Page 1: Financial Advisors in Rancho Santa Fe Explain Why the Right Financial Planning Is So Important for Women, PART 3

This three-part article series takes a look at the special financial

needs of women and just why it is so important for us to make

provision for our family and ourselves through smart planning and


Welcome to the final installment of this three-part article series on women

and finances. It has been the aim of this series to explain just why it is so

important for women to be especially rigorous about making lifelong financial

plans and investments.

In Part 1 and Part 2, I spoke to some financial advisors in Rancho Santa Fe

who explained that it’s a consequence of the additional pressures women face

as a gender that may require them to be especially careful with regards to

financial planning, lest they are left without the security and stability they

need to look after their families and themselves. These pressures include:

1. Women tend to outlive men,

2. Women tend to earn a lower lifelong income than men,

3. More and more women are becoming business owners, and

4. Women are almost always chosen as custodial parents.

Page 2: Financial Advisors in Rancho Santa Fe Explain Why the Right Financial Planning Is So Important for Women, PART 3

So, typically speaking, not only do women need to survive for longer with less

money, but also they are almost always responsible for the wellbeing of more

than just one person. Let’s take a look at two more important reasons women

should be financially careful and crafty and make a solid plan that will see

them through.

5 Women Are Working Professionals

According to San Diego financial advisors, more than half of the working

population (57.5%) in professional occupations is female: think lawyers,

doctors and real estate agents. These are typically financially empowered roles

and with financial power comes much responsibility. It’s one thing to earn a

decent amount of money, but if it isn’t managed carefully, you won’t enjoy

much financial security should the unforeseen happen, for example: divorce,

the death of a spouse or litigation. Asset protection planning can prove

especially useful for female professionals, so speak to your financial advisor in

Rancho Santa Fe.

Page 3: Financial Advisors in Rancho Santa Fe Explain Why the Right Financial Planning Is So Important for Women, PART 3

Women are special in an infinite number of ways and it’s because of their

unique circumstances – emotional, personal, professional and financial – that

it’s so important for them to become educated about finances. Whether you’re

a powerful business executive, a respected medical specialist, a waitress or a

stay-at-home mom, financial planning stands to benefit you and our children

enormously. Consult with an experienced San Diego financial advisor about

your estate, investments and finances so that you can plan the most secure,

stable and successful future for yourself.

In Conclusion

Women are also compassionate beings. If you’re in a position of wealth, you

might want to consider getting involved in some kind of charity by making

monthly donations. It’s tax deductible!

It’s true! Women may earn less than men over a lifetime on average, but three

quarters of America’s financial wealth is owned by women, which holds an

approximate value of $14 trillion worth of assets. Because of this, is it

essential for women to get the right tax planning and investment advice. This

wealth needs to be managed carefully throughout your lifetime and it needs to

be distributed after you’re gone so that you can ensure the financial security

and wellbeing of the family you leave behind.

6 Women Have Wealth!

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