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    About Viet Nam The roles of forests Forest resources Forest ecosystems Classification of forests by


    Achievements in 2006-2010 Development orientation Organization and institution Challenges and solutions International cooperation

    March, 2011

    VIET NAM FORESTRYIntroduction of forests and forest sector of Viet Nam

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    Forests play a vital role in the socio-economic development and in ensuring environmental sustainability of the nation.

    Besides supplying forest products for economic development, forests also contribute significantly to reducing flood

    and storm damages by maintaining and moderating water flows, supplying water for production and livelihood

    activities, mitigating erosions, landslides, and siltation of reservoirs, and producing hydroelectricity. Forests also

    enhance climate control, conserve biodiversity and genetic resources, and provide opportunities for eco-tourism and

    outdoor recreation. Forests play an specially vital role in the earths climate by absorbing and storing carbon thus

    reducing global warming. In Viet Nam, as a specific economic technical sector, forestry significantly contributes to

    sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas, economic growth, stabilization of society, national securityand defense.

    The Booklet on Forestry in Viet Namis developed with the aim of introducing Vietnamese forests and forestry sector

    to a wider range of audiences. It is composed jointly by Viet Nam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST) of the

    Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and the Forest Sector Support Partnership (FSSP) Coordination

    Office, with the financial support from JICA.

    We would like to express our gratitude for the kind support from various colleagues within the Viet NamAdministration of Forestry, international and national partners to develop and publish this Booklet. Special thankswould be given to Mr. Noriyoshi Kitamura JICA Forestry Programme Advisor for his effective support during the

    process of preparing and editing this Booklet.

    We have tried our best to collect and synthesize information as well as provide interesting insights to our readers and

    colleagues. We look forward to further receiving valuable contributions, comments on this Booklet from readers. Such

    feedbacks would be appreciated with thanks to better improve the Booklet in the future.

    Kind regards,

    H u a D u c N h iVice Minister, MARDDirector General, Viet Nam Administration of Forestry

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    Located in the Southeast of Asia, from 2324 to 835Northern latitude and 10208 to 10928 Easternlongitude.

    Land area: 33,019 km2 Length: 1,652 km Width: 632 km of the widest, 42 km of the narrowest 2/3 of the mainland territorial area covered by hills

    and mountains, the highest mountain Fansipan with3,143 m above sea level.

    There are 2,360 rivers and streams Climate: Northern hemisphere tropical monsoon, close

    to equatorial climate, impacted by the Northeast and

    Southeast Asian monsoon. Population: 85.8 million (in 2009) GDP: $104.6 billion US (in 2010) and estimated $155

    billion US in 2011(WB)


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    Forests are a source of food and foodstuff: many of current food and food products originated from

    natural forests, such as potato, rice, fruits, coffee,

    chocolate, spices and so on. Many foods are still beingharvested from forests such as bamboo shoots,

    mushrooms, ground cloves, forest animals, etc.

    Forests are the main material sources forbuilding houses, housing equipment and fuels for rural and

    mountainous areas and are the major livelihoods of the

    forest dependent ethnic minority people.

    Forests are a source of medicine for peopleof ethnic minorities and for the pharmaceutical

    industry. Currently we only know about 1% of flora

    species in tropical forests but 25% of drugs producedoriginating from these plants, including many species

    with cancer treatment possibilities.

    Harvested from Plantations A nest of honey bees in Song Trem, Ca Mau

    Forests protect habitats of human life, wildlifes,agricultural production and mitigate damages caused by

    natural disasters such as mitigating negative effects of

    floods, watershed protection like reducing water flow

    speed during floods, combating soil erosion, landslides

    (where close forests are available, the amount of soil

    erosion can be reduced 80-90%).

    Forests provide raw materials for forestproduct processing industry, such as production of

    paper, fiberboard, sawn-timber, pit-props, and NTFPs

    like bamboo, rattan, raisin, oils, etc.

    Forests provide relaxation andentertainment areas for humans due to the

    pollutions of urban and industrial zones cause negative

    impacts to their health.

    Bird sanctuary in Bac Lieu Bamboo material for processing


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    Forests function water regeneration,maintaining water under the vegetation and groundwater

    and bringing water back to streams, rivers to supply for

    hydropower plants, agricultural production and human lifein dry season. Overseas research showed that the amount

    of water kept and regulated by 3,000 ha of primary forests

    is equivalent to a reservoir of 1 mil. m3 of water. Thus,

    investments in forest protection and planting of watershed

    protection forests are considered similar to civil work

    investments which bring synthetic effects to the


    Coastal protection forests and mangroveforests are very useful for shielding waves, wind,

    storm, sea encroachment, sand-dune and sand

    moves According to an IUCN survey, the horribletsunami in December 26th , 2004 caused the death of

    hundreds of thousands people in various countries in

    Asia and Africa. However, in areas with wide mangrove

    line such as in India or in Phukhet Island of Thailand,

    villages behind such green walls are nearly untought,

    because the tsurinami energy had reduced from 50 to


    Forest in Phong Nha Quang Binh Mangrove forest in Can Gio Ho Chi Minh City Forests play an important role in carbonsequestration and storage, contributing remarkable to

    reduce the warming of the earth and living environment.

    Worldwide countries and international organizations

    assume that forest protection is the most effective solution

    for global warming reduction. Attention should be paid on

    the fact that carbon volume in natural forests is 5-10 times

    higher than that in plantations and agricultural trees.

    Forests, especially natural forests, are the lungs of the

    planet, also contribute to climate regulation and air

    quality improvement (CO2 sequestration, oxygen

    release and air filtering), particularly in industrial zones

    and urban areas with high pollutions. Each person

    needs around 4 tons of oxygen for breathing each

    year, equivalent to the oxygen release level of 1,000-

    3,000m2 of trees or 0.1 ha of forest. Forest loss could

    cause unexpected changes in the atmosphere and

    natural disasters at global scale.

    Can Gio National Park Ba Vi National Park


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    Area of forest and forestry land (to 31/ 12/ 2009)

    Type of forest/ forestr y land Area (ha)

    Forested area 13,258,843

    A. Na tu ra l f o res t 10 ,339 ,3051. Wood forest 8,235,838

    2. Bamboo forest 621,454

    3. Mix forest 685,631

    4. Mangrove forest 60,603

    5. Rocky mountain forest 735,779

    B. P l an ta t i on 2 ,919 ,5381. With standing volume (> 3 years) 1,464,330

    2. Without standing volume (

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    1. Tropical closed evergreen moist broadleaf

    rainforest ecosystem: Ecosystems belonging to such

    vegetation are very rich and diverse, distributed at

    height below 700m above the sea level in variousnorthern provinces and below 1000m above the sea

    level in some southern provinces. Average annual

    temperature is about 20 - 250C while average annual

    rainfall is between 2,000 - 2,500mm. Annually, there is

    no drought month but a 3-month dry season. This

    ecosystem is densed with many closed layers of canopy

    together with evergreen broad - leaved large timber

    trees species.

    2. Evergreen broad-leaved forest ecosystem on

    limestone mountains: Rocky forest area (mainly

    limestone) is over 1.1 mil. ha, of which forested area was

    approximately 0.4 mil. ha (1999) distributed in 24 provincesand cities, such as Cao Bng, Lng Sn, Tuyn Quang, HGiang, Ho Bnh, Ninh Bnh, Thanh Ho in northern Truong

    Son mountain ranges and some islands. The vegetation on

    limestone mountains basically are indigenous flora of the

    North of Viet Nam and the South of China, which distributed

    scatteredly at the height belt of 300-1200m above the sea

    level, resulting in microclimate areas. The average

    temperature is 200C annually.

    Closed evergreen forest Evergreen broad leaved forest on limestone mountains

    3. Deciduous broadleaf forest ecosystem (open

    forest of Dipterocaps): Deciduous broadleaf forests

    distribute in provinces of Dac Lac, Dac Nong, Gia Lai,

    and some smaller ones as of Lam Dong, Ninh Thuan,

    Binh Thuan, Binh Phuoc, Tay Ninh and mainly locating

    at the height of 400 - 800m. Deciduous broadleaf forest

    ecosystem suffers an extremely tough dry season lasting

    from November to April. Dipterocaps trees species are

    dominant in this ecosystem.

    4. Mangrove forest ecosystem: Mangrove ecosystem

    distributes along with the coastline of Viet Nam with 28

    provinces and cities. The composition of mangrove trees

    species varies on the basis of ecological environment.

    There are 47 flora families and plenty of fauna species

    together with famous bird sancturaries. Coastal area of C

    Mau province owns an ecosystem of the most diverse trees

    species composition with the best growth.

    Deciduous broadleaf forest Mangrove forest


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    5. Tropical closed semi-deciduous broadleaf

    moist forest ecosystem: Such forest ecosystem

    locates in some mountainous provinces of the North,

    North Central, Central Highlands, Southeastern regionsetc., and distributes in the North at the height of below

    700m above the sea level and in the South below

    1000m. The average air temperature is about 20 250C

    annually, while average annual rainfall is between 1,200-

    2,500 mm. Dry season occurs 1 3 months with the

    rainfall less than 50mm, particularly under 25mm in

    some months. Tree layer structure consists of 3 layers of

    typical timber trees species, such as Liquidambar

    formosana, Lagerstroemia tomentosa etc. Average tree

    height reaches 40m while some trees species have

    buttress. Lower layers and shrubs are scattered andopen.

    6. Natural coniferous forest ecosystem includes low

    mountain subtropical coniferous ecosystem distributed in

    some provinces, such as Son La, Nghe An, Ha Giang, Lam

    Dong, etc. In the south, Pinus merkusii distributed at 600-1000m while in the north the distribution is probably at

    lower level. Pinus kesiya distributes at the height of over

    1000m. Temperate coniferous forest ecosystem at medium

    high mountains distributes mainly at Sa Pa, Tuan Giao,

    Ha Giang, Tay Con Linh, Chu Giang Sinh, Lam Dong, etc

    with the height of over 1600m in the North and over

    1800m in the South. In subtropical coniferous forests main

    species are Pinus merkusii and Pinus kesiya etc., and in

    highly mountainous temperate coniferous forests there

    are Fokienia Hodginsii, Cunninghamia Lanceolata,

    Dacrycarpus imbricatus etc.

    Tropical closed semi-deciduous broadleaf moist forest Coniferous forest

    7. Melaleuca forest ecosystem: Locates mainly in 7

    provinces of the Mekong river delta, distributes at the

    height under 2m above the sea level , which is different

    from region to region in terms of inundated regime and

    duration (3 to 9 months each year). This ecosystem is

    formed at waterlogged conditions, thus only some high

    adaptation species can survive, resulting in simple

    structure of species composition and layering.

    8. Bamboo forest ecosystems: Bamboo ecosystems in

    Viet Nam are diverse with more than 133 species. Main

    ecosystems are Bambusa procera, Dendrocalamus barbatus,

    Indosasa/Acidosasa, Schizostachyum, Bambusa balcoa.

    Bamboo distributes thoughout the country, of which the

    largest area are Central Highlands, North Central, Northeast,

    Southeast and Northwest regions. Bamboo forests are

    formed within the secondary succession.

    Melaleuca forest Bamboo forest


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    Total land area planned for forestry is 16.24 mil ha, divided

    into 3 forest categories as following: land planned for

    development of special-use forests: 2,199,342 ha,

    accounting for 13.5%; for development of protectionforests: 5,552,328 ha, making up 34.2%; and for

    development of production forests: 8,495,823 ha,

    equivalent to 52.3%.

    Forest land distributes mainly in hilly and mountainous

    areas of the country, where 25 mil. people, including 12

    mil. ethnic minority people, are living together with low

    educational level, back-warded farming practices, slow

    economic development, and difficult living conditions.

    Special-use forest is the forest type established

    with the aims at preserving natural resources, forest

    ecosystem standards of the country, genetic sources

    of forest fauna species, scientific research, protectinghistorical sites, beauty spots served as tourisms in

    combination with ecological environment protection.

    Special-use forest includes: National Parks; Nature

    conservation areas (including Nature Reserves, Species

    and Landscape conservation areas); Landscape

    protection areas (including historical, cultural sites and

    beauty spots) and scientific experimental and research


    Special-use forest in Dau Doi U Minh Ha Ca MauProtection forest is determined primarily to serve the

    purpose of protecting and enhancing the capabilities on

    regulation of water sources, soil conservation, erosion control

    and desertification prevention, contributing to mitigate

    natural disasters, climate control, ensuring ecological balance

    and environmental security.

    Protection forests include: 1) watershed protection forests, 2)

    wind- and sand-shielding protection forest; 3) Wave-breaking

    protection forest; 4) Environment protection forests. Some

    provinces also have boundary protection forests.

    Production forests are mainly used for

    manufacturing and trading of timber, NTFPs in

    combination with some protection and conservation

    functions. Production forests include natural production

    ones restored by zoning for natural regeneration and

    planted forests. Besides, basing on average standing

    volume in each hectare of natural forests, they are also

    classified as rich, medium, and poor forests; plantation

    production forests include plantations (post-harvestingafforestation and reforestation forests) and seed

    forests including natural and plantation forests which

    are selected, transformed and certified.

    Protection forest on Thac Ba Hydro-Power Plant

    Forests, especially natural forests, have many functions

    such as production, protection, conservation of

    biodiversity, gene resources conservation, recreation,

    relaxation and creating a better living environment for

    humans and wildlife animals. Therefore, forests must

    be managed on multi-purpose and multi-function basis

    to maximize the utilization of forest benefits.


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    Total forest area increased from 12.87 mil. ha in2006 to 13.26 mil. ha in 2009 and is expected to increase

    up to 13.45 mil. ha in 2010;

    Harvesting volume increased from 3.2 mil. m3 oftimber in 2006 to 3.8 mil. m3 in 2009 and expected to

    increase up to 4.95 mil. m3 in 2010, of which plantation

    production occupied 90%.

    Annual newly planted forest area increasedfrom 157,080 ha in 2006 to 236,780 ha in 2009 and

    replanted and newly planted forest areas of 300.000

    ha each year is definitely feasible.

    Contract-based allocation of forest forprotection following 661 Project achieved average of

    2.6 mil. ha out of nearly 8 mil. ha of protection and

    special-use forests in the period of 2006 - 2010,

    accounting for 172% as planned.

    Zoning for regeneration in Ca Mau National Park

    The number of planted scattered trees achievedmore than 200 mil. trees per year, contributing to create

    remarkable timber materials and firewood sources for rural

    areas (equivalent to 100,000 ha of plantations).

    Industrial gross output of timber and NTFPprocessing industry increased from 60,059 bil. VND in 2005

    to 116,685 bil. VND in 2009 at current price, accounting for

    194% of the output in 2005.

    Export value of sectoral products increasedfrom $1.56 mil. US in 2005 to $2.8 bil. US in 2008 and

    expected to increase up to $3.4 bil. US in 2010

    (average increase of 20% each year) and be

    considered as one of top five products with the

    highest export value in Viet Nam. The furniture of VietNam has been exported to nearly 100 countries and

    regions worldwide, particularly to the markets of

    United States, European Union, and Japan.


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    The sector has developed manybreakthrough policies such as the policy on

    payment for forest environmental services (Degree

    No.99/2010/ND-CP); policy on supporting plantedproduction forest development (Decision

    No.147/2007/QD-TTg); Degree on organization and

    management of special-use forest system (Degree No.

    117/2010/ND-CP) etc.

    The quality of plantation has been improvedgradually, of which many scientific progress and

    achievement have been applied, especially in seed

    selection, breeding, multiplication on tissue culture basis,contributing to improve the quality of forest plantation, i.e.

    some provinces achieved the productivity of 15 20 m3

    per ha each year. Disadvantages showed in the limitations

    on number of planted tree species, which are mainly Acacia

    mangium, Hybrid Acacia, Acacia auriculiformis, Eurcaliptus,


    Acacia Plantation forest in Thac Ba Lake (Yen Bai Province) Viet Nam has a quite complete system of164 special-use forests with 2 mil. ha, including 30National parks, 58 Nature Reserves, 11 species

    conservation areas, 45 historical, cultural and

    environmental forests and 20 scientific research and

    pilot sites, in which 4 National Parks were recognized

    as ASEAN heritages (Hoang Lin, Ba Be, Chu Mom Ray

    and Kon Ka Kinh). Some National Parks were

    recognized as World Heritage, such as Phong Nha

    Ke Bang and Bai Tu Long under the Ha Long Bay

    Heritage. Many National Parks are core zones of 7

    UNESCO Biosphere Reserves. Viet Nam also has 2

    RAMSAR areas, including respectively Xun Thu ofXuan Thuy National Park and Bau Sau of Cat Tien

    National Park.

    Policy on payment for forest environmentalservices (Degree No. 99/2010/ND-CP) and Decision380/2008/Q-TTg on piloting payment for forestenvironmental services (PFES) have carried out PFES

    payments for local communities and households involving in

    forest protection. PFES will be implemented in the whole

    country from 2011 and to be important revenues for forest

    management and protection, increasing sectoral gross output

    of environmental services. As of February 2010, after 2 years

    of FPES implementation, 7 hydropower plants and clean

    water supply companies have committed to address

    payments of 234.4 bil. VND in 2009, particularly 300 mil.

    VND achieved from tourism companies in Lam Dong


    Mangrove forest in Can Gio Ho Chi Minh City


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    Development viewpoint s

    Integrate the management,protection, and appropriateutilization of resources, starting

    from afforestation and reforestation,to the harvesting, processing offorest products, environmentalservices, ecotourism, etc.

    Make significant contributions toeconomic growth, poverty reduction

    and environmental protection.

    Sustainable management, utilizationand development of forests are the

    foundation for forestry


    Base on speeding up and makingmore profound policies related to

    socialization of forestry activities,

    and attracting investment resources

    for forest protection and


    Development orientat ion for 3 forest t ypes and forest land

    Protection forest: review and rearrange national protection forestsystem with the area of approximately 5.68 million ha.

    Special use forest: maintain existing special-use forest system andimprove forest quality and biodiversity values.

    Production forest: focus on establishment of concentrated raw materialareas of forest for industry.

    Key development orientations for management, protection,

    development & uti l ization of forest

    Forest management: establishment of the national permanent forestestate.

    Forest protection, nature and biodiversity conservation: focus onimprove awareness on forest protection and development.

    Forest development: focus on planning, classifying and havingdevelopment plans for 3 forest categories (special-use, protection andproduction forests).

    Forest utilization, processing & trade: focus on products of highcompetitive advantages, environmental services and major markets,such as United States, European Union and Japan.

    Viet Nam Forestry Development Strat egy 2006-2 020

    This strategy was approved by the Prime Minister on 5th

    February 2007. It includes 5 programs which are then

    concretize in projects. The strategy is implemented in 3

    five-year plans and annual work plans.

    Five programs of VFDS 2006-2020

    Str ategy implementation and M&E

    M&E system has been developed based on the log

    frame of the Strategy with 72 indicators. Up to now,

    the forest sector has published the Forest Sector

    Baseline Report 2005 and Forest Sector Progress

    Report 2006-2010.

    VFDS 2006-2020 M&E Model


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    To reforest 5 million hectares of forest (2 million haof protection and special-use forest, 3 million of

    production forest); protect existing forest areas to

    increase the forest coverage up to 40%, contributing

    to ensure environmental security, mitigation of

    natural disasters, improving water regeneration,

    preservation of genetic sources and biodiversity.

    To effectively use the areas of bare land anddenuded hills and create more jobs for laborers,

    contributing to poverty reduction, sedentary

    cultivation, income generation for rural and

    mountainous people, stabilizing politics society,

    defense, security, especially in border areas.

    To provide material timber for production of paper,artificial board, meeting demands for timber,

    firewood, and other forest products for domestic

    consumption and export, together with the

    development of forest product processing industry, to

    make forestry become an important economic sector,

    contributing to socio economic development in the

    mountainous areas.


    Phase 1 (1998-2005), after 8 years ofimplementation of the 5 Million Hectares

    Reforestation Project, about 1.3 million ha of forests

    have been planted in the whole country, contributed

    to increase the forest coverage in Viet Nam up to

    37% (increased 3.8% as compared to that of 1999).

    Viet Nam is recognized with great efforts in

    plantation and considered as one of 10 countries in

    the world with the largest plantation area. This is an

    important progress because the forest area in Viet

    Nam reduced continually before the project.

    Phase 2 (2006-2010) following the Resolution 73 ofthe Eleventh National Assembly, the project hascarried out: contracting about 2.5 million ha for

    protection, achieving 167% of the planned target;

    protection and special use forest plantation

    achieved 253,264 ha, reaching 101% as planned,

    production plantation obtained 887,365 ha,

    accounting for 115% against the plan. Zoning for

    regeneration achieved 922,768 ha, making up 115%

    against the plan, in which new zoning areas reached

    519,768 ha while continually zoned areas were

    403.000 ha.

    Transport of seedlings for plantation in Ninh Thuan Mangrove forest plantation in Soc Trang

    More jobs have been created, of which within the project 661, 4.657 million jobs were created with the forest-based income generated at levels of under 25%, 25-50% and over 50% of total household income, equivalent to

    2.85 times increase as compared with 2005.

    The amount of plantation harvesting provided sufficiently materials for artificial board industry, pit props,firewood, major part for pulp and a minor one for export-based woodchip production. But the sector has not met

    demands for large timber for wood processing for export and domestic consumption (currently each yearapproximately 1 billion USD spent for wood material import).


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    Viet Nam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST) wasestablished at the Decision 04/2010/Q-TTg, dated 25th ofJanuary 2010, by the Prime Minister. VNFOREST is anagency under the Ministry of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment, performs the function of advising andassisting the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Developmentin state management and implementing tasks of statemanagement on forestry in the country, managing andinstructing public service activities under the VNFORESTmanagement scope.

    Forest Protection Department is an agency underVNFOREST, performs the function of advising and assistingVNFOREST Director General in implementing statemanagement on forest protection, ensuring legal enforcementon forest protection, development and forest product

    management under the management scope of VNFOREST.

    Forest I nventory and Planning In stitut e is apublic service unit under VNFOREST, performsfunctions on basic inventory of forest resources,planning, survey, design of forests and forestry landin the whole country and managing and developing

    Viet Nam Forest Resource Museum. FIPI serves onstate administration demands of VNFOREST.

    Provincial Sub-Department of Forestry underthe Department of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment, functions state administration taskson forestry development.

    Provincial Sub-Department of Forest Protection

    under the Department of Agriculture and Rural

    Development, functions state administration tasks on

    forest protection and biodiversity conservation.

    Forest sector organizational structureMilestones in organization of f orest sector

    1954 1975: General Dept. of Forestry 1976 1994: Minist ry of Forestry 1995 2009: Dept. of Forestry and Dept. of Forest Protection 2010 to present: Viet Nam Administ ration of Forestry


    the XI

    National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam at its 6 th

    session on December 3, 2004, takes effect on April 1st 2005, replaces the

    1991 Law on Forest Protection and Development.

    This Law provides for the management, protection, development and use of

    forests, and forest owners rights and obligations.

    This Law applies to State agencies, domestic organizations, households and

    individuals, overseas Vietnamese as well as foreign organizations and

    individuals involved in forest protection and development in Viet Nam.


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    LAW ON BI ODI VERSI TY was passed on November 13, 2008,

    by the XII National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

    at its 4th session, takes effect on July 1, 2009

    This Law provides for the biodiversity conservation andsustainable development; rights and obligations of organizations,

    households and individuals in the biodiversity conservation and

    sustainable development.

    This Law applies to organizations, households and individuals in

    the country, overseas Vietnamese, foreign organizations and

    individuals carrying out activities of or related to the biodiversity

    conservation and sustainable development in Viet Nam.

    LAND LAW was passed by Legislature XI of the National

    Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 4th

    session on26th November 2003, takes effect on the 1st of July 2004.

    This Law governs the powers and responsibilities of the State as

    representative of the ownership of land by the entire people for

    uniform administration of land and the regime for administration

    and use of land; and the rights and obligations of land users.

    This Law shall apply to (1) State bodies exercising rights and

    discharging responsibilities as representative of the ownership of

    land by the entire people and carrying out the task of uniform

    State administration of land; (2) Land users; and (3) Other

    entities involved in the administration and use of land.

    Among various legal documents on forestry, the DECREE ON


    SERVI CES is a breakthrough. It was issued by Government of

    Viet Nam on September 24th, 2010 and takes effects from January

    1st, 2011. This decree regulates the policy for payment for forest

    environmental services in Viet Nam, including:

    1) Types of environmental service that the users pay to thesuppliers subject to this Decree.

    2) Suppliers and users of forest environmental services.3) Management and use of the payment from forest

    environmental services.

    4) Rights and obligations of suppliers and users of forestenvironmental services.

    5) Responsibilities of state management agencies at variouslevels and of different sectors in implementing payment for

    forest environmental services.

    The provisions of this Decree shall apply to state agencies;

    organizations, households, individuals, village communities in the

    country; Vietnamese residing overseas, foreign organizations andindividuals with operations relating to supply, use, and payment

    for forest environmental services and management of the

    payment from forest environmental services.


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    Population growth, l imited cultivation land and

    inefficient land uses put constant pressures on forests for

    expansion of agricultural land and for industrial development

    such as food crops, industrial crops, settlements,infrastructure (hydropower, mining, roads etc.);

    I ncreasing deman ds for t imber an d NTFPs put

    pressure on forest resources and the environment

    particularly on natural forests. The current demands

    for forest products exceed the sustainable supplyfrom the forests.

    In 2010 total timber harvesting is 4.8 mill m3 only and most

    is plantation forest timber compared to the timber demand of

    14 million m3 and the timber import of 4 - 5 million m3 per

    year approximately.

    Limited competitiveness of forest production and wood

    processing: International integration not only an opportunity,

    but also a great challenge for the forest product processing

    industry and trade of forest products. The competition will be

    more critical in the future in both international and domestic


    Projection of demands of timber forViet Nam

    Mill. M3

    2015 2020

    Domestic and export timber 18.62 22.1

    Large timber for industry and civilconstruction

    10.2 12.0

    Small timber used for export woodbased panels and wood chips

    2.9 1.7

    Small timber for pulp production 5.2 8.2

    Pitprops 0.16 0.2

    The economic, social and environmental importance

    of forests and forest sector have not been

    comprehensively, objectively and fairly evaluated ,

    which have affected the formulation of investment and

    development policies of the sector. Lack of supporting

    policies of the Government especially financial policies and

    mechanism makes difficult for sector development.

    Low quality plantation forests: Small scale at household

    level and extensive farming system lead to their low

    productivity. Most of planted forest harvests are less than 70

    m3/ ha in 6-7 years rotation. Moreover, monoculture (mainlyAcacia and Eucalyptus species) and low investment are main

    constraints for big timber production in particular large

    timber production.

    The inadequacies between the requirements

    for fast comprehensive and sustainable

    development and the restricted resources of

    the forest sector (e.g. human resources,

    infrastructure, funding for long forest tree rotation,

    management capacity etc.) made slow forest sector


    Low quality natural forests caused by over-

    harvesting, shifting cultivation and forest fire in recent

    decades: Most of natural forest areas are poor and

    young regenerated forests and are being targets forconversion to food, industrial crops and industrial

    development as well as for illegal logging.


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    Viet Nam Forestr y | 17

    Inst i tut ion

    Continuing allocation of planted production forest land tothe poor and landless households;

    Scaling up models for community forest managementmainly for natural forests of all three forest categories;

    Development of long-term investment policies for specialuse and protection forests and supporting investment

    policy for planted production forests especially for big

    timber production;

    Development of investment policy to support renovationof technologies and equipment for wood processing

    companies including supporting industry;

    Scaling up the PES mechanism based on Degree 99/ND-CP to national level and piloting REDD+ to support localpeople to protect the forests;

    Government should invest to build up forest infrastructurefor the prioritized raw material supply forest areas (forest

    roads and forest fire protection);

    Capacity building for forestry staff and farmers especiallyat commune and village levels though forestry extension


    Forest m anagement

    Establishing permanent national forest estate asbasis for meeting sustainable social, economic and

    environmental objectives of the sector;

    Carrying out a comprehensive and periodical forestinventory to compartment level as basis for

    forestry planning and forest land allocation


    Carrying out sustainable and multi-use forestmanagement planning & implementation for forest

    management units and feasible forest protection

    and development plans for administrative levels;

    Establishing provincial or inter-provincial GeneralCorporations of Forestry focusing on big timber

    planting, forest products processing and business.

    Forest Developm ent

    Focusing more on big timber species planting withleading role of state forest companies for meeting

    the big timber demands for export industry in two

    next decades;

    Strengthening the forest production forms ofhousehold, service cooperatives, state forest

    companies and joint venture for future sustainable

    forest management and timber certification;

    Strengthening the research in selecting high yieldspecies for big timber planting including

    technology transfer from other countries.

    Forest prot ecti on and conservati on

    Enhancing collaborative forest management betweenforest management units, CPCs and local communities in

    forest management and protection;

    Allocating more responsibilities and benefits in forestmanagement & protection to CPCs and local communities;

    Strengthening the cooperation of all law enforcementagencies particularly FPD for better supporting local

    people and authorities in forest protection & conservation.

    Forest Utilizat ion Promoting multi-use forest management and sustainable

    harvesting according approved forest management plans;

    Encouraging processing companies invest in big timberspecies planting in form of joint venture to reduce timber

    import gradually and to enable legal timber/ timber

    products for export;

    Encouraging development of supporting industry anddomestic timber market;

    Promoting building up and broadcasting trademarks oftimber product to international markets;

    Encouraging development of NTFP conservation andproduction and processing for diversification of household



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    Viet Nam Forestr y | 18

    I nternational commit ments, treaties, conventions and

    organization s relevant t o the for est sector signed by Viet Nam:

    Convention on special important wetland as the residence of thewater birds (Ramsar), 1989

    Convention on International Trade of Endangered Extinction Species(CITES), 1994

    United Nation Frame Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),1994

    Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), 1994 United Nation Convention on Combat Desertification (UNCCD), 1998 United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) FAO Committee of Forestry (COFO) FAO Asia Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC) ASEAN Senior Official of Forestry (ASOF), 1995 International Network on Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), 1999 Asia- Pacific Community Forestry Training Center (RECOFTC), 1999 Asian Forestry Partnership (AFP), 2004 Asian Social Forestry Network (ASFN), 2005 Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and

    Rehabilitation (APFNet), 2008

    Multi lateral and Bilateral cooperation

    For a long time, Viet Nam has maintained a close relationship and cooperation with many countries anddevelopment partners for forest conservation and sustainable forest management.

    Donor community, such as WB, ADB, KfW, GIZ, JICA, Finland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Norway, etc., continuessupport Viet Nams forestry sector in the coming years to implement the Viet Nam Forestry Development Strategy

    (2006 2020) and deal with climate change issue.

    To further expand bilateral cooperation, MARD signed MoU with Korean Forest Service in 1999 and then StateForestry Administration of P.R. China in 2010.


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    Viet Nam Forestr y | 19

    Fores t Sec to r Suppor t P a r tne r sh i p (FSSP)The Forest Sector Support Partnership (FSSP, or the

    Forestry Partnership, previously known as the Forest

    Sector Support Program and Partnership, FSSP&P) is apartnership among the Government of Viet Nam,

    represented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural

    Development (MARD), and international partners, such

    as donors, multilateral agencies, and international non-

    governmental organizations. The FSSP is the platform

    for policy dialogue, collaboration and coordination

    among the forest sector stakeholders or partners.

    FSSP M a i n F unc t ion s Coordination: maximize partners activities and

    resources used for VFDS 2006-2020 implementation;

    Policy dialogue and advisory: provide MARD,VNFOREST and Partnership Steering Committee with

    ideas and recommendations on crucial issues;

    Monitoring and evaluation: consolidate and M&Esystem for FSSP and the whole forest sector;

    Information and communication: update andshare information on activities of partners and sector;

    FSSP Institutional Structure 2011-2015

    Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and

    Forest Degradation (REDD + ) I nitiati ve

    Since the 2007 Climate Change Conference in Bali that

    recognized forests contribution to climate change

    mitigation the Government of Viet Nam (GoV) has been

    moving rapidly to formulate and implement the REDD

    Program Framework for the country.

    In 2008, Viet Nam is one of nine countries identified for

    country programming under UN-REDD programme, and

    was also one of the first countries to receive approval for

    a Readiness Project Identification Note (R-PIN) under theWorld Banks Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF).

    Viet Nam REDD Network and Working Group established

    in 2009. Supporting these two institutions, 5 Sub

    technical Working Groups established, including:

    Measuring-Reporting-Verification (MRV)/ Reference

    Emission Level (REL), Benefit sharing, Governance, Local

    Implementation, and Capacity Building.

    National REDD strategy (under development): The UN-

    REDD Viet Nam Programme is currently assisting MARD

    in the drafting of the National REDD Strategy. TheStrategy will outline the policies of the Government of

    Viet Nam with regards to REDD and specify how it will

    be implemented by the government agencies at

    national and provincial levels.

    Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade

    (FLEGT) I nit iati ve

    The European Union FLEGT Action Plan provides a number

    of measures to exclude illegal timber from markets, to

    improve the supply of legal timber and to increase the

    demand for responsible wood products.

    Viet Nam actively participated in FLEGT Program especially

    in FLEGT Asia Program. In May 2010, Viet Nam officially

    announced to start formal negotiations for a FLEGT

    Voluntary Partnership Agreement between Viet Nam and the

    EU, with the hope of concluding the negotiations with asigned VPA by the end of 2012. The aim of these

    negotiations between Viet Nam and the EU will be the

    conclusion of a cooperative agreement that would create

    conditions for Viet Nams timber producers to improve their

    position on the EU market and increase their ability to adapt

    to EU



    ents with






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    No 2, Ngoc Ha Street, Ba Dinh District, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

    Tel: 84.4.38438792

    Fax: 84.4.38438793Website:

    This booklet is funded by JICA

    Pictures and figures used in this booklet are from colleagues

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