
Dear investor, As a Female, Christian, Millennial, Active Trader I have every characteristic of Impact Investors.

And as you probably know impact investing: aiming at market level returns with measured impact, is the fastest growing investment strategy within the Socially Responsible Investing universe . Which is growing faster than the investment market as a whole. Investing in for instance megatrends, basic needs and impact catalysts give strategic portfolio advantages & lower volatility.The good news: impact investing is not as 'exclusive ' or 'complex' people tend to think. I develop practice based tools and maps for private investors and asset managers to understand the impact investment universe and how to implement impact investing strategies.

Drs Alcanne J Houtzaager MA Speaker on Impact Investing

The map shows Classic, Philanthropic, Direct & Indirect Impact Investing & Crowdfunding for Impact. Unless you managing huge assets you will find only the latter three are 'inclusive' in offering impact investing options.

Impact Investing InstrumentsThe market offers more and more impact investing instruments. Especially corporate Green bonds are booming, but hardly available for smaller investors. Top lister Luxembourg just launched the Green Echange for 'planet' investing and the London Stock Exchange lists retail charity bonds for 'people' projects. Worldwide Social & Development Impact Bonds are going viral in private equity and up to millions in start-up investments.

How much Impact?Inspired by the EU's Risk Meter for stuctured Investment products such as funds and ETP's, I developed the Impact Indicator for Investment Products. I built on Sonen Capital's Portfolio model developed for the KL Felicitas Foundation, presented at the World Economic Forum.

And I love to share my knowledge! I wrote 'the Past, Present and Future of Impact Investing' summarizing 4 years of following Impact Investing developments and trends. Annually it is apudated with facts & figures and events. To give insight in the different types of Impact Investing I developed 'Mapping Impact Investing', which describes the major players, their strategies, impact instruments & markets.

These days the majority of impact investors aim at 'balancing impact and return'. Which is vital to make it financially sustainable and scalingthe impact. Of course in time it will also accelerate the development of the sector as a whole.

Inclusive Impact InvestingThe Impact Investment Universe offers plenty of public equity opportunities. In sectors such as: Work & Income, Nutritious Food, Financial Inclusion, Clean Water & Hygiene, Accessible Healthcare, Affordable Safe Housing, Renewable energy, Clean & Green Technology, Private Education & ICT, Climate Transition and protecting global Biodiversity. The SRI Universe offers impact trends such as population growth, ageing and the circular economy. Growth in products & services for people at the Base of the Pyramid and the upcoming Middle classes are relevant in Developing &Emerging Markets. In Developed Markets investing in small (women) entrepreneurs as job creators is a catalyst, but also community development for vulnerable people and underserved communities.

The Impact Indicator for Investment Products gives insight in the overall impact level and focus of investment products. It is based on existing strategies such as Exclusion, ESG Risk & ESG Opportunities. It ranges from -1: I'll invest in anything even illegal weapons and totalitarian regimes to 6: I care about Impact and am willing to give up return. Which is a former impact style practiced by some charities and development banks.

Impact Asset Classes When defining impact strategies and diversification goals geographical location, target groups and themes are key.Where, Who & What. Based on existing investment products in public equity I present an impact asset class model with: Mesofinance, Growthcapital, Impact Finance, Property, Basic Needs, Catalyst & Thematic Investing.

Charities & Impact Investing With fiscal support for Program Related Investments large and 1in10! small US charities have embraced impact Investing. The UK is also far ahead supported by the governments Social Investment Policy stimulating Social Impact Bonds with local investment funds, contracting and national implementation of a successful local project. Charities can increase their impact 20-fold from 5% pay out in grants to 100% impact invested assets. Or work as Engager, Capacitybuilder, Informer or Partner. Want to see?You Tube Alcanne For speaking engagements please contact my booking agency ZijSpreekt: email [email protected] Or call Marga Miltenburg +31 6 53 14 87 96 The website in Dutch www.zijspreekt.nlFollow me on Twitter @Alcanne or Linked In: Alcanne Houtzaager

Equity picking starts with impact sectors and regions, followed by ESG checks en impact awareness & ambition. Not mere 'decoupling', growth with a smaller footprint, but also are the UN's Sustainable Development Goals integrated in the corporate strategy? Crowdfunding for Impact offers possibilities to starting impact investors. Think social enterprises & impact projects. The market is growing and developing with consumer protection legislation & formal finance hooking up with crowdfunding for layered financing. To select projects I developed the PRICP checklist: Price, Return, Impact, Catalyst & Public as a respons to Brain Trelstad's 5P's in Harvard Business Review, January 2016.

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