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Jasmina de Gea – Mireia de Gea

Cristina Díaz – Nora Hernández


Technology-Enhanced teaching of English as a foreign language in Primary Education

UAB, 2013/2014

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1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………..p.3

2. Theoretical rationale………………………………………………………………………………...p.4

3. Project description…………………………………………………………………………………..p.5

3.1. Outline of the main activities…………………………………………………………….p.5

3.2. Project’s storyboard………………………………………………………………………p.8

3.3. Under the microscope: Detailed description of the sessions………………….…...p.12

3.4. Access to the materials………………………………………………………………...p.22

4. Assessment outline………………………………………………………………………………..p.23

5. Bibliography………………………………………………………………………………………...p.24

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This project involves two countries, Spain and France. It will be carried out within the language

area, specifically, using the foreign language as a means of communication. The students

implicated are 6th graders (11/12 years) and their level of English is between A1 and A2. As pupils

are in their last year at school, they will be asked to design their ideal end of course trip. The only

imperative is that the destination must be their telecollaborative partners’ own city, in our case,

Paris. Thereby, each group of work will have to create an appealing advertisement (using Padlet)

according to their partner’s interests (sports lovers, arts lovers, food lovers, nature lovers…),

which will be discovered alongside the project. In the end, an award ceremony will be celebrated

through a synchronous meeting so as to farewell partners and decide on the most stunning


At the end of this project, students are supposed to be able to:

● Recognize modal verbs and adjectives and be able to apply them in one’s own


● Demonstrate ability to search and select information according to a specific purpose.

● Be aware of one’s own strengths and flaws and work on to improve the latter ones in

further work.

● Understand and communicate, progressively, using the target language.

● Show a respectful attitude towards others and increase their cultural awareness by

learning about different countries and people.

Finally, the competences that students will develop throughout this work are the following:

● Communicative competence: Making use of the target language to communicate for an

authentic purpose.

● Intercultural competence: Being aware of cultural differences and show a receptive

attitude towards them.

● Data processing & digital competence: Searching, collecting, selecting and processing

information through the use of different technological tools.

● Cultural and artistic competence: Capability to create artistic productions progressively

integrating the content that has been taught.

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First of all, through the present project we have tried to embed activities that consider the four

different learning styles: tactile, visual, kinesthetic and auditory. As Basharina (2007: 95) states,

the teacher must orient the students through simultaneous “multiple activity systems” which are

“embedded in their local classrooms, an online global community, and broader contexts of their

local cultures”. In our case, we have included a great variety of activities that will help us in this

vein. What is more, throughout the project, different assessment tools and groupings (individual,

partner, small group and whole class) are used in order to respect the students’ learning styles

and preferences to work and produce output.

Secondly, as it is known, the more contextualized a project is, the more meaningful it results. In

the concerning project, pupils are responsible for creating their own end of course trip in

collaboration with Parisian students. Therefore, partners have been chosen according to our

interests, always bearing in mind which our final aim is.

On the other hand, the lessons and the activities planned are learner-centered in which the

teacher acts as a knowledge facilitator (Doolittle and Hicks 2003; Karpov 2003; Fosnot 2005)

whose job is to set up an optimal environment for learners to construct knowledge through

engagement with “artefacts”, all within their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) (Vygotsky,


As for the assessment, it will be oriented towards a formative assessment. This type of evaluation

consists of ongoing assessments, observations, summaries and reviews that inform teacher

instruction and provide students with feedback on a daily basis (Fisher & Frey, 2007). In other

words, the whole process is assessed, not only the final product.

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3.1. Outline of the main activities

Activity Materials Output SWBAT*

Drawing: How do

we imagine Paris?

-Blank sheets of


-Drawing materials

Paris sketch -Reflect on their

previous knowledge

about Paris.


production: How do

we imagine Paris?


-Paris sketches

-Thinglink mural

-Use “Thinglink” in

an intuitive way






-Pictures of the


-Powtoon to revise

sports that collocate

with go, play and


-Thinglink mural -Write brief

descriptions of


-Know which


collocate with play,

do or go.

-Use “Thinglink” in

an intuitive way.


production: Posting



-Powtoon to revise

WH questions

-Formulate WH

questions so as to

inquire information.

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Thinglink analysis:

Helping our mates

-Partner’s Thinglink


- Checklist to

analyze different


-Something to write

- Completed


-Answer to the

partner’s questions

& additional

comments (on the

Thinglink platform).

- Answer questions

using their

knowlege of


- Giving information

(simple sentences)

that could be useful

for their partners.

Deepening on

modal verbs



-Teacher’s example

of the final product

(Granada’s Padlet)

-Modal verbs


-Produce sentences

using modal verbs

(obligation, advice

and probability).

1st meeting: Getting

to know each other

- Computer

(Google Hangouts


-Sentences created

during the previous


-Notes taken from

the partner’s



-Listen carefully to

their partners’


while taking notes.

-Answer simple


Deepening on

adjectives to

describe places






-Use adjectives to

describe places in

their advertisement.

Webquest +



- Computer with

Internet access

- Information

template (empty)

- Information



-Research and

select specific

information to

develop the final


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2nd meeting: Are

we on the right


- Computer

(Google Hangouts





-”Useful language”


-Notes taken from

their partners’


-Listen carefully to

their partners’


while taking notes.

-Communicate in

the target language

for a real purpose.

Final product draft:


- Computers

- Templates

- Pen / pencil

-Draft -Display the


and the information

given by their mates

in a coherent way.

-Search on the net

and look for specific


Final product: Paris


-Computers with

Internet access

-Padlet website

(with the structure of

an advertisement)

- Apply the

linguistic knowledge

acquired so far for a

real purpose.

Peer & self-


-Peer & self-

assessment grid

-Peer & self-

assessment grid

-Assess the work

carried out by their

mates through the


-Detect own

strengths and flaws

and improve the

latter ones.

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3.2. Project’s storyboard

Week 1

Session 1

- Introduction of the

project (15’)

-Modelling: Showing an

example of the first

activity students are

supposed to do

(Thinglink) (10’)

- How do we imagine

Paris?: draft/ paper

version (20’)

-Introducing ourselves:

Revise sports that

collocate with go, do

and play. Draft of one’s

own description (15’).

Session 2

- Introduce ThingLink


-Asking questions:

Revise how to

formulate WH

questions. (15’)

- Create ThingLink:

Use the Paris sketch

as a background +

upload their pictures

and the description of

themselves + post

questions about Paris

(inside the Thinglink

production) (30’)

Week 2

Session 3

- Analysis of the

partners’ ThingLink

(done through a

checklist) (20’)

- Helping our mates:

Answer their questions

and give them some

Session 4

-Modelling: Showing

an example of a final

product made by the

teacher (15’)

-Deepening on modal

verbs: Pay special

attention to modal

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extra information to

know more about the

city (20’)

- Brainstorming:

Establish the different

categories according to

our mates’ interests

(sports lovers, art

lovers, nature lovers,

etc.) (20’)

verbs. Do some

exercises in order to

internalize these

structures and create

some sentences with

the places that our

partners must/have to

or can/should visit

according to the

different areas of

interest (35’).


sentences (10’)

-Commenting the

rubric of the final

output (15’)

Week 3

Session 5

-1st meeting: Getting to

know each other.

Groups’ presentation.

Q & A (20’)

-Each group reads the

sentences they wrote

on the previous lesson

to their partners. They

also take notes from

their suggestions. Q &

A (40’).

Session 6

-Deepening on

adjectives to describe

places (stunning, old,



beautiful…): This stuff

will be introduced

through Flashcards


-Games: In order to

enhance their

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internalization, we will

play some games

(memory, who is who,

the detective…) (30’).


worksheet: Finally,

students will have to

complete an

individual worksheet

on adjectives (10’).

Week 4

Session 7

- Groups of interest:

Research of

information completing

a template (1h).

Session 8

- 2nd meeting: Are we

on the right track?

Small groups

meetings. Giving &

receiving feedback


-Groups of interest:

Research of

information (40’).

- Hand in a draft.

Week 5

Session 9

- Introduction of Padletl


- Production of Padlet


Session 10

- Finishing Padlet


Week 6

Session 11

- Have a look at

partners’ Padlet (30’).

Session 12

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- Decide awards (25’).

-Assessing partners’

Padlet using a rubric


- 3rd meeting: Awards

ceremony & farewell


Week 7 Session 13

-Peer & self-

assessment (35’).

-Reflect upon the

teaching unit (what

have they learnt, what

do they need to

continue working on,

things that they would

change…) (25’).

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3.3. Under the microscope: Detailed description of the sessions

★ Session 1

Activity 1: Introduction of the project (10’)

-Interaction: T-Sts. / Sts.-T

-Equipment/Material: -

-Objective: Let the students know what they are going to work on during the following weeks &

share the main objectives of the project.

-Description: The teacher will explain to the students that they will do an extremely important job,

exploring the destination of their end of course trip; Paris. But they will not be working on their

own. The students will be helped by some other students who know a lot about this stunning city;

their collaborative partners will be Parisian students. Their final mission will be to produce the

most appealing advertisement that they have ever seen.

Activity 2: Modelling (10’)

-Interaction: T-Sts.

-Equipment/Material: Computer with internet connection & screen projector.

-Objective: Show an example of the product students are supposed to create.

-Description: Before start working on their own, the teacher will provide students with an example

of the Thinglink production they are supposed to create in order to help them understand the why

of the following activities.

Activity 3: How do we imagine Paris? (20’)

-Interaction: T-Sts. / Sts.-Sts. (group work)

-Equipment/Material: Pencils, sheets, pencil colors…

-Objective: Let students activate their previous knowledge about Paris.

-Description: Students will be asked to make a drawing reflecting how they imagine Paris. Before

that, as a whole class activity, we will brainstorm possible things/topics that can be included in

their drawings (e.g. typical food and clothing, music, emblematic places, how is the flag…) to help

them think about things related to the city.

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Activity 4: Introducing ourselves (15’)

-Interaction: T-Sts / Sts-Sts

-Equipment/Material: Powtoon to introduce activities that collocate with play, go and do,

something to write the draft.

-Objective: Write a brief introduction of themselves.

-Description: A powtoon on activities that collocate with play (play football), go (go swimming) or

do (do gymnastics) will be displayed so as to revise this stuff (students have worked on it during

the previous years of study). Then, they will be asked to write a draft (2 lines) introducing

him/herself (name, age, hobbies and interests…).

As a homework, each student will have to search for a picture of him/herself to introduce it on the

Padlets’ production, accompanied by the written description, and bring it to class for the next day

in a pen drive.

★ Session 2

Activity 1: Introduction of ThingLink (15’)

-Interaction: T-Sts. / Sts.-T

-Equipment/Material: Computer with Internet access & screen projector, PowerPoint to introduce

the tool ( )

-Objective: Let students get familiar with the tool and be able to use it intuitively.

-Description: The teacher will explain the tool they will use to produce their murals and share them

with their partners from Paris, using a Powerpoint and the website.

Activity 2: Asking questions (15’)

-Interaction: T-Sts.

-Equipment/Material: Computer & internet access, PowToon about Wh- questions.

-Objective: Provide students with the necessary scaffolding to formulate Wh- questions.

Description: The teacher will show students a PowToon video with some theory and practice

about Wh- questions, in order to post questions about Paris.

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Activity 3: Production of ThingLink murals (30’)

-Interaction: Sts.-Sts. (group work)

-Equipment/Material: Laptops with Internet access, drawing on how they imagine Paris, student’s

pictures & descriptions.

-Objective: Learn how to use ThingLink in an intuitive way. Introduce the staff that has been

revised (activities that collocate with do, play and go & Wh-questions).

-Description: Students will have to create a ThingLink production, including three different pieces

of work:

1) How do we imagine Paris? The drawing on how they imagine Paris that was done during the

previous lesson will be the background image of the Thinglink production.

2) Introducing ourselves: Each student will create a link with his/her image doing something that

he/she likes accompanied by the brief introductions of themselves (done during the previous

lesson too).

3) Posting questions: Each group will have to post, at least, three questions concerning things

that they would like to know about Paris.

★ Session 3

Activity 1 & 2: Analyze partners’ ThingLink from Barcelona & Helping our mates (40’)

-Interaction: T-Sts. / Sts.-Sts. (group work)

-Equipment/Material: Laptops with Internet access and worksheet with some guidelines to

analyze the ThingLink.

-Objective: Get in touch with our partners and use their previous knowledge about Barcelona to

help them.

-Description: The teacher will provide each group with a ThingLink (made by their partners), which

is going to be analyzed through a checklist. Moreover, if their partners have asked to local

students some questions, it is the time to answer them and clarify their doubts. At the same time,

students will be asked to provide their partners with some general information about Barcelona to

enlarge their knowledge of the city (all this work will be done posting tags in their Thinglink


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Activity 3: Brainstorming (20’)

-Interaction: Sts.-T

-Equipment/Material: Blackboard & Chalk

-Objective: Put in common the partners’ interests and establish some categories

-Description: After having discussed in small groups and having fulfilled the analysis checklist,

each group will have to present their mates’ interest as well as suggest some places that they

could visit in their local city. Finally, the most frequent categories will be selected and they will be

assigned to the different groups, which will be in charge of making a deeper search of information

on this area (e.g. sports lovers, animal lovers, etc.).

★ Session 4

Activity 1: Modelling (15’)

-Interaction: T-Sts. /Sts.- T

-Equipment/ Material: Computer with Internet access & advertisement created by the teacher

(using Padlet)

-Objective: Let the students get an idea of what they are expected to do (an appealing online

advertisement using Padlet).

-Description: The teacher will show to the students an advertisement of another city (Granada,

for example) in order to let them get an idea of what they are expected to do as well as get

inspiration. This piece of work will be available on the net so as to enable students to do

transferences from it to their own products. Moreover, we are going to pay special attention on

modal verbs (recognizing them, what do they mean? when are they used?).

Activity 2: Deepening on modal verbs (35’)

-Interaction: Sts.-Sts. (group work)

-Equipment/Material: Worksheets on modal verbs

-Objective: Understand and be able to apply modals verbs to talk about obligation (must/have to),

give advice (should) and express probability (can).

-Description: After having seen the modals in the example and having commented their use, in

groups, students will have to complete some exercises so as to internalize and assimilate them.

In the end, they will be asked to produce some sentences for their partners using modals verbs

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and, preferably, some extra information. E.g. for sports lovers: You must visit Camp Nou. There,

you can also watch a football-match.

Activity 2: Rehearsing our sentences (10’)

-Interaction: Sts. - Sts./T

-Equipment/Material: Computer, Audacity and microphone

-Objective: Practice pronunciation.

-Description: Once the teacher has corrected the sentences, each group will rehearse them.

Then, they will be recorded using Audacity. The recordings will be uploaded in the school’s blog

so as to enable pupils to practice the sentences at home and be fully prepared for the meeting.

Activity 3: Commenting the rubric for final output (15’)

-Interaction: T- Sts./Sts.-T

-Equipment/Material: Computer, projector screen & rubric

-Objective: Be aware of the assessment criteria and make some changes if necessary.

-Description: The teacher will bring a draft version of a rubric. It will be carefully read and

discussed as a whole group, always bearing in mind the example of Granada (since it fulfills all

the criteria). Students’ contributions will be taken into account so as to make them feel that they

can decide on their own assessment and arise their commitment to the task.

★ Session 5

Activity 1: First meeting: Getting to know each other (60’)

-Interaction: T-sts /Sts.-sts (whole class).

-Equipment/material: Computer with Internet access & worksheets to fill in during the meeting &

sentences created during the previous lesson, Hangouts.

-Objective: Get to know the partners and listen to their suggestions in order to know what to

include in their advertisements.

-Description: This lesson will be devoted to do the first meeting as a whole class activity. First of

all, each class will be introduced through a short video. Then, students will have the floor to ask

any questions they want to their partners. After that, each group will read their sentences (the

ones created using modal verbs) while the partners fill in a worksheet in order to collect this

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information and have it at their disposal for further work. Then, we will swap roles and the ones

who were taking notes will have their turn to speak. Finally, students will have the floor again to

ask any questions or doubts. In the worksheet they will have to punctuate their performance in

the meeting, which will serve as an orientation for the teacher.

★ Session 6

Activity 1: Deepening on adjectives to describe places (60’)

-Interaction: T-St. / St-St. (pairs and group work)/ Individual work.

-Equipment/material: Flashcards & adjectives worksheet

-Objective: Learn some adjectives to describe places so as to use them in their final


-Description: First of all, some adjectives to describe places will be introduced through flashcards.

Later on, to practice this stuff, some games, such as the memory, the detective (playing with

mimics) or who is who, will be proposed. Finally, students will have to complete an individual

worksheet that will help the teacher to know if they are on the right track. Below, a brief explanation

of these games is displayed:

- The Memory: To play the memory, the flashcards which have been used to introduce adjectives

will be exploited. Students will be gathered in groups of 4 to 6, and each group will have a memory

set. The cards should be upside down and in turns students will have to reverse two cards. If they

are a pair, the student keeps them and continues reversing cards. If not, the cards must be put

upside down again and the turn will be given to the next student. The game continues until all

pairs are found and the winner is the student who has more cards.

- The detective: Each adjective has a gesture assigned. One student goes out of the classroom;

he/she is the detective. The others decide who is going to direct all the class; this means, deciding

when it is time to change the mimics. At the same time that hey perform the actions, they will also

be pronouncing the adjectives. When the detective goes in, he/she has to found the director. In

the next round, the student who was the director will be the detective.

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- Who is who: It is played in small groups (4 maximum) or pairs. The cards used to play this game

will be the flashcards too. Students will have to make questions to guess which adjective their

mates have.

★ Session 7

Activity 1: Research of information (60’)

-Interaction: T-Sts / St-St (group work)

-Equipment/material: Computer, Webquest & Information template

-Objective: Look for the information required to produce their final products.

-Description: Students will have to fill in a template with some important information about the

places that they are going to talk about in their advertisements. To scaffold the information search,

the teacher will provide students with a web quest including some useful websites where they can

find the desired information. Besides, the teacher will also explain to the students the template

they have to fill in with the required information.

Once the teacher gives all the information, students can start working in small groups.

★ Session 8

Activity 1: 2nd meeting (20’)

-Interaction: Group work

-Equipment/material: Computer, Information template completed & Google Hangouts, Tips for


-Objective: Share the information found until the moment with partners so as to receive some


-Description: A second meeting will be carried out; each work group will have a meeting with a

Parisian work group which will consist of explaining each other the information they have found

about the partner’ city. In order to do that, they will follow the information template done in the

previous lesson. Then, the local group will give feedback to the foreign group to assess them if

they are on the right track or not and give advice to them. The teacher will provide the groups with

some tips for communication to greet, thank others’ contributions, offer the floor to other

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participants, do the farewell… so as to facilitate a fluent communication in the foreign language.

Moreover, this meeting will be recorded and used to assess the students’ ability to speak in public

as well as their degree of involvement.

Activity 2: Finish the information templates (40’)

-Interaction: Sts.-Sts. (work group)

-Equipment/material: Computer, Webquest & Information template

-Objective: Complete the information template to hand in a first draft.

-Description: The remaining time after the meetings will be devoted to finish the templates in order

to hand in a first draft to the teacher, so he/she can correct them. So each group work will continue

working on their information templates, taking into account the suggestions pulled off from the


★ Session 9

Activity 1: Introducing Padlet (15’)

-Interaction: T-Sts

-Equipment/material: Computer, Screen, PowerPoint on how to use Padlet & Granada’s Padlet

example done by the teacher.

-Objective: Explain to students how Padlet works.

-Description: The teacher will explain how Padlet works (how to access, how to upload

information…) to make easier the follow-up activity and let them to make an intuitive use of it. At

the same time, he/she will show the Granada’s Padlet again to remind them that they can use it

as a model and make transferences.

Activity 2: Producing our Padlet (45’)

-Interaction: Sts-Sts (work group)

-Equipment/material: Computer, Information templates corrected by the teacher, Worksheet on

adjectives & Worskeet on modals.

-Objective: Produce the final output taking into account all the stuff that has been worked until the


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-Description: At this point, as students will be familiar with the new tool. Each group work should

introduce all the information about Paris gathered until the moment (through the worksheets and

the template) as well as include further information, into a Padlet creation in an appealing and

engaging way.

★ Session 10

Activity 1: Finishing our Padlet production (60’)

-Interaction: Sts-Sts (group work)

-Equipment/material: Computer, Information templates corrected by the teacher, Worksheet on

adjectives & Worksheet on modals.

-Objective: Finish the final output

-Description: This session will be devoted to finish their Padlet productions.

★ Session 11

Activity 1: Revise partners’ Padlets (30’)

-Interaction: T-Sts. /Sts-sts

-Equipment: Computers & Awards categories

-Objective: Go through the other students’ Padlet so as to be able to vote with judgment.

-Description: Firstly, the teacher will explain the different categories they should take into account

to be able to decide the awards. All the groups will be provided with a worksheet where the

categories are described so as to look their partners’ work with a clear purpose. In groups, they

have to decide the awards. Finally, as a whole class activity, they will decide on the definitive


Activity 2: Decide awards (20’)

-Interaction: T-Sts

-Equipment: Digital screen or blackboard to take notes

-Objective: Value the partners’ work and reaching democratic agreements

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-Description: Teacher leads the discussion by asking each group what Padlet they have voted in

each category and why. So, category by category, the different groups have to reach an

agreement on the winners.

The teacher must prepare the diplomas (one for each member of the group) for the next session

using .

Activity 3: Assessing Partners’ Padlet (25’)

-Interaction: Sts-Sts (group work)

-Equipment: Computers with internet access, Partner’s Padlet & Rubric (designed on the 4th


-Objective: Assess partners’ productions through a rubric

-Description: Once the awards are decided, each group will be asked to focus on one of the

Padlets and fulfill the previously designed rubric designed to assess their partners’ work. Padlet’s

production will be also assessed by the teacher using the same rubric. The average of these two

marks will be added up to obtain the final mark.

★ Session 12

Activity 1: 3rd meeting “Awards ceremony” (60’)

-Interaction: Class-Class

-Equipment: Computer, Google Hangouts application & Diplomas for the different categories

-Objective: Close the project and recognize students’ work

-Description: An awards ceremony will be celebrated between the telecollaborative partners in

which each group will receive a different award from their telecollaborative partners’. It is also a

nice way to see off the partners. Teachers should lead the ceremony by saying which category is

awarded and then give the floor to different students to say the winner.

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★ Session 13

Activity 1: Peer & self-assessment (35’)

-Interaction: T-Sts/ Individual work

-Equipment: Peer-assessment grid & self-assessment grid

-Objective: Assess the work carried out through the unit by their mates & be able to detect own

strengths and flaws and improve the latter ones.

-Description: Students will have to fill in a peer-assessment grid considering the performance of

their group mates throughout the project. They will be also asked to reflect upon their own

performance and detect their own strengths and weaknesses and try to think how they can

improve their flaws in further work.

Activity 2: Reflecting upon the project (25’)

-Interaction: T-Sts/ Whole class activity

-Equipment: Questions in the Self-assessment grid

-Objective: Reflect upon things that have been learnt during the project and things that still need

to be reinforced.

-Description: The teacher will ask some questions to the students such as: what have they

learnt, what do they need to continue working on, things that they would change… This

information will serve to the teacher to improve the project and be aware of the star activities as

well as its flaws.

3.4. Access to the materials

All the materials mentioned during the project are available on Dropbox. You will find them

organized by sessions:

Moreover, a platform where all the materials are going to be uploaded, has been created so as to

enable students to have online access to all this stuff.

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Checklist Analyze an external


Fulfilled checklist 2

Worksheets Recognize and apply the

vocabulary and grammar

previously worked

(adjectives & modal verbs)

Worksheet about

modals &

Worksheet about


4 & 6



Search and select

information according to

one’s needs




7 & 8

Recording of

the meeting

Public speaking &

communicating in the target



throughout the



Teacher & Peer


Create an appealing

advertisement according to

the criteria established

Final output:




Self & Peer


Asses the other’s

performance and be aware

of one’s own flaws and


Self & Peer

assessment grids


Teacher’s diary

& direct


Show a respectful attitude

towards others and fully

participate in the activities

proposed in class

Notes taken by

the teacher

Throughout the

whole project,

especially during

the meetings, to

assess the oral


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