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Florida A&M University Fact Book 2017-2018

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Florida A & M University

2017-2018 Fact Book



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Florida A&M University Fact Book 2017-2018

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Tuition and Fees


Non- Non- Non-

Resident Resident Resident

Tuition $105.07 $105.07 $334.13 $334.13 $379.76 $379.76

Student Financial Aid Fee $5.16 $5.16 $16.70 $16.70 $18.98 $18.98

Cap Improvement Fee $6.76 $6.76 $6.76 $6.76 $6.76 $6.76

Athletic Fee $13.97 $13.97 $13.97 $13.97 $13.97 $13.97

Activity and Service Fee $10.05 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50

Technology Fee $5.16 $5.16 $16.70 $16.70 $18.98 $18.98

Health Fee $6.91 $6.91 $6.91 $6.91 $6.91 $6.91

Non- Resident Fee $379.07 $587.02 $611.46

Non-Resident Financial Aid Fee $18.95 $29.35 $30.57

Total Fees Per Credit Hour $151.78 $549.80 $405.67 $1,022.04 $455.86 $1,097.89

Non-Residents shall be assessed the following two additional fees:

Fees Per Credit Hour

Undergraduate Graduate Law

Resident Resident Resident

Other Required Fees

Materials and Supply Fees

$15.00 – $300.00 (per applicable course)

Orientation Fee

$35.00 Students who are enrolled for the first time

Late Registration Fee


Late Payment Fee


ID Card

$5.00 per semester (Not charged in Summer)

Repeat Course Surcharge $181.12 per credit hour for regular courses taken more than twice

Transportation and Access Fee

$65.00 for Fall Semester and $65.00 for Spring Semester $33.00 for Summer Semester

Materials and Supply Fees

$15.00 – $300.00 (per applicable course)

Differential Fee

Undergraduate students whose date of enrollment was on or after July 1, 2007 will be assessed an additional tuition differential of $36.38 per credit hour

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Florida A&M University Fact Book 2017-2018

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Historical Enrollment by Gender

Fall Semesters 1995 – 2017







14,000Fall 1995

Fall 1996

Fall 1997

Fall 1998

Fall 1999

Fall 2000

Fall 2001

Fall 2002

Fall 2003

Fall 2004

Fall 2005

Fall 2006

Fall 2007

Fall 2008

Fall 2009

Fall 2010

Fall 2011

Fall 2012

Fall 2013

Fall 2014

Fall 2015

Fall 2016

Fall 2017

Female # Male # Total #


# % # % #

Fall 1995 6,009 58.15% 4,325 41.85% 10,334

Fall 1996 6,228 58.22% 4,469 41.78% 10,697

Fall 1997 6,408 58.27% 4,590 41.73% 10,998

Fall 1998 6,895 58.25% 4,942 41.75% 11,837

Fall 1999 7,097 58.65% 5,003 41.35% 12,100

Fall 2000 7,135 58.67% 5,026 41.33% 12,161

Fall 2001 7,166 58.03% 5,183 41.97% 12,349

Fall 2002 7,273 58.33% 5,195 41.67% 12,468

Fall 2003 7,620 58.51% 5,403 41.49% 13,023

Fall 2004 7,618 58.29% 5,449 41.69% 13,070

Fall 2005 7,070 58.06% 5,104 41.92% 12,177

Fall 2006 7,001 58.77% 4,909 41.21% 11,913

Fall 2007 6,783 58.64% 4,784 41.36% 11,567

Fall 2008 6,940 58.58% 4,908 41.42% 11,848

Fall 2009 7,279 59.37% 4,982 40.63% 12,261

Fall 2010 7,964 59.98% 5,313 40.02% 13,277

Fall 2011 7,973 60.37% 5,234 39.63% 13,207

Fall 2012 7,419 61.56% 4,632 38.44% 12,051

Fall 2013 6,604 61.50% 4,134 38.50% 10,738

Fall 2014 6,346 62.02% 3,887 37.98% 10,233

Fall 2015 6,297 63.48% 3,623 36.52% 9,920

Fall 2016 6,195 64.44% 3,419 35.56% 9,614

Fall 2017 6,423 64.87% 3,478 35.13% 9,901

YearFemale Male

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Florida A&M University Fact Book 2017-2018

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Student Enrollment by School/College/Major/Gender

Fall 2017


# % # % #

31101 Agri-Business 12 31.58% 26 68.42% 38

31201 Agricultural Science 5 71.43% 2 28.57% 7

31202 Animal Science 65 81.25% 15 18.75% 80

31204 Agronomy 7 43.75% 9 56.25% 16

31205 Ent & Strctl Pest Control 4 100.0% 0 0.00% 4

31207 Food Science 37 72.55% 14 27.45% 51

31208 Veterinary Technology 30 85.71% 5 14.29% 35

31284 Agribusiness 0 0.00% 3 100.0% 3

31286 Entomology 3 37.50% 5 62.50% 8

31287 Plant Sciences 4 44.44% 5 55.56% 9

31291 Entomology Doctoral 1 50.00% 1 50.00% 2

31481 Soil and Water 1 100.0% 0 0.00% 1

31600 Pre-Bio & Agric Sys Engineerng 4 57.14% 3 42.86% 7

31601 Bio & Agric Sys Engineering 15 65.22% 8 34.78% 23

Total 188 66.20% 96 33.80% 284


# % # % #

11100 Pre-Music Teacher Education 12 25.00% 36 75.00% 48

11103 MusicTchr Ed:Instr-Wind,Piano 2 25.00% 6 75.00% 8

11181 Educational Leadership 11 73.33% 4 26.67% 15

11182 Counselor Education 28 82.35% 6 17.65% 34

11191 Educational Leadership-Doctora 39 68.42% 18 31.58% 57

11281 Curriculum and Instruction 4 66.67% 2 33.33% 6

12000 Pre-Elementary Edu 57 95.00% 3 5.00% 60

12100 Pre-Early Childhood Edu 5 100.0% 0 0.00% 5

12101 Elementary Education 14 93.33% 1 6.67% 15

12102 Pre-Kind/Primary Edu 4 100.0% 0 0.00% 4

12103 Integrated PreK/Elementary Education 6 85.71% 1 14.29% 7

13100 Pre-English Education 9 90.00% 1 10.00% 10

13102 English Education 5 71.43% 2 28.57% 7

14000 Pre-Science Edu/Biology 4 100.0% 0 0.00% 4

14100 Pre-Physical Education 2 18.18% 9 81.82% 11

14101 Physical Education 0 0.00% 1 100.0% 1

14102 Health,Leisure & FitnessStudies 16 25.40% 47 74.60% 63

14281 Sport Management Grad 8 26.67% 22 73.33% 30

14300 Pre-Mathematics Education 4 80.00% 1 20.00% 5

14302 Mathematics Education 4 100.0% 0 0.00% 4

Female Male

Female Male

College of Agriculture and Food Sciences

College of Education

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Florida A&M University Fact Book 2017-2018

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Student Enrollment by School/College/Major/Gender

Fall 2017


# % # % #

15200 Pre-History Education 5 55.56% 4 44.44% 9

15202 History Education 1 50.00% 1 50.00% 2

15300 Pre-Political Science Educ 1 100.0% 0 0.00% 1

16201 Biology Teacher Education 1 100.0% 0 0.00% 1

16301 English Teacher Educ 2 100.0% 0 0.00% 2

16302 History Teacher Educ 1 100.0% 0 0.00% 1

Total 245 59.76% 165 40.24% 410


# % # % #

41100 Pre-Engr Civil/Env 6 27.27% 16 72.73% 22

41101 Civil Engineering 6 28.57% 15 71.43% 21

41102 Environmental Engineering 1 33.33% 2 66.67% 3

41181 Civil Engineering Grad 2 25.00% 6 75.00% 8

41191 Civil Engineering - Doctoral 3 50.00% 3 50.00% 6

42100 Pre-Engr Electrical 3 13.04% 20 86.96% 23

42101 Electrical Engineering 2 11.76% 15 88.24% 17

42102 Computer Engineering 6 25.00% 18 75.00% 24

42181 Electrical Engineering Grad 2 28.57% 5 71.43% 7

42191 Electrical Engineering Doctor 2 33.33% 4 66.67% 6

42200 Pre-Engr Computer Eng 7 26.92% 19 73.08% 26

44100 Pre-Engr Chem/BioMed 15 65.22% 8 34.78% 23

44101 Chemical Engineering 9 45.00% 11 55.00% 20

44105 Chem Engr -Biomedical Engineer 5 55.56% 4 44.44% 9

44181 Chemical Engineering Grad 0 0.00% 1 100.0% 1

44182 Biomedical Engineering Grad 0 0.00% 1 100.0% 1

44191 Chemical Engineering-Doctoral 1 25.00% 3 75.00% 4

44192 Biomedical Engineering-Doctora 1 50.00% 1 50.00% 2

45100 Pre-Engr Mechanical Engr 8 28.57% 20 71.43% 28

45101 Mechanical Engineering 5 14.29% 30 85.71% 35

45181 Mechanical Engineering Grad 0 0.00% 1 100.0% 1

45191 Mechanical Engineering-Doctora 0 0.00% 5 100.0% 5

46100 Pre-Engr Industrial Engr 7 50.00% 7 50.00% 14

46101 Industrial Engineering 5 35.71% 9 64.29% 14

46181 Industrial Engineering Grad 1 25.00% 3 75.00% 4

46191 Industrial Engineering-Doctora 3 42.86% 4 57.14% 7

Total 100 30.21% 231 69.79% 331

College of Education (cont)Female Male

College of EngineeringFemale Male

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Florida A&M University Fact Book 2017-2018

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Student Enrollment by School/College/Major/Gender

Fall 2017


# % # % #

E1171 JURIS DOCTOR 230 61.50% 144 38.50% 374

E1172 Law Professional 2 94 63.51% 54 36.49% 148

Total 324 62.07% 198 37.93% 522


# % # % #

B1102 Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 57.14% 3 42.86% 7

B1171 Pharmacy Professional 631 72.36% 241 27.64% 872

B1173 PharmD/MBA 1 100.0% 0 0.00% 1

B1181 Pharmaceutical Science 2 50.00% 2 50.00% 4

B1182 Public Health 55 82.09% 12 17.91% 67

B1191 Pharmaceutical Sci - Doctoral 20 55.56% 16 44.44% 36

B1192 Public Health Doctoral 32 82.05% 7 17.95% 39

Total 745 72.61% 281 27.39% 1,026


# % # % #

28104 Information Technology 0 0.00% 1 100.0% 1

A4101 Biology 211 75.63% 68 24.37% 279

A4102 Biology Pre-Professional 22 88.00% 3 12.00% 25

A4103 Pre-Medicine 208 77.90% 59 22.10% 267

A4105 Molecular Cellular Biology 6 85.71% 1 14.29% 7

A4181 Molecular Cellular Biology 11 91.67% 1 8.33% 12

A4182 Ecology 0 0.00% 1 100.0% 1

A4183 Physiology 1 100.0% 0 0.00% 1

A4185 Biological Sciences -NonThesi 2 66.67% 1 33.33% 3

A4201 Chemistry 22 81.48% 5 18.52% 27

A4203 Chem Pre-med/Dent 26 74.29% 9 25.71% 35

A4204 Biochemistry 13 68.42% 6 31.58% 19

A4281 Chemistry - Grad 4 44.44% 5 55.56% 9

A4301 Mathematical Sciences 2 40.00% 3 60.00% 5

A4303 Mathematics 5 62.50% 3 37.50% 8

A4304 Actuarial Science 7 53.85% 6 46.15% 13

A4401 Physics 3 30.00% 7 70.00% 10

A4481 Physics Grad 2 66.67% 1 33.33% 3

A4491 Physics-Doctoral 5 35.71% 9 64.29% 14

A8100 Pre-Computer Info Systems 3 100.0% 0 0.00% 3

A8102 Computer Information Systems 15 25.00% 45 75.00% 60

A8103 Computer Science 26 42.62% 35 57.38% 61

A8104 Information Technology 31 24.60% 95 75.40% 126

A8181 Software Engineering Science 0 0.00% 1 100.0% 1

A8182 Computer Science 5 33.33% 10 66.67% 15

Total 630 62.69% 375 37.31% 1,005

Female Male

Female Male

Female Male

College of Law

College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

College of Science and Technology

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Florida A&M University Fact Book 2017-2018

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Student Enrollment by School/College/Major/Gender

Fall 2017


# % # % #

21101 Music - General 20 51.28% 19 48.72% 39

21103 MusicTchr Ed:Instr-Wind,Piano 0 0.00% 1 100.0% 1

21105 Music - ConcentrationJazz Stud 0 0.00% 4 100.0% 4

21106 Music Industry 13 19.70% 53 80.30% 66

22101 Philosophy & Religion 1 20.00% 4 80.00% 5

22102 Philosophy 7 63.64% 4 36.36% 11

22201 Theatre 49 74.24% 17 25.76% 66

22301 Fine Arts 12 70.59% 5 29.41% 17

23101 English 30 76.92% 9 23.08% 39

25101 HISTORY 14 60.87% 9 39.13% 23

25103 African-American Studies 10 71.43% 4 28.57% 14

25301 Political Science 120 59.41% 82 40.59% 202

25303 Political Sci/Publ Admin Conc 6 66.67% 3 33.33% 9

26101 Psychology 305 79.84% 77 20.16% 382

26181 Community Psychology 27 81.82% 6 18.18% 33

27100 Pre-Social Work 73 85.88% 12 14.12% 85

27101 Criminal Justice 264 59.19% 182 40.81% 446

27102 Social Work 128 89.51% 15 10.49% 143

27103 Sociology 66 72.53% 25 27.47% 91

27182 Global Security & Int'l Affair 5 50.00% 5 50.00% 10

27183 Political Science - Grad 4 80.00% 1 20.00% 5

27186 Social Work Grad 37 94.87% 2 5.13% 39

27187 Public Admininstration Grad 18 62.07% 11 37.93% 29

27188 History - Grad 6 85.71% 1 14.29% 7

27189 Criminal Justics - Grad 8 80.00% 2 20.00% 10

29101 Interdisciplinary Studies 255 62.50% 153 37.50% 408

Total 1,478 67.67% 706 32.33% 2,184


# % # % #

C0100 Pre-Health Care 36 80.00% 9 20.00% 45

C0200 Pre-Health Information Mgmt 6 100.0% 0 0.00% 6

C0400 Pre-Cardiopumonary Science 36 85.71% 6 14.29% 42

C1101 Health Care Management 84 82.35% 18 17.65% 102

C1181 Health Care Administration 17 89.47% 2 10.53% 19

C2101 Hlth Informatics & Info Mgmt 51 89.47% 6 10.53% 57

C3191 Doctor of Physical Therapy 47 62.67% 28 37.33% 75

C4101 Cardiopulmonary Science 25 73.53% 9 26.47% 34

C5181 Occupational Therapy Grad 55 73.33% 20 26.67% 75

C6101 Health Sci - Pre-Physical Ther 213 61.92% 131 38.08% 344

C6102 Health Science-PreOccupTherapy 255 84.44% 47 15.56% 302

C6103 Health Science, Gene 46 88.46% 6 11.54% 52

Total 871 75.54% 282 24.46% 1,153

Female Male

Female Male

College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities

School of Allied Health Sciences

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Florida A&M University Fact Book 2017-2018

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Student Enrollment by School/College/Major/Gender

Fall 2017


# % # % #

70100 Pre-Architecture 19 50.00% 19 50.00% 38

71101 Architectural Studies 28 44.44% 35 55.56% 63

71171 Architecture: 1st P 0 0.00% 4 100.0% 4

71181 Architecture - Grad 13 46.43% 15 53.57% 28

71184 Facilities Management - Grad 6 28.57% 15 71.43% 21

73102 Construction Engineering Tech 14 18.67% 61 81.33% 75

73401 Electronic Engineering Tech 5 17.24% 24 82.76% 29

Total 85 32.95% 173 67.05% 258


# % # % #

51100 Pre-Accounting 19 47.50% 21 52.50% 40

51101 Accounting 35 55.56% 28 44.44% 63

52101 Business Administration 150 55.97% 118 44.03% 268

52102 Management 31 64.58% 17 35.42% 48

52106 Facilities Management 10 47.62% 11 52.38% 21

52107 Supply Chain Managem 0 0.00% 2 100.0% 2

52181 Business Administrn-1 Year MBA 61 55.96% 48 44.04% 109

52182 Business Admin Five-Year MBA 11 91.67% 1 8.33% 12

52185 Joint MBA/MS Supply Chain Mgmt 1 50.00% 1 50.00% 2

53101 Pre-Business 154 51.51% 145 48.49% 299

55201 Economics 12 27.91% 31 72.09% 43

Total 484 53.36% 423 46.64% 907


# % # % #

60100 Pre-Journalism 58 76.32% 18 23.68% 76

61103 Broadcast Journalism 158 73.83% 56 26.17% 214

61104 Public Relations 121 68.36% 56 31.64% 177

62104 Graphic Design 37 45.12% 45 54.88% 82

Total 374 68.12% 175 31.88% 549

Female Male

Female Male

School of Architecture

School of Business and Industry

School of Journalism and Graphic CommunicationFemale Male

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Florida A&M University Fact Book 2017-2018

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Student Enrollment by School/College/Major/Gender

Fall 2017


# % # % #

D0100 Pre-Nursing 175 93.09% 13 6.91% 188

D1101 Nursing 231 89.19% 28 10.81% 259

D1181 Nursing Grad 14 93.33% 1 6.67% 15

Total 420 90.91% 42 9.09% 462


# % # % #

01101 Environ Sciences 17 50.00% 17 50.00% 34

01102 Environmental Studies 14 48.28% 15 51.72% 29

01181 Environmental Science 4 36.36% 7 63.64% 11

01191 Environmental Science Doctoral 11 55.00% 9 45.00% 20

Total 46 48.94% 48 51.06% 94


# % # % #

81301 Undecided 57 64.04% 32 35.96% 89

81302 Freshman Studies 83 62.88% 49 37.12% 132

91101 Unclassified Undergrad 15 51.72% 14 48.28% 29

91181 Unclassified Graduate 14 38.89% 22 61.11% 36

92281 Grad Special Stud -Off Campus 1 100.0% 0 0.00% 1

93381 Teacher Certification Graduate 1 100.0% 0 0.00% 1

94401 High School Dual Enrolled 235 66.38% 119 33.62% 354

95501 Community College Dual Enroll 0 0.00% 3 100.0% 3

97701 FAMU-FSU Cooperative Program 24 40.68% 35 59.32% 59

99901 Int'l Exchange Program-UG 3 30.00% 7 70.00% 10

B1182 Public Health 0 0.00% 2 100.0% 2

Total 433 60.47% 283 39.53% 716


# % # % #

Total 6,423 64.87% 3,478 35.13% 9,901

Female Male

Female Male

School of Nursing

School of the Environment


Female Male

Female Male


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Florida A&M University Fact Book 2017-2018

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Student Enrollment by Ethnic Origin

Fall 2013 through Fall 2017

Non Resident



IndianAsian Black


Hawaiia White



No race


Fall 2013 136 214 25 117 9,711 0 525 10 0 10,738

Fall 2014 142 244 24 122 8,953 0 739 9 0 10,233

Fall 2015 125 276 23 103 8,455 0 747 191 0 9,920

Fall 2016 131 297 13 99 8,086 0 741 247 0 9,614

Fall 2017 77 350 8 97 8,258 5 798 301 7 9,901

Student Enrollment by Residency

Fall 2013 through Fall 2017

Undergraduate Graduate Unclassified Total Undergraduate Graduate Unclassified Total

Fall 2013 7,652 1,537 129 9,318 1,167 242 11 1,420 10,738

Fall 2014 6,991 1,433 523 8,947 1,012 265 9 1,286 10,233

Fall 2015 6,747 1,477 436 8,660 958 277 25 1,260 9,920

Fall 2016 6,366 1,554 431 8,351 998 250 15 1,263 9,614

Fall 2017 6,560 1,567 478 8,605 986 294 16 1,296 9,901

In State Out of State


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Florida A&M University Fact Book 2017-2018

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Student Enrollment by Institutional Classification

Fall 2017


Classification LevelFall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016



Freshman 1,965 1,968 2,324 2,085 2,197

Sophomore 1,908 1,407 1,269 1,506 1,549

Junior 2,125 1,846 1,538 1,579 1,738

Senior 2,567 2,505 2,327 1,950 1,766

Graduate 768 753 766 840 870

Professional 1,265 1,222 1,235 1,208 1,287

Unclassified 140 532 461 446 494

Total 10,738 10,233 9,920 9,614 9,901

Note: Institutional Classification Level is the categorization of the student's progress, as defined by the institution, at the beginning of the term toward a specific degree program, as anticipated after all transcript evaluation and transfer hours are posted.

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Florida A&M University Fact Book 2017-2018

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Student Enrollment by Student Classification

Fall 2017

Student Classification Level Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017

Lower Division Undergrad 4,607 3,373 3,966 3,636 3,796

Upper Division Undergrad 4,212 4,630 3,739 3,728 3,750

Beginning Graduate 1,644 1,494 1,548 1,609 1,585

Advanced Graduate 135 204 206 195 276

Unclassified 140 532 461 446 494

Total 10,738 10,233 9,920 9,614 9,901

Note: Student Classification Level is the categorization of the student's progress at the beginning of the term toward a specific degree or certificate as it applies to allocation of resources within the State University System.

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Student Enrollment by County

County Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 County Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017

Alachua 109 103 101 98 119 Leon 1,467 1,773 1,626 1,576 1,627

Baker 10 11 10 11 10 Levy 7 8 6 4 2

Bay 57 51 58 59 53 Liberty 11 9 10 8 4

Bradfor 10 5 3 2 2 Madison 35 30 30 32 27

Brevard 154 144 117 113 115 Manatee 48 46 49 48 53

Broward 1,294 1,157 1,094 1,051 1,052 Marion 80 67 74 63 62

Calhoun 10 7 9 5 4 Martin 22 20 17 18 14

Charlot 5 4 2 3 3 Monroe 9 9 9 6 8

Citrus 4 5 5 2 2 Nassau 16 8 8 5 8

Clay 69 68 67 68 65 Non-Flo 1,683 1,511 1,470 1,462 1,449

Collier 30 24 18 15 14 Non-USA 128 121 137 161 215

Columbi 23 22 18 17 9 Okaloos 40 36 45 42 45

Dade 1,053 958 990 957 989 Okeecho 5 5 5 5 5

Desoto 7 7 8 8 6 Orange 748 698 656 632 666

Dixie 3 3 3 1 1 Osceola 74 68 70 74 69

Duval 666 657 677 655 726 Palm Be 565 515 493 458 476

Escambi 147 143 138 122 132 Pasco 57 43 41 37 57

Flagler 21 16 18 14 12 Pinella 221 203 196 191 185

Frankli 7 9 7 9 7 Polk 238 233 221 206 196

Gadsden 187 179 165 172 188 Putnam 19 15 16 19 14

Glades 7 4 1 1 2 Santa R 26 34 29 34 32

Gulf 5 4 4 3 8 Sarasot 44 34 39 35 31

Hamilto 7 4 4 3 3 Seminol 116 119 127 121 129

Hendry 9 9 6 4 4 St. Joh 28 25 25 19 17

Hernand 16 8 14 16 15 St. Luc 110 92 81 75 94

Highlan 21 22 20 20 18 Sumter 10 16 14 7 8

Hillsbo 509 452 444 409 410 Suwanne 17 14 10 9 7

Holmes 5 6 5 10 11 Taylor 26 21 19 19 17

Indian 33 24 17 18 16 Union 1 0 0 1 2

Jackson 55 40 38 43 39 Volusia 94 87 95 98 96

Jeffers 45 45 44 39 44 Wakulla 40 33 43 38 37

Lafayet 1 1 0 0 0 Walton 12 10 11 25 21

Lake 91 74 71 58 58 Washing 10 6 10 11 12

Lee 61 58 62 69 79 Total 10,738 10,233 9,920 9,614 9,901

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Student Enrollment by State

State Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2016 State Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2016

Alabama 81 73 74 82 81 Montana 2 0 0 0 0

Arizona 6 6 4 5 6 Nebraska 4 3 2 0 1

Arkansas 5 4 5 9 9 Nevada 6 4 5 4 5

California 69 59 44 48 38 New Hampshire 1 1 1 1 3

Colorado 7 8 4 10 15 New Jersey 27 27 30 27 25

Connecticut 4 4 5 5 1 New York 47 46 46 39 39

Delaware 6 4 5 5 7 None 216 203 224 252 310

District of Columbia 54 40 34 26 23 North Carolina 47 43 48 39 44

Florida 8,918 8,590 8,303 7,985 8,229 Ohio 29 28 24 27 31

Georgia 492 454 464 473 466 Oklahoma 2 2 4 2 3

Hawaii 1 1 1 1 1 Oregon 1 1 0 0 1

Idaho 1 1 1 1 1 Pennsylvania 23 19 19 20 16

Illinois 117 104 99 84 96 Rhode Island 0 0 0 0 1

Indiana 25 22 19 17 16 South Carolina 53 43 40 45 39

Iowa 3 1 2 3 2 South Dakota 0 0 1 1 1

Kansas 5 6 5 4 4 Tennessee 37 38 38 41 38

Kentucky 5 8 6 9 8 Texas 94 87 93 86 77

Louisiana 28 25 21 25 33 Utah 2 2 0 0 0

Maine 0 0 0 0 1 Virginia 48 48 35 31 32

Maryland 83 71 62 59 54 Washington 6 7 8 5 6

Massachusetts 9 5 5 6 7 Wisconsin 31 23 19 16 11

Michigan 83 75 71 75 72 Wyoming 0 0 0 1 1

Minnesota 9 9 11 10 12 Unknown 3 0 0 0 0

Mississippi 23 17 16 16 17 Total 10,738 10,233 9,920 9,614 9,901

Missouri 25 21 22 19 18

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Student Enrollment by Age Ranges

Fall 2013- 2017

Age Range Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017

18 and Under 837 1,250 1,359 1,227 1,568

19-21 4,468 3,879 3,809 3,881 4,040

22-24 3,244 3,006 2,751 2,527 2,341

25-30 1,368 1,310 1,263 1,271 1,258

31-40 549 499 464 436 447

41-64 271 286 272 267 240

65 and Over 1 3 2 5 7

Total 10,738 10,233 9,920 9,614 9,901

Average Age 23.0 22.9 22.8 22.8 22.5

Student Enrollment by Institution’s Classification

and Age Ranges - Fall 2017


ClassificationFreshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate


ProfessionalUnclassified Total

18 and Under 1,133 53 13 0 0 6 363 1,568

19-21 1,030 1,351 989 409 16 189 56 4,040

22-24 25 107 536 982 243 423 25 2,341

25-30 6 24 135 259 354 458 22 1,258

31-40 1 9 37 72 164 151 13 447

41-64 2 5 28 43 92 58 12 240

65 and Over 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 7

Total 2,197 1,549 1,738 1,766 870 1,287 494 9,901

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Student Enrollment by Program Category and Student Level

Undergraduate GraduateUnclassifiedTotal Undergraduate Graduate Unclassified Total Undergraduate Graduate UnclassifiedTotal

000000-000000 183 6 458 647 148 0 443 591 0 2 493 495

010000-Agriculture, General 138 21 0 159 142 23 0 165 142 21 0 163


Business Operations31 0 0 31 34 0 0 34 38 0 0 38

011001-Food Sciences and

Technology0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 0 0 51

030103-Environmental Studies 6 0 0 6 11 0 0 11 29 0 0 29

030104-Environmental Science 32 28 0 60 27 26 0 53 34 31 0 65

040201-Architecture 91 46 0 137 99 33 0 132 105 49 0 154


Studies10 0 2 12 11 0 3 14 14 0 0 14

090401-Journalism 362 0 0 362 326 0 0 326 290 0 0 290

090902-Public Relations/Image

Management140 0 0 140 145 0 0 145 177 0 0 177

110101-Computer and Information

Sciences, General124 12 0 136 133 12 0 145 124 16 0 140

110103-Information Technology 119 0 0 119 117 0 0 117 127 0 0 127

130301-Curriculum and Instruction 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 6 0 6

130401-Educational Leadership and

Administration, General0 72 0 72 0 70 0 70 0 72 0 72

131199-Student Counseling and

Personnel Services, Other0 26 0 26 0 27 0 27 0 34 0 34

Program Category

Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017

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Student Enrollment by Program Category and Student Level (cont)

Undergraduate GraduateUnclassifiedTotal Undergraduate Graduate Unclassified Total Undergraduate Graduate UnclassifiedTotal

131202-Elementary Education and

Teaching106 0 0 106 74 0 0 74 82 0 0 82

131205-Secondary Education and

Teaching0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4

131210-Early Childhood Education

and Teaching20 0 0 20 22 0 0 22 9 0 0 9

131305-English/Language Arts

Teacher Education7 0 0 7 6 0 0 6 7 0 0 7

131311-Mathematics Teacher

Education14 0 0 14 11 0 0 11 9 0 0 9

131312-Music Teacher Education 51 0 0 51 55 0 0 55 57 0 0 57

131316-Science Teacher

Education/General Science Teacher1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

131317-Social Science Teacher

Education39 0 0 39 35 0 0 35 22 0 0 22

131320-Trade and Industrial Teacher

Education0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

140301-Agricultural Engineering 19 0 0 19 33 0 0 33 29 0 1 30

140501-Bioengineering and

Biomedical Engineering0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 3

140701-Chemical Engineering 47 4 0 51 62 5 0 67 52 5 0 57

140801-Civil Engineering, General 48 7 0 55 50 13 0 63 46 14 0 60

140901-Computer Engineering,

General63 0 0 63 62 0 0 62 50 0 0 50

141001-Electrical and Electronics

Engineerin46 10 0 56 37 12 0 49 40 13 0 53

Program Category

Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017

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Student Enrollment by Program Category and Student Level (cont)

Undergraduate GraduateUnclassifiedTotal Undergraduate Graduate Unclassified Total Undergraduate Graduate UnclassifiedTotal

141901-Mechanical Engineering 75 8 0 83 72 7 0 79 63 6 0 69

143501-Industrial Engineering 17 7 0 24 18 10 0 28 28 11 0 39

150303-Electrical, Electronic and

Communications Engineer31 0 0 31 29 0 0 29 29 0 0 29

151001-Construction Engineering

Technology/Technician60 0 0 60 57 0 0 57 75 0 0 75

220101-Law 0 461 1 462 0 456 0 456 0 522 0 522

230101-English Language and

Literature, General45 0 0 45 39 0 0 39 39 0 0 39

240101-Liberal Arts and

Sciences/Liberal Studies143 0 0 143 110 0 0 110 221 0 0 221

260101-Biology/Biological Sciences,

General593 9 0 602 601 9 0 610 578 17 0 595

260702-Entomology 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2

270101-Mathematics, General 28 0 0 28 30 0 0 30 26 0 0 26

300000-Interdisciplinary Studies 219 0 0 219 310 0 0 310 408 0 0 408

310501-Health, Physical

Education/Fitness60 0 0 60 70 0 0 70 79 0 0 79

310504-Sport Business Management 0 14 0 14 0 16 0 16 0 30 0 30

389999-Philosophy and Religious

Studies, Other14 0 0 14 13 0 0 13 16 0 0 16

400501-Chemistry, General 88 6 0 94 84 9 0 93 81 9 0 90

Program Category

Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017

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Student Enrollment by Program Category and Student Level (cont)

Undergraduate GraduateUnclassifiedTotal Undergraduate Graduate Unclassified Total Undergraduate Graduate UnclassifiedTotal

400801-Physics, General 9 11 0 20 8 18 0 26 10 17 0 27

420101-Psychology, General 345 0 0 345 359 0 0 359 382 0 0 382

422802-Community Psychology 0 34 0 34 0 35 0 35 0 33 0 33

430104-Criminal Justice/Safety

Studies479 0 0 479 447 0 0 447 446 0 0 446

440701-Social Work 185 39 0 224 190 55 0 245 228 39 0 267

450101-Social Sciences, General 0 66 0 66 0 64 0 64 0 61 0 61

450601-Economics, General 41 0 0 41 36 0 0 36 43 0 0 43

451001-Political Science and

Government, General188 0 0 188 192 0 0 192 211 0 0 211

451101-Sociology 88 0 0 88 91 0 0 91 91 0 0 91

500409-Graphic Design 81 0 0 81 79 0 0 79 82 0 0 82

500501-Drama and

Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General62 0 0 62 50 0 0 50 66 0 0 66

500702-Fine/Studio Arts, General 22 0 0 22 29 0 0 29 17 0 0 17

500901-Music, General 96 0 0 96 95 0 0 95 109 0 0 109

510000-Health Services/Allied

Health/Health Sciences, Gen733 0 0 733 629 0 0 629 698 0 0 698

510701-Health/Health Care

Administration/Management247 13 0 260 196 18 0 214 147 19 0 166

Program Category

Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017

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Student Enrollment by Program Category and Student Level (cont)

Undergraduate GraduateUnclassifiedTotal Undergraduate Graduate Unclassified Total Undergraduate Graduate UnclassifiedTotal

512001-Pharmacy 522 441 0 963 507 434 0 941 478 395 0 873

512099-Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical

Sciences, and Administrat0 45 0 45 0 48 0 48 7 40 0 47

512201-Public Health, General 0 102 0 102 0 120 0 120 0 106 0 106


Therapy/Therapist0 59 0 59 0 79 0 79 0 75 0 75

512308-Physical Therapy/Therapist 0 86 0 86 0 74 0 74 0 75 0 75


Nursing/Registered Nurse509 12 0 521 456 11 0 467 447 15 0 462

520201-Business Administration and

Management, General701 97 0 798 626 107 0 733 636 123 0 759

520203- Supply Chain Management 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2

520301-Accounting 126 0 0 126 122 0 0 122 103 0 0 103

540101-History, General 33 0 0 33 24 0 0 24 23 0 0 23

Total 7,705 1,754 461 9,920 7,364 1,804 446 9,614 7,546 1,861 494 9,901

Program Category

Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017

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Student Enrollment by Term and by Institutional Classification

2013-14 through 2017-18































Freshman 545 1,858 1,314 549 1,967 1,436 594 2,322 1,591 764 2,085 1,316 683 2,197 1,695

Sophomore 621 1,810 1,579 514 1,404 1,192 399 1,258 1,445 552 1,506 1,501 489 1,549 1,371

Junior 1,042 2,080 2,059 890 1,930 1,811 777 1,613 1,440 752 1,579 1,706 817 1,738 1,841

Senior 1,586 2,535 2,955 1,753 2,674 2,702 1,703 2,502 2,408 1,420 1,950 1,870 1,200 1,766 1,942

Graduate 488 768 730 472 753 753 500 766 735 543 840 832 519 870 842

First Professional 688 1,547 939 507 973 1,035 488 998 1,057 482 1,208 1,159 519 1,287 1,165

Unclassified 42 140 148 78 532 521 53 461 422 53 446 423 62 494 454

Total 5,012 10,738 9,724 4,763 10,233 9,450 4,514 9,920 9,098 4,566 9,614 8,807 4,289 9,901 9,310

2017-182016-172013-14 2014-15 2015-16

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Student Enrollment by Semester and by Student Classification

2013-14 through 2017-18































Lower Division

Undergrad1,685 4,607 3,518 1,455 3,373 2,629 993 3,966 3,038 1,316 3,636 2,829 1,417 3,796 3,077

Upper Division

Undergrad2,286 4,212 4,396 2,293 4,630 4,652 2,517 3,739 3,958 2,191 3,728 3,804 1,846 3,750 3,982


Graduate904 1,644 1,533 756 1,494 1,439 768 1,548 1,478 835 1,609 1,541 796 1,585 1,523


Graduate95 135 129 181 204 209 183 206 202 171 195 210 168 276 274

Unclassified 42 140 148 78 532 521 53 461 422 53 446 423 62 494 454

Total 5,012 10,738 9,724 4,763 10,233 9,450 4,514 9,920 9,098 4,566 9,614 8,807 4,289 9,901 9,310

2017-182016-172013-14 2014-15 2015-16

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Full-time vs. Part-time Students by School/College, by Level

Fall 2017


Full Part All Full Part All Full Part All All

College of Agriculture and Food Sciences 229 31 260 18 5 23 0 1 1 284

College of Education 251 17 268 61 81 142 0 0 0 410

College of Engineering 262 17 279 49 3 52 0 0 0 331

College of Law 0 0 0 504 18 522 0 0 0 522

College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 456 29 485 512 29 541 0 0 0 1,026

College of Science and Technology 847 99 946 49 10 59 0 0 0 1,005

College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities 1,825 226 2,051 95 38 133 0 0 0 2,184

School of Allied Health Sciences 908 76 984 165 4 169 0 0 0 1,153

School of Architecture 175 34 209 46 3 49 0 0 0 258

School of Business and Industry 725 59 784 97 26 123 0 0 0 907

School of Journalism and Graphic Communication 493 56 549 0 0 0 0 0 0 549

School of Nursing 430 17 447 14 1 15 0 0 0 462

School of the Environment 56 7 63 21 10 31 0 0 0 94

Unidentified 198 23 221 0 2 2 29 464 493 716

Total 6,855 691 7,546 1,631 230 1,861 29 465 494 9,901


Undergraduate Graduate Unclassified

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Student Fundable Credit Hours Generated by Level

2013-14 through 2017-18

Levle13-14 Total


14-15 Total


15-16 Total


16-17 Total


17-18 Total


Remedial 2,526 3,054 3,183 1,854 2,385

Lower 122,270 112,890 115,408 113,325 119,853

Total Lower 124,796 115,944 118,591 115,179 122,238

Upper 113,436 109,855 101,157 96,717 99,199

Graduate I 12,021 11,651 11,615 13,794 14,211

Graduate II 30,124 28,861 29,950 30,676 30,486

Total Graduate 42,145 40,512 41,565 44,470 44,697

Grand Total 280,377 266,311 261,313 256,366 266,134











13-14 Total


14-15 Total


15-16 Total


16-17 Total


17-18 Total







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Annual Fundable Full-Time Equivalency (FTE)

2013-14 through 2017-18

Levle13-14 Total


14-15 Total


15-16 Total


16-17 Total


17-18 Total


Remedial 63 76 80 46 60

Lower 3,057 2,822 2,885 2,833 2,996

Total Lower 3,120 2,899 2,965 2,879 3,056

Upper 2,836 2,746 2,529 2,418 2,480

Graduate I 376 364 363 431 444

Graduate II 941 902 936 959 953

Total Graduate 1,317 1,266 1,299 1,390 1,397

Grand Total 7,273 6,911 6,793 6,687 6,933












13-14 Total


14-15 Total


15-16 Total


16-17 Total


17-18 Total







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FTIC Graduation and Retention Rates

2005 – 2016

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Total # Enrolled 1681 1642 1869 2124 2370 2745 2013 1519 1294 1405 1643 1364

Total # Graduated 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

% Graduated 0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.07%

Total # Retained 1681 1642 1869 2124 2370 2745 2013 1519 1294 1405 1643 1364

% Retained 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Total # Enrolled 1375 1370 1592 1704 1969 2215 1640 1256 1062 1207 1384

Total # Graduated 4 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 0 2 2

% Graduated 0.24% 0.00% 0.05% 0.09% 0.04% 0.00% 0.15% 0.07% 0.00% 0.14% 0.12%

Total # Retained 1376 1370 1592 1705 1969 2215 1641 1256 1062 1207 1384

% Retained 81.86% 83.44% 85.18% 80.27% 83.08% 80.69% 81.52% 82.69% 82.07% 85.91% 84.24%

Total # Enrolled 1180 1168 1367 1467 1621 1733 1350 1037 932 1052

Total # Graduated 12 5 4 9 11 10 10 10 13 22

% Graduated 0.71% 0.31% 0.21% 0.42% 0.46% 0.36% 0.50% 0.66% 1.01% 1.57%

Total # Retained 1184 1168 1368 1469 1622 1733 1353 1038 932 1054

% Retained 70.43% 71.13% 73.19% 69.16% 68.44% 63.13% 67.21% 68.33% 72.03% 75.02%

Total # Enrolled 1065 1018 1227 1280 1360 1488 1198 957 854

Total # Graduated 186 157 217 255 268 331 270 274 267

% Graduated 11.07% 9.56% 11.61% 12.01% 11.31% 12.06% 13.41% 18.04% 20.63%

Total # Retained 1077 1023 1231 1289 1371 1498 1208 967 867

% Retained 64.07% 62.30% 65.86% 60.69% 57.85% 54.57% 60.01% 63.66% 67.00%

Total # Enrolled 811 810 929 896 977 1036 873 650

Total # Graduated 450 428 545 607 660 807 749 617

% Graduated 26.77% 26.07% 29.16% 28.58% 27.85% 29.40% 37.21% 40.62%

Total # Retained 997 967 1146 1151 1245 1367 1143 924

% Retained 59.31% 58.89% 61.32% 54.19% 52.53% 49.80% 56.78% 60.83%

Total # Enrolled 464 478 504 466 476 502 330

Total # Graduated 664 647 762 830 915 1116 952

% Graduated 39.50% 39.40% 40.77% 39.08% 38.61% 40.66% 47.29%

Total # Retained 914 906 1049 1073 1136 1309 1079

% Retained 54.37% 55.18% 56.13% 50.52% 47.93% 47.69% 53.60%

Total # Enrolled 214 217 225 177 188 171

Total # Graduated 749 747 861 915 1011 1198

% Graduated 44.56% 45.49% 46.07% 43.08% 42.66% 43.64%

Total # Retained 878 864 987 1007 1103 1287

% Retained 52.23% 52.62% 52.81% 47.41% 46.54% 46.89%

Total # Enrolled 114 88 106 72 77

Total # Graduated 796 787 918 956 1047

% Graduated 47.35% 47.93% 49.12% 45.01% 44.18%

Total # Retained 863 835 967 987 1088

% Retained 51.34% 50.85% 51.74% 46.47% 45.91%

Total # Enrolled 51 41 50 28

Total # Graduated 819 809 945 969

% Graduated 48.72% 49.27% 50.56% 45.62%

Total # Retained 847 828 968 984

% Retained 50.39% 50.43% 51.79% 46.33%

Total # Enrolled 27 21 25

Total # Graduated 833 818 958

% Graduated 49.55% 49.82% 51.26%

Total # Retained 846 830 970

% Retained 50.33% 50.55% 51.90%

7th Year

8th Year

9th Year

10th Year

1st Year

2nd Year

3rd Year

4th Year

5th Year

6th Year

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