
Christina Mark Lead ResearcherNatalia MartinezLead EditorEzekiel HandelmanLead InterviewerRobert HagemannLead WriterHow has USFSP impacted the green movement? Green Spirit

ENC3250.795F15Dr. F. Tobienne

University of South Florida Saint Petersburg140 7th Ave. SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701


Introduction3The Green Movement and What It Means4USFSP Plans and Commitments to Go Green5Strategic Plan6Climate Commitment6Student Green Energy Fund (SGEF)7Active Sustainability Endeavors8LEED Certifications and Transportation Projects8Waste Management10Important Projects12Garage LED Lighting12Green Cardio12Water Bottle Filling Stations13Solar Powered Stations14Hybrid Truck15Green Graduation16Interviews16USF Green Report Card17The Competition17Saint Petersburg College17Eckerd College18Conclusion18Glossary of Terms19Annotated Bibliography19Work Cited21


November 18, 2016



This report addresses the University of South Florida Saint Petersburgs stance on environmental concerns, sustainability efforts and going green. The extensive research and credible sources will provide sufficient information and present a strong base to make a decision on going green and USFSPs initiative to the green movement. First, the paper will introduce what going green means and why it is important to the community. Once the reader understands the green movement and its importance, USFSPs plans and commitments will be discussed. USFSPs plans and commitments, such as the Strategic Plan, Climate Commitment, and Student Energy Fund (SGEF) will demonstrate the universities stance on sustainability and their desire to move towards a green environment. After the universitys stance is established, active sustainability endeavors will be addressed to show the reader what changes and actions have been taken to achieve the goal of sustainability. Following these notable changes and actions, past, present and future important projects will be examined. Finally, the competition in the area will be compared and contrasted to demonstrate that USFSP is at the head of the game for going green. All information provided will come from credible sources, many of which come from the University of South Florida Saint Petersburg. Pictures and graphs will assists in the visualization of projects and the going green movement. Once the report is reviewed, the reader will have a strong understanding on the going green movement and its importance. The reader will have an even stronger understanding on USFSPs stance on sustainability and what the university is doing to reach the goals of for a greener community. With this extensive knowledge, the reader will be able to make an unbiased and informed decision on the stance to take on sustainability and going green.

The Green Movement and What It Means

Pollution and the industrially fueled degradation of the world ecosystem has recently become a hot button topic in regions all across the world. This has led to extensive research and discovery on the manner that has been stating for a while now, that we as a collective, are harming the world in which we live. Going Green is a fairly new idea and it is of great importance when it comes to preserving the world in which we live. Going Green is not just a slogan but a lifestyle that promotes living in a way that preserves the environment and the world as an ecosystem. This lifestyle entails active maintaining of the natural ecological balance through reduction in our carbon footprint and our pollution. The Going Green lifestyle contains five important parts which consist of: reducing pollution, conserving resources, conserving energy, reducing consumption and waste, and protecting the earths ecological balance. Participating in these activities of conservation will ultimately lead to a healthier ecosystem and a happier lifestyle for human society. In our day-to-day lives, we are constantly releasing toxic contaminants into the environment through consumerism. Our cars burn fossil fuels which leads to a bigger carbon footprint. Trash and waste is broken down in landfills into toxic substances that pollute the soil and groundwater. Household products, such as cleaners and personal hygiene products, release toxic chemicals into the air and the water that end up in the sewers, in our water supplies, and across the rivers and seas. The amount of toxic chemicals and pollutants produced by the advent of mass production is another big monster that we need to tackle as the pollution it causes is simply astounding. We may never be able to have zero emissions and zero pollution but we can definitely take steps to cut these toxic pollutants down. We can use more energy efficient methods of production and manufacturing that will cut down on emissions. We can manufacture products with more natural ingredients and less processed ones. We can switch from fossil fuels to renewable fuels such as solar and wind power. These are just baby steps in a long journey that summates in the final step of the going green process: protecting the earths ecological balance. This is quite possibly the most important initiative in humanity at the current time as we are on a slippery slope and continuing on with our current ways of production and pollution will cause major ecological issues in the future.

USFSP Plans and Commitments to Go Green

Strategic PlanUSFSP is an active member in the green community and is always trying to find new ways to conserve and promote environmental health within the community and the world. Below is the universitys mission statement.We strive to improve the environment through building green, improving our energy efficiency, saving water, planting native species, using green cleaning, recycling, funding renewable energy projects, and educating students, staff and the community. As one of the universitys five core values environmental stewardship helps frame our objectives. Sustainability is also part of our strategic plan.USFSP has a large strategic plan that houses and promotes efficiency and strategic continuity through the use of sustainable practices and good spatial management, among other things. Some of the key performance indicators for USFSP consist of its ranking in the Princeton Reviews Green Colleges Guide, its percentage of expectations met for the ACUPCC, and its reduction in its carbon footprint. These are all great performance indicators as they push the school to strive for a greener campus and community.

Climate Commitment

One of USFSPs greatest commitments toward going green and remaining sustainable as a campus, falls under the up-taking of the ACUPCC. The ACUPCC stands for the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment. This initiative is making an effort to address climate damage and reverse it through commitments with colleges all across the United States. The participating colleges have agreed to eliminate net greenhouse gas emissions from specified campus operations and promote research and education that will help society learn how to live more sustainably. USFSPs Chancellor, Mr. Hogarth, signed this agreement on earth day of 2013. With the signing of this commitment, USFSP has agreed to complete a greenhouse gas inventory, become climate neutral within two years via a climate action plan, and integrate sustainability into the curriculum so that it can be a part of the educational experience. USFSP has also taken immediate steps with this commitment by establishing a policy that all new campus construction will be built adhering to the standard of the U.S. Green Building Councils LEED silver standard or equivalent. The university has also adopted a policy that requires the purchase of energy star certified products in all areas in which such ratings exist. USFSP has also made its action plan, inventory, and progress reports publicly available for all of its green initiative.

Student Green Energy Fund (SGEF)

The Student Green Energy Fund was initiated as a collaborative, statewide, student-led campaign in 2007. It is a student led committee that is dedicated to extending the Saint Petersburg Green City title to USF St. Petersburg campus. This committee gives a voice to the students of USFSP and allows them to decide how their tuition money is spent. The focus of the projects in this committee and tuition money are geared towards promoting sustainability, reducing energy costs, promoting power generation, mitigating all types of waste and resource consumption, or lowering gas emissions. The way SGEF works is by placing one dollar from every student credit hour in the reserve. This fund is used for projects that adhere to the green guidelines. Students are then allowed to propose sustainable-based projects to the SGEF committee once during the spring and fall semesters. This committees job is to guide students through the proposal process, vote on the projects to be taken into action, and oversee the projects implementations. The committee is composed of six students and four university faculty members. There are numerous projects that have been effectively implemented on campus, such as, solar doks and many more, which will be discussed later. Not only does SGEF give a voice to the students, but also, catalyzes a growing experiential learning model that teaches students leadership and creativity. (Connect)

Active Sustainability Endeavors LEED Certifications and Transportation Projects

The ACUPCC is a great initiative and is one that has established some of biggest changes on the USFSP campus in terms of ecological friendliness. One of the most successful pushes was the immediate up-taking of LEED certification standard which can be shown in the production of the now finished Science and Technology building as well as the University Student Center, both of which have received the LEED Gold certification and the former of which was the first building to achieve LEED Gold certification in the entire USF system. The Kate Tiedemann College of Business is also starting construction and is planned to receive the LEED Gold certification sometime after completion. The LEED gold certification is very environmentally friendly. Some of these friendly choices include reduced water consumption, reduced construction pollution, open space construction that promotes biodiversity, reduced light pollution, energy efficiency within the buildings, and the usage of sustainable, local, and recycled materials in the construction of the buildings. The LEED Gold certification also promotes environmentally friendly choices with the implementation of preferred parking for efficient vehicles, electric charging station for electric cars, and bicycle storage, all of which promote lifestyles that are healthier for the environment.

Adding onto the charging station and bicycle storage of the LEED certifications, there are many great transportation options that USFSP offers to students and staff that promote healthier personal and ecological lifestyles. These programs include the Enterprise Car Share Program, the Bike-a-Bull Bike Share Program, and the PSTA U-Pass Program. The Enterprise Car Share Program is the first car sharing program that USFSP has ever had. The program is a membership based, automated car

rental option that offers an environmentally friendly and efficient car to whomever needs it and is based on a flat rate. Cars are accessed via a membership card and are returned to the same location they can be found when members are done using them. This is a great option for those who would like to carpool with their friends or only need a car occasionally.

Another great program is the Bike-a-Bull Share Program, which is an on-campus program that allows students to rent a bike for 24 hours with the provision of their student ID. Upon signing a waiver and receiving a set of traffic laws, students are then supplied with a beach cruise. The beach cruise comes with 2 lights, a helmet and a lock for safety and security. The PSTA U-Pass Program is another partnership that USFSP has setup to provide students and faculty with an environmentally friendly option that is also easy on the wallet. This program makes it easy for students and staff to ride any PSTA bus or trolley for free. Riders simply need to show their university ID card. USFSP pays PSTA a flat rate to allow university members to ride for free. All of the above options are phenomenal and should be taken advantage of as they offer very economic options that are easy on the environment and cut down tremendously on the university's carbon footprint.

Waste ManagementEfficient waste management is a great way to contribute to going green and is an activity that USFSP is actively participating in. One of the ways that the human population can control waste is through recycling. Millions and millions of tons of plastics are produced every year and many of these can be recycled. USFSP is an active participant in recycling and the initiative that started recycling at the university was headed by the SGEF. They helped fund the purchasing of the recycling bins which house two separate receptacles for normal trash and recyclable items such as plastics and aluminum. The receptacles themselves are also helping the environment as each one is made of 937 recycled milk jugs. There are 20 of these receptacles that can be found across the campus.

In addition to these receptacles, students and faculty can drop off their home recycling into recycling containers that can be found behind the Piano Man building. This is a great option for people who live far from recycling facilities and for those who cannot afford home pickup recycling services. This is a great example of a way that USFSP is helping the community and the environment at the same time.In addition to on campus and community recycling endeavors, USFSP is also making headway in reducing their toxic waste. This is an initiative that is being spearheaded by the Office of Campus Computing. The office has pledged to do their best to reduce their carbon footprint and offer a multitude of recycling options among other ecologically friendly initiatives. Some of the recycling efforts include battery, mobile phone, printer cartridge, and computer part, and paper recycling at local facilities along with the purchase of ecologically friendly recycled paper. The Office of Campus Computing is also being energy savvy by automatically powering off idle computers across campus as well as purchasing low-power hardware for computational systems. The custodial department can also be contacted for assistance in recycling all of the aforementioned items which helps educate the students and staff on proper recycling techniques

Important ProjectsGarage LED Lighting

In the fall of 2012, a few projects have been completed. Parking Garage LED light Retrofit (Phase 1) has been completed. This project included installing Energy-efficient LED lights on the first floor of the parking garage. The previous lighting in the garage was inefficient and short-lived. The mercury levels were also high and considered hazardous waste. The fixtures that were replaced reduced energy usage by 69, 250KWH/Year. The new lights also consume 75% less energy and last ten times longer.

Green CardioAnother project that was completed was the Green Cardio Loft (Phase 2). The project includes incorporating Woodway Curve treadmills and Green Machine Bikes, and ellipticals. The treadmills do not connect to electrical outlets, and are completely powered by the runner. The bikes and ellipticals in the loft create energy and cycles that energy back in to offset the other energy used by the fitness center. It even tracks the energy output.

Water Bottle Filling StationsBottle Refill Stations were put into place at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg in the fall of 2012. This was used to reduce the use of plastic water bottles. The station is the Elkay EZH20 and has a sanitary no-touch sensor with an automatic 20-second shut off timer. It even counts the quantity of plastic bottle diverted from the waste stream and displays the number on a green lcd screen. (SGEF Approved Projects)

Solar Powered Stations In the spring of 2012, other various projects were put into place and completed as well. Solar docks and a solstice pole were both installed on campus. The solar power dok is a picnic table with eight seats made of recycled materials and has an umbrella with three solar panels. These solar panels capture energy used to power high intensity LED lights for nighttime use, four power outlets, and four USB type power outlets. They can collect up to 135 watts of power. They are located behind Coquina by the harbor. The Solstice Pole contains a solar panel that collects energy from the sun that charges electric devices. This is located in front of the STG building. (SGEF Approved Projects)

Hybrid Truck

In addition to creating the solar panels to conserve energy, USFSP has also purchased a 2013 Chevrolet Silverado Hybrid edition truck. The hybrid truck is used for the Waterfront Association to transport equipment and students to events around the state. The truck helps to save $1,292 in fuel per year, and saves approximately $4,292 on total vehicle expenses because before, the Waterfront rented vehicles for $3,000 per year and was spending an additional $3,692 on fuel. Not only does the hybrid truck save money, but it also reduces the CO2 emissions by approximately 6395 pounds per year. Phase 1 of the Cardio Loft was also completed. (SGEF Approved Projects)

Green Graduation

More recently, USF launched its first green graduation commencement in the spring of 2015. Students wore GreenWeaver caps and gowns. These caps and gowns were made from fully recyclable plastic water bottles. 23 plastic water bottles were used in each gown by being crafted into a matte material, which turns out also makes the gowns softer. This initiative allows for 20,000 plastic bottles to be reused each year. Taking this new green approach on graduation wear shows a positive outcome on the environment coinciding with USFs sustainability goals. According to GreenWeaver, when manufacturing plastic into fabric, emissions from carbon dioxide are reduced by 54.6 percent. They also use recycled thermal energy during the manufacturing process, and this reduces petroleum use by 52 percent. This project also shows the impact the green initiative is having on the campus population, as this switch was a student-driven decision. (Hagen)

USF Green Report CardUniversity of South Florida University of Florida Gainesville University of Miami

Climate Change and Energy B: USF has conducted a greenhouse gas emissions inventory and is working to reduce emissions with the aid of carbon offsets. To decrease energy use, heat recovery systems, lighting systems, and energy-efficient lighting fixtures have been installed. A: The university has pledged to reduce greenhouse emissions 17% below 2005 levels and 83% below 2005 levels by 2050. Significant reductions have already been made. To conserve energy, T5 an T8 lighting is usedB: UM has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Numerous energy efficiency technologies have been installed on campus.

Food and Recycling B: Dining services spends 28 % of its food budget on local products, and purchases some hormone- and antibiotic-free ice cream products. Tray less dining has saved USF 32,992 gallons of water per year. The university recycles, traditional materials, and used cooking oil. A: Sources local and organic vegetables, fruit, dairy and meat. Disposable dish wear is used on campus that is made of biodegradable content.

B: Dining services spends about 13% of its food budget on local products. Individuals who use a reusable bag or mug receives discounts.

Green Building A: The campus master plan includes policies that support green building initiatives. USF has installed water metering technology, lighting sensors, and LED lighting in all buildings, as well as low-flow showerheads and dual-flush toilets in some buildings. A: Requires that all new construction projects and major renovations meet LEED Gold criteria. B: The university mandates that all new construction and renovation projects meet LEED Silver criteria at a minimum.

Student Involvement A: The Green Living Learning Community, which began in 2009 gives 25 students the opportunity to enhance sustainability programming and encourage student participation in campus initiatives.A: nearly 400 students live in sustainability-housing and the university employs 12 paid and 3 unpaid sustainability interns. C: Earth Alert, one of several sustainability-related student groups at UM, aims to educate students and faculty about environmental issues and participates in activites such as beach clean ups and mangroves restoration.

Transportation A: USF offers preferred parking for carpoolers and is working on a large-scale ride-sharing program. A: Approximately 85% of students commute to campus via environmentally preferable means. A: Free ad discounted transit passes are provided to university employees, and a fleet of buses provides free transportation around campus. Faculty and employees who drive hybrid vehicles receive a 50% discount on parking passes

Administration A: The University has a formal sustainability policy and incorporates sustainability in the campus master plan and strategic plan.A: The Sustainability Committee created a sustainability office and has helped integrate sustainability into the curriculum. B: UM is committed to sustainability through a formal policy as well as components of the campus master plan and strategic plan.

Overall Grade B+B+B-

Green Card Information retrieved from The Competition

Aside from USFSP, other area colleges are taking initiative when it comes to going green and sustainability. There are similarities and differences among them.

Saint Petersburg College One of the schools taking part is St. Petersburg College. St. Petersburg College has adopted the following business practices in an effort to go green. SPC makes efforts to purchase Energy Star equipment. These equipment include essentials such as electronics, appliances, and office furnishings that are made from recycled materials. The college also uses Compact Fluorescent Lamps or LED lights across campus. The campus recycles 100% of the fluorescent bulbs. SPC maintains a "green cleaning" policy, as shown in its custodial department. The colleges cleaning supplies and equipment are all environmentally friendly. SPC has taken on the initiative of lowering water consumption. In its new appliances such as showers and toilets, they operate on a low flow system, which in turn reduces water usage by 30%. SPC also partners with the City of St. Petersburg utilities to use reclaimed water for

irrigation at all college sites. Similarly with USFSP, SPC shares some the same initiatives. Tree planting is a big one, as well as having LEED certified buildings across campus and new solar installations are popping up.

Eckerd College Another college making an impact on the green movement is Eckerd College. Like USF, it is one of nine Florida schools noted for its green efforts. Sustainability is a huge part of Eckerds culture and they have a vast array of initiatives currently taking place. Like USFSP, the college has LEED certified buildings as well as a recycling program, bike sharing program, and a car sharing program. Eckerd even has a devoted climate commitment plan on par with that of USF. One of the unique initiatives that Eckerd has going for it and USFSP does not, is what they call the environmental dorm. It is a dorm that is focused on the environment and the residents choose to be maintain a sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. Other exciting and progressive programs include environmental organizations on campus, a eat local challenge to support food made and grown around campus, and a natural habitat on campus called Alumni grove.

ConclusionAs the research and report has shown, the University of South Florida Saint Petersburg is a leader and an active member in the implementation of actions that accomplish the goals of the going green movement and of a sustainable community. The Strategic Plan and Mission Statement of the university sets the tone for USFSPs strong desire to be a part of the green movement. USFSPs numerous projects and constructions clearly show they arent fooling around. In addition, with the creation of the Student Green Energy Fund, the university has been able to effectively carry out various sustainable projects and has established a Green University, which is one of the few universities recognized by the Princeton Review Green College Guide. USFSPs initiatives are not only evident in the research and report, but also, are easily recognize by students, faculty, and visitors as they stroll the campus grounds, taking in the passion and movement towards a green and sustainable community.

Glossary of Terms

Sustainability: the ability to maintain the qualities that are valued in the physical environment. Living a green lifestyle to preserve the natural environment and its resources. Going Green: to pursue knowledge and practices that can lead to more environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible decisions and lifestyles, which can help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations. Mission Statement: formal summary of the aims and values of an organization, in this case, USFSP goals to participate in the going green movement. Strategic Plan: organizations process of defining its strategy, or direction, in making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. In this case, USFSP strategy and plans to improve the environment. Climate Commitment: USFSP greatest commitments to going green and remaining a sustainable campus and includes the up taking of ACUPCC. ACUPCC: stands for the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment. This initiative is making an effort to address climate damage and reverse it through commitments with colleges all across the United States. LEED Gold certification: Stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices. SGEF: stands for Student Green Energy Fund and is a collaborative, state-wide, student led committee that allows students to choose how their tuition is spend through projects that promote sustainability. PSTA: stands for Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority, which works with USFSP to provide students and faculty free rides.

Annotated Bibliography

Big, slippery words: sustainable and authentic". USFSP burg Blogs. N.p.. 15 Aug. 2012. Web. 10 Nov.2015.

This source is a news article on the conference that takes place for USF in Anna Maria Island. They talk about their plans for sustainability. It is between two important people and how they agreed. We will utilize this source to demonstrate current events and important figures regarding sustainability and going green.

Cash, Jacqui. USF One of Nation's Top Green Colleges. USFSP News. N.p.. 5 May 2012. Web. 10 Nov.2015.

This source is a news article on the background of USF and how its named one of the nations top green colleges. It provides a lot of information on what USF has done, and what they are going to do. This will be included in the paper on the history of going green. It also has information on the rankings of USF.

Davis, RaeChelle. USF named one of nation's greenest universities. Bay News 9. N.p.. 22 April 2014.Web. 10 Nov 2015.

This source is a news article on USF and how it was named one of the top green schools in the United States. It has been one of only 22 colleges to earn a spot on the Princetons Reviews Green Honor Roll. It informs on the programs USF has engaged in, as well as, their future goals. This source provides great recognition of USF and going green, which will contribute to our paper.

Free electric charging stations installed on campus. USFSP News Center. N.p.. 28 March 2012. Web 10Nov. 2015.

This source is a news article on what USF has done to participate in the going green program. They installed free electric vehicle charging stations on campus in the parking garage. They also evaluated the usage and costs. This has been another green initiative and yet another sustainable energy opportunity. This will provide information that can be included in the paper on what USF has done.

Weybrecht, Giselle. An innovative way to making your campus more sustainable: The StudentGreen Energy Fund. PRiMEtime. N.p.. 17 Dec. 2012. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.

This source provides information on how the Student Green Energy Fund (SGEF) was started. It also provides information on what projects have been approved/ funded in 2012, such as sustainable cardio equipment, solar docks, and hybrid truck. This source also provides what future projects are being thought of, such as bottling refill stations and LED lighting in parking garage. Some of these projects we can see have already been implemented on campus. We will utilize this source to demonstrate how USFSP has participated in the going green program.

Hagen, Sarah. USF graduation gowns made of plastic bottles. 10 News. N.p.. 25March 2015. Web 10 Nov 2015.

This source is a news article on how USF had made, yet another, attempt at going green. They made the graduation gowns green through the use of plastic bottles. Each gown is made from 23 water bottles. It does cost more for a gown. However, it was a unanimous student government vote to follow through with project. This source will provide good background information that will be incorporated into the paper.

Brinkmann, Robert, et al.. Climate Action Plan. Office of Sustainability ASUPCC. 11 May 2012. Web. 10Nov 2015.

This source is a journal written by USFs Office of Sustainability. It was written in 2010, and provides information on their climate action plan. It provides extensive and valuable information that can be included in the White Paper Project. It provides the overviews, and history of sustainability at USF. It also provides USFs goals for greenhouse gas emissions, action steps for the environment, transportation, energy, and consumption.

USF St. Petersburg Student Green Energy Fund (SGEF). USFSP Connect. N.p.. N.d.. Web 10 Nov 2015

This source is written by USF about the Student Green Energy Fund. It provides an overview on what is contained in the fund and that it is a student nominal fee. The fee is used to conserve energy, reduce energy costs, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting renewable energy technologies. This is a good source on what USF has done to contribute to the going green movement.

What does Going Green Mean. All-Recycling-Facts. N.p.. N.d.. Web. 10 Nov 2015.

This source provides information on what going green really means. This will be included in the paper in the beginning to ensure the reader knows what it means. It allows some background that can be emphasized on. There are five basic principles to going green which are to reduce pollution, to conserve resources, to conserve energy, to reduce consumption and waste, and to protect the earths ecological balance.

Work Cited

Big, slippery words: sustainable and authentic". USFSP burg Blogs. N.p.. 15 Aug. 2012. Web. 10 Nov.2015.

Brinkmann, Robert, et al.. Climate Action Plan. Office of Sustainability ASUPCC. 11 May 2012. Web. 10Nov 2015.

Cash, Jacqui. USF One of Nation's Top Green Colleges. USFSP News. N.p.. 5 May 2012. Web. 10 Nov.2015.

Davis, RaeChelle. USF named one of nation's greenest universities. Bay News 9. N.p.. 22 April 2014.Web. 10 Nov 2015.

Free electric charging stations installed on campus. USFSP News Center. N.p.. 28 March 2012. Web 10Nov. 2015.

Hagen, Sarah. USF graduation gowns made of plastic bottles. 10 News. N.p.. 25March 2015. Web 10 Nov 2015.

SGEF Approved Projects . n.d. 5 November 2015.

Student Green Energy Fund (SGEF). n.d. 5 November 2015.

USF St. Petersburg Student Green Energy Fund (SGEF). USFSP Connect. N.p.. N.d.. Web 10 Nov 2015

Weybrecht, Giselle. An innovative way to making your campus more sustainable: The StudentGreen Energy Fund. PRiMEtime. N.p.. 17 Dec. 2012. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.

What does Going Green Mean. All-Recycling-Facts. N.p.. N.d.. Web. 10 Nov 2015.

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