
SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016



04 06Discorobics Dance for a cause, a huge success

Page 06Boto, h’wag sayangin, ikaw ang susi sa bagong Pilipinas!

Ibang fans ni Sarah malupit

kay Matteo!

OFW remittances up9.1% to $2.11 B in Feb

MANILA: Remittances from overseas FilipinoWorkers (OFWs) expanded 9.1 percent inFebruary despite the prolonged slump in globaloil prices, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)reported yesterday.

BSP officer-in-charge Diwa Guinigundo saidcash remittances from overseas Filipinosreached $2.11 billion in February, 9.1 percent or$175 million higher compared with the $1.93billion recorded in February last year. The 9.1percent growth in February was the fastest sinceJune last year when cash remittances booked adouble-digit growth of 10.9 percent.— Philstar

Abu Sayyaf death tollclimbs to 37 in

Basilan offensiveZAMBOANGA CITY: The death toll on the sideof the Abu Sayyaf climbed to 37 as troops contin-ue its offensive operation against the group inTipo-Tipo town, Basilan.

The latest figure of Abu Sayyaf casualty camewith the recovery of remains of five Abu Sayyafmembers, according to Maj. Filemon Tan Jr., des-ignated spokesman of the ground military opera-tion in Basilan. Tan said the fatalities were validat-ed and identified on ground.

According to Tan, the increase in death tollwas the result of offensive operations conductedsince last Saturday. The military official said theoffensive operation is ongoing and there is nolet-up in going after the Abu Sayyaf bandits.

There are reports that Abu Sayyaf leaderFuruji Indama, who was critically wounded dur-ing the encounter might succumb from his seri-ous injuries, Tan said. “This will be a no let-upoperation we are already nearing the target andwe are trying to push the momentum. So we aretrying to hit them the soonest possible so wecould finish them the soonest possible,” the mili-tary official added.—The Philippine Star

AT SEA: US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter vis-ited a warship close to flashpoint waters of theSouth China Sea on Friday, as Beijing reacteddefiantly to an American military build-up in thearea. Carter’s trip to the USS John C. Stennis wasthe latest effort by the United States to show itscommitment to maintaining security in the hotlycontested waters, where China has rattled nervesby building artificial islands on islets and reefsclaimed by some if its Southeast Asian neigh-bours.

Before flying from Manila to visit the warship,Carter emphasised the United States would sup-port the Philippines and other allies as theyfaced “coercion and intimidation”.

“We will continue to stand up for our safetyand freedoms, for those of our friends and allies,and for the values, principles, and rules-basedorder that has benefited so many for so long,”Carter said at a closing ceremony for annual US-Philippine war games.

The roughly two-hour visit to the Stenniscame after Carter announced on Thursday thatthe United States had launched joint navalpatrols with the Philippines in the sea, as hespoke of growing concern about China’s “landreclamation” and “militarisation” of the region.

He also said the United States would deployhundreds of troops, as well as warplanes, to thePhilippines. China claims nearly all of the strate-

gically vital sea, even waters close to itsSoutheast Asian neighbours, and has in recentyears built the islands in an effort to assert whatit insists are its sovereign rights.

The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei andTaiwan also have overlapping claims to parts ofthe sea, which is home to some of the world’smost important shipping lanes and is believed tosit atop vast oil reserves.

China has constructed the islands on reefs inthe Spratlys archipelago, which are close to thePhilippines and Malaysia, as well as airstripscapable of accommodating military aircraft.

Continued on Page 2

Pentagon chief visits warship in South China Sea

AT SEA: In this image released by the US Department of Defense, US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter (CENTERand Philippine Secretary ofNational Defense Voltaire Gazmin (R) walk as they tour the USS Stennis aircraft carrier as it sails the South China Sea April 15, 2016. Carter isvisiting the Philippines to solidify the rebalance to the Asia-Pacific region. — AFP

SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016 2

Continued from Page 1

China in 2012 also took control of a rich fish-ing shoal just 220 kilometres (135 miles) from themain Philippine landmass. The shoal is 650 kilo-metres from China’s nearest major landmass.

Carter visited the Stennis, along with an AFPreporter and other journalists, after making ashort flight to the carrier from a military base onthe southwestern Philippine island of Palawan,which is the closest landmass to the Spratlys.

Chinese warning China reacted defiantly to Thursday’s

announcement of the joint patrols and USdeployments to the Philippines, with its defenceministry warning the military would protect thenation’s territory.

“US-Philippine joint patrols in the South ChinaSea promote regional militarisation and under-mine regional peace and stability,” said a Chinesedefence ministry statement released lateThursday. “The Chinese military will pay veryclose attention to related developments, andfirmly safeguard China’s territorial sovereigntyand maritime rights and interests”.

The 275 US troops and nine aircraft that Carter

said would stay in the Philippines following theBalikatan war games are the first major deploy-ments under a bilateral defence pact finalised inJanuary.

The pact allows US forces to rotate soldiersand military hardware through the Philippines,an important part of American efforts to expandits military presence throughout the Asia-Pacific.

US forces will initially have access to fivePhilippine military bases, including two close tothe hotspot areas of the South China Sea.

Philippine Defence Secretary Voltaire Gazminon Thursday said he hoped the US efforts would“deter uncalled-for action by the Chinese”.

The heightened US military presence in thePhilippines is an important plank of the UnitedStates’ so-called pivot to Asia under PresidentBarack Obama. Chinese foreign ministryspokesman Lu Kang on Friday blamed the UnitedStates’ deploying extra forces to the Asia-Pacificfor any rise in tensions in the region.

“Peaceful settlement of the disputes is whatregional countries including China and partiesdirectly concerned by the South China Sea aspireto,” Lu told reporters in Beijing. “Before the USrebalance to Asia, the relevant disputes hadalready existed for several decades.” —AFP

QUEZON CITY: US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter (back L), along with his Philippines’counterpart Voltaire Gazmin (back C), watch as Philippines exercise director Vice-AdmiralAlexander Lopez (front L) and his US counterpart, Lieutenant General John Toolan foldingthe exercise flag during the closing ceremony of the US-Philippines annual joint militaryexecise at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon city, suburban Manila on April 15, 2016. —AFP

Pentagon chief visits warship in ...

MANILA: Presidential survey frontrunnerDavao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte welcomesVice President Jejomar Binay’s plan to createan investigating body that will look anewinto the alleged Davao Death Squad (DDS).

Duterte told reporters while on the cam-paign trail in Lipa City in Batangas that hisreported connection to the DDS has alwaysbeen raised as a last-resort black propagan-da in every election.

“My rival (Binay) is down. You know if aperson is already losing, then it’s nothing...tell him that I would thank him (for thechance to defend myself ),” Duterte said inFilipino, referring to Binay’s statement thathe would give the mayor a chance to answer.

Sen. Alan Cayetano, Duterte’s runningmate, said he would be glad to join Binayduring the probe.

“I will accompany him because MayorDuterte has been investigated for the past 20years and they could not prove that he vio-lated the laws,” Cayetano, a lawyer, said.

He added that the Vice President is now inpanic mode as the May 9 polls draw closer.

Duterte also continued his tirades againstLiberal Party presidential candidate MarRoxas, who wooed supporters by saying heis neither corrupt nor a dictator.

“What? He is a liar. This guy is into vanitythat is why I said let’s stop talking about thesexual predilections of Roxas,” Duterte retort-ed, pointing out that the former transporta-tion secretary could not wash his hands ofthe corruption at the Metro Rail Transit.

As for the call of rival Sen. Grace Poe tostop all the name-calling, Duterte said “getout of the kitchen if you cannot stand theheat.”

“This is politics. It is natural,” he added.Meanwhile, Sen. Pia Cayetano is doing

campus tours to pitch for her younger broth-er, Duterte’s vice presidential bet.

“I just do this by sheer faith in what mybrother can do and what Mayor Duterte canalso do,” she said after a dialogue with thestudents and faculty of Pangasinan StateUniversity in Lingayen.

The lady senator added that “no one ismaking commitments the way Alan has,” cit-ing the nine years that Alan was in Congressand another nine years in the Senate.

United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) stan-dard-bearer Vice President Jejomar Binayyesterday warned presidential frontrunnerDavao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte that the“law will catch up with you” soon.

“Mister Duterte, you told me to kneeldown and pray. You know Mr. Executioner ofminors and poor, if there is someone who

should kneel down and pray, it is nobodyelse but you,” Binay said in a press conferencehere. “Bilang na ang araw mo (your days arenumbered.) The law will soon catch up withyou.

“Huwag mo akong pagbabataan Mr.Berdugo hindi ako natatakot sa iyo (don’tthreaten me Mr. Executioner, I’m not afraid toyou),” Binay added. Binay said Duterte shouldprepare “to answer to God and the laws ofour country” after repeatedly admittingkilling people, including children.

“You have admitted for several times andeven bragged about it that you killed thou-sands of suspected criminals. This is calledadmission against interest and you shouldknow this being a former fiscal and a lawyer,”Binay stressed.

He said Duterte has confirmed that he ledthe Davao Death Squad (DDS), a vigilantegroup believed to be behind the killing ofcriminals in Davao City.

“The Davao Death Squad is involved inextra-judicial killings which was condemnedby the Amnesty International, UnitedNations and other human rights organiza-tions,” he said.

“You should answer to the law and toGod,” the Vice President said.

Binay, a former human rights lawyer, saidhe is willing to assist families of the victims ofsummary executions committed by the DDS.

Binay also promised that if elected presi-dent, he would create an independent com-mission that would investigate the extra-judicial killings allegedly perpetrated by theDDS.

“Killing the poor is not the way to addresspoverty. Instead, give jobs to jobless, freebooks and school supplies to poor students,and provide free medicine and hospitaliza-tion to our poor constituents,” the VicePresident added.

Binay’s vice presidential candidate Sen.Gregorio Honasan II also maintained thatsummary execution is not the solution toend criminality.

Honasan, whose latest advertisementshowed him condemning the use of violenceby law enforcers, bared his formula on howhe intends to address the issue of crime ifelected vice president.

“If we address poverty in our society, thenthe problem of criminality would be impact-ed positively. Of course, we understand thatthis is a long term solution for the immediatefuture,” he said.

Binay earlier said he would appointHonasan as crime czar if elected president.

In addition to addressing its root cause,Honasan said law enforcement personnelwould be better equipped, trained and high-ly motivated and disciplined under the Binayadministration.

He said rules of engagement would beclearly defined and that the use of lethalforce may only be used when the lives of lawenforcers or innocent bystanders are put atrisk. “If these criminals will surrender, we willread them their rights. If they resist, then wewill do what is necessary to stop them. Butdefinitely under Binay-Honasan administra-tion, summary execution will not be tolerat-ed,” the senator added. — The Philippine Star

HANOI: Philippine dancers perform at the Philippines’ booth during an international tourismfair, the “Vietnam International Travel Mart” in Hanoi on Friday.—AFP

Duterte welcomes plannedprobe on Davao death squads


SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016 3

Manny Pacquiao (left) poses with ‘Miss Universe’ Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach,who is also from the Philippines.

The eight-weight world champion says he is now retiredfrom boxing - but admitted his heart was only ‘50-50’.

Pacquiao floored Bradley twice on his way to a points win atthe MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas .

Pacquiao was mobbed by supporters and media when hearrived at Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

The 37-year-old (third left) holds the WBO belt he won on Saturday against Timothy Bradley with hisfamily.

Manny Pacquiao was treated to a hero’s welcome upon hisreturn to the Philippines after his impressive victory overTimothy Bradley at the weekend.

The 37-year-old floored Bradley twice en route to a unanimousdecision win in Las Vegas and the Filipino icon was greeted withthe usual fanfare when he travelled back to his homeland.

Pacquiao was mobbed by fans and media upon his arrival atNinoy Aquino International Airport and later shared a picture onhis Instagram page with ‘Miss Universe’ Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach,who is also from the Philippines.

The eight-weight world champion, who said he was retiringfrom the sport after the fight, posed for pictures with his familyand waved to fans from a motorcade in Makati.

As well as being the country’s most successful sportsman andrecognisable figure, Pacquiao is a two-term congressman and is

seeking a seat in the Philippine Senate when the general electiontake place in May.

All three judges scored the Bradley fight 116-110 in Pacquiao’sfavour and he insisted in the aftermath that it was time to hangup his gloves - even if, as Sportsmail reported on Wednesday,speculation of a rematch with Floyd Mayweather is mounting.

‘Let me enjoy first a retired life,’ he said. ‘I’m not there yet, so Idon’t know what it feels like. But I made a commitment to myfamily. I made my decision.’

‘My heart is 50-50. But I love my family, I honour my family, mykids... right now, my decision is to retire.’

‘I felt fresh every round (in the win over Bradley) it was exciting- I felt like I did when I started first boxing here in America in 2001,’he added. ‘If you ask me about my condition, my body - my bodyfeels okay, I can still give 100 percent, training.’—-MailOnline

Pacquiao mobbed by fans, media inPhilippines after win over Bradley

SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016 4

The Gym Team’s “Discorobics” held at the Failaka Hall of theRadisson Blu Hotel, Friday morning turned out to be a hugesuccess. Eleven fitness instructors from different gyms and

health clubs maneuvered the two hour class with songs from thedecades of 70’s and 80’s paired with contemporary and classicaerobics routines. Nearly hundred participants attended theevent. Clad in the outfits of the decades, fitness instructors relivedthe music of the decades with popular tunes and colorful outfits.Melrose Antonio of Flex for women delivered the warm up withmuch gusto followed by Frances Plarisan of Mabroor Gym withsongs Build me up Buttercup and Annie Batungbakal, DonnalynIlagan of Steam Gym with Hot Stuff and Sumayaw Sumunod, SofieOmar of Boxhill College with Wake me up before you go go andHolding out for a hero, Stella Munch of Mabroor Gym withFootlosse and Stayin Alive, Haloosh Rahi of Marina Hotel Gymwith Grease and Celebration, Ricky Laxa of Viking Club RadissonBlu Hotel with Together Forever, Ga See Marie of Stretch Gym withBarbie Girl and Answer the phone, Jamie Red of Rush Gym withMaterial Girl and Shy Guy, Mariz of Pilates and More with RicoMambo and Body Dancer and Janice Capili of Pilates and Morewith Conga and Name Game. The workout ended with acooldown with all the instructors on stage. Mrs. Ida Pellaud, wifeof the General Manager of Radisson Blu Hotel Mr. PhilippePellaud, mentor of the The Gym Team thanked everyone whojoined the discorobics and also awarded the prizes to the winnersof best in outfit and four best dancers. Prizes were donated byRadisson Blu Hotel with free breakfast and a gift courtesy of Stella

Munch. Bahay Kubo also provided sandwiches and packed juiceswith samplers of Cupcakes from Cupcakes and More. Mrs. Sanaand Radisson Blu also provided the water for all the participants.Organizers announced that the money collected is intended topurchase a freezer for the Philippine Shelter located in HateenArea. “This is one of the best events The Gym Team has organizedand with the group of certified and licensed instructors, classesare always different every Friday and you simply don’t get bored.We have been a support to this team because we believe in whatthey do and with what they can offer to people who want tochange to a healthy lifestyle” commented Kuwaiti national MaaliAl Dubeieb. Mrs. Pellaud lauded the group for their continuoushard work and dedication to always come up with interestingclasses for everyone who regularly attends the Friday class at ChaiAl Dhaha of the Radisson Blu Hotel. “I am very glad to be a part ofthis group and support their causes. I hope that everyoneacknowledge their passion and generosity as they deliver theirtime and effort” commented Mrs. Pellaud.

Discorobics Dance fora cause, a huge success

SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016 5

SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016 6

Patuloy ang mga maiinit na palitanng mga salita ng mga magkaka-tunggaling kandidato sa pagka-

pangulo at maging sa ibang posisyon.Ilang araw na lang kasi May 9 na! Kanyakanya nang sabuyan ng kung anu-anongputik sa bawat kandidato.. makalamanglang!

Wala naman kaming ini-endorse nakandidato. Pero habang wala kaminggustong paburan, nais lang natinpaalalahanan ang mga botante. Magingmatalino po tayo this time. Huwag pipilitayo ng kandidato dahil sa pangalan, opamilyar lang ang tunog ng kanyangpangalan. Suggestion ko, pag-aralangmabuti ang mga plataporma nila, sinu baang may programang maka-Pilipino, angmay-puso sa tunay na pag-babago attuwid na daan. Sinu ba ang mayroongmalasakit sa Pilipinas? Sinu ba ang may-roong pinu-protektahan? Sino angwalang nagawa? Sino ang mayroongmalasakit sa kapwa at higit sa lahat sinuba ang tunay na nagmamahal sakanyang bayan! Kabayan, huwag mongsayangin ang boto mo! Ibigay iyan sakarapat-dapat para ang bayan ayumasenso.

Noong April 9, sinimulan ngPhilippine Embassy sa Kuwait angOverseas Absentee Voting, kasabay ngilan din sa mga missions abroad. Noongunang araw, mahigit sa 500 ang bomoto,pero sa mga sumunod na araw ay medyobumaba na ang bilang. As of Friday,aabot pa lang sa 2,500 ang bomoto, mga

around 350 lang ito per day...sana aydumami pa ang bilang as May 9 nears.Kung mayroon tayong 49,000 registeredvoters at least kahit man lang ba umabotman lang ng 30,000 okay na. Kayapanawagan din po ito sa mga kababayannatin, please huwag sayangin ang boto.Mayroon pa tayong chance until May 9,2016 para bomoto. Araw araw aypuedeng magtungo sa PhilippineEmbassy, from 8am-5pm po, kahit week-ends of holidays ay puede kayong bomo-to.

At pinaaalala sa mga pupunta saembassy at boboto; isang Presidente atisang Vice lang po ang kailangan natinkaya isa lang po ang isi-shade natin sabalota. Kung sumobra ang inyong shadehindi na po babasahin iyan ng machine.Ganun din po sa pipiliin ninyong senadordapat ay 12 lamang po. Kung sosobradyan aba’y hindi na rin babasahin iyanng computer. Pero kung kulang sa 12..okay lang. Puedeng magsuot ng t-shirtng iyong kandidato, pero hindi puedekumuha ng pic at kahit na yung iyongreceipt ay hindi rin puede kuhanan.

Sana lang maging kapani-paniwalaang result ng halalan ngayong taong ito.Kasi sayang naman ng ipinagmamalakinating demokrasya kung ang pagpili nggusto nating mamuno sa atin ay bungapa ng pandaraya....ipanalangin natin iyanna huwag naman sanang mangyare angmga haka-haka at hinala ng ilan! Tayo poang susi sa bagong umaga at bagongPilipinas!

Boto, h’wag sayangin, ikawang susi sa bagong Pilipinas!

Balitang Showbiz Plus

CHIKA LANG PO!Chika- chika lang ito... Tong-tong paki-tong kitong ang tamaan huwag magalitang pumiyok ay Concernnnnnnn!!...

Hello...hahaha....kumusta po? It ’sbeen a long time. Anu ba ang inyongpinagkakaabalahan now? Bomoto naba kayo? Hoy labas na mga bata, labasna bomoto na ng tama! Ito na ang timepara ipakita ang lakas natin...meron tay-ong lakas at dito lang natin itonagagamit sa election....ipakit mo yankabayan...boto na!!!

•••••••••Naaliw ako sa balitaktakan ng fans ni

Sarah Geronimo na anti and pro MatteoGuidicelli sa Twitter.

Ang say ng maka-anti Matteo, sobranaman ang ginagawa sa kanyang idol-ong si Sarah ang aktor. Lagi na lang dawsa tuwing magkasama sila full-blast angupdates sa social media. Sabi ng isakanila, si Chris Lee ??@LeeChris1472 naayaw kay Matteo para sa kanyang idol-ong singer/actress, nagagamit lang dawsi Sarah sa ambisyon ni Matteo.

Siyempre hindi nagpatalo ang isa rinpro-Matteo, sagot ni Asher and Matty??@HarleneAbellano Apr 9 : “Bitter kakasi.”

As in hindi sila tumigil sa balitak-takan at parang nagkakapikunan na.

Noong isang araw ay magkasamangnagpunta sa isang event sa Pampangaang mag-syota at in fairness all outnaman talaga ang ‘coverage’ kaya siguronaloloka ang ibang fans.

•••••••••Hindi affected ang Kapuso young

actress na si Gabbi Garcia sa mga pang-iinis sa social media na ‘the who’ at ‘star-let’ siya.

Ang say ni Gabbi na kung maalagaanng maayos ay may potential magingbeauty queen dahil sa lakas ng dating,true naman ‘yun dahil wala pa siyangmasyadong napapatunayan pero hindinaman daw siya pinababayaan ng GMA7 kaya alam niyang darating ang timena hindi na siya lalaitin at tatanunginkung sino siya.

Ngayon ay ginawa siyang bidakasama ang ka-loveteam na si RuruMadrid sa political romantic-comedyshow na Naku, Boss Ko!, isang programana tutulong sa mga botanteng mali-wanagan ang mga isipan sa mgaibobotong tamang kandidato.

GMA News ang Public Affairs angnakaisip ng konsepto na gawin light,romantic, nakakainis and comedy angpagtulong sa mga mamamayan sa mganangyayari tuwing may eleksiyon.

Eight-part lang ang Naku Boss, Ko! atmagsisilbi itong on-screen reunion ninaRuru at Gabbi na huling napanood saLet the Love Begin.—PSN

Ibang fans ni Sarahmalupit kay Matteo!

Ni Bong [email protected]


Ni Ben [email protected]

Sarah and Matteo

Gabbi and Ruru

SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016 7

KUWAIT: An overpowering defences were seenamong all the participants during the FBC’s 68thtourney quarter/semi/finals held last Friday. Anabsorbing and entertaining games saw all teamsplayed with attacking interest and energy from theoutset as they rallied to the finals. Coupled withthe electrifying games is a catered lunch treat fromthe FBCs officers and members April birthday cele-brants: Erma & Jelsy Carandang, Louie Ladaga,Vernz Juachon, Erick Torno and Joey Begcas that

kept the entire gym ablaze.

As a result, below are the winners:FBC is inviting all badminton enthusiasts to reg-

ister and to join every Friday in their regular tourna-ments from 8 am to 1 pm and adults/kids bad-minton coaching/tutorial and court rental from 1pm to 5 pm. For inquiries please call FBC hotline66420529 or personally come at the KuwaitDisabled Sports Club in Hawally.

FBC 68th Tourney - The Finals

SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016

FBC 68th Tourney - The Finals

Page 7

Ricardo DL Dalisay

KUWAIT: In the tenth week of the elimination round there wasno ejection inside the “Magic 8” only rank’s switching betweenFiery Dragons and Oman Exchange while other positions weretightly gripped by the members. Impetuous game strategies isexpected to happen next week on the on-going 2016Philippine Bowling Association in Kuwait (PBAK) 1st SeasonTeam Tournament held in COZMO Bowling Center at Kheifanfrom the teams hoping to grab any of the last four seats of theelite group which is still wide open to teams occupying num-ber 5 - 8. Teams that posted victories this week were OmanExchange, Lady Keglers, Bowlersmate, Asian Air Safari, NUSAN-TARA, Original Pin Killers and Mangaf Strikers played bye andscored 2694.

After 5-week losing streak due to incomplete lineup theLady Keglers came with full force and stopped the ASC Warriors2845-2627. They also won the Team Weekly High Series but stillposted behind the last sitter with 14 marks deficit. BlancaSambajon (582) led her team supported by Sonia Mathews(548), Aris de Guzman (520), Alma Turley (470) and MarjorieMercado (561) while ASC Warriors have Kiko Andaya (571),Ferdie Saliba (480), Neng Cervantes (480), Alex Cervantes (453),Rose Saliba and Mina Andaya.

Oman Exchange struggle for a better place paid off afterrecording their fourth week consecutive victory and now land-ed in the sixth place after tormenting the feeble Fiery Dragons2829-2452. The 5-man team were the colossal Abdul Aziz AlAslawi who scored 603, Rani Skeik (552), Renati Pante (515),Rudy de Lima (505) and Myra Manalo (459) while Dragons 5were Eddie Pena (520), Moises Amahan (505), Eden and MarEvangelista, Mandy Manalo, Joel Tizon and Maria Perly Virly.With the loss Fiery Dragons left as cliffhanger from sixth place.

The clash of the two flying monsters was a mismatch whenAsian Air Safari deliberately bumped the hapless SwoopingEagles who was enduring from a broken wing, 2835-2576. TheEagles without its key players suffered its 3-week losing streakwhile Asian Air posted its 6-week winning spree with seniorpilot Mousa Abdulla (591) and co-pilot Gani dela Cruz (544) onthe cockpit supported by flight crews Fadel Al Qassem (533),

Norman Conde (498) and Lito Michael (491). Swooping Eaglestop scorers were Danny Solis (524) and Darrel Sullivan (504)assisted by Riz Roque (476), Alonzo Bush (388), Benjie Roqueand Jocelyn Ty and was able to cling in the number seven spot,46 points shy with its paparazzi.

NUSANTARA prevailed over a tenacious Scavengers in a clas-sic match that took 2 losses into one win (890-799, 993-921,829-930) for the later to settle which according to them due topoor oiling. The Indonesian team was able to hold off theScavengers 2787-2650, despite Ali Ashkanani 601-point output.NUSANTARA’s bowlers were Bima Nitikusumo (518), Saleh AlFaraj (505), Ahmed Fahmi (493), Abel Nitikusumo, Abdul Aziz AlAli, Abdul Rahman while aside from Ashkanani Scavengers

have Ali Arquob (518), Aji Varghese (478), Nasha King (471) andAnthony King (449). So far best record was under Scavengers 8-1-1 and holding the second spot.

Other results: Possibly Original Pin Killers will be a dreamwrecker for COZMO team to reach the semi final when the laterlost the match 2416-2679; The battle of the two tail enders,Bowlersmate proved to be better when they outscored theLEAF in the third game and took the win points with total scoreof 2597-2563 and finally Mangaf Strikers playing bye and scored2763 and now holding the tenth from eleventh position.

For individual high scores:Category NameIndividual High GameName Individual High

AverageMen’s A Ronnel Valencia268 Ronnel Valencia 202.54Men’s B Nasser Hajras 267 Nasser Hajras 188.27 Men’s C Renato Pante222 Joe Presenta162.28Ladies A Sonia Mathews 255 Sonia Mathews176.80Ladies B Alma Turley 213 Neng Cervantes 163.23Team High Game (Scratch) : - Asian Air Safari (1000)Team High Series (Scratch + Handicap) : - Swooping Eagles


Team Weekly High Series :Week 1 - Lady Keglers (2710) Week 2 - Asian Air Safari

(2782) Week 3 - Scavengers ( 2766) Week 4 - Asian Air Safari (2912) Week 5 - Original Pin Killers

(2833) Week 6 - Fiery Dragons (2671)Week 7 - Swooping Eagles - (2939) Week 8 - Scavengers

(2760) Week 9 - Oman Exchange (2755)

Week 10 - Lady Keglers - (2770)Team Standing after Tenth Round : 1. Asian Air Safari

(27650); 2. Scavengers (27191); 3. NUSANTARA (26935); 4.Original Pin Killers (26663); 5. ASC Warriors (26608); 6. OmanExchange (26487); 7. Swooping Eagles (26447); 8. Fiery Dragons(26421); 9. Lady Keglers (26280); 10. Mangaf Strikers (25907);11. COZMO (25782); 12. Bowlersmate (25447) and 13. LEAF(24599).

Oman Exchange freeze Fiery Dragons,Lady Keglers surprise ASC Warriors

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