Page 1: Flowchart and Manufacturing Process for Sweater Manufacturing














For cotton and wool yarn

For acrylic yarn

Page 2: Flowchart and Manufacturing Process for Sweater Manufacturing








Page 3: Flowchart and Manufacturing Process for Sweater Manufacturing


After the panels are received from the knitting department, they are first send to Mending and Bundling Department. Here, the right quality panels are bundled in the group of 50 Pcs- 75 Pcs. The bundles are grouped panel-wise by using different color threads for each panel. For example, all the right sleeves may be bundled using green thread, left sleeves may be bundled using yellow thread, front panels may be bundled using red thread and back panels using blue threads. The sweaters generally have protruding fibres due to which sticking of stickers may not be very practical. If the panels are not fit according to the quality aspect of the order then they are mended/repaired manually (if possible) otherwise they are send back to the textile department where the panels are unwounded and the threads are used for color coding of the bundles.

After the required numbers of bundles are prepared, they are sent for Panel Wash and Panel Press (for natural fibres where shrinkage is more). The panels are washed and pressed and are bundled again. After the bundles are pressed, each worker re check the measurements of the panels and the right panels are bundled again using the same color thread.

After washing and pressing the bundles are moved to the Cutting department. Here, the rectangular panels are cut according to the required shape and measurements for a particular style. Since the sweaters are generally thick (for small gauge 6-10) and very stretchable, they are difficult to cut using straight knife cutter or round knife cutter hence they are manually cut using the hand scissors (layer of 2 to 4 panels), but for large gauge panels (thin panels) straight knife cutting machines can be used (6 inch layer). The panels are cut according to the required shape and measurements, measurements are checked again and are then bundled according to the prior color codes.

After cutting, the bundles are sent for Chain Stitch (Kacci Silayi) department for temporary stitches. These stitches are given to attach the different panels temporarily so that it is easier to get them linked. The temporarily stitched sweaters are then bundled again. Now, each style is bundled style-wise with a new colour code.

Now these temporarily stitched panels are sent to the double thread Cuff Seemer, which attaches the side seam and close the sleeves. After cup seeming they are again bundled and sent foreword.

After Cuff Seemers, the bundles are sent to the Linking machines where the collars and armholes are attached. Also, the tapes are attached here. They are then bundled again and are sent to the Overlock and SNLS machines.

The Overlock machines give additional stitch to the collar band and panels (for more strength) while SNLS machines attaché the pockets (if any), zippers (if any) and tags to the sweater. These machines are also used sometimes to add design element (if required).

Page 4: Flowchart and Manufacturing Process for Sweater Manufacturing

The sweater is now almost finished but if it has any button, then the bundle of almost finished sweater is sent to the button and button-hole machine. Now, the sweater is almost complete. They are bundled again.

These bundles are now sent for Pre-Quality Check. During this quality check, the sweaters are checked using Paratherm machine. This is the first quality process where a machine is used to check holes, specks or broken thread. These machines have two adjustable conical tubes with milky lightening. Using this machine whole sweater can be inspected. First the front and backs are checked and then the sleeves are checked. The quality Sweaters are now bundled again.

Now these bundles are sent to wash or dry clean (as required). The sweaters are washed and dried and Pressed. They are now bundled again and are sent for the final inspection.

In the Final Inspection, the sweaters are again sent to the Paratherm machine and then they are moved to the final inspection table where the final inspection for proper measurement is done. Now the quality sweaters are sent foreword.

In the last step the Barcodes and Price Tags are attached to the sweaters. The sweaters are sorted according to the size, buyer, store etc and are then sent for the Packaging. Sweaters are packed according to the requirement of the buyer.

The packed sweaters are now dispatched to the store from where they are dispatched to the respective buyers or stores.

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