Page 1: Forward Looking Energy Newsletter - · City an Info Day for the authorities of Sukhbaatar province and its villages where AREVA

Information day with authorities from Sukhbaatar «Nuclear technology and the world» seminar for journalistsSupport of herders during FDM



Forward Looking Energy Newsletter


2014 Integration Actions Plan




Since 1997, AREVA Mongol via its exploration subsidiary Cogegobi has been present in Mongolia and has discovered the Zoovch Ovoo uranium deposit officially classified in 2013 as a strategic resource by the Mineral Resources Council of Mongolia. This classification, estimated to contain 54,390 tons of economically minable ore, follows that of the Dulaan Uul deposit in 2011, which has 6,270 tons of resources. As a result, Mongolia now ranks among the top thirteen countries in the world in terms of uranium resources.

Today, both companies count 130 employees and 55 seasonal employees, among whom more than 90% are of Mongolian origin. Both companies create jobs and train the population from Dornogovi and Sukhbaatar provinces in specific industrial skills. Approximately 200 Mongolian employees of three Mongolian drilling companies work on Cogegobi project. In addition, AREVA Mongol and Cogegobi

participate in projects centred on health education and local economic development, dedicated to the population. Since 2006, we have invested more than 1 billion tugrugs (555,555 USD) in these domains, and our commitment will become more and more important as the future mining project will be developed.

Today, our willingness and objective are more than ever to keep you informed about our activities, to explain what we do, to speak about the impact of social and economic actions that we develop, and to give open and accurate information. Therefore, I am pleased to launch the first edition of this quarterly newsletter “Forward Looking Energy” that will contribute to build solid and durable link with you.

I wish you a good reading. •

Thierry PlaisantGeneral Director of AREVA Mongol and Cogegobi

Eric Jaques, Geosciences Director Tserennorov Tserenbat,Geologist


180 employees 55 of them are seasonal

90% of them are Mongolians

25 exploration licensesdistributed as followed :

• 11 licenses in the Sainshandbasin covering 3,096 km²

• 14 licenses in the Darigangabasin covering 6,028 km²

Interviews of

Page 2: Forward Looking Energy Newsletter - · City an Info Day for the authorities of Sukhbaatar province and its villages where AREVA

On April 9, 2014, AREVA Mongol successfully organized in Ulaanbaatar

City an Info Day for the authorities of Sukhbaatar province and its villages where AREVA Mongol’s subsidiary Cogegobi operates. Fourteen representatives of Sukhbaatar province led by Ch. Lkhamsuren, head of the province’s administration, attended the event.

N. Tegshbayar, Chairman, Nuclear Energy Agency of Mongolia made a speech in the event and introduced the state policy of Mongolia on exploration of radioactive elements. The directors and heads of Nuclear Technology Department ; and Nuclear and Radiation Control Department of Nuclear Energy Agency made also presentations and answered the questions of the regional authorities at the event.

Thierry Plaisant, General Director, directors, specialists and experts of AREVA Mongol and Cogegobi in charge of environment,

radiation protection, communication, local affairs and sustainable development presented the project in Mongolia and tasks done in each of their directions, exchanged opinions and presented its 2014 Action Plan.

During the Information Day, AREVA Mongol and Cogegobi provided specific answers to every question asked by the authorities of the region. The local representation of Sukhbaatar province and villages advised AREVA Mongol to give more information openly to the local communities. •



Nuclear Energy Agency and the

Government’s Press Office jointly

organized “Nuclear Technology and the

World” seminar with 80 journalists from

Mongolian mass media in the State House on

March 19, 2014. The objective of this event was

to give information about nuclear energy and its

usage in medical technology, agriculture , and

mining sectors.

Authorities and officials of Nuclear Energy

Agency, National Cancer Research Center, State

General Hospital #1, and Veterinary and Breeding

Institute and other government organizations as

well as a delegation of AREVA Mongol and Mon-

Atom made presentations at the seminar.

AREVA Mongol and Cogegobi made

presentation about their activities. The

companies’ General Director Mr. Thierry Plaisant

answered journalists’ questions on our project

and the cooperation with Mongolia’s state-owned

Mon-Atom for AREVA Mines.

The event was broadcasted the same day

and next day on most major mass media

in Mongolia.•






On January 13, 2014 Citizens’ Representatives’ Assembly of Dornogovi province in south-eastern Mongolia awarded our exploration company Cogegobi with regional ”Socially Responsible Organization» award.

This award recognizes the on-going efforts of our local teams since 2013 at integration within Dornogovi Province.

An outbreak of highly infectious foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) occurred in several villages of

Sukhbaatar, Khentii and Dornogovi provinces at the end of January 2014 and was confirmed by Mongolian State Central Veterinary and SanitaryLaboratory.

National Emergency Management Authority and the provincial administration deployed sanitary measures such as sanitation, disinfection, vaccination efforts and the slaughter of more than 6,200 heads of livestock. All herders of Ongon, Bayandelger, Dariganga, Tuvshinshiree and Asgat villages where FMD was particularly accurate, were under quarantine, as well as 5 villages in Dornogovi province where we operate.

During this period, the team from AREVA Mongol kept a permanent contact with the Governors and the Citizens’ Representatives’ Assemblies of Sukhbaatar province, and Bayandelger, Dariganga and Ongon villages of the province.

The management of AREVA Mongol decided to support herders and sent food worth 5,685,000 MNT (3,160 USD ) to 170 herder households whose livestock were slaughtered in Bayandelger, Dariganga and Ongon villages of Sukhbaatar province.•

On Thursday, April 24, 2014, a group of around 20 demonstrators led by antinuclear NGOs broke into Dulaan Uul site camp of Cogegobi in the territory of Ulaanbadrakh village in Dornogovi province. A hundred of employees from AREVA Mongol, Cogegobi and contractor companies were present in the camp during this illegal and unbearable incident. Nobody was injured, but the activists made threats and acts of humiliation. AREVA Mongol and Cogegobi condemn this incident as an attack and have filed a complaint against this act to the Police.



More than

260 DAYSwithout lost-tiMe work accident for

cogegobi teaMs.

Page 3: Forward Looking Energy Newsletter - · City an Info Day for the authorities of Sukhbaatar province and its villages where AREVA

AREVA has been implementing protection of environment from the beginning of

its exploration activities. Its sustainable development projects implemented in Mongolia since 2006 have totalled over one billion MNT. AREVA Mongol’s communication began in 2012 and intensified since August 2013.

In January 2014, AREVA defined an action plan on sustainable development, communication and environmental protection containing 34 actions to be developed during the year and the three years to come. These commitments were presented to the Prime Minister of Mongolia as well as to other national and local government members. With this program, AREVA is deepening its commitment to having its uranium mining project better understood and accepted by both local communities, decision makers at all levels and general public.

On the sustainable development side, the first objective is to reinforce the quality and quantity of dialogue with stakeholders in general and local people specifically by, for instance, setting up Community Liaison Committees that meet on a regular basis to discuss all issues related to AREVA’s project. AREVA wants to come forward to provide all stakeholders with transparent information. Specific communication material will be developed for

local communities explaining all key aspects of the project. Dialogue with civil society actors such as NGOs will also take an important place, with the holding of the first stakeholder session this year. In addition, herders’ representatives will have the opportunity to visit an operating uranium mining site using the ISR technology: a delegation of 10 local people will be welcomed on KATCO’s mining site in Kazakhstan.

The second objective of AREVA is to contribute to local development. In relation to AREVA’s mining project development , local employment and the development of local talents will be studied, as well as opportunities to locally purchase goods and services needed for AREVA’s project. In the meantime, AREVA has been looking for a financial partner to set up and run a microfinance fund to support local entrepreneurship.

In order to build the foundations of a sustainable and diversified local economy, support will be brought to the animal breeding and agricultural sector and dedicated persons: the herders themselves. A program that aims at supporting herding livelihoods and production is currently under development with key actions revolving around the support to an improved veterinary service, pasture and water management, as well as the creation of market opportunities for herding related products.

Regarding environmental protection, AREVA is willing to provide transparent information about the project. The second seminar on the ISR technology for scientists will be organized in the second half of 2014. On the field, local herders continue to participate in AREVA’s participatory environmental monitoring program, where water, soil and plant samples are collected together with a group of herders, and the results are publicly disclosed.Preservation of key components of the Gobi ecosystems will go on, with the second year of the Saxaul cultivation and replantation program by local communities, and the launch of projects raising awareness of local children on environmental issues. Meanwhile, AREVA will launch a regional hydrogeological survey and community water needs assessment in order to gain precise data of water related issues in the area where it operates.

These various initiatives will be made visible to the general public, local communities and decision makers alike via a set of actions on the side of communication. This external newsletter is the first example of that. Events, seminars, site visits and info through mass media, as well as a new website gathering all information related to AREVA and uranium, are planned to provide a balanced and accurate image of uranium and uranium mining to all stakeholders. •

2014 Integration Actions

AREVA is a member of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), formed in 2001 to represent the world’s leading companies in the mining and metals industry and advance their commitment to sustainable development.

All ICMM members are required to implement the Sustainable Development Framework that emerged out of the Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development project – a two-year consultation process with stakeholders to identify key issues relating to mining and sustainable development – and has been developed continuously since.

This framework includes integrating a set of 10 principles and six supporting position statements into corporate policy, as well as setting up transparent and accountable reporting practices.

The 10 principles are:

1. Implement and maintain ethical business practices and soundsystems of corporate governance.

2. Integrate sustainable development considerations within thecorporate decision-making process.

3. Uphold fundamental human rights and respect cultures, customsand values in dealings with employees and others who are affected by our activities.

4. Implement risk management strategies based on valid data andsound science.

5. Seek continual improvement of our health and safety performance.

6. Seek continual improvement of our environmental performance.

7.Contribute to conservation of biodiversity and integratedapproaches to land use planning.

8. Facilitate and encourage responsible product design, use, re-use,recycling and disposal of our products.

9. Contribute to the social, economic and institutional development of the communities in which we operate.

10. Implement effective and transparent engagement, communication and independently verified reporting arrangements with our stakeholders.

This broad global principles guide the definition of AREVA’s overall approach and expectations regarding sustainable development. They are coupled with the expectations of stakeholders and local specificities of each country and territory where AREVA operates and translated into operational actions plans.

ICMM conducts an annual assessment of the progress that each member company is making against these performance commitments. The resulting annual member performance assessment is published in ICMM’s Annual Review.

AREVA, Member of the ICMM



Page 4: Forward Looking Energy Newsletter - · City an Info Day for the authorities of Sukhbaatar province and its villages where AREVA

Could you tell us few words about your main missions?

Our work as geologists is to review the reports and materials of explorations previously done in the region and discover the accumulated mineralization and, subsequently, the deposit by studying the physical and chemical

properties of sedimentary rocks and their layers with the assistance of the surface survey and drilling work. We understand and learn the history of the geological development in the region on the basis of the information gathered during the exploration and work to make a geological formation model.

In order to make this model, we use numerous types of geological information. As I said above, we are reviewing the reports and materials produced by other geologists regarding the location that we are exploring. We compare the geological maps with aerial geophysical and aerospace pictures of the location that we are exploring. The purpose of my work is to explore and discover the uranium mineralization by using geological formation model.

What benefits can Mongolians expect from the exploration campaigns?

There may be a lot of opinions circulating. But what I can say is that AREVA intends to define sustainable ways to manage its socio-economic impact by sharing

mining benefits with local communities. That includes for example maximizing its positive local economic footprint by recruiting and training local employees for its mining operations and purchasing locally produced goods and services as much as reasonably achievable. Mongolia can make positive impact if the country decides to launch its natural resource into profitable operation. Zoovch Ovoo which is one of the largest uranium deposits in the world provides a great opportunity for job creation, around 1,400 and industrialization via mining operation for 30 years.•

What are AREVA’s activities in Mongolia?

First and foremost, the activities we are doing now are only exploration. Cogegobi was established in 1997 to develop geological and exploration work in order to recognize prospective areas for uranium concentration according to the Law on Minerals. As a holding company, AREVA Mongol is in charge of business development and all aspects related to cooperation and relations with authorities.

Please tell us about the uranium resources identified by Cogegobi

We hold 25 exploration licenses covering more than 9,100 km² in two provinces, Dornogovi and Sukhbaatar. In 2007, we achieved the first success with the discovery of Dulaan Uul deposit and the classification of 6,270 tons of resources by the Mineral Resources Council of Mongolia in 2011. Then we discovered in 2009 Zoovch Ovoo deposit which is conside-red as one of the largest deposits found during the two last decades in the world. Our greatest achievement was the official classification of 54,390 tons of Zoovch Ovoo deposit’s ore as economically minable one in 2013.

What activities will be implemented in 2014?

2014 is an important year for us, our partners and our employees. In October 2013, we signed a shareholders’ agreement with Mon-Atom to create AREVA Mines that will develop uranium mining. AREVA proceeded with the entrance of Mitsubishi Corporation into the capital of AREVA Mongol. These agreements opened a new step for our project in Mongolia which is a technical feasibility study of Zoovch Ovoo deposit. This will consist of specific studies to confirm the economic, technical and environmental viability of the project and to determine the best mining method to use. In

particular, geology will be studied to determine the geometry of the mineralization and the porosity and permeability of the sedimentary formation contained in the uranium ore. This preparatory phase will allow us to choose the best scenario and to set up the schedule for the project, including the date when mining will get under way. Further exploration drilling in certain parts of our licensed sites in Dornogovi province will be done to have more precise estimates. These estimates will then have to be certified according to international standards. We will also continue our reconnaissance work in Sukhbaatar province.

How long have you been working in Mongolia?

I arrived in Mongolia three years ago and have gladly learnt about the immensity and tradition of your land. I have noticed that the knowledge and opinions of Mongolians about uranium have increased. AREVA is a responsible company engaged in dialogue, environmental protection and rehabilitation in accordance with international, Mongolian and AREVA norms. I am very sensitive to these commitments. AREVA carries out all protection and reclamation works at each stage of mining cycle, including during the exploration activities which are now under way in the provinces of Dornogovi and Sukhbaatar.•

What We are doing nowUNDERSTAND

Publisher: AREVA Mongol / Cogegobi. Photo credit: AREVA. Copyright: AREVA.


AREVA Mongol 11th floor, Express tower, Peace Avenue 1 khoroo, District Chingeltei, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Tel: +(976) 11-320698, 70110675 Fax: +(976) 11-329037 Email: [email protected]

Eric JaquesGeosciences Director, Cogegobi

Tserennorov TserenbatGeologist, Cogegobi


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