
7/26/2019 Food Web & Food Chain2 1/4


Refer to the diagram of the food web below toanswer Qestions ! to "#

!# Which are the frst order consumers in the ood webshown?A. mouse, snake, eagleB. grasshopper, rog, snakeC. grasshopper, small bird, rat

D. rice, grasshopper, rog, eagle

$# Which o the ollowing represents a ood chain romthe ood web shown?

%# Which o the ollowing organisms in the ood web is

the producer?A. rog B. snake C. rice D. grasshopper

# Based on the diagram, what is a ood web? It isaan!A. collection o plants and animalsB. comple" ood interrelationship among organismsC. interrelationship o the li#ing things and theph$sical en#ironment

D. order o ood relationship that starts rom theconsumer to the producers

'# Which o the ollowing statements about the

diagram is correct?A. Animals can li#e without plants.B. %he bigger an organism, the more energ$ it

needs.C. %he source o energ$ in the ood web is the

plants.D. %he arther an organism is rom the &ource o

energ$, the more energ$ it gets rom the source.

"# Which diagram represents a ood chain in the oodweb?

For Items ( ) * refer to the diagram below#

(# 'rom the abo#e ood web, which represents aood chain?A. hawksnakerabbitbacteriaB. mouse  rabbit grasshopperbacteriaC. garden #egetables mouse snakehawkD. grasses rabbit grasshopper rog snake

 +# In the ood web abo#e, which group o

organisms are all herbi#ores?

A. snake, hawk, and rogB. mouse, snake, and rabbitC. mouse, rabbit, and grasshopperD. #egetables, mouse, snake, and bacteria

*# Which pair o animals below shows a predator(pre$ relationship?

A. rabbit and grasshopperB. hawk and snakeC. hawk and rabbitD. rat and rabbit

!,#Which organism in the ood chain is a


A. 'ish B. )rass C. *awk D.)rasshopper

!!#Which organism are carni#ores?A. 'ish + grasshopper C. fsh + hawkB. )rasshopper + grass D. 'ish + grass

For Item !$ to !%- std. the diagram below#

!$#I all o the fsh are remo#ed rom this oodweb, which animal populations will most likel$decrease frst?A. %urtles C. mosuito lar#aeB. -elicans D. dragon$ lar#ae

!%#What isare the frst order consumers in theood web?

A. mosuito onl$ C. mosuito and turtle

B. -lants and turtle D. turtle onl$

!#Which o the ollowing is a ood chain?A. 'rog → /ocust 0balang1 → snake →riceB. 2ice → /ocust 0balang1 → 'rog →snakeC. 2ice → /ocust 0balang1 → snake→rogD. 2ice → &nake → /ocust0balang1 → 'rog


7/26/2019 Food Web & Food Chain2 2/4

'or Item 34, reer to the chart listing the obser#ationsabout the eeding interrelationships among theollowing organisms!

  2IC5, )2A&&*6--52, '26), *AW7, &8A75  2ice is eaten b$ grasshoppers.)rasshoppers are eaten b$ rogs, snakes, and

haw'rogs are eaten b$ snakes.

&nakes are eaten b$ hawks.!'#Which diagram represents these eedingrelationships?

!"#What populationwould decrease i allthe grasshoppersdied?

A. 6wl C.9ouse

B. 'rog D.


!(#In the diagram below, which o the ollowing is anomni#ore?

A. ChickenC. 5agle

B. 9ouse D.&nake

!+#Which diagram shows that big fsh and man are

second order consumers in a ood web?

!*# Which o the ollowing organisms would ft in thebo"es numbered !, $, and % in the diagram?

A. Corn, chicken, decomposersB. Bacteria, man, decomposersC. Water lil$, fsh, manD. 2ice, duck, man

$,#'ungi are an important part o a terrestrialecos$stem because the$!

A. store energ$ C. unction as producersB. bond o"$gen to sulur D. rec$cles organic matter

For Items $!/$%- std. the diagram below#

$!#Which animal is anomni#ore?

A. Deer C. black bearB. 6wl D.


$$#Which animals are most likel$ to carr$ theseeds ound in berries rom the parent plant toanother area?A. red o", rabbit and owlB. black bear, bird and owlC. deer, black bear and rabbitD. red o", black bear and rabbit

$%#I ungi are added in the ood web, what is itsrole?A. -rotector o plantsB. Decomposer o dead organisms

C. 9ultiplier o thenumber oanimals

D. 9aintain thebalance oecos$stem

For Item $

$#Which animal is both frst(order consumer andsecond(order consumer?

A. cat B. plantsC. bird D. snake

$'#Which o the ollowing processes allows plantsto use carbon rom the en#ironment?

A. 2eproduction C. transpirationB. 'ertili:ation D. photos$nthesis

For Items $" and $(- refer to the diagrambelow#

$"#I the number o small fsh decreases, whatmost likel$ will happen to the number oturtles?A. It will increase.B. It will decrease.

C. It will sta$ the same.D. &napping turtles will no longer e"ist.

$(# A producer is a li#ing thing that makes its ownood rom sunlight. Which o the ollowing is aproducer?A. %adpoles B. fshes C. turtles D.


For Items $+ )%!- std. thediagrambelow#

$+#In what t$pe oen#ironment isthe ood webound?

A. 6ceanB. 'orestC. -ondD. &tream


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$*# Where does the rodent get its energ$ to sur#i#e?A. plants and insects C. snakes and birdsB. plants and snake D. birds and plants

%,# Which o the ollowing organisms pro#ide energ$or more than one organism in this ood web?A. plants, insects and rodentsB. birds, snakes and rodentsC. rodents, snake and birdsD. plants, snakes and birds

%!# What is the BE01 interpretation or the diagram?A. %he populations o snakes are dependent on

the number o insects.B. %he birds are the powerul animal in the

orest.C. Animals depend on plants or sur#i#al.D. 5nerg$ is transerred rom di;erent groups o 

animals to plants.

For Items %$ to %'- std.the diagram

%$#Which o the ollowingood chains can be takenrom the ood web?

A. rice plant → chicken → hawk → eagleB. rice plant → rat → chicken → hawk → eagleC. rice plant → snake → eagleD. rice plant → fsh → heron

%%#*ow man$ ood chains are in the ood web?

A. < B. = C. > D. 4 %#What is one conclusion that can be made rom the

ood web?A. Animals depend on plants or ood.B. All organisms in a ood web are both eaters

and eaten.C. All the eaters in a ood web can be eaten.D. %he organisms in a ood web are all eaters.

%'#A new law sa$s “It is prohibited to hunt eagle in thewoods” . Which will most likel$ to happen ne"t $earin the woods?A. &nail, plant + trees will increase.B. *awk, snake + heron will decreaseC. Chicken will decrease.D. Insects will increase.

%"#Based on the diagram below, which animal is badl$a;ected i the rog is eliminated in the ood web?

 A. bird B. eagle C. worm D. snake

For Items %( and %*

%(#Which ood chaincan be ound inthe diagram?

A. uiapo → snail → mosuitoB. grasshopper → turtle → rogC. uiapo → mosuito → rogD. snail → duck →fsh

%+#Which pair shows a predator pre$relationship?

A. uiapo → grasshopper C. rog → mosuito

B. grasshopper → snail D. duck → turtle

%*#I additional ducks are introduced into thisecos$stem, there will most likel$ be animmediate decrease in the!

A. rog and snake population.B. snail and fsh population.C. snake and mosuito populationD. grasshopper and rog population.

,# %urtles la$ their eggs on beaches and return to

the sea. %in$ turtles hatch rom the eggs andfnd their wa$ to the ocean water. %his is ane"ample o!A. a learned beha#iour C.

camouageB. an instinct D. mimicr$

'or numbers >3(>@

!#Which concept is best illustrated b$ thisdiagram?

A. %he e"change o C6< and 6< in an ecos$stemB. %he e;ect o limiting actors in theecos$stem

C. C$cling o nutrients in a communit$  D. 5n#ironmental pressures on a population

$#What is the role o the bacteria in the oodchain?

A. It con#erts dead organisms into simplersubstance.

B. It turns animals to piecesC. It kills li#ing organismD. It multiplies the animals

%# Which is the frst order consumer?A. 'lower C. ratB. )rasshopper D. dog

#Which organisms show predator(pre$relationship?A. 2at and dogB. 'lower and bacteriaC. )rasshopper and dogD. 'lower and rat


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'#Based on the diagram abo#e, what is the ad#antageo composting wastes at home? It will!A. increase the rec$clables.B. make the soil ertileC. deplete the soil nutrientsD. Dr$ up the soil

"#What is the last stage in the lie c$cle o a li#ingorganism?

A. Death and action o bacteriaB. *a#ing babies and schoolingC. Death and rising to hea#enD. Death and reproducing

A8&W52 75

'66D W5B A8D '66D C*AI8

3. C<. C=. C>. B4. C@. A. C. CE. B3F. B

33. C3<. B3=. C3>. B34. D3@. B3. A3. D3E. A<F. D<3. C

<<. C

<=. B<>. C<4. D<@. C<. D<. B<E. A=F. A=3. C=<. A==. C=>. A=4. B

=@. D=. C=. C=E. B>F. A>3. C><. A>=. B>>. A>4. B

46. A


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