Page 1: Find the Hearing Aid That Is Best For You!

Find the Hearing Aid That Is Best For You!

While you're hearing healthcare professional will give

a lot of advice and information regarding choosing the

hearing aid that is best for you, you are the primary

decision-maker in this process. At first that might

seem a daunting task. Especially considering that

most are very unfamiliar with the ins and outs of

hearing instruments when they buy their first one.

Being prepared in advance will help to reduce any

anxiety, and will aid in making great decisions for your hearing!

Finding your best aids insinuates that you are ready for amplification in the first place.

What is your motivation? Self-motivated patients are more likely to be satisfied and to

perceive benefit than those who are pushed into purchasing by friends and family

members. Having no aids is better than costly aids sitting in a drawer unused. Self-

assess your level of readiness. How do you feel about wearing amplification daily? Are

you seeking for more information related to your hearing loss and amplification choices?

Are ready and willing to discuss your wants and needs with a professional? High

motivation equals greater likelihood of success!

In order to find the aid that is best for you, it is crucial to maintain reasonable

expectations. Your devices will not be a "cure all" for your hearing loss. Even the most

advanced digital hearing instruments cannot return hearing to "normal". However, with

proper programming and regular use, your aids should be able to improve audibility and

lessen the strain of daily communication. While most people want products to last as

long as possible, hearing instruments roughly have a life span of 5-10 years.

Once you have been fit, be prepared to discuss sound quality at the initial and follow-up

fittings. Prepare to hear questions regarding the clarity, volume, comfort, naturalness of

Page 2: Find the Hearing Aid That Is Best For You!

sound, sound of your own voice, comfort of sound and of wear, and internal/external

hearing aid noise. If issues arrive in any of these areas, your hearing healthcare

professional will make programming adjustments as needed. Modern digital aids should

be able to be customized to your desires for sound quality - within reason.

Be patient. Take time to get to know your aids and your hearing again. In order to

determine whether you are benefiting, it is necessary to spend a great deal of time

wearing the aids. Be realistic. You will be able to hear better, but it is not a bionic ear. It

is natural to hear background sounds and noise.

Normal hearing persons hear the same sounds you are hearing, but you will have to

relearn to ignore unimportant sounds. In the beginning, background noises may be a

thorn in your side. With time, these sounds will become less noticeable.

Call your hearing healthcare provider for further information and assistance today! What

are you waiting for? Go get your hearing aids and start improving your hearing now!

For More Information, Call Premium Hearing Solutions At: (248) 686-2586


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