Page 1: Formative Assessment

Integrating Formative Assessment into

CurriculumIan StoneEnglish Language FellowJilin UniversityQQ:[email protected]

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Which are you more interested in?

A. The importance of formative assessment

B. What formative assessment is and what it isn’t

C. The application of formative assessment

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Which labor sector is rapidly disappearing?A. Routine Manual

B. Routine Cognitive

C. Complex Communication

D. Expert Thinking / Problem Solving

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Assessment of 21st Century Skills

National Research Council (US) Committee on the Assessment of 21st Century Skills. Assessing 21st Century Skills: Summary of a Workshop. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2011. 1, Introduction. Available from:

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What Effect do Good Teachers Have?President Obama cited a report by researchers at Harvard and Columbia

universities during a state of the Union Address in 2012:

“We know a good teacher can increase the lifetime income of a classroom by over $250,000.”

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What makes a good teacher? (Think Pair Share)

子曰。溫故而知新、可以爲師矣。“Reviewing what you have learned and learning anew,

you are fit to be a teacher.”

- Confucius

(Analects 2.11)

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What makes a good teacher?

Wise people learn from everything and everyone,

Average people learn from their experiences,

Unwise people already have all the answers.





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Where does Formative Assessment Come From?

• 1967—Michael Scriven introduced the term “formative assessment” to describe the evaluation of a program during the planning and developmental stages and making changes in the program for the purpose of improvement.

• 1971—Bloom, Hastings, and Maddus introduced the idea that assessment should not only be used to make summative evaluation of students, but to formatively evaluate learning progress at different phases of teaching.

• 1977—Benjamin Bloom identified two essential aspects of formative learning: feedback for students and corrective conditions for all relative components of the learning process, which led to differentiated instruction.

(Greenstein, 2010)

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Where does Formative Assessment Come From?

• 1988—Terrance Crooks studied the effect of classroom assessment on students and concluded that classroom formative assessment is one of the most powerful forces for improving education and student motivation.

• 1989—Royce Sadler found assessment to be most effective when it allows students to monitor the quality of their own work through specific provisions that are incorporated directly into instruction.

(Greenstein, 2010)

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Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam (1998)In 1998, Black and Wiliam published Inside the Black Box, analyzing more than 250 research studies on classroom assessment.

Their findings showed formative assessment to be one of the most effective tools for raising student achievement levels available to teachers.

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Hinge Question?A. I feel like I understand what formative assessment is all about,

and I am happy to explain it to others.

B. I feel like I somewhat understand what formative assessment is all about, but would like to hear more.

C. I feel like this is difficult for me to understand, and I need some help with the concept.

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What is Formative Assessment?

(Black & Wiliam, 1998 p. 140)

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Which of these is true?

A. Formative assessment is designed to help students to reflect on their practice.

B. Formative assessment is designed to help teachers to reflect on their practice.

C. Formative assessment is designed to help teachers and students to reflect on their practice.

Page 14: Formative Assessment

Which of these are good examples of Formative Assessment?

A. A weekly vocabulary quiz applied across levelsB. A midterm exam which is submitted to the district supervisor

for planning professional development workshopsC. Peer editing & revision of a writing assignmentD. Asking students to stand in various parts of the classroom based

on their opinions about a reading topicE. Calling on a student who is holding their hand up to answer an

information questionF. Having students work in pairs on content questions provided at

the end of a chapter in their textG. Before leaving class, all students present a piece of paper

answering the following question: “What is the difference between a compound and a complex sentence?”

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Which of these is Summative Assessment?Which of these is Formative Assessment?

1. This type of assessment does not result in a grade. Data about what a student knows, understands and is able to do is used by both the teacher and learner to determine where learners are in their learning and how they can achieve learning goals.

2. This type of assessment results in prescriptive evaluation of student achievement - for example, giving a level or standard associated with a letter or numerical grade, which could later appear in a report.

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In the traditional approach to teaching, what do you think

Initiation, Response, & Evaluation mean?

How is Formative Assessment different from Initiation, Response, Evaluation (I.R.E.)?

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Why do we need a feedback loop?• Students paraphrase learning goals• Share examples/case studies/models of the assignment• Students aid in developing evaluation methods or rubrics• Choose-swap-choose

• Students share portfolios and discuss favorites• Students design test items

• This should be done with enough time for revisions

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What are some Formative Assessment or Assessment for Learning strategies?• 1. Clarifying, sharing, and understanding learning intentions and criteria for success –

getting the students to really understand what their classroom experience will be and how their success will be measured.

• 2. Engineering effective classroom discussions, activities, and learning tasks that elicit evidence of learning – developing effective classroom instructional strategies that allow for the measurement of success.

• 3. Providing feedback that moves learning forward – working with students to provide them the information they need to better understand problems and solutions.

• 4. Activating learners as instructional resources for one another – getting students involved with each other in discussions and working groups can help improve student learning.

• 5. Activating learners as owners of their own learning – metacognition allows for students to take greater charge of learning, which leads to student performance improvement.

(Wiliam, 2011)

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Clarifying, sharing and understanding learning intentions and success criteria

• Students paraphrase learning goals• Share examples/case studies/models of the assignment• Students aid in developing evaluation methods or rubrics• Choose-swap-choose

• Students share portfolios and discuss favorites• Students design test items

• This should be done with enough time for revisions

(Wiliam, 2011)

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Eliciting evidence of learners' achievement• ABCD Cards• Mini whiteboards• Diagnostic questions• Hinge-point questions• Popsicle sticks - random• Exit tickets• “Bouncing” questions

• Pose/Pause/Pounce/Bounce (don’t answer directly)

• Hot seat questioning• Bloom’s Question Stems

• No opting out(Wiliam, 2011)

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Providing feedback that moves learning forward• Find and correct errors

• Teacher lists the number of errors, and students must find them.

• Comments only, grades given later• Allow revision based on feedback• Two stars and a wish• Using symbols -, =, +• Three questions• Focused feedback

(Wiliam, 2011)

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What is wrong with these kinds of feedback?(Jigsaw)• Feedback that draws attention to the student rather than the task

• Feedback that identifies and corrects each error

• Feedback that focuses on levels and not comments

• Feedback that is based one general concept, and not the task

• Feedback based on outcome and not effort

• Feedback without examples

• Feedback in the form of a Yes/No question

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Activating students as instructional resources for one another• Think/pair/share• Jigsaw• Homework help board• Rubric evaluation• C3B4ME• Carousel Brainstorming• Group-based test prep• Error classification• Preflight checklist

(Wiliam, 2011)

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Activating learners as owners of their own learning

• Traffic light signals• Fist to five• Stop/slow signals• Color cups• Questions strips• Pre-flight checklist• Learning logs• “Personal best” approach• Learning portfolios

(Wiliam, 2011)

Page 26: Formative Assessment

Let’s Review (Think Pair Share)1. According to the US National Research Council, which labor sector is disappearing

most rapidly in the 21st century?2. Can you name two individuals who have contributed to the theory and/or practice

of Formative Assessment?3. What is the difference between Formative and Summative Assessment?4. What is a Feedback Loop as in pertains to Formative Assessment, and why is it

important?5. Can you name two of the five important characteristics of Formative Assessment?6. What is one technique for clarifying and sharing learning intentions?7. What is one way to elicit evidence of learners' achievement?8. What is one activity that allows us to activate students as instructional resources

for each other?9. How can we make learners owners of their own learning?

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Which of these concepts will you use in your class?

Please provide feedback.

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References• Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Inside the Black Box: Raising standards through classroom assessment. London: School of Education, King's College London.

• Greenstein, L. What Teachers Really Need to Know About Formative Assessment. ASCD, 2010.

• Goodrich, K. (2012, August 16). Dylan Wiliam & the 5 Formative Assessment Strategies to Improve Student Learning. Retrieved May 05, 2016, from

• Heritage, M. (2010). Formative Assessment and Next-Generation Assessment Systems: Are WeLosing an Opportunity? Washington, DC: Council of Chief State School Officers.

• Key questions. (n.d.). Retrieved May 05, 2016, from

• National Research Council (US) Committee on the Assessment of 21st Century Skills. Assessing 21st Century Skills: Summary of a Workshop. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2011. 1, Introduction. Available from:

• Oldroyd, R. (2006). Excellence in Assessment: Assessment for Learning. A Supplement to the Cambridge Assessment Network Assessment for Learning Seminar, 1. Retrieved May 05, 2016, from

• Sample Question Stems Based on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy ... (2009). Retrieved May 05, 2016, from

• The White House, Office of the Press Secretary. (2012, January 24). Remarks by the President in State of the Union Address [Press release]. Retrieved May 05, 2016, from

• Why the IRE Model of Questioning is Ineffective. (2009, May 08). Retrieved May 05, 2016, from

• Wiliam, D. (2011). Embedded formative assessment. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.

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