Page 1: Final Statement of Intent



Throughout the process the sound design of Dermy evolved and changed in numerous ways but the same statement from the initial intention still applied during production, big screen production, big screen sound.

The non-diegetic soundtrack was split into 2, the introduction and the main body. The introduction soundtrack (like commented on my initial statement of intent) reflected the gruesome side of taxidermy. In difference, the main body actually created the impression of taxidermy being a beautiful thing, something I didn’t consider as much at the beginning of the process. The non-diegetic soundtrack however was not created by a music producer we knew like we intended, due to time constraints we instead used royalty free music that we picked carefully online.

In terms of diegetic we still captured the taxidermist’s voice throughout shooting to a reasonably high quality using the radio microphones, however, we did capture less foley sound than we first envisaged. The soundtrack and sound design as a collective is successfully cinematic which was the fundamental idea and brief.

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