
101 E. Barbour Street

P. O. Box 72

Eufaula, AL 36072

(334) 687-8227

(334) 687-8285 FAX

[email protected]



January 10, 2018


Dr. Alan Cassady

Youth/Missions Director

Britt Martin

Music Director

Billy Wilbourne

Office Staff

Jodi Stockberger

Pam Hunter

First United Methodist ChurchFirst United Methodist Church

We offer our deepest sympathy

and heartfelt condolences to the

family of Celia Satterwhite.

Please pray for God’s peace and

comfort to surround this family in


Flower Calendar If you would like to

place flowers in the

sanctuary during 2018,

please call the church

office. Available dates include:

2/4, 3/11, 4/22, 4/29, 5/27,

6/24, 8/5, 9/2, 9/9, 9 23, 9/30,

10/7, and 10/21.

Will You Provide a Meal? The next session of Communities

of Transformation will begin on

January 22, and meals will be

needed each Monday night begin-

ning January 29. Two or three

people can work together to pro-

vide a meal for about 35-40.

Please contact Brenda Parker at

355-1887 or 687-3891 to schedule

a date that you can furnish a meal

for the volunteers and partici-

pants and their children. Thank

you for your willingness to partici-

pate in this very worthwhile min-

istry of our church.

Hospitality Team Our Hospitality Team will hold

their first meeting of the year on

Sunday, January 14th at 5:00 p.m.

in the church office. If you’ve

ever considered joining this team,

please attend this meeting!

Interested in Israel Trip? Pastor Alan will host an informa-

tional meeting about the 2018 Holy

Land of Israel Tour on Wednesday,

January 17th, at 4:30 p.m. just

before the Pastor’s Bible Study in

the Fellowship Sunday School

classroom. The trip will be No-

vember 13-21, 2018.

MLK Day of Service Anyone who wants to participate

in the MLK Day of Service should

meet at the Chamber at 8:00 a.m.

on Monday, January 15. We

should be done by 11:30!

Calendar of Events

►Sunday, January 14

Worship 8:30

Sunday School 9:45

Worship 11:00

Hospitality Team 5:00

Elevate—IMPACT Preview 5:30

►Monday, January 15

Church Office closed for MLK Day

►Tuesday, January 16

Worship Team 9:00

CARE Team 4:30

►Wednesday, January 17

Children’s Choirs 4:30

Israel Trip Info Meeting 4:30

Supper 5:00

Adult Bible Study 5:45

Elevate Next Level (youth) 6:00

Handbells 6:00

Chancel Choir 7:00

►Saturday, January 20

Church Council Training 10:00

January 14 Volunteers


11:00 — John Adams Gray

Bramlette Gray

►Sacristy Prayer Leaders

8:30 — Alice Kay Shoemaker

11:00 — Traci Murph


8:30 — Aubrey & Margaret Baugh

11:00 — Logan Mitchell

John Gray, Dan McKenzie

Robert Bennett

►Lay Readers

8:30 — Pam Wilkes

11:00 — Jim Martin


8:30 — Virginia Ransom

11:00 — Doug & Betsy Purcell

►Children’s Church

11:00 — Ashley Washington

►Elevate Supper

6:10 — Logan Mitchell, Cindi Hall

Hey FUMC Family!

Here's this week's Elevate Top 5!

1) We kicked off out 2018 with an awesome

night at Elevate Sunday night! Before get-

ting back to our regular schedule we took

some time to contemplate what our 2017

looked like and what we want to be differ-

ent about 2018. We did prayer stations. We

created experiences in various rooms allow-

ing us to think about different aspects of new life, forgiveness, and grace.

Kids were able to pray about a word that they wanted to define their year,

decide what they needed to leave behind, and so much more. It was an

awesome night! There's some great pics on our Facebook (FUMC Eufaula

Youth Ministry) and Instagram (ElevateEufaula) if you want to check them


2) This Sunday at Ele-

vate is our IMPACT Pre-

view Night!! We're talk-

ing ALLL about IMPACT

this week!! Parents feel

free to join us if you'd

like some more info

about how this weekend

works! We'll meet our

band, hear from our

speaker, learn about our theme, and MUCH more! We also have TONS of

prizes to give away! If you've been trying to invite friends to IMPACT but

don't really know how, inviting them to this Sunday night is the PERFECT


3) Speaking of IMPACT, REGISTER NOW!! The weekend will be here before

you know it! Head on over to to get signed

up! Also share that site with friends who may be interested! This week-

end is going to be AWESOME and we want to share it with as many as possi-


4) Looking for an opportunity to give back? Don't forget about the MLK

Day of Service next Monday! Everyone is gathering at the Chamber about

8:00 and we'll be done serving by 11:30. Wear some clothes that can get


5) You can go ahead and save the date for our Spring BreakAway! Every

year we take a weekend at the beginning of Spring Break and get out of

here! In the past we've done missions, road rules, etc. This year ELEVATE

IS GOING TO THE BEACH!! That's right folks! March 23-25 we'll be soaking

up the sun (along with some other awesome surprises). This trip will cost

around $85 and I'll have more info in the coming weeks so be on the look-


That's all for now!

God looks good on you —


Prayer List

► New concerns:

The *Celia Satterwhite family

*Josh Jones

► Deployed Overseas:

Col. Chris Jones

► Continue to pray for:

*Margaret Slade

Mitzi Tzerman

Dave Allen

*Jane Pody

Jim Roberts

George Williams

*Louise Trammell

Mary Sellers

Linda Dudewicz

Cruz Rios

*Mel Stephenson

*John Hagood

*Louise Britt

*Betty Searcy

Walter Harmer

*John Jenkins

Bobby Gray

Kathy Armstrong

*Taylor Washington

*Jeff Richards

*Brian Devlin-Meagher

Mary Lindsey Hannahan

*Richard Boyette

The Pastor’s Page

A Look at January 7 8:30 Worship ................... 45

Sunday School .................. 86

11:00 Worship ................. 119

Total Worship ................. 164

Offering received ........ $16,819

YTD received ............. $16,819

BTT balance ............ $284,637

► Prayer list guidelines:

Names remain for 4 weeks unless

requested to remain.

* denotes church members.

Relational Tools

What do the following have in common?

● Little children on a playground

● Online dating services

● Starbucks®

● Facebook ®

They are all evidence of our need for relationships. Isn't it amazing how

we create opportunities for community and relationship? It is almost as if

it were built into our genes. It is!

In the movie Castaway, Tom Hanks plays a man marooned on a desert is-

land. After being alone for a long time, he creates a "friend" from a vol-

leyball named Wilson. Wilson became his constant companion throughout

his exile. We were made for relationship.

The book of Genesis tells us that we were created in the image of God and

that image includes community. The three persons of the Godhead, the

Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, exist in a holy eternal Trinity. They

share an eternal bond of love and fellowship. And so it is no wonder that

we crave fellowship it is part of our nature.

Relationships, however, are fraught with difficulties. Why? Because peo-

ple are involved! If we want good relationships, we must have a few basic

tools in our possession. Without these tools, as one colleague said, we are

not eligible for a relationship.

The Bible has a lot to say about relationships because that is the real stuff

of life. The Bible speaks about our relationship with God, but also has a lot

to say about our relationships with each other.

Join us for the sermon series The Relational Toolbox so we can learn about

these tools and build great relationships in our families, workplaces and


Grace and peace,

Pastor Alan

Dear FUMC,

During Alan’s sermon yesterday, I was reminded again that Jesus referred to himself as

the son of man. This phrase has for a long time been pretty thought-provoking for me.

Was Jesus simply saying, “Hey, y’all don’t forget that I’m one of you guys too?” Was it

more than that? I decided to Google it and see what I could find.

First of all, yeah, it was more than that. I discovered that the term “son of man” was

first used in Daniel 7:13-14 when the prophet says, “I saw the night visions, and behold,

with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient

of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a

kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which

shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.” In this case, the phrase “Son of Man” is a

Messianic title. In Jesus’ day, the Jews would be very familiar with this scripture. So in this way, Jesus is saying

that he is the Messiah.

But also, at other times Jesus is reminding us that he is our actual blood brother, born of a human being. He has

feelings just like us. He can grow older just like us. And he can ultimately die, just like us. This same term, it

turns out says that Jesus is both the Messiah (sent from God) and a human being like us.

We are reminded of this in the hymns that we sing. Think of the 4th verse of “Fairest Lord Jesus.” This verse

says, “Beautiful Savior! Lord of all the nations! Son of God and Son of Man…” Or how about the 4th verse of “Rise

Up, O Men of God?” The words are, “Lift high the cross of Christ! Tread where his feet have trod. As brothers

(and sisters) of the Son of Man, rise up, O men of God.”

I find comfort in this phrase. The phrase, “Son of Man,” tells me that nothing will prevail against Jesus because he

is God. But it also tells me that Jesus loves me and understands me on my level. Now don’t get me wrong, I have

been taught both these truths all my life. But I find it a double comfort to see how again Jesus reminds us of this.

I look forward to seeing all of you on Sunday.

God bless,


The mission of First United Methodist Church is

to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the

transformation of our church, community and world. Birthdays

Friday, January 12

► Marie Singleton

Tuesday, January 16

► Charlie Lee Andrews

Brandon Coates



Alan Cassady:

[email protected]


Britt Martin:

[email protected]


Recharge Menu Wednesday, January 17

Baked Chicken Cabbage



$5 adults $4 children

$16 max. per household

Recharge begins


January 10

4:30—Children’s Choirs


5:45—Adult Bible Study


6:00—Elevate Next Level

7:00—Chancel Choir

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