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• The information I have received from these two sets of results connote to me that the majority of my focus group are male, thus meaning that when I come to create my video and ancillary, I will adapt it in order to be more suitable for males, as oppose to females. Furthermore, the results also show that my focus audience’s favourite band is ‘The Killers’. With this being the case, I will now use this bands music for my music video, because I am then much more likely to have a success out of the video because I will be using a song with the majority of my targeted audience enjoy to listen too.

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In these results I asked my targeted audience what they like about their favourite band. I done this in order to see what I should include in my music video which would appeal to the audience. It would seem that the main points on what people like about their bands are that:• They have a good unique style• Urban cultureThese results apply to me when making the music video because this means that I will have to connote this style and culture across to the audience. I could do this through using mise en scene, editing, camerawork. An example of this could be the setting that I choose to film the video at or maybe the clothing worn by the band members in my music video.

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• What I gain from analysing these results is that I find out what my targeted audience specifically like to see in the indie-rock music videos that they watch, thus giving me an insight on what to include in my music video. The main response that came up more regularly was the idea of a performance from the band. For example, making the band look like they’re playing at a gig. Other responses included those of including a storyline or maybe some cutaway scenes. I think that with the big performance being the main setting, then it would be more suitable to have cut-away scenes rather than a storyline, meaning it wont take the emphasis from the bands performance. Furthermore, by having cutaway scenes this will allow me to break up the performance so it isn’t so repetitive. Also, this will give more opportunity to include more editing techniques; for example, cross-cutting.

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• I asked this question in order to get a reason as to why they like what they do in the indie rock music video’s that they watch. Judging from the results it would seem that the main reason is because they get to have an idea of what the band are really like as people. This might be because it gives them an insight to what their attitude, style and personality is like, therefore giving the audience a more internal view on the band rather than a judgemental external view. Other answers included that it ‘gives you the idea of a festival’ and ‘I like to see the professionals play.’ This means that the performance should be more of a favourable idea to go ahead with because this gives me the impression that the targeted audience would like it. However, there was one response which went against this idea. This was ‘rather than a stereotypical video that just shows the band performing.’ This could mean that not all of my target audience would favour the idea of a performance, but this is only a minority. Moreover, my music video will not only have a performance, their will be cutaway scenes as well to break the performance up. This will also give the audience an insight to the band.

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• I chose to ask my target audience what they would include in their music video, if they were to create one. The reason I asked this is because I will see what they would personally want and if there is a pattern of answers in the responses then I will consider it because it is bound to appeal to the audience. This question was a success because most of the results are very similar because they mention a performance/band performing. This is good because this was my original idea.

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• From these results I have gathered from my targeted audience, I have acknowledge their idea’s of the kinds of mise en scene they would like to see in an indie rock music video. This allows me to perhaps use some of their idea’s because they would then be much more likely to appeal to my audience because it was chosen by them. For example, in regards to costume worn by the band members, some people mention, ‘indie youthful clothing’, ‘rock clothing’ and ‘casual clothing.’ By taking this into consideration, I would think that skinny jeans and shirts/hoodie’s would be appropriate for representing the indie rock genre and style. Also, I would expect to see the lead band member in a costume which slightly stands out, such as a blazer. This would signify he authority has the lead band member. Other stereotypical mise en scene which the results show are the traditional instruments you would expect to see in most indie rock music videos. These range from guitar to drums to microphones. Therefore I will definitely be including these props into my music video. Lastly the only setting that was brought forward from all the results was the prospect of a stage. This would work because this links with my original idea of a ‘gig’ like performance or ‘rehearsal.’ Also, one person mentioned the use of a variety of lighting. This could give my video an advantage because this would allow it to have more of a contrast of light and dark. We could also make this link to the song. For example, when the song is more upbeat and on the chorus, there will be more high key lighting. Whereas, when the song isn’t upbeat and is on a verse then we will use low key lighting. This will emphasize the synchronisation and relevance of my mise en scene to the song itself.

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• By asking the targeted audience what editing techniques would boost their interest in the video will help me to understand and meet the needs of my target audience. The most regular techniques that came up were ‘cross-cutting’, slow/fast paced editing’ and ‘shot-reverse shot.’ These techniques are very regular, common and stereotypical in what you would expect to see in an indie rock music video. I will be able to use these techniques in my video very well. For example, cross cutting will be used in my video to cut between the performance and the cut away scenes. Also, the pace of the editing will be altered in my video depending on the pace of the song itself. This connotes good synchronisation towards my target audience, meaning they may find the video even more appealing and exciting.


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• By asking this question I would be able to get a rough idea of what sort of style/effect my video would convey onto the audience. Some responses mentioned ‘indie’, ‘youthful’, ‘urban’, ‘futuristic’ and ‘festival/gig vibe.’ These responses link well into the idea that I have more my music video. The reason for this is because by having the stage performance by a young band using stereotypical indie props such as guitars and drums will connote to the audience the ‘indie, youthful and gig vibe.’ Furthermore, when creating the cut-away scenes I could include the urban style by having certain urban backgrounds rather than rural areas. Lastly, when it comes to making the video more futuristic, this could be done by the range of editing techniques that I will use in my video. Overall, judging from what I have analysed, it is possible for me not to only have the one theme, but instead have a variety of themes. This will have a bigger impact on the audience because the video would become more appealing and interesting. Finally, due to the amount of themes, there will be more chance of a wider audience wanting to watch the video because it will be appealing to more people and representing what they like.

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• On the final question I wanted to see what mood the audience wanted the video to portray. I asked this because the indie rock genre can consist of songs that are rather sad and downbeat. However, there are also songs that portray a positive and upbeat vibe to the audience. The majority of the results that I got back from the audience consisted of ‘positive’ and ‘energetic.’ This means that I will have to pick a song which will be able to match the mood of the video. If I had a song that didn’t match the mood of the video, then the music video wouldn’t be appropriate or relevant.

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