  • Reprintas at 1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    (SR 2013/334)Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies for Fisheries Services) Order 2013: revoked,on 1 October 2014, by clause 10 of the Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2014 (LI 2014/263).

    Jerry Mateparae, Governor-General

    Order in Council

    At Wellington this 26th day of August 2013

    Present:His Excellency the Governor-General in Council

    Pursuant to section 264 of the Fisheries Act 1996, His Excellency theGovernor-General, acting on the advice and with the consent of theExecutive Council and on the recommendation of the Minister forPrimary Industries given in accordance with that section, makes thefollowing order.

    NoteChanges authorised by subpart 2 of Part 2 of the Legislation Act 2012 have been madein this official reprint.Note 4 at the end of this reprint provides a list of the amendments incorporated.This order is administered by the Ministry for Primary Industries.


  • cl 1Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    Reprinted as at1 October 2014


    1 Title 22 Commencement 23 Application 24 Interpretation 25 Monthly levies on quota owners 26 Annual non-ITQ levies 37 Annual aquaculture levies 38 Levies exclusive of GST 49 How and when levies payable 410 Revocation 411 Saving 4

    Schedule 5Levies

    Order1 Title

    This order is the Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies for FisheriesServices) Order 2013.

    2 CommencementThis order comes into force on 1 October 2013.

    3 ApplicationThis order applies in respect of any quota, permit, lease, orlicence held, or fish or aquatic life taken, at any time for anyperiod during the fishing year commencing on 1October 2013.

    4 InterpretationUnless the context otherwise requires, the fishstock codes andother expressions used in the Schedule have the same meaningas in Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 3 of the Fisheries (Reporting)Regulations 2001.

    5 Monthly levies on quota owners(1) A monthly levy in respect of fisheries services is payable in

    respect of—


  • Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013 cl 7

    (a) every guaranteed minimum individual transferablequota; and

    (b) every individual transferable quota; and(c) every provisional individual transferable quota.

    (2) The monthly levy is payable for each quota share at the appro-priate rate (or at the equivalent rate expressed as dollars pertonne) according to the species or class of fish, aquatic life, orseaweed as specified in Part 1 of the Schedule.

    (3) The monthly levy is payable by quota owners irrespective ofwhether the fish, aquatic life, or seaweed to which the quotarelates is taken.

    6 Annual non-ITQ levies(1) Every holder of a fishing permit issued under section 91 of the

    Fisheries Act 1996 who takes for the purposes of sale any fishor aquatic life specified in Part 2 of the Schedule that is notsubject to the quota management system must pay an annuallevy in respect of fisheries services for each tonne or part of atonne of fish or aquatic life so taken, at the appropriate rate oflevy specified in that Part.

    (2) Every holder of a special permit granted under section 97(1)(c)of that Act who takes for the purposes of sale any fish oraquatic life specified in Part 2 of the Schedule that is not sub-ject to the quota management system must pay an annual levyin respect of fisheries services for each tonne or part of a tonneof fish or aquatic life so taken, at the appropriate rate of levyspecified in that Part.

    (3) This clause does not require payment of an annual levy in re-spect of fish or aquatic life that is taken pursuant to quota forwhich a monthly levy is payable under clause 5.

    7 Annual aquaculture levies(1) This clause applies to a person who is—

    (a) registered as a fish farmer under Part 9A of the FisheriesAct 1996; or

    (b) the holder of a fish-farm licence granted under theFreshwater Fish Farming Regulations 1983; or


  • cl 8Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    (c) the holder of a marine farm lease or licence grantedunder the Marine Farming Act 1971 where the control-ling authority has taken action to forfeit the lease orlicence under section 14 of that Act before 1 January2005 but that action has not been completed or discon-tinued before the commencement of this order.

    (2) A person to whom this clause applies must pay an annual levyfor fisheries services, at the appropriate rate of levy specifiedin Part 3 of the Schedule, in respect of each coastal permit, oreach lease or licence referred to in subclause (1), held at anytime during the fishing year.

    (3) Levies payable under subclause (2) are payable by the personliable for the levy whether or not any fish farming activity isundertaken.

    8 Levies exclusive of GSTThe levies payable under this order are exclusive of goods andservices tax.

    9 How and when levies payable(1) The levies payable under this order are payable to the Crown

    and are payable only after receipt of a demand from the chiefexecutive.

    (2) The levies are payable in such number of instalments and insuch manner as the chief executive may specify.

    10 RevocationThe Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies for Fisheries Services)Order 2012 (SR 2012/248) is revoked.

    11 SavingClause 10 does not extinguish any liability arising before thecommencement of this order under the Fisheries (Cost Recov-ery Levies for Fisheries Services) Order 2012.


  • Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013 Schedule

    Schedule cls 5–7LeviesPart 1

    Monthly levies on quota owners for fisheriesservices


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)ANC1 0.000002 1.00ANC2 0.000001 1.00ANC3 0.000001 2.00ANC4 0.000000 0.00ANC7 0.000001 1.00ANC8 0.000001 1.00ANC10 0.000000 0.00ANG11 0.000005 12.50ANG12 0.000005 11.70ANG13 0.000015 12.30ANG14 0.000004 11.40ANG15 0.000014 11.90ANG16 0.000008 12.76BAR1 0.000163 1.48BAR4 0.000032 1.06BAR5 0.000097 1.30BAR7 0.000154 1.38BAR10 0.000000 0.00BCO1 0.000004 8.65BCO2 0.000001 9.70BCO3 0.000012 7.37BCO4 0.000019 2.50BCO5 0.000100 8.07BCO7 0.000005 7.14BCO8 0.000003 8.82BCO10 0.000001 10.00BIG1 0.000204 28.57


  • ScheduleFisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)BNS1 0.000031 7.75BNS2 0.000026 5.94BNS3 0.000000 0.00BNS7 0.000003 4.84BNS8 0.000003 10.34BNS10 0.000001 10.00BUT1 0.000000 0.00BUT2 0.000004 6.35BUT3 0.000000 0.00BUT4 0.000001 10.00BUT5 0.000003 6.67BUT6 0.000000 0.00BUT7 0.000000 0.00BUT10 0.000000 0.00BWS1 0.000105 5.65BYA1 0.000000 0.00BYA2 0.000000 0.00BYA3 0.000000 0.00BYA4 0.000000 0.00BYA5 0.000000 0.00BYA7 0.000000 0.00BYA8 0.000000 0.00BYA9 0.000000 0.00BYX1 0.000017 5.67BYX2 0.000050 3.18BYX3 0.000044 4.35BYX7 0.000002 2.48BYX8 0.000001 5.00BYX10 0.000000 0.00CDL1 0.000015 1.25CDL2 0.000000 0.00


  • Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013 Schedule

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)CDL3 0.000003 1.53CDL4 0.000001 1.52CDL5 0.000000 0.00CDL6 0.000000 0.00CDL7 0.000001 2.56CDL8 0.000000 0.00CDL9 0.000000 0.00CDL10 0.000000 0.00CHC1 0.000000 0.00CHC2 0.000000 0.00CHC3 0.000000 0.00CHC4 0.000000 0.00CHC5 0.000000 0.00CHC6 0.000000 0.00CHC7 0.000000 0.00CHC8 0.000000 0.00CHC9 0.000000 0.00CHC10 0.000000 0.00COC1A 0.000004 1.16COC1B 0.000000 0.00COC1C 0.000000 0.00COC2 0.000000 0.00COC3 0.000019 1.29COC3B 0.000000 0.00COC4 0.000000 0.00COC5 0.000000 0.00COC7A 0.000018 1.29COC7B 0.000000 0.00COC7C 0.000000 0.00COC8 0.000000 0.00COC9 0.000000 0.00


  • ScheduleFisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)CRA1 0.000161 122.84CRA2 0.000272 115.21CRA3 0.000274 121.51CRA4 0.000555 111.07CRA5 0.000399 114.00CRA6 0.000281 78.06CRA7 0.000086 195.45CRA8 0.001138 118.30CRA9 0.000043 91.47CRA10 0.000000 0.00DAN1 0.000000 0.00DAN2 0.000002 3.28DAN3 0.000002 3.85DAN4 0.000000 0.00DAN5 0.000000 0.00DAN7 0.000001 6.67DAN8 0.000008 3.74DAN9 0.000001 3.03DSU1 0.000000 0.00DSU2 0.000000 0.00DSU3 0.000000 0.00DSU4 0.000000 0.00DSU5 0.000000 0.00DSU7 0.000000 0.00DSU8 0.000000 0.00DSU9 0.000000 0.00ELE1 0.000000 0.00ELE2 0.000000 0.00ELE3 0.000151 15.10ELE5 0.000004 2.35ELE7 0.000003 2.95


  • Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013 Schedule

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)ELE10 0.000000 0.00EMA1 0.000029 0.38EMA2 0.000001 0.56EMA3 0.000001 0.26EMA7 0.000068 2.03EMA10 0.000000 0.00FLA1 0.000139 11.71FLA2 0.000070 9.64FLA3 0.000060 4.20FLA7 0.000156 7.55FLA10 0.000001 10.00FRO1 0.000002 1.34FRO2 0.000001 0.91FRO3 0.000002 1.14FRO4 0.000000 0.00FRO5 0.000002 1.48FRO6 0.000000 0.00FRO7 0.000040 1.52FRO8 0.000018 2.77FRO9 0.000011 7.97FRO10 0.000000 0.00GAR1 0.000003 12.00GAR2 0.000001 20.00GAR3 0.000001 20.00GAR4 0.000000 0.00GAR7 0.000001 12.50GAR8 0.000001 20.00GAR10 0.000000 0.00GLM1 0.000000 0.00GLM2 0.000000 0.00GLM3 0.000000 0.00


  • ScheduleFisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)GLM7A 0.000005 0.33GLM7B 0.000000 0.00GLM8 0.000000 0.00GLM9 0.000000 0.00GLM10 0.000000 0.00GMU1 0.000054 5.83GMU2 0.000001 4.98GMU3 0.000001 3.33GMU7 0.000001 5.00GMU10 0.000000 0.00GSC1 0.000000 0.00GSC3 0.000001 7.14GSC5 0.000001 5.26GSC6A 0.000007 4.73GSC6B 0.000011 4.64GSC10 0.000000 0.00GSH1 0.000000 0.00GSH2 0.000001 1.12GSH3 0.000026 2.19GSH4 0.000001 0.27GSH5 0.000001 0.92GSH6 0.000001 1.05GSH7 0.000007 0.62GSH8 0.000000 0.00GSH9 0.000000 0.00GSH10 0.000000 0.00GSP1 0.000021 1.83GSP5 0.000017 3.74GSP7 0.000001 0.57GUR1 0.000167 7.30GUR2 0.000038 5.24


  • Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013 Schedule

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)GUR3 0.000105 9.55GUR7 0.000055 7.01GUR8 0.000025 4.60GUR10 0.000000 0.00HAK1 0.000066 1.78HAK4 0.000047 2.61HAK7 0.000145 1.88HAK10 0.000000 0.00HOK1 0.003348 2.58HOK10 0.000000 0.00HOR1 0.000000 0.00HOR2 0.000000 0.00HOR3 0.000000 0.00HOR4 0.000000 0.00HOR5 0.000000 0.00HOR6 0.000000 0.00HOR7 0.000000 0.00HOR8 0.000000 0.00HOR9 0.000000 0.00HOR10 0.000000 0.00HPB1 0.000043 8.94HPB2 0.000018 6.76HPB3 0.000017 5.07HPB4 0.000017 5.27HPB5 0.000021 4.65HPB7 0.000013 5.52HPB8 0.000006 7.49HPB10 0.000001 10.00JDO1 0.000074 10.51JDO2 0.000030 11.13JDO3 0.000002 6.27


  • ScheduleFisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)JDO7 0.000017 11.33JDO10 0.000001 10.00JMA1 0.000097 0.97JMA3 0.000186 1.03JMA7 0.000377 1.16JMA10 0.000000 0.00KAH1 0.000087 8.09KAH2 0.000007 0.99KAH3 0.000002 0.49KAH4 0.000000 0.00KAH8 0.000004 0.77KAH10 0.000000 0.00KBB3G 0.000002 0.16KBB4G 0.000001 0.37KIC1 0.000000 0.00KIC2 0.000000 0.00KIC3 0.000000 0.00KIC4 0.000000 0.00KIC5 0.000000 0.00KIC6 0.000000 0.00KIC7 0.000000 0.00KIC8 0.000000 0.00KIC9 0.000000 0.00KIC10 0.000000 0.00KIN1 0.000007 7.69KIN2 0.000003 4.76KIN3 0.000000 0.00KIN4 0.000000 0.00KIN7 0.000000 0.00KIN8 0.000003 6.67KIN10 0.000000 0.00


  • Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013 Schedule

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)KWH1 0.000000 0.00KWH2 0.000000 0.00KWH3 0.000000 0.00KWH4 0.000000 0.00KWH5 0.000000 0.00KWH6 0.000000 0.00KWH7A 0.000000 0.00KWH7B 0.000000 0.00KWH8 0.000000 0.00KWH9 0.000000 0.00LDO1 0.000000 0.00LDO3 0.000000 0.00LDO10 0.000000 0.00LEA1 0.000002 1.06LEA2 0.000012 1.06LEA3 0.000001 1.00LEA4 0.000000 0.00LEA10 0.000000 0.00LFE17 0.000000 0.00LFE20 0.000001 5.26LFE21 0.000002 6.25LFE22 0.000001 4.76LFE23 0.000000 0.00LIN1 0.000024 6.00LIN2 0.000047 4.79LIN3 0.000089 4.32LIN4 0.000173 4.12LIN5 0.000152 4.23LIN6 0.000359 4.22LIN7 0.000091 3.68LIN10 0.000000 0.00


  • ScheduleFisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)MAK1 0.000002 1.00MDI1 0.000000 0.00MDI2 0.000002 3.17MDI3 0.000000 0.00MDI4 0.000000 0.00MDI5 0.000000 0.00MDI7 0.000001 3.85MDI8 0.000001 3.70MDI9 0.000001 3.70MMI1 0.000000 0.00MMI2 0.000000 0.00MMI3 0.000001 1.61MMI4 0.000000 0.00MMI5 0.000000 0.00MMI7 0.000001 1.64MMI8 0.000006 1.02MMI9 0.000000 0.00MOK1 0.000008 1.99MOK3 0.000002 1.57MOK4 0.000000 0.00MOK5 0.000001 2.29MOK10 0.000000 0.00MOO1 0.000013 2.47OEO1 0.000000 0.00OEO3A 0.000052 1.55OEO4 0.000791 11.30OEO6 0.000067 1.12OEO10 0.000000 0.00ORH1 0.000000 0.00ORH2A 0.000000 0.00ORH2B 0.000014 10.00


  • Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013 Schedule

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)ORH3A 0.000044 10.60ORH3B 0.001391 38.64ORH7A 0.000542 108.40ORH7B 0.000000 0.00ORH10 0.000000 0.00OYS1 0.000000 0.00OYS2A 0.000000 0.00OYS3 0.000000 0.00OYS4 0.000001 6.67OYS5A 0.000000 0.00OYS7 0.000026 5.15OYS7A 0.000000 0.00OYS7B 0.000000 0.00OYS7C 0.000003 4.76OYS8A 0.000000 0.00OYS9 0.000000 0.00OYU5 0.000195 12.78PAD1 0.000014 6.36PAD2 0.000008 7.27PAD3 0.000006 6.00PAD4 0.000002 8.00PAD5 0.000002 4.00PAD6 0.000000 0.00PAD7 0.000010 10.00PAD8 0.000004 6.67PAD9 0.000006 6.00PAD10 0.000000 0.00PAR1 0.000002 3.28PAR2 0.000000 0.00PAR9 0.000001 4.76PAR10 0.000000 0.00


  • ScheduleFisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)PAU1 0.000001 51.81PAU2 0.000091 75.09PAU3 0.000061 66.58PAU4 0.000227 69.52PAU5A 0.000099 66.45PAU5B 0.000157 174.44PAU5D 0.000068 76.40PAU6 0.000000 0.00PAU7 0.000094 50.20PAU10 0.000000 0.00PDO1 0.000000 0.00PDO2 0.000005 1.07PDO3 0.000001 0.93PDO4 0.000000 0.00PDO5 0.000000 0.00PDO7 0.000001 2.00PDO8 0.000002 0.76PDO9 0.000000 0.00PHC1 0.000030 74.44PIL1 0.000022 1.10PIL2 0.000002 1.00PIL3 0.000001 1.67PIL4 0.000000 0.00PIL7 0.000002 1.33PIL8 0.000001 1.54PIL10 0.000000 0.00POR1 0.000002 3.23POR2 0.000001 5.56POR3 0.000000 0.00POR10 0.000000 0.00POS1 0.000084 76.36


  • Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013 Schedule

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)PPI1A 0.000002 1.00PPI1B 0.000000 0.00PPI1C 0.000000 0.00PPI2 0.000000 0.00PPI3 0.000000 0.00PPI4 0.000000 0.00PPI5 0.000000 0.00PPI7 0.000000 0.00PPI8 0.000000 0.00PPI9 0.000000 0.00PRK1 0.000001 4.08PRK2 0.000000 0.00PRK3 0.000000 0.00PRK4A 0.000000 0.00PRK5 0.000000 0.00PRK6A 0.000000 0.00PRK6B 0.000000 0.00PRK7 0.000000 0.00PRK8 0.000000 0.00PRK9 0.000000 0.00PRK10 0.000000 0.00PTO1 0.000006 12.12PZL1 0.000000 0.00PZL2 0.000000 0.00PZL3 0.000000 0.00PZL4 0.000000 0.00PZL5 0.000000 0.00PZL7 0.000007 30.30PZL8 0.000000 0.00PZL9 0.000000 0.00QSC3 0.000010 2.63


  • ScheduleFisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)RBM1 0.000016 1.63RBT1 0.000000 0.00RBT3 0.000011 0.50RBT7 0.000014 0.49RBT10 0.000000 0.00RBY1 0.000000 0.00RBY2 0.000000 0.00RBY3 0.000000 0.00RBY4 0.000000 0.00RBY5 0.000000 0.00RBY6 0.000000 0.00RBY7 0.000000 0.00RBY8 0.000000 0.00RBY9 0.000000 0.00RBY10 0.000000 0.00RCO1 0.000000 0.00RCO2 0.000007 1.40RCO3 0.000192 4.17RCO7 0.000071 2.27RCO10 0.000000 0.00RIB1 0.000000 0.00RIB2 0.000000 0.00RIB3 0.000000 0.00RIB4 0.000000 0.00RIB5 0.000000 0.00RIB6 0.000000 0.00RIB7 0.000000 0.00RIB8 0.000000 0.00RIB9 0.000000 0.00RIB10 0.000000 0.00RSK1 0.000001 0.90


  • Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013 Schedule

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)RSK3 0.000011 0.67RSK7 0.000001 0.50RSK8 0.000000 0.00RSK10 0.000000 0.00RSN1 0.000013 10.48RSN2 0.000001 4.76RSN10 0.000000 0.00SAE1 0.000000 0.00SAE2 0.000001 0.80SAE3 0.000005 1.09SAE4 0.000000 0.00SAE5 0.000000 0.00SAE7 0.000001 0.89SAE8 0.000000 0.00SAE9 0.000000 0.00SBW1 0.000000 0.00SBW6A 0.000015 0.91SBW6B 0.000085 1.24SBW6I 0.002189 7.45SBW6R 0.000001 0.02SCA1 0.000000 0.00SCA1A 0.000000 0.00SCA2A 0.000000 0.00SCA3 0.000000 0.00SCA4 0.000005 21.74SCA5 0.000000 0.00SCA7 0.000158 21.15SCA7A 0.000000 0.00SCA7B 0.000000 0.00SCA7C 0.000000 0.00SCA8A 0.000000 0.00


  • ScheduleFisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)SCA9A 0.000000 0.00SCACS 0.000000 0.00SCC1A 0.000000 0.00SCC1B 0.000000 0.00SCC2A 0.000000 0.00SCC2B 0.000000 0.00SCC3 0.000000 0.00SCC4 0.000000 0.00SCC5A 0.000000 0.00SCC5B 0.000000 0.00SCC6 0.000000 0.00SCC7A 0.000000 0.00SCC7B 0.000000 0.00SCC7D 0.000000 0.00SCC8 0.000000 0.00SCC9 0.000000 0.00SCC10 0.000000 0.00SCH1 0.000042 6.10SCH2 0.000008 4.03SCH3 0.000002 0.52SCH4 0.000006 2.52SCH5 0.000043 5.79SCH7 0.000037 5.77SCH8 0.000032 6.05SCH10 0.000000 0.00SCI1 0.000166 138.33SCI2 0.000107 107.00SCI3 0.000063 18.53SCI4A 0.000021 17.50SCI5 0.000008 20.00SCI6A 0.001095 357.84


  • Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013 Schedule

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)SCI6B 0.000010 20.00SCI7 0.000015 20.00SCI8 0.000001 20.00SCI9 0.000007 20.00SCI10 0.000000 0.00SFE17 0.000001 10.00SFE20 0.000008 9.30SFE21 0.000012 8.96SFE22 0.000009 9.57SFE23 0.000002 8.70SKI1 0.000000 0.00SKI2 0.000000 0.00SKI3 0.000005 1.66SKI7 0.000006 2.00SKI10 0.000000 0.00SNA1 0.000679 15.09SNA2 0.000013 4.13SNA3 0.000003 9.29SNA7 0.000000 0.00SNA8 0.000569 43.77SNA10 0.000001 10.00SPD1 0.000001 0.30SPD3 0.000038 0.79SPD4 0.000005 0.31SPD5 0.000001 0.03SPD7 0.000006 0.32SPD8 0.000002 0.65SPD10 0.000000 0.00SPE1 0.000000 0.00SPE2 0.000001 1.27SPE3 0.000053 5.30


  • ScheduleFisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)SPE4 0.000025 2.75SPE5 0.000000 0.00SPE6 0.000000 0.00SPE7 0.000001 1.22SPE8 0.000000 0.00SPE9 0.000000 0.00SPE10 0.000000 0.00SPO1 0.000043 6.21SPO2 0.000005 4.63SPO3 0.000006 1.00SPO7 0.000013 5.88SPO8 0.000019 6.13SPO10 0.000000 0.00SPR1 0.000001 1.43SPR3 0.000004 1.40SPR4 0.000000 0.00SPR7 0.000001 1.18SPR10 0.000000 0.00SQU1J 0.000749 1.49SQU1T 0.000905 2.02SQU6T 0.000560 1.73SQU10T 0.000000 0.00SSK1 0.000000 0.00SSK3 0.000003 0.52SSK7 0.000002 0.94SSK8 0.000000 0.00SSK10 0.000000 0.00STA1 0.000000 0.00STA2 0.000001 2.63STA3 0.000056 6.21STA4 0.000035 1.62


  • Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013 Schedule

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)STA5 0.000020 1.58STA7 0.000045 4.32STA8 0.000000 0.00STA10 0.000000 0.00STN1 0.000548 67.07SUR1A 0.000001 2.50SUR1B 0.000003 2.14SUR2A 0.000002 2.50SUR2B 0.000001 3.33SUR3 0.000001 4.76SUR4 0.000005 2.22SUR5 0.000012 2.64SUR7A 0.000003 2.22SUR7B 0.000000 0.00SUR8 0.000000 0.00SUR9 0.000000 0.00SUR10 0.000000 0.00SWA1 0.000050 1.67SWA3 0.000055 1.68SWA4 0.000046 1.12SWA10 0.000000 0.00SWO1 0.000089 10.06TAR1 0.000274 18.93TAR2 0.000281 15.65TAR3 0.000215 15.32TAR4 0.000016 5.06TAR5 0.000004 2.62TAR7 0.000089 8.18TAR8 0.000012 5.32TAR10 0.000000 0.00TOR1 0.000040 34.48


  • ScheduleFisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)TRE1 0.000253 16.79TRE2 0.000006 2.49TRE3 0.000000 0.00TRE7 0.000299 13.89TRE10 0.000000 0.00TRU1 0.000000 0.00TRU2 0.000001 5.00TRU3 0.000001 3.03TRU4 0.000001 1.69TRU5 0.000001 4.55TRU6 0.000000 0.00TRU7 0.000000 0.00TRU8 0.000000 0.00TRU9 0.000000 0.00TRU10 0.000000 0.00TUA1A 0.000000 0.00TUA1B 0.000000 0.00TUA2 0.000000 0.00TUA3 0.000000 0.00TUA4 0.000000 0.00TUA5 0.000000 0.00TUA7 0.000000 0.00TUA8 0.000000 0.00TUA9 0.000001 2.33WAR1 0.000001 2.43WAR2 0.000018 3.12WAR3 0.000042 1.66WAR7 0.000046 4.11WAR8 0.000007 3.01WAR10 0.000000 0.00WWA1 0.000000 0.00


  • Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013 Schedule

    Part 1—continued


    Monthly levy($) per share (excluding


    Equivalent expressed as($) per tonne (excluding

    GST)WWA2 0.000002 2.74WWA3 0.000026 4.46WWA4 0.000019 5.76WWA5B 0.000075 2.87WWA7 0.000002 1.57WWA8 0.000000 0.00WWA9 0.000000 0.00WWA10 0.000000 0.00YEM1 0.000001 5.00YEM2 0.000000 0.00YEM3 0.000000 0.00YEM4 0.000000 0.00YEM5 0.000000 0.00YEM6 0.000000 0.00YEM7 0.000000 0.00YEM8 0.000000 0.00YEM9 0.000002 6.67YEM10 0.000000 0.00YFN1 0.000014 5.32

    Part 2Levies on non-ITQ species for fisheries



    Annual levy($) per tonne

    (excluding GST)ALB 82.35BSH 46.87SKJ 21.59OCT 40.74


  • Explanatory noteFisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013

    Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Part 3Aquaculture levies for fisheries services

    Permit or interest heldAnnual levy ($)(excluding GST)

    Per coastal permit or licence 71.43

    Rebecca Kitteridge,Clerk of the Executive Council.

    Explanatory noteThis note is not part of the order, but is intended to indicate its generaleffect.This order, which comes into force on 1 October 2013, sets levies inrespect of the fishing year commencing on 1 October 2013 to recoverthe costs of fisheries services (but not conservation services) in ac-cordance with the Fisheries (Cost Recovery) Rules 2001.The levies take into account, and are reduced or increased by, therelevant settlement sums provided for under section 265A and Sched-ule 9A of the Fisheries Act 1996 and are exclusive of goods and ser-vices tax.

    Issued under the authority of the Legislation Act 2012.Date of notification in Gazette: 29 August 2013.


  • Reprinted as at1 October 2014

    Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies forFisheries Services) Order 2013 Notes

    Reprints notes

    1 GeneralThis is a reprint of the Fisheries (Cost Recovery Leviesfor Fisheries Services) Order 2013 that incorporates all theamendments to that order as at the date of the last amendmentto it.

    2 Legal statusReprints are presumed to correctly state, as at the date of thereprint, the law enacted by the principal enactment and by anyamendments to that enactment. Section 18 of the LegislationAct 2012 provides that this reprint, published in electronicform, has the status of an official version under section 17 ofthat Act. A printed version of the reprint produced directlyfrom this official electronic version also has official status.

    3 Editorial and format changesEditorial and format changes to reprints are made using thepowers under sections 24 to 26 of the Legislation Act 2012.See also

    4 Amendments incorporated in this reprintFisheries (Cost Recovery Levies for Fisheries Services) Order 2014 (LI2014/263): clause 10


    Wellington, New Zealand:Published under the authority of the New Zealand Government—2014


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