  • 7/31/2019 Food Co-op Initiative Media Kit 2012



    We are always happy to talk

    about our work, the challenges

    that face new co-ops, and the

    tremendous support that they


    For information and interviews,


    Stuart Reid, Executive Director

    [email protected]

    Phone: 507-664-2034

    Mobile: 507-581-0170


    There are roughly 325 cooperative grocery stores in the United States, with

    at least another 200 under development everywhere from Espanola, New

    Mexico to Fairbanks, Alaska.

    Food Co-op Initiative, an independent, non-profit organization, works with

    community groups across the country to help them organize new retail food

    cooperatives as efficiently and effectively as possible.

    Since 2005, FCI (and its earlier incarnation, Food Co-op 500) has been

    assisting communities with education, grants, and loans to help them open

    successful grocery co-ops. Opening a successful co-op business is a long

    process requiring careful planning and a lot of background knowledge. FCI

    provides a support system that enables a faster and more effective startup


    In 2006, Stuart Reid was hired as the first-ever national food co-op

    development specialist focused on start-ups. Under his leadership, the foundation has developed a model for

    successful co-op development, including step by step objectives, along with a full suite of development tools.

    nt program. The foundation has given $250,000 in

    grants to 33 organizations from 2005 -2011.

    The foundation conducts live workshops for co-op organizers at CCMA and other conferences. In collaboration withtheCDS Consulting Co-op, FCI has presented over 20 web-based training sessions.

    There are currently over 150 communities across the U.S. involved in efforts to open co-op grocery stores, and new

    requests for assistance arrive almost daily. Food Co-

    people are tired of food systems that they cannot trust and that do not respond to their needs. Starting a co-op allows

    a community to regain control of their most basic survival needs and encourages economic activity throughout the

    If start-up groups are to be successful, they need support and inspiration from the existing food co-op community. I

    hope food co-ops will join the Blooming Prairie Foundation in supporting the Food Co-

    Scholl, CDS Consulting Co-op manager and Food Co-op Initiative Board of Directors.

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    What is a co-op?

    Cooperatives are member-owned, member-governed

    businesses that operate for the benefit of their

    members according to common principles agreed upon

    by the international cooperative community. Most

    simply put, a cooperative is a business:

    voluntarily owned by the people who use it

    operated for the benefit of its members

    All co-ops contain the following elements:

    Co-ops are owned and governed by theirprimary users (the member-owners).

    Co-ops are democratically governed (one-member, one-vote).

    Co-ops are businesses, not clubs orassociations.

    Co-ops adhere to internationally recognizedprinciples.




    Around the country, roughly 300 cooperatives already run 330 stores, with at least another 200 under development,

    everywhere from East Aurora, New York to Fairbanks, Alaska.


    In 2007, consumer grocery cooperatives accounted for close to $2.1 Billion in sales revenue, more than 15,000 jobs,

    $252 Million in wages and benefits paid, and $316 Million in valued-added income.


    The United Nations has declared 2012 as the International Year of Co-operatives. The International Year of

    Cooperatives is intended to raise public awareness of the invaluable contributions of cooperative enterprises topoverty reduction, employment generation and social integration. The Year will also highlight the strengths of the

    cooperative business model as an alternative means of doing business and furthering socioeconomic development.

    FoodCo-opInitiativeisaleaderinfosteringnewco-opsnationwideRecent Food Co-op Initiative grant and loan sites include:

    Chatham Real Food Market, Chatham, New York

    Company Shops Market, Burlington, North Carolina

    Fiddleheads Natural Foods Cooperative, New

    London, Connecticut

    Friendly City Co-op, Harrisonburg, Virginia

    H Street Community Market, Washington, D.C.

    Harvest Moon Natural Foods Cooperative, Long

    Lake, Minnesota

    Lost River Community Co-op, Paoli, Indiana

    Medford Market, Medford, Oregon

    New Orleans Food Co-op, New Orleans, Louisiana

    Sierra Vista Food Co-op, Sierra Vista, Arizona

    Yelm Food Co-op, Yelm, Washington

    Fairbanks Community Cooperative Market,

    Fairbanks, Alaska
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    Stuart Reid

    Executive Director

    Stuart Reid is the Executive Director of Food Co-op Initiative, a non-profitfoundation providing technical assistance, training and resources to communitiesacross the United States that are organizing new retail food co-ops and buyingclubs. He was the first Food Co-op Development Specialist for Food Co-op 500,the pilot project that grew into FCI.

    Stuart has an extensive background working in cooperatives. He has worked atfive retail food co-ops in a variety of roles, served on several co-op boards, was a

    Buyer & Merchandiser for the former DANCe co-op warehouse, served on theexecutive committee of the Twin Cities Natural Food Co-ops GrocersAssociation, was liaison to the Midwest Co-op Grocers Association, and helped open the Just Food Co-op inNorthfield, MN as their first general manager. He has written for the Cooperative Grocer magazine, written andedited training manuals, and presented at workshops and conferences. Stuart is currently serving as chair ofCooperation Works!, a cooperative member services organization made up of cooperative development centers acrossthe United States.

    Stuart holds a Lifetime Certified Purchasing Manager accreditation from the Institute for Supply Management wherehe was also recognized as top Membership Committee Chair of the region. In 2004 he was the recipient of theHoward Bowers award for Innovation and Achievement.

    Contact:[email protected]: 507-664-2034Mobile: 507-581-0170

    Jake Schlachter

    Food Co-op Development Specialist

    Jake Schlachter is Food Co-op Development Specialist at Food Co-op Initiative.Schlachter founded rural food cooperative Stone's Throw Market in Troy, Ohio, whilealso developing the software for their online salesnow an open source softwareproject led by Food Co-op Initiative. Schlachter's particular expertise is in grassrootsorganizing, and he has successfully delivered training on organizing, communications,and relationship building to dozens of start-ups. His technical expertise allows him toleads ongoing efforts to use the Internet to deliver training, monitor the progress ofclient start-ups, and market food co-ops and buying clubs to communities that are notyet organizing them.

    Contact:[email protected](937)838-4404

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    was overwhelmed with the quality of the conference and even more so with that of the people involved in it. Starting a food

    cooperative has been a very fulfilling experience thus far, and all the encouragement and expertise we have been provided through both CDS

    and Food Co-op Initiative have no doubt, played a major role. Thank you so much for all your efforts.

    -Sheila Conboy, East Aurora Cooperative Market, East Aurora, NY

    Wow! It will take me quite awhile to work my way through all the information and sources you provided. I cannot thank you enough

    and will certainly get back to you with questions and status of what I come up with.

    - Jack Burden, Lovettsville Cooperative Market, Lovettsville, VA

    I've practically worn out my copy of the Legal Primer, which has been an essential resource in understanding the incorporation process and

    bylaws preparation. I also shared the document with our pro bono attorneys.

    -Carrie Rae, Green Hill Food Co-op, Brooklyn, NY

    Your unwavering support for us and our project and your honest perspective and sharing of experiences helps tremendously. The journey to

    opening day is long and challenging yet full of richness and learning moments.

    -Meg Simans, Kitsap Community Food Co-op, Silverdale, WA


    Co-op Pros Impressed by East Aurora Efforts

    East Aurora Advertiser, April 5, 2012

    Grocery Co-op to Open in September in Elkins Park, Philadelphia

    Philadelphia Inquirer, March 15, 2012

    Food Co-ops on Rise in Philly Area

    Philadelphia Inquirer, September 22, 2011

    Desire for Control Sends Consumers to Food Co-ops

    Business Week via The Associated Press, August 16, 2011

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