Page 1: For Your Information—For Your Inspiration News & Notes for ...Crane, Robert Cross, Jack Daleus, Jack Dickson, Bob Grover, Ella Hikade, Arlene Kaye, Matthew Ottenwess, Virginia Sandstrom,

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

910 Marne Highway Hainesport, New Jersey 08036-2666

Office Phone: 609.267.0740 Fax: 609.267.3798

E-Mail: [email protected]

The Reverend Dr. David B. Jost, Senior Pastor

The Reverend Laura Esposito, Associate Pastor

Karen Boettge, Director of reJOYce Christian School & JOYfull

House (Extended Care Program) Beverly Grazioli,

Sunday School Director Rosanne Scassero, Church Secretary

Karen McMahon, Business Manager Mark Moore, Sexton Denisemarie Ramos,

Director of Music

St. Paul’s Mission Statement Rooted in God’s unconditional love,

the congregation of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

commits mind, body, spirit and treasure to make all people

disciples of Christ, to share God’s abundance, and to proclaim the Gospel

in word and deed.

Keep these folks in your prayers…

...those who are hospitalized, ill or other: Marilyn Adams, Jackie Anderson, Ray Balsamo, Kathryn Baltaitis, Ray Bayley, Fred Bertram, Gail Blakeslee, Steve Blum, Charlie Bohlen, Mark Boughen, Bob Breisch, Brenda, Linda Brooks, David Bulanauski, Viola Christensen, Amanda Costa, Erin Craig, Cheryl Crain, Mitch Cramer, Tom D’Amico, Nina Davis, Joseph Denphy, Lauren Diorio, Brian Drea, John and Jane Emrick, Sharon Favaloro, Clif Fernandez, Ernie Ferreny, Vandra French, Bill Gardner, Chris Giroso, Bill and Laurie Grosspeter, Dale Hansen, Holly Hilferty, Alice Izzo, Rocke Izzo, Gussie Johnson, Rina Johnson, Jay Jones, Janice Kaminski, Katie Kish, Dean Larson, Richard Leonhard, Morgan Lowe, Bill Magyar, Sarah Magyar, Darlene Marks, Samantha Marx, Tim Marx, Edward McLaughlin, Mary Meddahi, Gordon Moran, Ned Monroe, Fred Newman, Debbie Norton, Elaine Orosz, Coletta Pagenkopf, Doris Palmer, Agnes Pape, Martha Paul, Michael Pissiti, Hans Ritt, Mark Schwartz, John & Linda Schwarzmann, Tim Shell, Kathryn Simpson, Darrell Soltesz, Christine Strimel, Bob Tolbert, Justin Vinluan, Ethan Wassersug, Jennifer Webb, Carole Winter, Shirley Worthington, Lynette Zahirny.

...those who have long-term illnesses: Gerri Burns, Phil Boettge, Patty Cramer, Edith Crane, Robert Cross, Jack Daleus, Jack Dickson, Bob Grover, Ella Hikade, Arlene Kaye, Matthew Ottenwess, Virginia Sandstrom, Ruth Steever, Kathy Strano, Violet P. Wise.

...those who are shut-in: Marcy Boettge, Jane Brooks, Ilse Burrell, Victor Bush, Walt Cliver, Fran Craig, Millie Guenther, June Henning, John Johnson, Vera Jensen, Alice Karis, Nancy McKeown, Ruth Steever,

...those who mourn: Family (Brink and Soltesz) and friends of Mary

Kuhn, mother and grandmother Family and friends of Kathleen Regn, John Soltesz’

grandmother Family and friends of Kay McFadden, Pat

Headrick’s aunt ...those in the military or other service: Michael Cobb, Navy, in Jacksonville, FL. Mark B. Moore, III, Army ...the following St. Paul’s families (You are all

members of the Prayer Team); The Larry & Lisa Burke Family, Ilse Burrell, Peggy

& Victor Busch, The Amy & John Cameron Family, Evelyn Carmichael, Susan Carpenter

...for peace and unity in our own country.

Please help us keep this list updated. Let the church office know if someone should be removed from this list. (609) 267-0740 or [email protected].

Worship Attendance

October 15/16, 2016

Total—210 7:30 PM—30 8:00 AM—35

9:30 AM—69 11:00 AM—76

The total giving for September was $43,4440.00. Average giving for Mission Plan was $9698.00. Average giving needed for Mission Plan $10,574 per week.

For Your Information—For Your Inspiration

News & Notes

for St. Paul’s Community

October 29/30, 2016

Worship Services:

Saturday, 7:30 PM Sunday, 8:00 AM Sunday, 9:30 AM Sunday, 11:00 AM Sunday School, 10:30—11:30 AM

The Great Thanksgiving... All baptized, believing Chris-tians are welcome to the Lord’s Table. Come forward down the center aisle, pick up a glass and follow the direc-tions of the ushers. Glasses of grape juice are available in the center of the tray. If you are unable to come to the al-tar, please inform an usher so that the Eucharist may be brought to you.

For Children Ages 2—6: Busy Bags are available near the Growing in Faith Together (GIFT) Table in the back of the sanctuary. One bag per child, please, and return bags to the bin following worship. Nursery care: There will be no nursery care during the service.

On this day we celebrate the heart of our faith: the gospel of Christ—the good news—that makes us free! We pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to

unite the church today in its proclamation and witness to the world. In the waters of baptism we are made one body; we pray for the day that all Christians will also be one at the Lord’s table.

This Week’s Lessons Jeremiah 31:31-34

Psalm 46

Romans 3:19-28

John 8:31-36

Next Week’s Lessons Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18

Psalm 149

Ephesians 1:11-23

Luke 6:20-31

Introduction from today’s lessons.

RefCon VI On Sunday, October 30, the youth from several area Lutheran Churches will be gathering here at St. Paul’s at 5:00 pm for a meal, followed by our sixth “RefCon” worship service (as in “Reformation + Confirmation”). While this service is open to all who wish to join us in worship, it is a service crafted by and designed for youth, from music all the way through the avant-garde presentation of the preached word. Pastor Coutinho and Pastors Esposito and Jost are the planning team for this event.

Page 2: For Your Information—For Your Inspiration News & Notes for ...Crane, Robert Cross, Jack Daleus, Jack Dickson, Bob Grover, Ella Hikade, Arlene Kaye, Matthew Ottenwess, Virginia Sandstrom,

Please fill the empty spaces for October and November Worship Assistants. The sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex! There are empty spaces for Communion Assistants, Lectors, Clickers (Projection Assistants)! Please help out!

Sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex by the entrance.

Have You Seen This Quilt? It was made in 1967 for our 100th year anniversary. We want to display it for our 150th anniversary but it is missing, and we need your help in locating it. If you have it or know who does have it, please contact Marilyn Phifer or the church office.

Please pick up your quarterly giving statement. Statements are available for pick up in the narthex

through the end of the month.

We Need Your Leftover Halloween Candy!

We will be including small bags of candy in the Christmas bags for Bridge of Peace, so if you have leftover Halloween candy you don’t want to go to waste or to your waist, please bring it to St. Paul’s, and it will be put to good use! We can take any candy that does not have Halloween-themed wrappers or pictures. If you have questions, contact Melissa Headrick at (609) 367-4661.

Martin Luther, a Catholic priest, disagreed with how the Catholic Church taught and practiced religion. In 1517, he presented 95 theses outlining changes to the way religion was practiced by the clergy and how it was taught to the people. His ideas were not popular with the Roman Catholic Church leaders, and his refusal to recant eventually resulted in Pope Leo X excommunicating him from the church.

Fortunately for us, Martin Luther continued to preach about his vision of God’s word, breaking from the Catholic Church and beginning the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. He attracted followers who eventually became known as ‘Lutherans’ and today there are about 65 million Lutherans around the world.

You ask “Why is this important?” Well in 2017, in addition to celebrating 150 years

of the founding of our congregation in 1867, we will also celebrate

500 years of Lutheranism. Happy Birthday to us!!

Martin Luther and the Pope!!!

Christmas Card Pickup Reminder

Thank you to all who ordered cards in support of our Anniversary Celebration.

Your order will be available for pickup at our table in the Narthex on the weekend of November 5th and 6th at all services.

If you were unable to place an order or would like additional cards, we will have a limited number of card sets available for purchase. All proceeds will go toward our

150th anniversary celebration fund.

Page 3: For Your Information—For Your Inspiration News & Notes for ...Crane, Robert Cross, Jack Daleus, Jack Dickson, Bob Grover, Ella Hikade, Arlene Kaye, Matthew Ottenwess, Virginia Sandstrom,

This Week at St. Paul’s

Sunday, October 30

8:00 AM Worship 9:30 AM Worship

10:30 AM Sunday School

11:00 AM Worship

5:00 PM RefCon

Monday, October 31

9:00 AM Aerobics (PH)

7:00 PM AA (PH)

8:30 PM NA (MR)

Tuesday, November 1

6:05 PM Sing for Your Supper (PH)

6:30 PM Children’s Choir

6:30 PM Bible Study (SH)

7:00 PM AA (C)

7:30 PM Same Spirit/Capstone (S)

Wednesday, November 2

9:00 AM Aerobics (PH)

9:00 AM Needle/Thread (SH)

6:00 PM Weigh-In (SH)

7:00 PM Cub Scouts (PH)

7:00 PM Catechism

Thursday, November 3

6:30 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast (PH)

10:00 AM Bible Study (SH)

6:30 PM Arc Angels (MR)

7:30 PM Christus Choir (MR)

7:00 PM Boy Scouts (PH)

7:30 PM AA (SH)

Friday, November 4

8:00 AM Friday Fellowship

Saturday, November 5

7:30 PM Worship

8:00 PM NA (MR)




October 29th and 30th 2016


7:30, 8:00 &11:00 Prelude I Was Glad—Christus Choir (8:00) Welcome & Parish Concerns Confession and Forgiveness Passing of the Peace Brass Section: (11:00) Trumpet—Jon Platt, Nic

Pilawski; Horn—Jackie Smith; Trombone—Ryan Smith, Chris Hawkins; Baritone—Alanna Thompson; Tuba—Christian Pilawski

Hymn #504, A Mighty Fortress is Our God Greeting Hymn, pg. 101, This is the Feast Then Sings My Soul—Christus Choir (8:00) Prayer of the Day: Almighty God, gracious Lord, we thank you that your Holy Spirit renews the church in every age. Pour out your Holy Spirit on your faithful people. Keep them steadfast in your word, protect and comfort them in times of trial, defend them against all enemies of the gospel, and bestow on the church your saving peace, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. First Lesson

Pastoral Care and Comfort Second Lesson Alleluia Verse, page 102 Gospel Lesson Response Sermon: Pastor David Jost Hymn #654, The Church’s One Foundation Apostles’ Creed, page 105 Prayers of Intercession Offering

Offertory Anthem, How Can I Stop from Singing —Christus Choir (8:00)

God is Our Refuge and Strength—Chorale &

Christus Choir (11:00)

Offertory, #204, Thankful Hearts Offertory Prayer Great Thanksgiving, page 107 The Proper Preface

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, page108 Words of Institution Lord’s Prayer Invitation to Communion Communion Hymns: Page 112, Lamb of God #514, O Word of God Incarnate #576, For By Grace You Have Been Saved Post-Communion Rite Post-Communion Prayer Blessing Hymn #576, We All Are One in Mission



Our Worship Assistants 7:30, 8:00 and 11:00

Altar Guild: ______, Peg Biringer, Karen Platt, ______ Bread Provider: Sawyer Family Communion Assistants: Lydia Cross, Doug Hikade, Amy Bescherer Projection Assistants: Darlene Workman, Bill Anderson, ______ Greeters: Lydia Cross, ______, Corinne Applegate Lectors: Lydia Cross, Doug Hikade, Sharon Layman Ushers: Bill & Joan Lynch, ______, Erick Soles

To all who served as worship assistants this weekend, thank you for your ministry to the congregation.

Flowers Provided to the Glory of God…

By the congregation of St. Paul’s.

Sign up on the bulletin board by the entry doors to provide altar flowers.

October Food Collection

Next time you go grocery shopping, pick up a few items for the food pantry. The food is regularly delivered to local pantries. Suggestions for the month: canned juice, cereal, applesauce, toilet tissue, but all items are appreciated! Also all sized paper, plastic & cloth bags are needed.

Please place the items on the hutch in the narthex.

Veterans Weekend

Veterans—Please be part of our celebration on

November 12-13 honoring all who served.

Bring in a picture of yourself in the service, and

give a brief description and where you were

stationed. Pictures will be

scanned and returned. See Pat

Headrick or contact the church


Save the Date!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Enjoy fun and fellowship as we celebrate the history of our congregation, rejoice

together in our present ministry and look forward to our future!

Deerwood Country Club, Westampton

$35 for adults—$15 for children 12 & under

(Next year)

Page 4: For Your Information—For Your Inspiration News & Notes for ...Crane, Robert Cross, Jack Daleus, Jack Dickson, Bob Grover, Ella Hikade, Arlene Kaye, Matthew Ottenwess, Virginia Sandstrom,

ShopRite / Acme Gift Cards

In 2014, we began selling ShopRite and Acme Gift Cards in the narthex on the first and

third Saturday and Sunday of each month. So far we have earned $4193.00 from sales,

including the Christmas Gift cards we sell before Christmas. The profit could be higher if

more people participate in buying and using the grocery and Christmas gift cards.

Everyone would grocery shop and at the same time help earn money for our church. For

every $1000.00 we buy, we make $50.00. (We pay $950.00 for $1000.00 worth of cards,

and we see the profit as soon as we sell the cards.). On average I order cards every two or

three months. I would love to have to order once a month!

We started this fundraiser to help with the cost of updating our kitchen and Parish Hall and

will continue this plan in the future. This money is kept separate and could be used to help

defray the cost of an appliance that would either need to be replaced or repaired. We all

know emergencies happen, and our church is no exception! We all food shop, and it

doesn't cost us anything at the church other than the volunteer’s time to sit and sell the


I truly hope you will consider participating by purchasing ShopRite/Acme cards. Look for

the sign in the narthex, and if you have questions, we’re here to help.

We will begin sales of the Christmas Gift cards in October for your convenience. I can’t

tell you how many people last year said “thank you for doing their Christmas shopping for


If you have any questions about the Christmas Gift cards, please call Peg Biringer at (609)

894-8089. Questions about ShopRite or Acme cards, call Lois Uetz at (609) 261-0125.

There are many ways to participate at St. Paul’s. Here is a practical habit we can join in to

raise funds for the activities that revolve around our kitchen—food and fellowship!

Lois Uetz

ShopRite / Acme Gift Cards

In 2014, we began selling ShopRite and Acme Gift Cards in the narthex on the first and

third Saturday and Sunday of each month. So far we have earned $4193.00 from sales,

including the Christmas Gift cards we sell before Christmas. The profit could be higher if

more people participate in buying and using the grocery and Christmas gift cards. Everyone

would grocery shop and at the same time help earn money for our church. For every

$1000.00 we buy, we make $50.00. (We pay $950.00 for $1000.00 worth of cards, and we

see the profit as soon as we sell the cards.). On average I order cards every two or three

months. I would love to have to order once a month!

We started this fundraiser to help with the cost of updating our kitchen and Parish Hall and

will continue this plan in the future. This money is kept separate and could be used to help

defray the cost of an appliance that would either need to be replaced or repaired. We all

know emergencies happen, and our church is no exception! We all food shop, and it doesn't

cost us anything at the church other than the volunteer’s time to sit and sell the cards.

I truly hope you will consider participating by purchasing ShopRite/Acme cards. Look for

the sign in the narthex, and if you have questions, we’re here to help.

We will begin sales of the Christmas Gift cards in October for your convenience. I can’t

tell you how many people last year said “thank you for doing their Christmas shopping for


If you have any questions about the Christmas Gift cards, please call Peg Biringer at (609)

894-8089. Questions about ShopRite or Acme cards, call Lois Uetz at (609) 261-0125.

There are many ways to participate at St. Paul’s. Here is a practical habit we can join in to

raise funds for the activities that revolve around our kitchen—food and fellowship!

Lois Uetz

Page 5: For Your Information—For Your Inspiration News & Notes for ...Crane, Robert Cross, Jack Daleus, Jack Dickson, Bob Grover, Ella Hikade, Arlene Kaye, Matthew Ottenwess, Virginia Sandstrom,

November 6 thru November 12 St. Paul’s Social Ministry Team will be observing World Hunger Week

with our annual Thanksgiving Basket appeal.

Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. As we look forward to gathering together with family & friends for a bountiful Thanksgiving Dinner, we should also be thinking of those who could use our help to fill their own Thanksgiving table. We at St. Paul’s are blessed and we have so many things to be thankful for. Please remember the families in our community who are struggling to put food on their table by donating food for a local family’s Thanksgiving meal.

Please bring in the following nonperishable items to help complete a thanksgiving dinner on Saturday and Sunday, November 12th and 13th:

* If you are donating a cake mix or pie filling as a dessert, please include all necessary ingredients (pie dough, icing etc). **We are asking for a turkey or ham (place in the freezer in the kitchen) or $1.00 donation per family member to be used towards the purchase of a turkey or ham.

As in previous years we are also asking for donations of perishable items to fill out the Thanksgiving baskets. The items requested will be on the turkey display in the narthex beginning on Saturday, October 29th. Please take a turkey feather with the item(s) you are willing to donate, and sign the “I will supply” sheet. These items must be returned before 11:00 on Sunday, November 20th.

The need for food continues to be great. We expect to hand out about 30 baskets this year. Please join us, our Sunday School, youth groups, reJOYce & JOYfull House, scout troops and many of the other outside groups who use our building, in collecting this food. The families we help are enrolled in the free lunch program at local schools. For many of these children the only meals they can count on are the breakfast & lunch they receive at school. We hope to have enough food in each basket to last until they return to school on Monday. Any remaining food will be donated to Bridge of Peace in Camden for use in their food pantry. Please contact Betty Brink at (609) 267-7740 if you are interested in shopping, packing or distributing the food baskets on November 20th.


Nov 6




Nov 7





Nov 8




Nov 9





Nov 10





Nov 11



Nov 12


HAM or




November 6 thru November 12 St. Paul’s Social Ministry Team will be observing World Hunger Week

with our annual Thanksgiving Basket appeal.

Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. As we look forward to gathering together with family & friends for a bountiful Thanksgiving Dinner, we should also be thinking of those who could use our help to fill their own Thanksgiving table. We at St. Paul’s are blessed and we have so many things to be thankful for. Please remember the families in our community who are struggling to put food on their table by donating food for a local family’s Thanksgiving meal.

Please bring in the following nonperishable items to help complete a thanksgiving dinner on Saturday and Sunday, November 12th and 13th:

* If you are donating a cake mix or pie filling as a dessert, please include all necessary ingredients (pie dough, icing etc). **We are asking for a turkey or ham (place in the freezer in the kitchen) or $1.00 donation per family member to be used towards the purchase of a turkey or ham.

As in previous years we are also asking for donations of perishable items to fill out the Thanksgiving baskets. The items requested will be on the turkey display in the narthex beginning on Saturday, October 29th. Please take a turkey feather with the item(s) you are willing to donate, and sign the “I will supply” sheet. These items must be returned before 11:00 on Sunday, November 20th.

The need for food continues to be great. We expect to hand out about 30 baskets this year. Please join us, our Sunday School, youth groups, reJOYce & JOYfull House, scout troops and many of the other outside groups who use our building, in collecting this food. The families we help are enrolled in the free lunch program at local schools. For many of these children the only meals they can count on are the breakfast & lunch they receive at school. We hope to have enough food in each basket to last until they return to school on Monday. Any remaining food will be donated to Bridge of Peace in Camden for use in their food pantry. Please contact Betty Brink at (609) 267-7740 if you are interested in shopping, packing or distributing the food baskets on November 20th.


Nov 6




Nov 7





Nov 8




Nov 9





Nov 10





Nov 11



Nov 12


HAM or




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