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• Infinite Bounce

• +10

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During his audition, Y was sparring with X and accidentally punched him on the chin. X told Y to calm down, as it was only an audition, and Y said that if he was allowed to audition with a 'real' actor, not a stand-in, he would be able to do a lot better. Director John G. Avildsen smiled and told Y that X was the real actor (and the writer). Ylooked at X thoughtfully for a moment, and said, "Well, maybe he'll get better." X immediately offered him the role.

YO! Id X & Y.

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• Stallone

• Carl Weathers


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Id X or Y&Z

• During the production of the movie X the production designer Edward T. McAvoy had to solve a problem. How to make a Y that was so special that the film's character Z would absolutely not allow his stinking boss to steal it from him and keep it. How would one said production designer do so? Well, by giving Z a fire engine red Swingline Y of course! With this idea in head, he called up Swinglineand asked if they made such a Y. They unfortunately did not. McAvoy then asked: "Well, do you mind if I use your logo on the side of a Y I'm going to paint red?". Swingline did not mind

• X was released in 1999 and it was not until 2002 that after many requests from movie fans, Swingline decided to create and sell a red Y. It was in July of that year the company began started selling the Rio Red 747 Business Y (SWI74740/SWI74736).

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Y & Z:

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• X: Could I get a bottle of water. - - Hey, aren't you Peter La Fleur?

• Peter La Fleur: Lance Armstrong!

• X: Yeah, that's me. But I'm a big fan of yours.

• Peter La Fleur: Really?

• X: Yeah, I've been watching the dodgeball tournament on the Ocho. ESPN 8. I just can't get enough of it. But, good luck in the tournament. I'm really pulling for you against those jerks from Globo Gym. I think you better hurry up or you're gonnabe late.

• Peter La Fleur: Uh, actually I decided to quit... Lance.

• X: Quit? You know, once I was thinking about quitting when I was diagnosed with brain, lung and testicular cancer, all at the same time. But with the love and support of my friends and family, I got back on the bike and I won ____ five times in a row. But I'm sure you have a good reason to quit. So what are you dying from that's keeping you from the finals?

• Peter La Fleur: Right now it feels a little bit like... shame.

• X: Well, I guess if a person never quit when the going got tough, they wouldn't have anything to regret for the rest of their life. But good luck to you Peter. I'm sure this decision won't haunt you forever.

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Alec Cawthorne Inspector Doppler

John Matthews Detective Sergeant Tarrant

Eve Channing Marguerite Wyke

Teddy Martin Police Constable Higgs


Hint: Only A & B are characters with actual names, rest all have made up names.

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The complex was built in 1929 and inaugurated by Olympic swimmers Aileen Riggin and Johnny Weissmuller. The pool is known for its Art Deco designs and the popular introduction of the bikini by Louis Réardon July 5, 1946.

(Pic on next slide)

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Piscine Molitor


Life of Pi

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• ______ Management is a trust fund once owned by Saddam Hussein. It has a 2% holding in the Lagardère Group; however all its holdings are frozen.

• Not coincidentally, “______ Management, Inc." was also the name of a money-laundering front company controlled by fictional drug lord X .

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Tony Montana - Scarface

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Hitler and Goebbels believed that film was a very potent tool for moulding public opinion. The Nazis first established a film department in 1930 and Goebbels had taken a personal interest in the use of film to promote the Nazi philosophy and agenda. Soon after the Nazi takeover, Goebbels was insisting in speeches that the role of the German cinema was to serve as the "vanguard of the Nazi military" as they set forth to conquer the world.

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• Harry Giese as Narrator

• Curt Bois as Himself (archive footage)

• Charles Chaplin as Himself (archive footage) – erroneously identified as Jewish

• Albert Einstein as Himself (archive footage)

• Adolf Hitler as Himself, speaking at Reichstagssitzung (archive footage)

• Fritz Kortner as Himself (archive footage)

• Peter Lorre as Himself (archive footage)

• Ernst Lubitsch as Himself (archive footage)

• Rosa Luxemburg as Herself (archive footage)

• Mona Maris as Herself

• Anna Sten as Herself (archive footage)

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• The Eternal Jew

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“A group of explorers make use of a newly discovered wormhole to surpass the limitations on human space travel and conquer the vast distances involved in an interstellar voyage.”

Storyline of ?

Hint: Irrfan Khan was considered for a role but declined due to schedule conflicts.

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• Interstellar

Christopher Nolan

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• In a ratty flat, a man is on his hands and knees, holding a shoe by its toe, trying to kill a bug of some sort that so far has managed to evade him. He keeps up the chase and whacks at it a few times. Then, we get a look at what he's been trying to flatten. In what sort of universe have we found ourselves? Who's in danger?

• Which movie?

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• Gun Shop: BloodBath and Beyond

• Pastry Shop: The French Confection

• Family Restaurant: Texas Cheesecake Depository

• Soup Kitchen: Helter Shelter

• Seafood Restaurant: The Fryin' Dutchman

• Middle eastern restaurant: Two Guys from Kabul

• Discount Store: Try 'n' Save

• Music shop: Suicide Notes and Tommy Toots


• Air conditioner store: It Blows

• Boys' Clothing Store: Wee Monsieur

• Law Office: I Can't Believe It's A Law Firm!

• Healthcare Facility- HMO (HibbertMoneymaking Organization)

• Joke/Novelty Shop: Yuckingham Palace

• Shop selling casserole dishes: Stoner's Pot Palace

• Donut Shop: Lard Lad Donuts

• Toy Store: J.R.R. Toykins

• Outdoor Clothing Store: Malaria Zone

• Gourmet Food store: Eatie Gourmet's

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How can she slap?

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1st 6 questions : Written Round

+5 Per Correct Answer

Rest : On pounce

+15 / -15

Infinite Bounce : +10

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• After Rocky IV's release, a joke was making rounds that since Rocky had run out of opponents, he would have to fight an alien in the fifth instalment. Screenwriters Jim and John Thomas took the joke seriously and wrote a screenplay based on the joke.

• What resulted?

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• The movie : Predator

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X (original teaser title: Someone Wants to Meet You) is a 2000 television film that premiered on Nickelodeon on the night of October 28, 2000. The film was never aired outside the United States nor dubbed into other languages. It was also never re-aired or released on VHS or any other software media until 2011. It was believed to be because of controversies surrounding this film, that involved several parents complaining about the film's content that they found the film to be too scary and inappropriate for children. But a Nickelodeon representative stated that the film had been merely forgotten., however, claimed that it has been banned. In 2011, a copy was discovered on Reddit and the ensuing reaction prompted TeenNick to re-air the film on October 31, 2011, which they did for Halloween.

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The Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC, also known as the Edison Trust), founded in December 1908, was a trust of all the major American film companies (Edison, Biograph, Vitagraph,Essanay, Selig, Lubin, Kalem, Star Film Company) the leading film distributor (George Kleine) and the biggest supplier of raw film stock, Eastman Kodak. The MPPC ended the domination of foreign films on American screens, standardized the manner in which films were distributed and exhibited in America, and improved the quality of American motion pictures by internal competition.

Many independent filmmakers, who controlled from one-quarter to one-third of the domestic marketplace, responded to the creation of the MPPC by moving their operations so that the distance from Edison's home base of New Jersey made it more difficult for the MPPC to enforce its patents.

As a result the X was born.

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Some prominent movies of X:











According to CNN X has a US250 million dollorindustry.

Hint: Only behind the US and India.

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X was originally activated by the military to control the national

arsenal on August 4, 1997, at which time it began to learn at a

geometric rate. On August 29, panicking operators realized the

extent of its abilities and tried to deactivate it. X perceived this

as an attack and to defend itself, X launched nuclear missiles

under its command at Russia, which responded with a nuclear

counter-attack against the U.S. and its allies. Consequent to the

nuclear exchange, over three billion people were killed in an

event that came to be known as Y.

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• X – Skynet

• Y – Judgment day

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Director - Vladimir Latyshev

Zinovy Gerdt as "the professor" (a narrator stand-in for Tolkien)

Mikhail Danilov as Bilbo Baggins

Anatoly Ravikovich as ThorinOakenshield

Igor Dmitriev as Gollum.

Smaug and the Mirkwood spiders were portrayed by puppets.

Which movie?

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The Hobbit (Russian: Сказочное путешествие мистера Бильбо Беггинса Хоббита, Skazochnoye puteshestviye mistera Bilbo Begginsa Khobbita,

"The Fabulous Journey of Mr. Bilbo Baggins the Hobbit")1985

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• Infinite Pounce

Each team allowed a maximum of 3 pounces.


+10 on bounce, counter clock wise.

Teams without a female participant get 2 pounce.

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Vancouver Agrodome

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• Miracle On Ice

• 1980 USSR vs. USA

• Vancouver Agrodome was also where the iconic fight between Rocky Balboa and Ivan Drogo was shot.

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• All movies are directed by James Franco.

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Who on what? Also Y and Z

• “I was so extravagantly impressed by the portrayal of the reality of zero gravity. Going through the space station was done just the way that I've seen people do it in reality. ……around the spacecraft the way Y was. It really points out the degree of confusion and bumping into people, and when the tether gets caught, you're going to be pulled -- I think the simulation of the dynamics was remarkable.

• We were probably not as lighthearted as Y and Z. We didn't tell too many jokes when people were in some position of jeopardy outside the spacecraft, but I think that's the humanity coming through in the characters.”

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• Buzz aldrin on gravity

• Y= George Clooney

• Z= Sandra Bullock

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X was shot under the title "The Eighth Day". This was a

reference to the Biblical creation story, which states that the earth

was created in six days and on the seventh day, God rested. The

original title implies the tampering of man with what God has

already made, and "The Eighth Day" is still the name of the

center in the movie where the children are engineered, as noted

on the DVD deleted scenes. By the time the much-delayed

release of the film came around, the same title had been used by

the Belgian film The Eighth Day. Because of this, writer-

director Andrew Niccol was forced to choose a new title for his


What is the new title?

Hint: The name “X" is composed entirely of the letters used to

label the nucleotide bases of DNA. The four nitrogen bases of

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) are adenine, thymine, cytosine, and


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In the movie Y, X's license plate is "IS 5416", which refers to Isaiah 54:16 from the

Bible: "Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that

bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy."

Johnny Depp – wasn’t interested – salary 1 million.

Brad Pitt – didn’t want to be in another sci-fi movie after Cold World –salary 10 mill.

Ewan McGregor – The W-brothers favourite but it didn’t happen.

Tom Cruise – he asked too much 20-25 million.

Leonardo DeCaprio – Wouldn’t make movies after Titanic with salary less than 10m.

Will Smith – wanted _____ to have lots of girlfriends & make jokes –salary 15m.

Chicago Sun Times reported (July 1st, 2002) mentioned at the MIB2 press conference

that he turned down the Z lead in Y to do "Wild Wild West." "I was like, 'Yeah right,

‘Y.' Computers have taken over the world. I think I'd better go off and do that good

film 'Wild Wild West.'" Ironically, his wife has a role in the sequels.

David Duchocny – Decided to do the X-file movie instead. Salary 2 million.

Z – The last and final candidate. Salary 10 million.

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Red Wedding Round

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Rules• Each team has to challenge another team for a question.

– They have 2 options: either to take the questions or let the challenged team answer it.

– If the challenged team gets it right, they get +10.– However, the +10 will be sponsored by the team which challenged the

other team.– Each team can deflect a question ,a maximum of 2 times after which

they will have to take the question.– Teams cannot challenge the same team twice.

• When a team chooses to answer a question-– +15 per correct answer.– -10 if pool is empty.

• The Pool – For every question that is answered in this round, 10 points are added to the pool. – To start off with, 10 points have been added to the pool.

• Order – Least scoring team starts.

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After producers Irwin Winkler and Robert Chartoff became interested in the script, they offered writer _____ an unprecedented $350,000 for the rights, but he refused to sell unless they agreed to allow him to star in the film (this despite the fact that he had only $106 in the bank, no car and was trying to sell his dog because he couldn't afford to feed it). They agreed, but only on the condition that ____ continue to work as a writer without a fee and that he work as an actor for scale. After Winkler and Chartoff purchased the film, they took it to United Artists, who envisioned a budget of $2 million, but that was on the basis of using an established star (they particularly wanted Robert Redford, Ryan O'Neal, Burt Reynolds or James Caan). United Artists didn't want _____ to star, and when Winkler and Chartoff told them that the only way they could get him to sell the screenplay was to agree to cast him, United Artists cut the budget to $1 million, and had Chartoff and Winkler sign agreements that if the film went over budget, they would be personally liable. The final cost of the film was $1.1 million. The $0.1 million came after Chartoff and Winkler mortgaged their homes so as to complete the project.

Which project ? Also FIB.

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Every Simpsons fan worth his or her weight in the yellowy gold color of those animated characters knows and loves the character of McBain. He is the ultra-macho, Schwarzenegger-like hero whose ongoing movie clips show up periodically during episodes.

Whats is special about these clips?

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These clips are lined up in order they form a mini-movie with an actual, virtually flawless storyline!

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"He saw the true face of the 20th century and chose to become a reflection, a parody of it. No one else saw the joke, that's why he was lonely. Heard a joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says "But, doctor...I am Pagliacci." Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains. Fade to black."

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Mr. Burgermeister

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• Where would you find this supposedly unsolvable problem?-"Draw all homeomorphically irreducible trees of size n=10"

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Title inspired by?

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To a song of love lost and rediscovered, a woman sees and undergoes surreal transformations. Her lover's face melts off, she dons a dress from the shadow of a bell and becomes a dandelion, ants crawl out of a hand and become Frenchmen riding bicycles. Not to mention the turtles with faces on their backs that collide to form a ballerina, or the bizarre baseball game. From the melting clocks and hourglass sand, to the figure rendered in strips, to the character covered in eyeballs, the style and themes of X are clearly recognizable throughout.

Storyline of ?

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This album was released Nov 02, 1999 on the Hemisphere label. X collects Arabic pop music by artists hailing from Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt, and Morocco.X music CDs has tracks like Amr Diabs"Nour El Ain," Mayada El Hennawys "Min Ger Loka," Danias "Yalla Ya Habibi," Samira Saids "Kol de Eshaat," and Hamid El Sharis "Tohgorny" capturing the lush arrangements, hypnotic rhythms, and passionate vocals of contemporary Arabic music. Like strolling through a crowded bazaar filled with vendors selling mix tapes from all over the Middle East, an ear- pleasing mix of expressive singers and passionate, exciting urban music. Unless you are an arabic pop music fan,only way to get to the name of the album is by looking closely at the album cover.

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• In the world of entertainment, how do we better know the movie moguls Jack, Harry, Albert and Sam?

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Warner Bros before hoes.

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Similarities between X and the famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle appear throughout the series. Both characters play instruments (X plays the piano, the guitar, and the harmonica; Holmes, the violin) and take drugs (X is addicted to Y; Holmes uses cocaine).Shore said that Xs name itself is meant as "a subtle homage" to Holmes. Xsbuilding number is 221B, a direct reference. X and Y

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• House

• Vicodin

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• A village in Raigad district, Maharashtra in reality, thefilm makers fantasized X as an island, once in Goa andthen in Diu. X served as the setting for conflict betweentheprotagonist and the antagonist. It was close toMumbai, yet beyond the reach of law and was thusfavoured by antagonist for his shady business. IdentifyX.

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• Mandwa

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