
I) Instructional Unit/Final Project Overview Title of Unit: Continents and Oceans of the World Theme: Geography Grade Level/Student Population Type: 2nd grade Special Education Number of Sessions: 4 days Overview of the Unit: Give a short summary of what the students will do in this unit: Students will look up on the internet where the 7 continents and oceans are located. They will write down three facts about each continent and ocean on their graphic organizer. They will then create a map out of clay placing and labeling the continents and oceans in the correct spot on construction paper. When finished creating their map they will then present them to the class. The teacher will assign each pair a continent and ocean which they will be presenting. and For each of the items below, give a response that is from 1 to 5 or 6 sentences: A) What is the theme of your project? The theme of my project is Geography. This lesson will be for a 2 nd grade Special Education class and will work in pairs. B) State the standards to which your theme is aligned (refer to actual sections of real documents) NYS Social Studies Standard 3: Geography Use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we livelocal, national, and globalincluding the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earths surface. C) Describe the Learning Product your students will create and through the creation of which they will learn the content and skills youve identified as a goal. Students will create a map of the seven continents and the oceans. The students will be able to identify the continents and the oceans when looking at a map or globe. The students will present their map and give a brief description of the continent and ocean that is given to them. D) What Social Studies content and/or skills will they learn from your project? Students will learn where each continent is located. Students will develop map skills. Students will be able locate the equator, the seven continents, and the oceans on maps and globes. E) What Arts content and/or skills will they learn from your project? Students will create a map using clay. They will learn how to work collaboratively with their classmates.

F) How might you determine if the students learn what youve intended them to? I will determine if the students learned by them creating a map of the continents and oceans correctly. Their classmates will ask questions and assess how well they constructed their map. G) How will technology be used? Will it be used by the teacher; the individual students or students work groups, the entire class? (Describe as practical) Technology will be used by both the teacher and the students. On the first session the class will go to the computer lab and each student will look up where each continent and ocean is located. They will also look up three facts about each continent and ocean.

II) Flow Chart

Theme: Geography Product: Create a map of the 7 continents and oceans Objectives: Students will learn where each continent is located. Students will develop map skills. Students will be able to locate the equator, 7 continents, and the oceans on maps/globes. Students will be able to create a map of the 7 continents and oceans. Students will give a brief description of the continents.

Work in group to gather information about continents and where theyre located Identify 7 continents, oceans, and the equator

How to research using text and internet

How to use and read mapsLabel 7 continents, oceans, and the equator

Create a map of the 7 continents and oceans

How to create a map

Present the groups work to the class

How to write and present a presentation to the class

III) Mock Student Work Sample

Process of Creating It: Have a piece of white construction paper Cut outs of the 7 continents Place the 7 continents where they belong on the construction paper When they are in the correct place GLUE the 7 continents Use clay to mold on the cut out of each continent Label the continents Label the oceans Glue the title of the project

IV) Defend your project as Project-Based Learning I consider my unit as Project-Based Learning because it has many of the Elements of PBL that we learned in this course. Elements of Project-Based Learning EdSE 604 1. Students identify what to learn, how to learn it, and how to demonstrate what theyve learned (as far as is practical for age, grade level, and student population type) Teacher sets general goals and parameters, etc. Students identify what to learn, how to learn it and how to demonstrate what theyve learned. In this unit students will locate the continents and oceans. The teacher will set the parameters by giving each pair a continent and ocean to present to the class. 2. Students work independently and/or in small collaborative groups The students will first work independently getting the information when finished they will work with their partner and discuss the information they came up with. 3. Students learn facts and skills IN ORDER TO CREATE their projects PRODUCT and or PERFORMANCE creates a need to know essential content and skills. Typical projects (and most instruction) begin by presenting students with knowledge and concepts and then, once learned, give them the opportunity to apply them. PBL begins with the vision of an end product or presentation which requires learning specific knowledge and concepts, thus creating a context and reason to learn and understand the information and concepts. Students will learn facts and skills by researching on the internet about where each continent and ocean is located. This will help them create the finished product which is their map. They will also be looking up facts about the continents and oceans and will be presenting this to the class. 4. Students create a product or performance that is Authentic, that is, it serves a real purpose and is presented to a real audience The students will be presenting their maps and presenting it to their classmates and teacher. 5. Students receive feedback: a) from their peers as they are working on their product and include the feedback as part of their revision process, and b) from their audience, which may help them evaluate the success and impact of their work When the students are working on their project they will ask their classmates if they are placing the continents in the correct spot. While the pair presents their classmates and teacher will be writing down the steps they took on creating their maps.

6. The product/performance is saved, archived, and published (or disseminated/distributed) The teacher will take a picture of each map save it and place it on the class website, where the parents and students can view it at any time. The original maps will be on a bulletin board in the hallway, where the whole school will be able to view them when walking by. 7. The student product/performance has an expressive or artistic dimension to it. By using clay to create a map of the 7 continents and oceans students will be able to show their artistic side. They will also be able to use any other art supplies/materials that are available to them. 8. Students make significant use of technology in doing their project Students will use the internet to research about the continents and oceans and how other maps are created. 9. The experience of working on the project includes a reflective, Constructivist dimension Students will reflect on what they learned at the end of presentations by writing down the facts their classmates present. 10. requires inquiry to learn and/or create something new. Not all learning has to be based on inquiry, but some should. And this inquiry should lead students to construct something new an idea, an interpretation, a new way of displaying what they have learned. Students are creating inquiry learning when they found the facts about each continent and ocean. They also created a map out of clay. 11. requires critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and various forms of communication. Students need to do much more than remember informationthey need to use higher-order thinking skills. They also have to learn to work as a team and contribute to a group effort. They must listen to others and make their own ideas clear when speaking, be able to read a variety of material, write or otherwise express themselves in various modes, and make effective presentations. These skills, competencies and habits of mind are often known as "21st Century Skills". For more info: Students use higher-order thinking skills as they worked with their partner and asked questions about where they should place the continents. They presented their maps and facts they found at the end of the unit.


is organized around an open-ended Driving Question or Challenge. These focus students work and deepen their learning by centering on significant issues, debates, questions and/or problems. The question or challenge is directly related to the product or performance.

The students create a map by the visuals they had from the first session when they were at the computer lab.

V) Unit (Final Project) Implementation Plan A) UNIT INTRODUCTION The teacher will start off by asking the students Who knows what the 7 continents are? What about the oceans? She will then show the students the digital collage she made of the 7 continents and oceans. She will tell them they will be creating a map just like that but instead you will be using clay. She will show pictures of different maps on the smart board. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will learn where each continent is located. Students will develop map skills. Students will be able to locate the equator, 7 continents, and the oceans on maps/globes. Students will be able to create a map of the 7 continents and oceans. Students will give a brief description of the continents. STANDARDS NYS Social Studies Standard 3: Geography Use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we livelocal, national, and globalincluding the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earths surface. Key Idea 1: Geography can be divided into six essential elements, which can be used to analyze important historic, geographic, economic, and environmental questions and issues. These six elements include: the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical settings (including natural resources), human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography. Students will:

study about how people live, work, and utilize natural resources draw maps and diagrams that serve as representations of places, physical features, and objects

locate places within the local community, State, and nation; locate the Earths continents in relation to each other and to principal parallels and meridians (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994)

identify and compare the physical, human, and cultural characteristics of different regions and people (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994)

investigate how people depend on and modify the physical environment

NYS Learning Standards Area: The Arts Standard 1: Creating, Performing and Participating in the Arts Students will actively engage in the processes that constitute creation and performance in the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts) and participate in various roles in the arts. Standard 2: Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources Students will be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participation in the arts in various roles. NYS Standard Area: Mathematics, Science and Technology Standard 2: Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies. Standard 5: Students will apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use, and evaluate products and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs. ASSESSMENT I will assess the students by how they created their map and if they placed and labeled the continents and oceans in the correct place. PRESENTATION Students will present their map by explaining the steps they used on how they placed and labeled the continents and oceans. They will also give three facts about a continent and ocean which will be given by the teacher. The teacher will create a bulletin board in the hallway and put the finished maps up. The teacher will take a picture of every map and put it up on the class website.

B) Session 1: ACTIVITIES The teacher will first introduce the unit to the class by asking the class if they know the seven continents and the oceans. The teacher will also show pictures of the different continents and different maps. Students will be in the computer lab to get information about the 7continents and oceans TEACHER INPUT/DIRECTIONS / SUPPORT (to students) The teacher will be walking around assisting the students if needed. TIME FRAME 45 minutes RESOURCES Both the teacher and students will be using the computer WORK FLOW Students will be working individually in the computer lab. LEARNING OBJECTIVE Students will learn where each continent is located. Students will develop map skills. PRODUCT Students will find where each continent and ocean is located. They will look up three facts for each continent and ocean, which will be written on a graphic organizer supplied by the teacher. ASSESSMENT Students will be assessed by their graphic organizer. LOGISTICS The teacher will hand out the graphic organizer the beginning of the class and be collected at the end of the class. SOCIAL LEARNING/STUDENT INTERACTION At the end of the session the students will share the information they found.

Session 2 ACTIVITIES Students will be creating a map of the 7 continents and oceans. TEACHER INPUT/DIRECTIONS / SUPPORT (to students) The teacher will be circulating the room helping the students if needed. TIME FRAME 45 minutes RESOURCES Students will be using construction paper, glue, clay, cut outs of the continents, and scissors. WORK FLOW Students will work in pairs and be seated next to their partner. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to create a map of the 7 continents and oceans. PRODUCT Students will produce a portion of the map of the 7 continents and ocean ASSESSMENT Students will be assessed how far they got with their map and if they placed the continents in the correct spots. LOGISTICS: Materials will be placed neatly on the table in the back of the classroom. Students will get the materials that are needed when the teacher calls the pairs names. Projects will be collected at the end of the session and will be placed neatly on the tray next to the teachers desk. Each pair will be given a number when the teacher calls their number thats when they will get their materials and hand in their work. SOCIAL LEARNING/STUDENT INTERACTION Students will be working collaboratively with their partner.

Session 3 ACTIVITIES Students will be finishing up their maps and labeling the continents and oceans. TEACHER INPUT/DIRECTIONS / SUPPORT (to students) The teacher will be circulating the room helping the students if needed. TIME FRAME 45 minutes RESOURCES Students will be using construction paper, glue, clay, cut outs of the continents, and scissors. WORK FLOW Students will work in pairs and be seated next to their partner. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to locate the equator, 7 continents, and the oceans on maps/globes. PRODUCT Students will produce a finished map of the continents and oceans labeled. ASSESSMENT Students will be assessed by their finished product LOGISTICS Students will be called by their numbers to get their maps. At the end of the session the teacher will call their numbers again which they will neatly place their maps on the tray next to the teachers desk. SOCIAL LEARNING/STUDENT INTERACTION Students will be working collaboratively with their partner.

Session4 ACTIVITIES Students will present their maps. Each group will present a different continent and ocean. TEACHER INPUT/DIRECTIONS / SUPPORT (to students) The teacher will be listening and taking notes of the students presentations. TIME FRAME 45 minutes WORK FLOW Students will come together as a whole group and listen to their classmates presentation. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will give a brief description of the continents. PRODUCT Students will be presenting their finished map and give three facts about the continent and ocean that was given to them by the teacher. ASSESSMENT Students will be assessed by how the continents are placed and labeled on their map and if the oceans are labeled. They will also be assessed by the information they will be writing down about the other continents/oceans their classmates are presenting. LOGISTICS The teacher will hand the projects out to the pairs before the presentations start and will be collected when they are finished. SOCIAL LEARNING/STUDENT INTERACTION Students will be sharing their work and they will have an opportunity to ask their classmates questions when they are finished presenting.

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