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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority



    Human Resource plays a central role in the advancement of every organization. Human

    Resource in an Development sector is of great significance, the need to train the manpower

    from time to time and taking action towards the development of the Human Resource with a

    view to help the Industry to achieve its predetermine goals and vision on the basis to improve

    or take this industry up to the advance level internationally.

    Job satisfaction has also been defined by Mullins (2005) as being 'more of an attitude, an

    internal state. It could, for example, be associated with a personal feeling of achievement,

    either quantitative or qualitative.' Mullins further stated that concept of job satisfaction is

    regarded as complex and multifaceted. (Mullins, 2005) Spector, (1997), Kinneman et al,

    (1997) have also explained Job satisfaction as 'a complex construct and is often measured

    as a global attitude of an employee toward his or her work'.That is, the employee is either

    satisfied or dissatisfied with the job. Cook et al (1981) and Spector (1997) have expressed

    thebelief that an employee's level of satisfaction can differ with specific aspects of the job.

    They have projected a number of elements (variables) that underlie this construct. These

    elements have been classified into 5 distinct dimensions: satisfaction with work attributes

    (the nature of the work, autonomy, responsibility),rewards (pay, promotion, recognition),

    other people (supervisors, co-workers), the organisational context (policies, promotion

    opportunities, procedures, working conditions), and self or individual differences (internal

    motivation, moral values), Locke (1976), Spector (1997), Cook et al, (1997).

    Linking Employee Satisfaction with Productivity and Performance.

    The links between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction, productivity,

    and financial performance began in 1980 with Benjamin Schneiders survey of satisfaction

    levels of bank customers and employees.

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    y Studies such as Frederick Reichhelds The Loyalty Effect, (1996) and James

    Heskett,W. Early Sasser, and Leonard Schlesingers The Service Profit Chain

    (1997) producedthe first sets of hard data quantifying these links. Both studies

    conclude that there are direct and quantifiable links between custom

    y Service variables (such as satisfactionand loyalty), employee variables (such as

    satisfaction, enthusiasm, loyalty, commitment,capability, and internal service quality),

    and financial results.

    y In 1997, Development Dimensions International (DDI) conducted focus groups,customer interviews, literature reviews, and surveys to determine drivers of an

    effective service environment. DDI found evidence of a circular relationship between

    employee satisfaction and retention, and customer satisfaction and loyalty, and increases in

    company profitability. In addition, employee satisfaction was strongly related to employee

    commitment and loyalty, and both measures have proven relationships toretention and


    y In The Service Profit Chain (1997), the authors proposed a model thatworkforce capability, satisfaction, and loyalty would lead to customers perceptions

    of value.Value perception would lead to customer satisfaction and loyalty, which

    would lead to profits and growth. The study found that employees perceptions of

    their capabilities, satisfaction, and length-of-service were correlated with customer


    Its common sense. When people

    feel great about the place where

    they workthey provide better

    customer service.

    -Dick Clark, Group Leader of


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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    Employee Satisfaction & Customer Satisfaction:

    Is There a Relationship?

    Numerous empirical studies show a strong positive relationship between employee

    satisfaction and customer satisfaction (e.g., Band, 1988; George, 1990; Reynierse & Harker,

    1992; Schmitt & Allscheid, 1995; Schneider & Bowen, 1985; Schneider, White, & Paul, 1998;

    Schneider, Ashworth ,Higgs, & Carr, 1996 Johnson, 1996; Ulrich, Halbrook, Meder, Stuchlik,

    & Thorpe, 1991; Wiley, 1991). As suggested by this wealth of findings, positive changes in

    employee attitudes lead to positive changes in customer satisfaction.

    Some investigations have provided explicit measures of this relationship. For example, a

    study at Sears Roebuck & Co. showed that a five-point improvement in employee attitudes

    led to a 1.3 rise in customer satisfaction which, in turn, generated a 0.5 increase in

    revenues. Brooks (2000)reviewed the relationship between financial success and customer

    and employee variables (e.g.,customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, etc.) and found

    that, depending on market segment and industry, between 40 and 80 percent of customer

    satisfaction and customer loyalty was accounted for by the relationship between employee

    attitudes and customer-related variables. Similarly, Vilares and Cohelo (2000) found that

    perceived employee satisfaction, perceived employee loyalty, and perceived employee

    commitment had a sizable impact on perceived product quality and on perceived service


    Job Satisfaction and Motivation.

    Organisations have been described as a social arrangement for the controlled performance

    of collective goals (Stewart, 1973). They exist basically for two reasons: to maximize profit

    or share holder value, (Huczynski and Buchanan, 1991). Latest trends in management

    encourage the integration of the needs of employees with that of organisations. Maximising

    profit through growth/expansion and increased share value should not be the only motivation

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    for organisations. Investment in people should be at the fore of business strategy and in

    developing human resources which invariably benefits the respective organisations. The role

    and effective use and management of human resources in enhancing organisational

    performance therefore cannot be over emphasized.

    Job Satisfaction and Motivation needs are vital in the work place particularly in the twenty-

    first century as workers have become more knowledgeable through education about their

    rights in the work place. According to Fredrick Hertzberg's Job Satisfaction model, there are

    factors within and outside an organisation that affects the extent to which employees of an

    organisation are satisfied. These include the structure of the organisation, the organisational

    culture and the internal politics that pertains in the organisation (Mullins, 2005).

    A satisfied and motivated work force can undoubtedly help sustain productivity. Locke (1976)

    lists some individual characteristics of workers which can affect their level of satisfaction.

    They include demographic factors like: age, sex, education, position occupied and length of

    service. He added that job satisfaction plays an important role in employee commitment and

    in reducing employee absenteeism and boredom at work. Smith (1992) believed that job

    satisfaction could lead to cost reduction by reducing absences, errors and turnovers which

    leads to greater productivity and economic and industrial growth which is a major drive of

    most organisations.

    During the 1900s organisations were encouraged to deskill their work force by theorist like

    Fredrick Taylor and others, (Daft, 2003). Taylor in Daft (2003) advocated scientific

    management allowing people to specialise in the task they are assigned to. Workers in

    recent times have become more knowledgeable and sophisticated that they are able to

    multi-task through training themselves or training from their organisations. Workers

    irrespective of their level would rather like to enjoy what they do. Furthermore workers see

    organisations according to Huczynski and Buchanan (1991) as a source of:

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    y Money and physical resources

    y Meaning, relevance and purpose

    y Order and stability

    y Security, support and protection

    y Status, prestige, self-esteem and self-confidence

    y Power, authority and control.

    It is worth mentioning that although collectively members of an organisation may have a goal

    as a result of strategies that may have evolved from the top; the individual members pursue

    a variety of different goals on their own. Senior managers may decide on objectives and

    attempt to get others to agree with them by calling them organisational goals. However

    employees' individual aspirations inclinations and training are likely to affect these goals,

    (Stewart, 1973). In view of this it is important that organisations are aware of the individual

    needs that exist within their organisations and to strive to integrate these needs or find a

    middle ground which addresses these needs that employees have. Organisations that ignore

    this may to do well in the short to medium term but could have severe problems with staff

    performance long-term as a result of lack of commitment and staff dissatisfaction.

    Varied definitions have been given in literature for job satisfaction. Nevertheless, 'there

    appears to be a general agreement that job satisfaction is an affective (that is emotional)

    reaction to a job that results from the incumbent's comparison of the actual outcomes with

    those that are desired (expected, deserved, and so on).' (Cranny, Smith and Stone 1992).

    Job satisfaction is a positive feeling an individual has towards his or her job, (Daft, 2003). An

    employee who is satisfied feels fulfilled doing the job. It is an inherent feeling that one's

    talents are being fully utilized and that one's contribution is impacting society, while at the

    same time, personal growth-needs are being met.

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    "Employee satisfaction" helps the company to maintain a standard & increase

    productivity by motivating the employees. "Human resource" is the most important resource

    for any organization, so to study employees satisfaction helps to know the working methods

    Employee job rotation, employees training, employees problem solving and employee goal

    settings. Are the things that affect them to work effectively.

    Thus, to study on employee satisfaction is necessary


    Are the employees of Peshawar Development Authority satisfied with their jobs?


    1. To find out whether the employees of Peshawar Development Authority are satisfied

    with their jobs.

    2. To find out the reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction of employees of Peshawar

    Development Authority at their jobs.


    The main objective of my project report will be helpful for Peshawar development authority,

    that what steps should be taken to increase the productivity of their employees.

    The satisfaction of employees is very crucial for success of the company or organization,

    thus studying the satisfaction level and findings ways to improve the satisfaction of

    employees is very important as it has an effect on the overall productivity. I believe that my

    efforts for this report will somehow bring the light to the path of success as a nation.


    The scope of the study is confined to Peshawar Development Authority; it will provide

    sufficient information regarding employees satisfaction level in respect to their working

    method, employees job rotation, employees training, employees problem solving and

    employee goal settings

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority



    Of all the advances in management thinking, which transpired during the twentieth century,

    perhaps none has been as important as those that have occurred within the domain of what we

    now call human resource management. These advances have come in two basic forms. First,

    it has been learned that all business organizations (indeed, all organizations of any purpose)depend on their people for success. Second, it has been observed, that by proper coordination,

    the people of an organization can achieve more by working together as a teem, than they can

    by working singly. The development of concepts such as the learning organization, human

    capital and knowledge capital are the building blocks of the new styles of organization are

    now emerging.

    To get the best from the people who make up an organization, it is first necessary to manage

    them in the most efficient and effective manner. Exaactly what constitutes efficiency and

    effectiveness in this regard has been and continues to be a matter for debate. At one extreme,

    there is the view that employees are simply a resource, to be pressed for the maximum

    possible output. At the other end of the spectrum, the view obtains that employees are first

    and foremost human beings and that the employer has a duty to care for their human

    aspirations and needs. Pragmmatically, of course, most employers fit somewhere between

    these two extremes; exactly where depends on their own outloaok and inclination.


    Effectively managing human resources improves the performance of both employee and

    employer. Local companies are beginning to value good personnel management and are

    turning to Western HR methodss, while Western companies rely on their HR managers

    to make sure that the company complies with all the labor laws. The result is improved

    employee morale and effectiveness, and a greater role forHR.

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    Western experience proved long ago that effective human resource management influences

    the overall profitability of a company. The last couple of years have seen a rapid increase

    in the number of Russian companies paying serious attention to the development and

    implementation ofHR strategies. And they are absolutely right to make this a priority, as the

    right people will create the right policy, according to HR directors.



    Turnover of employees is more expensive than you think.Employee tuhrnover has a number

    of expenses including lower productivity of dissatisfied employees; disruption of the work

    group; attracting, acquiring and training replacement personnel; mistakes made by new-hires;lower productivity of new-hires; lower prodouctivity of employees whose work is affected by

    new-hires; and the loss of competitive advantage as your work methods, technology and

    management techniques are shared with your competitors who hired your ex-employeess.

    For most organizations, reducing turnover even a few percent represents a significant return

    on investment.


    Employee turnover is a "lagging indicator." Factors that cause employees to leave will be

    present in your organizationn for a long time before you actually see an increase in turnover.

    Once employees start to quit, they will continue to do so, beyond any hasty improvements.

    Employees mistrust positive overtures from organizations that suddenly become interested in

    employee satisfaction when turnover is a problem.

    All turnovers are not equal:

    Termination is beneficial when you cull poor performing employees from the company.

    When good, long-term employees quiit, their loss is the most expensive and the most

    disruptive to the organization. They take with them training, skills; experience, productivity

    and the social bonds that help other empployees come to work.

    Organizationsfail to manage turnover because they try to manage turnover:

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    This is not a trick. Consider the problem of losing weight. People who try to lose weight

    typically experience some success for a period of tiime, and then return to their previous

    weight. Why? In part, because they are trying to manage a sympptom. If you try to eliminate

    a symptom, you really would like to continue your life asfor it is, but just not experience the

    natural consequences of that lifestyle.

    Trying to lose weight is fundamentally different from simply adopting a healthier lifestyle

    and, as a natural consequence, you happen to lose some weeight.

    Organizations are the same way. If you try to reduce turnover, this is fundamentally different

    from making your organizatioan a stronger, better place to work and, as a natural

    consequence, more people stay with your organization because it is a better place to work.

    Glue can backfire:

    Some organizations have created forms of "super glue" that bind employees to the

    organiization. Some hospitals use exceptional health care benefits; some corporations use

    stock options that offer exceptional weaalth. The problem is that these techniques can work

    so well, they can bind unhappy employees to the organization. Organizations cant see how

    negatively their environment is affecting employees. Poor work environments inhibit

    company growth; produce unhappy, unmotivated workers; and increase the chance that

    employees will resort to collective bargaining to solve their problems.

    Avoid excuses:

    "If only we could hire better people" or "They leave for better money" or "This level of

    turnover is normal for our business." Each of these makes someone outside the organization

    responsible for your problems and prevents you from making effective changes.

    In an analysis of organizations to ideentify the underlying causes of a variety of symptoms -

    including turnover. With the right information, turnover can be managed at a lower cost thanmost people think is possible.

    Employee satisfaction

    Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether employees are happy and

    contented and fulfilling their desiires and needs at work. Many measures purport that

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    employee satisfaction is a factor in employee motivation, employee goal achievement, and

    positive employee morale in the workplace.

    Employee satisfaction, while generally a positive in your organization, can also be a downer

    if mediocre employees stay because they are satisfied with your work environment.

    Redefining Satisfaction

    Employee satisfaction means different things to different people. While we intuitively believe

    that employee satisfaction is necessary for the high performance, studies in the past have not

    supported this belief. Several years ago, Wilson Learning Worldwide began asking why, and

    concleuded that the problem was in the definition of satisfaction.

    The dictionary defines satisfaction as gratification of an appetite and pleasure. In general,

    people most often associate satisfaction with happiness and comfort. It is likely that in most

    of the previous studies, people responded to the question Are you satisfied? by interpreting

    the question as Are you comfortable in your work? Do you feel secure and content? While

    this may not have been the intent of the question, this understanding of the question does

    suggest why organizational Redeefining Employee Satisfaction performance has not been

    linked statistically to employee satisfaction. We dont often associate high performance with

    contentment, security, and comfort. However, we do tend to associate high performance with

    enjoyment of the work, fulfillment in accomplishment, and effective work relationships.

    Therefore, the researchers at Wilson Learning Worlldwide decided to explore a new

    definition of satisfaction, one that taps the elements of fulfillment, empowerment, and

    engagement. In the process, we have identified a powerful tool for creating a high-

    performance, high-fiulfillment work environment.

    Satisfaction with the job: To be fulfilled, people need to value their day-to-day work

    activities. People need to have a sense of accomplishment or pleasure from the work itself.

    Satisfaction with relationships: People also need to value the relationships they have on

    the job to be fulfilled. People want to liike working with their coworkers. While people know

    that conflicts will arise, they want to be assured that the focus is not on the interpersonal

    differences, but the task differences.

    Satisfaction with leadership: If people do not think that they are being managed or led

    effectively, it is hard to have fulfillmennt in the work.

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    Knowing that others are satisfied in their work: One of the key findings from our

    research is the importance of the open expression of fulfillment in the workplace. Knowing

    that others gain fulfillment in their work is a powerful motivator.

    Knowing that others are satisfied with the organizations leadership: It is difficult to be

    fulfilled if there is not open trust and support for leadership. Equally, when that open trust

    and support is present, it helps create an environment where people feel empowered and

    willing to give their full engaggement.

    Employees Training:

    In order to see the impact of employees training first we need to know that what is Training.

    As Penny Hackett (introduction to training, 1997) say thatwithin most work organizations

    the task of bringing people to the deesire of standard efficiency or helping them to learn to do

    things to the way they need to be done is shared. In some, every employee is expected to be

    helped by training others or themselves. In others, just team leaders, supervisor, manager may

    be explicitly involved. Now after understanding the training we also need to know the basic

    difference between training & education to avoid confusion. As Penny Hackett

    (introduction to training, 1997) say thatthe distinction between education & training used

    to be a good deal greater than it now. Training was particular to each type of work. Education

    was seen as more broadly based Training of life. Training was a mean of ensuring specific

    task were carried out in accordance with the predetermine procedures. Education was

    intended to open peoples mind to enable them to work from first principles & question

    predetermined procedures.

    Training creates impact on employees performance, training increases confidence & can

    change peoples attitudes. David Curtis/Healthlink Worldwide, EXPLORING THE


    Bishop (1994) studies whether current productivity of individual employees depends on

    schooling, work experience and formal training obtained at previous employers. Using

    dummy variables on the incidence of formal training he finds that employees who received

    formal off-the-job training at previous employers are on average 16% more productive than

    otherwise comparable employees without previous training.

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    An increase in knowledge or human capital can affect both level and growth of productivity.

    The Impact of Firm-provided Training on Production:Testing for Firm-size Effects Jan

    M. P. De Kok, Tinbergen Institute, Netherland, 2000

    Education and training are indispensable instruments for improving labour mobility,

    adaptability and productivity, thus contributing to enhancing firms competitiveness and

    redressing labour market iimbalances [Cailods (1994)]. Impact ofTraining on Earnings:

    Evidence from Pakistani Industries Zainab Javied, Asma Hyder, Islamabad, Vol 5, 2009

    If we want to enhance the employee performance & in this regard, if we able to enhance the

    level of motivation of the employee by traaining. So indirectly we are enhancing the

    employee performance by the help of training. For example, if I have no computer literacy,

    then no matter how much you motivate me it will not enhance my performance, so, I will

    give training to you regarding computer literacy which will enhance your motivation &

    ultimately it will enhance the employee performance.

    Training is one of the crucial strategies for organizations to assist employees to gain those

    necessary knowledge and skills needed to meet the challenges (Goldstein and Gilliam,

    1990; Rosow and Zager, 1988)

    JOB ROTATION:Definition ofjob rotation

    Job rotation is a part of career development.

    Job rotation involves assigning employees to various jobs, so that they acquire a wide base of

    knowledge and skills.

    Benefits ofJob Rotation

    It determines the areas where improvement is required.

    Assessment of the employees who have the potential and caliber for filling the position.

    It provides the employees with oopportunities to broaden the horizon of knowledge, skills,

    and abilities by working in different depts, business units, functions

    Identification of Knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) of each employee required.

    Job rotation can lead directly to the accelerated development of new members of staff.

    Cross-functional job rotation can be a powerful way of developing organizational high-


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    Application ofjob rotation

    For lower management levels job rotation has normally one of two purposes: promotion or

    skill enhancement.

    This approach aallows the manager to operate in diverse roles and understand the different

    issues that crop up.

    Many Japanese firms are well-known for their practice of job rotation, which assigns each

    worker not to a single and specific task but to a set of several tasks among which he or she

    rotates with some frequency. This practice clearly limits the degree of specialization,

    suggesting the possibility that the rotation of jobs produces certain benefits that outweigh lost

    productivity from reduced specialization. In fact, job rotation is generally identified to be so

    beneficial to have contributed greatly to the successes of Japanese firms. For example, in an

    influential study, Ouchi [1981] identifies non-specialized career paths as one of the

    fundamental properties of Japanese firms from which American firms can learn, and he

    details blueprints for implementing what he calls a Type Z Organization. There is also

    evidence that some American firms have started to experiment with job rotation as one of the

    innovative transformations of the workplace (Appelbaum and Batt [1994], Osterman [1994]).

    Perhaps the best known examples of job rotation can be seen in the case of Japanese

    firms. As Ouchi [1981, 32] notes, lifelong job rotation holds true for all employees in many

    Japanese firms. An electrical engineer may go from circuit design to fabrication to

    assembly,a technician may work on a different maachine or in a different division every few

    years, and all managers will rotate through all areas of the business. Based on case studies

    of various large steel plants, Koike [1984, 63-5] argues that job rotation was practiced in

    Japan as earlyy as the late 1950s. Studies show that job rotation has become wide-spread in

    other Japanese industries as pursued regularly in, for example, some of the well-known

    companies such as Toyota (Monden [1983]). Possibly inspired by the economic success of

    Japanese firms, there has also been a growing interest in job rotation in the U. S. The

    literature aimed at managers features essays that promote job rotation, and recent research onwork practices finds that many businesses have instituted workplace transformations that

    include some form of job rotation.

    Employees problem solving:

    Problem solving is a mental process and is part of the larger problem process that

    includes problem finding and problem shaping. Considered the most complex of all

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    intellectual functions, problem solving has been defined as higher-order cognitive process

    that requires the modulation and control of more routtine or fundamental skillss. Problem

    solving occurs when an organism or an artificial intelligence system needs to move from a

    given state to a desired goal state.


    y Abstraction: solving thee problem in a model of the system before applying it to the

    real system

    y Analogy: using a solution that solved an analogous problem

    y Brainstorming: (especially among groups of people) suggesting a large number of

    solutions or ideas and combining and developing them until an optimum is found

    y Divide and conquer: breaaking down a large, complex problem into smaller, solvable


    y Hypothesis testing: assuming a possible explanation to the problem and trying to

    prove (or, in some contexts, disprove) the assumption

    y Lateral thinking: approaaching solutions indirectly and creatively

    y Means-ends analysis: choosing an action at each step to move closer to the goal

    y Method of focal objects: synthesizing seemingly non-matching characteristics of

    different objects into something new

    y Morphological analysis: assassing the output and interactions of an entire system

    y Reduction: transforming the problem into another problem for which solutions exist

    y Research: employing existing ideas or adapting existing solutions to similar problems

    y Root cause analysis: eliminaating the cause of the problem

    y Trial-and-error: testing possible solutions until the right one is found


    Goal Setting involves setting specific, meaasurable and time targeted objectives. Work on the

    theory of goal-setting suggests that it is an effective tool for making progress by ensuring that

    participants are clearly aware of what is expected from them, if an objective is to be achieved.

    On a personal level, setting goallls is a process that allows people to specify then work

    towards their own objectives most commonly with financial or career-based goals. Goal

    setting is a major component of Personal development literature.

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    The business tecchnique of Management by objectives uses the principle of goal setting. In

    business, goal setting has the advantages of encouraging participants to put in subsstantial

    effort; and, because every member is aware of what is expected of.... him or her (high role

    perception), little room is left for inadequate effort going unnoticed.

    To be most effective goals should be tangiible, specific, and realistic and have a time targeted

    for completion. There must be realistic plans to achieve the intended goal. For example,

    setting a goal to go to Mars on a shoe string buudget is not a realistic goal while setting a goal

    to go to Hawaii as a backpacker is a possible goal with possible, realistic plans. Setting

    unrealistic goals can be very harmful, especially to teenagers, because if a goal is not

    achieved it may lower one's self-esteem. Over time this setting of unrealistic goals can lead

    to depression and, in extreme cases, suicide.

    One drawback of goal setting is that implicit learning may be inhibited. This is because goal

    setting may encourage simple focus on an outcome witthout openness to exploration,

    understanding or growth. "Goals provide a sense of direction and purpose" (Goldstein, 1993,

    p.96). Locke et al. (1981) examiined the behavioral effects of goal-setting, concluding that

    90% of laboratory and field studies involving specific and challenging goals led to higher

    performance than easy or no goals.

    While some managers would believe it is sufficient to urge employees to do their best,

    Locke and Latham have a clear contradicting view on this. The authors state that people who

    are told to do their best will not do so. Doinng your best has no external referent which

    implies that it is useless in eliciting specific behavior. To elicit some specific form of

    behavior from others, it is important that this person has a clear view of what is expected

    from him/her. A goal is thereby of vital impportance because it facilitates an individual in

    focusing their efforts in a specified direction. In other words; goals canalize behavior

    (Cummings & Worley p. 368).H

    owever when goals are established at a management leveland thereafter solely laid down, employee mottivation with regard to achieving these goals is

    rather suppressed (Locke & Latham, 2002 p.705). In order to increase motivation the

    employees not only need to be allowed to participate in the goal setting process but the goals

    have to be challenging as weell (Cummings & Worley p. 369).

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    Managers cannot be constantly able to drive motivation and keep track of an employees

    work on a continuous basis. Goals are thaerefore an important tool for managers since goals

    have the ability to function as a self-regulatory mechanism that acquires an employee a

    certain amount of guidance (Shalley, 1995 p. 401). Locke and Latham (2002) have distilled

    four mechanisms through which goal setting is able to affect individual performance:

    1) Goals focus attention towarrds goal-relevant activities and away from goal-irrelevant


    2) Goals serve as an energizer; higher goals will induce greater effort while low goals induce

    lesser effort.

    3) Goals affect persistence; constraints with regard to resources will affect work pace.

    4) Goals activate cognitive knowledge annd strategies which allows employees to cope with

    the situation at hand. Through an understanding of the effect of goal setting on individual

    performance organizations are able to use goal setting to benefit organizational performance.

    Locke and Latham (2002, p. 707-709) have therefore indicated three moderators which

    indicate the success of goal setting:

    I. Goal commitment people will perform bettaer when they are committed to achieve

    certain goals. Goal commitment is dependent of : a. The importance of the expected

    outcomes of goal attainment and; b. Self-efficacy; ones belief that (s)he is able to achieve the


    II. Feedback keep track of performance to allow empployees to see how effective they have

    been in attaining the goals. Without proper feedback channels it is impossible to adapt or

    adjust to the required behavior.

    III. Task complexity more difficult goals reequire more cognitive strategies and well

    developed skills. The more difficult the tasks ahead, a smaller group of people will posses the

    necessary skills and strategies. From an orrganizational perspective it is thereby moredifficult to successfully attain more difficult goals since resources become more scarce.

    IV. Employee motivation - The more employees are motivated, the more they are stimulated

    and interested in accepting goals.

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    V. Macro-economical characteristics. The position of the economy in the conjecture puts

    pressure or simply releases the organization. This means that somee goals are easier set in

    specific macro-economical surroundings. Depression is for instance the least successful

    conjectural phase for goal setting.

    These success factors are not to be seen independently. For example the expected outcomes

    of goals are positively influenced when employees are involved in the goal setting process.

    Not only does participation increase commitment in attaining the goals that are set,

    participation influences self-eefficacy as well. In addition to this feedback is necessary to

    monitor ones progress. When this is left aside, an employee might (s)he is not making enough

    progress. This can reduce self-efficacy and thereby harm the performance outcomes in the

    long run (Bandura 1993 p.119-120).


    y A long-term goal is an achievement set to be reached over a long period of time. The

    period of time defined for reaching the goal can be almost any length of time;

    although most long-term goals tend to bbe measured in years. It would be appropriate

    to define a long-term goal for this week, month, year, lifetime, etc. The definition of a

    long-term goal usually involves setting short-term goals to divide the timeline of

    achieving the long-term goal.

    Short-term and long-term goals are important tools in measuring success. They are

    used in a variety of areas financial, personal and business to name a few. Setting and

    tracking goals is an important step in achieving success in almost any endeavor.


    A short-term goal is something to be accomplished in a short period of time, such as

    trying to get a bill paid in the next few days. There is noo specific length of time related

    to the definition of a short-term goal. That is to say, a short term goal may be achieved in

    a day, week, month, year, etc. The time framee for a short-term goal is related to its

    context in the overall timeline that it is being applied to. For instance, a short-termof goal

    for a month long projject may be measured in days where as a short-term goal for

    someones life might be measured by months or years. Short-term goals are usually

    defined in relation to a long-term goal or goals.

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority


    The conditions in which an individual or staff works, including but not limited to such things

    as amenities, physical environment, stress and noise levels, degree ofsafety or danger, and the


    A positive working environment for employees is the common goal of all good owners and

    managers. Such an environment encommpasses favorable working conditions, good air

    quality, timely management feedback and an understanding of job goals and priorities.

    Studies have shown that employees are also willing to make some wage concessions in order

    to work in better environments and in a job they enjoy.

    Hiring extra labor for weekends or extra time off, upgrading facilities to make them safer and

    more pleasant to work in, and the mere availability of dust masks are examples of good

    investments to ensure employee satisfaction and retention rates.

    Corporate and Individual Responsibility

    Responsibility rests with each eemployer to provide and promote a good and harmonious

    working environment. To create and sustain such an environment there is a need to build

    practical working procedures on a foundation of sound policies. These policies and

    procedures should operate hand-in-hand to promote equality of opportunity, and are best

    underpinned by corporate equal opportunities and antiharassment statements and policies to

    this effect, together with a Joint Declaration of Protection signed by both management and

    employees representatives.

    Along with corporate responsibilities, each individual employee must also carry personal

    responsibility for making these policies and procedures come to life. With this in mind,

    where an employer has taken all reasonably practiccable steps to prevent actions occurring,

    including the impllementation of these policies through ongoing communication and training

    strategies, but they still happen then it is right and proper that those who choose to engage in

    unwanted and unreasonable conduct should expect to bear personal responsibility for their

    actions.The Tribunal has acknowledged both corporate and individual

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    responsibility,extending not only to those who work for the organisation but also to third

    parties and including those who engage with it, for example, by using or delivering services,

    or as clientss or customers.

    CHAPTER # 3


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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    This chapter explains the overall methodology required to collect data to examine the

    research issue of the study. It deals with the universe of the study, sampling size, tools of data

    collection and its analysis.

    Universe ofthe study:

    The scope of the study is confined to Peshawar Development Authority; it will provide

    sufficient information regarding employees satisfaction level in respect to their working

    method, employees job rotation, employees training, employees problem solving and

    employee goal settings.


    The employees of PDA constitutes the population for this study, the sample size was 100.

    Data Collection:

    The data will be collected from both primary and secondary sources. These include:

    Questionnaire development:

    Data collection is the most important step in a primary research; and the authenticity of a

    study is measured in terms of the data collected, and how it is collected. For this purpose,

    Questionnaire technique will be used for collection of primary data.


    Respondents were asked about their income, work activities, working environment, training,

    leadership support different questions regarding their job responsibilities were asked. Likert

    scale of measuring was used in questionnaire. Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS)

    was then used for interpretation of data.

    Secondary data:

    Secondary information will be collected from different sources including journals, former

    research papers.

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    CHAPTER #4



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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    In this chapter a detailed analysis of the questionnaire is done using SPSS. The answers of all

    100 respondents were entered into the SPSS and different statistical tools like frequency and

    percentile were applied to each and every question. The answers for each question were

    recorded and then tables and pie chart were drawn using SPSS. A detailed summary with

    table and pie is given with every table given below.

    Table 1: Respondents perception about employeessatisfaction


    Employees satisfaction


    agreeAgree Neutral Disagree



    1 Care 69 09 07 15 00 100

    2 Profession 68 25 00 07 00 100

    3 Professional

    position47 53 00 00 00 100

    4 Income 20 64 11 05 00 100


    advancement54 46 00 00 00 100


    utilization50 43 00 07 00 100

    7 Customer care 55 39 06 00 00 100

    Total 363 279 24 34 00 700

    Percentage 51.85 39.85 3.42 4.85 00 100

    Source: Field Survey, 2011

    This table shows the respondents perception about employees satisfaction level; it indicates

    that 51.85% of the respondents were strongly agreed and they are satisfied with their jobs

    3.42 % were neutral about it .The respondents were asked about the questions ,That does

    company cares about their people or not, their professional positions,their income,their

    professional advancements ,their skill utilization and customer care.This table reveals that

    majority of PDA employees are satisfied from their jobs.

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    Table 2: Respondents perception about employees job rotation


    Employees Job Rotation


    agreeAgree Neutral Disagree



    1 Work activities 57 39 00 04 00 100

    2 interest 51 38 04 00 00 100

    3Job training 26 66 08 00 08 100

    4 Job skills 57 39 04 00 00 100

    Total 191 182 16 04 08 400

    Percentage 47.5 45.5 4 1 2 100

    Source: Field Survey, 2011

    This table shows the respondents perception about employees Job rotation ; it indicates that

    47.5% of the respondents were strongly agreed and they are satisfied with their jobs 4 % were

    neutral about it . The respondents were asked about the questions about their current working

    activities,their interest in work, their job rotation,and job skills.

    Table 3: Respondents perception about employees Workmethod

    Respondents Employees Work Method Total

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority


    agreeAgree Neutral Disagree



    1Current job

    satisfaction48 37 11 04 00 100

    2 potentials 51 38 11 00 00 100

    3 Workingcondition

    33 63 04 00 00 100

    4 improvement 54 38 08 00 00 100

    5 Team spirit 42 51 00 00 07 100

    Total 228 227 34 04 07 500

    Percentage 45.6 45.4 6.8 0.8 1.4 100

    Source: Field Survey, 2011

    This table shows the respondents perception about employees Job rotation ; it indicates that

    45.6 % of the respondents were strongly agreed and they are satisfied with their work

    methods 0.8 % employees disagreed that they are not satisfied with the working conditions.

    Table4: Respondents perception about employees Training

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority


    Employees Training


    agreeAgree Neutral Disagree



    1 training 42 54 04 00 00 100

    2 Extra training 36 49 00 15 00 100

    3 Benefitsreceived

    27 54 07 04 08 100

    4 distinguishes 56 29 15 00 00 100

    5 participation 23 73 04 00 07 100

    Total 184 259 30 19 15 500

    Percentage 36.8 51.8 6 3.8 3 100

    Source: Field Survey, 2011

    This table shows the respondents perception about employees Job Training ; it indicates that

    51.8 % of the respondents were agreed and they are satisfied with their work training

    programs 3 % of the employees were strongly Disagreed about their Training programs.In

    this table the respondents were asked whether thay were received adequate training,The extra

    training thay require to do thir job,Benefits received from the training programs,their

    distinguished postion due to training and their willingness to participate again in training


    Table 5: Respondents perception about employees Problem Solving


    Employees Problem solving


    agreeAgree Neutral Disagree



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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority


    mgt47 53 00 00 00 100


    problems34 36 08 22 00 100

    3support 43 35 00 14 08 100


    response23 57 00 13 07 100


    problems13 68 12 07 00 100

    Total 160 249 20 56 15 500

    Percentage 32 49.8 4 11.2 3 100

    Source: Field Survey, 2011

    This table shows the respondents perception about employees problem solutions ; it indicates

    that 49.8 % of the respondents were Agreed and they are satisfied with their work

    management decision regarding to the employees problem solution.about 4% employees have

    neutral response.In this table respondents were asked about management competency to

    tackle the problems.Their external problems, their company support and the employees

    internal problems.

    Table6: Respondents perception about employees Goal Setting:


    Employees Goal settings


    Agree Neutral DisagreeStronglydisagree

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    1 goals 34 43 12 04 07 100


    goals31 53 00 16 00 100

    3 Jobunderstanding

    23 42 18 17 00 100


    goals28 56 16 00 00 100

    5 Dead lines 08 37 48 07 00 100

    6 explained 19 30 51 00 00 100

    Total 143 261 145 44 07 600

    Percentage 23.83 43.5 24.1 7.33 1.16 100

    Source: Field Survey, 2011

    This table shows the respondents perception about employees Goal settings ; it indicates that

    43.5 % of the respondents were Agreed and they are satisfied with their goals and

    directions.decision ,about 1.16% of employees strongly disagreed.The respondents were

    asked about their company goals,Employees personal goals,Their job understanding

    challenging goals,Deadlines for the proposed goals.and their clear goal understandings.

    CHAPTER #5


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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority


    Although the PDA is very broad but my project is specifically based on the Human Recourse

    issues in the PDA . As I discussed earlier that this project deals with issues of human resource

    practices regarding employee satisfaction which HR of PDA is facing.

    All findings are listed earlier in the report by questionnaire sequence which shows very clear

    picture of the research findings, here I will discuss on broad bases that what are the

    recommendations for improving the condition ofHR in employee satisfaction case.

    Employee satisfaction with in the organization is very important because satisfy employee

    help organization to increase more efficiency in the organization. The output which I get by

    search is that the employees are satisfied to some extent in the organization where they

    work. In many organizations the employees are not satisfied with there jobs. But on the otherhand the employees also work sincerely for the organizations in which they work.


    The following are a few measures which improves employee satisfaction. Some of them are

    being taken by some PDA departments but, more emphasis on them will make the condition

    even better.

    y Working hours should be flexible. As the PDA employees already have a tough job

    and the work is tiring for the mind. The organization should assign the employees to

    work for a specified number of hours, say 8 hours a day, employees that they should

    work in 8 hours of the day.

    y Salary of the employees should be good. Sometimes the pay is not satisfactory

    which makes the overall morale of the employees low and the commitment with

    y the organization goes down which is not good for the employees themselves and also

    to the organizations as shifting from one to other is not good.

    y Sometimes the employees are not happy with their project team, as they may not be

    able to work properly with them, sometimes they may not understand each other.

    Sometimes, the overall team may not be a composed one having a complete mix of all

    types of specialists required for a certain project.

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    y Sometimes the professionals may want acknowledgement for certain projects or

    services that they render to the industry. If not provided, it may effect their own

    morale as well as of others in the industry and they may not become motivated to

    work for the organization.

    y The organizations should make the employees aware of and make arrangements to tell

    them about every new projects or programs or anything other that is required to wok

    in it, they should be trained in its usage.

    y Sometimes starting pay is very less and it effects the employee commitment in an

    organization, the employee shifts from one organization to other. It not only affects

    the employee career but also effects the organizations. Survey results may show an

    overall satisfaction of employees but respondents may be those on project or team-

    leader designation or an engineer or programmer, but those who have newly entered

    face such problems.

    y Vacations, say Sunday or any holiday is also sometimes not available to the new

    ones. With time, condition gets good but requires really to b hardworking. Its the

    need of every job but if hard work done with own will, its really good to the

    organization. Flexibility I this area should be done.

    y HR manager is not available in each software-house, as they are small in size.

    Government should take efforts on its own. One HR manager for say, a group f

    software-houses or area should be assigned proposing policies to keepH

    R happy andalso keeping a check. This may make their condition even better.

    Overall, the satisfaction level is good, but working on the satisfaction measures a little

    more may make it a happy and developing sector for the country.


    I am a student of KPK AGRICULTURAL University Peshawar. For my Mba project, I am

    doing the survey on Employee Satisfaction in PDA (Peshawar Development Authority).

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Your specific answers will be completelyanonymous, but your views in combination with those of others are extremely important and

    will be confidential.


    Name: ___________________________________________

    Age: ____________________________________________

    Qualification: _____________________________________

    Organization: _____________________________________

    Working Since: ___________________________________

    Department: ______________________________________

    Designation: ______________________________________



    Q1: Do you feel that the company cares about its people?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q2: Do other people view your job as a valuable profession?1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q3: Do you believe that your position at work is a professional position?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q4: Are you satisfied with your income?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q5: Have you ample opportunities for advancement in this profession

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q6: Are you fully able to use your skills in this position?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q7: Do you believe that your supervisors care deeply for you and for our clients?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree


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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    Q8: Your work activities are personally meaningful to you?1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q: You believe that your position at work is a professional position?1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q: You are fully able to use your skills in this position?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q9: The work you do is interesting?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q10: Have you received the appropriate training for the job that you rotate?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree


    Q11: Are you generally satisfied with the kind of work you do in this job?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q12: Are you satisfied with your current job and your current position?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q13: Do you think that your current job has explored your potential to the full?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q14: How do you rate the working condition at your job?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q15: How would you want your management to improve the working condition?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    Q16: Are you satisfied with the team spirit in your working environment?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree


    Q17: Did you receive adequate training to do your job well?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q18: If you feel that you needed extra training, it would be made available for you?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q19: Are you getting benefits from this training and development program?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q20: What would you consider to be your area of expertise, and your particular skill set that

    distinguishes you from your colleagues?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q21: Would you be willing to participate in such a program again?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree


    Q22: Are you sure that your management is competent enough to tackle the problem?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q23: Do you feel that external problems are usually more complicated than internal


    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q24: Have your management supported you in problems faced by you?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q25: Are you satisfied with the Company leadership response to the important externalproblems?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

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    Employees Satisfaction level of Peshawar Development authority

    Q26: Are you satisfied with the Company leadership response to the important internalproblems?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree


    Q27: Are you satisfied with your understanding of the direction and goals of the company?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q28: Are you satisfied with your understanding of how your goals are linked to the goals of

    the company?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q29: Do you agree that members of the organization should understand exactly what they

    are supposed to do on their jobs?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q30: Do you think that Goals should be challenging but reasonable (neither too hard nor tooeasy)?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q31: Do you feel that there should be deadlines for accomplishing goals?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

    Q32: Either Goal should be clearly explained to everyone in the organization or not?

    1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly disagree

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