




HYPOTHESES H1: Social media uses could positively influence friendships among you

ng adults.

H2: The extent of social media uses could predict friendships among young adults.

H3: The motivation of social media uses could predict friendships among young adults.

METHOD Population: Young adults Sampling frame: college students

Nonprobability sampling: convenience & snowball

METHOD IV1: social media uses IV2: the extent of SNS uses 1) the frequency 2) SNS accounts IV3: the motives of SNS uses 1) friendship seeking 2) entertainment seeking 3) information seeking 4)self-status seeking

Control variable: gender, years at university

DV: friendships (the number of close friends, closeness)

METHOD Qustionnaire survey ("Qualtrics" and send the link via email) Part I, demographic information Part II, social media uses (or not) Part III, the extent of SNS uses Part IV, friendships

20 samples (33 respondents but just 20 completed)

DATA ANALYSIS Control variables

DATA ANALYSIS H1: Social media uses could positively influence friendships among you

ng adults. 1) social media uses to the number of friends


DATA ANALYSIS H1: Social media uses could positively influence friendships among youn

g adults. 2) social media uses to the degree of closeness among friends


DATA ANALYSIS H2: The extent of social media uses could predict friendships among you

ng adults. 1a) the frequency of SNS uses to the number of friends.


DATA ANALYSIS H2: The extent of social media uses could predict friendships among you

ng adults. 1b) the frequency of SNS uses to friendships closeness.


DATA ANALYSIS H2: The extent of social media uses could predict friendships among you

ng adults. 2a) the number of SNS accounts to the number of friends.


DATA ANALYSIS H2: The extent of social media uses could predict friendships among you

ng adults. 2b) the number of SNS accounts to friendships closeness.


DATA ANALYSIS H3: The motivation of social media uses could predict friendships amon

g young adults. 1) friendship seeking to the number of friends/closeness

p-value>.05 p-value>.05

DATA ANALYSIS H3: The motivation of social media uses could predict friendships amon

g young adults. 2) entertainment seeking to the number of friends/closeness

p-value>.05 p-value>.05

DATA ANALYSIS H3: The motivation of social media uses could predict friendships amon

g young adults. 3) information seeking to the number of friends/closeness

p-value>.05 p-value>.05

DATA ANALYSIS H3: The motivation of social media uses could predict friendships amon

g young adults. 4) self-status seeking to the number of friends/closeness

p-value>.05 p-value>.05

LIMITATION The sample is too small (20 participants). - only 1 respondent is non-SNS-user. - at least one group has fewer than two cases.

→ p-value bigger than 0.05

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