
Technology Partner

Digital Banking Platform


Moving bank IT from cost-reduction towards revenue


FinQloudFintech Cloud as Banking Platform

BANQMultichannel Self-service

QOREe-Money Processing & Wallet

QOntactlessQR, NFC, Bluetooth LE

QommunicatePersonalized Messaging











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Digital Banking Platform

● Multi-channel self-service (mobile, web, kiosk, sms/ussd)● Family & small-business banking:

merging corporate and personal banking experience● Next-generation bank front systems:

“Assisted self-service” in bank branches● Personalized direct marketing channel:

client messaging, social integration, campaign management● Omnichannel user profiles

(client starts operation in one channel, completes in other)● Financial operation rules & processes management● Leveraging e-Money & e-Wallets

Digital Banking Platform

● Contactless payments using smart devices (mobile, watches, etc): NFC● Integrating multiple payment providers, from PayPal to SWIFT● Personal finance management, investment management● Social banking (banking with bank accounts & e-money in social networks

and messengers)● POS e-commerce: mobile POS devices, integrated payment solutions for

merchants● Web e-commerce: bringing personalized banking into internet stores● Universal citizen/municipal card (payments & ID with NFC)● Loyalty programs● Blockchain/bitcoin-ready

Architecture Layers

FINQLOUD Web Services Layer (Middleware Business Logic)

Set of Open APIs

Bank & Third-party Back-end Systems

Front-end Apps for End Users, Bank Managers, Third Parties (Presentation Layer)

Enterprise Service Bus (Integration Layer)


Multichannel Self-

Service Backend

Personal | Family |


● Multichannel user profiles

● Accessing and managing accounts

● Payments and transfers

● Managing payment cards and

other instruments

● Opening saving accounts online

● Applying for loans

● Recurring orders / direct debits

omnichannel Self-Service

Advantages for the client:

● Familiar interface, unified user experience● Channel selection freedom

Advantages for the bank:

● More points of contact with the client● More cross-sale and up-sale opportunities● Cost saving on multi-channel product or service

implementation● Speed of multi-channel implementation

Omnichannel User Profiles

● Keep user payment templates, standing orders, documents saved● Provide the same experience for the user wherever the bank is present:

○ on mobile○ in web○ in the branch

● Tight CRM integration● Useful for campaign management and financial behaviour profiling● Cross-channel sales and communications

Family & Small Business Banking

● Moving usability of personal banking into corporate segment

○ Seamless experience between personal and corporate approach

○ Easily maintain different business lines within the bank

○ Best practice used by large international banks worldwide

● Family banking: share levels of access with family members

○ Cross-sale possibilities for family members

○ Involving young people into banking experience

○ Reduce servicing costs for families

Social Banking

● Put your bank “branch” into social networks

● Simplify banking experience

● Promote P2P transactions and increase transactional revenue

● Link bank CRM to user profiles in social networks

● Another cross- and upsell channel

POS and Web e-commerce

● Bring your bank to the merchant store

● Banking widgets for online stores, enabling instant payments with bank products

● Mobile POSes for retail stores, HORECA etc

● QR, NFC and other contactless payments

● Increase revenue from transactions

Operation & Product Policies

● Managing security through the limitation policies improves banking usability

● Single window to administer security rules for all of the channels

● Assign product rules for different channels and access roles

Personal finance management

● A tool to differentiate bank brand and create a new valuable service for customers

● Increases customer satisfaction, loyalty & retention

● Increases usability and interest for digital channel self-service

● Cross- and up-sell opportunities: including savings and loans business units enables consumers to apply for new financial products online


• “Why is gamification a good idea for the financial industry? Because banking sucks!” :-)

• 53% gamers aged 18-49

• 55% gamers play on smartphones (front-office of the future)

• it’s not about gambling or playing with money, it’s more about using the psychological mechanisms that make games so successful in society

Universal Citizen/Municipal Card

● Involves unbanked people to bank services

● Converts payment card into from a financial instrument into a common


● Promotes usage of bank card products

● Increases client base for transactional business

● Stimulates growth of bank acquiring network


Front Office as an

Assisted Self-service

● Retail teller● Works as a channel, yet

another to Web and Mobile banking

● Kiosk support● Third-party service integration:

○ Tickets○ Remittances○ e-Government (fines, fees)

Front Office as an Assisted self-service

● Convert your branches into a digital format

● Use the same interface in servicing client in bank branches as in Internet

● Reduce load on staff education and system maintenance

● Seamless integrated business process management for self-service and

branch service




e-Money | e-Wallet


● e-Money issuing

● e-Money and loyalty accounts


● e-Money transfers

● Accounts linked to telephone

numbers or e-mails

(for unbanked people)

e-Money and e-Wallets

● e-Money accounts linked with phone or email

● Banking for unbanked: make them your clients even

before they know

● Be ready for the e-commerce future

● Increase transaction revenue

● 24/7 service independent from slow legacy banking



Personalized & Direct


Messaging | Marketing

● Push notifications● Multi-channel:

Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram● CRM integration● Segmentation of client base● Campaign management● Tracking user responses and

initiating sales from bank propositions in messages

● Push information about transactions

● Cost optimization(avoid high SMS texting costs)

Messaging Hub

● Multichannel: push-notifications, Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp

● Cost-saving on SMS delivery(both transactions & marketing)

● Cost-saving on processing charges

● Convenient way of getting information for user

Personalized Direct Marketing

● Deliver information right to the client phone without

paying for SMSes

● Create personalized marketing campaigns

● Sell products and financial services in form of chat

● Get client feedback and keep live communications with

clients on their banking experience

● Create marketing proposals that would be relevant for

the time, place and channel

● Bright cross- and up-sales to the new level


NFC | C2C | Bluetooth

● Putting payment cards into

smartphone: tokenization,

(in partnership with VISA / MC)

● Like Apple Pay, but on

Android :)

● Card-to-card (C2C) money


● Making P2P payments in

contactless way

Card-to-card Payments

VISA Money Transfer &

MasterCard Money Send

● Busting growth in transactions(in Ukraine)

● Bank gets commission from each transaction

● Service includes payment cards from other banks: you are making money on them

● Our solution allows simple transfers using social graph from Facebook & telephone address book

Technology Partner


With Bluetooth LE &

WIFI Direct

● Patented technology

● Pay to people around without entering any payment details

● Can be backed by VISA/MC C2C or internal bank transfers between accounts (A2A, A2C, C2A, C2C)

● Busts transactions, reduces fraud (card numbers are not exchanged)

NFC on Android

Tokenisation from

VISA & MasterCard,

with Android HCE

● Like Apple Pay, but on Android :)

● VISA & MC-provided infrastructure and security

● Small costs: you have to buy only mobile wallet, no server-side enterprise stuff

● BanQ Systems is VISA Technology partner licensed to build solutions for NFC

Technology Partner


Business Process


● human workflow and comfortable interface

● different roles and organisation structure

● business process templates

● visual business process constructor

IDE for Workflow


GeoPOI and

Informational System

● Bank products and services

● News and updates

● ATMs and bank offices

● POS terminals and info on merchants

● Propositions from partner network readiness

● Exchange rates

● General marketing information


Big Data & Business


● User geoposition and activity tracking: big data accumulated from all mobile apps

● Business intelligence and knowledge generation

● Personal finance management

● Personal finance advising

The technology behind

Architecture Details

eWallet & Multi-currency


User Profiles Service

Messaging Processor

Operations Dispatcher

Existing Bank ESB (if any)

Self-Service Broker

Open APIs

PCI-DSS Secure Vault

Bank Ledger

Product Catalog Reporting PCI Front CRM DWH

Existing Front Office

Mobile Banking Apps

Web Banking


Banking in Social Networks

e-Commerce Widgets Third-party AppsFront Office


Existing Internet


BanQ Service Bus

Payment Systems

Architecture Benefits

● Service-oriented architecture● 24/7 solution● Staged implementation within

limited budget and time● Co-operates with existing enterprise

systems● Creates integrated back back-end

environment● Separating client apps from bank

services● Ready for building online BPM● Can be supported by bank IT

Channel mix platform

MoBile &IOT


Call Center

Social Networks




cross-channel products, business processes & policies

Open APIs

● Documented open API

● SDKs for third-party developers

● Vendor-independent apps, widgets and gadgets

Web & Mobile Apps

● An app for each business case● Native apps integrating

multiple backends● Focused on usability● Excellence in design● Modern technology stack:

○ HTML5 / CSS3○ AngularJS (Web)○ Swift and Java for iOS & Android○ Universal Windows Platform

● Gamification solutions


We carefully prototype functionality of the apps with static and interactive wireframes, splitting complexity of the app into simple user stories shared across workflow of app screens


UI-UX: PIXEL-Perfect design

Наш подход - тщательное проектирование интерфейса.Симпатичные кейсы из retale сегмента + хочу яхту.

Stylish Mobile


Easy Pay is Ukrainian electronic payment system,

allowing users to pay for the services of more than 360

different companies. The self-service portal needed a

mobile solution, which would be a smartphone app for

popular mobile OS. Thus the design and development

of the mobile client was made by Qoderoom experts.

The mobile app is full of advantages, such as using the

templates of operations, tracking the transactions,

checking the balance and, what is the most important

– the mobility.

Platform: iOS

Technologies: Objective C, JSON

Easy Pay

Responsive Websites

Modern Admin Consoles

Enterprise success-stories by BanQ Systems

(with demo)

BanQ Services


Bank Services in the


● Subscription-based services for bank in the cloud:

● Open BanQ: banking as a service

● Open Qore: e-money and loyalty as a service

● Open Qommunicate: direct marketing channel as a service

IT Integration● Network of local certified

integration partners

● Educating IT staff

● On-demand integration on site

Digital BankConsulting

Core Banking,

Front Office

Self-service, BPM,

BigData, CRM

● Moving financial services to digital banking

● IT, business process, products, & bank model audit

● Developing new banking services

● Increasing efficiency through banking gamification

IT Outsourcing

Outsourcing Bank IT

● Nearshore professionals with banking background

● Strong engineer team

● Affordable rates

● Best practices of project management and software development

○ Outstaffing

○ Agile / SCRUM

○ Test-driven development

○ Continuous integration

● Quality assurance

BanQ Systems Ltd, UK+44 747 335-90-93

BanQ Ltd, Ukraine+380 (44) 520-5750 [email protected]

Technology Partner

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