Page 1: Founder George M. Brown, Ph.D. with the lessons and teachings of God’s ... Karen S. Derby James H

Lovelines Volume 2 The Christian Homes for Children, Inc. Newsletter Winter 2012

Founder George M. Brown, Ph.D.

Christian Homes for Children has

been giving hope, healing and comfort to

abused and neglected children by

providing them with safe homes of love

led by caring compassionate parents for

more than 38 years. However, at the

present time, “our” children face a crisis

unlike any we have experienced for the

“Great Recession” has wreaked havoc

with our ministry.

Five of our “permanent” homes were

sold, and there were not enough funds

available to us to rebuild any of them.

By this time next year, our funds will be

so depleted that our parents and their

precious children will have to provide

homes for themselves. The parents tell

us that they are “praying for a miracle.”

That’s where you come in. Please allow

us to use this means to make a direct

appeal to you for support. We have

pledged ourselves to do whatever we can

to provide the resources to reconstruct at

least five homes at the earliest date pos-

sible. Each home will cost at least

$160,000. Your gift can directly impact

the life of a child and keep them from

poverty, abuse, disability, and darkness

and bring them into the marvelous light

of God. Ours is a labor of love to which

so many parents have devoted their

lives, including, for example, Berta

Torres (33 Years), Rolando Ramos (20

years even after losing his wife to can-

cer), Julia Wilcox (25 years, who adopt-

ed six children, three of whom had bio-

logical parents who died of AIDS), as

well as Leon and Rhonda Engram (18

years). All of these wonderful parents

have adopted at least one child. Two of

them have adopted six children, includ-

ing James and Nellie Dassaw (25 years).

“Blessed be the God and Father of our

Lord Jesus Christ! He has caused us to

be born again to a living hope through

the resurrection of Jesus to an inher-

itance that is imperishable, undefiled,

and unfading kept in heaven for you.”

1Peter 1:3-5

Please mail your “gift of love”

today and help facilitate a miracle for

our children and their families.

continued on page 2


More than 38 years ago, Del and Ma-

bel Allen (leaders of the Hialeah congre-

gation at the time) planted the first

Christian Homes for Children seedlings

and agreed to live in a home provided by

the Hialeah Church of Christ and open

their hearts to destitute children like

Carlos (pictured above at seven years of

age). These children, like so many who

have been cast off by society and with-

out hope, often languish in the system as

wards of the state. Until finally, they

reach adulthood and are thrown into the

streets without ever experiencing the

safety and security of a Christian home

led by caring compassionate parents.

But Del & Mabel Allen, like all of

our parents, were intent on following the

biblical directive to “produce fruit in

keeping with repentance.” Matthew 3:8

And while many foster and adoptive

parents gravitate to caring for unwanted

infants and toddlers, it takes devoted

servants of God like our dear Bertha

Torres and Julia Wilcox to care for an

older child that comes “ready made”

with a distinct history and personality.

Carlos delights in the honor of his adoptive

mother Bertha who has cared for the lost for

more than 33 years.

CHFC is honored that Carlos and his fiancé are

active and passionate members of the church.

Page 2: Founder George M. Brown, Ph.D. with the lessons and teachings of God’s ... Karen S. Derby James H


It is about seven in the morning, and

furious winds and stinging rain tear the

leaves from trees at T.Y. (Topeekeegee

Yugnee) Park. The sign erected just

minutes earlier to welcome the Christian

Homes for Children Community to the

festivities, comes crashing to the ground

while the deafening clap of thunder over-

head warns all the volunteers to stay in

their cars. A brief moment of panic en-

sues. But then the passage in John 14:27

emerges to calm all fears. “Peace I

leave with you; my peace I give to you.

Not as the world gives do I give to you.

Let not your hearts be troubled, neither

let them be afraid.” As the early morn-

ing storm continues to rage, the

busload of Christian youth traveling

from the Homestead Congregation belt

out rousing hymns of thanksgiving and

praise. The volunteers from the Griffin

Road and West Broward congregations

brave the elements and work feverishly

to load the massive truck at the Drift-

wood Church of Christ with food,

drinks, bar-b-que grills, and supplies.

Meanwhile, the ten volunteers from the

Palm Beach Lakes Congregation have

all squeezed into their mini-van deter-

mined to come and stand with those

who cannot stand for themselves. Soon

Jack Smith, our head chef, appears

along with a team of brothers from the

Miami Gardens congregation ready to

utilize their culinary skills for His service.

But not before Rafeal Gonzalez, the first

Board Member to arrive at the park, un-

veils a mammoth welcome sign complete

with the new Christian Homes for Chil-

dren logo. Praise be to God for the many

who sacrifice and toil in humble service

to the Lord’s will. Soon, the light begins

to shine through the clouds and the rain

stops. Meanwhile, Sandy Marquez arrives

and the children race over to her, 2nd place - Griffin Road CoC

Alexa, Alyssa, Cameron, Carla, Lisa & Eddie

1st Place - Palm Beach Lakes COC Chris, Nahum, Cheri, Ivan & Jason

Imagine being brought an unhealthy little

tree with broken limbs and pieces of its

bark stripped away. And as the tree is being

removed from its old pot, one can’t help but

notice that its roots have almost perished.

Nevertheless, our parents lovingly replant

the tree and inundate it with the nourishing

soil of a holy and righteous life in Christ.

They gracefully remove the tattered and

dead leaves, and gently prop up the damaged

tree with the lessons and teachings of God’s

holy word. In the meantime, others see the

tree and shake their heads in pity for our

parents for they believe that it is indeed a

waste of time to keep nurturing and tending

to the little sapling that sometimes expresses

rejection of all good advice. But our moth-

ers reach out to God in

earnest and ask Him to

“strengthen their feeble

arms and weak knees

and make level paths for

their feet so that their

lame trees may not be

disabled, but rather

healed.” Hebrews 12:12.

This labor of love is

ultimately a decision

that comes from the heart. Glory be to God,

who in his benevolence has answered the

prayers of our mothers and the entire Chris-

tian Homes for Children community. Just

look at “little” Carlos, who is a believer and

an active member in the body of Christ as

well as a productive member of society. He

is a Miami-Dade County rescue worker, and

he is studying to be a fireman. He is en-

gaged to be married, and hugs and kisses

his “Mima” (Bertha) uncontrollably at eve-

ry turn. Moreover, there is Jomardrick, just

one of the six adopted children of our dear

Julia Wilcox. He too is an active member of

the church and is also a member of the Na-

tional Honors Society. God has shown this

young man favor and gifted him with a

beautiful singing voice that Jomardrick has

devoted to the service of our Lord and savior

Jesus Christ. Stay tuned for more stories

about the CHFC tree and its humble fruit in

the next issue of Lovelines.



and her







center as

a very



Jomardrick Wilcox and his spiritual family from the

Goulds Church of Christ .

CHFC Mother

Julia Wilcox (25yrs)

“Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.”

Matthew 7:20

continued on page 5

Page 3: Founder George M. Brown, Ph.D. with the lessons and teachings of God’s ... Karen S. Derby James H



Cheerful Givers To the following list of generous donors for 2012 we wish to say “THANK YOU!.”

If your name does not appear in this issue, please call us at (305) 825-0517. We will make sure that it appears in our next issue.

M. J. Adams Paul Adams

Wayne K. Adams Dian F. Adjamah

Mary Allen Wilmer Amaya F. & S. Andreu

Don M. & Donna Angley Mr. & Mrs. R. Armas

Mrs. P. Bagley Angela Battle

John & Margie Beasley Kev Beasley

Remie Beaulieu Mr. & Mrs. R. Bell Sheila L. Benjamin Christian Berrian

Nancy L Beville Earl & Debbie Biggs

Mike Bird Rury Black

Barbara Blossom Mr. & Mrs. M. Bonilla

Ray & Carrie Boone & Family Mr. F. Booth

Mr. & Mrs. H.Bosch Ron Brent

Tony Brinker Paul & Darleen Bronson

Merriam Brooker Dr. George & Barbara Brown

Linda Bryant Lloyd Bryant Mary Burney

Johnnie Busch Linda Busch Mike Byrne

David & Ruth Calvin Ed Capiro

Luis Capiro Pat Card

Dr. Richard Carrera Brenda Carson

William B. & Suzanne C. Carter Jack & Edith Chaffin Lynn & Lisa Chaffin

Taylor & Trent Chaffin Mr. & Mrs. D. Clark

Mrs. J. Clayton Carla & Cori Coffee

Clarence & Vanessa Coffee

Rossie Coffee Mr. & Mrs. E. Cordero

Harriet Cramer Anne “Annie” Criser

Marshall & Kimberly Criser Vivian Cueva

Ingrid Cunningham V. Margie Dallas Leatrice Damus

James, Nellie, & Devon Dassaw Johney Made Davenport

Mr. & Mrs. Dee Gilbert Depeux

Donna P. Derbey Karen S. Derby

James H. & Kathleen S. Derickson Danny Diaz

Curt B. Wishart Maxine Wishart

George & Barbara Brown

Hugh Vines George & Barbara Brown

“Red” Rushing J.R. & Barbara Perkins, Jr. George & Barbara Brown

Dr. “Mickey” Puillas J.R. & Barbara Perkins, Jr.

Martha Hendrix Jimmie Ruth Songer

Hantz & Mary Menzies-Delmas George & Barbara Brown

Paul Latch Lynn & Lisa Chaffin

Maxine Wishart

Mona Lisa Hood John Hood, Jr.

Hantz & Mary Menzies-Delmas Goerge & Barbara E. Brown

Josephine Perez Hendricks Raymond & Jean Adams Edgar & Carolyn Beasley Paul & Darleen Bronson George & Barbara Brown

Sam, Glenda, & Candace Brown Charles & Karmon Hendricks

Drew Hendricks Herman & Pamela Hendricks Alice & Corkey Neiswanger

Carole Parker Paul & Audrey Phelps

Robert & Joanne Plumlee Sonia Susi

Jack D. Wishart Maxine Wishart

George & Barbara Brown

Elaine “Mema” Jenkins Jason & Karen Jenkins

Julian Bermudez Martha Chisholm

Mike Feduniak Roby Farrell Hardy

Bob Harmison Andrew “Andy” Jergusen

Rex Jones Mildred Mason

Cecily McMillan

Jimmie Ruth Songer

Margaret Eaton Presidents Partnership, LLC

George & Barbara Brown

Janet Claypool Robert & Joanne Plumlee J.R. & Barbara Perkins, Jr.

Robert Brooker Nancy L. Zinda

Mabel Allen Del Allen

Hialeah Church of Christ The Entire CHFC Community

George & Barbara Brown

George M. & Barbara E. Brown Maxine Wishart

Lynn & Lisa Chaffin George M. & Barbara E. Brown

Steve Eaton George M. & Barbara E. Brown

Emmett & Kathy Gaskin George M. & Barbara E. Brown

David & Vanessa Gilliam Maxine Wishart

David A. & Jocelynn Goff Maxine Wishart

Richard Bass George M. & Barbara E. Brown


Page 4: Founder George M. Brown, Ph.D. with the lessons and teachings of God’s ... Karen S. Derby James H

Kate Dosoo Michael & Donna Dow

C. & P. Duncan Edward Duncan

Carrie Enck Mr. & Mrs. James Eckhart

Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Evans Joe Fernandez Heather Fields

Bonnie J. Filenius Mrs. F. Fisher

Brenda Flemmins Mr. & Mrs. J. Fortner

Ms. Foster Gertrude Franklin

Luberna P. Gallaher Jeff Gardener Greg Gardner

James & Dorienne Garner Mr. & Mrs. R. Garner

Charles & Beverly Gatton Jovanni Germeo Charles Gibson Frances Gillard

David & Vanessa Gilliam David A. & Jocelyn Goff

Ana Gontko Andres & Miriam Gonzalez

Brandon Gonzalez Jimmy Gonzalez Ralph Gonzalez Juanita Green W. Grundell Ms. E. Hanch

Stephanie Handford Mr. & Mrs. J. Haney Nia Harriso Family

Leroy & Sharon Coxe-Hart Ernest L. & Arlene Hayes

Donald & Sandra Hayworth Darlene Hindsley

Steve Hogan Michele Hohman

John K. Hood John W. Hood

Scott Hood Michael & Karen Hoots

Larry Howell Jim & Hope Howland

Sherrill & Mary Ann Hudson Anna Humphray

Al Humpries Ida Hunter

Michael & Terry Hursey Tawanna Ingram

Lois Jackson David James

Karren & Jason Jenkins Dwayne Johnson

Joan Johnson Mrs. K. Johnson

Paula A. Johnson Roy Johnson Jackie Jones

Sandra Womble-Jones Karl L. Jones, Jr. Amy E. Jordan Mrs. R. Jordan

Marie Claire Joseph Sander & Lynne Kaplan

Nick Karl Doug Kelly Mike Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. D. Kennon Helen Frebel Kerr

Ms. Kim Caroldine R. Kosko

Elaine Kreutzer Bill & Joyce Lancaster

L. J. Lancaster Eugene H. & Phyllis Lange

Roland Latetve Robert & June Lazo

James E. & Juanita L. Lee Scott Lee

Justin Leider Ben Leonard

Mr. & Mrs. O. Linzels Mr. & Mrs. W. Lockhart

Carlene Long Maria Rosa Lopez-Munoz

Sheila K. Lowe Joe Madison

Marcy Malcom Eduardo & Gayle Marcellini

Jose & Sandra Marquez Emy Maza

William & Jane McDaniel Linda McGuire

Dennis & Tammy S. McLeod Betty I. Meador

Oscar & Patricia Mederos & Family

Mary Meister Mr. & Mrs. R. Middleton

Anthony Mijares Jr. Rick Miller

Robert L. & Shelby B. Mills Bradley Mixson Hazel Montoya

Alice Moody Dr. & Mrs. J. Morris

Kim B. & Melinda J. Mudge David & Mirtha Murray

Dave Murray, Jr. Dave Murray, Sr.

Fritzner Naissance Doreen Neeley

Gail Nelson Bill & Pam Netterville

Betty Newbold Gary & Pearlie Nix

Vera L. North Frank & Patti DellaPace

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Osman Eddie Paez Omar Paez

Louis Paisley John & Yvonne Palmer

David Payne Everet & Pauline B. Pearson

Mr. & Mrs. L. Peet Mr. & Mrs. B. Pennell

William & Anita Pennell Bill & Vera Peeples

Keith Peoples J.R. & Barbara Perkins

Shirley Perry Elmer L. & Eva Petit

Gene & Patricia Peugh

Barry, Rosanna Phillips & Family

Joseph M. Phillips Roslyn Pickins

Jim & April Pinkstaff Robert & Joanne Plumlee

Mauricio & Faithann Polania Mr. & Mrs. L. Prado

Aldanzo Pratt Victor & Stacy Pruett

Gwendolyn Pullias Beatrice Ramsey

William J. & Mourlyn Rapp Jack & Roslyn Reich

Lucy Robinson George Rodriguez

Helen Rogers Jimmie Patricia Row

Todd Roy Deane Runyon

Christine Sanders Mr. & Mrs. R. Schneider

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schwarz Dorothy Schweigman

Shirley Scott Mr. & Mrs. W. Sebero

Richard Serje James R & Donna G. Shaw Loy & Diann Shettlesworth

S. Kyle & Amanda M. Shirah Steve P. & Victoria Shirah

Linda Silber Gloria Simmons Maude Sinclair

Jack & Lois Smith Michael & Karen Smith Mr. & Mrs. S. Smygelski

Dan & Joyce Soler & Family Kenneth B. & Doleres O. Snow

Jimmie Ruth Songer Greg Spelios

Florine Stacks Clara Steele-Anderson

James & Brenda Stone Mr. & Mrs. T. Stone

Drew D. & Lori A. Strasser Rosemary “Mimi” Dommerich


Sonia Susi James & Tina Teague

Clifford Thomas Floridene B. Thompson

Maryann P. Thorhallsson Roy Timmons

Darnell Patricia Troutman May Tulak

Robert & Kristina Unterberger Ernesto and Zeida Valeron

Gloria Valencia Oliver & Sarah Vandagriff

Christie Varduco Celia Velazquez

Lanny Van Vooren Louise Voreis

Jeheudi Mes O Vui Bernie & Valery Wallace

Robin Ward Mathew Watson Richard Watson

Seth Watson Kent Webb

David W. & Cindi J. Webster Nancy L. Weems Alex Wiegandt

Karl & Dacia Wiegandt

Austin, Mason, & Addison Weigandt

John Wilkens Thomas & Ginny Wilkinson

Betty Williams Gareth & Donna J. Williams

George & Margaret Williams Gracie & Sydney Williams

Teresa Williams Pat Wilson

Weston Wilson Maxine B. Wishart

Mr. & Mrs. Lester Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. H. Wormer

Anna Wyche Al Yoder

Richard Yonover Nancy L. Zinda


hope.tohurting children


Page 5: Founder George M. Brown, Ph.D. with the lessons and teachings of God’s ... Karen S. Derby James H

take their seats, and listen intently as

she begins their delicate instruction on

cupcake decoration. But not before the

determined delegation from the Griffin

Road and West Broward congregations

prepare and display the delectable cui-

sine. The prayer of

thanksgiving is given,

and shortly thereafter,

the sound of children

squealing with delight

fills the afternoon air. They play a spirit-

ed game of kickball, run and tumble

about in the bounce house, gobble up

their cotton candy, and still have enough

energy to form teams for a game of Tug

of War. Christian Homes for Children

would like to extend heartfelt thanks to

every individual who worked so hard to

raise over $4400 and help make the

2012 Cookout for Kids a success.

The 2012 Annual

Participation Dinner

featured an eloquent

and graceful appeal

to the Lord for His

blessing on the fes-

tivities as well as a

prolific dissertation

by featured speaker, Jim Holway. An-

other of the evening’s highlights occur

when Aaron & Jeanette Holloway lead

their family in scintillating performances

of timeless love songs. The electricity in

the air is clearly palpable as radiant

smiles illuminate this room filled with

love, hope, peace and joy. But there is

more. Guests are overcome with admira-

tion as our children appear, dressed to

impress, with their adoring parents.

Their beautiful little eyes, wide with cu-

riosity, serve as a stark reminder of the

accountability under which the Christian

Homes for Children community la-

bors. We must remain clothed with

strength and dignity for we have

chosen to open our arms to the poor

and extend our hands to the needy. We are reminded of the widows Lori-

ne Hood and Jessie Hilson. One was

legally blind and the other in failing

health, but they both sacrificed all they

had for our children. Let us follow their

example and “be imitators of God, there-

fore, as dearly loved children and live a

life of love, just as Christ loved us and

gave himself for us as a fragrant offering

and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:1

CHFC thanks every supporter for giving

hope to our children and donating over

$8400.11 at this event.

A special thank you is extended to the youth of the Coconut Grove Church of Christ led by

Jazmin Maddox for collecting and donating bookbags filled with school supplies for the chil-

dren at the beginning of the 2012 school year.

Christian Homes for Children is

honored to welcome the newest team of

volunteer youth led by Rachel Fuller of

the Palm Beach Lakes Church of

Christ. Despite assembling their team

at the last possible minute, this troop

still managed to secure first place in the

2012 Cookout for Kids Volleyball

Tournament. For more information on

how you can help God’s children,

please call 305-825-0517.

Visit us at

/hope.tohurting children to see pics of events!

Barbara Brown &

emcee David Capiro

Julie Aldrich and Ruth Calvin (winner of the 2012

Jessie Hilson Award) welcome guests

Aaron & Jeanette Holloway & the Sensations wow the

Annual Participation Dinner guests.

George Brown salutes grand nephews Trent &

Taylor Chaffin for their extra mile walkathon

George Brown presents Hantz Delmas the 2012

Lorine Hood Volunteer of the Year Award

Fun for everyone!


Page 6: Founder George M. Brown, Ph.D. with the lessons and teachings of God’s ... Karen S. Derby James H

As you count your blessings this holiday season, please remember that you too can help give

hope to hurting children by way of a generous donation of _____$1500 _____$1000,

______$500 _____ $100 _______$50 _____ Other. Please mail your tax-deductible gift to:

Christian Homes for Children, Inc.

12001 SW 72nd Street Miami, Florida 33183 OFC: (786)762-4377 OFC: (305)825-0517 FAX: (305)740-1310

or Visit our website at to

donate online. You can

use your smart phone to scan the QR code

below for instant web access to our homepage.

Page 7: Founder George M. Brown, Ph.D. with the lessons and teachings of God’s ... Karen S. Derby James H
Page 8: Founder George M. Brown, Ph.D. with the lessons and teachings of God’s ... Karen S. Derby James H

Christian Homes for Children, Inc.

12001 SW 72nd Street Miami, Florida 33183 OFC: (786)762-4377 OFC: (305)825-0517 FAX: (305)740-1310

Acting Executive Director John Hood, Jr.

Director, Mary Menzies, MBA Director, George M. Brown, Ph.D.

Staff Asst., Kimberly Figueroa

Leadership Team

Jack Smith, Chairman of the Board Charles Gatton, Vice President John Hood, Jr., Vice President

Wayne Adams Thomas Campbell

David Capiro Joe Fernandez

Rafael Gonzalez Steve Hogan

Michael Hursey Tony Mijares

Robert Nichols

Board of Directors

Ariel Hydraulics, Inc.

AMG Export Trading Corporation

CTI Otronics

Communication Supply Corporation

Dade County Farm Bureau

Deleware Chicken Farm & Seafood Market

Dutch Packing Company, Inc.

Edwin Watts Doral

Florida Team Golf


Christian Homes for Children, Inc.

12001 SW 72nd Street

Miami, FL 33183

Non-Profit Org.

U.S. Postage


Miami, FL

Permit No. 2099

Coconut Grove Church of Christ

Gate Way Church of Christ

Griffin Road Church of Christ

Hialeah Church of Christ

Holly Hill Church of Christ

Liberty City Church of Christ

Miami Dade Church of Christ

Palm Beach Lakes Church of Christ

South Trail Church of Christ

Sunset Church of Christ

University City Church of Christ

West Broward Church of Christ

It is our earnest prayer that all of these congregations consider placing Christian Homes for Children in their

monthly budget.



Nichols Tax

Peachtree Technologies, Inc.

Phillips Cantor, PA

Physician Access Urgent Care Group

Pine Island Farms

Quality Communications, Inc.

School Board of Miami Dade County

Super Target

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.



Please CLICK HERE to visit the CHFC WEBSITE and make your donation now.

Visit the NEW CHFC Website


Please help our

children experi-

ence a wonder-

ful holiday sea-

son and donate

your new

wrapped or

unwrapped toys

for boys and girls ages 8 months to 18

years old by December 21st. Gifts cards

are recommended for older children.

Sister Dawn Bronson wants to make sure

our children are going to have a wonder-

ful holiday season and has already be-

gun to donate items. It is important to

note that we do not have the capacity we

once had for acceptance of household

donations, and therefore encourage you

to give those items to the United Way.

For questions please call (305)825-0517.

Dawn Bronson &

‘Kimmie’ Figueroa

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