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Wild Kitty Ridge. Really heavy tides sweep above this ground, making it hard to haul items inangling on it, whence, it is said, comes the label. It is placed NNE from Highland Light-weight, CapeCod, 18 kilometers to its the southern area of edge; SE ? S from Thacher Island 31 kilometers; and isabout 7? miles long within a to the south and to the north direction by about 3? miles large. Thebottom is challenging, of damaged shells and sand, and depths are from 45 to 60 fathoms. There are100 fathom depths inside of the soil and from 100 to 110 fathoms outside of it. Apparently, it isreally an all the 12 months ground for cod, cusk, and haddock, although but little fished at any timeapart from the winter months.

Off Newburyport and N. and SW. of your Isle of Shoals are gill-netting reasons that are significantlyused. Trawling and netting are maintained, beginning in 40 fathoms in February and March andworking off and away to 70 fathoms off Salisbury Bench in May. Cod are on this ground about twoweeks in October and also in February and March are found in abundance away from Boars Go.Hake exist here every one of the fall and so are found all along the southeast side of the grounds indepths of 45 to 60 fathoms. A certain amount of halibut may be consumed in most yrs at variouspoints on the bottom of hard gravel in springtime and early on summer in 35 to 65 fathoms. In mostmany years a large amount of mackerel is adopted Jeffreys, particularly so minn kota maxxum 55 in1925. Herring, also, are usually abundant within "herring years".

Maurice Lubee's Terrain. This lies outside of New Ledge (Platts Bank) 47 miles SSE. from thelightship at Portland. Extending in a ENE. and WSW. direction, its boundaries are somewhatindefinite. It is perhaps 8 miles long by 3 miles broad and has depths from 95 to 110 fathoms morethan a bottom consisting mostly of mud.

The gill-net fishery on these grounds is of wonderful and progressively growing value, thoughformerly this fishery was almost entirely maintained by trawlers and palm-liners. Of late the largerpart of the haddock catch continues to be taken by the "otter-trawl" approach, this gear beingoperated by steamers of significant size and upon the greater number of distant reasons, such asGeorges Bank, the South Route, and the Western Bank. A similar change to minn kota maxxumgrounds farther overseas has to a great extent occurred in the fleet of larger cruising vessels,therefore leaving Jeffreys and other inshore banks to the smaller create; except that, using the highprices of haddock and cod in the wintertime, it is often lucrative for these bigger vessels to run off tonear-by banks for one set and return to harbour the same day.

Fifty-five Fathom Bunch. Western of Cashes Bank is a rocky ridge extending ENE. and WSW. about 4miles and having a size of about 1 mile. This really is mainly a cod ground, the conditions for thekinds being as on Cashes Bank.

This lender is now mostly an Italian boat floor and is employed by small create from Boston andGloucester. Gill-netting here is particularly extensive in December and October, mostly for pollock.Netters operate about 22 a long way SSE. from Eastern Part of 22 to 25 fathoms on a challengingbottom. Excellent pollock grabs are made in 25 to 40 fathoms in the eastern and southeastern slopesfrom the latter part of November and early December. Haddock are here from November 1 to March1 and from Apr 20 to May 15. Cod exist all the year, the largest college occurring throughoutAugust, October and September. It really is a cusk terrain from December to Mar in the muchdeeper water. What seems a somewhat unconventional occurrence in these later years was the lookof a considerable college of halibut on the north slope of Stellwagen over the last half of April 1926,

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a number of small create getting from 2,000 to 3,000 kilos in their fares.

About three-Dory Ridge. Outside of New Ledge and about midway between it and Harvey BlacksRidge is a small ridge about 3 miles long, jogging NE. and SW., and about ? mile large. This lies S. through the Portland Lightship. 38 miles to the shoal of 55 fathoms, that is near its center. Outof this the ground slopes away on all sides to 65 and 63 fathom depths over which area the base ismade up of gravel, mud and sand and rocks. At these lower depths can be found "piping" (clay-basedcylinders), where the fishing ends abruptly. All about the ridge are depths of 80 to 100 fathoms on abottom of mud. This is almost entirely a cod ground, great from May to August.

A small shoal within the western area of the Cove of Jeffreys, possessing 50 fathoms over a bottom ofglowing blue clay and rocks and rising through the 70 and 60 fathom soundings about it, isapproximately 1? mls long by about 3/4 mile broad. This shoal is SSE. from Benefit Island 15 miles.This is a winter ground for haddock and cod.

On the ledgecod and haddock, and cusk are consumed in the full spring and winterperhaps, springand winter redecorating the best minn kota maxxum. In addition there are more or less pollock, andhake constitute an essential part of the capture. In individuals seasons when herring make theirappearance in these waters the seiners make good attracts here, generally of foods minn kotamaxxum, as the large herring are termed from the trade. The mackerel, also, appear on thesegrounds and so on the smaller grounds nearer to shoreline to westward and northward in good-sizedcolleges, usually from July 1 through Sept. For many years the haddock catch from this financialinstitution has been of considerable significance, and this declaration remains true for the past fewyears as well.

Jeffreys Ledge bears S. ? W. from the lightship off Portland, 19 mls to the upper edge and 22 milesS. from the buoy about the Hue and Cry to the side of the shoal.

On and about all these shoals the sail fleet makes great catches, primarily consisting of cod but witha good proportion of pollock, also, and in the deeper water close to them, in spring and summer, aconsiderable amount of haddock. An occasional sizeable halibut is taken, and even good grabs havebeen documented. There were noted in the daily report from the Boston Species of fish Bureaubetween May possibly 15 and August15 and 1920, 10 trips made by the smaller vessels of the halibutfleet that landed fares of from 2,000 to ten thousand pounds with this species using this area. If thehalibut fishery would be adopted here like other areas, probably more could be taken. "Rip fishing,"as performed here, is done "in a drift," moving on the shoals and, as they shift off from their website,sailing straight back to repeat the process. The fish are undertaken by hand-lining with "cockle" baitor by "jigging" the fish with a sparkling piece of aluminum representing a herring or similar seafood, beneath which are set twin hooks, the minn kota maxxum becoming struck after it is feltinvestigating the appeal. This fishery generally is carried on in the course of May, July and June andAugust. In the mackerel and herring conditions these reasons usually supply good fishing of thesespecies, the fish usually stunning here from May 15 to July 15.

The Shoal Ground, stretching easterly from Thacher Island, has depths from 20 to 30 fathomsspanning a bottom of gravel and beach sand. This area is around 15 kilometers long by 5 a long waywide and is an important pollock ground within their spawning time as well as a great fall cod-fishing ground. It is about 12 miles E. by N. from Thacher Island to its center and 21 a long way S. in the Isle of Shoals. Flounder draggers also operate here on the shoal ground and aroundThacher Island but mostly to eastward And southeastward.

The Cod Ridge (formerly Exterior Harris Floor). This is placed NE. in the Northeast Top of New

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Ledge, distant 7 miles. It extends inside an ENE. and WSW. route, the ground reducing and thewater deepening to the eastward, the shoal floor having 45 fathoms with a bottom of small pebblesand okay black sand and gravel, depths increasing in every other instructions to 100 fathoms in themud and sloping away from somewhat steeply, especially on the southeast part, where the decreaseis very razor-sharp. The length of the soil is about 5 miles, the width 1 mile. This is an all-the-yearcod ground, the season of greatest large quantity being from May 1 to December. The haddock areusually In their greatest amounts here from January 1 to Apr. Apparently no large number of cusk orhake are considered here on the ridge, possibly because the normal water is not deeply enough foryour former, with the exception of the small species of fish, that happen to be of little value towardsthe fishermen; along with the ground is just not muddy adequate for the second option species. Bothspecies, however, are normally found about the ends in the serious water, the cusk on the sharpest,hardest part of the bottom part (perhaps most typical in Feb . and March), the hake, as usual, on themuddy pieces about it.

Platt's Bank or New Ledge. This bears E. by N. ? N. from Thacher Tropical island, from which theshoal part of the ledge is distant 53 miles. From Portland Lightship it is 30 miles SSE. to the centreof the ground. The financial institution is about 12 miles very long, NE. and SW.. and about 8 mlswide. The western shoal, which is of small degree and rocky and which includes a considerableamount of lifeless shells on it, is found near the centre, its degree being 29 fathoms. From this shoalfor the Southwest Maximum is about 11 miles SW. by S. Another shoal lies E. 3 kilometers, havingabout 30 fathoms over fine sand and gravel, which is a very good fall floor for haddock. East-northeast from your western shoal 3 miles brings us to a difficult ridge, with spots of hard dirt andpebbles between, in 65-fathom depth, which is a okay winter cusk ground, these minn kota maxxumremaining here until April. Over much of the bank the depths range from 30 to 35 fathoms with abottom part of stones and gravel. From your edge of the shoaler region the bottom ski slopesgradually to 50 or 60 fathoms, beyond which it droplets suddenly to 80 or 90 fathoms over a dirtybottom.

Pollock Rip Reasons. These rest between Pollock Rip Lightship and Shovelful Lightship and extendnorthward to Pollock Rip Shoal. These grounds are 3 miles long, E. and W., by 2 miles N. and S. Thedepths range from 4 to 12 fathoms. These are fished from Monomoy and in stormy climate fromChatham instead of visiting the Crab Ledge. Late in the spring and at the outset of the fall the codmove inshore. In winter the cod abandon Pollock Rip for the deeper water.

Jeffreys Ledge. Of relatively small dimension, even though jeffreys Ledge might be consideredamong the finest minn kota maxxum grounds inside the Gulf of Maine. It appears to be an extensionof the shoal floor that makes off of in an easterly direction from Cape Ann, it is about 20 a long waylong in the NE. and SW. course and about 4 miles vast. Its the southern area of limits is 42? 54' andits north limit 43? north latitude; its western and eastern restrictions may be put at 69? 58' and 70?18' western longitude. The base is rocky on the shoaler parts, with gravel and pebbles about theedges. Depths on the financial institution are from 27 to 35 fathoms, falling to 40 or 50 on the ends.The shoalest water lies from 4 to 5 miles N. by E. from the buoy, where there is 22 fathoms.Ordinarily there is very little or no tide, having an occasional existing SW. You will find, however,robust westerly currents with the weighty easterly winds, and often right after a period of moderateweather without any strong tides there will instantly develop a heavy SW. flow, indicating theapproach of any strong northwester. This looks a general rule in the Gulf of Maine and is, perhaps,prevalent over much of our North Atlantic coast.

East aspect of Cape Cod. The sea bottom off of the east part of Cape Cod is mainly sandy and slopesoff of gradually through the beach, hitting depths of 30 to 40 fathoms at 5 to 7 miles from land.Beneath Chatham the slope is even more slow. Within these limits great catches of cod are taken

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from time to time, and to a less level the same is true of haddock. Farther from the shoreline, in from40 to 80 fathoms and coming from a point 8 or 10 miles off of the Highlands of Cape Cod to anotherpoint lying 20 miles or maybe more SSE. from Chatham Lights, is a steady stretch of excellenthaddock grounds for winter minn kota maxxum. The deep h2o off Chatham furnishes superb hakeminn kota maxxum in fall and summertime.

Fippenies Bank. This consists of two shoals averaging 80 fathoms in depth using a channel of 90fathoms between them. These run NE. and SW., the eastern shoal about 8 mls long by 1 mile wide,the western about half as sizeable. Fippenies bears E. 1/4 S. from Thacher Tropical isle, distant 61miles; from Portland Lightship, SE. by S. ? S, 57 kilometers to the european point of the northernshoal in 35 fathoms. Your budget is nearly 10 miles lengthy NE. and SW. and averages 4? milesbroad. The bottom is ofpebbles and gravel, and clay, possessing depths above much of the shoal ofapproximately 30 fathoms but also from 36 to 60 fathoms. It is fished by the shore fleet in the springand earlier summer. The fish and conditions are as on Cashes Bank. It has changed recently, eventhough previously twice as numerous haddock were taken here as on Cashes or on Platts Bank.Halibut are undertaken here in fair numbers in 45 to 55 fathom depths inJuly and June, and Auguston the "black pea gravel" in the american and the southern area of edge. The "white gravel" on thenorth shoal is of tiny account as being a fishing ground, since it is composed mostly of the shells oflifeless scallops.

Nantucket Shoals. This extend of cafes and deeper waters involving, roughly triangular in form withits apex at the northern, lies down the western fringe of the South Channel, stretching S. and SE.from your southern stop of Cape Nantucket and Cod Island. From Monomoy Point to Rogers MinnKota Maxxum Terrain, on the eastern edge of Phelps Bank, it can be SSE. 80 miles. Its width fromSoutheast Rips to the traditional western edge of New South Shoal is 40 miles. The location includesa variety of "fishing spots" and shoals, among which the following are the most crucial: Pollock RipCrown, Floor and Rose Shoal, Great Rip, Davis Bank, Sportfishing Rip, Old and New South Shoal,and Phelps Bank.

Thanks E. in the buoy on Ammens Rock about 12 miles lies a ridge that increases from the 100 to120 fathom depths about it into a depth of approximately 80 fathoms over a underside of crackedsoiland floor, and seashells. This shoaler piece is a few 3 mls long. N. by E. and S. by NW., by 1 milelarge. It furnishes good minn kota maxxum for cod, hake, and cusk in the spring, April being themost effective season.

This shoreline furnishes exceptional mackerel fishing during most of the period when these fish arein north waters. Hardly any gill-netters function here, the distance to market getting great and thechance of tough weather and the lack of safe harbor so that it is dangerous for small craft. From thisexpand of shore (mostly from off Chatham) there were landed at Boston in the year 1923, 66 fareswith a complete of 1,797,826 pounds priced at $76,875.

Jerry Yorks Ridge. This lies just inside and paralleling Jeffreys Ledge WNW. from its shoal water andabout 5 miles distant in the ledge and approximately 18 miles SE. by S. ? S. from Cape Porpoise.This ground has from 45 to 48 fathoms of water on a difficult broken bottom part. It is about 5 mileslong, NNE. and SSW., and averages 1? mls wide. This is a great cod and haddock ground From thefall and up to January, these minn kota maxxum coming back here early in the year months.

Tillies Bank. [13] This bears E And S from Eastern Position Light just dropping Thacher IslandGentle, then 3 miles a greater distance for best angling: and E. by S. ? S. from Thacher Island, CapeAnn, from which the shoal on the center of the ground is distant 18 miles. This is a small rocky spotwith depths of from 25 to 28 fathoms, away from which the drinking water deepens to 40 fathoms

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over a substantial area. The size of the entire soil is about 10 miles within an E. and W. path and thesize about 5 miles. In the edge it falls away from rapidly to depths of 50 to 60 fathoms beforereaching the soil at still greater depths but a place of shoal water hooks up this ground with WestJeffreys. The base is rough and rocky on the greater portion of the bank. Tillies was formerlyregarded as one of the best sport fishing reasons off Cape Ann and it is still resorted to for haddockand cod in the springtime and slip; for hake in thespring and summer, and tumble, and for pollock inthe fall and spring. The fishing is mainly by trawling, using the gillnetters running on the shoalgrounds in under 50 fathoms.

Obviously the abundance of cod on this floor is due to the fantastic quantity of shrimps and delicate-shelled crabs located on the muddy underside and on the rocks that compose this ground. Thereseem to be several of these deep-water reasons between contributing to the shoaler reasons, as nearCashes, Fippenies, and Jeffreys, which evidently serve as fairways over which the schools of hake,cod, and cusk, move from Georges Financial institution into the Gulf of Maine in the spring of theyear.

John Dyers Ridge. This is 14 mls S. by E. from Toothakers Ridge, 40 miles S. by E. from MonheganIsle, and 7 miles NE. from Cashes Bank. It is actually about 5 miles extended by 2 miles large, lyingin a ENE. and WSW. path. The water is shoalest around the western side, where are from 45 to 50fathoms over a distinct, pebbly underside; thence the ground slopes on the NE. into 80 and 75fathoms across a hard, gravelly, and dirty bottom, in all of the other instructions falling off sharply to90 and 100 fathom soundings over a dirty bottom.

[Footnote 13: We have seen some speculation as to the origin of the somewhat unusual title of thislender. The writer would note that there seemed to be an Edward Tillie within the Company ofCaptain John Smith as he explored this region in 1614 as well as a Tilly (probably the same man orwoman) who managed a sport fishing station at Cape Ann throughout the years 1624 and 1625.]

This is essentially a cod floor for the entire season, the varieties being most abundant from May 1 toNov. It is a cusk ground each of the year in the hard bottom part of the much deeper April, Mar andpieces showing the greatest schools. Hake also are numerous in 70 fathoms and deeper about themud in drop and summer season.

Harvey Blacks Ridge. This is certainly SE. ? S. from the lightship off Portland, distant 42 miles, andSE. from New Ledge, distant 8 miles. From Glovers Rock, off Tiny Point, Me. this ridge lies SE. by S.? S. 41 miles. It extends in an ENE. and WSW. direction about 4 miles extended by I mile broad.Depths typical 70 to 100 fathoms over a bottom part of discolored gravel and clay. Cod are taken onthis page all the year. Haddock are found in the deeply water in the spring: cusk each of the year indeep h2o, together with hake in summertime, also around the muddy bottom part in deeply water.Pollock and other surface-education and learning minn kota maxxum are found here in their suitableseason.

Howard Nunans Ridge. Of similar the outdoors to the final, this increases 4 a long way inside of andparallel into it, lying 14 miles from Cape Porpoise on the same bearings (SE. by S. ? S.). This looks tobe made up of two shoals, the northern rising to 50 fathoms water over a difficult, broken undersideabout 3 miles long by 1 mile large, deepening southwesterly to a thin, muddy gully, where are 80fathoms, and increasing again to 60 fathoms over rocks and damaged ground. The complete groundis all about 8 kilometers long with average widths of from 1 to 1? kilometers. This soil furnishes verygood cod minn kota maxxum and haddocking from the fall and early winter months and once againin the spring months.

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Another major ridge, paralleling the 100-fathom curve of Georges Bank at about 20 kilometers N. ofit, lies SE by S from the buoy on Cashes Ledge, forty miles to the center; SE by S 110 a long wayfrom Portland Lightship; ESE 92 a long way from Cape Ann to its western finish, and E. by S. ? S. inthe ship at Boston 100 miles. This ridge is also of somewhat indefinite place, being probably 20 mileslong in an ESE by WNW path by 1? to three mls wide. Evidently depths are fairly standard from 85to 95 fathoms, the bottom of the ridge being of coarse black sand and having blue soil in the muchdeeper area around it. This is said to be a good cod and cusk ground the season round.

The Ridge (on the southern a part of Fippenies). This can be SSE. from the light-ship at Portland 75miles and it has a bottom part of yellowish mud and pebblesdepths and pebbles of 75 to 95 fathoms.Cod are present within December and January; cusk the season around, but most numerous inFebruary and March; haddock in January and December; hake in October and September. Thelength of this bank is from 4 to 5 a long way and the size somewhat below 2 kilometers. It dependson an ENE. and WSW. direction.

Stellwagen Bank also called Midsection Bank. This separates Massachusetts Bay through the opennormal water of the Gulf of Maine and stretches from close to Cape Ann nearly to Cape Cod. Thecenter of this ground bears S by E ? E from Thacher Island and N by W ? W from Highland Light,Cape Cod. The The southern area of Part of the Financial institution is far-away 5? a long way fromRace Point Cape Cod, along with its northwest prong reaches to within 12 or 15 miles of EasternPosition Cape Cod. The shoaler portion, with depths from 9? to 19 fathoms, is 17? miles extended ina N by W and S by E path and has a width of 4 mls. This portion is soft sand but the eastern slope, indepths of from 25 to 55 fathoms, contains coarse sand pebbles and pea gravel. On this gravelly slopehaddock and cod are already taken plentifully over a long term of many years, the cod in the fall andspringtime and the haddock in the winter months. About the southern stop of the lender and inbetween this and Race Point cod are plentiful in winter and fall. The entire bank is also a mackerelsoil when the minn kota maxxum will be in these waters, the best from the season averaging to befrom July 15 through Sept ..

Tobins. A name presented to a piece of ground about 20 miles sq lying S. by E. from the HighlandLight. It runs from about 40 miles to about 60 a long way offshore, the depths slowly increasing asbeing the bottom ski slopes away consistently from the shoreline from 75 to 95 fathoms more than abottom of clay, beach sand, and pebbles. Cod are taken within thesummer and spring, and fall, andhaddock inMar and Feb, and April. As compared with the reasons off Chatham, this is not to beconsidered a hake ground, even though a few hake are taken here in summertime.

This is considered one of the top fishing grounds for haddock and cod in the Gulf of Maine, but thehaddock catch on this page has dropped off recently. Hake are also very plentiful during the summerseason and often throughout October in the muddy bottom part near the advantage. Inside 100fathoms, over a "punkin" bottom of rocks and pea gravel, near the dirt, haddock are located fromDecember to March. Cod, pollock, and cusk occur from May to October, the previous on the difficultand gravelly portions, the latter on the deeply soundings, together with the Northeast Peak the bestsummertime ground. This is an especially good fall and winter terrain for haddock. Halibut are oftenfound in 35 fathoms (tiny fish) from Sept through November; also In spring and early summerseason. No gill netting of importance as yet, even if this ground is fished by vessels from Cape Cod,Mass., to Cutler, Me., mainly by trawling, some hand-lining.

Clay Ridge. At various details about the corners of Jeffreys Ledge are small separate ridges, which intheir period are good fishing grounds. The present part of ground lies 26 mls S. by W. in thelightship at Portland, which course and distance bring us towards the northern benefit. Elsewheresoundings average from 65 to 70 fathoms over a base of difficult clay, while there is a 50-fathom

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shoal of small sizing upon it. The length of the floor is about 4 miles NNE. and SSW., and thebreadth about 1 mile. This furnishes great haddocking in January, Feb .. and Mar. the latter calendarmonth showing the very best minn kota maxxum.

A small cove makes for a short distance to the western side of Jeffreys Ledge at about 20 miles fromBoon Tropical island in a SE. by S. ? S. course. The bottom within the cove is broken and muddy,with depths around 60 fathoms. Thence, the soil slopes away to the mouth area, where the edgesabout the entry ways are difficult and have 70 and 75 fathom depths. These rocky locations are cuskgrounds inJanuary and February, and March, during which several weeks the cove itself usuallyfurnishes excellent haddock minn kota maxxum. Outside the house these depths the water deepenswestward spanning a muddy bottom part, where are from 80 to 90 and in many cases 100 fathoms ofwater. Minn Kota Maxxum here is mainly by trawl and gill nets.

Big Ridge (near Cashes Bank). It is a broken and rocky part of bottom running from the hint of thesoutheastern part of the floor, at about 10 mls S. in the buoy on Ammens Rock and roll and about 82miles SE. ? S. from your lightship at Portland, to a degree about 20 miles S. by E. from the buoynamed. Its length will not be to be reported definitely, which is probably more than here proven. Thethickness averages about 1? to 2 miles. Depths are from 65 to 80 fathoms and more, increasinggradually since it goes outside the main lender. The species and their months of plethora here are ason Cashes Bank. Possibly this is a greater portion of a cod and cusk ground than is the main part ofCashes Bank, the cusk being particularly numerous during March and Apr. Halibut are also foundhere in May and June in from 50 to 60 fathoms water. A considerable amount of the minn kotamaxxum shown within the table in the catch from your area incorporated into Cashes Lender mayvery well have come out of this piece of floor.

Southeast Jeffreys. Off the southeast edge of Jeffreys, about 24 miles SE. from Boon Island, issituated a piece of sport fishing soil having a hard bottom ofpea gravel and yellow sand, and rocks,where depths slope aside gradually through the 50-fathom soundings near the major body of yourbank to the 90-fathom symbol farther out. This area is a great ground for haddock and cod in thespring and winter as well as a hake ground in Mar. This sportfishing place is about 3 or 4 miles sq .and is bounded on all but the european side by muddy underside, which is of little benefit as a sportfishing floor. Usually there may be good haddocking in Mar on the outside of Jeffreys, on itssoutheastern edge as well as in the cove between it and Tillies in 70 and 60 fathom depths over abroken and muddy base. This spot lies SE ? from the Isle of Shoals, 27 kilometers to the heart.

Lying about SE. by S. ? 5. from the Isle of Shoals 20 kilometers, 13 a long way S. by W. through thewhistling buoy on Jeffreys, and 43 miles S. by W. from Cape Elizabeth can be a broken bit of bottomgetting from 75 to 85 fathoms water over it, which is a haddock ground from January to April as wellas a hake and cusk ground all the year.

GEORGES Location

A ridge lying down NW. of Cashes Banking institution and almost parallel with all the main bankinginstitution, only segregated by a filter deep channel, is about 7 miles extended by 1? miles broad.The species and the periods are the same here as on Cashes Bank.

A comparatively unknown and seemingly as nevertheless unnamed ridge lies E. by S. 15 a long wayfrom the buoy on Cashes Ledge, that is reported to be excellent fishing ground, specifically for codand cusk. With both species present on this page the year close to, the cod is said to be mostplentiful in Apr and May: and also the cusk, as they are the guideline on these outlying ridges,appears in largest figures in March and April. Haddock seem to be somewhat rare in this article.

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Cusk are plentiful in this article in the spring, with a few in the tumble. Cod are taken all the year allaround, the Early spring school becoming the largest. Hake are most numerous Within the fall andspringtime months, and haddock will not be common however they are most many in winter.

This ridge lies in a SE. and NW. route, extending somewhat indefinitely but for at least 10 miles byabout 3 miles in width. Around the ridge the base is cracked--a hard bottom part of black gravel,which generally means a great minn kota maxxum spot--the depths on this page being from 85 to 90fathoms. There are numerous muddy spots between these tougher pieces of soil where soundingsrun to 100 fathoms or slightly more. The nearby bottom is generally of soil, and the depths averagefrom 100 to 125 fathoms. There are a number of pieces of gravelly hard floor in the location, each ofwhich probably would furnish equally good minn kota maxxum for cod and cusk with the sameperiods as about the ridge.

Eastern Shoal Water of Cape Ann. This is normally considered a part of Jeffreys and is often talked ofas West Jeffreys by the fishermen. It runs In an ENE. direction from Cape Ann for a distance of from15 to 18 kilometers. It is, actually, a south west continuation of Jeffreys Ledge, the two developing anearly continuous ridge running NE. from Cape Ann a distance of approximately 42 a long way.Depths in the so-called Eastern Shoal Normal water vary from 20 to 45 fathoms, the base being ofrocks, pebbles, and coarse gravel more than most of its extent. Fine sand and dirt take place on thesides. The eastern part of the ground is resorted to by the haddock fleet during the drop and earlyon winter, along with other parts are visited pretty much during the entire year forcod and haddock,and pollock by vessels and boats from Cape Ann and by art of various types from Portland andBoston-line trawlers, gill-netters, and a few of the new type of modest otter trawlers, this latter fleetof create constantly expanding in number.

Around the inner areas of this ground, particularly, the gill-net fleet operates widely, mainly insidethe full and spring, on northwest Jeffreys 8 to 12 kilometers E. and SE. from Thacher Isle, where thebase is yellow sand and rocks. Other gill-netting grounds are 8 to 15 mls NE. by E. from ThacherTropical isle in 22 fathoms over a hard bottom of mud and combined material of sand and gravel.The Cove of Jeffreys, NE. by E. 12 to 15 miles from Thacher Tropical island, is a beloved haddockfloor in the spring (April 20 to May 15) in 45 to 70 or even 80 fathoms, although gill nets are notoften fished in additional than 50 fathoms as a result of, weight of the nets from the deeper normalwater. In the spring (in April and May), the haddock come in on Scantum, 10 kilometers NNE. fromThacher Island between Jeffreys Ledge and also the Isle of Shoals, over a broken bottom part ofrocks and azure clay in 55 to 70 fathoms.

[Kitchen table 3--Exterior Fishing Grounds, displaying the principle types taken with them.]

Morris Ledge. This is eastward of Chatham which is a favorite ground for certain cod fishermenduring spring and early summer season. Schooners and small art operate here.

Outer Crab Ledge. The center is situated about 14 miles ESE from Chatham Lights. It extends about5 or 6 kilometers in a N. and S. direction and is about 1 mile vast. Depths manage from 19 to 23fathoms; the base is difficult. The sportfishing is principally for cod inside the winter, slip and earlyspring. Vessel minn kota maxxum here is principally in the spring.

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