate decisions. • Representation of the supervisor as a good example for his subordinates in performance and behavior especially in the field of customer service and career commitment. • Extent of the supervisor’s keenness to develop and train the human resources working under his supervision, to delegate authority to them, to motivate them for work and charity, and to build the spirit of one teamwork. • Ability of the supervisor to communicate effectively with his teamwork and his ability to provide them with regular and constructive information about their performance and achievements. • Skill and ability to manage the process of change, modernization and continuous improvement towards the best.


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Excellence Awards on the field level

Excellence Awards on the field level

Category / Criterion Performance

and achievement

Initiative and

innovationContinuing education

Supervision skills

The best employee in Supervision and

administration field 40% 25% 10% 25%

The best employee in

the educational field60% 25%


The best teacher 60% 25%15%

Innovative Employees (staff)


Junior Distinguished Employees

50% 25% 25%

Distinguished in loco parentis


This award is given to the cooperative in loco parentis (parent) , in terms of his submitted initiatives to support the school’s efforts, his effective contact with the school

administration and teachers, and participation in the school.


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Criteria and Standards for assessing Awards

The first Criterion : Performance and achievement • Achievements of the organizational unit that is supervised by him during his tenure (only for the supervision category). • Size and nature of the fulfilled personal performance and achievements of the employee within his current job. • Size and nature of personal performance and achievements that exceed the predetermined objectives to the employee or exceed the scope and the requirements of his job. • The most distinguished achievements during his professional career in all previously worked-in bodies. • Size and nature of personal performance and achievements outside the scope of his job. • Voluntary works that have been carried out by the employees within the bodies in which he works or outside the scope of his job . • Nature of obstacles and difficulties that he overcame to accomplish his achievements. • Employee’s exerted personal effort in accomplishing these achievements and the extent of the participation of the others in fulfilling them.

The second Criterion: Initiative and innovation • Size and nature of the employee’s creative or pioneering innovations or initiatives related to the employee’s scope of work or outside the scope of his job (ideas, thoughts, studies, work methods, projects, etc.) • Extent of application of the employee’s creative ideas/ thoughts and initiatives. • Results and impacts based on the applied creative innovation and initiatives • Patents, published researchers, scientific, and literary works and others registered in the name of the employee

The best Employee in

Supervision and Administration


The best employee in

the educationalfield

The bestteacher

Innovative Employees





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Third criterion: Continuing Education • The employee’s keenness and acceleration in the self-development field by the acquisition of expertise and skills related to his job tasks. • Extent of the employee’s keenness to master and develop his linguistic skills or his communication capabilities or develop specialized technical or administrative skills related to his work tasks (by training) as well as the extent to which he applies these skills in his work. • The exerted efforts of the employee to accentuate his academic achievement.

Fourth criterion: Supervision skills • Ability of the supervisor to specify a clear strategy for his organizational unit / his teamwork and prepare complete plans to be efficiently and effectively fulfilled. • Supervisor’s skills in the organizational field and optimizing the available human, material, and technological resources and maximizing their revenue. • Extent of supervisor’s application of reliable methods to measure the level of performance of his teamwork/ his organizational unit and monitoring the extent of objectives achievement and making the appropriate decisions. • Representation of the supervisor as a good example for his subordinates in performance and behavior especially in the field of customer service and career commitment. • Extent of the supervisor’s keenness to develop and train the human resources working under his supervision, to delegate authority to them, to motivate them for work and charity, and to build the spirit of one teamwork. • Ability of the supervisor to communicate effectively with his teamwork and his ability to provide them with regular and constructive information about their performance and achievements. • Skill and ability to manage the process of change, modernization and continuous improvement towards the best.


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Parents’ Cooperation with the school:

• Participation of the parent with the school in monitoring the children’s behavior and achievement. • Taking care of children’s talents in cooperation with the school. • Role of the parent is motivating the student to take part in competitions and contests. • The initiatives provided by the parent to support the school’s efforts. • Communicating with school’s management and the social worker ( Whose name is changed to the Academic Professional Advisor) . • Communicating with teachers to know the level of his children’s achievement • Participating in the school’s meeting and events.


Award for Distinguished

in loco parentis (Parent)

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Excellence Awards on the field level

Excellence Awards on the field level

Categories Standards Weights

Distinguished student Academic excellence 50%

Features and skills Talents 20%

and hobbies Contributions, 15%

activities, and competitions 15%

Distinguished university student

Academic excellence 50%

Features and skills 25%

Contributions, 25%

Innovative Student / Innovative university

student Initiative and innovation 100%


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أفضل موظففي مجال امليدان

التربوي أفضل معلم




The first Criterion :Academic excellence (50%)• Certificates of appreciation and excellence in academic achievement on the grade, school, and ministry level.

(20%)The second Criterion: Features and skills: • Fluency and self-expression: Focusing on fluency and well-spoken of student and in self-

identification and expression of personality, ambition, and hopes. • Noble attitudes: A humanitarian attitude through which the student’s initiative to provide good to others is revealed through adopting moral principles and values such as altruism, sacrifice and spending effort, money, and time. • Abilities and Skills Development: Ability or skill of the student, and to describe the methods that he practices for developing his capabilities and skills. • Features of UAE student: Loving his country and leadership, creative, conversationalist, passionate for knowledge, and cooperative. Issues: The student mentions an issue with a deeply human dimension that extends for a period of time. For example , without being limited to :, Adopting issues to advocate a group of people, defend the rights of another group, or highlight other societal demands such as: Advocacy of students’ rights, leading a campaign to help the poor and needy people, adopting students with low achievement.

(15%)Third criterion: Talents and hobbies • Talents: Capabilities and skills in a particular field (academic or non-academic) by which the student can achieve more than the performance of peers of the same age. The talent may be in one of the academic areas e.g. mathematics, science and Arabic language and may be in other areas e.g. speech, calligraphy, computer, swimming and singing. The style that he follows to accentuate, refine, and develop this talent. • Talent outcomes. • Hobbies: The interest and tendency towards a kind of arts or activities that the student spends his free time practicing without being employed, and the methods that he carries out to accentuate, refine, and develop these hobbies.

(15%)Fourth criterion: Contributions, activities, and competitions

• Participation in events: Student’s participation in different events such as: National events, sports, artistic, and charitable events provided being periodic or annual. • Contests and competitions: Winner Certificates and prizes the student gained in one of the competitions, such as: Religious, national, social, sporting, artistic, musical or, cultural competitions , etc.). • Community contributions: Offered volunteer services of the student in various community events: Religious, national, sports, artistic, cultural, charitable, voluntary, and environmental, which show his interest in his community. • Influences on others: Teams, councils and student groups that have an active role at the school, district, community level.

Distinguished student

Excellence Awards on the

field level


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(50%)The first Criterion The academic excellence:

Appreciation Certificates and excellence in achievement and level of achievement.

(25%)The second Criterion :Features and skills • Talents: Capabilities and skills in a particular field (academic or non-academic) by which the student can achieve more than the performance of peers of the same age. The talent maybe in one of the academic areas e.g. mathematics, science and Arabic and may be in other areas e.g. speech, handwriting, computer, swimming and singing. The style that he follows to accentuate, refine, and develop this talent. • Hobbies: The interest and tasting kind of art from the arts or works that the student spends his free time practicing without being employed, and the methods that he uses to become brighter and develop these hobbies. Participation in associations and student associations: Participation of the student and his clear contribution to the associations, student associations, and scientific associations. • Workshops, Courses and Conferences: Students participate in various scientific activities such as attending specialized courses, workshops, and scientific conferences that contribute to the development of skills, abilities, talents or hobbies. • Results of scientific contests and competitions: The results that the student achieves as a result of his active participation and superiority or achievement of advanced positions in various competitions and contests at the level of the university, college, department or other parts of society.

(25)%Third criterion: Contributions and Distinguished additions

• Community contributions: Contributions or offered volunteer services of the student in various community events: religious, national, sports, artistic, cultural, charitable, voluntary, and environmental which show his interest in his society as well as referring to the offered extraordinary surpluses of the student such as distinguished projects and pioneering research that distinguish him from others. • Social issues: The most important issue adopted during the last three years, and the student adoption to issues that enhance belonging to the homeland and dedicated national identity on the personal and community levels, such as: Donation campaigns for the poor or blood donation campaigns and issues concerned with respect for others and different cultures or campaigning to preserve the national identity or preserve the environment and rationalize its wealth.



University Student

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Initiative and innovation: (100%)

• Leading and genuine idea. • Scientifically innovative idea and its dependency on informatics and facts. • Extent of applying modern technologies. • Effective implementation of the idea to achieve its objectives. • Extent of application requirements easiness. • Results and actual impact of the idea implementation.


Innovative StudentInnovative university student

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أفضل موظففي مجال امليدان

التربوي أفضل معلم




Conditions for participation in the Awards categories:

1. The employee should be one of the Ministry of Education’s staff. 2. The employee should have joined or formally seconded to the Ministry for at least two years, except for the junior employee category, as the employee should have been employed for at least six months with a maximum of two years (including the probationary period). I. The Junior employees are defined as those who are first-time employed after obtaining their first academic qualification (Regardless of the interval between the employee’s obtaining the academic qualification and the first-time employment). In case the junior employee has been already working in one of the entities (governmental or private), he may be considered among the junior staff category in case his total working years, within the Ministry of Education and the entities that he had previously worked for, does not exceed two years. II. The duration of the employee’s employment with the Ministry shall be calculated from the effective date of his actual joining the service (including the probationary period). III. A special application can be submitted to the Award administration to study cases that do not satisfy the time interval condition (six months to two years for junior employees and more than two years for the other categories), provided the interval does not exceed three months (more or less) and the entity no candidates fully satisfying the conditions.

3. Seconded staff members working for local government entity may be nominated at least two years after the date of the secondment. 4. Participation in the category of the best employee is limited to employees who do not have any other status under one of the other categories (supervisory, customer service, ...)

Conditions for Participation in the Awards categories:

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Definitions and terminologies


Innovation: Individuals, institutions and governments strive to advance

through generating creative ideas and developing new

products, services and processes that enhance the quality of


Performance: The set of achievements and final results realized by

individuals, working groups or organizational units.

Change management A process of coordination, communication and change

control in systems and practices.

Operations /Processes

Management:The methodology used to design, carry out and control the

processes associated with accomplishing the tasks, activities

and services of the concerned entity.

Resources Management:The methodology used in planning and organizing the

control, guidance and security of all resources available,

whether financial , human, , property or information, in

order to achieve the goals and desired objectives.

Future prospect:Expecting the nature and importance of future

developments and trends (social, economic, technological,

...) and analyzing the impact of these future developments

on the areas related to the work of the entity .

Productivity: The rate / percentage of achievement realized by the

supplier or component of production within a specific

period of time.

Work Systems: A set of regulations, laws, decisions, orders, instructions

and documented policies that guide and define the

procedures, standards and steps to be taken to achieve a

specific objective.

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Definitions and terminologies

Project financial


Studying and analyzing the financial implications of establishing or launching new

projects. This study usually balances between more than one alternative or



disbursementTo prioritize disbursement to meet the needs and interests of the stakeholders

and to eliminate disbursement in areas that do not add value to them.

Data: The raw / starting material of numbers, letters, codes or facts that describe a

subject, idea or situation.



An administrative approach to be a pioneer through introducing continued partial

or minor amendments to the processes and performance criteria to elevate them

to better levels.

Analysis: Examining the facts and data collected for informed and effective decisions,

including the study of relationships and identifying causes.

Strategic planning: A process that ensures a desired future through defining a vision,

message/mission, strategies and specific objectives and means of achieving them

from the current situation.

Development: Creating what is needed to cater to new requirements or to make fundamental

improvements to the status quo.

Job Grievance: Complaint / report made by the employee, usually in respect of the actions taken

against him, or due to inequity resulted from non-application of enforced laws,

regulations or applicable practices.


Learning:Collecting information, acquiring knowledge and applying practices related to

these information and knowledge that lead to improvement or change for the

best. This includes standard benchmarking, review, internal and external

evaluation, best practice studies and briefing the best experiences.

Technologies : Practical applications resulted from research in various fields, including

means, tools, mechanisms, equipment and advanced supplies that help to

accomplish tasks in an efficient and effective manner .

Empowerment Giving the employees the powers and responsibilities to make decisions

about their work assignments and giving them the necessary skills and

knowledge to do good work.

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Definitions and terminologies

revenue raising/

developmentProviding additional income or financial resources.

Federal Body

(Entity ):

A body of legal and corporate personality that has certain functions or activities

of a service or regulatory nature, such as a ministry, an authority , institution,

board or institute affiliated to the government of the United Arab Emirates.

E-Government /


A metaphor that symbolizes the commitment of the Body to process its works,

conduct its communications and provide its services through using sophisticated

technology (tablets, smart phones, Internet, Robot and drones ...) to ensure the

continuous provision of services without the need of visiting the service centers

by the customers.

Governance: A system that supports fairness, transparency and institutional accountability,

promotes trust and credibility in the work environment, identifies

responsibilities, rights and relationships with all groups of relevant categories and

clarifies the rules and procedures for good decision-making through a set of

policies, laws, labor regulations and organizational structures.

Action Plans: Identifying specific actions and activities to achieve long-term and short-term

strategic objectives. The plan contains the details of resources available and

project implementation schedule.

Labor / Manpower


The extent of change of the employees in the entity . It can be determined by

dividing the number of employees leaving the entity to the total number of

employees within a specific period.

Human capital: All individuals working in the Body who can benefit from their work and efforts in

production projects and services. It includes individuals appointed under the civil

service system, the contract system or the daily pay system, whether full-time,

part-time or temporary employment contracts and who occupy a position in the

Body's organizational structure.

Federal Entity


A statement formulated to include the primary purpose for which the entity was

incorporated and what all the concerned groups expected. The mission

describes the overall work of the entity . It should be short, clear and easy to


Vision of the

Federal Body:

A phrase that represents a vision of the future that shows the ambition of the

entity and what it seeks to be in the future.

Accessibility: Easy access to the location of the Body, relevant information, and the concerned

employees and officials.

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Definitions and terminologies

Policies: Represent the main rules and general orientation of the entity and determine the

general path that guides the thinking of officials during the decision-making

process in various aspects of the work.


partnerships:It includes partnerships with customers, suppliers, other government bodies,

legislative authorities, local community categories, research centers and

universities that are directly involved in the organization's work.



It includes the development of a network of inter-departmental relationships to

ensure flexibility, responsiveness, exchange of information, expertise and

continuous improvement.

Partnership: A relationship between two parties involved in achieving a strategic objective /

national indicator, providing service, implementing a program / project by taking

advantage of the diverse capabilities and skills of partners and their integration.

Transparency: Providing all stakeholders with adequate opportunities to identify relevant

information and decisions, including the reasons for taking them, the entities

responsible for them and the consequences thereof.

Complaints: Any communication from the customer (written or oral) expressing dissatisfaction

with the product or service provided to him , the quality , the manner of serving

or anything related thereto.

Key processes: The processes by which the tasks, activities and services are achieved that are the

most important and influential on the results and actions of the entity .

Processes: A series of actions, and steps that are identified with specific inputs from different

resources (material, human, information) to ensure providing a service, product or


Effectiveness: The degree to which achievement or performance corresponds to objectives set

over a specific period, and effectiveness is measured by the extent to which these

objectives are achieved.

Capabilities: All means, and methods used by the entity to achieve its strategic objectives and

they may include: Processes, services, policies, programs, and projects.

Values: Represent the general principle, behaviors and attitudes of the employees and the

customs, traditions, habits and beliefs prevailing among them on which the labor

relations are based. These also reflect and promote a certain institutional culture.

Value: Recognizing what the service or process deserves based on the exerted effort or

paid fees.

Efficiency:The ratio of the planned resources to be used for to the resources actually used to

fulfill achievement or performance over a given period of time.

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Definitions and terminologies

Affected: All individuals and / or institutions that indirectly benefit from the activities

and services of the entity .

Customers/ Clients: Anyone who communicates or deals directly with the entity to receive a service

or product.

Quality level: The extent to which the requirements and expectations of the customers

benefiting from the services / products are achieved and this affects their

satisfaction and the extent to which the conformity with the service / product

specifications are met.

knowledge: Information that leads to a particular action or measurement.

Information: Data that have been organized, processed and analyzed to achieve a specific

objective or to be used or interpreted in a particular structural framework to

ensure effective decision-making.

Concerned people

/ categories:

Any person who benefits from the services of the body, affected by the results

and outcomes of its business or deals with it to receive a service or product

thereof or to provide a service or a product thereof. It includes the categories of

stakeholders (regulators, governmental sector, private sector, board members,

customers, suppliers, partners, community, business community, and human

resources working within the entity ).


benchmarking :

Comparison with distinguished institutions in specific areas to identify best

practices at the local, regional, or international levels within the scope of work

or outside that in order to get benefit and learn from them.



Quantitative or qualitative information describing the outputs and the

performance of processes in the entity .

Properties of the


All movable and immovable properties held by the entity which may include

lands, real estates, technologies , equipment, devices, machinery, public

utilities, and various types of stocks and assets.

Quality level: The extent to which the requirements and expectations of the customers of the

services / products are achieved and this affects their satisfaction and the

extent to which the conformity with the service / product specifications are


Harmonization Harmony of plans, processes, information, decisions and materials to achieve

the objectives of the entity . The harmonization requires common

understanding of the objectives of the entity , using the special measures and

information available in planning, and following-up, analyzing and then

developing on the level of the entity and its organizational units and

operations/ processes.



Refers to administrations, departments, sections or divisions shown on the

entity's organizational chart.

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