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Fonts stylesFont is defined as a particular size, weight and type of a particular design. There are approximately 265,978 fonts that have been created and 154,322 families; which each font has been categorised into depending on their size, weight and design. Fonts have been dated back to the 1450’s until the present where fonts were casted into lead alloys. The first machine that was used to cast font was called a linotype machine that was created by Ottmar Mergenthaler in 1886. This was first used by the New York Tribune and the invention is known to be one of the greatest advances in printing.

A range of fonts are used in thrillers that can vary from their size, weight and design. The font of the thriller can be the trade mark for thrillers, which allow them to be recognised locally, globally and internationally. The font that is used within the film and marketing the film such as trailers and posters can give the viewer an insight to what the film is about, this is almost like a teaser to build up the suspense about the film. The font is important because it can give the viewer an indication of the type of genre of the film. For example love and basketball falls into the romantic comedy genre, the viewer can automatically tell that the film is going to be about basketball and have an aspect of love within the movie. The lettering that is used for the title is close together and thin, which could represent a bond that two people have in the movie. The title has orange which can represent a basketball which can be the common ground between the two people. Underneath the title there is a love heart to emphasise the conventions of the movie.

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On the other hand, Frozen falls into the thriller genre, the viewer from the font doesn’t know what to expect, however, the caption under underneath the title “No one knows you’re up there” indicates that this is a thriller and the dark blues that are used indicates to the person reading the poster that it is a thriller. The font for the title is in capital letters this is to capture the reader’s attention to the title when they first look at the poster. The lettering of the title is spaced out, which could represent that the letters are frozen as ice cubes in order to complement the theme of the thriller. The letters also has white at the top and grey at the bottom, these colours represent cold, snow and ice this is done to emphasise the conventions of the thriller.

Fonts’ from film’s

Both of these titles have bold lettering that attracts the reader’s attention. Insidious font is called Neutraliser Sans, they have also chosen to use two different colour schemes for its titles which are red and grey that is on a black background to call attention to the title. The red could represent blood which could indicate that a character or maybe several characters’ in the film are going to get hurt or maybe killed. But, they have purposely chosen to colour 3 letters red that could signify something that occurs in the film. The grey in the lettering represents cold and gloomy, the letters that are coloured grey have different shades of grey. These letters’ have the effect of the sky on a gloomy and rainy day. This could possibly be the sky setting for the film. The title is horizontal and is in a straight line.

On the other hand, Saw is written in a font called Sawsome. In this title there are several different colours’ that are used, such as black, a hint of red and a skin tone of a human. Saw’s title has purposely been put on a white background in order to highlight the title so that is the first thing that the

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reader see’s when reading the title. The human skin tone could convey that something may happen to a human in the movie which creates mystery. In the title there is a hint of red in the title could symbolise death or someone in the movie getting hurt which Saw is notorious for their glory scenes. The black in the title could represent an entity in the film. The positioning of the words Saw is in the middle of the image and is horizontal in a straight line.

In conclusion, I prefer insidious title because it capture the reader’s attention, I also like that the letters are more bolder and there on a black background that makes the title stand out more than Saw’s title. The usage of different colours and the black background that makes the title easy to read.

Possible fonts

My thriller opening is called Another which is based off of a Japanese anime. In my thriller opening the main character called Annie is dressed up as a anime character with the dramatic hair and makeup that is associated with Japanese amine’s. I will now be discussing the different types of fonts that i like and highlight both the weaknesses and the strengthens of the fonts.

別の1.This is Another written in Japanese which is called Betsu no. I think the font that the word is written in, because it is bold and it would stand out to the reader. I also like this title because it would create confusion to the viewer and make them interested what could occur next. I also like that it would complement Japanese amines’ because whilst watching them you will see Japanese writing appear on the screen that is describing what is occurring in the movie in that moment in time. However, the anime will be in English, and it is set in England. The target audience are English speaking countries; so it would be confusing to most viewers’ if the title was in Japanese.

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2. This is my second font that is by Sinister fonts; I like the font because the letters’ are bold and it has an edgy effect. This complements the style, look and personality of the main character Sasha. I also like that the font looks disorientated as all of the letters’ aren’t the same size. I would be able to use a range of colours in order to make the title stand out. On the other hand, I don’t think this font would be able to capture the viewers’ attention straight away when seeing this font. This font for me personally has a type of witchy effect, my thriller doesn’t have anything to do will witches so this could mislead the audience that is viewing my thriller.

3. This is my third font that is by Jonathan S. Harris; I like this font because it has an effect of a substance dripping down it that appears to be blood. This would go well with my thriller because we have several scenes’ that involve blood. I also like that the letters’ are bold, this will stand out to the person reading the title. The letters’ can also have two different colours that can give a nice effect. The letters’ have edges, this is perfect because I have a scene in my thriller where the main character is running through the woods, and the letters remind me of leaves. Personally like this font the most out of all of the fonts because it represents scenes that are in my thriller.

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