Page 1: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Form 1 - Vendor's statement

(Section 7 Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994)



Part A - Parties and land

Part B - Purchaser's cooling-off rights and proceeding with the purchase

Part C - Statement with respect to required particulars

Part D - Certificate with respect to prescribed inquiries by registered agent



To the purchaser:

The purpose of a statement under section 7 of the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 is to put you on notice of certain particulars concerning the land to be acquired.

If you intend to carry out building work on the land, change the use of the land or divide the land, you should make further inquiries to determine whether this will be permitted. For example, building work may not be permitted on land not connected to a seweragesystem or common drainage scheme if the land is near a watercourse, dam, bore or theRiver Murray and Lakes.

The Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 protects any Aboriginal site or object on the land. Details of any such site or object may be sought from the "traditional owners" as defined in that Act.

If you desire additional information, it is up to you to make further inquiries as appropriate.

Instructions to the vendor for completing this statement:

means the Part, Division, particulars or item may not be applicable.

If it is applicable, ensure the box is ticked and complete the Part, Division, particulars or item.

If it is not applicable, ensure the box is empty or strike out the Part, Division, particulars or item. Alternatively, the Part, Division,

particulars or item may be omitted, but not in the case of an item or heading in the table of particulars in Division 1 of the Schedule

that is required by the instructions at the head of that table to be retained as part of this statement.

means strike out or omit the option that is not applicable.*

All questions must be answered with a YES or NO (inserted in the place indicated by a rectangle or square brackets below or to the side of the question).

If there is insufficient space to provide any information required, continue on attachments.


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Page 2: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Part A - Parties and land

1 Purchaser:




3 Vendor:


4 Vendor's registered agent:


5 Date of contract (if made before this statement is served):

6 Description of the land: [Identify the land including any certificate of title reference]

Purchaser's registered agent:


Carly Renee Wilamowski

6 Oaklands Avenue, Royston Park SA 5070

First National Real Estate Pope Nitschke

29 Gawler Street, Mount Barker SA 5251

1 Rachel Circuit, Nairne SA 5252 being the whole of the land comprised in Certificate of Title Register Book Volume 5872 Folio 714

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Page 3: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Part B - Purchaser's cooling-off rights and proceeding with the purchase

To the purchaser:

Right to cool-off (section 5)

1 - Right to cool-off and restrictions on that right

You may notify the vendor of your intention not to be bound by the contract for the sale of the land UNLESS -

(a) you purchased by auction; or

(b) you purchased on the same day as you, or some person on your behalf, bid at the auction of the land; or

(c) you have, before signing the contract, received independent advice from a legal practitioner and the legal practitionerhas signed a certificate in the prescribed form as to the giving of that advice; or

(d) you are a body corporate and the land is not residential land; or

(e) the contract is made by the exercise of an option to purchase not less than 5 clear business days after the grant of the option and not less than 2 clear business days after service of this form; or

(f) the sale is by tender and the contract is made not less than 5 clear business days after the day fixed for the closing of tenders and not less than 2 clear business days after service of this form; or

(g) the contract also provides for the sale of a business that is not a small business.

2 - Time for service

The cooling-off notice must be served -

(a) if this form is served on you before the making of the contract - before the end of the second clear business day after the day on which the contract was made; or

(b) if this form is served on you after the making of the contract - before the end of the second clear business day from the day on which this form is served.

However, if this form is not served on you at least 2 clear business days before the time at which settlement takes place, the cooling-off notice may be served at any time before settlement.

3 - Form of cooling-off notice

The cooling-off notice must be in writing and must be signed by you.

4 - Methods of service

The cooling-off notice must be -

(a) given to the vendor personally; or

(b) posted by registered post to the vendor at the following address:

(being the vendor's last known address); or

(c) transmitted by fax or email to the following fax number or email address:

(being a number or address provided to you by the vendor for the purpose of service of the notice); or

(d) left for the vendor's agent (with a person apparently responsible to the agent) at, or posted by registered post to the agent at, the following address:

(being *the agent's address for service under the Land Agents Act 1994 / an address nominated by the agent to you for the purpose of service of the notice).

Note - Section 5(3) of the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 places the onus of proving the giving of the cooling-off notice on the purchaser. It is therefore strongly recommended that -

(a) if you intend to serve the notice by leaving it for the vendor's agent at the agent's address for service or an address nominated by the agent, you obtain an acknowledgment of service of the notice in writing;

(b) if you intend to serve the notice by fax or email, you obtain a record of the transmission of the fax or email.

5 - Effect of service

If you serve such cooling-off notice on the vendor, the contract will be taken to have been rescinded at the time when the notice was served. You are then entitled to the return of any money you paid under the contract other than -

(a) the amount of any deposit paid if the deposit did not exceed $100; or

(b) an amount paid for an option to purchase the land.


6 Oaklands Avenue, Royston Park SA 5070

Fax: 8391 2886

29 Gawler Street, Mount Barker SA 5251

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Page 4: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Proceeding with the purchase

If you wish to proceed with the purchase -

(a) it is strongly recommended that you take steps to make sure your interest in the property is adequately insured against loss or damage;

(b) pay particular attention to the provisions in the contract as to time of settlement - it is essential that the necessary arrangements are made to complete the purchase by the agreed date - if you do not do so, youmay be in breach of the contract;

(c) you are entitled to retain the solicitor or registered conveyancer of your choice.

Part C - Statement with respect to required particulars(section 7(1))

To the purchaser:



being the *vendor(s) / person authorised to act on behalf of the vendor(s) in relation to the transaction state that the Schedule contains all particulars required to be given to you pursuant to section 7(1) of the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994.



Part D - Certificate with respect to prescribed inquiries by registered agent(section 9)

To the purchaser:


certify *that the responses / that, subject to the exceptions stated below, the responses to the inquiries made pursuant to section9 of the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 confirm the completeness and accuracy of the particulars set out inthe Schedule.




*Vendor's / Purchaser's agent

*Person authorised to act on behalf of *Vendor's/Purchaser's agent




Carly Renee Wilamowski

6 Oaklands Avenue, Royston Park SA 5070

Vicki Dackiw of Form One Matters Pty Ltd A.C.N. 079 205 511


21 May 2018

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25 May 2018

Page 5: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Schedule - Division 1

Particulars of mortgages, charges and prescribed encumbrances affecting the land (section 7(1)(b))

Note -

Section 7(3) of the Act provides that this statement need not include reference to charges arising from the imposition of rates or taxes less than 12 months before the date of service of the statement.

Where a mortgage, charge or prescribed encumbrance referred to in column 1 of the table below is applicable to the land, the particulars in relation to that mortgage, charge or prescribed encumbrance required by column 2 of the table must be set out in the table (in accordance with the instructions in the table) unless -

(a) there is an attachment to this statement and -

(i) all the required particulars are contained in that attachment; and

(ii) the attachment is identified in column 2; and

(iii) if the attachment consists of more than 2 sheets of paper, those parts of the attachment that contain the required particulars are identified in column 2; or

(b) the mortgage, charge or prescribed encumbrance -

(i) is one of the following items in the table:

(A) under the heading 1. General -

1.1 Mortgage of land

1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence

1.5 Caveat

1.6 Lien or notice of a lien

(B) under the heading 33. Other charges -

33.1 Charge of any kind affecting the land (not included in another item); and

(ii) is registered on the certificate of title to the land; and

(iii) is to be discharged or satisfied prior to or at settlement.


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Page 6: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Table of particularsColumn 1 Column 2 Column 3

[If an item is applicable, ensure that the box for the item is ticked and complete the item.]

[If an item is not applicable, ensure that the box for the item is empty or else strike out the item or write

"NOT APPLICABLE" or "N/A" in column 1.

Alternatively, the item and any inapplicable heading may be omitted, but not in the case of-

(a) the heading "1. General" and items 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4; and

(b) the heading "4. Development Act 1993" and items 4.1 and 4.2; and

(c) the heading "5. Repealed Act conditions" and item 5.1,

which must be retained as part of this statement whether applicable or not.]

[If an item is applicable, all particulars requested in column 2 must be set out in the item unless the Note preceding

this table otherwise permits. Particulars requested in bold type must be set out in column 3 and all other particulars

must be set out in column 2.][If there is more than 1 mortgage, charge or prescribed encumbrance of a kind referred to in column 1,

the particulars requested in column 2 must be set out for each such mortgage, charge or prescribed encumbrance.]

[If requested particulars are set out in the item and then continued on an attachment due to insufficient space, identify

the attachment in the place provided in column 2. If all of the requested particulars are contained in an attachment

(instead of in the item) in accordance with the Note preceding this table, identify the attachment in the place provided

in column 2 and (if required by the Note) identify the parts of the attachment that contain the particulars.]

1. General 1.1 Mortgage of land Is this item applicable?

Will this be discharged or satisfied prior to or at settlement?

Are there attachments?

If YES, identify the attachment(s) (and, if applicable, the part(s) containing the particulars):

Number of mortgage (if registered):

Name of mortgagee:

[Note - Do not omit this item. This item and its heading must be included in the statement even if not applicable.]




Westpac Banking Corporation

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Page 7: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Note - "Easement" includes rights of way and party wall rights

Are there attachments?

If YES, identify the attachment(s)(and, if applicable, the part(s) containing the particulars):

Description of land subject to easement:

Nature of easement:

Are you aware of any encroachment on the easement?

If YES, give details:

If there is an encroachment, has approval for the encroachment been given?

If YES, give details:

1.3 Restrictive covenant Is this item applicable?

Will this be discharged or satisfied prior to or at settlement?

Are there attachments?

If YES, identify the attachment(s)(and, if applicable, the part(s) containing the particulars):

Nature of restrictive covenant:

Name of person in whose favour restrictive covenant operates:

Does the restrictive covenant affect the whole of the land being acquired?

If NO, give details:

Does the restrictive covenant affect land other than that being acquired?

[Note - Do not omit this item. This item and its heading must be included in the statement even if not applicable.]

[Note - Do not omit this item. This itemand its heading must be included in the statement even if not applicable.]

1.2 Easement Is this item applicable?

(whether over the land or annexed to the land)

Will this be discharged or satisfied prior to or at settlement?



Refer to Certificate of Title attached

The land marked F in CT 5872/714

Subject to Service Easement(s) for Drainage Purposes to the Council for the Area



Refer to Encumbrance No. 9390603 attached

Encumbrance - Refer to Encumbrance No. 9390603 attached

Isna Pty Ltd and Phillip Charles Craven



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Page 8: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence

Is this item applicable?

Will this be discharged or satisfied prior to or at settlement?

(The information does not include information about any sublease or subtenancy. That information may be sought by the purchaser from the lessee or tenant or sublessee or subtenant.)

Are there attachments?

If YES, identify the attachment(s)(and, if applicable, the part(s) containing the particulars):

Name of parties:

Period of lease, agreement for lease etc:

From to

Amount of rent or licence fee:

$ per (period)

Is the lease, agreement for lease etc in writing?

If the lease or licence was granted under an Act relating to the disposal of Crown lands, specify -

(a) the Act under which the lease or licence was granted:

(b) the outstanding amounts due (including any interest or penalty):

[Note - Do not omit this item. This item and its heading must be included in the statement even if not applicable.]



Refer to Residential Tenancy Agreement attached

Carly Wilamowski and Colin Wyllie

04/10/2017 03/10/2018

710.00 Fortnight


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Page 9: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

4. Development Act 1993 4.1 Part 3 - Development Plan Is this item applicable?

Will this be discharged or satisfied prior to or at settlement?

Are there attachments?

If YES, identify the attachment(s)(and, if applicable, the part(s) containing the particulars):

Title or other brief description of zone or policy area in which the land is situated (as shown in theDevelopment Plan):

Is the land situated in a designated State Heritage Area?

Is the land designated as a place of local heritage value?

Is there a current Development Plan Amendment released for public consultation by a council on which consultation is continuing or on which consultation has ended but whose proposed amendment has not yet come into operation?

If YES, state the name of the council:

Is there a current Development Plan Amendment released for public consultation by the Minister on whichconsultation is continuing or on which consultation has ended but whose proposed amendment has not yetcome into operation?

4.2 section 42 - Condition (that continues to apply) of a development authorisation

Is this item applicable?

Will this be discharged or satisfied prior to or at settlement?

Are there attachments?

If YES, identify the attachment(s)(and, if applicable, the part(s) containing the particulars):

Date of authorisation:

Name of relevant authority that granted authorisation:

Condition(s) of authorisation:

[Note - Do not omit this item. This item and its heading must be included in the statement even if not applicable.]

[Note - Do not omit this item. This item and its heading must be included in the statement even if not applicable.]




Refer to Council Search attached

Residential Zone




District Council of Mount Barker



Refer to Council Search attached

Refer to Condition(s) of authorisation below

District Council of Mount Barker

Application No. 580/D016/95 dated 29/01/1996Application No. 580/D054/99 dated 22/12/2000Application No. 580/D023/01 dated 19/09/2001Application No. 580/00430/02 dated 18/06/2002

Refer to Council Search attached

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Page 10: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

5. Repealed Act conditions5.1 Condition (that continues to apply) of

an approval or authorisation granted under the Building Act 1971 (repealed), the City of Adelaide Development Control Act 1976 (repealed), the Planning Act 1982 (repealed) or the Planning and Development Act 1966 (repealed)

Is this item applicable?

Will this be discharged or satisfied prior to or at settlement?

Are there attachments?

If YES, identify the attachment(s)(and, if applicable, the part(s) containing the particulars):

Nature of condition(s):

6.1 section 16 - Notice to pay levy Is this item applicable?

Will this be discharged or satisfied prior to or at settlement?

Are there attachments?

If YES, identify the attachment(s)(and, if applicable, the part(s) containing the particulars):

Date of notice:

Amount of levy payable:

6. Emergency Services Funding Act 1998

[Note - Do not omit this item. This itemand its heading must be included in the statement even if not applicable.]



Refer to Emergency Services Levy Certificate attached



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Page 11: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge


There are no documents annexed hereto / The following documents are annexed hereto -

Form R3 – Buyers Information NoticeCopy of certificate(s) of title to the land


(Section 7, Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994)

*I / We the abovenamed Purchaser(s), hereby acknowledge having received this day the Form 1 with theannexures as set out above.

Dated this Day of 20



(*Strike out whichever is not applicable)


Certificate of Title

Property Interest Report

Council Search

Emergency Services Levy Certificate

Land Tax Certificate

SA Water search


Residential Tenancy Agreement

Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Notice

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Page 12: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Form R3

Buyers information noticeLand and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 section 13A

Before you buy a home there are a number of things that you should investigate and consider. Though it

may not be obvious at the time, there could be matters that may affect your enjoyment of the property,

the safety of people on the property or the value of the property.

The following questions may help you to identify if a property is appropriate to purchase. In many cases

the questions relate to a variety of laws and standards. These laws and standards change over time, so it

is important to seek the most up to date information. Various government agencies can provide up to

date and relevant information on many of these questions. To find out more, Consumer and Business

Services recommends that you check the website:

Consider having a professional building inspection done before proceeding with a purchase. A building

inspection will help you answer some of the questions below.

The questions have been categorised under the headings Safety, Enjoyment and Value, but all of the

issues are relevant to each heading.

Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Regulations 2010 regulation 17


• Is there asbestos in any of the buildings or elsewhere on the property eg sheds and fences?

• Does the property have any significant defects eg cracking or salt damp? Have the wet areas been


• Is the property in a bushfire prone area?

• Are the electrical wiring, gas installation, plumbing and appliances in good working order and in good

condition? Is a safety switch (RCD) installed? Is it working?

• Are there any prohibited gas appliances in bedrooms or bathrooms?

• Are smoke alarms installed in the house? If so, are they hardwired? Are they in good working order

and in good condition? Are they compliant?

• Is there a swimming pool and/or spa pool installed on the property? Are there any safety barriers or

fences in place? Do they conform to current standards?

• Does the property have any termite or other pest infestations? Is there a current preventive termite

treatment program in place? Was the property treated at some stage with persistent organochlorins

(now banned) or other toxic termiticides?

• Has fill been used on the site? Is the soil contaminated by chemical residues or waste?

• Does the property use cooling towers or manufactured warm water systems? If so, what are the

maintenance requirements?

January 2014


DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 13: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

• Does the property have any stormwater problems?

• Is the property in a flood prone area? Is the property prone to coastal flooding?

• Does the property have an on-site wastewater treatment facility such as a septic tank installed? If so,

what are the maintenance requirements? Is it compliant?

• Is a sewer mains connection available?

• Are all gutters, downpipes and stormwater systems in good working order and in good condition?

• Is the property near power lines? Are there any trees on the property near power lines? Are you

considering planting any trees? Do all structures and trees maintain the required clearance from any

power lines?

• Are there any significant trees on the property?

• Is this property a unit on strata or community title? What could this mean for you? Is this property

on strata or community title? Do you understand the restrictions of use and the financial obligations of

ownership? Will you have to pay a previous owner's debt or the cost of planned improvements?

• Is the property close to a hotel, restaurant or other venue with entertainment consent for live music? Is

the property close to any industrial or commercial activity, a busy road or airport etc that may result in

the generation of noise or the emission of materials or odours into the air?

• What appliances, equipment and fittings are included in the sale of the property?

• Is there sufficient car parking space available to the property?



• Are there any illegal or unapproved additions, extensions or alterations to the buildings on the


• How energy efficient is the home, including appliances and lighting? What energy sources (eg

electricity, gas) are available?

• Is the property connected to SA Water operated and maintained mains water? Is a mains water

connection available? Does the property have a recycled water connection? What sort of water meter is

located on the property (a direct or indirect meter – an indirect meter can be located some distance

from the property)? Is the property connected to a water meter that is also serving another property?

• Are there water taps outside the building? Is there a watering system installed? Are they in good

working order and in good condition?

• Does the property have alternative sources of water other than mains water supply (including bore orrainwater)? If so, are there any special maintenance requirements?

For more information on these matters visit:

Disclaimer: There may be other issues relevant to the purchase of real estate. If you are unable to

ascertain enough information about the questions raised in this form and any other concerns you

may have we strongly recommend you obtain independent advice through a building inspection, a

lawyer, and a financial adviser.

January 2014


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Page 14: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Annexure to Form 1 Statement________________________________________________________________

Certificate of TitleDocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 15: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

  The Registrar-General certifies that this Title Register Search displays the recordsmaintained in the Register Book and other notations at the time of searching.

Certificate of Title - Volume 5872 Folio 714Parent Title(s) CT 5834/605

Creating Dealing(s) RTC 9312549

Title Issued 30/05/2002 Edition 4 Edition Issued 19/01/2016






Schedule of DealingsDealing Number  Description



NotationsDealings Affecting Title NIL

Priority Notices NIL

Notations on Plan NIL

Registrar-General's Notes NIL

Administrative Interests NIL

Product Register Search (CT 5872/714)

Date/Time 14/05/2018 11:03AM

Customer Reference

Order ID 20180514003636

Cost $290.00

Land Services Page 1 of 2

Copyright Privacy Disclaimer:

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 16: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Product Register Search (CT 5872/714)

Date/Time 14/05/2018 11:03AM

Customer Reference

Order ID 20180514003636

Cost $290.00

Land Services Page 2 of 2

Copyright Privacy Disclaimer:

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 17: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Annexure to Form 1 Statement________________________________________________________________

(formerly Section 7)

Property Interest ReportDocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 18: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Property Interest Report            Provided by Land Services SA on behalf of the South Australian Government

Title Reference CT 5872/714 Reference No. 1293902

Registered Proprietors C R*WILAMOWSKI Prepared 14/05/2018 11:03

Address of Property 1 RACHEL CIRCUIT, NAIRNE, SA 5252



This report provides information that may be used to complete a Form 1 as prescribed in the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994

Table of Particulars

Particulars of mortgages, charges and prescribed encumbrances affecting the land as identified in Division 1 of the Schedule to Form 1 as describedin the Regulations to the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 All enquiries relating to the Regulations or the Form 1 please contact the Consumer &  Business Services between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm on 131 882or via their website  

Prescribed encumbrance Particulars (Particulars in bold indicates further information will be provided) 

1. General

1.1 Mortgage of land Refer to the Certificate of Title

1.2 Easement(whether over the land or annexed to theland)Note--"Easement" includes rights of way andparty wall rights

Refer to the Certificate of Title

1.3 Restrictive covenant Refer to the Certificate of Title for details of any restrictive covenants as anencumbrance

1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancyagreement or licence(The information does not include informationabout any sublease or subtenancy. Thatinformation may be sought by the purchaserfrom the lessee or tenant or sublessee orsubtenant.)

Refer to the Certificate of Title


Contact the vendor for these details

1.5 Caveat Refer to the Certificate of Title

1.6 Lien or notice of a lien Refer to the Certificate of Title

2. Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988

2.1 section 9 - Registration in central archives ofan Aboriginal site or object

Aboriginal Heritage Branch in Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division in DPChas no registered entries for Aboriginal sites or objects affecting this title

2.2 section 24 - Directions prohibiting orrestricting access to, or activities on, a site oran area surrounding a site

Aboriginal Heritage Branch in Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division in DPChas no record of any direction affecting this title

2.3 Part 3 Division 6 - Aboriginal heritageagreement

Aboriginal Heritage Branch in Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division in DPChas no record of any agreement affecting this title


Refer to the Certificate of Title

3. Crown Rates and Taxes Recovery Act 1945

3.1 section 5 - Notice requiring payment Land Administration Branch in DEWNR has no record of any notice affecting this title

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Page 19: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

4. Development Act 1993

4.1 Part 3 - Development Plan Contact the Local Government Authority for the title or other brief description of thezone or policy area in which the land is situated


Heritage Branch in DEWNR has no record of a State Heritage Area created prior to 15January 1994 under the former South Australian Heritage Act 1978 affecting this title


For details of this item, including State Heritage Areas which have been authorised orput under interim effect since 15 January 1994, contact the Local GovernmentAuthority


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply to a place oflocal heritage value


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply on anyDevelopment Plan Amendment Reports


Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure has no record of a MinisterialDevelopment Plan Amendment affecting this title

4.2 section 42 - Condition (that continues toapply) of a development authorisation

State Commission Assessment Panel in the Department of Planning, Transport andInfrastructure has no record of any conditions that continue to apply, affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

4.3 section 50(1) - Requirement to vest land in acouncil or the Crown to be held as openspace

State Commission Assessment Panel in the Department of Planning, Transport andInfrastructure has no record of any conditions that continue to apply, affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

4.4 section 50(2) - Agreement to vest land in acouncil or the Crown to be held as openspace

State Commission Assessment Panel in the Department of Planning, Transport andInfrastructure has no record of any conditions that continue to apply, affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

4.5 section 55 - Order to remove or perform work State Commission Assessment Panel in the Department of Planning, Transport andInfrastructure has no record of any order or notice affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

4.6 section 56 - Notice to complete development State Commission Assessment Panel in the Department of Planning, Transport andInfrastructure has no record of any order or notice affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

4.7 section 57 - Land management agreement Refer to the Certificate of Title

4.8 section 60 - Notice of intention by buildingowner

Contact the vendor for these details

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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 20: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

4.9 section 69 - Emergency order State Commission Assessment Panel in the Department of Planning, Transport andInfrastructure has no record of any order affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

4.10 section 71 - Fire safety notice Building Fire Safety Committee in the Department of Planning, Transport andInfrastructure has no record of any notice affecting this title

4.11 section 84 - Enforcement notice State Commission Assessment Panel in the Department of Planning, Transport andInfrastructure has no record of any conditions that continue to apply, affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

4.12 section 85(6), 85(10) or 106 - Enforcementorder

State Commission Assessment Panel in the Department of Planning, Transport andInfrastructure has no record of any conditions that continue to apply, affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

4.13 Part 11 Division 2 - Proceedings Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply


Contact the vendor for these details

5. Repealed Act conditions

5.1 Condition (that continues to apply) of anapproval or authorisation granted under theBuilding Act 1971 (repealed), the City ofAdelaide Development Control Act, 1976(repealed), the Planning Act 1982 (repealed)or the Planning and Development Act 1966(repealed)

State Commission Assessment Panel in the Department of Planning, Transport andInfrastructure has no record of any conditions that continue to apply, affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

6. Emergency Services Funding Act 1998

6.1 section 16 - Notice to pay levy An Emergency Services Levy Certificate will be forwarded.If you do not receive the certificate within four (4) working days please contact theRevenueSA Customer Contact Centre on 1300 366 150, fax (08) 8207 2100.

Clients who have misplaced or not received their certificates and are RevNet usersshould log into RevNet and reprint their certificates

7. Environment Protection Act 1993

7.1 section 59 - Environment performanceagreement that is registered in relation to theland

EPA (SA) does not have any current Performance Agreements registered on this title

7.2 section 93 - Environment protection orderthat is registered in relation to the land

EPA (SA) does not have any current Environment Protection Orders registered on thistitle

7.3 section 93A - Environment protection orderrelating to cessation of activity that isregistered in relation to the land

EPA (SA) does not have any current Orders registered on this title

7.4 section 99 - Clean-up order that is registeredin relation to the land

EPA (SA) does not have any current Clean-up orders registered on this title

7.5 section 100 - Clean-up authorisation that isregistered in relation to the land

EPA (SA) does not have any current Clean-up authorisations registered on this title

7.6 section 103H - Site contaminationassessment order that is registered in relationto the land

EPA (SA) does not have any current Orders registered on this title

7.7 section 103J - Site remediation order that isregistered in relation to the land

EPA (SA) does not have any current Orders registered on this title

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Page 21: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

7.8 section 103N - Notice of declaration ofspecial management area in relation to theland (due to possible existence of sitecontamination)

EPA (SA) does not have any current Orders registered on this title

7.9 section 103P - Notation of site contaminationaudit report in relation to the land

EPA (SA) does not have any current Orders registered on this title

7.10 section 103S - Notice of prohibition orrestriction on taking water affected by sitecontamination in relation to the land

EPA (SA) does not have any current Orders registered on this title

8. Fences Act 1975

8.1 section 5 - Notice of intention to performfencing work

Contact the vendor for these details

9. Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005

9.1 section 105F - (or section 56 or 83(repealed)) - Notice to take action to preventoutbreak or spread of fire

Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

Where the land is outside a council area, contact the vendor

10. Food Act 2001

10.1 section 44 - Improvement notice Public Health in DH has no record of any notice or direction affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

10.2 section 46 - Prohibition order Public Health in DH has no record of any order or direction affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

11. Fruit and Plant Protection Act 1992 (repealed)

11.1 section 14 or 15 - Notice or order concerningdisease

Land & Biodiversity Services in DEWNR has no record of any notice or order affectingthis title


Plant Health in PIRSA has no record of any notice or order affecting this title

12. Ground Water (Qualco-Sunlands) Control Act 2000

12.1 Part 6 - risk management allocation Qualco Sunlands Ground Water Control Trust has no record of any allocation affectingthis title

12.2 section 56 - Notice to pay share of Trustcosts, or for unauthorised use of water, inrespect of irrigated property

Resource Allocation in DEWNR has no record of any notice affecting this title

13. Heritage Places Act 1993

13.1 section 14(2)(b) - Registration of an object ofheritage significance

Heritage Branch in DEWNR has no record of any registration affecting this title

13.2 section 17 or 18 - Provisional registration orregistration

Heritage Branch in DEWNR has no record of any registration affecting this title

13.3 section 30 - Stop order Heritage Branch in DEWNR has no record of any stop order affecting this title

13.4 Part 6 - Heritage agreement Heritage Branch in DEWNR has no record of any agreement affecting this title


Refer to the Certificate of Title

13.5 section 38 - "No development" order Heritage Branch in DEWNR has no record of any "No development" order affectingthis title

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Page 22: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

14. Highways Act 1926

14.1 Part 2A - Establishment of control of accessfrom any road abutting the land

Transport Services Division in DPTI will respond with details that may be relevant tothis item

15. Housing Improvement Act 1940

15.1 section 23 - Declaration that house isundesirable or unfit for human habitation

Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

15.2 Part 7 (rent control for substandard houses) -notice or declaration

Housing Safety Authority in Housing SA in DCSI has no record of any notice ordeclaration affecting this title

16. Land Acquisition Act 1969

16.1 section 10 - Notice of intention to acquire Refer to the Certificate of Title for any notice of intention to acquire

17. Land Tax Act 1936

17.1 Notice, order or demand for payment of landtax

A Land Tax Certificate will be forwarded.If you do not receive the certificate within four (4) working days, please contact theRevenueSA Customer Contact Centre on (08) 8204 9870, fax (08) 8207 2100.

Clients who have misplaced or not received their certificates and are RevNet usersshould log into RevNet and reprint their certificates

18. Local Government Act 1934

18.1 Notice, order, declaration, charge, claim ordemand given or made under the Act

Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

19. Local Government Act 1999

19.1 Notice, order, declaration, charge, claim ordemand given or made under the Act

Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

20. Metropolitan Adelaide Road Widening Plan Act 1972

20.1 section 6 - Restriction on building work Transport Services Division in DPTI will respond with details that may be relevant tothis item

21. Mining Act 1971

21.1 Mining tenement (other than an explorationlicence)

Mineral Tenements in PIRSA has no record of any mining tenement affecting this title

21.2 section 9AA - Agreement or order to waiveexemption from mining operations

Contact the vendor for these details

21.3 section 58(a) or 59(8)(b) - Agreementauthorising mining operator to enter land oruse declared equipment on land

Contact the vendor for these details

21.4 section 61 - Agreement or order to paycompensation for mining operations

Contact the vendor for these details

21.5 Proclamation with respect to a private mine Mineral Tenements in PIRSA has no record of any proclamation affecting this title

22. Native Vegetation Act 1991

22.1 Part 4 Division 1 - Heritage agreement Native Vegetation & Biodiversity Management Unit in DEWNR has no record of anyagreement affecting this title


Refer to the Certificate of Title

22.2 Part 5 Division 1 - Refusal to grant consent,or condition of a consent, to clear nativevegetation

Native Vegetation & Biodiversity Management Unit in DEWNR has no record of anyrefusal or condition affecting this title

23. Natural Resources Management Act 2004

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Page 23: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

23.1 section 97 - Notice to pay levy in respect ofcosts of regional NRM board

Regional NRM board has no record of any notice affecting this title

23.2 section 105 - Notice to pay levy in respect ofright to take water or taking of water

Customer & Corporate Services in DEWNR has no record of any notice affecting thistitle

23.3 section 115 - Notice declaring a penalty Regional NRM board has no record of any notice affecting this title

23.4 section 123 - Notice to prepare an action planfor compliance with general statutory duty

Regional NRM board has no record of any notice affecting this title


DEWNR has no record of any notice affecting this title

23.5 section 130 - Notice to rectify effects ofunauthorised activity

Regional NRM board has no record of any notice affecting this title


DEWNR has no record of any notice affecting this title

23.6 section 131 - Notice to maintain watercourseor lake in good condition

Regional NRM board has no record of any notice affecting this title


DEWNR has no record of any notice affecting this title

23.7 section 132 - Notice restricting the taking ofwater or directing action in relation to thetaking of water

DEWNR has no record of any notice affecting this title

23.8 section 134 - Notice to remove or modify adam, embankment, wall or other obstructionor object

DEWNR has no record of any notice affecting this title

23.9 section 135 - Condition (that remains in force)of a permit

Regional NRM board has no record of any notice affecting this title


Resource Allocation in DEWNR has no record of any notice affecting this title

23.10 section 145 - Notice to take remedial or otheraction in relation to a well

Regional NRM board has no record of any notice affecting this title

23.11 section 181 - Notice of instruction as tokeeping or management of animal or plant

Regional NRM board has no record of any notice affecting this title

23.12 section 183 - Notice to prepare an action planfor the destruction or control of animals orplants

Regional NRM board has no record of any notice affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

23.13 section 185 - Notice to pay costs ofdestruction or control of animals or plants onroad reserve

Regional NRM board has no record of any notice affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

23.14 section 187 - Notice requiring control orquarantine of animal or plant

Regional NRM board has no record of any notice affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

23.15 section 193 - Protection order to securecompliance with specified provisions of theAct

Regional NRM board has no record of any order affecting this title

23.16 section 195 - Reparation order requiringspecified action or payment to make gooddamage resulting from contravention of theAct

Regional NRM board has no record of any order affecting this title

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Page 24: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

23.17 section 197 - Reparation authorisationauthorising specified action to make gooddamage resulting from contravention of theAct

Regional NRM board has no record of any authorisation affecting this title

24. Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act 1995

24.1 section 23(1) - Notice of contribution payable The Phylloxera and Grape Industry Board of South Australia has no vineyardregistered against this title. However all properties with greater than 0.5 hectares ofplanted vines are required to be registered with the board

25. Plant Health Act 2009

25.1 section 8 or 9 - Notice or order concerningpests

Plant Health in PIRSA has no record of any notice or order affecting this title

26. Public and Environmental Health Act 1987 (repealed)

26.1 Part 3 - Notice Public Health in DH has no record of any notice or direction affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

26.2 Public and Environmental Health (WasteControl) Regulations 2010 (or 1995)(revoked) Part 2 - Condition (that continues toapply) of an approval

Public Health in DH has no record of any condition affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

26.3 Public and Environmental Health (WasteControl) Regulations 2010 (revoked)regulation 19 - Maintenance order (that hasnot been complied with)

Public Health in DH has no record of any order affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

27. Sewerage Act 1929 (repealed)

27.1 Notice, order or demand for payment ofsewerage rates, other amounts payable orother requirements made under the Act

An SA Water Certificate will be forwarded.If you do not receive the certificate please contact the SA Water Customer ContactCentre on 1300 650 950

28. South Australian Public Health Act 2011

28.1 section 66 - Direction or requirement to avertspread of disease

Public Health in DH has no record of any direction or requirement affecting this title

28.2 section 92 - Notice Public Health in DH has no record of any notice affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

28.3 South Australian Public Health (Wastewater)Regulations 2013 Part 4 - Condition (thatcontinues to apply) of an approval

Public Health in DH has no record of any condition affecting this title


Contact the Local Government Authority for other details that might apply

29. Upper South East Dryland Salinity and Flood Management Act 2002 (expired)

29.1 section 23 - Notice of contribution payable Infrastructure and Business in DEWNR has no record of any notice affecting this title

30. Water Industry Act 2012

30.1 Notice or order under the Act requiringpayment of charges or other amounts ormaking other requirement

An SA Water Certificate will be forwarded.If you do not receive the certificate please contact the SA Water Customer ContactCentre on 1300 650 950


The Office of the Technical Regulator in DSD has no record of any notice or orderaffecting this title

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Page 25: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge


Water Utilities Australia has no record of any notice or order affecting this title

31. Water Resources Act 1997

31.1 section 18 (repealed) - Condition (thatremains in force) of a permit

Customer & Corporate Services in DEWNR has no record of any condition affectingthis title

31.2 section 125 (or a corresponding previousenactment) - Notice to pay levy

Customer & Corporate Services in DEWNR has no record of any notice affecting thistitle

32. Waterworks Act 1932 (repealed)

32.1 Notice, order or demand for payment of waterrates, other amounts payable or otherrequirements made under the Act

An SA Water Certificate will be forwarded.If you do not receive the certificate please contact the SA Water Customer ContactCentre on 1300 650 950

33. Other charges

33.1 Charge of any kind affecting the land (notincluded in another item)

Refer to the Certificate of Title


Contact the vendor for these details

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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 26: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Other ParticularsOther particulars as identified in Division 2 of the Schedule to Form 1 as described in the Regulations to the Land and Business (Sale andConveyancing) Act 1994  

1. Particulars of transactions in last 12 months Contact the vendor for these details

2. Particulars relating to community lot (includingstrata lot) or development lot

Enquire directly to the Secretary or Manager of the Community Corporation

3. Particulars relating to strata unit Enquire directly to the Secretary or Manager of the Strata Corporation

4. Particulars of building indemnity insurance Contact the vendor for these detailsalsoContact the Local Government Authority

5. Particulars relating to asbestos at workplaces Contact the vendor for these details

6. Particulars relating to court or tribunal process Contact the vendor for these details

7. Particulars relating to land irrigated or drainedunder Irrigation Acts

SA Water will arrange for a response to this item where applicable

8. Particulars relating to environment protection Contact the vendor for details of item 2alsoEPA (SA) has no record of any particulars relating to items 3, 4 or 5 affecting this titlealsoContact the Local Government Authority for information relating to item 6

9. Particulars relating to Livestock Act, 1997 Animal Health in PIRSA has no record of any notice or order affecting this title

Additional InformationThe following additional information is provided for your information only.These items are not prescribed encumbrances or other particulars prescribed under the Act.

1. Pipeline Authority of S.A. Easement Epic Energy has no record of a Pipeline Authority Easement relating to this title

2. State Commission Assessment Panel refusal No recorded State Commission Assessment Panel refusal

3. SA Power Networks SA Power Networks has no interest other than that recorded on the attached notice orregistered on the Certificate of Title

4. South East Australia Gas Pty Ltd SEA Gas has no current record of a high pressure gas transmission pipelinetraversing this property

5. Central Irrigation Trust Central Irrigation Trust has no current records of any infrastructure or Water DeliveryRights associated to this title

6. ElectraNet Transmission Services ElectraNet has no current record of a high voltage transmission line traversing thisproperty

7. Outback Communities Authority Outback Communities Authority in DPC has no record affecting this title

8. Gravesites (Burial and Cremation Act 2013) Births, Deaths and Marriages in AGD has no record of any gravesites relating to thistitlealso contact the vendor for these details

9. Dog Fence  (Dog Fence Act 1946) Dog Fence Board has no current record of Dog Fence rates relating to this title

10. Pastoral Board (Pastoral Land Management andConservation Act 1989)

The Pastoral Board has no current interest in this title

11. Heritage Branch DEWNR (Heritage Places Act1993)

Heritage Branch in DEWNR has no record of any World, Commonwealth or NationalHeritage interest affecting this title

12. Health Protection Programs – Department forHealth and Ageing

Health Protection Programs in the Department for Health and Ageing has no record ofa public health issue that currently applies to this title.

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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 27: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

NoticesNotices are printed under arrangement with organisations having some potential interest in the subject land. You should contact the identified partyfor further details.

Electricity Infrastructure - Building Restrictions and Statutory Easements

Building restrictions

It is an offence under section 86 of the Electricity Act 1996 to erect a building or structure within a prescribed distance of aerial or undergroundpowerlines. In some, but not all, cases approval may be obtained from the Technical Regulator. Generally, however, land owners must not build, oralter a building or structure, with the result that any part of the resulting building or structure is within the minimum clearance distance required fromcertain types of powerlines. These building limitations are set out in the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 regulations 81 and 82. Purchasersintending to redevelop the property to be purchased should therefore be aware that the restrictions under the Electricity Act and Regulations mayaffect how, or if, they are able to redevelop the property.

In addition, if a building or structure is erected in proximity to a powerline of an electricity entity in contravention of the Electricity Act, the entity mayseek a court order:a)  requiring the person to take specified action to remove or modify the building or structure within a specified period;b)  for compensation from the person for loss or damage suffered in consequence of the contravention; and/orc)  for costs reasonably incurred by the entity in relocating the powerline or carrying out other work.

Contact the Office of the Technical Regulator in DMITRE for further details.   

Statutory easements

Separate from the above restrictions, South Australia's electricity supply and transmission businesses have statutory easements over land wherepart of the electricity distribution or transmission system was on, above or under the land as at particular dates specified by legislation. This noticedoes not necessarily imply that any statutory or other easement exists. However, where in existence, statutory easements provide these businesses(identified in the relevant legislation) with the right of entry, at any reasonable time, to operate, repair, examine, replace, modify or maintain theirequipment, to bring any vehicles or equipment on the land for these purposes, and to install, operate and carry out work on any telecommunicationscables or equipment that may be incorporated in, or attached to, their equipment (Clause 2 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Corporations(Restructuring and Disposal) Act 1999; section 48A of the Electricity Act 1996).

A statutory easement is not generally registered on the title for the land.

To avoid risking injury and damage, it is recommended that the location of underground services be confirmed by telephoning Dial-Before-You-Digon 1100.

For further clarification on these matters, please contact SA Power Networks' Real Estate Branch on telephone 8404 5897 or 8404 5894.

Land Tax Act 1936 and Regulations thereunder

Agents should note that the current owner will remain liable for any additional charge accruing due before the date of this certificate which may beassessed on the land and also that the purchaser is only protected in respect of the tax for the financial year for which this certificate is issued. If thechange of ownership will not occur on or before the 30th June, another certificate should be sought in respect of the next financial year or requestsfor certificate should not be made until after 30th June.

Animal and Plant Control (Agriculture Protection and other purposes) Act 1986 and Regulations

Agents should note that this legislation imposes a responsibility on a landholder to control and keep controlled proclaimed plants and particularclasses of animals on a property.

Information should be obtained from:



The vendor about the known presence of proclaimed plants or animals on the property including details which the vendor can obtain fromrecords held by the local animal and plant control boardThe local animal and plant control board or the Animal and Plant Control Commission on the policies and priorities relating to the control ofany serious proclaimed plants or animals in the area where the property is located.

Natural Resources Management Act 2004

Water Resources Management - Taking of underground water

Under the provisions of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, if you intend to utilise underground water on the land subject to this enquirythe following apply:



A well construction permit accompanied by the prescribed fee is required if a well/bore exceeding 2.5 meters is to be constructed. As theprescribed fee is subject to annual review, you should contact the Department on the telephone number below to confirm the current feeA licensed well driller is required to undertake all work on any well/boreWork on all wells/bores is to be undertaken in accordance with the General Specifications for well construction, modification andabandonment in South Australia

Further information may be obtained by contacting the Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, Level 1 Grenfell Centre, 25Grenfell Street, Adelaide or on telephone 8463 6898. 

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Page 28: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Annexure to Form 1 Statement________________________________________________________________

Pursuant to Section 187 of the Local Government Act 1999

Council SearchDocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 29: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

CERT. NO: 30638

Cert. No: 30638Your Ref:



Enquiries phone. 8391 7200Ref: TB


Form One MattersPO Box 232RUNDLE MALL SA SOOO

Dear Sir/Madam,


We refer to your request and now attach particulars and documentary material which Councilmust supply pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1999 and the LandBusiness (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994.

Yours faithfully,

Attachments Development Approvals - 580/D016/95, 580/D054/99, 580/D023/01,5801430t02Easement lnformation Sheet

T 0B 8391 IZOOIA Dutton Road (PO Box 54) N/ount Barker, South Australia 52511E [email protected]


Assessment No:Property File No:Valuer General NoOwner:Property Address:Property Title:

176792 Capital Value: $350,00023651 3581 51 31653C R Wilamowski1 Rachel Circuit NAIRNE 5252LOT: 434 DP:59436 CT: 58721714

ABN 54 250 395 713

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 30: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

CERT. NO: 30638 Page:2


Part 1 - ltems that must be included in statement

Development Act 1993.Part 3 Development Plan

Title or other brief description of zone and/or policy area in which the land is situated (asshown in the Development Plan):

Zone: Residential Zone

Policy Area: Nil

Historic Conservation Area: Nil

NOTE: lf you have any queries regarding the above zoning, please ask for ourment Services De on 8391 7200

ls the land situated in a designated State Heritage Area?Nit

ls the land designated as a place of Local Heritage Value?Nit

ls there a current Development Plan Amendment released for public consultation by acouncil on which consultation is continuing or on which consultation has ended but whoseproposed amendment has not yet come into operation?


Totness Employment Lands Development Plan Amendment

lnformation is available at or contact Simon Coote on 83917291 or email

ls there a current Development Plan Amendment released for public consultation by theMinister on which consultation is continuing or on which consultation has ended but whoseproposed amendment has not yet come into operation?


DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 31: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

CERT. NO: 30638 Page:3

Section 42 - Condition (that continues to apply) of a development authorisation

See attached approvals

Repealed Act conditions

Condition (that continues to apply) of an approval or authorisation granted under any ofthe following repealed Acts:

Building Act 1971 (repealed)City of Adelaide Development Control Act 1976 (repealed)Planning Act 1982 (repealed)Planning and Development Act 1966 (repealed)


DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 32: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

CERT. NO: 30638

Parl2 -ltems to be included if Iand affected


Development Act 1993

Section 50(f ) - Requirement to vest land in a council or the Crown to be held as openspace


Section 50(2) - Agreement to vest Iand in a council or the Crown to be held as openspace


Section 55 - Order to remove or perform workNit

Section 56 - Notice to complete developmentNit

Section 57 - Land Management AgreementNit

Section 69 - Emergency orderNit

Section 7l - Fire safety noticeNit

Section 84 - Enforcement notice


Section 85(6), 85(f 0) or 106 - Enforcement order


Part 11 Division 2 - Proceedings



(l ì


Date 5 5

Confirmed Planni

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 33: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

CERT. NO: 30638 Page:5

Further information held by councils -Does the council hold details of any development approvals relating to:

a) commercial or industrial activity at the land; or

b) a change in the use of the land or part of the land (within the meaning of theDevelopment Act 1993)?

,r@Note-The question relates to information that the council for the area in which the land issituated may hold. lf the council answers "YES" to the question, it will provide adescription of the nature of each development approved in respect of the land. Thepurchaser may then obtain further details from the council (on payment of any fee fixedby the council). However, it is expected that the ability to supply further details will varyconsiderably between councils.

A "YES" answer to paragraph (a) of the question may indicate that a potentiallycontaminating activity has taken place at the land (see sections 103C and 103H of theEnvironment Protection Act 1993) and that assessments or remediation of the land maybe required at some future time.

It should be noted that-(a) the approval of development by a council does not necessarily mean that thedevelopment has taken place;

(b) the council will not necessarily be able to provide a complete history of all suchdevelopment that has taken place at the land.

Certified Development Section :


n^ u(Ja&ü,n*..Rs4Ázk:. r,nn rure:.....

Date ......f zl.t.l l.a.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 34: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

CERT. NO: 30638 Page: 6


Note: - Building indemnity insurance is not required for:

a) domestic building work for which approval under the Building Act 1993 or therepealed Building Act 1971 is or was not required; or

b) minor domestic building work (see section 3 of the Building Work ContractorsAct 1995) ; or

c) domestic building work commenced before 1 May 1987 or

d) building work in respect of which an exemption from the application of Division 3of Part 5 of the Building Work Contractors Act 1995 applies under the BuildingWork Contractors Regulations 2011; or

e) building work in respect of which an exemption from the application of Division3 of Part 5 of the Building Work Contractors Act 1995 has been granted undersection 45 of that Act.

Building lndemnity Insurance still in existence for building work on the Iand:

Building lndemnity lnsurance is required


Exemption from holding insurance:

lf particulars of insurance are not given, has an exemption been granted under section45 of the Building Work Contractors Act 1995 from the requirement to hold an insurancepolicy in accordance with Division 3 of Paft 5 of that Act?

lf Yes, see attached

Certified Development Section :

n^ ",úutr?.




DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 35: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

CERT. NO: 30638 Page:7

Local Government Act 1934

Notice, order, declaration, charge, claim or demand given or made under the Act


Local Government Act 1999

Notice, order, declaration, charge, claim or demand given or made under the Act


See Certificate of Liabilities




4444il44(11 s-/K'

Gonfirmed EnforcemenUGom


DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 36: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

CERT. NO: 30638

Food Act 2001

Section 44 - lmprovement Notice




Section 46 - Prohibition Order


Public & Environmental Health Act 1987 (Repealed)

Part 3 - Notice


Public & Environmental Health (Waste Control) Regulations 2010 (or 1995) Part 2 - Condition(that continues to apply) of an approval


Public & Environmental Health (Waste Control) Regulations 2010 (revoked) - regulation 19 -maintenance order (that has not been complied with)


South Australian Public Health Act2011

Section 66 - Direction or requirement to avert spread of disease



Section 92 - Notice

South Australian Public Health (Wastewater) Regulations 2013 Part 4 - Condition (thatcontinues to apply) of an approval



",,, "' .th, na roL...6!ota.*"^s i s n a tu

Confirmed Environmental Health Section:


DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 37: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

CERT. NO: 30638 Page:9

Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005

Section l05F (or section 56 or 83 (repealed)) - Notice of action required concerningflammable mater¡als on Iand.

Confirmed EnforcemenUGompliance Section:




DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 38: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

CERT. NO: 30638 Page:10


Water lndustry Act2O12

Notice or order under the Act requ¡ring payment of charges or other amounts or making otherrequirement

lf Yes, see attached



DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 39: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

CERT. NO: 30638 Page: 1 1

CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITIESin response to an enqu¡ry pursuant to Section 187 of the


Pursuant to Section 187 of the Local Government Act 1999, I certify that the following amountsare due and payable in respect of, and are a charge against, the property.

Outstanding Rates and Fines in Arrears $0.00

CWMS Operate, Maintain, Renew Charge levied 0310712017 due $463.00

Refuse Service Charge-3 Bin levied 0310712017 due : $187.00

SA Murray-Darling Basin NRM Levy levied 0310712017 due $85.41

Residential(1) - Land Use levied 0310712017 due $1,459.54

Total Rates Levied 2017/,2018 $2,194.95

Fines/l nterest outstand ing $0.00

Legal Fees and/or Bank Charges outstanding and otheradjustments


Less Government Concession $0.00

Less Council Rebate $0.00

Less rates paid -$1,646.95

Balance - rates and other monies due and payable $548.00

Property Related Debts


FINES & INTEREST: The rates are payable in quarterly instalments payable in September,December, March and June due dates. lf an instalment of rates is not paid on or before the duedate, the instalment will be regarded as being in arrears and fines and/or interest will be addedas provided by the Local Government Act 1999, as amended on the 12th of each month.

The charges as shown are valid only for the date of the certificate

lf settlement occurs within two months from the date of this certificate you may request updatedinformation by faxing or emailing your current Certificate of Liabilities to Council. lf the requestfor information falls outside of the above time frame, a new Section 187 Certificate is required.Please Note: No verbal u ates will be rovided CouncilAssessment Number: 176792Certified Certificate of




DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 40: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

CERT. NO: 30638 Page'.12


Easement to Council-d rainage


The information herein is provided pursuant to the Council's obligations under Section 12 of theLand and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994.

Only that information that is required to be provided has been given and that information shouldnot be taken as a representation as to whether or not any other charges or encumbrances affectthe subject land.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 41: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge


Development Number






LOT 714-190+, W0ODSiDE ROAD,Sectìon 5293,5292 Hundred of KANMANTO0

Volume 2752 Folio 15+


Nature of Prooosed Develoomenl' LAND DIVISON

From The Distrid Council of Mount Barker

ln respecl of this proposed development you are informed that:

Details of the building dassification E the approved number of occ¡¡pants under tlt Buildíng Code are attached (lf Applicable)

0representalion(s) lrom third parties conceming your câtegory 3 p(lposål were ¡eceived - Not Applicable

lf there were thírd party represenlalions, any consenUapprovel or consenUapprûral wilh condalions does not operate unt¡l the

periods specitìed in the Acl have expired. Reasons for this decision, any condlbns imposed, and the reasons for imposing

those conditions are set out on the attached sheet.

No work can commence on this development unless a Ðevelopment Approval has been obtained. lf one or more

consents have been granted on this Notification Form, you must notstârtany site works or building work or change

the use of the land until you have also received not¡ficât¡on of a Developmert Approval-

2s/ar/e6Date of OecisionProvisional Oevelopment Plan ConsenUDeveloprnenl Approval

Signed:Offìcer or Delegate

Nature of Decision ConsentGranted

No ofConditions



Provisional Development Plan Consent GRANTED 4

Land Division - Requirements GRANTFI) ?4

Land Division (Strata) - Requirements N/A

Provisional Buildinq Rules ConsentN/A

Public Space N/A


DEVÉLOPÍIIENTAPPRpVAL' " "';":je¡'''1'¿:''¿i:':GRANTED 28


Council Chief

7). t I tÃh

E Sheets Atlached

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 42: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge








Oakford Homes

WoodsÍde Road, Hd Kanmantoo,Section 5294



1. That the development hereby approved shall be carried out iii åí:c.J¡'dänce witl'r tiieamended plan dated 31 October 1995, to the satisfaction of the Manager,Environmental Services.

2. A Septic Tank Effluent Drainage Scheme levy of $2500 to be paid for eachallotment requiring a new connection to the scheme-

3. That the pavement of the proposed road exiting on to Woodside Road shall beextended and connected with the carriageway of Road No. 4513, (WoodsideRoad), to the standards as required by the Department of Transport Manager,Minor Projects ar¡d at no cost to the Department of Transport.

4. The design of the comer radii of the new road junctions with Woodside Roadshould be to the satisfaction of the Department of Transport's Road DesignSection.

NOTE: This consent relates only to Stage 1 of the proposal as depicted in the aboveplan. The division of the balance of the subject land will be the subject of furtherDevelopment Applications.



DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 43: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge




Roads shall be designed by a chartered engineer and consist of a compactedrubble and crushed rock base, sealed with hotmix bitumen.

Conc¡:ete kerb-and watertable being pr:ovided oÊa rollover type exeept alongthe -edges of reserveé where the upright form of kerbing shall be used.

Footpaths shall be provided along one side of all roads. Such footpaths shallbe concrete,1.2 metres wide, 100mm thick and reinforced with F82 steel meshcentrally located. The fìnal design of such footpaths shall accord with Councilsstandard detail and shall be to the satisfaction of the Manager, EngineeringServices.

4. Rear of allotment stormwater drainage to be provided for those allotments thatdo not drain naturally to their road frontage watertable. such drains shall bedesigned to accommodate stormwater from the entirety of the respecli','.allotments in the occurrence of a 1 in 10 year ARl storm event. Each allotmentshall be provided with a 300mm by 300mm grated inlet pit, located at the lowestcorner of each respective allotment.

Where properties drain naturally to the street, two galvanised steel kerbadaptors shall be provided per allotment. Such adaptors shall be cast into thekerb. The location of which shall within approximately one metre frorn thealignment of adjoining property boundaries. Wt¡ere footpaths are to beprovided, a 100mm sewer class sleeve shall be provided under the footpathadjacentthe respective kerb adaptor. The design of the pipe shoufd ensure aminimum fall of 1 in 100 towards the kerb.

Underground stormwater pipes shall be provided to intercept and carrystormwater flowing through the reserves and shall discharge stormwater to themitigation and pollution control device/s to be established within Reserve 361.Such pipes shall be designed to carry a flow equiualent to a 1 in 1 year ARIstorm event. The dimension of such pipe shall not be any less than 300mm.Flows up to a I in 100 year ARI storm event shall be confined within thereseryes.

All other stormwater drainage pipes shall be designed to carry a 1 in 10 yearARI storm event. All allotments shall be protected from inundation in a lin 100year ARI storm event.

The pollution control device/s to be constructed within Reserve 361 shallgenerally accord with the provisions of the Mount Lofty Ranges Water QualityControl Guidelines.

A Septic Tank Effluent Drainage Scheme levy of $2500 to be paid for eachallotment requiring a new connection to the scheme.








DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 44: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge


10. The Septic Tank Effluent Drainage Scheme (S.T.E.D.S.) to be extended toservice the development and each allotment to be provided with a connectionto the scheme. (Refer to Engineering Department for details.)

11. Fencing shall be erected along the boundaries of any reserve where thereserve abuts any allotment not being a road or existing reserve. Such fencingshall generally be of post and wire construction except where privacy orsCreening is required i¡r whicfr case f800nÍm-ñiÇll doub-tè siclèd coloùred steelfencing shall be províded. The type and particulars of all fencing shall bedetailed in the landscaping plan required below and approved in writing byCouncil's Manager, Environmental Services prior to the erecting of suchfencing.

12. Street trees to be provided along both sides each new roadway and shall begenerally located in front of each allotment giving due consideration to light poleand water service locations. The species, age, method of planting and exactlocation of trees to be approved by Council's Horticultural Officer in writing priorto planting. The trees shall be maintained by the applicant throughout the 12months guarantee period.

13. All reserves shall be graded, grassed, fenced and landscaped to thesatisfaction of Council's Manager, Environmental Services prior to the issue ofa Certificate of Approval. Such works shall be detailed in the form of alandscaping plan and submitted to Council in conjunction with otherengíneering design. Such design should incorporate the following:

. retention of significant existing vegetation;o proposed street tree planting's;o grading of the land form to ensure the reserves are suitably designed and

established for the walls of existing or proposed dams should not exceed a 1 inI gradient

. fencing design;

. noxious weeds are to be eradicated;

. all rocks are to be removed.

. a minimum of 100mm of top-soil should be provided over all reserves;

. all top-soil should be planted with a 'Hills mix' grass seed and watered wherenecessary to ensure a continuous grass coverage of all reserves is achievedpr¡or to the conclusion of the guarantee period;

. proposed Reserves 361, 359 and 364 shall be planted with a mixture of nativeand selected exotic trees to complement the existing vegetation and to provideand accommodate for solid stabilisation, shade, ease of future maintenance,bushfire risk and general aesthetic quality.

. The reserves shall be maintained by the applicant throughout the 12 monthsguarantee perlod.

14. The roads shall be named in accordance with Council's advice which will followunder separate cover.


DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 45: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge


15. Easements shall be provided over all drains in any allobnent not being a road orreserve. Such easements shall be four (4) metres wide where the easementcontains more than one drain and three (3) metres wide when the easementcontains only a single drain. Major overland flow routes shall be provided withinroads or reserves and not within easements.

16. Open space as delineated in the land division plan.

17. The requirements of the Electricity Trust of South Australia shall be met.

18. Thg engineering design and specifìcations for all slte construction worksincluding roads, kerbing, drainage etc. to be approved by the Manager,Engineering Services in writing prior to the commencernent of any site works.

19. All construction work shall be guaranteed for the period of 12 months fron- the,date of practical completion. A bank guarantee whose value represents 5o/o otthe total contract price shall be lodged with Council prior to practical con-riilr:'r ' ',The Bank guarantee shall be held by Council for the full 12 months guaränteeperiod and shall only be released when Council is satisfied that there are nodefect items outstanding.

20. Street signs shall be provided at the threshold to each new road. The sign shallbe made of extruded aluminium 830mm long, 150mm high, with the end cut offsquare. The sign shall be mounted to a galvanised steel post using sidemounting clamps. The post shall be 3000mm long with the bottom 600mmlocated in a galvanised steel sleeve suitably anchored into the ground.Lettering shall be black 100mm high centrally located on the sign, thebackground shall be reflective white. lf two lines of test are required eg. "NoThrough Road" following the street name, then the sign shall be 200mm wideand "No Through Road" shall be written on the second li,ne in 50mm high text.

21. All public utilities(water supply, S.T.E.D.S., electrici$ and telecom services)shall be provided underground.

22. "As constructed" plans for stormwater and S.T.E.D.S layouts shall be providedat the conclusion of works. Such plans shall show exact locations of all pipesand flushing poinis and shall be submitted in both hard copy and Autocadelectronic format to Australian Map Grid standard.

23. Temporary silt control devices in the form of hay bales or silt fences to beinstalled on the development site prior to commencement of works. Thedevices are to be maintained throughout the construction period anddismantled at the conclusion of works. Any silt captured by the device/s to bedisposed of to the satisfaction of the Manager, Engineering Services.


24, All engineering designs shall be to AHD and AMG.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 46: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge


Note: The applicant is reminded to contacf Council when all the Council's conditionsand requirements have been complied with and accordingly, the DevelopmentAssessment Commission will then be notified that the Council has noobjections to the issue of the Certificate of Approval.


1. The necessary eãsements being granted to the Minister of Public lnfrastructurefree of cost.

2. The financial requirements of the Minister of Public lnfrastructure (SA Water Coç)for thè provision of water supply being met. (SA Water 90174/93 Water).

3. ïwo copies of a certified survey plan being lodged with the Commission forCertificate purposes.


Dated vt-t.q



DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 47: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

./:-,> J9 t I


çoÐy Development Number



TO Fyfe Surveyors Pty LtdPO Box 114KENT TOWN SA 5071


Pce '1000+ Sec 5293+ DP 50012 Woodside Road, Hundred Of Kanmantoo

NATURE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT:Land Division to create thirty+ight (38) allotments and tìree reseryes (Stage 2)




15/10i 't999

From The District Gouncil of iUlount Barker

ln of this deve you are infurmed that:

Details of the building classification & the approved number of occupants under lhe Building Code are attached.

(lf Applicable)

representation(s) ftom third parties concóming your category 3 proposal were recdved - Not Applicable

lf there were third party representations, any consent/approval or consenUapproval with condilions does not

operate until the periods specified in the Act have expired. Reasons for lhis decision, any conditions imposed, and

the reasons for imposing those conditions afe sel out on lhe atlached sheeL

Signed: ....... -ç¿-.úU:YO,Development Approval

Council Oelegale







2GrantedPlan ConsentProvisional

23GrantedLand Division - Requirements

NiALand Division (Strala) - Requirements

N/AProvisional Buildinq Rules Consent

N/APublic Space



Date of Decision: 05/04/2000 7 Sheets Attached

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 48: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/D054/99


Gonditions of Consent by the Council:

The following two conditions and two notes are imposed at the request of the

Envi ronment Protection AgencY:

1. prior to the commencement of construction activity a Soil Erosion and Drainage

Management plan (as described in the "stormwater Pollution Control, General

Code of practice for Local, State and Federal Government) shall be prepared

which includes a range of strategies to collect, treat, store and disposel of

stormwater during co-nstruclion and from the final form of the development (ie

from roofs, Oriveñays, parking areas, lawns, etc) while minimising disposal into

the environment. d¡u"n that stormwater can contain a wide range of pollutants

(such as suspended solids, nutrients and oils etc) stonnwater runoff from future

roofs, car parks and other impenneable surfaces should be directed to large

areas of vegetation, wetlands, or to natural or man-made fresh water features,

rather than direc¡y to any storm water system. The Soil Erosion and Drainage

Management plan must consider the impacts on any existing watercourses and

downstream stormwater control facilities'

Z. prior to the commencement of construction activity a Construction Management

plan which addresses the mitigation or minimisation of impacts (especially from

noise and dust) during the construction phase shall be prepared. Dust generated

by machinerystockpiling ofregular applicnuisance off site. Site development m ed

outside the hours of 7-00am to 6'00pm daily'

Note 1: The applicant is reminded of its general environmental duty, as required

uy Seciion 25 ofthe Environment Protection Act, to take all reasonable

and practical measures to ensure that its activities on the whole site do

not Pollute the environment'

Signed: ...... É.Lo¿tÀl-........... -

Development Approval

Council Delegate

2Date of Oecision: 05/04J2000

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 49: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Forrn 580/D054/99

Note 2: The proponent is advised that under Schedule 1, ltem 7(6) of theEnvironment Protectíon Act, 1993 any person proposing to undertakeearthworks on a site:

a) likely to generate more than 100 kilolibes of runofFcontaining more than 25 milligrams per litre suspended solids;and

b) with the potentialto discharge directly or indirectly to marine orinland waters;

will require a licence to undertake the earthworks from the EnvíronmentProtection Authority.

Note 3: This consent relates only to Stage 2 of the proposal. The divísion eif tÍrebalance of the subject land willbe the subject of further DevelopmentApplications.

Note 4: The applicant is reminded to'contact Councilwhen allthe Council'sconditions and requirements have been complied with and accordínEly,the Development Assessment Commission willthen be notified that theCouncil has no objections to the issue of the Certificate of Approval.

C o nd iti o ns of Consent by D ev elopmenl Assessrn ent C o m mrbsion.'

No conditions apply


Statement of Council Requirernents:

Roads shall be designed by a chartered engineer and consist of a compactedrubble and crushed rock base, sealed with hoünix bitumen. The cross section ofthe road shall be symetrical, ie a two way cross fiall.

2. Concrete kerb and watertable being provided of a rollover Çpe except along theedges of reserves where the upright furm of kerbing should be used.

3. Footpaths shall be provided along one side of all roads. Such footpaths shall beconcrete, 1.2 metres wide, 100mm thick and reinforced with F62 steel meshcentrally located. The final design of such fooþaths shall be tu tire satisfactionof the Manager, Engineering Services.

Sig ned :.... ..çl..dna.ADevelopment ApprovalCouncil Delegate


3tlate nf llenision: 05/(Xr2O00

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 50: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge


Decision Notification Form 580/D054/99

4. Rear of allotment stormwater drainage to be provided for those allotments that

-do ¡_oi drain natufa[ylqlheir road frontage watertable. Such drains shall be

designed to accommodate stormwaterfrom the entirety of the respective

allotments in the occurrence of a '1 in 10 year ARI storm event. Each allotmentshall be provided with a 300mm by 300mm grated inlet pit, located at the Iowest

corner of each respective allotment. Rear of allotment stormwater drainage shall

also be provided where allotments back onto reseryes.

Where properties drain naturally to the street, two galvanised steel kerb adaptorsshall be prov¡ded per allotment. Such adaptors shall be cast into the kerb. The

location of which shall be within approximately one metre from the alignment ofadjoining property boundaries. Where footpaths are to be provided, a 100mm

diameter stormwater sleeve shall be provided under the footpath adjacent eachrespective kerb adaptor. The installation of the pipe should ensure a minimumfall of 1 in 100 towards the kerb.(Also see Council's concrete fooþath detail).

G. All other stormwater drainage pipes shall be designed to carry a 1 in 10 year ARI

storm event. All altotments shall be protected from inundation in a lin 100 year

ARI storm event.

7. A septic Tank Effluent Drainage Scheme le'¡y of $2500 to be paid for eachallotment requiring a new connection to the scheme-

8. The Septic Tank Efiluent Drainage Scheme (S.T.E-D-S-) to be extended toservice the development and each allotment to be provided with a connection to

the scheme. (Refer to Engineering Department for details.)

g. Fencing shall be erected along the boundaries of any reserve where the reserve

abuts any altotment not being a road or existing reserve. Such fencing shall be

1B00mm high timber fencing with posts and rails'facing into the allotment'toensure privacy and screening. The type and particulars of allfencing shall be

detailed in the landscaping plan required below and approved in writing byCouncil's Manager, Environmental Services prior to the erection of such fencing.

10. Street trees to be provided along each new roadway and shall be generally

located adjacent each adjoining properties common boundary. The species,

age, method of planting and exact location of trees to be approved by Council's

Horticultural Officer in writing prior to planting. The trees shall be maintained by

the applicant throughout the 12 months guarantee period.

Sig ned : ...... s.4.. &/N.4J..Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

4Date of Decision: 05104/2000

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 51: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/D054/99

1 1. All reserves shall be graded, grassed, fenced and landscaped to the satisfaction

of Council's Manager, Engineeríng Services prior to Ûre -tssue

of a Certificate of

Approval. Such works shall be detailed in the form of a landscaping plan and

submitted to Councii in conjunction with other engfueering design" Such design

should incorporate the following:

- retention of significant existing indigenous vegetation;

- Proposed street tree Planting;- grading of the land form to ensure the reserves ue suitably designed and

èstablished for future use and maintenance to he satisfaction of Council.

Where dams are required the walls of such darm should not exceed a 1 in

I gradient;- reserve inigation sYstems;

' fencing design;- provision of park furniture (seats, bins, etc), pafi l-tghting;

- noxious weeds are to be eradicated;

- a minimum of 100 mm of top-soil should be provided over allreserves;

- All top-soil should be planted with'Hills mix' grass seed and watered

where necessary to ensure a continuous grass coverage of all reserves

is achieved prior to the conclusion of the guaranÈe pedod;

- the proposed reserves shall be planted with a mirfure of native and

selected exotic trees to complement the exisling vegetation and to provide

and accommodate for soil stabilisation, shade, ease of future maintenance,

bushfire risk minimum and general aesthetic +dfrV'

Allthe reserye development as required above shalbe maintained and

guaranteed by the applicant for 12 months frorn Û¡e date of completion. The 12

months maintanence period shall commence on tlc date of receipt of a bank

guarantee equating lo25% of the reserye develoFtæntvalue.

12. Easements shalt be provided over all drains in any alloünents not being a road or

reserve. Unless indicated othenrvise, such easemeilb shall be four (4) metres

wide where the easement contains more than onedrain and three (3) metres

wide when the easement contains only a single dmh'

13. The engineering design and specifications for all siþ construction works

including any required roads, kerbing, drainage etc is to be approved by the

Managei, Engineering Services in writing prior to he commencement of any site


Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

5Date of Decision: 05r04J2000

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 52: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 58oiD054/99

14. All construction work shall be guaranteed for the period of 12 months from the

date of practical completion. A bank guarantee whose value represents 5o/o oÍ

the total contract p¡óe ttràll be lodgèd with Council prior to practical completión.

The Bank guarantee shall be held by Council for the full 12 months guarantee

perîod and shall only be released when Council is satisfìed that there are no

defect items outstanding.

15. Street signs shalt be provided at the threshold to each new road. The sign shall

be made of extruded aluminium 830mm long, 150mm high, with the end cut off

square. The sign shall be mounted to a galvanised steel post using side

mounting clamps. The post shall be 3000mrn long with the bottom 600mm

located in "

g"iuanised steelsleeve suitably anchored into the ground. Lettering

shall be black 100mm high centrally located on the sign, the background shall be

reflective white. tf two Iines of text are required eg. 'No Through Road" following

the street name, then the sign shall be 200mm wide and "No Through Road"

shall be written on the second line in 50mm high text'

16. All public utilities(water supply, STEDS., electricity and telecom services) shall be

provided underground.

17. A survey plan shall be provided which

. all mature existing trees within each al

revised where necessary to ensure th

that each allotment contains at least one cleared portion of land so that buildings

can be located a minimum distance of 20 metres ftom the significant trees and

so that allotment boundaries are at least 5 meÙes from significant trees, to the

satisfaction of Council's Manager of Environmental Services. This requirement

may necessitate the preparation of building envelope encumbrances or Land

Management Agreements to protect trees on the said allotments.

1g. Temporary silt control devices in the form of hay bales or silt fences to be

installed on the development site prior to commencement of works- The devices

are to be maintained throughout the construc{ion period and dismantled at the

conclusion of works. Any silt captured by the device/s to be disposed of to the

satisfaction of the Manager, Environmental services.

19. AII engineering designs shall be to AHD and AMG'

Signed: ... .:l.d.u¡l<.. .

Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

bDate of Decision: 05104/2000

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 53: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/D054/99

20. "As constructed" plans for all stormwater and/or STEDS construction shall beprovided at the conclusion of works. Such plans shall show the exact locations of

boundaries. The plans shall be submitted in both hard copy and Autocad@electronic forrnat to Australian Map Grid standard. All levels are to be inaccordance with the Australian Height Datum.

21. The roads shall be named: Emma Road & Megan Circuit

Statement of Development Assessment Commission Requireme nts.'

1. The financial requirements of the SA Water Corporation shall be met for theprovision of water supply (SA Water 90146/99 Water).

2. Two copies of a certified survey plan being lodged with the DevelopmentAss essment Commission for Certificate p urposes.

S i g n ed : . . . . . 6-. úc¿'J?.JOevelopment ApprovalCouncil Delegate

7DatE of Decision: 05104/2000

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 54: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge




13/1 0/1 99915/1 011 999

TO: Fyfe Surveyors Pty LtdPO Box 114KENT TOWN SA 5071

LOCATION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT:Pce 1000+ Sec 5293+ DP 50012 Woodside Road, Hundred Of Kanmantoo

NATURE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT:Land Division to create eighteen (f 8) allotments (Stage 3)

Development Number


From The District Gouncil of Mount Barker

ln respect of this proposed are inforrned thatl

representation(s) from lhird parties concerning your category 3 proposal were received - Not Applicable

lf there were third party representations, any consenl/approval or consentlapproval with conditions does not

operate until the periods specified in lhe Act har¡e expired. Reasons forthis decision, any conditions imposed, anc'l

the reasons ¡or imposing those condilions are set out on the attached sheet.

Signed: lídefu,àDevelopment ApprovalCouncil Delegate





Granted bProvisional Development Plan Consent

Granted 18Land Division - Requirements

N/ALand Division'(Strata) - Requirements

N/AProvisional Building Rules Consent

Public Soace N/A

Other N/A


Date of Decision: 22112120Q0 t Sheets Attached

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 55: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form s8oiD054/99



Conditions of Consent by the Council:

The following two conditions and two notes are impose.d at the request of theEnvi ro nment Protection Agen cy:

Prior to the commencement of construclion activity a Soil Erosion and DraínageManagement Plan (as described in the "stormwater Pollution Control, GeneralCode of Practice for Local, State and Federal Governrnent) shall be preparedwhich includes a range of strategies to collect, treat, store and disposel ofstormwater during construction and from the final form of the development (iefrom roofs, driveways, parking areas, laums, etc)while minimising disposal intothe environment. Given that stormwater can contain a wide range of pollutants(such as suspended solids, nutrients and oils etc) stonrnvater runofi from futr-¡reroofs, car parks and other impermeable surfaces should be directed tr: largealeas of vegetation, wetlands, or to natural or man-made fFÇ$!r ,ii.r{,:i li:;,i.:,e¡rather than directly to any storm water system. The So't Erosion arrd ürainageManagement Plan must consider the impacts on any existing watercourses anddownstream stormwater control facilities-

2- Prior to the commencement of construction activíty a Construction ManagementPlan which addresses the mitigation or minimisation of 'nrrpacts (especially fromnoise and dust) during the construction phase shall be prepared. Dust genei'air,Jby machinery and vehicular movement during site works, and from any openstockpiling of soil or building materials at the site, shoukf be suppressed byregular application of water to ensure that dust generalion does not become anuisance off site. Site development machinery shotuld çnerally not be operatedoutside the hours of 7.00am to 6.00pm daily.

Note 1: The applicant is reminded of its general environmental duty, asrequired by Section 25 of the Environment Protection Act, to takeall reasonable and practical measures to ensure that its activitieson the whole site do not pollute the envùronment.

Note 2: The proponent is advised that under Scfredule 1, ltem 7(6) of theEnvironment Protection Aet, 1993 any person proposing toundertake earthworks on a site:a) likely to generate more than 100 kilolitres of runoff

containing more than 25 mílligrams per litre suspendedsolids;and

b) with the potentialto discharge directly or indirectly tomarine or inland waters;

will require a licence to undertake the earthworks from theEnvironment Protection Authority.

Sig ned : ..... r.(,..(¿Ar¿).Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

2Date of Decision: 22h2l2OOO

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 56: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/D054/99

The following four conditions and note are imposed at the request of TransportSA (Ref: 00/00339, D00/329761

3. The pavements of the proposed Alysha court and Adam court are to bee;<tended to and conneeted with the carriageway of RN 4513, Woodside - NairneRoad.

4. The shoulder of Woodside Road should be sealed to provide access to indivídualallotments.

5. Local shoulder widening should be done opposite the cul-de-sacs to provide asealed surface for through vehicles to overtake those vehicles turning right.

6. All roadworks are to be designed and constructed to standards as required bythis Agency, with all costs associated with the design, construction and projectmanagement of the roadworks being borne by the developer.

Note 3: Before any detailed road design work is commenced, thedeveloper should contact Mr Andrew Townsend on telephonr+number (08) 8226 8266, to make suitable anangements for thedesign and construction of these roadworks- The developersshould obtain a copy of "Requirements forRøadworksUnde¡'taken by Developers on ISA Roads"from the BusinessServices Officer, Tratfic lnvestigations Unit, Metropolitan Reg ion,telephone number (08) 8226 8337.

Council Note 4: This consent relates only to Stage 3'of the proposal. Thedivision of the balance of the subject land will be the subject offurther Development Applications.

Council Note 5: The applicant is reminded to contact Councilwhen all theCouncil's conditions and requirements have been complied withand accordingly, the Development Assessment Commission willthen be notified that the Council has no objections to the issue ofthe Certificate of Approval.

Council Note 6: The development must be substantially commenced or applicationfor certificate made within 12 months of the date of this approval.

You are also advised that the final land division certificate must beobtâined from the Development Assessment Commission tocomplete the development within 3 years of the date of thisapproval.

You will require a fresh consent before comrnencing or continuingthe development if you are unable to satisfy these requirements.

Signed........ á. l¿av{Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

3Date of Decision: 22/1?2000

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 57: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/D054/99

conditions of consent by Developmenú Assess ment commissíon:

No conditions apply


Statement of Council Requirements:

1. Roads shall be designed by a chartered engineer and consist of a compactedrubble and crushed rock base, sealed with hotmix bitumen. The cross section ofthe road shall be symetrical, ie a two way cross fall.

2 Concrete kerb and watertable being provided of a rollover type except along theedges of reserves where the upright form of kerbing should be used.

3. Footpaths shall be provided along one side of all roads. Such footpaths shall beconcrete, 1.2 metres wide, 100mm thick and reinforced with F62 steel meshcentrally located. The final design of such footpaths shall be to the satisfaction rifthe Manager, Assets & lnfrastructure.

4. Rear of allotment stormwater drainage to be provided for those allotments that donot drain naturally to their road frontage watertable. Such drains shall bedesigned to accommodate stormwaterfrom the entirety of the respectiveallotments in the occurrence of a 1 in 10 year ARI storm event. Each allotmentshall be provided with a 300mm by 300mm grated inlet pit, Iocated at the lowestcorner of each respective allotment. Rear of allotmént stormwater drainage shallalso be provided where allotments back onto reserues,

5. Where properties drain naturally to the street, two gafuanised steel kerb adaptorsshall be provided per allotment. Such adaptors shall be cast into the kerb. Thelocation of which shall be within approximately one metre from the alignment ofadjoining property boundaries. Where footpaths are to be provided, a 100mmdiameter stormwater sleeve shall be provided under the footpath adjacent eachrespective kerb adaptor. The installation of the pípe shoufd ensure a minimumfall of 1 in 100 towards the kerb.(Also see Council's concrete footpath detail).

6. All other stormwater drainage pipes shall be designed to carry a 1 in 10 year ARIstorm event.All allotments shall beprotectedfrom inundation in a lin 100 yearARI storm event.

.7 . A Septic Tank Effluent Drainage Scheme levy of $2500 to be paid for eachallotment requiring a new connection to the scheme.

S ig ned : ......r/r.eúat¿ó..., "

Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate



4Date of Decision: 2211212000

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 58: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/D054/99

8. The septic Tank Effluent Drainage scheme (s.T,E.D.s.) to be extended toservice the development and each allotment to be provided with a connection tothe scheme. (Refer to Assets and lnfrastructure Department fø details.)

9, Street trees to be provided along each new roadway and shallbe generallylocated adjacent each adjoining properties common boundary. Thé species, age,method of planting and exact location of trees to be approved by Council'sHorticultural Officer in writing prior to planting. The trees shall be maintained bythe applicantthroughout the 12 months guarantee period.

10. Easements shall be provided over all drains in any allotments not being a road orreserve. Unless indicated othenruise, such easements shall be four (4) metreswide where the easement contains more than one drain and three (3) metreswide when the easement contains only a single drain.

1 1. The engÍneering design and specifications for all site construction works includirrgany required roads, kerbing, drainage etc. is to be approved by the Manager,Assets & lnfrastructue in writing prior to the commencement of any site works.

12.All construction work shall be guaranteed for the period oÍ 12 months from thedate of practical completion. A bank guarantee whose value represents 5% ofthe total contract price shall be lodged with Council prior to pradical completionThe Bank guarantee shalt be held by Councilfor the iull12 months guaranteeperiod and shall only be released when Council is satisfied thatthere are nodefect items outstanding.

13. Street signs shall be provided at the threshold to eabh new road. The sign shallbe made of extruded aluminium 830mm long, 150mm high, withthe end cut offsquare. The sign shall be mounted to a galvanised steel post using sidemounting clamps- The post shall be 3000mm long with the bottom 600mm'located

in a galvãnised steel sleeve suitably anchored into the ground. Letteringshall be black 100mm high centrally located on the sign, the background shall bereflective white. lf two lines of text are required eg. "No Through Road' followingthe street name, then the sign shall be 200mm wide and "No Through Road" shallbe written on the second line in 50mm high text.

14.All public utilities(water supply, STEDS., electricity and telecom seruices) shall beprovided underground.

15. Temporary silt control devices in the form of hay bales or silt fences to beinstalled on the development site prior to commencement of works. The devicesare to be maintained throughout the construction period and dismantled at theconclusion of works, Any silt captured by the device/s to be disposed of to thesatisfaction of the General Manager, Service Delivery'.

Signed ç./.(¿¿lt!.Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

5Date of Decision: 22l12l2OOO

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 59: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/D0s4/99

16.All engineering designs shall be to AHD and AMG

'17. "4s constructed" plans for all stormwater and/or STEDS construction shall beprovided at the conclusion of works. Such plans shall show the exact locations ofall pipes, flushing points, rnaRholes and other structures ln ¡:elatisn to adiaeentboundaries. The plans shall be submitted in both hard copy and Autocad@electronic format to Australian Map Grid standard. All levels are to be inaccordance with the Australian Heíght Datum.

18. The roads shall be named: Adam Court and Alysha Court.

Statement of Development Assessment Commission Reg uirements:

1. The financíal requirements of the SA Water Corporation shall be met for theprovision of water supply (SA Water 90146/99 Water).

2. Two copies of a certified survey plan being lodged with the DevelopmentAssessment Commission for Certificate purposes.

Signed :.... ..1¿.ã?¿e/3Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

6Date of Decision: 22\1Z2OOO

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 60: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge


Pç ffi




TO: Fyfe Surveyors Pty Ltd, PO Box 114


LOCATION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT:Pieces 1002 & 1003 in DP 56050 woodside Road, Hundred of Kanmantoo

NATURE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT:Land Division to create forty six (46) altotments (Stage 4)

Development Number






Provisional Development Plan Consent Granted 2

Land Division - Requirements Granted 25

Land Division (Strata) - Requirements N/A

Provisional Building Rules Consent N/A

Public Space N/A

Other N/A


From The District Council of Mount Barker

ln respect of this development are informed thatl

.......-:.-'.... representation(s) from third parties concerning your category 3 proposal were received - Not Applicable

lf there were third parly representations, any consenVapproval or consenUapproval with conditions does notoperate until the periods specified in the Act have expired. Reasons for this decision, any conditions imposed. andthe reasons for imposing those conditions ere set out on the attached sheet.

Sisned: ........á. þr'sâ 4...Dcvclopmcnt ApprovalCouncil Delegate

Date of Decision: l9/09/2001 7 Sheets Attached

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 61: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/D023/01


Conditions of Consent by the Council:

1. The development herein approved to be carríed out in accordance with the plansa-cõõrþãñ/iñg thrs eÞÞ[dät¡ôñGrnendeidl-plán dated 1B June 2001 -Fy'neSurveyors Pty Ltd, Drawing 09165pO6 Revision 4).

2- Prior to the commencement of construction activity a Construction Management,Plan which addresses the mitigation or minimisation of impacts (especially fromnoise and dust) during the construction phase shall be prepared. Dustgenerated by machinery and vehicular movement during site works, and fromany open stockpiling of soil or building materials at the site, should besuppressed by regular application of water to ensure that dust generation doesnot become a nuisance off site. Site development machinery should generallynot be operated outside the hours of 7.00am to 6.00pm daily.

Note 1: The applicant is reminded of its generat environmental duty, as requiredby section 25 of the Environment protection Act, to take all reasonableand practical measures to ensure that its'activities on the whole site donot pollute the environment.

Note 2 The proponent is advised that under schedule 1, rtem 7(6) of theEnvironment Protection Act, 1gg3 any person proposing to undertakeearthworks on a site:a) likely to generate more than 100 kilolitres of runoff containing more

than 25 milligrams per litre suspended solids;andb) with the potential to discharge directly or indirectly tomarine or inlandwaters;will require a licence to undertake the earthworks from theEnvironment Protection Authority.

Note 3: This consent relates only to stage 4 of the proposal. The dívísion of thebalance of the subject land will be the subject of further DevelopmentApplications.

Note 4: The applicant is reminded to contact counci! when allthe council'sconditions and requirements have been complied with and accordingly,the Development Assessment Commission will then be notified that thecouncil has no objections to the issue of the certificate of Approval.

Signed: ..... .r¡..f?¿t¿.¿nDevelopment ApprovalCouncil Delegate

2Date of Decision: 19/09/2001

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 62: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580tDO23tO1



Note The development must be substantiaily commenced or application forcertificate made within 12 months of the date of this approval.

You are also advised that the final land division certificate must be obtainedfrom the Development Assessment commission to complete thedevelopment within 3 years of the date of this approval.

You will require a fresh consent before commencing or continuing thedevelopment íf you are unable to satisfy these requirements.

conditions of consent by Development Assessment commission:

No conditions apply


Statement of Council Requirements:

Roads shall be designed by a chartered engineer and consist of a compactedrubble and crushed rock base, sealed with hotmix bitumen. The cross section ofthe road shall be symetrical, ie a two way cross fall.

Concrete kerb and watertable being provided of a rollover type except along theedges of reserves where the upright form of kerbing should be used.

3. Footpaths shall be provided along one side of all roads. Such footpaths shall beconcrete, 1.2 metres wide, 100mm thick and reinforced with F62 steel meshcentrally located- The final design of such footpaths shall be to the satisfactionof Council.

4. Rear of allotment stormwater drainage to be provided for those allotments thatdo not drain naturally to their road frontage watertable. Such'drains shall bedesigned to accommodate stormwater from the entirety of the respectiveallotments in the occurrence of a 1 in 10 year ARI storm event. The minimumdiameter of the pipe shall be no less than 1 1Omm diameter. Each allotment shallbe provided with a 300mm by 300mm grated inlet pit, located at the lowestcorner of each respective allotment. Rear of allotment stormwater drainage shallalso be provided where allotments back onto reserves.

S ig ned : ..... á.. Ø¿¿.:-4..Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

3Date of Decision: 19/09i2001

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 63: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/D023/01

5 Where propertíes drain naturally to the street, two galvanised steel kerb adaptorsshall be provided per allotment. Such adaptors shall be cast into the kerb. Thelocation of which shall be within approximately one metre from the alignment ofadjoining property boundaries. where footpaths are to be provided, a 100mmdiametg¡ stormwater sleeve shall be provided under the footpath adjacent eachrespective kerb adaptor. The installation of the pipe should ensure ä minimumfall of 1 in 100 towards the kerb.(Also see Council's concrete footpath detail).

All other stormwater drainage pipes shall be designed to carry a 1 in 10 year ARIstorm event. All allotments shall be protected from inundation in a lin lO0yearARI storm event.


7 A septic Tank Effluent Drainage scheme levy of $2500 to be paid for eachallotment requiring a new connection to the scheme.

8. The septic Tank Effluent Drainage scheme (s.T.E.D.s.) to be extended toservice the development and each allotment to be provided with a connection tothe scheme. (Refer Assets & lnfrastructure Department for details.)

9. Fencing shall be erected along the boundaries of any reserve where the reserveabuts any allotment not being a road or existÍng reserve. Such fencing shall be1800mm high timber fencing with posts and rails "facing into the allotment" toensure privacy and screening. The type and particulars of alt fencing shall bedetailed in the landscaping plan required below and approved in writing byCouncil prior to the erection of such fencing.

10. Street trees to be provided along each new roadway and shall be generallylocated adjacent each adjoining properties common boundary. The species,age, method of planting and exact location of trees to be approved by Council'sHorticultural Officer in writing prior to planting. The trees shall be maintained bythe applicant throughout the 12 months guarantee period.

11. All reseryes shall be graded, grassed, fenced ànd landscaped to the satisfactionof Council. Such works shall be detailed in the form of a landscaping plan andsubmitted to Council in conjunction with other engineering design. Such designshould incorporate the following:

- retention of significant existing indigenous vegetation;- proposed street tree pfanting;- grading of the land form to ensure the reserr¡es are suitably designed and

established for future use and maintenance to the satisfaction of Council.Where dams are required the walls of such dams should not exceed a 1 inI gradient;

- reserve irrigation systems;- fencing design;- provision of park furniture (seats, bins, etc), park lighting;

Signed : .....,çí..&at tç.Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

4Date of Decision: 1g/09/200i

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 64: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 5801D023t01

- noxious weeds are to be eradicated;- a minimum of 100 mm of top-soil should be provided over all reserves;- Alltop-soil should be planted with 'Hills mix'grass seed and watered where

necessary to ensure a continuous grass coverage of all reserves is achievedprior to the çonclusion qf the g_uar_antee period;

- the proposed reserves shall be pranted with a mixture of native andselected exotic trees to complement the existing vegetation and to provideand accommodate for soil stabilisation, shade, ease of future maintenance,bushfire risk minimum and general aesthetic quality.

All the reserve development as required above shall be maintained andguaranteed by the applicant for 12 months from the date of completion. The '12

months maintanence period shall commeRce on the date of receipt of a bankguarantee equating to 25% of the reserve development value.

12. Easements shall be provided over all drains in any allotments not being a road orreserve. Unless indicated othen¡rise, such easements shall be four (4) metreswide where the easement contains more than gne drain and three (3) metreswide when the easement contains only a single drain.

13. The engineering design and specifications for allsite construction worksincludíng any required roads, kerbing, footpaths, site works, drainage etc,, is tobe approved by Council in writing prior to the commencement of any site works.Where appropriate, the design of such works should comply with Council's"Services, Works and lnfrastructure Performance Criteria" (as amended) 1 June2000.

14. All construction work shall be guaranteed for the pêriod of 12 months from thedate of practical completion. A bank guarantee whose value represents S% ofthe total contract price shall be lodged with Council prior to practical completion.The Bank guarantee shall be held by Council for the full 12 months guaranteeperiod and shall only be released when Council is satisfied that there are nodefect items outstanding.

15. Street signs shall be provided at the threshold to each new road. The sign shallbe made of extruded aluminium 830rnm long, 150mm high, with the end cut offsquare. The sign shall be mounted to a galvanised steel post using sidemounting clamps. The post shall be 3000mm long with the bottom 600mmlocated in a galvanised steel sleeve suitably anchored into the ground. Letteringshall be black 100mm high centrally located on the sign, the background shall bereflective white. lf two lines of text are required eg. "No Through Road" followingthe street name, then the sign shall be 200mrn wide and "No Through Road"shall be written on the second line in SOmm high text.

Sig ned : .......¿-..&¿!ÆDevelopment ApprovalCouncil Delegate

5Date of Decision: 19/09/2001

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 65: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

DeciSion Notification Foim 580/D023/01

16. Alf public utilities (water supply, STEDS., electricity and telstra services) shall beprovíded underground.

17 survey nshall be provided which depicts the location and circumference ofall mature existing trees within each allotment. The allotment boundaries shallbe revised where necessary to ensure that all significant trees can be retainedand that each allotment contains at least one cleared portion of land so thatbuildings can be located a minimum distance of 20 metres from the signifìcanttrees and so that allotment boundaries are at least 5 metres from significanttrees, to the satisfaction of Council. This requirement may necessitate thepreparation of building envelope encumbrances or Land ManagementAgreements to protect trees on the said allotments.

18. Temporary silt control devices in the form of hay bales or silt fences to beinstalled on the development site prior to commencement of works. The devicesare to be maintained throughout the construction period and dismantled at theconclusion of works. Any silt captured by the device/s to be disposed of to thesatisfaction of Council.

19. All engineering designs shall be to AHD and AMG

20. "As constructed" plans for all stormwater and/or STEDS construction shall beprovided at the conclusion of works. Such plans shall show the exact locations ofall pipes, flushing points, manholes and other structures ín relation to adjacentboundaries. The plans shall be submitted in both hard copy and Autocad@electronic format to Australian Map Grid standard. All levels are to be inaccordance with the Australian Height Datum.

21. The roads shall be named: Joanne Street, Susan Street, Rachel Circuit.

22. fhal the applicant shall provide a detailed assessment and plans of theproposed Stormwater Drainage Management Scheme. The assessment mustbe carried out by a professîonal Civil Engineer and include details of the mannerin which the issues raised in the flood mitigation and / or stormwatermanagement are to be addressed. All such flood mitigation and/or stormwatermanagement works detailed in the assessment shall be completed inaccordance with the approved plans. Approval of the aforementionedassessment and plans must be obtained from Council in writing prior to thecommencement of any construction.

Signed: ........ç( {¿Ár.ñ. .

Developmenl ApprovalCouncil Delegate

6Date of Decision: 19/09/2001

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 66: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/D023/0r

The following condition is imposed at the request of Transport sA (Ref:F01 /00456, D01 121 4021:

23- ' Allotments 402, 411, 429 and 434 should all have access via the proposedlocal roads, not directly to RN 4S13 Woo-dside - Nairne Roacl. Additionally,the access points should be located on the eastern boundary of thoseallotments.

' Allotments 430 to 433 (inclusive) may not be able to satisfy sight distancecriteria, hence barrier line on RN 45',l3 woodside - Nairne Road may not beable to be rernoved and movements will legally only allow left in / ouiand rightin, ie right out movements would be legally prohibited by the existinglinemarking.

The shoulder ín front of these allotments should be sealed and appropriatekerb / watertable installed to manage road run-off.

' The shoulder opposite proposed new road junctions should be sealed to allowvehicles to overtake right turning vehicles.

' All shoulder sealing to be undertaken to appropriate levels as determined bycouncil (in conjunction with TSA) taking into account future kerb andwatertable design levels. This may necessitate alteration to existing cross-fallof RN 4513 Woodside - Nairne Road.

Road junctions be designed and constructed to TSA standards, which mayrequired upgrading of street lighting.


. All costs, including project management costs, are to be borne by thedeveloper.

Note: Before any detailed road design work is cornmenced, the developershould contact Mr Andrew Townsend on telephone number (0g) 92268266, who will appoint a project manager to oversee these works. Thedevelopers should obtain a copy of "Requirements for RoadworksUndertaken by Developers on ISA Roads"from the BusinessSeruices officer, Traflic lnvestigations unit, Metroporitan Region,telephone number (08) 8226 8337.

contour mapping ihdicates that a low point may be created adjacent toAllotments 402- 05 in Joanne street. No provision has been shownfor the drainage of stormwater from this junction.


Signed: .."!..{ia¿1.Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

7Date of Decision: 19/09/2001

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 67: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/D023/01

statement of Development Assessment commissíon Requirements:

1. The financial requirements of the SA Water Corporation shall be met for theprovision of water supply. The necessary easements shall be granted to the SA

oration free of cost (SA,Waþ r 9!1024 !-o1 Watç r).

2. Two copies of a certified survey plan being lodged with the DevelopmentAssessment Commission for Certifìcate purposes.

Signed: .. H..#r4//.ô,.Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

IDate of Decision: 19/09/2001

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 68: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

(t )


Development Number




TO Oakford Homes Pty LtdPO Box 219GLENSIDE SA 5065


NATURE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT:Detached dwelling - Class 1a & 10a

From The District Council of Mount Barker


Details of the b

(lf Applicable)

of thís nt you are informed that

uilding classification & the approved number of occupants under the Building Code are attached.

N/4........., representation(s) from third parties concerning your category 3 proposal were received - Not Applicable

lf there were third party representations, any consenUapproval or consenVapproval with conditions does notoperateuntil theperiodsspecifiedintheActhaveexpired. Reasonsforthisdecision,anyconditionsimposed,andthe reasons for imposing those conditions are set out on the attached sheet.

Signed: ....Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate





Provisional Development Plan Consent Granted 5

RequirementsLand Division - N/A

Land Division (Shata) - Requirements N/A

Provisional Building Rules ConsentPrivately



Public Space N/A

Other Granted 0


Date of Decision: 1810612002 3 Sheets Attached

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 69: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/00430/02


The following condition(s) apply

1. The development herein approved to be carried out in accordance with the plansand details accompanying this application (plans and details received 9 May2002), except where amended by the following condition(s).

Reason: To ensure that the proposal is established in accordance with thesubmitted plans.

2. All scarring or physical disturbances of the land surface during any excavationwork shall be restricted to only that which is shown on the approved plan asrequired for building work and/or access purposes. All exposed faces aroundsuch scarred areas and spoil shall be screened with trees and shrubs andcovered with suitable ground cover to the reasonable satisfaction of Council.

Reason: To ensure that excavations and filled land is stable and will not resultin any adverse impact on adjoining properties.

3. Stormwater run off from driveway areas shall be collected at the entrance to thecarport by a grate or spoon drain and directed to a rear of allotment drain.

Reason: To ensure that stormwater is disposed of in a controlled manner,

4. The side elevation (Woodside Road) of the carport shall not be enclosed withany solid material.

Reason: To limit the effects on visual amenity

5. The driveway shall be suitably curved to maintain a 6 metre distance from theside property boundary.

Reason: To ensure that vehicles associated with the land use do not causedisruption or danger to vehicles on adjoining public roads.

Note: As your proposed development Íncludes the construction of a drivewayover the footpath area, you are advised that a Permit to undertake works thatimpact on Council infrastructure, Council Streets or Roads or Councilcontrolled land will need to be issued by Council prior to construction.

Signed:... -r--ffi (Devefopment ApprovalCouncil Delegate

Date of Decision: 1810612002

Signeìl$fSÇ-ìl;:-Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

,(". ,.


DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 70: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/00430/02

Note: Where cut or fill in excess of 300mm is required as a result of the proposeddevelopment, retaining walls or other suitable soil retention devices shall beemployed.

Note: As part of the assessment for Provisional Building Rules Consent, thePrivate Certifier shall assess the engineering calculations and details for allretaining walls exceeding one (1) metre in height.

Note: You are advised that the Development herein approved must be substantiattycommenced within 12 months of the date of this Approval, unless this periodof time is extended by Council. Further, any act or work authorised orrequired by this Approval must be completed within 3 years of the date of thísApproval, unless this period of time is extended by Council.

You will require a fresh consent before commencing or continuing thedevelopment if you are unable to satisfy fhese requirements. Any request foran extension of time must be lodged with Council prior to the expiration oftime periods specified above.


The following condition(s) apply, as imposed by the private certifier:

1. The roof trusses for the iron roof shall be. a proprietary product designed and manufactured by a licensed manufacturer

based on a ceftifìed design complying with the requirements of AS1720.1 and4S1649 utilising a design wind speed (Vp)of not ress than 33m/s, and. erected, installed and braced in accordance with 454440 and themanufacturers specification. BCA-P2.1

Note Refer to attached Decision Notification form of Provisional Building Rulesconsent, for all conditions and notes imposed by the private certifier.

Signed:Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate

sisnæN\-.çDevelopment ApprovalCouncil Delegate



3Date of Decision: 18lO6tZOO2

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 71: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Decision Notification Form 580/00430/02


The following notes apply

1. A þerÈoñ proþoSiri$ fo undèrtàke búildingúork (oi who is íñ ctrã@e of such work)must give the Council at least one business days not¡ce at the following stages ofbuilding work.1. a) placing of concrete in any footing or other structural member that

transfers load directly to a foundation or in any pile or caisson-b) the lowering of any assembled or partly assembled transportable

building onto its supports.2. Completion of roofing and walls prior to internal lining.3, Completion of wet areas prior to tiling.4. Completion of building work prior to occupancy.

(Regulation 7 4 (1), a,b,c,d)

2. A person must not occupy the dwellíng or part of the dwelling to which thisapproval relates until a "Written Statement" declaring that the building work hasbeen carried out in accordance with the approved plans, has been submitted toCouncil. (Regulation B3a)

3. During the period that the development is being undertaken care should be takento ensure that all paper, plastic, rubbish and other waste material associated wíthbuilding work is secured and contained within the subject land. (Section 42)

4. For building work/excavations that may effect adjoining owners as prescribed inRegulation 75, the building owner shall at least 28 days before the building workis commenced, cause to be served on the adjoining owner a notice of intention toperform the work and the nature thereof as prescribed by Section 60. (Section60, Regulation 75, Schedule 15)

SignedDevelopment ApprovalCouncil Delegate

S is néã=JfSSl..,.:....,..'..Development ApprovalCouncil Delegate


4Date of Decision: 1810612002

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 72: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

KATNIGH DODDPostal P,O Box 1 171 North Adelaide S.A 5006Tel: (08) 8239 1040 Fax: (08) 8239 1 140E-mail admin@ katnichdodd com auWeb www.katnichdodd

Reference No: PC 17014

For Development Applicat¡on Datedistered On

DevelopmentNo: 580/00430/02


LOCATION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT:House No: Lot No: 434 Streel: RACHEL C|RCUITSection No: Hundred: Volume:

Suburb: NAIRNEFolio:

ln respêct of th¡s proposed development you are ínformed that:

lf applicable, the details of the building classification and the approved number of occupants under the BuildingCode are attached.

lf there were third party representations, any consenUapproval or consenUapproval with conditions does not operateuntil the periods spec¡f¡ed in the Act have expired. Reasons for this decision, any conditions imposed and thereasons for imposing those conditions are set out on the attached sheet.

'NOTENo work can commence on this development unless a Development Approval has been obtained, lf one or

ntsmorework or

have been granted on th¡s Notification Form, you must not start any site works or buildingthe use of land until you have also rece¡ved notification of a Dêvelopment Approval.










'See notes

Commission or Delegate( ) Council Chief Executive Officer or

Delegate( ') Private Certifier (KT)

13 (3) Sheets Attached


DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 73: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Reference No: PC 17014






1) The roof trusses for the iron roof shall be. a proprietary product designed and manufactured by a licensed manufacturer

based on a certífied design complying with the requirements of AS1720.1 and4S1649 utilising a design wind speed (Vo) of not less than 33 m/s, and

. erected, installed and braced in accordance with 434440 and the manufacturersspecification.


l'.lotesThe applicant, owner and person performing the building work shall be made aware that thebuilding site ís located in a Bush Fire Prone Area. The applicant has assessed the category ofsite bushfire attack as LOW. The person performing the building work is required to performthe work in accordance with the relevant requirements of 453959-1999-Construction ofBuildings Ín Bushfìre Prone Areas and BCA Part3.7.4 for this category of bushfire attack.

This consent is íssued on the understanding that the proprietary type materials and productsas specified either on the architectural plans or specification are to be selected and installedin accordance wíth the manufacturers recommendations and relevant standards.

A reference to an Australian Standard in the specificatíon is considered to be a reference tothe current ediiion of the Australian Standard, including any relevant amendments.

Set-off dimensions shall be from the allotment boundaries and not necessarily the fence lines.

The owner of the site is advised that a retaining wall will be required on the boundary to retainany cut or fill.

For building work prescribed in regulation 75, the buildíng owner, must, at least 28 daysbefore the building work is commenced cause to be served on the owner of the affected landor premises a notice of intention to perform the building work and the nature of that work, asrequired by Section 60.

The retaining wall less than 1000 mm high on the site boundary is pursuant to Schedule 3deemed not to be developmenf however under the provísions of Section 60 and Regulation75 the associated excavation/ filling may be deemed to be building work which affects thestability of the adjoining land and requires notice to be served on the adjoining owner.

Sleepers used in the construction of the retaining walls shall be:

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 74: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge


lf timber; designed in accordance with AS 1720, of the correct durability class for timber incontact with the ground and resistant to termite attack, andlf concrete, designed and detailed in accordance with AS 3600 Concrete Structure Code.

The person proposing to undertake building work on land (or who is in charge of such work) iswarned of their obligation to give the Council notice at stages prescribed in Regulation 74.

A person must not occupy a Class 1a building under the Building Code (or an addition to aClass 1a building) that has been completed in accordance with the development authorisationinsofar as it relates to the performance of building work unless it complies with therequirements prescribed in Regulation 83A.Regulation 83AB requires a written statement of completion for Class 1a buildings to beprovided to the relevant authority by¡ the licensed building work contractor who has carried out the relevant work, or who was in

charge of carrying out the relevant work, to which the statement relates. or. if there is no such licensed building work contractor- a registered building work supervisor(including architect) or private certifier.

The location, design and capacity of the stormwater discharge at the property alignmentshould be approved by council prior to siteworks commencing. The drainage syslem shouldbe completed by the finish of construction of the building. (Clause 5.5.3 of AS 2BZO)

The method of stormwater disposal must not result in the entry of water into any building oron to the land of any adjoining owner without their consent.

453660.1- 'Termite Management - New Building Work', sets out methods for minimising therisk to new buildings from damage to their structural members by subterranean termites bydeterring concealed entry by termites from the soil to the building. A termite barrier systemconstructed in accordance with this standard can not prevent termite attack, as barriers maybe bridged or breached. Where termites bridge barriers the evidence may be detected duringinspections which need to be carried out at intervals not exceeding 12 months to reduce therisk of termite damage. A durable notice shall be permanently fixed to the building in aprominent location such as a meter box or the like indicating the method of proteètion; and thedate of installation of the system; and where a chemical barrier is used, its life expectancy aslisted on the National Registration Authority label; and the need to maintain and inspect thesystem on a regular basis.

The roof lrusses shall be erected, installed and braced in accordance with 454440, themanufacturers specífications and good trade practice. The truss design relies on bottomchord restraint at 600 mm centres; the builder is advised that standard 1O mm plasterboarddoes not provide this restraint.

All timbers exposed to the weather or in contact with the ground shall be durability ctass 1 or2 (4S1720) or shall be adequately treated with preservative (4S1604). All nails uåed forframing anchor and straps shall be corrosion protected . Nails used in joints that arecontinuously damp or exposed to the weather shall be hot-dip galvanised, stainless steel ormonel metal.

The assessment of the timber framing has been based on the understanding that the timberto be used for all structural elements has a minimum joint strength group of J4 or JD4.

The footings have not been designed to take into account the effect of trees located within adistance less than their zone of influence from the building whether they are on or outside ofthe allotment. lf clarification is required, refer to the footing construction report or seek advicefrom the engineer.

The footings have only been checked for compliance with the minimum allowablerequirements prescribed in AS2870. The owner is advised to refer to the footing constructionreport or seek advice from the engineer in this matter.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 75: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

The owners attention should be drawn to Appendix B of AS 2870 'Performance Requirementsand Foundation Maíntenance'

Particular care should be exercised to ensure that the plumbing and perimeter paving isinstalled in accordance with the requirements of AS 2870 and engineers details. Externalpaving should be located to provide appropriate slab edge exposure, and to provide sufficientclearance to the undersíde of the damp proof course.

The articulation or controljoints in the masonry walls shall be installed in accordance with theSite lnvestigation and Footing Construction Report numbered F0111-1 12-434 by MR Herriotand Associates Pty Ltd.

Wet area details including floor grades, set-downs and impervious surfaces shall comply withMinister's Specification SA F1.7; including provision of drainage flanges.

All glazing shall be glazed in accordance with 4S1288- 1994, including safety glass for fullheight windows, glazed doors, side panels and windows located over or adjacgnt to abath/shower.

This report does not imply compliance with the Electricity Act, 1996 as amended or theregulations thereunder. lt is the responsíbility of the owner and the person erecting thebuílding to ensure compliance with same.

Katnich DoddBuildi urveyors


DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 76: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge


Council may require an easement for stormwater, drainage, sewer or etfluent infrastructure. Thefollowing are common questions asked regarding Council Easements.

O What is an Easement?

An easement is generally a strip of land marked on the Certificate of Title by means of adashed line. This strip of land indÍcates where a council easement is located through theproperty, This strip of land is still owned by the property owner, it allows council access to it, inorder that maintenance may be carried out on the infrastructure within the easement.

Why are easements necessary?

An easement is necessary to give an indication to the property owner where exactly theinfrastructure is on that property. lt is not always possible to locate infrastructure within roadreserves or Council property

Can I build over an easement?

Generally any structure that is easily dismantled or moved such as a small aviary or smallpotters shed may be erected over an easement. Houses, sheds, extensions and otherimmovable structures are not permitted to be erected over an easement

O Gan I plant on an easement?

Generally you can plant anything that will not grow over 3m tall. Please note though thatanything planted may have to be removed if the infrastructure needs maintenance orreplacement. Reinstatement of any plantings removed will be carried out by Council at its owndiscretion.

Gan I lay a footpath or driveway over an easement?

Yes, however any lids or covers associated with the infrastructure must be left flush with thefinal footpath or driveway levels Driveways and footpaths are to be constructed with blockpavers or similar.

What if Council requires access to the easement?

lf the matter is not urgent Council will notify the property owner of their intent to access theeasement ahead of time Urgent access usually only occurs in emergency situations. Thereinstatement of the easement will be carried out by Council at its own discretion.

lf you have any further questions or require further details regarding Council Easements, pleasecontact Council on 8391 7200.











DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 77: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Annexure to Form 1 Statement________________________________________________________________

Emergency Services Levy CertificateDocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 78: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 80: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Annexure to Form 1 Statement________________________________________________________________

Land Tax CertificateDocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 81: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 82: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 83: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Annexure to Form 1 Statement________________________________________________________________

SA Water CertificateDocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 84: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 85: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 86: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Annexure to Form 1 Statement________________________________________________________________

Memorandum of EncumbranceDocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 87: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 88: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 89: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 90: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 91: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 92: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 93: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Annexure to Form 1 Statement________________________________________________________________

Residential Tenancy AgreementDocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 94: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 95: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 96: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 97: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 98: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 99: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 100: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 101: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

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Page 102: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 103: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 104: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 105: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 106: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 107: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 108: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 109: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

Annexure to Form 1 Statement________________________________________________________________

Department of Planning, Transport &Infrastructure Notice

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

Page 110: Form 1 - Vendor's statement · 1.4 Lease, agreement for lease, tenancy agreement or licence 1.5 Caveat 1.6 Lien or notice of a lien (B)under the heading 33. Other charges - 33.1 Charge

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6171B539-1D44-4184-9375-14C5FA38B683

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