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Assignment 7: Final Portfolio-Teacher as Professional Developer

Tiffany A Simmons

Dr. Harvey

EDU599: Education Capstone

March 8, 2012

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Table of Contents

Introductory Letter…………………………………………………………………3

Learning Outcomes and Indicators…………………………………………………4-7

Portfolio Use………………………………………………………………………..7-8

Portfolio Entries/Artifacts Artifact 1: Education Platform Statement…………………………………..9-19Artifact 2: PALSI Results………………………………………………….20-25Artifact 3: HPL Framework………………………………………………..26-35Artifact 4: Confirmative Evaluation Report……………………………….36-57Artifact 5: Instructional Plan……………………………………………….58-63Artifact 6: Designing and Developing Content/Curriculum, Part 1………..64-71Artifact 7: Designing and Developing Content/Curriculum, Part 2………..72-82Artifact 8: Designing and Developing Content/Curriculum, Part 3………..83-89Artifact 9: Training Announcement………………………………………...90Artifact 10: Academic Advisor Job Proposal………………………………91-93Artifact 11: Ambassador Certificate………………………………………..94

Portfolio Scope……………………………………………………………………..95


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Dear Reader,

The last time this learner completed a portfolio, it was in preparation for a teaching

career. The teaching career has long since ended, but the desire to be part of the education career

in some capacity has not. It is with this thought in mind that this learner revisited her goals for

teaching and learning and made the shift from being extrinsically motivated to being intrinsically

motivated-and finally being able to articulate a vision and accompanying strategies that she

believes will work.

Contained within are the artifacts that best support this learner’s goal of being a training

and development professional: an education platform statement, Personal Adult Learning Styles

Inventory (PALSI) test result that states this learner’s teaching and learning styles, How People

Learn (HPL) framework to identify and describe learner profiles, confirmative evaluation report

in both Word and PowerPoint formats, instructional plan, three-part content design and

development plan, and a training announcement. She intentionally chose these artifacts to

represent the activities that training and development professionals undertake to fulfill their roles

and this learner’s quest to understand and learn the various activities that comprise this role.

Although this is not an exhaustive collection, and more pieces can be added in the future, this is a

beginning that will help the learner achieve her professional goal.

This learner welcomes feedback of any kind that will help her improve this portfolio.

Many thanks in advance for reading and critquing this piece.

Kindest Regards,

Tiffany A Simmons

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Learning Outcomes and Indicators

The education platform statement and PALSI results were self-discovery documents

designed to clarify this learner’s values, beliefs, and learning preferences. Knowing about them

enabled her to reflect on past teaching and learning experiences and plan for the future. Planning

for the future requires having a clear vision for teaching and learning events and strategies to

make it real. Prior to the latest portfolio development project, this learner did not have a clear

vision for her teaching and strategies that would support it. With these pieces now in place, this

learner could talk about learners and learning.

After establishing the education platform statement and analyzing PALSI results, this

learner began examining the learning process and learner profiles through the HPL framework.

Learning about how people learn and under what conditions and contexts confirms this learner’s

belief that all people can learn and learn well, given the right tools and the right opportunities.

These learners’ prior experiences are useful for learning, and it is this learner’s obligation to use

them to facilitate the learning process. Although learner profiles were included in this learner’s

unit and lesson planning, they was not as dynamic and alive as it could have been. With artifacts

like a confirmative evaluation report, instructional plan, content/curriculum design and

development project, and a training announcement to firmly support this learner’s educational

platform statement, PALSI results, and HPL framework analysis, the learner profiles and their

characteristics are more thoroughly explained and their needs considered and included in the

planning structure.

When considering what can be done to ensure that teachers and learners receive what

they need for a successful learning event, this learner added the confirmative evaluation to the

list of artifacts. Prior to completion of this large-scale activity, this learner had never heard of a

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confirmative evaluation. In fact, when learning of it and discovering how beneficial it could be

to a full-scope evaluation plan, this learner never recalled an instance in which it was ever

discussed. Teachers used formative and summative evaluations to measure and monitor

learning, and administrators used these assessments to compile data for reporting purposes, but

these evaluations did not touch on learning needs, material and resource requirements, and

stakeholder interests. Having those components frames the learning in context and helps the

person doing the evaluating focus on the important issues and concerns raised by the

stakeholders. He or she is then able to form a complete picture of what the learning event should

include, along with learning objectives, outcomes, and indicators that signal learning has taken

place. This learner was so impressed with what could be done with a confirmative evaluation,

that she will use it to plan the next training event.

Once learning needs, goals, and objectives have been identified, materials and resources

planned for, and stakeholders’ interests addressed, the instructional plan can be created. This

instructional plan includes an overview of the content to be addressed, learner characteristics, the

learning environment (time, location, materials to bring), and motivational framework

(establishing inclusion, developing attitude, enhancing meaning, and engendering competence).

The instructional plan could also be considered a classroom management tool that keeps the

teacher focused on learning outcomes and the learner focused on fulfilling the learning

objectives. The content/curriculum design and development plan is a more detailed document, a

spin-off from the instructional plan.

Designing and developing content/curriculum is a three-part process. The first part

included a content analysis which identified the target population to acknowledge them and their

needs, a concept statement that provided overview of what the curriculum will cover, terms and

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concepts to support the content, and action statements that guided the learning activities. In

addition, the learning objectives for the curriculum stated what conditions and contexts had to be

satisfied in order to indicate successful learning. This learner’s knowledge about learning

objectives improved a great deal upon completion of this portion of the project. As a result, she

will use the template as a guide for future planning. The second part of the content/curriculum

design and development project included a lesson plan. This lesson plan specified what will be

taught, how it will be taught, materials and resources needed, and the supporting activities.

Unlike past lesson plans, this template was much easier to follow, and this learner found it easy

to create and sustain a flow between the first and second parts of the project, and by extension,

the third part. The third and final part of the content/curriculum design and development project

was a test item template, an assessment tool that confirmed adherence to the learning objectives

and confirmed that learners learned. Learners were expected to produce a finished product as

evidence of their learning and demonstrate that what they learned transferred to their

professional capacities. Like the content analysis, learning objectives, and lesson plan templates,

this learner intends to use the test item template to plan assessment procedures. The ease of

planning makes this template a great choice.

With development and design of content/curriculum done and test runs completed to

assure that everything works as it should, this learner feels ready to announce the training event.

For the training announcement, this learner used a PowerPoint slide to convey the message. The

PowerPoint presentation can be uploaded to the company or organization’s electronic bulletin

board, posted on the training portal of the website, or sent to the target audience by email. If the

company or organization plans to use snail mail to announce training, then it could import this

document to MS Publisher and mail as a postcard. Any mode that the company chooses to

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announce its learning events, it is essential to market the event in an attractive and professional

way. The company or organization may already have logos, stationery, and other branding

materials available for use, and the training and development staff should use them for their

marketing, but the point is to market. If the training and development staff does not market this

event effectively, its effort to provide a quality training event goes to waste.

For bragging points and demonstration that this learner has some real-world experience in

training, she included her ambassador certificate from her workplace. This certificate is

demonstration that this learner is committed to ongoing personal and professional development

and positions her for future opportunities inside and outside her company. Additionally, it is a

good conversation piece, which makes this learner a more attractive candidate for those future


Taken together, the artifacts included represent this learner’s desire to rededicate herself

to the field of education and the pursuit of her personal and professional goals. It is hoped that

these artifacts adequately tell the story of this learner’s journey from self-awareness to the

completion of a successful learning event.

Portfolio Use

A portfolio is a useful tool to have in one’s professional arsenal, as this learner initially

learned when undertaking previous educational courses. Along with the resume and cover letter,

a portfolio distinguishes a candidate from the numerous others who are applying the same

positions within a company or organization. It shows evidence of professional growth and

development and a commitment to building valuable skills and competencies needed to advance

further. This learner plans to use this portfolio to demonstrate to future employers her ability to

meet their needs and, at the same time, fulfill her own goals. The target audience for this

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portfolio will be the following: human resource and/or training and development departments of

corporations, post-secondary educational institutions, and non-profit organizations seeking

candidates for program directors or program managers.

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Artifact 1: Education Platform Statement

A learner/educator would include an introductory artifact that lends direction and purpose

to the other artifacts that will be included in the portfolio. This learner has chosen to include the

education platform statement as the lead-off document because she wants to introduce her vision

and ideas of what education is and could be. The education platform statement is personal in

tone but professional in intent, and offers an idea to the intended audience of what this learner’s

goals are. Instead of quoting great philosophers and teachers of education from years past, this

learner chose to use her past experiences as a guidepost for this endeavor.

This learner completed an educational philosophy before in preparation for a teaching

career, but the philosophy, and subsequently the teaching career, did not last. On closer

examination of that fact, this learner discovered that the philosophy was based on extrinsic

pressures and ideas rather than intrinsic motivation. That was four years and several reality

checks ago. The educational philosophy has since been revised and now includes a philosophy

about leadership, an area that was never considered or talked about in previous education

courses; a vision statement that includes ideal learning conditions; and strategies to achieve that

vision. To say that the platform statement stretched this learner is not saying enough.

This learner learned a lot about herself in the process of creating this document. She

learned that her previous philosophy was inadequate to the task of teaching. Revising that

philosophy, in addition to thinking about leadership, vision statements, and strategies challenged

her to get out of the box of being a deliverer of knowledge. She learned that there was so much

more to teaching than just that. Without a vision and effective strategies to achieve the vision,

the philosophy is not going to work. Experience has taught this learner that “shooting from the

hip will cause you to misfire,” as quoted from a former colleague. In essence, if you fail to plan,

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you plan to fail. With a much clearer perspective on what it means to be an educator, this learner

is now equipped to make a more adequate contribution.

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RUNNING HEAD: Education Platform Statement

Assignment 4: Education Platform Statement

Tiffany A Simmons

Dr. Harvey

EDU 599: Education Capstone

February 1, 2012

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This learner once had the idea/vision of all learners streaming into her classroom, thirsty

for the knowledge needed to reach the next level of their academic journeys. “To be great

writers… be literate citizens” (Simmons, 2004) sounded lofty and purposeful enough to

create excitement about learning, but it would not enough to sustain the teacher or the learner.

Seven years and several reality checks later, this learner has come to the realization that the ideas

and visions were not a true representation of her beliefs and values. Instead, they were more for

the purpose of finishing an assignment and getting a grade. In short, this philosophy was not

taken seriously by the learner, and it showed itself when the learner began student teaching and

continued through to full-time teaching. Admittedly, this was a painful realization, but it has

presented the learner with an opportunity to revisit the educational philosophy.

The educational philosophy, as this learner discovered, is not a bunch of words on a page.

At the heart of any philosophy is a belief and value system that justifies and sustains it. In turn,

the beliefs and values that the learner/educator possesses authenticates the philosophy. For this

learner/educator, this meant revisiting, rethinking, and reimagining what education is and what it

means to be an educator. After over four years of being away from education, and coming back

to it again, it was time to reflect and remember what drew this learner/educator to the profession

to begin with and what that would mean going forward.

This learner/educator is excited about sharing her vision and ideas with those who are

interested in education and educators. After giving it much thought and reflection, this learner is

finally ready to share the vision that she has of education and what her role will be in it. The

ultimate goal is to create and promote vibrant, active learning communities that everyone would

be excited to belong to. Within these pages, this learner/educator will articulate a new, improved

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philosophy of education, a philosophy of leadership, a vision of teachers and learners, a vision of

the educational environment in which this learner desires to work, and the strategies to achieve

the vision in current or anticipated work.

Philosophy of Education

“I’m a believer in essentialism…I use (Robert Dewey’s) idea of progressivism to take the

writing experience to the next level.”

-Tiffany Simmons, 2004

“Believe: believe in the potential of your learners. Believe in your worth and value as

teachers. Believe that what you have to teach is valuable and relevant to the learner.”

-Tiffany Simmons, 2012

This learner included both philosophies in this section to represent the shift in thinking

that occurred between the two time periods. The initial philosophy statement included theories

and ideas from other philosophers and writers, who may or may have had education in mind

when they formulated their theories. It was a well-meaning philosophy, but it was not a

complete and true representation of what this learner believed and valued about education. The

second philosophy statement came about as a result of this learner’s growth and experiences

inside and outside the educational setting. Keeping in mind those comparisons, this learner

concluded that previous teaching experiences did not work out because the philosophy that

undergirded them was not authentic-just a means to have something written. After having time

to reflect some more, this learner revised her philosophy to include her beliefs and values about

learning and learners. Her work experiences after teaching have shown that learners, no matter

what background they come from, have the ability and the potential to do great things-if teachers

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believe in them, if teachers believe in their own abilities, and if the content is valuable and

relevant to the life and experience of the learner.

All learners have the potential to learn-and learn well. Contrary to previous thought,

learners do not come to the learning experience as “blank slates,” waiting to be poured into.

They have previous personal and professional experiences that have educational value; it is the

teacher’s responsibility to bring those out. Finding out what the learner needs to be successful,

know who they are, and what they value about learning all show that the teacher believes in the

learner’s potential. Setting high expectations and implementing some structure and routine to

classroom life stabilizes the learning process and shows that the teacher has respect for the

learner, the learning process, and most importantly, for himself or herself as an educator.

An area that educational literature seldom speaks about is the teacher’s belief in their

worth and value in the profession of teaching-that they have something to offer to the students.

To demonstrate that worth and value, teachers practice continuous learning. They have plans

and goals for student learning, as well as for their own learning. Additionally, they are willing to

collaborate with colleagues to ensure the integrity and equity of the learning environment.

Finally, a teacher who values their teaching reflects on it often, with the goal to improve how

they plan and deliver instruction.

Teachers who believe in the potential of their learners, and the worth and value of their

teaching, also believe that what they teach has some value. Staying current with the trends of

one’s content area is a given, and should be required, but there is more to it. Following federal,

state, and local core content for assessment-and being able to articulate them- is the best

indicator that a teacher believes that what they teach has relevance and value to the learner. If a

teacher can confidently articulate the reason something is being taught and why it needs to be

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learned, learners will see its relevance, grab onto the learning process, and share the teacher’s

excitement for learning the particular content area.

Without learners, teachers cannot teach. Without teachers, learners cannot learn. That is

why teachers must believe in the potential of every learner he or she comes across; that is why

teachers must recognize and believe in their own worth and value as teachers, and why teachers

must believe that what they teach has value and relevance to the learner. When those three

“beliefs” come together, teachers and learners will become dynamic partners in the learning


Philosophy of Leadership

Although pre-service teachers were expected to formulate an educational philosophy to

guide their practice as teachers, they were never asked to do a similar thing for leadership

philosophy. So, to this learner, developing a philosophy of leadership is new. Thinking about

the teacher as a leader was, at best, a fringe topic and, at worst, a non-topic. In short, a teacher

was a teacher and nothing more. Reframing the teacher role as that of leader is an interesting

idea, one worth exploring and expounding on. Reading books and articles on leadership and

organizational behavior topics has helped this learner/educator develop some thoughts and ideas

on what leadership could be in the teaching profession.

It is possible for a teacher to be a strong, exceptional leader. That is why one sees

department heads, mentors, and principals in the school systems. Such leaders are actively

engaged in the life of the learning community, doing equal parts of giving and taking to ensure

its survival and vitality. So, what does this learner/educator believe about leadership?

This learner/educator believes that leaders have a strong, clear vision about the results

and outcomes they wish to see, and they seek out the best and the brightest who are also

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committed to fulfillment of that vision. True leaders often are not the ones at the center of

attention; sometimes, they are behind the scenes. They are not afraid of sharing power with

others, nor are they afraid of giving it up, when and where appropriate. Leaders can admit that

they do not have all the answers; they seek out experts for support and guidance on issues in

which they are not well-versed. Finally, leaders are learners. They constantly seek out

knowledge and current best practices that will improve how the organization is run.

This learner/educator cannot claim to know all there is to leadership. Many of the

situations in which she was placed has either refuted her idea of what leadership is or enhanced

her ability to step into a leadership role, when necessary.

A Vision of Teachers and Learners

This learner/educator believes that teachers and learners are partners in the educational

process. The teacher is not the all-knowing, all-seeing guru, while the learner sits at his or her

feet to absorb the knowledge. When this learner was administrator at a small college, she

noticed a rampant pattern of administrators doing all the work, and prospective students doing

none of it. The belief was that students who were made to fend for themselves would most likely

not enroll in school because “they needed the school’s help.” To test this belief, this

administrator started requiring students to complete their own paperwork. They were to

complete their own admissions and financial aid forms and consult the administrative offices

only when they were truly stuck and not because they did not want to do it. Contrary to the long-

standing perception, students who did it on their own did not drop out. The opposite happened:

they followed through on their commitments and started on time-every single time!

When teachers and administrators stop coddling (adult students in particular), they will

find that much of their time is freed up to carry out their duties and responsibilities. Teachers

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and learners are partners, not superior and subordinate, in the learning process. Learners work

toward their goals, while teachers coach and facilitate. This arrangement allows everyone to

reach their full educational potential.

Vision of the Educational Environment

The educational environment that this learner/educator feels is most ideal is the post-

secondary or corporate environment. In these environments, the learners are more self-directed

and are often in the learning environment with a specific learning objective in mind. This

learner/educator, as strange as it may sound, feels more comfortable teaching to this group than

to the secondary school classrooms that she came from. Through trial and error, and through a

previous class, this learner discovered her teaching orientation and has a wish to go in that direct

in the future.

This post-secondary or corporate environment will either include developmental learners

or learners who need extra help in acclimating to a college environment. If in a corporate

environment, new hires or hires who need additional skill training in targeted areas will be a

focus. Currently, this learner is actively seeking opportunities in both areas.

Strategies to Achieve the Vision

To achieve this vision, this learner/educator would consider only those strategies that are

suitable and appropriate. Older, more traditional strategies, may be foregone in favor of more

authentic, real-life ones in order to reach the learners and advance the mission of the educational

environments in which the learner would work.

Some strategies that this learner will use are mentorships, student-to-student

collaborations, teacher-to-student learning agreements, frequent feedback, and targeted practice

for skill-building. Mentorships programs that pair new students with continuing students or new

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adult students with continuing adult students could help with adjustment problems and be

valuable resources for students who are struggling in their classes (or in corporate environment,

mentoring between new hires and more established employees will help the new hire adjust to

the corporate culture). Student-to-student collaborations are excellent for both post-secondary

and corporate environments and aid in transfer of knowledge from classroom to workplace or

from classroom to classroom (moving from one class to the next in the sequence). Teacher-to-

student learning agreement (or, in the corporate environment, professional development plans)

articulate specific learning goals the student (or employee) has and methods that will be used to

achieve them. Frequent feedback can be verbal or written. In the corporate environment,

frequent feedback is usually written-in the form of performance evaluations. Finally, authentic

assessments, such as case studies and simulations will be used in the teaching environment to

reinforce learning. In any case, the learner will take a greater responsibility for their learning and

rely less on a teacher to do it for them. Teachers will act as coaches and facilitators, empowering

the learner to learn for themselves and discover that they can learn-and learn well.


Initially, this learner/educator formulated a philosophy because she needed to round out

the portfolio, prepare for teaching. But when it came time to teach, the philosophy was

forgotten. It was never looked at again. Revisiting the educational philosophy was beneficial in

that it allowed this learner/educator to examine what it is about education she truly believed,

why, and what changed. Looking at this philosophy made this learner/educator realize that

haphazard and random actions in teaching are not good for the teacher and the learner. It can

lead to disastrous results for everyone, and the value of education erodes at each turn.

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Simmons, T. (2004). Philosophy of Education. Kentucky State University: Teacher Education


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Artifact 2: PALSI Results

Prior to completing an education platform statement, this learner completed a Personal

Adult Learning Styles Inventory (PALSI). This inventory measured one’s “general orientation

toward adult learning, program development, learning methods, and program administration”

(Knowles, Swanson, & Holt, 2005). In order to form a philosophy about teaching, this learner

had to understand how SHE learned so that she could be effective with her own learners. The

results of the inventory did not shock or surprise; rather, it helped her establish a direction in

which to go with future educational endeavors.

This learner would best describe herself as an experienced, self-motivated learner. As

such, she discovered that the pedagogical style in which she was taught in her education classes

was not a good fit for her. For the future, this learner has made it a goal to seek opportunities in

post-secondary or corporate environments, which is consistent with the test results. To be clear,

the test results do not drive my decision-making; they simply confirm it. The daily cognitive

dissonance that came each time this learner stepped into her classroom was enough to convince

her to stop trying to teach to learners that she could not reach. Instead, the energies could better

be applied seeking opportunities that were a better match, both professionally and personally.

As with the education platform statement, the PALSI results asked the learner to identify

suitable environments and strategies for teaching and learning. This learner believes that the

environments and strategies are consistent with the vision that she has for teaching and learning,

and she plans to implement them in future endeavors.

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PALSI Results: Teaching and Learning Orientation

Tiffany A. Simmons

Strayer University

August 14, 2011

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“Teaching/learning assumptions may be categorized as pedagogically oriented or

andragogically oriented” (Knowles, Holton, & Swanson, 2005). The pedagogical model is most

familiar to many teachers and learners because the elementary and secondary school

environment is oriented in that direction. The pedagogical model is focused on teaching content

to learners who exhibit dependent personalities, have little to no experience in the content or

learning in general, and learners are extrinsically motivated due to pressures from society,

parents, peers, and teachers (Knowles, Holton, & Swanson, 2005). The andragogical model

focuses on adult learning and assumes that adult learners are independent, have experiences that

can be used in the educational context, and are intrinsically motivated to learn to improve their

life situations, raise their self-esteem, or gain more personal or professional recognition

(Knowles, Holton, & Swanson, 2005). This learner recently completed a Personal Adult

Learning Style Inventory (PALSI) that measures one’s “general orientation to adult learning,

program development, learning methods, and program administration” (Knowles, Holton, &

Swanson, 2005). Once the questions were answered, respondents were asked to graph their

results based on how andragogic they were along a continuum of answers. A score of 30 to 60

would indicate a pedagogical orientation, and a score of 120 to 150 would indicate an

andragogical orientation (Knowles, Holton, & Swanson). Somewhere in the middle is a mixture

of both orientations. This learner scored a 146, which is no surprise given her past teaching and

learning experiences.

This learner was a teacher in the public school system for a brief period of time before

discovering that the pedagogical style of teaching was not compatible with her ideas and beliefs

about teaching and learning. This was the first indication that elementary and secondary school

teaching was not appropriate for this learner. Realizing that this group of learners was not

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prepared to be the types of learners that the teacher expected was evidence enough that another

learning atmosphere would be a better fit. Secondly, this learner taught a classroom of remedial

English students at a local college in preparation for a teaching career and discovered that it was

a better fit for her personal teaching and learning philosophy than the middle and high school

students that she gained eligibility to teach. That was because the college classroom consisted of

learners who were ready to learn. Malcolm Knowles explains in his theory of andragogy that

“the readiness of an adult to learn is closely related to the developmental tasks of his or her role”

(Merriam, Caffarella, & Baumgartner, 2007). These students were high school graduates who

were taking their educational pursuits to the next level, parents who wanted to be examples to

their children and families of what one can do if they try hard enough and succeed, and members

of the workforce who wanted additional credentials to advance their careers. These learners’

desire to improve themselves and consistently show themselves eager to learn inspired and

energized this learner/teacher. They are the group of learners that this learner wants to teach and


Teaching adults is just as much a challenge as teaching children, especially for someone

who is not self-directed or intrinsically motivated and who is used to teaching in a pedagogical

style. Unlike child learners who need instruction and who do not have a great deal of experience

to draw upon to expand learning, adult learners do. Helping adult learners see how useful their

previous life experiences are for learning will help them see that they can learn (Merriam,

Caffarella, & Baumgartner, 2007). They will feel less nervous and more comfortable.

However, the teacher/instructor has to be intentional and effortless in drawing out those

experiences; otherwise, it may not work. A teacher has to establish an environment for learning

that includes everyone, encourages a positive learning attitude, enhances meaning, and engenders

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competence in the learner. Ginsberg and Wlodkowski (2009) brought these ideas together into a

motivational framework for culturally responsive teaching. The andragogical style of learning

and the motivational framework for culturally responsive teaching both helped this learner

understand how to be a better teacher and how to clarify her learning style.

It is no surprise that the andragogical style of teaching and learning appeared more

prominently. Not because of the theories that support andragogy, but because this learner has

always exhibited qualities of self-direction in her learning. The online learning environment is a

perfect fit for her in that regard. Furthermore, this learner is intrinsically motivated (which

probably does not sit too well with family and friends who are not so intrinsically motivated) and

will learn something because she wants to learn it, whether it is popular with others or not. To

keep learners like her motivated and further encourage self-direction, it is recommended that an

interactive instructional method is used. Using PowerPoint presentations to deliver lectures

instead of standing at a lectern is highly suggested, along with opportunities to collaborate with

classmates. Class presentations that challenge the learner’s ability to apply the ideas and

concepts of the course, as well as using technology to deliver that knowledge, is useful. And

being able to use audio and video, as appropriate, will help learners like this learner demonstrate

a new skill and use it to enhance the coursework.

After leaving the classroom, this learner no longer could articulate her teaching and

learning style. It is now that she realizes that the pedagogical style that is so dominant in the

elementary and secondary schools is not one that will help her be successful. In fact, it is with

this knowledge in mind that this learner has decided not to return to that environment to teach;

instead, she has decided to devote time and resources to pursuing a teaching position in the adult

education classroom. Taking the PALSI was an eye-opener and a career-changer, for sure.

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Ginsberg, M. B. & Wlodkowski, R. J. (2009). Diversity and motivation: Culturally responsive

teaching in college. (2nd ed). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Knowles, M. S., Holton, E. F. & Swanson, R. A. (2005). The adult learner: The definitive

classic in adult education and human resource development (6th ed.). San Diego, CA:


Merriam, S. B., Baumgartner, L. M., & Caffarella, R. S. (2007). Learning in adulthood: a

comprehensive guide (3rd ed.). San Francisco: Wiley.

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Artifact 3: HPL Framework

This learner talked about teaching and learning in the context of her own teaching and

learning experiences. The How People Learn (HPL) framework offers a perspective on how

learners connect to the learning experience. Learners do not come to the learning experience

with nothing; they have prior experiences that can be used for the learning environment.

Understanding what learners already know, how they use what they know, and what they could

potentially learn can help teachers teach effectively. Learning, as the HPL framework

illustrates, is not a one-time event; it is ongoing. Going back to the training event with sorority

members: this training event was the specific scenario in which this framework was tested. The

HPL framework covers four areas: knowledge-centeredness, learner-centeredness, community-

centeredness, and assessment-centeredness.

The knowledge-centeredness piece focuses on content. This is where teachers determine

what will be taught, why it would be taught, and how what would be taught would be organized.

Alumnae members determined what would be taught, why, and how the content would be

organized to support efficient and effective learning. This point was important to establish

effortless flow of information. It is important to note that learners notice when something is not

flowing as it should, and learner/educators like myself would do well to consider doing practice

runs with the material before rolling it out. Additionally, teachers should implement interesting

activities that would enhance the content and facilitate retention. Finally, the content itself must

reflect current thought and practice because relevance is key. Learners want to be assured that

what they are learning is relevant.

Speaking of learners, when planning for learning, the chapter had to identify who would

take part in the training. This is the learning-centered part of the framework. For the training

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event, all current undergraduate chapter members were required to attend. Their experience

level with the sorority are many and various, but the intent is to get everyone up to speed on

current thought and practice. Because things frequently change, it is necessary to involve

everyone in the learning process. Along with general information about sorority matters,

members were given specific learning opportunities, such as increasing chapter growth and

fundraising ideas, to enhance their chapter operations. For the future, however, the chapter

would do well to target only those members who have identified a need for training or those

members whom the chapter advisor has targeted for training. Additionally, more experienced

undergraduate members will be chosen to lead the training modules, with alumnae members

offering guidance. This will empower undergraduate chapter members to help one another and

build their leadership skills. Besides, it’s just a great idea!

These learners do not belong to themselves in the bigger scheme of things; they operate

their chapters within a larger community-the college or university campus on which they operate

and the local communities in which they reside. The community-centered component of the

framework helps the teachers, advisors, alumnae, and undergraduate chapter members

understand how what they learn will enhance their communities. Community-building is

essential to the success of the training event, and will be essential to the success of each chapter.

Within a thriving community of active, engaged individuals, the chapters will not be successful,

and the training event itself will be a waste.

Checking for learning, engagement, and conducting follow-up to determine if the transfer

of learning is happening is where assessment-centeredness comes in. Assessments done in the

formative stages to check learning and clarify understanding, as well as assessments done at the

close of the training event (summative) to evaluate effectiveness of training. As was stated

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before, a confirmative evaluation plan will be included as part of a full-scope evaluation. This

will do two things: assure that our undergraduate chapters are vital, functional entities and to

offer smoother reporting to the national body when annual reports are due.

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Assignment 5: HPL Framework

Tiffany A. Simmons

Dr. Harvey

EDU599: Education Capstone

February 12, 2012

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Educators are challenged with providing quality teaching and learning experiences for

their learners. They want to connect the learning to the learning experience in a seamless,

effortless way. The HPL (How People Learn) framework is important in the teaching and

learning environment because “understanding how [people] develop and learn, as well as what

they learned during their early years and continue to learn outside of the school environment, is

critical for effective teaching” (Darling-Hammond & Bransford, 2005). The four components of

this framework are knowledge-centeredness, learner-centeredness, community-centeredness, and


Teachers should consider how learners learn, what they already know, and how what

they already know can facilitate the learning process. Learning, as the HPL framework

explanation suggests, is not a one-time event; it is an ongoing process that happens in many

contexts and scenarios. This learner was asked to place this framework in a specific scenario to

demonstrate how it would work. The scenario that this learner has chosen is a training event for

undergraduate sorority members. This scenario is based on an event that really happened.


Knowledge-centeredness concerns itself with content-what is being taught, why it is

taught, and how it will be organized for efficiency. The alumnae chapter, who is in charge of the

undergraduate sorority chapters in its area, facilitates the trainings. Based on its findings, the

training needs have been identified as follows: chapter management, which includes officer

training, financial management, and organizational efficiency; sorority image, which includes

behavior and conduct, academic progress, and a lively discussion about sorority stereotypes;

event programming, which includes discussion about required programs, specific chapter

programs, and chapter calendars; and membership development, which includes timely topics

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about recruitment and retention. Why were these areas chosen? Alumnae advisors attend

undergraduate chapter meetings and, based on their observations, identify areas in which

chapters need additional help and advisement. Additionally, each chapter is surveyed after each

academic year to identify areas of need. Both sets of information are used to determine what

content should be covered.

Although the textbook does not cover this area very extensively, and it seems intuitive

and self-explanatory for more readers, it should not be assumed that no discussion is needed.

Likewise, the alumnae chapter members should not skip over knowledge-centeredness as it

pertains to the training process. Content is what makes the training event happen, and the

content must reflect current thought and practice, and be relevant to the lives and concerns of the

learners they target for training.


For the purposes of this scenario, the learners that are being targeted for this training

event are the members of the undergraduate sorority chapters. Their experience levels vary from

no experience to extensive experience. These sorority members have participated on the local,

regional, and national level in sorority events, and have held offices in their respective chapters.

Having this knowledge is crucial for training because it fosters connection and draws them into

the learning process.

Recently, the alumnae chapter recruited new members for one of the undergraduate

chapters. These members had no prior sorority experience, other than membership recruitment

activities, so it was imperative to get them up to speed. The selected content for these members

was appropriate, since these members would be the ones sustaining the chapter after the older

undergraduate members graduated. For the other chapters in attendance, the training modules

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would target their specific chapter concerns. Of course, these chapters know the specific

environment in which they operate; however, there are concerns that have come up as part of

observation that training is designed to cover and remedy. More specifically, lack of growth.

Membership development modules are designed to target those problems and help chapters come

up with a plan of action for this area.

The alumnae chapter made every effort to connect these undergraduate chapters’ past

experiences and knowledge to the training event, and it is hoped that the effort is successful, and

chapter members can take the knowledge gained back to their chapters and build from there.


Training events would not be successful-especially with numerous chapters in

attendance-without community-building. Community-building is an effort to build thriving,

effective learning communities that encourages active sharing and inquiry among its members.

As it pertains to this training event, the goal for community-building is to build strong coalitions

among these chapters. Fortunately, they already know each other and are social outside of the

training event. The next step in the community-building is to encourage collaborative activities

that will promote their chapters and the sorority more.

The addition of an open forum is the perfect opportunity to build community. Within this

format, chapter members are encouraged and expected to share their experiences. The goal is to

help solve problems and strengthen support systems among the chapters. Creating and fostering

community improves the sorority image and strengthens event planning-and the act of seeing

sorority women supporting and encouraging one another is an incentive for outsiders to seek

membership in this community, which will solve the problem of membership recruitment and

retention. Building a strong, active community, then, is beneficial to the learning process

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because, through it, members can take pride in their sorority and spread that to the larger



While observation and surveying are excellent assessment tools, other assessment tools

should be utilized before, during, and after the event. While planning, the content should be

assessed to be sure that it adheres to sorority rules, regulations, and policies. This is a type of

formative assessment that ensures that what is taught is current and correct. While the training

event is going, more formative assessment should take place-for instance, facilitators should

check understanding at regular intervals (like what the PowerPoint lectures in the Strayer

classroom modules do) to be sure that information presented is understood. Secondly, as part of

summative assessments, learners should complete an assessment to identify what they have

learned, areas that they need more training in, how they will use the information gained from

training, and any recommendations for future training events.

This learner has also considered completing a confirmative evaluation at the close of the

last training event, to be completed by the beginning of the next one. This confirmative

evaluation will identify stakeholders-the people who will either participate in the training,

whether as a learner or a facilitator, and the people who expect to benefit in some way from the

training (campus advisors, the Greek Affairs Office, for example)-resource requirements,

program objectives, and specific needs of the chapters. The purpose of such an evaluation is to

identify training needs, describe the method and purpose for training, and explain what is needed

to execute it successfully. If, in conducting the evaluation, it is determined that the way trainings

is currently being done is no longer effective, or that the learner profile for training should

change, then the changes can be made at that point.

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Assessments drive continuous improvement and are a proactive way of doing so. There

should be no reason why assessments should be a one-shot deal, when it can be so much more.

Every effort should be made to ensure that the training event is beneficial, and that learners are

learning and are engaged in the event.


The training event is a permanent part of the yearly calendar for both alumnae and

undergraduate chapters. While the training itself has produced good results and has gotten

positive feedback from attendees, more can be done. The content can be adjusted to target

specific needs of the chapters; the learner profile could be adjusted to accommodate only those

chapters or members who have identified a specific training need; the community-centeredness

of the event can be adjusted to include the alumnae. They can also be cast as learners in order to

reach the undergraduate members more effectively. Finally, the assessments can be more all-

inclusive to include confirmative evaluations. This step often gets missed in favor of one

summative assessment. By the time the summative evaluation is completed, and problems are

spotted, it is often too late to do anything about it. To that end, the training should meet the

needs of all participants through assessments, proper content development based on identified

needs, knowledge of learners and their needs, and community-building. When all four

components of the HPL framework are functioning together, the training event will produce the

result it desires.

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Darling-Hammond, L. & Bransford, (2005). Preparing teachers for a changing world. San

Francisco, CA: Wiley.

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Artifact 4: Confirmative Evaluation Report

Teachers have been taught to assess learning through formative and summative

evaluation. Formative evaluations capture understanding as it is being formed, either before or

during the learning event, and summative evaluation captures what is learned after the learning

event has happened. What is not captured is what learners feel they need to learn before, during,

and after the event; what is important information to impart to learners; and who will benefit

from the learning event, whether it is the learner, the teacher, or important others, who are

referred to as “stakeholders.” A confirmative evaluation is designed to capture those points. It

includes the interests of the learners, the teachers, and other stakeholders who are vested in the

outcomes of the learning event.

This learner had never heard of a confirmative evaluation, perhaps because the

organizations that this learner worked for never asked for or considered one in its planning-and

maybe because the time and expense in completing it can be too burdensome. The confirmative

evaluation includes a detailed plan to carry out an effective training event for sorority members.

Because the learner recognizes that the target audience may need or want a visual representation

of the confirmative evaluation, a summarized version can be accessed here.

What this learner discovered through completing a confirmative evaluation are these: 1.

It is time-consuming but a worthwhile endeavor; 2. One gets a fuller picture of what is needed

from all perspectives; 3. It reduces or eliminates redundancies in planning and execution; 4. A

confirmative evaluation targets exactly what is needed, who needs it, what resources and

materials are available to meet the needs, and what results and outcomes are expected; and 5.

Involving everyone who has a stake in the outcome is beneficial and crucial to the success of the

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learning event. This learner feels that a confirmative evaluation would have been useful for a

training event she spearheaded a year ago for sorority members.

Each year, the alumnae chapter of this learner’s sorority conducts training for its

undergraduate chapters. Because this learner’s position included training undergraduates, it was

her responsibility to ensure that training happened. Using a previous model, she put the training

together. Although the training was moderately successful, it could have been much more so. A

confirmative evaluation done beforehand could have eliminated training modules that would

have limited or no value, targeted the participants who needed to be present for the training, and

specified learning outcomes and objectives to be attained and how they would be monitored and


Now that this learner has this all-important tool, she plans to use it to help her chapter be

more efficient in planning training events in the future, and she also plans to use it in future

job/career opportunities that include planning for training events for staff, as well as pass it along

to colleagues. A confirmative evaluation is a much-needed tool to ensure that learning happens.

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RUNNING HEAD: Final Report

Final Confirmative Evaluation Report: Alpha Beta Gamma Sorority

Tiffany A. Simmons

Strayer University

August 27, 2011

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………..3

Part I: Project Description


Type of Organization……………………………………………………………………4

Description of Training………………………………………………………………….5

Description of Learners………………………………………………………………….5

Instructional/Motivational Methods…………………………………………………...5-6

Next Steps………………………………………………………………………………..6

Part II: Confirmative Evaluation Pre-Plan…………………………………………………….6-11

Part III: Assessment Tool


Defining Survey Objectives……………………………………………………….…11-12

Sampling Group……………………………………………………………………...12-13

Writing the Questionnaire……………………………………………………………13-14

Administering the Questionnaire………………………………………………………..15

Interpretation of Results………………………………………………………………...15


Part IV: Matrix to Focus Plan Data Collection……………………………………………...16-18



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Executive Summary

Confirmative evaluations are a means to ascertain program effectiveness and current and future

needs. Often, this step is skipped in favor of formative and summative evaluations which may or

may not offer the information needed to measure overall program health. This is why

confirmative evaluations are needed along with formative and summative evaluations. Within

this document is a confirmative evaluation plan that details what will be done and how. The goal

is to ensure an effective, healthy program in which participants will obtain optimal learning


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Part I: Project Description


Each year, the alumnae chapter devotes considerable time and energy into grooming its

undergraduate chapters. While the need for training and developing these young sorority sisters

is needed and valuable, the questions as to what to teach and train them for and the cost-benefit

of having done so weigh heavily. With that, those in charge of training have examined the issue

from as many angles as possible and concluded that every undergraduate sorority member should

complete training in sorority rules, regulations, customs, and operations as a prerequisite to

executing activities and projects on their campuses and conducting membership drives. The

training assures that each member understands the rules, regulations, customs, and operations of

the sorority and is therefore accountable for following them and communicating them when


Type of Organization

Alpha Beta Gamma is considered an incorporated non-profit organization under 501(c) 3

regulations. Its management style is collaborative and democratic, with each paid, active

member receiving one vote in national, regional, and local officer elections, where applicable.

The sorority employs ten full-time staff members at its national headquarters, including an

executive director and a membership services coordinator. Alpha Beta Gamma is represented in

all 50 states and over 20 foreign countries. In the state of Kentucky, Alpha Beta Gamma has

eight undergraduate chapters and two alumnae chapters. The local alumnae chapter, based in

Lexington, KY, is responsible for the training and development of four undergraduate chapters.

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Description of Training

The annual Undergraduate Training Seminar is held each September. The undergraduate

chapters rotate locations so that each chapter has the opportunity to be hostesses of the event.

The training covers chapter management (officer duties/responsibilities, record-keeping, annual

reporting), sorority image (appropriate attire for sorority events, acceptable behavior in the

campus environment), and membership requirements (inducting new members, monitoring

current membership activity). The goals and objectives of this training are the following:

sorority members will manage their chapters in an orderly, professional manner at all times;

sorority members will project positive images on their respective campuses at all times; and

sorority members will communicate and enforce membership requirements at all times. These

training modules are part of a complete curriculum on undergraduate training, and all

undergraduate sorority members are required to attend.

Description of learners

The learners present at the training seminar are female college students who are in non-

management positions; however, they may or may not currently hold an office within their

chapters. They will have 0 to 3 years of experience in the sorority and little knowledge to

extensive knowledge of sorority rules, regulations, customs, and operations. The average age

range of the learners is 18 to 22 years old, with some learners preparing for graduation or will

have graduated and are looking to transfer into an alumnae chapter at a later date.

Instructional and/or Motivational Methods

The trainer/facilitator used the following motivational methods to influence learning in

the training sessions: she focused on creating an inclusive learning environment with

icebreakers and introductions. Once the icebreakers and introductions were complete, the

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facilitator explained the purpose of the training in order to create the right attitude toward

learning. Thirdly, the facilitator, along with other alumnae chapters members in attendance,

enhanced meaning by engaging the undergraduate learners, allowing them to share their

experiences and express their concerns (Wlodkowski, 2008, p. 114). These three motivational

methods were used to draw the learners in, determine where they were in the learning process,

and what they needed in order to get to the next level in their sorority membership.

Next Steps

The next steps in this training would be to solicit feedback from the learners to see if all

outcomes and objectives were achieved. An online survey will be used for that purpose.

Secondly, a confirmative evaluation will be conducted prior to the next training. The feedback

from this evaluation will assist the trainer in determine if more targeted training is needed,

whether some members should be exempt from attendance, and whether some modules can be

eliminated. It must be noted that previous trainings did not include evaluations as part of the

process. To that end, evaluation will become an integral part of the training so that continuous

improvement can take place, and the undergraduates can continue to benefit from the trainings.

Part II: Confirmative Evaluation Pre-Plan

Alumnae sorority chapters are responsible for the overall well-being of its local

undergraduate chapters. To assure that they are operating within the rules and regulations of the

sorority and the universities the sorority is represented, the alumnae chapter sponsors

undergraduate training programs each year. The undergraduate trainings cover a variety of

topics, from financial management techniques to membership recruitment. New members, as

well as more seasoned members, attend this training. Alumnae chapter members lend their time

and expertise to the event to ensure that each attendee is receiving the best, most up-to-date

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information available. Confirmative evaluation is needed to keep the quality of membership

high and the integrity of the organization intact.

The intended program duration is expected to be one year-especially for those who are

new members. The program goals and objectives are clear and well-defined, are achievable,

align with business goals, and are critical to meeting organizational goals (Dessinger & Moseley,

2004). The needs of the training audience have been identified and are well-defined for the

training. The budget for this event is not very large, as many of the chapter members own some

of the resources required to stage it. Alumnae chapter members are in discussions to determine

how to acquire additional funds (i.e. submitting grant proposal form to the national sorority,

requesting training voucher funds from the universities where the sorority chapters are

represented). Although the chapter budget to stage the training is not very large, the training

audience is. Recently, one of the undergraduate chapters inducted seven new members, and

another inducted three. Altogether, the training audience totals thirty undergraduate sorority

members. Because many of them are new, the alumnae chapter sees this as an opportunity to not

only educate them but to re-instill a sense of pride and ownership that being a member of the

sorority would entail. The alumnae chapter has committed itself to conducting a confirmative

evaluation to assure that the need for training exists or that training should be modified for

particular chapters or circumstances. Management is very interested in evaluating the program

to ensure that the undergraduate chapters are receiving the best training opportunities possible.

All stakeholders have been duly identified, and their concerns and needs have been

considered in this evaluation. The undergraduate chapter members have expressed a need to

learn more about the sorority’s rules, regulations, and customs so that they can represent the

sorority better on their campuses and in their communities. They believe that this will improve

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how they market the organization. Their needs are critical to achieving organizational goals, as

one of the organization’s goals is to increase membership by 10% by the end of the sorority year.

This will be the benchmark by which progress will be measured, and if necessary, be carried

over to the next sorority year for further evaluation. The alumnae chapter advisors are

responsible for the governance of the undergraduate chapters, and their information needs would

center on chapter management. They want to see if the information presented in the training

program will improve the overall organization and management of the chapters of which they are

in charge. The alumnae chapter president wants to know if the benefit of the training justifies

the cost. The value of the training must be evident when undergraduate chapter members can

operate their chapters in a self-sufficient and sustainable way. Finally, the on-campus advisor

needs to know if there are other training needs that will improve the reputation of the chapter on

campus, as well as result in improved chapter operations.

A confirmative evaluation would address the needs of all stakeholders and look for ways

to provide greater value to everyone involved. It is hoped that the results of this evaluation will

improve how future training programs are designed, developed, implemented, and evaluated.

The sorority is committed to developing the leadership potential of each member, and the

training programs are one way of assuring that members receive what they need to reach their


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4=Very true 3=True 2=Not always true 1=Untrue

Name of Training Program: Undergraduate Training Program for Alpha Beta Gamma

Training Program Intended Duration Rating Intended program duration is one to five or more years


Intended program duration is less than one year, but certification or licensing requirements mandate a confirmative evaluation


Intended program duration is less than one year, but stakeholder requests an extension


Organization-Specific CriteriaProgram goals and objectives are well-defined 4Program goals and objectives are achievable 4Program goals and objectives align with business goals


Program goals are critical to meeting organizational goals


Program goals and objectives are consistent with organizational or business goals and objectives


Priority needs of training audience are well-defined


Training program development and implementation budget is large


Size of training audience is large 3Training audience represents a critical business area or area


Training program is very visible internally or externally


Organization has the resource capability (time, expertise, technology, money, and so forth) to support a confirmative evaluation


Management is very interested in evaluating the training program


Stakeholder-Information NeedsAll stakeholders are identified 4All stakeholders provided input 4Stakeholder information needs are identified 4Stakeholder needs are critical to achieving work group goals


Stakeholder needs are critical to achieving business and organization goals


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Stakeholder information needs are evaluable (clear, useful, and measurable).


Evaluation outcomes are well defined 4Evaluation outcomes are evaluable (clear, useful, measurable)


Stakeholders will use evaluation outcomes to improve performance


Support from Existing Data (Reactive Planning Only)Existing formative and summative evaluation data assess current organization-specific criteriaExisting formative and summative evaluation data meet all of the stakeholders’ information needsData are missing, but it is possible to assess organization-specific criteria without the missing dataData are missing, but it is possible to meet stakeholder information needs without the missing dataMissing data are retrievableWe can collect missing data through confirmative evaluationWe do not need to assess the organization-specific criteria not covered by the existing dataWe can adjust stakeholder needs to adjust for missing data Stakeholder Information Need

Evaluation Outcome Confirmative Evaluation Question

Local chapter(s) undergraduate members: Need to find out whether training improved understanding of sorority rules, regulations, and customs.

Effectiveness: sorority rules, regulations, and customs are understood by all members and availability of additional resources

Do chapter members understand sorority rules, regulations, and customs in order to communicate them effectively?

Undergraduate chapter advisors: Need to find out if the training improved chapter organization and management

Impact: chapter organization and management has improved as a result of better understanding

Are chapters functioning more effectively and efficiently as a result of the training?

Alumnae chapter president: Need to find out if the training justified the cost

Value: what was taught and learned resulted in greater value

Do the results justify the cost? How?

On-campus advisor: Need to Impact and Value: improved How is the sorority

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find out if chapter is complying with university regulations

chapter operations, relationships with university staff and fellow students

functioning on campus?

Chart template taken from: Dessinger, J. C. and Moseley, J. L. (2004). Confirmative evaluation: practical strategies for

valuing continuous improvement. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

Part III: Assessment Tool


“Questionnaires are an inexpensive way to gather data from a potentially large number of

respondents” (Stasko, 1997). In the case of the surveys for the Alpha Beta Gamma training

event, the data will come from two sets of respondents-a total of thirty-seven women altogether

who will offer feedback on the effectiveness of the training event and any suggestions for

improvement. Although questionnaires are easy and inexpensive to administer, there are steps

that had to be followed to assure that the questionnaires were valid and reliable, and the results

were accurately reflected among the respondents. These steps are: defining survey objectives,

identifying the sampling group, writing the questionnaire, administering the questionnaire, and

interpreting the results (Stasko, 1997). These steps are necessary to ensure a survey instrument

that was clear and understandable to all (Stasko, 1997).

Defining Survey Objectives

The objectives of the questionnaire are to determine if training objectives were

communicated clearly and met learning needs. This objective would correspond with

undergraduate participants’ learning needs. Additionally, the questionnaire will gauge the level

of satisfaction with the training, suggest areas of improvement for future training sessions, and to

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diagnose further training needs for individuals and/or chapters. These objectives will enable the

questionnaire designer to receive effective feedback from participants and respond accordingly.

There will also be a questionnaire for the alumnae chapter, who will determine if training

was effective from a cost and time standpoint. Although the undergraduate chapters should be

trained in sorority business, the alumnae chapter must measure value in terms of information

transfer-whether chapters are actively implementing what is learned-and improved chapter

operations-the chapters are operating in a sustainable and self-sufficient manner consistent with

sorority rules, regulations, and standard operating procedures.

The Sampling Group

For the questionnaire design, there will be two groups sampled, with two different data

sets to be examined. The undergraduate chapter members will be administered a survey before

the training to determine chapter and individual learning needs, as well as any questions that they

may have about the content being presented. After the training, they will be administered a

post-training survey to evaluate whether the training met their needs and any areas that

individual members and chapters need further assistance. The objectives with both surveys are

to help the undergraduates improve their learning and the alumnae target the training to specific

areas to maximize the learning experience.

The alumnae chapter will have a separate set of questions. They will be administered a

survey to determine what needs the undergraduate chapters need, what the alumnae chapter

resources exist to meet the needs, and whether training is needed or possible at the current time.

Sometimes, time constraints make it impossible to conduct a proper training; therefore, that must

be addressed in a questionnaire in order to agree to an appropriate time to conduct the training.

Finally, at the close of the training-and perhaps up to three months after-alumnae advisors will

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assess whether the skills learned in training are transferred to chapter management and

operations and whether additional training needs are evident.

Both groups are being surveyed because they have distinct needs that should be

addressed. The undergraduate chapter members need to improve their understanding of rules,

regulations, and operations, and the alumnae chapter members (especially advisors and

president) need to find out if the training has transferred to improved chapter operations and

management and whether the benefits of training justify the cost.

Writing the Questionnaire

The questionnaire will include five questions for each group, specifically touching on the

issues and concerns that impact them. The surveys begin with objective questions, with two

subjective questions at the end. The subjective questions are easy to measure, as the information

being asked for is easy to quantify. The possible answers range from 5-strongly agree to 1-

strongly disagree. A response of four would indicate that the respondent agreed; a three is

neutral; and a two, disagree.

For the undergraduates, the following questions will be asked:

This training helped me understand sorority rules, regulations, and operations


5 4 3 2 1

This training helped me find additional resources to improve chapter operations.

5 4 3 2 1

The objectives for training were communicated clearly.

5 4 3 2 1

My learning needs were met or exceeded with today’s training.

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5 4 3 2 1

Two things that I did not know before training that I know now:



Additional comments:



For the alumnae chapter, the following questions will be asked:

Participants were engaged in the training.

5 4 3 2 1

Alumnae chapter members were knowledgeable about the material being


5 4 3 2 1

Alumnae chapter provided adequate resources to facilitate learning.

5 4 3 2 1

Participants are able to transfer training to chapter operations.

5 4 3 2 1

Additional training needs that were not addressed during training:




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Administering the Questionnaire

The above questionnaires will be administered post-training online. This is done so that

participants’ responses can truly be their own. Sitting in a training room to answer survey

questions after the fact can lead to discussion about how to answer the questions and could

possibly skew the results. So that everyone has the opportunity to answer the questions in the

way that best captures their own experience, an online survey tool is the best route to go. All

participants, both undergraduates and alumnae, will have seven days after the survey is available

to submit their responses. Afterward, the survey will be analyzes and results communicated to

each group.

Interpretation of the Results

Seven days after the survey closes for responses, the results will be communicated. What

does this mean for both groups. This will mean that their responses will tell the evaluator

whether training met the needs of both groups, if there are additional needs that training did not

address, if there are suggestions for improvements or new training programs, or if the training

should stop altogether. In any case, the decision about what to do about future training will rest

on the data and not the gut feeling of any one member or group of members.


The questionnaires are a means to help research the effectiveness of the undergraduate

chapters in representing the sorority on their respective campuses. In order for the questionnaire

to do what it is supposed to do, the evaluator must plan the objectives for the training that would

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support the questionnaire. This step must not be forgotten (Stasko, 1997). Questionnaires are

easy to implement and can capture a large sampling of participants (in this case, thirty

undergraduate and seven alumnae chapter members), but they can be ineffective if they are not

focused on what they are supposed to be focused on. For that reason, great care was taken to

ensure that each stakeholders’ needs and concerns were acknowledged and included in the

survey. This way, each stakeholder can effectively respond to the survey.

Part IV: Matrix to Focus and Plan Data Collection

The matrix to focus and plan data collection is an important part of the confirmative

evaluation plan because it “helps the data collector stay focused on the intended evaluation

outcome and evaluation question and is also helpful for communicating with stakeholders”

(Dessinger & Moseley, 2004). The plan helps everyone understand where and how everything

fits and what the intended results should look like. For the Alpha Beta Gamma sorority training

event, the matrix to focus and plan data collection will enable the evaluator to communicate

more clearly and confidently with the trainees and the sponsoring alumnae chapter. Together,

everyone involved will understand their part in the plan and what is needed in order for

everything to work.

The first part of the matrix involves the undergraduate members. The evaluator plans to

survey and interview members of each chapter in order to determine what they need out of the

training event. The survey will be conducted online. Each member will be able to complete the

survey confidentially, and the results will be viewed and analyzed by the evaluator and discussed

with the alumnae chapter. The online survey results will be exported to an Excel file and a copy

forwarded to the alumnae chapter secretary to be stored in the chapter’s data files. In addition to

the survey, the evaluator or a designee will conduct interviews with select members. The

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interviews serve as an additional data source and a qualitative measure of what chapter members

really care about and want to see happen in their chapters. These interviews will be saved to a

Word file and a copy forwarded to the alumnae chapter secretary for storage.

The second part of the matrix involves the alumnae chapter advisors and the Greek

Affairs Office. The alumnae chapter advisors, who are appointed advisors to the undergraduate

chapters, are responsible for ensuring that each chapter is adhering to rules, regulations, and

policies. They are responsible for identifying chapter needs and reporting the status of the

chapter in monthly alumnae chapter meetings. These reports will help to identify potential

training needs. In addition, the annual reports will also identify training needs and trouble spots

in reporting. Together with reports from the campus Greek Affairs Office, the advisor reports,

the annual reports and the Greek Affairs Office reports will aid the alumnae chapter in providing

the most effective training available.

So that everything goes according to plan, the matrix to focus and plan data collection

will help the evaluator organize all the elements of data collection. Each element fits into the

whole to assure integrity of the data and adherence to the objectives of the confirmative

evaluation plan. Once this collection plan is completed, the data collection will begin.

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Matrix to Focus and Plan Data Collection

Training program: Alpha Beta Gamma Sorority Undergraduate Training

Intended evaluation outcome: Improved chapter management and operations

Evaluation question: Will training on sorority operations and management improve how chapters operate on their respective campuses?

Type of data: Quantitative and qualitative data on undergraduate chapter operations and management, alumnae chapter advisor reports.

Data collector: Tiffany Simmons

Date: August 2011-June 2012

Where will we How will we collect the How will we store the data? find the data? data (techniques and tools)?

Undergraduate surveys, Online survey tools Export survey results to Excel file Undergraduate chapters Interviews with and distribute to alumnae chapter as undergraduate members a password-protected document. Interview transcripts will be stored in a Word file and be distributed to alumnae chapter members as a password-protected document. Both documents will be stored on a flash drive by the alumnae chapter secretary

Alumnae chapter advisors Monthly advisor reports Monthly advisor reports will be Annual reports Request copies of reports available at monthly meetings. Greek Affairs Office through advisor and Greek Copies of annual reports and Greek Affairs Office Affairs reports will be forwarded to alumnae chapter secretary for storage.

Matrix to Focus and Plan Data Collection taken from Dessinger, J. C. and Moseley, J. L. (2004). Confirmative evaluation: practical strategies for

valuing continuous improvement. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

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Confirmative evaluations are a means to assess the overall health and strength of

an organization’s programs and services. As such, they will be intricate and take time to collect

information and implement solutions. For that reason, this step is often omitted in the interest of

time and effort required to carry it out. However, a confirmative evaluation is necessary for a

full-scope evaluation that will foster improvement and garner better results. Alpha Beta Gamma

is committed to being the leading sorority for women on its campus, and a confirmative

evaluation is a way to help the sorority’s members meet that goal.

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Dessinger, J. C. and Moseley, J. L. (2004). Confirmative evaluation: practical strategies for

valuing continuous improvement. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

Stasko, J. (1997, Winter). Questionnaire Design. Georgia Tech College of Computing.

Retrieved from


Wlodkowski, R. J. (2008). Enhancing adult motivation to learn: a comprehensive guide for

teaching all adults (3rd ed). San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

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Artifact 5: Instructional Plan

The learners have been identified, the content and context decided upon, and the resource

and materials needed to carry out instruction have been identified and secured. The instructional

plan comes next. This plan gives a course overview and a course plan. This learner originally

used the sorority training event as a scenario, but this time, she is using a job search course as the

focus. One can easily use the course overview and the course plan for the sorority training event

and still maintain the intent of the instructional plan template.

The instructional plan helps the teacher/trainer/instructor determine what will be taught,

whom it will be taught to, and when and where it will be taught. All of that information is now a

written plan, a commitment to teaching/training/instructing. This is what makes this different

than the previous artifacts. Instead of being strictly a planning document, this artifact is a

summary of what will be taught-and could be part of a pre-approval process. The instructional

plan, while a skeleton document, will help this learner stay on-task and committed to teaching

the content in an orderly way, and to assist in formulating goals and objectives that will fit the

conditions and contexts of learning that the instructional plan offers.

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RUNNING HEAD: Instructional Plan

Instructional Plan for a Multicultural Classroom

Tiffany A. Simmons

Strayer University

September 4, 2011

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Section I: Course Overview

In today’s economy, people want a smarter, more effective way to apply for and obtain

jobs. The strategies that used to work do not work anymore. Job seekers have to figure out how

to stand out among the crowds of others in their predicament. Unfortunately, many job seekers

do not know how to do that. They rely upon old strategies to fit into a new scheme. To help

them get up to date on new strategies and obtain a job, a job search class is necessary.

This job search class will be offered as part of a community education course at the

community education center each Thursday evening, or another weeknight compatible with

participants’ schedules and/or the community center’s schedule of events, for two hours. Each

class is designed to groom each participant for the job market. When learners complete all the

courses, he or she should be able to search for a job appropriate to their skills and qualifications,

conduct a successful interview, and obtain employment.

The learners of this course have the following characteristics:

Age range: from 18 to 50 who are searching for employment

Gender mix: all unemployed males and females who are interested in learning

about good job strategies

Racial makeup and/or nationalities: Caucasian, African-American, Hispanic,


Professions: administrative/clerical, building and trades, retail,


Prior knowledge of content: little to no prior knowledge

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Section II: Course Plan

Condition-Timing Motivational Purpose Motivational Strategy Learning Activity/Instructor Behavior

Establishing Inclusion-beginning

To acclimate everyone to the environment and establish rapport among learners and instructor

Instructor acknowledges learners’ different experiences and backgrounds

Introduce the course and its objectives and outcomes

Allow learners to share their experiences with job searching.

Instructor explains the current state of the economy and what learners will need to succeed in it, why the course is needed, and what learners will be able to do at completion.

Developing Attitude-beginning and middle

To establish relevance to learners

Create job search materials using current technology

Learners work together to evaluate and improve material

Learners work with instructor and other professionals to improve interview performances

Create resumes and cover letters using MS Word; create LinkedIn accounts to post resumes and receive recommendations from others in their industry; sign up for job boards.

Groups critique resumes and cover letters for each other and make revisions

Mock interviews with instructor and select professionals to polish technique

Enhancing Meaning-middle

Engage and challenge the learner

Ask the question: What is a good resume and cover letter? What is a bad one? What makes them good or bad?

PowerPoint presentation of samples to help learners identify the differences.

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What to do and not to do in job interviews.

Video presentation on interview techniques and etiquette

Engendering Competence-ending

To assess how learners are learning

Final portfolios and self-assessments

Learners complete portfolios and LinkedIn profiles with recommendations.

Learners self-assess throughout the course to improve learning

Table taken from Wlodkowski, R. J. (2008). Enhancing adult motivation to learn: a comprehensive guide for teaching all adults. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

Section III: Conclusion

Learners in the course will create portfolios for the job search. The intent is to establish a

professional image and empower them to be more proactive in their search. The job search

course is a means to help unemployed adults of all backgrounds and races to obtain gainful

employment. Many of the learners may have been unsuccessful in their job search endeavors;

many of them may have outdated resumes and cover letters. This course will help them polish

up those documents, while showing them new job search techniques. Those who are

unemployed will attend this course because the way they have gone about searching has not been

successful and want to learn new and different techniques.

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Wlodkowski, R. J. (2008). Enhancing adult motivation to learn: a comprehensive guide for

teaching all adults. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

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Artifact 6: Designing and Developing Content, Part 1

The instructional plan offered a summary of what the teacher/trainer/instructor wants to

teach/train/instruct. The content design and development is a more intricate process. Instead of

a summary, the content design and development phase includes content analyses, learning

objectives, lesson plans, and test item templates. When this learner designed and developed

content for a simulated workshop for a college faculty, it was done in three parts per

requirements. Despite the different scenario, the fact that the content could be tailored to the

template makes this artifact useful.

The first part was a content analysis. The content analysis asked the learner to identify a

target population for learning. Why is this important? A target population is important so that

the teacher/trainer/instructor can tailor his or her content to the needs of that population. The

learner organized a concept statement that would serve as a thematic thrust for the workshop;

identified major concepts that supported the concept statement; compiled the big ideas that

related to the major concepts; created action statements that established expectations for

learning. The learner also created learning objectives that supported the content analysis. When

designing and developing content, this learner realized that many of the things she learned about

lesson planning were made clearer in this section. This learner found the content analysis and

learning objectives templates helpful for future planning and will use it again for teaching and

training events.

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Designing and Developing Curriculum or Instructional Content for Adult Learners, Part 1

Tiffany A. Simmons

Strayer University

May 22, 2011

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The professors at the local community college rely solely on lectures and memorization

of facts to teach their classes. This teaching method is probably one with which they have been

taught-thus the high level of familiarity. While this method is more popular and prevalent

among this group, this is not considered current best practice. The current best practice is more

learner-centered rather than teacher-centered. The Vice President of Academic Affairs is aware

of this and has tasked each candidate for Dean of Faculty Development and Training with

developing a lesson plan that specifically targets the application of Bloom’s Taxonomy in the

classroom environment.

The lesson plan will engage and sustain the interest of the faculty and instructional staff

by shifting the focus away from a lecture-style teaching format. Instead, they will be introduced

to the idea of “higher-level thinking.” The assessment for the lesson will not be paper-and-

pencil; instead, they will be required to deliver a revised syllabus with elements of the lesson

within it. Along the way, they will design and develop these activities to demonstrate their

understanding of the material being covered. It is expected that they develop high-quality

activities that support student learning and engagement, while promoting the values of the


Attached are the content analysis and the learning objectives that will be used to

implement the lesson plan. The content analysis offers a view of what will be taught, and the

learning objectives will include the context, conditions, and criteria under which the content will

be taught. The purpose of each is to provide direction to the lesson and unit and to assure that

each participant is learning the same things. Each professor and instructor will have gained an

understanding of Bloom’s taxonomy and how to implement each level-more specifically, the

higher levels-in their classrooms.

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The order of the lesson will be thus: an brief introduction of Bloom’s taxonomy and the

six levels that comprise it. The class will not be asked to list the six levels of the taxonomy;

instead, they will learn them in groups. The first three, considered the “lower-level” thinking

skills, will be learned, along with the second three, the “higher-level” thinking skills. The goal

of learning the taxonomy this way is to get professors thinking about the competency of their

students (and their own learning competencies) rather than communicating content (Lee, 1996).

To further demonstrate competency and mastery of the material, each professor and instructor

will be asked to design an activity to be included in their course syllabus, that emphasizes the

higher-level thinking skills of their students. For example, instead of asking students to

demonstrate their knowledge of important ideas and concepts, the professor could include

simulations and case studies as part of the curriculum to help the student build competency and

encourage greater engagement in the material.

To facilitate the process of designing an appropriate activity, each professor and

instructor will be able to identify key verbs that signal which skill is to be used. For example,

the verb design, as used in “design an activity” is indicative of synthesis, one of the three higher-

ordered learning skills on the taxonomy. Encouraging the professors to actually engage in

investigation and inquiry reinforces in their minds that it is desirable for them to learn this skill

for themselves and teach it to their students. Finally, once the activity is designed and

developed, they will submit it to the dean for consideration. This does two things: assure that

the professor or instructor has mastered the material sufficiently and to protect the educational

value of the course.

The learning objectives, unlike the content analysis, is more contextual. It describes the

context, the conditions, and the criteria under which the objective is achieved. Unlike a goal,

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which is broader in scope, the objectives are specific and measurable. It is “a description of a

performance that [a professor or instructor] wants learners to be able to exhibit in order to

consider them competent” (Winegarden, 2003). The learning objectives herein contain specific

and measurable conditions and criteria, and are supportive of the learning goals of the college.

The ultimate goal in this course is to move the professors and instructors of the

community college past lecture-style classrooms. The current best practice is supportive of

creating learner-centered educational environments, in which the learner develops stronger

critical thinking skills. Perhaps the best way to help students in this regard is to model it for

them (Lee, 1996), and Bloom’s taxonomy enables professors and instructors to do just that. It is

hoped that the professors and instructors receive the information needed to make changes in the

way they teach and the way their students learn.

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Attachment CContent Analysis of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives

Target Population: Professors/Instructors in a Post-Secondary/Adult Education Environment

Topic Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive ObjectivesOrganizing

Concept StatementThe professors and instructors taking part in the lesson will learn to move past lecture and memorization of facts and provide opportunities to develop learners’ critical thinking skills.

Major Concepts Bloom’s taxonomy AnalysisKnowledge SynthesisComprehension EvaluationApplication

Major Ideas Related to the


(What do I want my students to learn about each major concept? For example: “Bloom’s Taxonomy consists of six levels of cognitive ability.”)

Bloom’s taxonomy explains the levels of learning that occurs with learners (Writing Objectives, 2011).

Knowledge, comprehension, and application are considered “lower-level” thinking skills. This is also where the majority of the curriculum falls under. The knowledge level deals with memorization of facts (Writing Objectives, 2011).

Analysis, synthesis, and evaluation are considered “higher-level” thinking skills, in that the focus is not on rote memorization of facts. Instead, the focus is on student inquiry and investigation.

The goal is to gear instruction toward the higher-ordered thinking skills.

Planning with the higher-ordered thinking skills in mind. Integrating higher-ordered thinking skills into the

coursework to maximize student engagement.Action Statements (What I want my students to learn expressed as an action

statement—an action verb and a direct object. For example, “List the six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.”)

Explain Bloom’s taxonomy Distinguish between lower-level and higher-level thinking

skills in the taxonomy Identify key verbs and activities that signal higher-level

thinking is required. Design an activity that emphasizes higher-level skills Revise course syllabus to include activities

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Attachment DLearning Objectives

To Apply Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive ObjectivesConditions

(Conditions are the part of the learning objective that describe the givens, or limitations, under which the student will demonstrate mastery of the action statement.)

Actions Statements(An action verb and a direct object, i.e. “draw a diagram.” A part of the learning objective which describes the actions that the student is expected to perform.)

Performance Criterion (The performance criterion defines a measurable and observable standard that the learner must meet to reach acceptable performance. The criterion may be stated as time requirements, degree of accuracy, or allowable number of errors. In other words, how well must the student perform the action statement?)


Without notes or references,

List the six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy

in ascending order and without error.

Based on your understanding of Bloom’s taxonomy,

Distinguish between lower-level skills and higher-level skills

with 100% accuracy

After viewing the presentation “Writing Instructional Objectives: Beginning with the End in Mind”,

Identify three key verbs for each level (higher-level only)

with 100% accuracy

After discussion on higher-level thinking skills and key verbs,

Design an activity that emphasizes higher-ordered thinking skills

using the correct key verbs

After designing the activity, Compose a proposal for the activity to be included in the course syllabus

to be submitted to dean before the end of the semester.


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Lee, Virginia (1996). Creating a Blueprint for the Constructivist Classroom. National

Teaching and Learning Forum. Retrieved May 22, 2011, from

Winegarden, B. J. (2003). Writing Instructional Objectives. Retrieved May 19, 2011, from

Writing Learning Objectives (2011). Retrieved May 19, 2011, from

Artifact 7: Designing and Developing Content, Part 2

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The first part of the content design and development was a content analysis and learning

objective formulation. This was helpful for focusing the content area and making curricular

decisions. When planning for learning, this learner learned that analyzing the content and

creating learning objectives helps one to establish intention and stay on-task. An effective

content analysis and a clear set of learning objectives enable the teacher/trainer/instructor to

create a sound lesson plan. The second part of the designing and developing content piece is the

lesson plan.

The lesson plan is an extension of the content analysis and the learning objectives, but it

also identifies the materials, resources, and activities that will facilitate the learning of the

content and the fulfillment of the learning objectives. Creating a suitable learning environment,

implementing and managing instruction, and knowing the content are all important standards that

indicate the effectiveness of the plan and signal that the teacher/trainer/instructor is committed to

the success of the learners and the learning event. The lesson plan template, unlike that which

this learner used in the past, is easier to follow and less cluttered and time-consuming. This

learner plans to use the template for every learning/training event of which she will be part and

will encourage colleagues to do the same. This aids in efficiency of instruction and frees up time

to actually teach the material.


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Designing and Developing Curriculum or Instructional Content for Adult Learners, Part 2

Tiffany A. Simmons

Strayer University

May 29, 2011

The faculty at the local college has been asked to attend a workshop on Bloom’s

taxonomy. They may have heard of it before when undergoing teacher certification requirements

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or they may have read about it in their instructor textbooks. Unfortunately, many of them may

not understand fully how to apply the taxonomy to their own classroom environments-thus, the

overreliance on lecturing and teaching for memorization. This course is designed to steer them

away from this sort of teaching and toward teaching that emphasizes “higher-level thinking.”

The course itself emphasized higher-level thinking, as the facilitator will not expect

participants to listen to a lecture and memorize certain pieces of information. Instead, the

facilitator will ask the faculty to complete a project-a re-design of their course syllabi to include

an activity that is geared toward higher-level thinking skills. The challenge is getting the faculty

to recognize that they are actually teaching the same way they have been taught or have been

taught to teach. The current thought in education no longer supports that teaching style; instead,

the focus is shifted toward the learner and not the teacher-and certainly not the content. With

that, faculty must be prepared to transform their learning environments from that of a teacher-

centered classroom to that of a learner-centered classroom, and the first step to doing that is to

teach them how to apply Bloom’s taxonomy to their instructional practices.

Previously, a content analysis and learning objectives were submitted to prepare for the

planning and implementation of the lesson. Within the body of this submission, the learning

objectives with associated learning activities and the lesson plan are included. These documents

are more specific about what will go on in the learning environment and what the faculty are

expected to do to demonstrate their learning. In this class, learners will discuss the taxonomy

and give their thoughts on what it could mean for their own instruction and what level they teach

to at the current moment. This could be potentially powerful information, if used the right way,

as it could inform what the professors and instructors perceive their possibilities to be.

Afterward, the professors and instructors will view a slideshow that offers helpful hints on

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writing effective learning objectives and developing appropriate activities. The main focus will

be on key verbs, the action words that signal what level of thinking and learning the learner will

engage in. Using these key verbs, the professors and instructors will then design a learning

activity (complete with learning objectives with the appropriate key verbs) that engages their

classroom of learners and uses the higher-level thinking skills. The final draft of this activity is

due in to the dean’s office before the semester ends. The dean not only wants to be assured that

the participants are learning, but also wants to see something in writing that commits the

professors and teachers to using their learning.

In selecting an appropriate learning environment for the participants, it was decided that a

conference room equipped with smart technology (the overhead projector, Internet hook-ups for

laptop computers) would be most appropriate. That way, if multiple technologies (the

PowerPoint slide, online video, an overhead projector) were needed, the environment had the

equipment and means to support the technology. With regard to seating arrangements, the

tables were positioned so that each participant could see the projector and the presentation, and

have space and opportunity to interact with other participants, where appropriate. Special care

was also taken to ensure that there was plenty of light and adequate temperature controls so that

participants could be comfortable as they learned. The learning environment must be conducive

to learning so that each participant could give his or her maximum attention to the materials

being presented.

The Vice President of Academic Affairs and the new dean are committed to providing an

environment conducive to learning. Part of that commitment is ensuring that its faculty is

properly trained and up-to-date on current educational thought in order to deliver a quality

experience for the learner. This class (or workshop) is designed to accomplish the latter

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objective, and in an indirect way, reinforce the former. As classroom environments change, and

educational theories evolve, the college must be prepared to meet the challenges and seek out

innovative ways to educate the faculty, as well as the learner.

Attachment ELearning Objectives with Associate Learning ActivitiesTo Apply Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives

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Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies Media and Materials Student Activities

Based on your understanding of Bloom’s taxonomy, distinguish between lower- and higher- level skills with 100% accuracy

Discuss lower-level and higher-level skills by showing a sample pyramid of Bloom’s taxonomy with the complete order listed

Ask professors and instructors which set of skills are currently being used in their own classrooms and what needs to be done to use more of the higher-level skills


Graphic organizer

“Where am I teaching?” graphic organizer.

This organizer will ask the professor or instructor: what level am I teaching my students? Why? How can I teach them at a higher level? What do I need to know to get them there?

Have them share their perspectives and introduce the presentation on “Writing Instructional Objectives” and explain why it is important to their learning.

After viewing the presentation “Writing Instructional Objectives: Beginning with the End in Mind,” identify three key verbs for each level (higher-level only) with 100% accuracy

Present “Writing Instructional Objectives: Beginning with the End in Mind.”

Laptop computer and/or television that is technology-compatible to present slide show

Graphic organizer

Identify the key verbs as presented in the presentation, focusing on the higher-level skills in the taxonomy.

“Teaching at a higher level” graphic organizer.This organizer will ask: “what key verbs should I use to signal that I am teaching at a high level? What can I expect out of my students when I use these verbs?

Discuss expectations when teaching at the higher levels. What would be the difference between what is currently being taught and what could be taught if the focus is shifted from the lower-level skills to the higher-level ones?

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After discussion on higher-level thinking skills and key verbs, design an activity that emphasizes higher-ordered thinking skills using correct key verbs

The instructors will be asked to design their own classroom activity that uses higher-ordered thinking skills.

Pen and paper. Activity design: professors and instructors will design their own activity that emphasizes higher-ordered thinking skills. They must have used any of the key verbs that denote use of one or more of the skills.

This activity will form the basic structure of a proposal to be submitted to the dean.

After designing the activity, compose a proposal for the activity to be included in the course syllabus to be submitted to the dean before the end of the semester.

With the activity that they have designed, each professor or instructor may review and revise what they have done and submit the final proposal in the time frame specified.

Proposal form. This should be completed and submitted in electronic form. This will be available on the college’s intranet under the instructor’s portal.

This activity will take place outside the learning environment. Each professor or instructor will complete the proposal form with their activity by the end of the semester for evaluation by the dean.

Attachment FLesson Plan Cover Page

Title of the Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives

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Target Population:

Professors/Instructors in a Post-Secondary/Adult Education Environment

Length of Instruction:

4 hours

Textbooks and References

“Writing Instructional Objectives: Beginning with the End in Mind”

Materials Needed:

Pen, paper, graphic organizers

Media Needed: PowerPoint 2007 or compatible version, laptop computer or technology-ready television

Equipment and Tools

Learning Outcomes:

Professors and instructors will integrate the principles of Bloom’s taxonomy in their classroom instruction.

Evaluation Methodologies:

Activity design, submission of final product to department dean, online survey to assess course effectiveness.

Approved by:


Lesson Plan for Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives


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CONTENT (Instructional methods and strategies, questions to prompt students, instructional materials, and media)

Based on your understanding of Bloom’s taxonomy, distinguish between lower-level and higher-level thinking skills with 100 % accuracy.

The facilitator will discuss lower-level and higher-level thinking skills by showing a sample pyramid of Bloom’s taxonomy on an overhead transparency. The complete order will be listed on the transparency. The question will be asked “which skills are currently being used in your classrooms? What needs to be done so that the higher-level skills are being used more often?”

Professors and instructors will be asked to complete the graphic organizer (supplied with workshop materials), entitled “Where am I teaching?”Professors and instructors use ten minutes to complete the graphic organizer and, afterward, will volunteer to share responses. The purpose of this activity is to bridge the gap between what they want their learners to learn and what the learners are actually learning. This activity is designed to help professors and instructors see what they can do to improve the learning in their classrooms.

After viewing the presentation “Writing Instructional Objectives: Beginning with the End in Mind,” identify three key verbs for each level (higher-level only) with 100% accuracy.

Before the presentation, the facilitator will render a brief overview of the presentation and the purpose, so that the relevance of the material can be established immediately. Show the presentation, using a laptop computer or a technology-ready television.Post-presentation, ask question: what main points were covered in the slide presentation? How can professors and instructors write better instructional objectives, targeting the higher-level thinking skills? What were the key verbs that were highlighted in the presentation? How can professors and instructors use them to improve the quality of their instruction?

Another graphic organizer, entitled “Teaching at a higher level,” will focus on the key verbs and how to incorporate them into instruction. The following questions will be listed: What key verbs should I use to signal that I am teaching at a higher level? What can I expect out of my students when I use these verbs?

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After discussion on higher-level thinking skills and key verbs, design an activity that emphasizes higher-level thinking skills using the correct key verbs.

The facilitator will sum up what was discussed and learned, and ask professors to think of an activity that is relevant to their course(s) and requires higher-level thinking skills. Each professor or instructor will design an activity (complete with learning objectives) that utilizes higher-ordered thinking skills, using the appropriate verbs.

Professors and instructors will need a pen or pencil and paper to complete this activity. They will design an activity that is appropriate for higher-level thinking skills. This activity should be done collaboratively, as input from other professors and instructors lends balance and perspective to planning.

After designing the activity, compose a proposal for the activity to be included in the course syllabus to be submitted to the dean before the end of the semester.

The facilitator will advise each professor and instructor to continue work on the activity outside the classroom environment. A final proposal for the activity will be due to the dean by the end of the semester.

Proposal forms will be available on the college’s intranet, under the instructor’s portal. The activity that was initially begun in the class should be finalized on the form.


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Winegarden, B. J. (2003). Writing Instructional Objectives. Retrieved May 19, 2011, from

Writing Learning Objectives (2011). Retrieved May 19, 2011, from

Artifact 8: Designing and Developing Content, Part 3

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The first part of the content design and development was a content analysis and learning

objective formulation and a lesson plan to execute the content and support the learning

objectives. The third and final piece in the designing and developing content series is the

assessment phase. Teachers/trainers/instructors want to know if learners are learning, and

assessments are an effective way to know for sure. To this learner, having an assessment plan is

just as, if not more, important as having a lesson plan, a content analysis, and a learning

objective. Assessments help determine if the lesson plan is being adhered to, if the content is

being taught the way it should be, and if the learning objectives have been met.

In this learner’s experience, a lesson plan did not include a lot of details about

assessment, other than the type of assessment that would accompany instruction. This

assessment template had this learner thinking about various assessment opportunities besides the

run-of-the-mill testing at the end to see if important concepts were retained. She wanted to know

if what was being taught would be implemented in a meaningful way by the learners and how

assessments could identify further training needs and aid in planning for the next learning event.

Again, this particular learning event dealt with college faculty, but it can be used for other

learning events-even the sorority training event previously mentioned. This learner also wonders

if the assessment template could help her confirm with program participants if what is being

learned is “sticking” and if there are other learning needs. The usefulness of assessments

should not be overlooked or underestimated.


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Designing and Developing Curriculum or Instructional Content for Adult Learners, Part 3

Tiffany A. Simmons

Strayer University

June 5, 2011

Learning objectives are linked to student mastery of the material because their

effectiveness is dependent upon whether students can demonstrate their understanding. If

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learning objectives describe “what a learner will be able to do when they complete a unit of

instruction” (Dick & Carey, 2009), then an assessment will confirm or “deny” that the student is

able to do what the objectives state. The assessment serves as feedback to the student and the

instructor because it indicates how well the learner accomplished the objectives and determines

what instructional strategies worked and did not work (Dick & Carey, 2009). To complete the

instructional chain for the Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives, the instructor of the

course designed and implemented assessment procedures as a record to show that learning took

place, and the objectives for learning were implemented and met by the students. The

instructor provided four learning objectives, the activities that supported the objectives, and

assessments that supported the learning objectives and the activities that followed.

Each of the four learning objectives had three test items to aid students’ understanding of

what was covered. The first objective was thus: Based on your understanding of Bloom’s

taxonomy, distinguish between lower-level and higher-level skills with 100% accuracy. The

students will be tested on the following: what is Bloom’s taxonomy? What are the lower-level

and higher-level skills? Explain the difference between the lower-level skills and higher-level

skills. These test items are designed to assess the students’ knowledge of the taxonomy, their

ability to identify the lower- and higher-level skills, and to distinguish between the lower- and

higher-level skills. These three test items aid the students in completing the first objective with

100% accuracy.

The second learning objective requires students to view a presentation on the taxonomy

and identify three key verbs for the higher-level skills only with 100% accuracy. Not only will

the second objective help students further understand the difference between what is being taught

in their classrooms and what the current educational thought is, but it will get them thinking

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about ways and means to raise the level of instruction in their classrooms. The students will be

asked to give an example of three key verbs in each of the higher-level skills on the taxonomy,

write a learning objective that uses each verb, and explain how this objective will help their

learners use higher-level thinking skills. The idea is to move them past the familiar

lecture/memorization theme that runs in their classrooms (or at least see that this is going on) and

devise a way to include their learners in the learning process. The second objective will lead to

the third objective, a discussion on the higher-level skills and the key verbs that are used with


The third objective will have the learners designing their own learning objectives and

learning activities in support of the higher-level skills in the taxonomy. The students will think

about what activities would be appropriate for the classroom and their area of instruction, and at

the same time, are supportive of the higher-level skills on the taxonomy. The students will

compose a learning objective that is relevant to the activity and uses the key verbs that were

discussed in the presentation. Finally, the students will explain what skills their learners will

achieve with the activity. This initial foray into the activity design will lead to a revision in the

syllabus. In the final objective, students will be asked to implement their activity of choice into

their course syllabus.

Each student will compose a proposal for the activity on the proposal form available in

the instructor portal on the college’s intranet system. On this proposal, they will describe the

activity, how it supports the course’s learning objectives, how it supports the educational

mission of the college, and, finally, how will the activity be assessed? The finished proposal will

be submitted to the dean by the end of the semester.

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The Vice President of Academic Affairs has given the new dean the awesome task of

training the faculty on new educational approaches. Although old habits are difficult to break,

and the resistance level of the faculty will be high, the new dean remains optimistic. The new

dean is confident that the level of instruction will help to overcome the resistance, create new

habits, and meet with the approval of the VP. With that, the dean looks forward to implementing

the instructional plan and is excited about what will be learned and how it will change the

climate for learning at the college.

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Attachment GLearning Objective and Test Item Template

Learning Objectives Test Items Test Item Test ItemBased on your understanding of Bloom’s taxonomy, distinguish between lower- and higher- level skills with 100% accuracy

A blank pyramid of the taxonomy. Students will be asked to complete the taxonomy in order

On the same paper, students will identify the lower- and higher-level skills on the taxonomy.

On a separate piece of paper, students will explain the difference between the higher-and lower-level skills and explain which level is being used in their classrooms.

After viewing the presentation “Writing Instructional Objectives: Beginning with the End in Mind,” identify three key verbs for each level (higher-level only) with 100% accuracy

On an electronic assessment to be administered after the presentation, students will correctly identify the key verbs, as noted in the presentation, for the higher-level skills.

On a sample lesson plan, students will write a learning objective that corresponds with one of the key verbs and one of the higher-level skills.

How will this learning objective help learners use higher-level skills? This should be explained as part of the sample lesson plan, as this question will be listed on it.

After discussion on higher-level thinking skills and key verbs, design an activity that emphasizes higher-ordered thinking skills using correct key verbs

What activities would be appropriate for higher-level skills? This activity will be recorded on a graphic organizer supplied in their materials.

Compose a learning objective, using the key verbs, that is appropriate for the higher-level skills. This will also be on the graphic organizer.

What skills will your learners achieve with this activity?

After designing the activity, compose a proposal for the activity to be included in the course syllabus to be submitted to the dean before the end of the semester.

What activity have you chosen for inclusion in your course syllabus? Students will record this on the proposal form that they have to submit to the dean.

How does this activity support your learning objectives? How does this activity support the institutional mission? This will also be recorded on the proposal form.

How will you assess this activity? Should be on the proposal form.

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Dick, W., Carey, L., and Carey, J. O. (2009). The Systematic Design of Instruction (7th ed).

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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Artifact 9: Training Announcement

The confirmative evaluation has confirmed that a training need exists; the instructional

plan offers a preliminary view of what will taught, to whom it will be taught, and the attitudes

and competencies these learners will exhibit; the design and development of content will extend

the instructional plan to include specific activities, materials, and resources needed to execute

instruction. The final piece of the learning/training event planning is the announcement.

The training announcement will include the target audience, the agenda, the location and

time of the event, information about registration, and any other information that is relevant to the

training (e.g., what to bring, meal accommodations). The training announcement should only be

distributed to those who have been identified to be in need of training and should be delivered in

plenty of time so as to get an adequate response and allow them to adjust their schedules to

attend. Failure to do so most likely will result in fewer responses than expected and a low

turnout. This could also lead to wasted time and money.

This learner did not use a PowerPoint slide to announce a training event; she used email

to do so instead. Whatever an organization chooses to use for communication, it must be timely,

informative, and relevant.

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Artifact 10: Academic Advisor Job Proposal

At a recent place of employment, I submitted a proposal for an academic advisor-

complete with a job specification and job description. The reason for this proposal? The

institution was growing, and there needed to be a support system for the learner. Learners come

to their learning environments with a myriad of challenges, and they need help in meeting those

challenges. The academic advisor, who would be a student advocate, would be the person or

people (if more than one was needed) responsible for monitoring a student’s progress and

reporting to the various funding sources on a regular basis. This document was presented to the

CEO of the company for consideration and was warmly received, but the budget was not big

enough to fund the position.

This learner included the academic advisor proposal in this portfolio to reiterate her belief

that people can learn-and learn well-and to support the other statements made in her education

platform statement. In colleges and universities, learners have a different set of challenges to

overcome, and the teacher cannot be expected to shoulder all of the burden. An academic

advisor, who would be trained to guide the student through his or her academic career, would

provide the necessary supports to keep the institution focused on reaching its goals while the

student reaches his or her goals. With a willing and capable academic advisor, the learner can do

just that.

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Rationale for the Position of Academic Advisor

At CTE, we talk about success…what it could mean to our students and how they can

have it. However, there is nothing in place here that facilitates that process. For students who

have never been to college before, it’s difficult to make the transition to college student. For

students who have been to college before, they have to adjust to a new culture. The common

thread among all CTE’s students is the fact that many of them have significant barriers to

employment-whether they be financial, emotional, physical…you name it, CTE has it.

So that students receive the help they need to succeed and move past their barriers, CTE

must employ a person who is capable of reaching the students at their point of need and helping

them. The academic advisor/student advocate is the perfect person to help students learn to

adjust to college life. Many of the duties that an academic advisor is charged with doing is what

CTE absolutely needs: advising students, assisting instructors in identifying learning barriers,

monitoring student progress, keeping students accountable to their funding sources…anything

that promotes student progress. CTE does want to graduate its students, no? CTE wants to catch

problems early so that it can continue to promote student success, no? An academic advisor,

responsible for the success and progress of all students, can do that.

Without an academic advisor/student advocate (whichever term CTE wants to use to refer

to this position), CTE will not be able to help the student achieve success. Without such a

person, students will not have the tools to succeed. Every college and university-even our

competitors-has an academic advisor of sorts to help students succeed in whatever field they are

training in, so that they can “come to learn….leave to earn.” CTE owes its students that much.

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Job Name: Academic Advisor

Job Specs: A person in this position must exhibit a desire to help students learn and to assist

instructors in identifying possible learning barriers. A person in this position must also work

with other staff to maximize the student experience.

Job Description:

-Offer advisory services to students on a regular basis.

-Assist instructors in identifying learning barriers and making appropriate referrals.

-Monitoring student progress toward graduation.

-Provide additional academic services, such as tutoring and reviews.

-Assist students in setting academic goals.

-Provide academic counseling for students.

-Maintain “case notes” on students and confer with instructors, as needed, to

promote student progress.

-For Voc. Rehab students, work with counselors to ensure that student is following


-For K-TAP students, confer with case manager as it pertains to academic issues.

-For financial aid students, enforce 150% rule and work actively with those on academic


-All students: perform academic audits, coordinate externships, and assist with

graduation meetings.

-Coordinate instructor/course evaluations.

-Work closely with registrar to coordinate student transfers or rollovers.

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-When needed, implement IEPs for students.

Artifact 11: Ambassador Certificate

Ambassadors are chosen for their productivity, attendance, quality, and attitude, and

competition for a spot is very high. This learner was one of the few selected to be in the program

for the busy season. Ambassadors are responsible for training new hires and assessing their

progress. At the close of the program, the ambassadors were rewarded for their hard work with a

certificate of appreciation and several other gifts. Why was this artifact included? This learner

hopes to use the portfolio to obtain a position in her desired field, and she felt it would be a good

selling point.

This learner was an active participant in the ambassador program, training over 30 new

hires and facilitating training modules for the group of hires assigned to her work group. She

was hand-picked by her supervisor and the learning department to facilitate training modules for

another supervisor’s group of new hires. The supervisor’s endorsement of this learner’s

capabilities is another reason to include the certificate as part of this learner’s portfolio.

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Portfolio Scope

This learner submitted ten artifacts that best reflected her professional goals and personal

learning and development. The items selected reflected four areas: personal development,

program assessment, content design and development, and marketing of training. The last part

seems uninteresting and pedestrian to the casual reader, but the marketing piece makes it

possible for the training and development staff and faculty to perform their roles.

The focus on the different areas provided the opportunity for this learner to become more

self-aware and more aware of learners and learning, create relevant assessment materials to

identify learner profiles and learning opportunities, design and develop relevant content, and

devise a marketing strategy to attract potential learners to the learning opportunity. Each artifact

is reflected upon to capture this learner’s observations about the artifact, as well as the learning

events that shape it. The goal was to demonstrate this learner’s growth as an education

professional and define what next steps professionally she wanted to take in order to realize the

potential this portfolio showed. It is hoped that the artifact selection accomplished those goals.

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The completion of this portfolio project was, at times, a challenge and, at other times, an eye-

opener. This learner used the project as an opportunity to reflect on what she has learned and

how she plans to go forward. The artifacts selected demonstrated the growth needed to

overcome the sometimes-painful moments of her previous teaching experience and focus on

future possibilities. This portfolio has inspired this learner to investigate those future

possibilities, such as workshops and conferences for networking and building expertise, and

certifications to support and demonstrate expertise and competence. This portfolio is a step in

the direction of new goals and ambitions,and it is hoped that the intended audience receives it in

the spirit in which it was given.

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