  • 8/18/2019 Final Report on Customer Satisfaction in PIA


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    Submitted To

    Mrs. Sana Ashraf 


    MBA-E9 (8th Semester)

    Submission Date

    April 19, 2016

    Submitted By

    Waji Ali !!!"

    #aifa Saleem !!!6

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  • 8/18/2019 Final Report on Customer Satisfaction in PIA


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    We $%&l li'e t% than's ALM#GHTY ALLAH the m%st enefiial, *rai%&s an merif&l

    $h% enale &s t% perei+e hi*her ieas %f life an helpe &s thr%&*h%&t %&r life espeiall in

    $ritin* this rep%rt an all lessin* t% #is el%+e $RO$HET M%HAMMAD &$B%H' $h%

    is the *reatest pers%nalit %f this &ni+erse.

    After Almi*ht Allah $e %$e %&r heartiest *ratit&e t% %&r parents ea&se their praers

    en%&ra*e &s t% %mplete %&r tas'.

    We are als% etremel than'f&l t% all %f %&r teahers espeiall t% Miss Sana Ash(a)  f%r her 

    re$ar less help, prei%&s s&**esti%ns, %nstant en%&ra*ement an pers%nal interest an

    'in *&ieline that enale &s t% $rite the rep%rt.

    At the en $e shall li'e t% than' all %&r lass fell%$s $h% al$as helpe &s in %&r st&ies

    $hen $e neee.

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    he rep%rt inl&es the inf%rmati%n a%&t $a*istan #nte(nationa+ Ai(+ines, a rief intr%&ti%n %f the /A an the pr%lems $hih are ein* fae nati%nal fla* arrier, the

     p&rp%se %f seletin* this t%pi is t% 'n%$ the reas%ns that $h /A an airline $hih $as %ne

    %f the est airline %f the $%rl an the str%n* pillar %f %&ntrs e%n%m is fain* h&*e

    l%sses f%r last man ears, this rep%rt parti&larl in+esti*ates the reas%ns %f elinin* le+el

    %f &st%mer satisfati%n in the ser+ies pr%+ie the /A as the passen*ers are

    %ntin&%&sl s$ithin* t% %ther airlines an /A is %nsistentl *%in* %$n. he s&r+e

    res&lts are als% inl&e in the rep%rt that researhers %n&te at Ha,-e(y %ni-e(sity

    Laho(e &rin* the s&r+e the researhers met the pe%ple $ith ifferent mins $here the

    n%tie their %mplaints a%&t /A, the %mplete inf%rmati%n is als% inl&e in the rep%rt. n

    the en researhers ha+e ae s%me s&**esti%ns $hih an help /A in reapt&rin* the l%st

     passen*ers 3 raise the le+el %f satisfati%n as $ell.

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  • 8/18/2019 Final Report on Customer Satisfaction in PIA


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    Table of ContentsA457WE:EME............................................................................................. 2


    Sn%psis................................................................................................................... !



    ;esearh Meth%%l%*................................................................................................. #

    1) $%alitative &e'hni%e...................................................................................#

    2) $%antitative &e'hni%e.................................................................................#

    SAM/E S=E...................................................................................#

    ;ESEA;4# ES:.....................................................................................#

    ata 4%lleti%n...........................................................................................................#

    1) Se'ondary ata............................................................................................#

    2) Pri*ary ata................................................................................................ #

    ata Analsis.............................................................................................................+

    ?inin*s................................................................................................................. 1,


    ;e%mmenati%ns..................................................................................................... 1!

    S&r+e >&esti%nnaire.................................................................................................16

    ;eferenes.............................................................................................................. 1+

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  • 8/18/2019 Final Report on Customer Satisfaction in PIA


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    he t%pi %f the researh rep%rt is the 4&st%mer Satisfati%n in the ser+ies %f /A.


    he p&rp%se %f %n&tin* the researh is t% in+esti*ate the reas%ns %f elinin* le+el %f 

    &st%mer satisfati%n in the ser+ies pr%+ie the /a'istan internati%nal airlines an

    s&**estin* s%me meas&res f%r the pr%lems.


    /a'istan nternati%nal Airlines (als% 'n%$n as /A) is the nati%nal fla* arrier %f /a'istan an the

    nati%nal airline %peratin* passen*er an ar*% ser+ies ar%&n the $%rl. t is n%$ s&fferin* l%sses as

    the passen*ers are s$ithin* t% %ther airlines &t it has the apait t% earn pr%fit, ailit t% rin* a' 

    th%se s$ithe passen*ers an it an %ntri&te t%$ars the :/ %f %&ntr as $ell.


    ;esearhers *%t the inf%rmati%n fr%m the internet &sin* se+eral searh en*ines s&h as :%%*le et.;esearhers %nstr&te a f&ll fle*e @&esti%nnaire f%r the s&r+e p&rp%se, $hih $as ir&late in

    the #aj+er =ni+ersit (E&r% 4amp&s) f%r the %lleti%n %f the resp%nses.


    ;esearhers *%t the ata mainl fr%m primar as $ell as se%nar s%&res. n se%nar s%&res

    researhers *%t m%st %f the ata fr%m the internet an ne$spapers as the are pr%+iin* s&ffiient

    inf%rmati%n a%&t &rrent sit&ati%n %f the %r*aniati%n.

    0act and )i1u(es/

    Maj%r fats an fi*&res that are a&sin* issatisfati%n am%n* the passen*ers a%&t the ser+ies ein*

     pr%+ie /a'istan nternati%nal airlines t% the passen*ers are a*ein* fleets, %+era*e empl%ees, an

    hi*h salar %f staff, p%litial element an %+erstaffin*. 


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    When /a'istan $as f%&ne in 19C it %mprise t$% territ%ries %n either sie %f the epanse

    %f nia. t $as in this &n&s&al ir&mstane that /a'istan nternati%nal $as f%rme in 19"".

    espite $ars an e%n%mi tr%&le, the arrier s&r+i+e t% *r%$ an pr%sper. /a'istan

    nternati%nal Airlines is the fla* arrier airline %f /a'istan, ase in 5arahi.

    t is %ne %f the lar*est airlines in Asia, %peratin* she&le ser+ies t% !6 estinati%ns

    thr%&*h%&t Asia, the Mile East, E&r%pe an %rth Ameria, as $ell as an etensi+e

    %mesti net$%r' lin'in* !0 estinati%ns.

      ts main ases are Dinnah nternati%nal Airp%rt, 5arahi, the Allama @al nternati%nal

    Airp%rt, ah%re an the Benair Bh&tt% nternati%nal Airp%rt, slamaa;a$alpini. he

    airline als% has se%nar ases, inl&in* /esha$ar nternati%nal Airp%rt, ?aisalaa

    nternati%nal Airp%rt, >&etta nternati%nal Airp%rt an M&ltan nternati%nal Airp%rt, fr%m

    $hih it %nnets the metr%p%litan ities $ith the main ases, the Mile East an the ?ar East. he airline is %$ne the :%+ernment %f /a'istan (8CF) an %ther shareh%lers


    t has 19,26! empl%ees (at ?er&ar 2016) f%r 26 %perati%nal airrafts in /A fleet $hih

    sh%$s that there are C0 empl%ees f%r a sin*le airraft, $hile the *l%al a+era*e is 1"0-200

    empl%ees per airraft. As %f April 2016, the /a'istan nternati%nal Airlines fleet %nsists %f 

    ! airrafts.

    $a*istan #nte(nationa+ Ai(+ines 0+eet o) Ai(c(a)t %tal 4apait


    Air&s A!10-!00 10 22C

    Air&s A!20-200 11 1"8

    A; 2-"00 6 8A; C2-"00 " 68

    B%ein* CCC-200E; 6 !29

    B%ein* CCC-200; 2 !10

    B%ein* CCC-!00E; ! !9!

    Tota+ 23 -

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    /a'istan nternati%nal Airlines, %r G/AG f%r sh%rt, an trae its e*innin*s t% the as $hen

    /a'istan $as n%t an inepenent state. n 196 M&hamma Ali Dinnah realie the nee f%r 

    an airline net$%r' f%r the f%rmin* %&ntr an alle &p%n the help %f an in&strialist Mira

    Ahma spahani t% e+el%p a fla* arrier f%r the nati%n. Mean$hile, an airline alle 4O(ient

    Ai(5ays4, re*istere in 5%l'ata, $as f%rme %n 2! 7t%er 196. n ?er&ar 19C, the

    airline r%&*ht three 4-! airplanes fr%m a %mpan in eas, an in Ma %f that ear the

    airline $as *rante a liense t% fl. Ser+ies $ere starte in D&ne fr%m 5%l'ata t% Sitt$e an

    Han*%n. his $as the first p%st-$ar airline fli*ht a S%&th Asian re*istere airline %mpan.

    $% m%nths after this ser+ie e*an, /a'istan $as f%rme. 7rient Air$as e*an relief 

    fli*hts t% the ne$ nati%n an, s%%n after, it m%+e its %perati%ns t% 5arahi, $here it e*an

    fli*hts t% ha'a %n C D&ne 19". n aiti%n, the first t$% %mesti r%&tes in /a'istan $ere

    estalishe, fr%m 5arahi t% ah%re /esha$ar an fr%m 5arahi t% >&etta t% ah%re.

    P- 10,+ S%per onstellation at ondon (eathrow) irport in 1+!!

    he :%+ernment %f /a'istan, realiin* the %perati%n $as failin* e%n%miall, pr%p%se that

    7rient Air$as mer*e int% a ne$ nati%nal airline. 7n 11 Marh 19"", 7rient Air$as mer*e

    $ith the *%+ernmentGs pr%p%se airline, e%min* G/a'istan nternati%nal Airlines

    4%rp%rati%nG. &rin* the same ear the airline %pene its first internati%nal ser+ie, fr%m

    5arahi t% %n%n

    #eathr%$ Airp%rt +ia 4air% nternati%nal Airp%rt an e%nar% a Iini Airp%rt in tal,

    &sin* three ne$l-a@&ire %'hee -1094 S&per 4%nstellati%ns. he 4-!s %ntin&e%peratin* the %mesti ser+ies in /a'istan. n Ma 19"6, /A %rere t$% f&rther S&per 

    %'hee 4%nstellati%ns %f the latest -109# +ersi%n an fi+e Ii'ers Iis%&nt 81". n

    19"9, Mali' %%r 5han $as name Mana*in* iret%r.

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    Resea(ch Methodo+o1y/

    1) $%alitative &e'hni%e

    2) $%antitative &e'hni%e

    here are t$% main tehni@&es f%r %n&tin* a researh $hih are liste a%+e, fr%m these

    t$% tehni@&es the researhers ha+e &se an preferre >&antitati+e ehni@&e ea&se it

     pr%+ie the %n+eniene t% researhers as it $as less time %ns&min* 3 l%$ %st tehni@&e

    f%r the researhers.

      SAM$LE S#6E/ ?ifteen resp%nents  SAM$LE AREA/ #aj+er =ni+ersit E&r% 4amp&s, ah%re

      SAM$LE %!#T/  St&ents fr%m ifferent epartments


    SAM$LE TECH!#7%E/  Simple ;an%m Samplin*

    RESEARCH DES#G!/   Epl%rat%r an esripti+e

    Data Co++ection/

    ata $as %llete ir&latin* a @&esti%nnaire %ntaine 1" @&esti%ns the researhers

    thr%&*h their pers%nal interati%n $ith the resp%nents in the #aj+er =ni+ersit (E&r%

    4amp&s) ah%re. he resp%nents %f the s&r+e $ere +er %%perati+e as alm%st 100F

    resp%nents resp%n +er sinerel. ;esearhers als% assiste s%me resp%nents fain* s%me

     pr%lems $hile ans$erin* the @&esti%ns the $ere ein* as'e.

    1) Seconda(y Data  / he main s%&re %f *atherin* se%nar ata $as internet an

    /a'istan nternati%nal Airlines earl %ffiials rep%rt, als% the researhers ha+e

    *athere s%me &sef&l inf%rmati%n fr%m /As %ffiial $esite.

    8' $(ima(y Data  / ;esearhers ha+e %n&te a s&r+e thr%&*h a small sie

    @&esti%ners %ntaine 1" @&esti%ns $hih $as ir&late in the #aj+er =ni+ersit

    (E&r% 4amp&s) ah%re, f%r the p&rp%se %f *atherin* primar ata. he @&esti%nnaire

    $as esi*ne a%rin* t% the nees %f the researh. ?%r the p&rp%se %f fillin* the

    @&esti%nnaire the &st%mers $ere selete ran%ml.

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    Data Ana+ysis/;esearhers ha+e as'e fifteen @&esti%ns thr%&*h %n&tin* a s&r+e in the #aj+er

    =ni+ersit E&r% 4amp&s, ah%re. he researhers ha+e as'e %th l%se ene an %pen

    ene @&esti%ns fr%m the resp%nents, th%se resp%nents $h% t%%' part in the s&r+e ha+e

    ans$ere the @&esti%ns +er sinerel an analsis %f the researhers ase %n th%se

    resp%nses is *i+en el%$.

    9: "hen (esea(che(s in;ui(ed about the )(e;uency o) the ai( (ound t(i.s )(om the

    (es.ondents in +ast 98 months< they )ound=

    0 1 to 2 to ! 6 to 10 11 to 200






    ! ! 2

    Ai( Round T(i.4s 0(e;uency

    8: "hen (esea(che(s as*ed (es.ondents about the .u(.ose o) thei( t(i.< they


    3%siness Pleas%re Personal 4thers0











    $u(.ose o) t(i.

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    3: "hen (esea(che(s as*ed the (es.ondents about the ai(+ines they t(a-e++ed on<

    they )ound=


    5 3 6


    Ai(+ines )(e;unet+y t(a-e++ed on

    2: "hen the (esea(che(s as*ed the (es.ondents to (ate the (ese(-ation a1ent o) 

    $#A>s se(-ices< they )ound=

    Best Good Worst Don't Recall0







    2 5 5 3

    Rese(-ation A1ent4s Se(-ices

    ?: 0(om (es.ondents 5hen as*ed )o( thei( decision to choose $#A )o( t(i.<

    (esea(che(s )ound=

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    Patriotis* ow air 5are Seats availability 4thers0





    " , 1

    0acto(s cont(ibuted to5a(ds decision ma*in1

    @: "hen (esea(che(s as*ed the (es.ondents about the .unctua+ity o) $#A in te(ms

    o) a((i-a+ de.a(tu(e< they )ound=

    7'ellent Good Poor Worst02





    1 #

    A((i-a+ De.a(tu(e

    : "hen (es.ondents as*ed to (ate the dea+in1 o) $#A 5ith de+ays and cance++ations<

    (esea(che(s )ound=

    3est Good average Poor 8ery poor0





    6 " 2

    De+ays Cance++ations

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    : "hi+e in;ui(in1 about the satis)action +e-e+ o) (es.ondents )o( the se(-ices o) $#A

    +i*e mea+s< ba11a1e hand+in1 etc:< the (esea(che(s )ound=


    ! ! !

    $#A4s Se(-ices Satis)action Le-e+

    : "hen it 5as as*ed )(om the (es.ondents about the attitude o) $#A sta))<

    (esea(che(s )ound=

    Pro5essional 9on pro5essional ont ;now 4thers0







    Sta)) Attitude

    9: "hen (esea(che(s as*ed (es.ondents about an u(1ent im.(o-ement in se(-ices

    .(o-ided by $#A< they )ound=





    %(1ent #m.(o-ement

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    99: "hen the (es.ondents as*ed )o( thei( 5i++in1ness about the im.(o-ement in

    se(-ices ima1e o) the $#A th(ou1h .(o.osed .(i-atiFation< (esea(che(s )ound=


  • 8/18/2019 Final Report on Customer Satisfaction in PIA


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    92: "hen (es.ondents as*ed i) they 1et a chance 5i++ they t(a-e+ a1ain in $#A<

    (esea(che(s )ound=


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    Ar%&n @ resp%nents sh%$e their &tm%st issatisfati%n t%$ars the hanlin* %f 

    /A $ith elas 3 anellati%ns.

    Alm%st 3 resp%nents $ere hi*hl %nerne a%&t /As p&nt&alit in terms %farri+al an epart&re.

    he @&alit %f meals, a**a*e hanlin* an fli*ht attenants ser+ies a&se hi*hl

    issatisfati%n am%n* maj%rit %f resp%nents.

    ;esearhers f%&n that the attit&e %f re$ is pr%fessi%nal &t a%rin* t% s%me

    resp%nents it is n%t *%% t%$ars passen*ers ea&se the %nt s&pp%rt passen*ers

    $hen the are in tr%&le.

    Maj%rit %f resp%nents $ere n%t happ a%&t the stri'es %f /A empl%ees ea&se its&ffere them a l%t mentall an finaniall.


    After %n&tin* this researh the researhers are stanin* at a plae $here the an sa that

     pe%ple %f /a'istan $ant t% tra+el thr%&*h /A &t a%rin* t% them the are %mpelle t%

    tra+el %ther airlines ea&se %f a%+e reas%ns. S% it an e sai that this is the time $hen

    the mana*ement an the :%+ernment %f /a'istan nee t% ta'e s%me seri%&s steps t%$ars the

    &pliftin* %f /A thr%&*h impr%+in* their ser+ies @&alit an ealin* pr%perl 3 sinerel

    $ith the %nerns sh%$n the maj%rit %f the resp%nents. Als% ea&se /a'istan at this

    time is fain* e%n%mi pr%lems $hile /A is pr%+in* a $hite elephant f%r the %&ntrs

    e%n%m, s% if /A an *et epenene fr%m p%litial infl&ene 3 ma'es the esire

    impr%+ements then the a is n%t far $hen it $ill start %ntri&tin* in the %&ntrs e%n%m

      ain* its re+en&e in it.


    /A m&st train their reser+ati%n a*ents f%r etter ealin* $ith the passen*ers.

    he m&st mae impr%+ements %n &r*ent asis in the area %f hanlin* $ith elas

    an anellati%ns ea&se ineffiien in this area ma'in* an ill-$ill %f /A in the

    mins %f passen*ers.

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    ?%r last man ears pe%ple are %mplainin* an @&esti%nin* the p&nt&alit %f /A in

    terms %f arri+al an epart&re s% the m&st ta'le $ith this pr%lem %n &r*ent asis.

    /A sh%&l n%t is%&ra*e its l%al &st%mers e*rain* them $ith their attit&e.

    Maj%rit %f passen*ers h%%se /A ea&se %f l%$ air fare s% fares sh%&l e mathe

    $ith %ther %mpetiti+e airlines if n%t less.

    ?%% @&alit sh%&l e impr%+e ea&se a lar*e n&mer %f resp%nents $ere n%t

    happ $ith the @&alit %f meals.

    Stri'es m&st n%t ist&r the l%al passen*ers mentall %r finaniall s% /A m&st ha+e

    s%me alternati+es in s&h $%rst %niti%ns f%r the passen*ers.

    :%+ernment %f /a'istan sh%&l *% f%r the ne$ s&siiar %mpan %f /A ea&seresp%nents are +er h%pef&l f%r etterment in /A str&t&re thr%&*h this m%+e.

    :%+ernment %f /a'istan m&st r%p the pr%p%se plan %f pri+atiati%n %f /A ea&se

    maj%rit %f resp%nents are n%t in fa+%r %f this m%+e.

    Su(-ey 7uestionnai(e/



    ear ;esp%nentJJ

    We are the st&ents %f MBA last semester fr%m #aj+er =ni+ersit %in* %&r masters pr%jet

      %n&tin* a s&r+e %n &st%mer satisfati%n re*arin* the @&alit %f ser+ies pr%+ie

    /A. H%&r partiipati%n in this s&r+e is %mpletel +%l&ntar as this s&r+e %nl see's t%

    &nerstan the passen*ers +ie$ a%&t the ser+ies %f /A pr%+ie t% himher. H%& an

    $ithra$ fr%m the s&r+e antime if %& feel &n%mf%rtale ans$erin* an @&esti%n. All theinf%rmati%n *athere this s&r+e $ill e hi*hl %nfiential 3 &se %nl f%r aaemi


    /lease start $ith the s&r+e it $ill ta'e appr%imatel " min&tes t% %mplete the


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    !ame o) Res.ondent/ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 


    De.a(tmentKDisci.+ine/ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 


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    1 W!at "s t!e fre#$enc of t!e a"r ro$nd tr"&s o$ !ae (ade "n t!elast 12 (ont!s


    0  1@2



      A 10

    2 W!at *as t!e (a"n &$r&ose of o$r tr"&





    4thersB Spe'i5y CCCCCCCCCC 

    3 W!"c! of t!e follo*"n+ a"r l"nes o$ !ae traelled b


      Shaheen ir

      ir 3l%e

      *irates airlines

      4thersB Spe'i5y CCCCCCCCCC 4 ,o* do o$ rate t!e ser"ces &ro"ded b -./ reserat"on a+ent

    *!en (a"n+ o$r trael arran+e(ents





      onDt Ee'all

    5 W!"c! factor contr"b$ted to*ards o$r dec"s"on to c!oose -./ foran of o$rs tr"&


    ow air 5are

      Seats availability


    4thersB Spe'i5y CCCCCCCCCC 

    6 ,o* do o$ rate t!e &$nct$al"t of -./ "n ter(s of arr"al andde&art$re





    7 ,o* do o$ rate t!e deal"n+ *"t! delas and cancellat"ons of t!e"+!ts b -./


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      Good average


      8ery Poor

    ,o* sat"sed o$ are "n ter(s of ser"ces (eals "+!tattendants ba++a+e !andl"n+ etc) of -./

      ighly satis?ed


      9either satis?ed nor dissatis?ed


    ,o* do o$ rate t!e -./ sta att"t$de to*ards &assen+ers


      9on pro5essional


    onDt ;now

      4thersB Spe'i5y CCCCCCCCCC 

    10 .f o$ are ased abo$t an $r+ent "(&roe(ent a(on+ fro(t!e ser"ces of -./ *!at s!o$ld "t be

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  • 8/18/2019 Final Report on Customer Satisfaction in PIA


    Power point presentation is available at



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