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Session 2: How to look fabulous

Transformation using the Magic of Make-up

General Objectives:

The main objective of makeup application is to emphasize one's good facial features and minimize less attractive features. Since each person has unique features, there is no one ideal way to apply makeup. Applying cosmetics is an art. Anyone can put makeup on themselves and make the application look good, but we will teach you tips for applying makeup to perfect your look.

Session 1: Beauty that fits with-in

Simple make-up in school.Simple makeup in the office.

Step 1:Wash your face before beginning. You want a clean surface to work on.

Finger, Brush and Foam

Step 2:If you absolutely feel the need to apply foundation, do it lightly. Try to buy mineral cosmetics, as they are better for your skin. The easiest way to apply this is just with your clean fingers, or use some sort of foundation brush/foam if you prefer it.

Step 3: Use a concealer over the bags under your eyes (optional). Do this step if you have dark, noticeable circles under your eyes. Warm the concealing cream up with your fingers, then pat it on.

Step 4: Prime your eyes to get them ready for light eye shadow. You can use a concealer, foundation, or actual eye primer for this step.

Step 5: Dust some neutral eye shadow onto your eyelids. Use gold, beige, bronze, cream, and champagne, even light pink or purple, that go well with your skin tone.

Step 6: Open up your eyes by applying a white or peach eyeliner to your lower lash line. You can place this into your inner corners as well.

Step 7: Place a thin line of eyeliner on your upper lash line. When done correctly, your eyes will look bigger, and your lashes will look thicker.

Step 8: Curl your lashes (optional). This will open up your eyes even more, making them look bigger and showing off your beautiful eyes!

Step 9: Coat your lashes with your favorite black mascara. For a bolder look, use two coats (re-dip your wand after applying one layer and apply another one).

Step 10: Put on a light lipstick and then lip gloss to make your lips shinier.

Session 2: How to look fabulous

Here are some Steps:

Apply face and eye primer.

A cosmeticprimeris a cream or lotion applied before another cosmetic to improve coverage and lengthen the amount of time the cosmetic lasts on the face. There are different kinds of cosmetic primers such as foundation primer, eyelid primer, lip primer, and mascara primer

Apply foundation with NO SPF.SPF can make your face look white or flashed out in photography.

Sun Protection Factor represents a time factor that delays the appearance of sunburn under standardized conditions.

Apply blush.Keep this on the apples of your cheeks and on your hair line. Don't apply too much.

Blush helps to make your beautiful face glow and look alive. The application is fairly straightforward, but it's important to get it right, to avoid overdoing the look. Powder and gel blushes are good foroily skin; cream is best for normal todry skin. Do a fish face, and apply the blush.This helps you find the apple of your cheeks. Don't smile that brings your cheeks up and can make your blush too low.

Apply bronzer/contour.High light.

Contouring looks great in photographs. You can take your MATTE bronzer and apply it under your cheek bones to contour. To bronze, simply put it anywhere the sun would naturally hit.

Highlight. Suck in your cheeks to find your cheek bones. Apply highlighter there and down your nose. They also make under eye highlighter, but it's different so be careful. You can use this under the brow bone and in the inner corners of your eyes to make them look more awake.

Define your brows.The products you can use vary from brow powder, pencils, and gel or wax. It's all personal preference.

The eyebrows are the new emphasis on the face. In magazines nowadays, photo shoots, ads and television, the trend right now is a beautifully shaped eyebrows. The start of your brow should be aligned with the inner corner of your eye. The arch point of your brow is from the center of the lower lip to the outer of your iris. And then the brow end is from the center of lower lip to the outer corner of your eye.

For eye shadow, Go neutral, not bright.You can use color, just not bright color. Apply the lightest color fist, medium color in the crease, and darkest color in the outer V(between the crease and lashes.) Put on eyeliner, curl your lashes, and put on mascara.

So you must choose the right eye shadow palette for your eye color, then you have to figure out how to use all the various shades on your lid.

Set your makeup with powder.

Face powder is the make-up artist's best friend, as it can make your skin look really wonderful and is very versatile in its uses. It gives the skin a glow as well as makes it smooth. It has a lasting effort in comparison to foundations and moisturizers. Selecting the right kind of powder is very vital. You have to pick the right shade of powder to match your skin tone.

Wear lip stain, lip liner, lip stick, or lip gloss.

Tired of checking your lipstick from time to time? Use lip stain instead. Its smudge proofand waterproof! Depending on the brand, it could last from 2 to 6 hours and it comes in a range of colors, ensuring that you can always find one for the lip color you desire. After applying lip stain and lip liner you can apply lip stick to add the color you want and then lip gloss to moisturize you lips.

Check your makeup in the mirror and use a clean powder puff to buff out any cakey spots. Optional- Use Fix+ Spray (MAC), All nighter Spray (Urban Decay), or any other setting spray to finish the look. You can also make your own.


Session 3: Mastery of Make-up CosplayingDisney and animated make-up transformation

Objectives:To be more artistic in applying make-ups that looks like your favorite anime and Disney character.

FAQ CONTENTS:How Do I Know If My Costume Requires Makeup?What Makeup Do I Need?What Other Products Might I Need?Which Brand of Makeup is Best?

TutorialsBasic Makeup For Cosplay FAQ

So youve got a great costume and the perfect wig, and youre all ready to strut your stuff! You go to the convention, pose for a hundred photos, and then go home and prowl the internet looking for your pictures. But when you find them, youre appalled: Your face is washed out. Your forehead is so shiny its glowing. You look fifteen pounds heavier. You look like a random person wearing a wig, rather than really resembling your character.

Sound familiar? The solution may be as simple as powdering your nose or a few other easy fixes.

Cosplaying make-up

How Do I Know If My Costume Requires Makeup?

Makeup can be an intimidating topic, especially for you manly men out there! But consider that for every actor or actress on stage, TV, or the movie screen, makeup is a very real part of their costumes. It helps them become their character, and is the key to looking good on camera or under stage lights. In the same way, makeup should be a major part of your cosplay!

Now, obviously, not every costume requires makeup. If youre wearing something that obscures your face a mask, a fursuit, a deep hood makeup might be overkill. If youre cosplaying an original character who looks exactly like you, and you wont have any photos taken in costume, you mightbe able toget by without makeup.

Your costume isnt normal street wear. In most cases, cosplay means youre wearing something unusual say, a brightly-colored outfit, or one with a different texture than normal clothing. The way these materials reflect light and bounce it up toward your face is also different than everyday clothing. At best, its unflattering to be under lit by an intense color; at worst, it can completely was out your face.

Youre wearing a wig. If you have a wig for your costume, chances are that it doesnt exactly match your natural hair color. Since your natural skin tone will most likely clash with this, a little color-correction may be in order; otherwise, you might end up looking a bit ill.

Youre not cosplaying yourself. Many times, the characters were cosplaying are of a different age, sex, ethnicity, or personality than ourselves. This is what makes them fun to cosplay! But if you really want to resemble your character, you may need to modify your appearance. (Example: Im of Dutch ancestry, with pink-toned skin and freckles. Even dressed in period kimono, I wouldntmake a convincing Heian-era courtesanwithout some serious makeup.)

There will be a camera anywhere in the vicinity. Cons are terrible places to take photos: Fluorescent lights, ugly hotel color schemes, and camera flash all conspire to do unflattering things to your appearance. Camera flash washes out your skin, flattens your face and wipes out facial features, rendering you pasty, heavier and sometimes unrecognizable. Even someone who looks fine in real life can look bad in a flash photo, and

What Makeup Do I Need?Bare skin vs. wearing foundation.

Foundation or Base

This kind of makeup evens out your skin tone and gives you that smooth, airbrushed look (because anime and game characters rarely have freckles, tan lines or blotches). It also absorbs light so you dont end up glowing in flash photos.

When choosing a foundation, try to match your skin tone as closely as possible. Take a friend to the store with you to help you choose the right color, and test the foundation on the side of your face to see how close the color is.

Mineral or Powder Foundation: This offers the lightest coverage. It is a fine powder that is applied lightly with a brush all over the face. It combines the benefits of foundation and powder (discussed below). If your skin is fairly even and you dont need to smooth out freckles or blotches, this is probably all you need to look good for the camera.

Liquid Foundation: This is a little more opaque, giving slightly more coverage, but is still fairly light on the skin. For lighter coverage, a tiny amount of liquid foundation should be dabbed onto the face and then smoothed gently with a sponge or clean fingertips. For heavier coverage, you can apply with a foundation brush (a large, flat brush designed to smooth the product over your skin).

The key here is to BLEND, and make sure that ALL of your face and neck is covered lightly but evenly. Pay special attention to the jaw line; you dont want any hard edges where your makeup stops! Properly applied, liquid foundation should soak into the skin and you shouldnt be able to feel it on your face. If your face feels sticky or oily, or if you look like a mannequin when youre finished, you probably have too much makeup on.

Mousse Foundation: This is a hybrid cross between liquid and crme foundations; it is a fluffy, thicker liquid that usually comes in a pump or jar. It offers heavier coverage than liquid, but is not as dense or opaque as crme. To apply, follow the same steps as liquid foundation: Dab on lightly, then blend. Blend. Blend. Blending is especially important with heavier makeup!

Crme/Cream Foundation: This is the most opaque foundation available. A thick paste, usually in a jar, it resembles theatrical/stage makeup. It can be applied with a sponge or brush. Crme foundation is recommended if you need to change your skin tone dramatically, or if you naturally have very uneven skin color. Remember to blend!

Powder.Applying face powder with a brush.

Powder sets your foundation (keeps it from rubbing or sweating off as quickly) and diffuses light, so you dont end up with hotspots or a shiny nose in your pictures. If youre planning on having photos taken in your costume, powder is your best cosmetic asset!

Powder comes in two forms: Loose and pressed. Loose powder comes in a jar, and is applied with a powder brush (a large, round brush with soft bristles, as seen at left). This is best for applying all over your face and neck and finishing your makeup. Pressed powder is a flat disc of solid powder that comes in a compact, and is applied with a sponge or flat powder puff. It is ideal to carry for quick touch-ups throughout the day.

Powder may be tinted to match your skin tone/foundation, or it may be a colorless setting powder that is only meant to keep your foundation from rubbing off. (Colorless antiperspirant setting powderis available from theatrical suppliers, and is ideal for setting creme colors so the makeup doesnt smear or sweat off.) Either of these can be used for cosplay purposes.

Eye Definition.Your character may not be the type to wear eye makeup. But the eyes are the central feature in Most anime/manga/game art, and unfortunately theyre he first thing to fade out in photos. You dont need to glam up your eyes Las Vegas-style if its not appropriate to the character, but its a good idea to set them off with some subtle cosmetics. You may not need to use all of these kinds of makeup to achieve your look, but here are some options for cosplay Eyewear and artistic eye shadow make-up.

TAL PELEGA talented artist has given a whole new meaning to eye candy with intricate designs painted onto the eyelid.

Israeli make-up professional and blogger Tal Peleg Israel paints scenes from fairy tales, imagery from classic novels and pretty embellishments - including intricate designs of sushi - onto tiny areas of the face using only liquid eyeliner and eye shadow.Her clever mixing techniques and steady hand have won her global acclaim - and have seen the trend for eye art move towards the same sphere occupied by nail art.


Eyeliner is used to create an edge or shadow around the lid of your eye. It can come in the form of a pencil, crme, liquid or powder. Each has different properties: Liquid liner creates a hard, crisp line, while powder liner gives a soft, smoky look. Pencil and crme liners can be smudged for a softer line. Apply sparingly, as too much liner can make your eyes look small and narrow, rather than setting them off. In most cases, its best to stick to natural colors (brown, grey, soft black) and apply liner only to the outer third of your eyelid. The liner shouldnt be obvious when youre finished; if you look like a panda, youre probably wearing too much!


This is a liquid that is applied to your eyelashes to make them look longer. Long, dark lashes usually indicate a feminine or very pretty character, so only use black mascara if youre going for that look. If you want more definition but dont want to look girly, use clear, brown, or soft black (actually a charcoal grey color) mascara instead.

Eye shadow.

Eye shadow can be a tricky beast; it comes in thousands of colors, textures and even press-on patterns. While some characters require bold and dramatic eye shadow colors, most cosplayers just want a natural look. Use browns and greys (depending on your natural skin tone) to shade the crease area of the eyelid. Apply shadow with a brush, in very light

What Other Products Might I Need?

Primer.This is a clear or tinted gel that is applied beneath your foundation. Primer smooths your skin, fills pores and fine lines, and makes your makeup stay in place hours longer! A boon for the all-day con attendee.Lip Treatment.Full, colored lips indicate a feminine character, while thinner, paler lips indicate a masculine character. For cosplayers playing girls, lipstick or lip gloss is a must, while those playing guys should make sure their lips arent too pronounced. (Example: I have very red, girly lips, so whenever I crossplay, I apply a flesh-tone lipstick orfoundation and powder over my lips to tone them down.) Highlighter.If you want to give your face a more pronounced shape, you can use highlighter on the spots you want to catch more light. For slender, feminine characters, this can be applied along the browbone (under the outer half of the eyebrow) and cheekbones. For thin or gaunt characters, try the bridge of the nose, chin and cheekbones.

Contouring Shadow/Color Wheel

The opposite of highlighter, this powder makes sections of your face look deeper or sunken (i.e., if youre playing Severus Snape, you can use this around your eyes and in the hollows of your cheeks). Also, I apply this just under the jawline to give me a more pronounced jaw for masculine characters.

Barrier Spray/Sealing Spray

This is a finishing spray that sets your makeup in place and reduces smudging or rub-off. For cosplayers who anticipate a long day, or those who sweat a lot, or those wearing easily-stained costumes, this is indispensable.

How Do I Apply It?

Tools matter you wouldnt put together a fabulous costume with mismatched thread or duct tape, would you? Nor should you try to apply great makeup with those cheap sponge tools included in the box. Disposable free tools are usually worth what you paid. And fingers are great for finger-painting, but artists use brushes for a reason

Foundation Brush (for powder, or liquid foundations with heavy coverage)Sponge (for liquid foundations, light coverage wash frequently, replace occasionally)Eye shadow BrushPowder brush (for apply loose powder to set)

And there are of course additional tools which are very useful:

Liner Brush (for powder eyeliners, preferred for some effects)Blush/contour Brush (for blush, highlights, contouring, etc.)Angled Brush (for shaping and eye effects)

Key to brushes is not only shape, but stiffness and bristle type. Natural and synthetic bristles carry pigment and oils differently, and the flexibility of a bristle determines how it will apply the makeup.

Also, be sure to clean your brushes! They do collect makeup and skin oils, and they will work better and last longer if you give them a regular once-over.Remember, when applying makeup, you want to BLEND. Brushes will help you; smooth them in a gentle sweeping or circularmotion, especially when applying powdered makeup.You dont want hard lines where your foundation stops (this includes at the jaw line or ears), nor dense smears of blush or eye shadow with visible edges. As with all artistic skills, applying makeup well can take practice, so take some time to try various application techniques and figure out what works best for you

One of Tal's specialties is recreating famous movie scenes and characters on the eyelid, which can take her up to three hours.

To celebrate the release of new Disney flick Frozen, Tal created two bespoke looks based on the movie's sisters Elsa and Anna.

She also creates more simple designs using smattering of pearls, glitter and stars.


Prepared by:

Russel, Cherry Amor R. Tapongot, Jonalyn B. Caedo, Christine E.

IV-C BACSMProf. Cecilia E. Tadeo

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