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    Prepared By:Neshat Akter Liza

    ID: 07-028

    Department of Management Information SystemsUniversity of Dhaka

    Prepared For:Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia

    ProfessorDepartment of Management Information Systems

    University of Dhaka

    Date of Submission: 18th February

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    Letter of Transmittal

    ToDr. Md. Abdul Hannan MiaProfessorManagement Information SystemsUniversity of Dhaka

    Subject: Submission of Internship Report

    Sir,It is my great pleasure to submit the internship report titled GENERALBANKING ACTIVITIES OF UTTARA BANK LTD. which has beenprepared as an integrated part of the course requirement of my BBAprogram. My internship was held at Uttara Bank Ltd, General BankingDepartment, Malibagh Branch.

    It will be highly appreciated if you kindly accept the report. Your positiveaction about this matter would be very much helpful for my academiccareer. If you need any additional clarification or information in interpretingthis analysis, I will be glad to answer your queries.

    Sincerely yours,

    .Neshat Akter LizaID- 07-028Management Information SystemsUniversity of Dhaka

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    Internship Report

    I do hereby declare that the internship report on General bankingactivities of Uttara Bank Ltd.has been prepared by me under theguidance of Dr. Md. Abdul Hanna Mia, Professor, ManagementInformation Systems, University of Dhaka. For the partial fulfillment of BBAprogram from the department of Management Information Systems (MIS),

    Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka.

    I further affirm that the work is original and the report has not beensubmitted by any other students for the completion of BBA or other degree.

    .Neshat Akter LizaID- 07-028Management Information SystemsUniversity of Dhaka

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    Supervisors Declaration

    This is certify that the internship report General Banking Activities ofUttara Bank Ltd. is done by Neshat Akter Liza successfully under mysupervision as a partial fulfillment of the requirement of Bachelor ofBusiness Administration degree from the Department of ManagementInformation Systems, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka. Tothe best of my knowledge and as per her declaration the report is anauthentic work on the issue and has not been submitted to anywhere forawarding any degree. I wish his every success in life.

    Dr. Md. Abdul Hanna MiaProfessorDepartment of Management Information Systems (MIS)Faculty of Business StudiesUniversity of Dhaka.

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    At first, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Almighty Allah, thesupreme authority of the universe. It is my greatest pleasure to get theopportunity to complete my internship from Uttara Bank Ltd. I think myexperience at Uttara Bank will provide me with lots of practical knowledgeregarding the banking industry.

    Now I would like to thank my academic supervisor Dr. Md. Abdul HannanMia, Professor, Management Information Systems, University of Dhaka for

    his untiring guidance, help, effort, and suggestion. Without his directguidance this report couldnt be possible. A forbearing personality, Dr. Md.Abdul Hannan Mia, constantly inspired me to make the report better andshare his knowledge with me. I shall remain ever grateful to him for hisamazing gesture and relentless effort.

    I am also thankful to my organizational supervisor Md. Hasnayen Manager,and his team, without their direct help, suggestion, and assistance it wasimpossible for me to complete this report. I was fully supported by his team

    to prepare this report especially by Farhana Jesmin and Md. Masum Billahand I am indebted to them. They very patiently taught me a lot of thingsthat will help me in my future career and treated me as one of them and Iam indebted to them for their support.

    I would also like to thank the authority of Uttara Bank Limited for giving me

    the opportunity to work in such wonderful working environment.

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    Executive Summary:

    The Organization to be studied for internship report is Uttara Bank Ltd.Uttara Bank Ltd. has started its journey as a private banking organization in1965. I was appointed in Uttara Bank Ltd at Malibagh Chowdhury Parabranch as an intern; I got the opportunity to acquire a closer understandingto the general banking activities.

    General banking is one of the most important departments for bankingsector. It is introductory department of the bank to its customer. MalibaghChowdhury Para branch of UBL has all required of general banking and allthese section are run by manpower with their high quality banking


    The report consists of several chapters. Each chapter contains necessaryinformation. The report explains the Origin, Background, ProblemStatement, Scope, Limitations, Methodology and Objectives. Theelementary objective of this report is to explore the general bankingactivities of UBL.

    The report demonstrates companys vision, mission, objectives, strategies

    and goals. The companys vision is To stand out as a pioneer banking

    institution in Bangladesh and contribute significantly to the national

    economy. The mission is to provide high quality financial services, fast &

    accurate customer services and innovative banking services to up to its

    remotest customers.

    Companys main divisions and departments along with its sections andsub-sections are stated. Industry Analysis has been added also.The topic of the report is The general banking activities of UBL. The

    report exemplify how general banking activities occur these activities

    enhance the performance of bank.

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    1. Introduction:

    Banking is one of the most competitive industries of Bangladesh that has

    been a huge amount of growth during the last decade. Banking

    organization has become essential for almost every person to deal withbanks somehow in their bread & better life. As a result, bank has become

    essential for every person to have some idea on the bank and banking

    procedure. If we want to build our career in banking area only theoretical

    knowledge would not help us. As internship program is established to

    gather practical knowledge regarding various sector of economy, I choose

    to get practical knowledge regarding banking sector and I select Uttara

    Bank as my organization to work which is the leading bank in the private

    banking sector.

    1.1. Origin of Report:

    Internship Program of Department of Management Information Systems,

    University of Dhaka is a graduation requirement for the BBA students. This

    report is a partial requirement of the Internship program. Assigned by the

    institutional supervisor, this report is prepared for internship about Thegeneral banking activities of Uttara Bank LTD.

    1.2. Problem Statement:

    This Internship report titled as General banking activities of Uttara

    Bank LTD

    In the current banking business world, general banking iscovering a large area of banking activities.

    1.3. Objective of the report:

    The internship report is about analyzing the general banking activities. Thereport is made to get practical exposure to organizational environment as

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    well as to understand the system and methodology adopted in conductingday to day banking by the Uttara Bank Limited.

    1.4. Specific objectives:

    Some other objectives of the report are given below: To have an exposed on the banking environment of Bangladesh To point out the tools of other tasks adopted by Uttara Bank Limited. To evaluate employees customer satisfaction of Uttara Bank Limited. To gain practical knowledge regarding the bank and its current

    functions. Historical background of the Uttara Bank Limited. To have some practical experience of job life.

    1.5. Scope of the Report:

    Uttara Bank Limited is one of the traditional banks of Bangladesh the report

    provided me with an opportunity to explore the general banking activities of

    Uttara Bank Limited. This report covers actual opinion of the customer or

    the potential customers and the guest who came through Uttara Bank of

    Malibagh branch. It also covers the organizational overview & structure,

    background, basic functions, transaction procedure, customer dealings &performance of the bank.

    Apart from that, it provided me a great deal of exposure to interact with high

    profile managers of the company.

    1.6. Methodology:

    The methodology of the study required data at first. This methodology waschosen to provide an initial rapid assessment of this complex and dynamicsector. Basically, this is a theoretical study. But there are some quantitativeinformation incorporated to pin point the reality. Throughout the studyseveral subjects are highlighted requiring future study. The methodology ofthe report includes direct observation, oral communication with theemployee of all departments of Uttara Bank Limited Malibagh branch.

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    1.6.1 Data Source:

    Data for this report was extracted from primary sources as well assecondary sources.

    Primary Data:

    Primary Data was collected though questionnaire survey on customerssatisfaction, practical desk work and direct interview was done withemployees of Uttara Bank Limited.

    Secondary Data:

    Majority of the information was collected from Annual Report of UBL,informal discussions mainly with supervisor and team members,document of UBLMalibagh branch, newspaper (financial express) andUBL official web sites.

    1.6.2 Questionnaire design:

    The questionnaire was designed in such a way so that the view of

    respondents articulated properly regarding each and every issue. Therewere five options for each question and respondent were only allowed toselect one answer.

    1.7. Limitation of the study:

    Every process usually carries limitations with it. This study is not an

    exception. The limitations that were faced on the way to this internshipreport are stated below:

    Time constraint was a big factor and I had to do this report along withmy regular office work.

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    Data availability is another big issue here because company was notwilling to disclose few the confidential information regarding theirmanagerial strategies and plans.

    I have no previous experience which is hampered my work They do not use modern equipment to record the database regarding

    the customer and client. The website of the bank is not that much rich to collect data. As the data was collected through the surveyor, it might hamper the

    data validity and reliability.

    Even though there are some limitations, I tried my level best to collectadequate data and information to make the report meaningful.

    2. About UBL:

    2.1. Overview of UBL:

    UTTARA B ANK LIMITED is one of the oldest and largest Commercialbank in the private sector in Bangladesh. it provides mass banking servicesto the customers through its branch network all over the country .this bankhas been playing vital role in socio economic ,industrial and agriculturaldevelopment of the country.

    The prosperity of country depends on its economic activities. Like any othersphere of modern socio economic activities, banking is an powerfulmedium of bringing about socio economic changes of a developing country.Without adequate banking facilities agriculture, commerce and industrycannot be flourished. A suitable developed banking system can provide the

    necessary drives for the economic growth of the country. Because bankingsystem is linked with the whole economy of the country.

    UTTARA BANK LIMITED is a private commercial bank, offers a range ofmass banking services and products in Bangladesh. Its deposit productsinclude savings bank account, fixed deposit accounts, current accounts,

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    pension accounts, and foreign currency accounts. The bank loan and leaseservices are composed micro credit, SME financing, industrial loans,working capital financing , export credit , import credit, bill purchase, letterof credit, letter of guarantee, lease financing, transport financing consumerloan schemes and house building loans. It also offers various remittanceservices including remittance of fund from abroad to Bangladesh.

    2.2. Historical Background of the UBL:

    At first Uttara Bank Limited was established in 1964 named as anEASTERN BANKING CORPORATION. After liberation war it was changedto Uttara Bank .In 1984 it issued its share through stock exchange and

    named as Uttara Bank Limited. Uttara Bank is one of the largest and oldestprivate sector commercial banks in Bangladesh with years of experience.

    Adaption of modern technology, both modern equipment and bankingpractice ensure efficient service to their customers. Within 207 branches athome and 600 affiliates worldwide create efficient networking and wellcapability. Uttara Bank is serving both clients and country. It started itsbanking business through opening of import letters of credit in favor offoreign suppliers on behalf of various import clients. After starting operationas a commercial bank from November 1 , 1985 onwards, side by side withthe traditional products it also started providing all types of foreignexchange related services to its different categories of clients. As such theestablishment of a strong international division was felt since the veryinception of the bank. The division has been managing by executives andofficers who are well conversant with foreign exchange related tooperations so that the branches dealing in foreign exchange relatedtransactions could get all the supports from the head office, besides givinginternational trade related support to the branches the division isresponsible for proper maintenance of the nostrums accounts investment ofexcess foreign reserves, for ensuring proper compliance of the foreign

    exchange regulation by the branches handling foreign exchange business.

    2.3. UBL at Glance:

    Business name: Uttara Bank Limited (UBL)

    It is one of the oldest private commercial Bank in Bangladesh.

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    It was formally known as Eastern Banking Corporation.

    It has been working as private commercial Bank from the year of


    Currently it is operating with 207 branches in home & 600

    international correspondents. All the branches of UBL are fully computerized with changing


    About 3,562 employees are in the winning team of UBL.

    The Head Office is located at Banks own 18-storied building at

    Motijheel, the commercial center of the capital, Dhaka.

    Registered Office is located at90, Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-

    1000, Bangladesh, GPO Box- 217 & 818.

    Corporate Office 2Regional Office 12Worldwide Affiliates 600Total Branches 227

    Authorized Dealer Branches 39Treasury & Dealing Room 1

    Training Institute 1Man Power 3562

    Figure: UBL Network

    2.3. Location of UBL:

    UBL has its own building of 18 stored that is using as head office located at

    Motijheel Commercial Area of Dhaka city. Bank has also its own building in

    the following locations-

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    Local office,

    Eastern Plaza branch,

    Hotel Isakha branch,

    Dar-us-salam road branch,

    Lease financing unit in Eastern Tower Building, Training institute of the Bank at Eastern plus (145, shantinagar),


    Nabagram branch in Manikgonj,

    Zonal office and KDA branch in Khulna and Shaheb Bazar branch in


    2.4. Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies:

    2.4.1. Vision statement:

    To stand out as a pioneer banking institution in Bangladesh and contribute

    significantly to the national economy.

    2.4.2. Mission statement:

    High quality financial services with the help of the latest


    Fast and accurate customer services.

    Balance growth strategy.

    High standard business ethics. Innovative banking at a competitive price.

    Steady return on Shareholders equity.

    Quality human resources.

    Firm commitment to the society and the growth of national


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    2.4.3. Goals:

    Uttara bank will be the absolute market leader in the number of loans given

    to small and medium sized enterprises throughtout Bangladesh. It will be aworld-class organization in terms of service quality and establishing

    relationships that help its customer to develop and grow successfully. It will

    be the bank of choice both for its employees and its customers, the model

    bank in this part of the world.

    2.4.4 Strategy of UBL:

    To strive for customers best satisfaction & their confidence

    To manage & operate the bank in the most effective manner.

    To identify customer needs & monitor their perception towards

    meeting those requirement

    To review & updates policies, procedures & practices to

    enhance the ability to extend better service to customer.

    To train & develop all employees & provide them adequate

    resources so that the customer needs are reasonably

    addressed. To cultivate a congenial working environment.

    To diversify portfolio both the retail & wholesale market

    2.5. Organizational structure of Uttara Bank Limited:

    Truly organizational form follows function for banks usually are organized tocarry out the roles assigned to them as efficiently as possible. Bank size is

    also a significant factor in determining how banks are organized. However,

    a Banks role and size are not the only determinants of how it is organized

    or how well it performs. Government regulation has played a major role in

    shaping the performance and diversity of banking organizations that

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    operate around the globe. The organizational structure of Uttara Bank Ltd.

    is as under:

    ChairmanVice Chairman

    DirectorsManaging Directors

    Additional Managing DirectorDeputy Managing Director

    Executive General ManagerGeneral Manager

    Deputy General Manager

    Assistant General ManagerSenior Principal Officer

    Principal OfficerSenior Officer

    Officer G-IIAssistant Officer

    Figure: Organizational structure

    2.6. Different Division and Department of UBL:

    2.6.1 Human Resource Division:

    Personnel Department

    Disciplinary Department

    Test Key Department Research & Planning Department

    Risk Management Department

    2.6.2. Central Account Division:

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    Account Department

    Reconciliation Department

    2.6.3. Credit Division:

    Approval Department

    Admin. & Monitoring Department

    Lease Finance Department

    Recovery Department

    2.6.4. Internal Control & Compliance Division:

    Audit & Inspection Department

    Monitoring Department

    Compliance Department

    2.6.5. Banking Control & Common Services Division:

    Anti-money Laundering Department

    Branches Operation Department

    Business Promotion Department Green banking Department

    2.6.6. Board & Share Division:

    Board Department

    Share Department

    2.6.7. International Division:

    Corresponding Banking Department

    Remittance Department

    Trade Service department

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    2.6.8. Treasury Division:

    Front Office

    Back Office Assets & Liability management Department

    2.6.9. Establishment Division:

    General Service Department

    Transport Department

    Stationary & Record Department

    Engineering Department

    2.6.10. Information & communication Technology Division:

    MIS Department

    Development & Support Department

    Card Department

    2.6.11. Corporate Banking Division:

    Credit Marketing Department

    Credit business Development Department

    2.7. Capital and Reserve Fund:

    2.8. Capital adequacy:

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    2.9. Human Resources:

    The Bank gives preference for the development of its employees. For that

    reason, the bank undertakes different training program & Research &

    Development (R&D) time to time. Development of human resources isgoing on in the following ways-

    Banks own training institute has been striving to bring about a qualitative

    change and improvement in human resources of the bank by imparting

    continuous different training throughout the whole year.

    Guest speakers specialized in banking participate in each training program

    of the Bank in addition to highly educated faculty members of the staff of

    the Bank participated.

    A member of executives and officials are sent to various training institutions

    including Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM) and abroad

    for higher training.

    Board of Director:

    Azharul Islam ChairmanMr. Iftekharul Islam Vice ChairmanMr. Syed A.N.M. Wahed DirectorEngr. Tofazzal Hossain DirectorMr. Asif Rahman DirectorMr. Faruque Alamgir DirectorMr. Md Arif Rahman DirectorCol .Engr.M.S Kamal DirectorMr. Abul Barq Alvi DirectorDr. Md. Nazmul Karim Chowdhury DirectorMr. M. Tajul Islam DirectorMr. Md. Kamal Akhtar Independent DirectorDr. Md, Rezaul Karim Mazumder Independent DirectorMr. Shaikh Abdul Aziz Managing Director

    Figure: Board of Director

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    2.10. Product & Services of UBL:

    The product and services of uttara bank limited can be broadly classifies

    into two groups. i.e. depository product, loan product. These are given


    Figure: services of UBL

    4. Malibagh Branch of Uttara Bank:

    Malibagh branch is one of the potential branches of Uttara bank. It started

    functioning from 1967. It is situated at the 2nd floor of 90/B- MalibaghChowdhury Para, Dhaka-1219. As an online banking branch, the branch

    has been continuing to extend especial importance on giving online

    banking service to customer. With the enthusiastic endeavor of good

    number of skilled officer the branch has been recording significant growth

    in its business during last couple of years. There exists a congenial

    General Banking

    Different accountopen, issues of DD,TT, PO

    Clearing, FD,Differnt Scheme etc

    Credit and

    AdvanceSOD general Loan,

    House building loan,Lease finance

    Staff loan,CCS etc

    Foreign exchange


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    atmosphere among the officers in the branch. Historical data, customer

    profile and team spirit of the officers give hope to its management that the

    branch will see notable success in its future operation.

    Malibagh branch of Uttara bank limited conduct all types commercialbusiness activities, such as rendering personal credits, local and foreigh

    remittance , loans and advances, bill receiving and collection, So bank

    strategy is gradually cover total area of banking.

    4.1. Objectives of the Branch:

    To provide banking service to the people within the commanding

    area. To keep position in the competitive market.

    To contribute in profitability of UBL.

    4.2. Department of Branch:

    The Branch has following department:

    1. Account opening department2. Cash department

    3. Local & foreign remittance department

    4. Clearing department

    5. Loans and Advances department

    6. Customer service department

    4.3. Number of employees of the Branch:

    SL Designation Number ofemployee1. Senior Principal Officer

    & manager1

    2. Deputy manager 13. Principal Officer 44. Assitant Officer 3

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    5. Senior officer 26. Officer (Grade-2) 37. Staff 6

    Total 20

    Figure: number of employees of Malibagh branch

    4.4. Product of UBL Malibagh branch:

    Figure: Product of UBL Malibagh Branch

    Deposit Modes:

    Fixed deposit

    Double benefit deposit scheme

    Deposit pension scheme

    Monthly deposit scheme



    Loan &Advance



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    Short term deposit

    Saving bank deposit

    Current deposit


    Pay order

    Demand draft

    Telegraphic Transfer

    Mail transfer


    Money gram

    Instant cash

    Express money

    SWIFT service

    Loan & Advance:

    Demand loanTerm loan

    Commercial loan

    Other loan


    The relationship started with the customer and the bank by opening theaccount. Initially all the accounts are opened with a deposit of money by

    the customer .But in this day there are several types of rules and regulation

    provided by the government for opening the account. This is only for the

    terrorist (JMB) arise of our country that damages the total nation. Now if

    anyone wanted to open his/her account then they must sign in the money

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    laundering, they have to tell about their money sources and face various

    types of question.

    5.1. Function of the Department:

    The function of the department is to perform the following main function:

    Accepting deposit

    Opening of account

    Cheque book issue

    Transfer of account

    Closing of account

    5.1.1 Accepting deposit:

    Deposits are life blood of a commercial bank. Without deposit there are no

    accounts can be opened. In Malibagh branch there are various types of

    account are offered for the various customers. They are different group.

    They are like

    Demand deposit account

    Time deposit account

    Fixed deposit account

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    Figure: Various types of figure

    Demand deposit account

    The amount in account are payable in demand so it is called demand

    deposit account. The following accounts are under demand depositaccount:

    Figure: Depository product

    Current Account:

    These types of account can be opened by both individual and business

    concern. A current account holder can draw cheque on his account for anyamount for any number of times in a day as the balance in his account

    permits. When the amount is large than the account holder may be remind

    it a few days ago. This account provides no interest. The minimum balance

    to be maintained is Tk 2000/-.No new account can be opened with a




    Sving BankAccount



    Short TermDeposite



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    Saving Account:

    Individual for saving purpose open this type of account. Current interest

    rate of this account is 3.50% per annum. A minimum balance of Tk. 1000 isrequired to be maintained in a SB account interest on CB account is

    calculated and accrued monthly and credited to the account half yearly

    Interest calculation is made for each month on the basis of the lowest

    balance at credit of an account in that month. A depositor can withdraw

    from his SB account not more than twice a week up to an amount not

    exceeding 25% of the balance in the account.

    Any Bangladesh National residing home or abroad may open saving

    account with UBL.

    This account may be opened in single or joint name

    The account holder may nominate his nominee in this account.

    The nominee can get the balance amount without submitting succession

    certificate after the death of account holder.

    Requirement for opening of the A/C

    Account opening form as per format below. The account opening

    form and signature card to be filled in and duly signed.

    Two copies passport size photos of the account holder.

    Photo of nominee (if any) duly attested by the account holder.

    Photocopy of the 1


    7 pages of the passport for non-residentBangladeshi national.

    Signature in the account opening form/card must be same with the

    signature of the passport.

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    Special Notice Term Deposit (STD)

    The deposit in this account is withdrawal on prior notice varying from 7 to

    29 days and 30 days or more. The interest is paid on the balance of the

    account. Current interest rate is 5.00% per annum.Govt., Semi govt., Autonomous organization and an individual may open

    STD account with UBL.

    UBL offers attractive/competitive rate of interest in STD Account.

    7 days notice required to withdraw big amount.

    Opening procedure:

    For opening such A/C, application prescribed from along with a set of

    specimen signature duly verified by Bangladesh mission abroad or by a

    reputable bank of any other person known to the bank, should be obtained

    by the brandies. In case of persons, already maintain any F.C A/C or

    N.F.C.D. A/C with them, reference to that F.C A/C will serve, the purpose of

    introduction, the branch may verify the signature from the specimen

    signature and already available with them. Only one such F.C A/C can be

    maintained and the balance in the A/C should not exceed $ 30,000/- or

    equivalent pound sterling at any one time. The A/C holder is also required

    to submit photocopies of passport, visa and work permit/contract. As this is

    a current account no interest is paid to the A/c holder.

    Time deposit Account:

    The amount in this A/C is payable only after stipulated time. The followingA/Cs are under time deposit A/C: Fixed Deposits which are repayable after

    the expiry of fixed period and negotiable.

    Bearer certificate of deposits (BCD), which are repayable after the expiry of

    fixed period but are negotiable. These are not renewable. Non-resident

    foreign currency deposits are them deposits maturing after 1 month, 3

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    months, 6 months and 1 year. This A/Cs can be opened either in US dollar

    or pound sterling. No interest is paid in case of premature encashment.

    Fixed deposit Account

    These are deposit, which are made with the bank for a fixed period

    specified in advance. The band need not maintain each reserve against

    these deposits and therefore, bank gives high rate of interest on such

    deposits. A FDR is issued to the depositor acknowledging receipt of the

    sum of money mentioned therein. It also contains the rate of interest and

    the date on which the deposit will due for payment.

    Interest on Deposits

    Particulars rate of interest:

    Deposits Interest RateSaving deposits 3.50%

    Special Notice Deposits (STD) 5.00%

    Fixed Deposits (3 months) 5.00%

    Fixed Deposits(6 months)


    Fixed Deposits (1 year) 5.00%

    Fixed Deposits (2 years ) 5.00%

    Monthly deposits and payment amount of Uttara bank LTD:

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    MonthlyInstallmentsize (tk)



    MonthlyInstallmentsize (tk)



    MonthlyInstallmentsize (tk)



    500 2 13192 500 3 20731 500 5 37995

    1000 2 26385 1000 3 41461 1000 5 759902000 2 52770 2000 3 82923 2000 5 1519805000 2 131924 5000 3 207307 5000 5 37994910000 2 263849 10000 3 414614 10000 5 75989815000 2 395773 15000 3 621920 15000 5 113984720000 2 527698 20000 3 829227 20000 5 151979625000 2 659622 25000 3 1036534 25000 5 189974530000 2 791547 30000 3 1243841 30000 5 2279695

    5.2. Opening of Account:

    It includes two steps. They are

    1. Account opening procedure.

    2. Classification of customer.

    5.2.1. Account Opening Procedure:

    Documents needed for each accounts separately:

    (Current/Savings accounts)

    Current Account

    1. Limited Company

    Certificate of Incorporation.

    Certificate of Commencement of business.

    Memorandum of association.

    Article of association.

    Power of attorney.

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    Resolution of the board of directors authorizing opening of an



    Other than above mentioned common documents resolution of who willoperates the account must be noted.

    2. Proprietorship firm

    Name of the authorized persons, designation, specimen, signature


    trade license

    Photo copy of national ID card/passport/chairman certificate.

    An existing current account holders identification

    3. Partnership Firm

    Account must be opened in the name of the firm.

    The form should describe the names and address of the entire

    partner. Trade license from City Corporation is needed.

    Partnership deed.

    Letter of authority is achieving.

    Account Opening procedure:

    Account opening form duly filled up. Specimen signature cards in duplicate.

    Certified copy of bylaws, rules and regulations in case of

    corporations and autonomous body are to be obtained.

    Certified copy of the resolutions-authorizing opening of an account.

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    List of members of the executive committee and list of directors are

    to be obtained.

    Partnership deed, in case of partnership.

    Certificate of incorporation in case of both public and private limited

    companies.Memorandum/Articles of Associations, Resolution of the Board of

    Directors authorizing opening of the account for limited companies

    and corporation.


    Itincludes the following things:

    Individual (personal)

    Proprietorship (Sole trades)

    Partnership firms (Registered or unregistered)

    Joint stock companies (Private limited companies/public ltd.)

    Public sector corporations

    Municipalities/ Municipal/ Corporations/ Local Bodies etc.

    Clubs / Societies / Associations / Schools / Colleges / Universities


    Executors / Administrations Trustees

    Illiterate Persons

    Constituted Attorney

    Wage Earners.

    5.3. Issue of Cheque Book:

    According to Section 60f Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, a cheque is A

    Bill of Exchange drawn on a specified banker and not expressed to be

    payable otherwise than on demand. To facilitate withdrawals and

    payments to third parties by the customer, UBL provides a cheque book to

    the customer Cheque book contains 10 leaves for savings account while

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    for current account is 25 or 50 or even 100 leaves. A Cheque book issuing

    register is maintained in this regard. This register contains the Cheque

    book number, leaf number, issuing date.

    5.3.1. Procedure of issuance of a fresh cheque book:

    A customer who opened a new account initially deposits minimum

    required money in the account.

    The account opening form is sent for issuance of a cheque book

    Respected officer first draws a cheque book

    Officer then sealed it with branch name

    In charge officer enters the number of the cheque book in register


    Officer also enters the customer name and the account number in

    the same register

    Account number is written down on the face of the cheque book.

    The name of the customer is also written down on the face of

    cheque book.

    Number of cheque book and date of issuance is also written on

    the application form

    Next the customer is asked to sign in the cheque book issueregister.

    Then the respected officer signs on the face of the requisition slip

    put his initial in the register and handover the cheque to the


    5.3.2. Issue of new cheque book:

    All the procedure for issuing a new cheque book for old account is same

    as the procedure of new account. Only differences are those:

    Account holders have to submit the requisition slip of the oild

    cheque book with date, signature and his/her address.

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    Computer posting is then given to the requisition slip to know the

    position of account and to know how many leaves still not used.

    The number of the new cheque book is entered on the back of yhe

    old requisition slip and is signed by officer.

    5.3.3. When the cheque book is lost:

    If the cheque book is lost, the customer has to furnish a guarantee

    indemnifying by an application to the bank. After fulfilling this, a new

    cheque book is issued. Seldom customers are allowed to use loose cheque

    if the customer want to draw money without presenting previously issuedcheque. A separate register is maintained in this regard. But this is highly

    discouraged in UBL. In a few days ago when the account holder will busy

    than he send a representative, the banker issued cheque and provide a

    acknowledgement with the cheque book. When the acknowledgement is

    return by the account holder by the signature then he can draw the cheque.

    5.4. Transfer of Account:

    The customer submits an application mentioning the name of the

    branch to which he wants the account to be transferred.

    His signature card , advice of new account and all relevant document

    are sent to that branch trough registered post.

    The balance standing at credit in customers account is sent to the

    other branch trough Inter Branch Credit advice(IBCA).

    Not exchange should be charged on such transfer

    Attention is also given in this connection

    5.5. Closing of Account:

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    The following circumstances are usually considered in case of closing an

    account or justifying the stoppage of the operation of an account:

    Notice given by the customer himself or the customer is desirous to

    close the account Death of the customer

    Customers insanity and insolvency.

    If the branch finds that the account is inoperative for a long time.

    If Garnishee Order is issued by the court of law on the bank branch

    A customer can close out his A/C at any time by submitting an application

    to the branch. Upon the request of a customer an account, the following

    procedure is followed by a banker:

    1. The customer should be asked to draw the final cheque for the

    amount standing to the credit of his a/c less the amount of closing

    and other incidental charges and surrender the unused cheque


    2. The a/c should be debited for the account closing charges etc. and

    an authorized officer of the bank should destroy unused cheque

    leaves.3. In case of joint account the applicant for closing the a/c is to be

    signed by all the joint holders even if the a/c is prepared by either of


    4. The last cheque for withdrawal of the available balance in the a/c is

    to be signed by all the joint holders.

    6. Local Remittance Department

    UBL has its branches spread throughout the country and therefore, it

    serves as best mediums for remittance of funds from one place to

    another. This service is available to both customers and non-customers of

    the bank. The department, which provides the facility, is known as local

    remittance department

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    6.1. Functions of the Local Remittance Department:

    The following are the main functions performed by the credit department:

    Issuing & payment of Demand Draft.

    All related correspondence with other Branches &Banks.

    Compliance of audit & Inspection.

    Balance of D.D. payable & D.D. paid with advice.

    Attached to Sanchaya Patra and wage Earners Development Bonds.

    Payment of Incoming TT.

    Issuing, encashment of pay order and maintenance of record and

    proof sheet.

    Issuing and encashment of all kinds of Sanchaya Patras and Wage

    Earners Development Branches.

    All related statements & correspondences with Bangladesh Bank &

    other Branches.

    Issuance of Local Drafts.

    Issuing and encashment of BCD.

    Issuing of outgoing TT.

    Issuance of Local Drafts.

    Issuance of T.T. ICA. IBCA & IBDA.

    6.2Transaction Types:

    Collection of cheque

    Up to Tk. 25000 @ .15% minimum Tk.10.

    Above Tk.25, 000 -1, 00,000 @ .10% minimum Tk.50.

    Above 1, 00,000 -5, 00,000 @ .10% minimum Tk.150. Above 5, 00,000 @ .05%, minimum Tk.600maximum 1,200.

    Name of Transaction Code

    Bank Draft 1

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    Mail Transfer (M.T) 3

    T.T 4

    B.Cs 6

    S.Cs 7

    Cash Remittances 8Sundries 9

    Head Office Transaction 10

    Foreign Exchange Transaction 12

    Reversing & Cancellation 27

    Bank Charge for DD Issuing

    @ .15% minimum Tk.25.

    Cancellation of DD

    Up to 1,000------------------------Tk.25.

    Above 1,000-----------------------Tk.40.

    Payment Order

    Up to Tk. 1,000----------------------Tk.10.

    1,000-1, 00,000----------------------Tk.25.

    1, 00,000-5,00,000------------------Tk.50.

    Above Tk.5, 00,000-----------------Tk.100.

    Cancellation of Pay Order

    Up toTk.500-----------Tk.10. Above Tk.500---------Tk.25.

    6.3. Remittance of Fund:

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    Any one of the following methods may make remittance of funds one place

    to another.

    Figure: Ways of remittance of fund

    6.3.1. Telegraphic Transfer:

    It is an order from the issuing branch to the Drawee Bank/Branch for

    payment of a certain sum of money to the beneficiary. Telex/Telegram

    sends the payment instruction and funds are paid to the beneficiary through

    his account maintained with the Drawee branch or through a pay order if no

    a/c is maintained with the Drawee branch.

    T.T Issue Process:

    TelegraphicTransfer (T.T)

    Demand Draft(D.D)

    Pay Order (P.O)

    Mail Transfer(M.T)

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    The applicant fill up the relevant part of the prescribed application

    from in triplicate duly signs the same and gives it to the Remittance


    Remittance Department will fill up the commission part meant for

    Banks use and request the Applicant to deposit necessary cash orcheck at the Tellers counter.

    The Teller after processing the Application form, Cash or check will

    validate the Application form. The first copy is treated as Debit Ticket

    while the second copy is treated as Credit Ticket and sent to

    Remittance Department for further processing. The third copy is

    handed over to the Applicant as customers copy.

    Remittance Department will prepare the Telex/Telegram in

    appropriate form, sign it and send it to the telex Operator / DispatchDepartment for transmission of the message.

    Remittance Department will prepare the necessary advice.

    Debit Advice is sent to the client if clients a/c is debited for the

    amount of T.T.

    Debit Ticket is used to debit the clients a/c if necessary.

    T.T Confirmation Advice is sent to the Drawee Branch.

    Credit Ticket (2ndcopy of the Application Form) is used to credit the

    UBL General Accounts.

    Accounting Entry:

    Dr. Cash/clients A/C

    Cr.UBL General A/C

    Cr. CommunicationCr. Commission

    Payment of T.Ts:

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    On receipt of T.T payment the Drawee branch passes Instructions the

    following entries if the T.T is found to be correct on verification of Test


    i. Dr. UBL General a/c

    Cr. Remittance Awaiting Disposal- T.T payable a/c

    ii. Dr. Remittances Awaiting Disposal-T.T payable a/c

    Cr. Clients account /P.O. A/C.

    In case the beneficiary does not maintain any a/c with the Drawee branch a

    P.O is issued in favor of the payee and sent to his banker/local address as

    the case may be.

    Every branch maintains a prescribed T.T. Payable Register. All the

    Particulars of T.Ts are to be properly recorded in this Register duly

    authenticated. A separate type of T.T confirmatory

    advice/confirmation copy of Telegram from the Issuing branch, the

    particulars of the T.T are verified with reference to particulars already

    recorded in the T.T payable Register.

    The Confirmatory advices are kept attached with the relative Ticket

    No further responding entry is required to be passed on receipt of such

    confirmation copy. On payment of T.T the particulars are to be incorporated

    in the Extracts of Responding Debit entries as usual and sent to HORC.

    6.3.2. Demand Draft (D.D):

    Local Draft is an instrument containing an order of the Issuingbranch upon

    another branch known as drawee branch, for payment of a certain sum of

    money to the payee or to his order on demand by the beneficiary

    presenting the draft itself.

    Figure: Flowchart for a DD

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    6.3.3. Pay Order (P.O):

    This is an instrument issued by the branch of a bank for enabling the

    customer to pay certain amount of money to the order of certain

    person/firm/organization/office within the same clearing house area of the

    pay order issuing branch.

    Pay Order issue Process:

    For issuing a Pay Order the client is to submit an application to the

    Remittance Department in the prescribed form (in triplicate) properly filled

    up and duly signed by Applicant . The processing of the pay order

    Application form, deposit of cash/cheque at the tellers counter and finally

    issuing an order etc, are similar to those of processing of D.D Application.

    As in case of D.D each branch should use a running control serial number

    of their own for issuance of a pay order. This control serial number shouldbe introduced at the beginning of each year, which will continue till the end

    of the year.

    A fresh number should be introduced at the beginning of the next calendar

    year and so on.

    Pay Order Charges:

    For issuing each Pay Order commission at the rate prescribed by Head

    Office is realized from the client and credited to Income A/C as usual.

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    Dr. Tellers Cash /Clients A/C -------------Debit

    Cr. Pay Order A/C ------------------------------Credit

    Cr. Commission A/C --------------------------------Credit

    6.3.4. Mail transfer (MT):

    In the prescribed format the purchaser/drawer branch instruct the drawer

    branch to pay a specified sum of money to the payee named in the IBCA

    preferably by crediting his account.

    7. Cash Section:

    The cash section with all types of negotiable instrument, cash and other

    instrument and treated as a sensitive section of the bank. It includes the

    vault, which is used as the store of case instrument. If the cash stock of

    goes beyond this limit the excess cash is then transferred to Bangladesh

    Bank. Keys to the room are kept under control of cash officer and branch in

    charge. The amount of opening cash balance is entered into a register.After whole days transaction the surplus money remains in the cash

    counter is put back in the vault and known as the closing balance. Money is

    received and paid in this section.

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    7.1. Cash Receipt:

    At first the depositor fills up the deposit in slip. There are two types of

    deposits in slip in this branch. One for saving account and another for

    current account.

    After filling the required deposit in slip depositor deposits the money.

    Officer at the such counter receives the money, count it enter the amount of

    money in the scroll register kept at the counter, seal the deposit in slip andsign on it with date.

    Then this slip is passed to another officer who enters the scroll number

    given by the cash counter in his register along with the amount of the

    money, sign the slip and keep the banks part of the slip. Other part is given

    to the depositor.

    All deposits of saving account are maintained be one officer and other

    accounts by another officer

    At the end of the day entries of both of these registers are cross checked

    with the register kept at the counter to know whether the transaction are

    correct or not.

    7.2. Cash Payment:

    Cash Payment of different instruments is made in the cash section.Procedure of cash payment against cheque is discussed under elaborately.

    Cash payment of cheque includes few steps:

    First of the entire client comes to the counter with the check and give

    it to the officer in charge there. The officer checks whether there are

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    two signatures on the back of the cheque and checks his balance in

    the computer. After that the officer will give it to the cash in charge.

    Then the cash in charge verifies the signature from the signature card

    and permits the officer in computer to debit the clients account by

    giving posting. A posted seal with teller number is given.Then the cheque is givento the teller person and he after checking

    everything asks the drawer to give another signature on the back of

    the cheque.

    If the signature matches with the one given previously then the teller

    will make payment keeping the paying cheque with him while writing

    the denomination on the back of the cheque.

    Cash paid seal is given on the cheque and make entry in the

    payment register.

    There are few things that shall be scrutinized and checked before making


    i) Name of the drawer

    ii) Account number

    iii) Specimen signature

    iv) The validity of the cheque and make it sure that it is not postdated or undated.

    v) The amount in words and figures are same.

    7.3. Cash Balance Calculation:

    The calculation is done by the officer in charge of cash section and then

    manager or authorized officer will check the balance and sign in the cash

    balance book. The balance is maintained in the balance book. Opening

    balance of current day is the closing balance of the previous day. Total

    receive of the current day is added with the opening balance and total

    payment is deducted for calculating the closing balance or cash balance.

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    7.4. Sorting & Stitching:


    At the end of the day, the amount of cash has to be sorted out in order to

    identify the different type notes like- 1000, 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 & so

    on. Hundred pieces of any type of note create a bundle and ten bundles

    make a ring. In this way cash is actually sorted out.


    After sorting out the cash, bundles are stitched along with a slip bearing the

    name of the bank, total number of notes and the signature of the cash-In-

    Charge. Two round seals are given at the both sides of the bundles.

    8. Clearing Department:

    According to the Article 37(2) of Bangladesh Bank order, 1972, the banks,which are the member of the clearing house, are called as scheduled

    banks. The scheduled banks clear the chouse drawn upon one another

    through the clearing house. This is an arrangement by the central bank

    where every day the representative of the member banks gathers to clear

    the chouse. Banks for credit of the proceeds to the customers accounts

    accept chouse and other similar instruments. The bank receives many such

    instruments during the day from account holders. Many of these

    instruments are drawn payable at other banks. If they were to be presentedat the Drawee Banks to collect the proceeds, it would be necessary ti

    employ many messenger for the purpose. Similarly, there would be many

    chouse drawn on this messengers of other banks would present bank and

    them at the counter. The whole process of collection and payment would

    involve considerable labor; delay, risk and expenditure are substantially

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    reduced, by the representatives of all the banks meeting at a specified

    time, for exchanging the instruments and arriving at the net position

    regarding receipt or payment. The place where the banks meet and settle

    their dues is called the Clearing house.

    8.1. Functions of the Department:

    The following are the main function s performed by the department:

    Pass outward instruments to the clearing house.

    Pass inward instruments to respective department.

    Return instruments incase of dishonor

    Prepare IBCA or IBDA for the respective branch and HO.

    8.1.1. Inward Clearing:

    When a particular branch receives instrument which drawn on themselves

    and sent by other member bank for collection are trated as inward clearing.

    Inward Bills for Collection (IBC):

    In this case bank will work as an agent of the collection bank branch

    receives a forwarding letter and the bill. Next steps are:

    Entry in the IBC register, IBC number given.

    Endorsement given-our branch endorsement given

    The instrument is sent to clearing for collection.

    Miscellaneous creditor a/c.

    8.1.2. Outward Clearing:

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    When a particular branch receives instrument drawn on the other bank with

    in clearing zone and those instruments for collection through the clearing

    arangement is consider as outward clearing for that particular branch.

    Outward Bills for collection (OBC):

    Customer deposit, cheque etc for collection attaching with their deposit

    receipt. Instrument within range of clearing are collected through local

    clearing house but the other which are the outside the clearing range are

    collected through OBC mechanism. A customer of UBL principal branch

    local office Dhaka is depositing a cheque of Sonali Bank Coxs bazaar.

    Now as a collection bank UBL principal branch will perform the following


    Received seal on deposit slip

    SBL local office principal branch crossing indicating them as

    collecting bank

    Endorsement give payees a/c will be credited on realization. Entry on register from where a controlling number is given

    Collection bank can collect it either by its branches of by the drawers bank

    they will forward the bill then to that articulate branch. OBC number will be

    given on the forwarding letter.

    8.2. Accounting entries of Clearing Department:

    The following entries are given if the cheques are honored,

    Customer A/C -------------Debit

    UBL General A/C ----------Credit

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    UBL Principal Branch clears its cheques through the Head Office as well as

    the cheques of other branches, because it is only permitted. The other

    branches send the instruments through I.B.D.A UBL Principal Branch actsas an agent in this case. For this concern branch gives the following


    UBL General A/C ---------Debit

    Customers A/C ------------Credit

    If the instrument is dishonored, the instrument is returned to the concerned

    branch through I.B.D.A. along with the following entries, Incase of return

    (For inward instrument)

    UBL General A/C--------------Debit

    Customers A/C -----------------Credit

    In case of return (For outward instrument)

    Customers A/C------------------Debit

    UBL General A/C---------------Credit

    8.3. Bills & Cheque Collection:

    Checks, drafts etc. are drown on bank located outside Clearing house are

    sent for collection. Principal Branch collets its clients above-mentioned

    instruments from other branches of UBL and branches other than UBL. In

    case of outward bills for collection customers account is credited after

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    finishing the collection processor. And in ward bills customers is debited for

    this purpose. So it placed dual role as follows:

    i) Collecting Banker

    ii) Paying Banker.There is one officer working over desk in this department.

    8.4. Functions of the Department:

    The following are the main functions performed by the department:

    Preparing of Outward & Inward Collection Item.

    Inter-Branch Transfer. Batch posting & checking as an when require.

    Other works as an when require.

    8.5. Applicability of Collection:

    Collection is done when:

    Paying Bank is located outside Dhaka City:

    Collection department of Principal Branch, UBL sends outward

    bills for collection (OBC) to the concerned paying bankto get inter

    Bank Credit Advice (IBCA) for paying Bank. If the paying Bank

    dishonors the instrument, the same is returned to principal Branch

    Paying Bank is other branches of UBL situated inside Dhaka City.

    Collection Department sends transfer delivery item to other

    branches of same bank situated inside Dhaka City. Upon receiving

    IBCA customers A/C is credited.

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    8.6. Daily Task:

    The routine tasks of the Account Department are as follows:

    Recording the transaction in the cashbook

    Recording the transaction in general and subsidiary ledger.

    Preparing the daily statement of affairs showing all the assets and

    liability of the branch as per general ledger and subsidiary ledger


    Preparing the daily position of the branch comprising of deposit

    and cash.

    Making payment of all the expences of the branch

    Checking all the vouchers are correctyly passed to ensure the

    conformity with the Activity Report, if otherwise making it correctly

    by calling the respective official to rectify the voucher

    Recording the voucher in the Voucher Register.

    Packing of the correct voucher and the credit voucher.

    Major problems in General banking Activities:

    Problem in general banking arises while issuing and responding

    different types of D.D, M.T, P.O, T.T,SC, LSC,IBP and D.D.P. due to

    different between actual amount and written amount in those botcher.

    This problem most repeated occurs in general banking for

    misunderstanding of written amount or not consciously read the

    amount in words in advice. Another problem is while issuing and responding of M.T, T.T and

    same message are sending from different branch. These happen due

    not use the seal of message confirmation by telephone. Then it needs

    to send several message and much hazards occurs in reconciliation

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    Another problem occur due to not getting of advice of M.T, T.T,D.D

    from different branch and making schedule for reconciliation is not

    possible for head office.

    Another problem occur in clean cash when so many boucher may

    attach with other categories. Most serious problem is that many branch of Uttara bank have not



    In Uttara Bank Ltd. the coordination among lower, mid, and top level

    management is very good.

    In Uttara Bank Ltd. the prompt decision making by the management

    among their own supervision.

    In Uttara Bank Ltd. the lagging behind technologically.

    Improper record keeping system found by the employers oremployees by Uttara Bank Ltd.

    Lack of job rotation. Only a selected number of officers are involved

    or engaged in general banking department in Malibagh branch of

    UBL. So that in case of emergency other officer cannot handle the


    In Uttara bank ltd. There is huge network with correspondent banks

    abroad; it means it worked all over Bangladesh as well as the other

    country. In Uttara Bank Ltd. The experienced and skilled officers in general

    banking department as well as some other department.

    There is no record of opening a student file in the branch which is one

    of the potential businesses for a bank/branch.

    In banking sector this banks well reputation in International arena.

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    In Uttara Bank Ltd, the increasing demands from the corporate

    customers for discount in service charges.


    Uttara Bank Ltd. Is the largest non-govt. organization through out or the

    region. It is working mass people about aquaculture, social welfare and

    income generation of this region.

    Leadership style process accomplished half of its organizational activities.

    Employees are the lifeblood of organization & leadership style are the way

    to motivate & maintain that.

    Work mood is associated leadership style in many senses. An appropriate

    leadership style can bring the job satisfaction among employees.

    Uttara Bank Ltd. Malibagh Branch, Dhaka. It is such non-govt. organization

    is highly concerned with those factors of leadership style. They apply an

    effective style to implement the organizational objectives. From apply an

    effective style to see that effective leadership style bring a great and fruitful

    success of the organizations.


    Uttara Bank Ltd. Is the 2ndgeneration bank and providing its service since

    many years . Since its establishment it has provided so many banking

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    services to the people of this country, but need to walk with the concept of

    modern banking system. Today the 3rdgeneration banks are providing the

    modern banking services such as- internet banking, SMS banking, debit &

    credit card facilities, ATMs services, electronic banking, corporate banking,

    retail banking, &SME banking etc. whereas Uttara bank are still providingtheir traditional banking service. I think it should go more effectively to the

    general people of the country with the concept of modern banking system.

    Now a day it is very difficult for any bank or financial institute to run its

    operation smoothly because of hard competition. So to survive in the

    market it should come out from its traditional concept and provide modern

    banking service.

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