Download - Fluid Properties

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Do you still remember?

    Fluid Mechanics Fluid dynamics Fluid statics Stress, Normal stress, Pressure Shear force, shear strain Newtons law of viscosity If YES lets move on.

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Newtons law of viscosity Shear stress is linearly proportional to the velocity gradient

    dydV =



    = f (types of fluid, time and T)

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Types of fluids

    Newtonian fluids Fluids that obey Newtons law of viscosity A fluid whose viscosity doesn't depend on gradients in flow speed. Gases and low-molecular weight liquids are usually Newtonian fluids. Non-Newtonian fluids Fluids that do not obey Newtons law of viscosity A fluid whose viscosity changes when the gradient in flow speed changes. Colloidal suspensions and polymer solutions like ketchup and starch/water paste are non-Newtonian fluids.

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    varies with types of fluid Newtonian fluids is proportional to dV/dy All gases All liquids having simple

    chemical formula E.g: H2O, CH3OH, C6H6

    Most dilute solution of simple molecules in water or organic solvents Metal ion solution, sugar

    in water

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Newtonian fluids Straight line through origin

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Non-Newtonian fluids Shear stress is a

    function of the velocity gradient.

    (viscosity is not a constant)

    varies with types of fluid

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Bingham fluids Resist small shear stress. Flow easily under larger

    shear stress (Force must be given in

    order to move the fluid)

    varies with types of fluid

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Pseudoplastic fluids

    Shear thinning fluids as dV/dy

    varies with types of fluid

    A shear thinning fluid decreases in viscosity with increasing shear rate

    High stress, Low Viscosity

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Dilatant fluids Shear thickening fluids as dV/dy

    varies with types of fluid

    High stress, High Viscosity

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    varies with time

    Viscosity is time independent

    All Newtonian fluids are time independent

    Most of non-Newtonian fluids are time dependent

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Rheopectic Viscosity increases with time

    varies with time

    A rheopectic fluid increases in viscosity over time at a constant shear rate.

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Thixotropic Viscosity decreases with time

    varies with time

    A thixotropic fluid decreases in viscosity over time at a constant shear rate.

  • Non-newtonian fluid classification

    Time-dependent viscosity

    Rheopectic Viscosity increases with duration of stress Lubricants

    Thixotropic Viscosity decreases with duration of stress Clays, honey

    Shear-stress-dependent viscosity

    Dilatant (Shear thickening)

    Viscosity increases with increased stress

    Corn starch, printing inks

    Pseudoplastic (Shear thinning)

    Viscosity decreases with increased (stress Blood, ketchup

    Does not exhibit any shear rate (no flow) until a certain stress is achieved

    Bingham Viscosity constant Toothpaste, jellies

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Unit Pas / N/m2s / kg/m-s(SI) Ibm/ft-s (BG) Poise centipoise (cP)

    For water, = 1 cP (at 20oC)

    Unit of

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Tb A ln ln

    equation) (Andrade Ae Tb



    equation) sd'(Sutherlan T












    varies with T

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Kinematic Viscosity

    Unit m2/s (SI) ft2/s (BG)

    Common unit: centistoke (cSt)




    cmg 1

    cP 1 cSt 12





  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Units : kg/m3 (SI) or Ibm/ft3 (BG) Density of liquids are slightly affected by pressure and

    temperature Density of gases are strongly influenced by pressure

    and temperature


    volumemass ==

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Density of water at different temperatures:

    Temperature (oC) (kg/m3) 0 999.0 4 1000.0 10 999.7 20 998.2 30 995.7

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Density Density of gases can be calculated through ideal gas

    equation: PV = nRT PV = (m/M)RT m/V = PM/RT

    where R = gas constant = 8.314 m3 Pa/mol K

    PM/RT =

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Specific volume

    Specific volume,

    Unit: m3/kg (SI) or ft3/Ibm (BG)

    mV1 ==

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Specific weight

    Specific weight,

    Unit: N/m3 (SI) or Ibf/ft3 (BG)

    Related to density through:

    where g = local gravitational acceleration


    volumeweight ==

    = g

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Specific gravity

    Specific gravity, SG of liquid and solid

    Throughout the course, specific gravity referred to water at 4oC is used

    Unit: Dimensionless

    SG P and T specifiedat water



  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Specific gravity

    Specific gravity, SG of gas

    For ideal gas;

    Where: M = molar mass of the gas


    SG air



    P and T same atair

    gasgas SG


  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Class Example 1

    A reservoir of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) has a mass of 500 kg and a volume of 0.315 m3. Determine the CCl4: a) Weight b) Density c) Specific weight d) Specific volume e) Specific gravity

    Take gravitational acceleration, g = 9.81 m/s2

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    a) Weight, W= mg = (500)(9.81) = 4905 N = 4.905 kN

    b) Density, =

    c) Specific weight, =









  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    d) Specific volume,

    e) Specific gravity, SG








    4 .===

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Class Example 2

    The volume of a rock is found to be 0.00015 m3. If the specific gravity of the rock is 2.60, determine its mass and weight.

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    S.G rock = 2600 kg/m3 Mass, m = V = (2600)(0.00015) = 0.39 kg Weight, W = mg = (0.39)(9.81) = 3.826 N







  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Class Example 3

    Nitrogen gas occupies a volume of 100 L at 120 kPa and 100oC. Determine its specific volume and specific weight.

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    V = 100 L = 100 10-3 m3

    ( )

    33 mkg1.08

    K 273100


    KkmolmkPa 8.314

    kPa 120RTP

    RT P





  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Specific volume,

    Specific weight, = g = (1.08)(9.81) = 10.6 N/m3





  • Fluid Properties

    Week 2

    Viscosity & kinematic viscosity Density, Specific volume, Specific weight, Specific gravity

    Surface tension, Pressure

  • Non-newtonian fluid classification

    Time-dependent viscosity

    Rheopectic Viscosity increases with duration of stress Lubricants

    Thixotropic Viscosity decreases with duration of stress Clays, honey

    Shear-stress-dependent viscosity

    Dilatant (Shear thickening)

    Viscosity increases with increased stress

    Corn starch, printing inks

    Pseudoplastic (Shear thinning)

    Viscosity decreases with increased (stress Blood, ketchup

    Does not exhibit any shear rate (no flow) until a certain stress is achieved

    Bingham Viscosity constant Toothpaste, jellies

  • Unit m2/s (SI), ft2/s (BG)

    Common unit: centistoke (cSt)


    Units : kg/m3 (SI) or Ibm/ft3 (BG) Vm

    volumemass ==

    dydV =

    PM/RT =

    Unit: m3/kg (SI) or ft3/Ibm (BG)

    mV1 ==

    Unit: N/m3 (SI) or Ibf/ft3 (BG)


    volumeweight == = g

    SG P and T specifiedat water




    SG air



    P and T same atair

    gasgas SG


  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Surface tension

    An effect within the surface layer of a liquid that causes that layer to behave as elastic sheet.

    What is surface tension?

    What causes surface tension?

    The intermolecular forces between the liquid molecules

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech




    Surface Tension In the bulk of liquid, A is pulled equally in all directions by neighboring liquid molecules, resulting in a net force of zero At the surface of the liquid, B is pulled inwards by other molecules deeper inside the liquid which can be balanced only by the resistance of the liquid to compression. This inward pull tends to diminish the surface area, and in this respect a liquid surface resembles a stretched elastic membrane.

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Effects in everyday life

    Water beading on flowers Insects walking on water

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Capillary attraction, or capillarity, is the ability of a liquid to flow in narrow spaces without the assistance of, and in opposition to external forces like gravity

    Depends on

    the relative magnitudes of the cohesion of the liquid and the adhesion of the liquid to the walls of the containing vessel

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Application: Capillarity

    Liquids rise in tubes if they wet (adhesion > cohesion)

    Liquids fall in tubes if they do not wet

    (cohesion > adhesion).

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Perfect wetting liquid spreads as a thin film over the surface of the solid

    Case of no wetting Mercury on clean glass

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Capillary rise, h can be calculated using the equation:

    h = height of capillary rise = surface tension = contact angle = specific weight

    area sectional Cross

    perimeter Wetted cos h =

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    For circular tube:

    d = diameter of the tube r = radius of the tube

    r cos

    d cos

    dd cos h 2





  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Capillarity is important when using tubes smaller than about 3/8 inch (10 mm) in diameter.

    For tube diameters larger than 1 in (12 mm), capillary effects are negligible.

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Pressure and Temperature

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Gauge pressure, Pg P of a system is measured by a gauge, which excludes Patm

    Its measured relative to Patm

    Absolute pressure, Pabs Total P exerted on a system

    Pabs = Patm + Pg Its measured relative to high vacuum (0 psia)

    0 psia 14.7 psia 114.7 psia

    0 psig 100 psig

    1 atmosphere

    vacuum range

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Pressure Conversion

    Atmospheric pressure, Patm P exerted on the surface of a body by a column of air in an atmosphere Standard Patm (at sea level) = 1 atm = 101.325 kPa = 760 mmHg

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Pabs = Patm + Pgage

    Pabs = Patm Pvac

    1 atm = 0 gage 101.3 kPa = 0 gage

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Temperature scales: Celcius (C) Kelvin (K) Fahrenheit (F) Rankine (R)

    T(K) = T(C) + 273.15

    T(R) = T(F) + 460

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    SI unit (International unit) English system (foot-pound-second, BG)

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Length: 1 m = 3.281 ft 1 ft = 0.3048 m

    Mass: 1 kg = 2.2046 Ibm 1 Ibm = 0.45359 kg Pressure 1 atm = 101.3 kPa = 14.696 psi

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Class Example 4

    A steel cylinder has a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 20 cm. It moves at a velocity of 0.5 m/s inside a tube of slightly larger diameter. Determine the clearance between the cylinder and the tube, if castor oil film of constant thickness is filled between the cylinder and the tube.

    Data: at room temperature SGsteel = 7.85 castor oil = 0.287 kg/ms

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Clearance, dy


    AF ==

    ( )

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) N 309.810.20.05410007.85 F


    2 =



    ( ) ( )( )( ) mm 15030

    50200502870FdVA dy ..... ===


  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Class Example 5

    Determine the capillary rise of water at 10oC in a tube if the tube diameter is 1 mm.

    What will happen if the tube diameter increases by 50%?

    Data: water @ 10oC = 0.00742 N/m

  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    ( )( )( ) ( )

    ( )( )( ) ( ) mm 9.811000

    0 cos 0.007422 h

    50%by increases diameter tube if

    mm 1.510.001 9.811000

    0 cos 0.007422 h




  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech

    Learning Outcome: CHAPTER 1

    At the end of the chapter, you should be able to:

    1. Define the term fluid 2. Determine various types of fluid 3. Determine properties of fluid 4. Solve fluid related problems using different unit


  • MZA@UTPChemEFluidMech


    Do you still remember?ViscosityTypes of fluids varies with types of fluidSlide Number 8 varies with types of fluid varies with types of fluid varies with types of fluid varies with types of fluid varies with time varies with time varies with timeNon-newtonian fluid classificationUnit of varies with TSlide Number 19Kinematic ViscosityDensityDensitySlide Number 23DensitySpecific volumeSpecific weightSpecific gravitySpecific gravityClass Example 1SolutionSlide Number 31Class Example 2SolutionClass Example 3SolutionSlide Number 36Fluid Properties Non-newtonian fluid classificationSlide Number 39Surface tensionSlide Number 41Slide Number 42CapillarityApplication: CapillarityCapillarityCapillarityCapillarityCapillarityOutlineTerminologyPressure ConversionRelationshipsTemperatureUnitsConversionClass Example 4SolutionClass Example 5SolutionLearning Outcome: CHAPTER 1Quiz

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