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    Chapter I



    Millions of people travel every day. Going to work, school or just going to

    the mall, whatever the reason is, travelling is a necessity for us. Along with this,

    traffic has been a part of our daily lives especially during peak hours. It has been

    the problem of the country since we adapted to change and embraced


    Traffic on roads are consist of pedestrians, vehicles, street cars and other

    conveyances while using the public way for purposes of travel. The occurrence of

    traffic accidents has a big impact to the community specifically in the safety of

    the motorists and passengers as well as to our economy. Traffic is formally

    organized in many jurisdictions, with marked lanes, junctions, intersections,

    interchanges, traffic signals, or signs.

    Traffic and congestion has negative impacts to the community in different

    aspects. Time of motorists and passengers are wasted. This delay may result to

    the late arrival for employment, meetings and education, resulting in lost

    business, disciplinary action and personal loses such as salary deduction for

    employees as well as the stress brought by the delays. Traffic is also a hindrance

    during emergencies, blocked traffic may interfere in the passage of emergency

    vehicles travelling to their destinations. The stopping and starting in traffic jams
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    Responsibilities for traffic management, however, should not just be

    relied upon the government agencies but a collaborative effort among the policy

    makers, implementers as well as the ordinary people, even children in grade

    school to senior citizens. Every citizen has to be educated about road traffic

    safety rules and signs thats why Rep. Narciso D. Santiago III has filed House Bill

    4745 which aims to have a separate subject integrated in the grade school and

    high school curricula that includes the teaching of road traffic safety rules and

    signs since young people are the easiest to train.

    Organized traffic management generally has well-established priorities,

    lanes, right-of-way, and traffic control at intersections. It typically produces a

    better combination of travel safety and efficiency. Events which disrupt the flow

    and may cause traffic are road construction, collisions and debris in the roadway.

    A complete breakdown of organization may result in traffic congestion. To

    avoid complete congestion, rules of the road and driving etiquette are the

    general practices and procedures that road users should be followed. These rules

    are applied to all road users.

    The capacity of the researchers to look into the level of information

    dissemination of the Traffic Rules and Regulation in Naga City is completely

    significant to come up with an effective measure to improve it.
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    Statement of the Problem

    This study determined the level of implementation of Traffic Rules and

    Regulation in Naga City and its effects on the reduction of traffic accidents, C/Y

    2013-2014. Specifically, it answered the following questions:

    1. What is the traffic accident profile in Naga City?

    2. What is the level of implementation of traffic rules and regulation in

    Naga City?

    3. What are the perceived problems encountered by the PSO in

    implementing the traffic rules and regulation?

    4. What measures can be proposed to improved the level of

    implementation of the traffic rules and regulation in Naga City?


    This study assumes that:

    1. The level of information dissemination of Traffic Rules and Regulation


    2. The perception of the drivers on Traffic Rules and Regulation are

    different from one another.

    3. There are potential measures that can be instituted to improve the

    implementation of Traffic Rules and Regulation in Naga City.

    Importance of the Study

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    This study is deemed important to the following:

    Public Safety Office. This study will enable the PSO to become more

    effective and efficient in disseminating the Traffic Rules and Regulation to reduce

    traffic accidents and congestion.

    Land Transportation Office. This study will give an insight to the LTO an

    appropriate measure to utilize for the improvement of the dissemination of

    Traffic Rules and Regulation.

    Community. This will provide awareness to the community of the level of

    the dissemination of Traffic Rules and Regulation and encourage them to

    participate in increasing the level of information dissemination to lessen traffic


    Drivers . This will help them to realize the importance of Traffic Rules and

    Regulation and be able to increase their cooperation for their safety and for the


    Future Researchers . This study will serve as basis for future researchers to

    expound the level of dissemination of Traffic Rules and Regulation and be able to

    arrive to a related variable to improve it.

    Scope and Delimitation of the Study

    This study is centred on the level of information dissemination of the

    Traffic Rules and Regulation of the Public Safety Office in Naga City. There were

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    84 personnel in the Public Safety Office, 47 of them are casual employees, 3

    contractual employees, 23 job order and 11 regular employees. All of the

    personnel were chosen as respondents to know the level of information

    dissemination of Traffic Rules and Regulation as well as the problems

    encountered by the agency in the implementation of it.

    Definition of Terms

    In order to have an understandable view of this study, following terms aredefined conceptually and operationally:

    PSO Personnel . They are employees of Public Safety Office who are

    responsible in the managing the road traffic system in Naga City. They are

    contractual, regular, job order and casual employees.

    Dissemination . The act of distribution and spreading the knowledge on

    traffic rules and regulation.

    Implementation . The process of putting into practice certain rules and


    Traffic Rules and Regulation . These are the guidelines to be followed by

    motorists and pedestrians.

    Congestion . The overcrowding of vehicles resulting to vehicle jamming or


    Traffic . A situation in which large numbers of road vehicles are prevented

    from moving or proceeding to their destination freely.

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    Investigation . A comprehensive inspection in order to determine the facts

    about the present status of the level of information dissemination of the Traffic

    Rules and Regulation.

    Drivers . This refers to an individual who operates a motor vehicle.

    Pedestrian . This term refers to the people walking along the road.

    Padjak. This refers to a three-wheeled vehicle used as a means of

    transportation in some areas in Naga City.

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    Sigua, R. Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering, University of the

    Philippines Press

    Shopov, M. Assessment of Road Safety in the ASEAN REGION

    Tolentino, Francis People Centric Intelligent Cities, Manila Bulletin

    Lee, Morgan. The Effects of Traffic Congestion, Demand Media
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    Chapter II


    This chapter discusses the literature and studies significant to this study.

    The researchers conducted a thorough search in the libraries to look for books,

    magazines, and newspapers to gather related literature and studies connected to

    this study. This chapter presents the theories used in the theoretical framework

    and also the conceptual framework.

    Causes of Traffic

    Kerner wrote that uncontrolled traffic comes in the absence of lane

    markings and traffic control signals. On roads without marked lanes, drivers tend

    to keep to the appropriate side if the road is wide enough. Drivers frequently

    overtake others. Obstructions are common. Intersections that have no signals or

    signage, and a particular road at a busy intersection may be dominant. In some

    places traffic volume is consistently, extremely large, either during periods of

    time referred to as rush hour. Exceptionally, traffic upstream of a vehicular

    collision or an obstruction, such as construction, may also be constrained,

    resulting in a traffic jam. Such dynamics in relation to traffic congestion is known

    as traffic flow. Traffic engineers sometimes gauge the quality of traffic flow in

    terms of level of service.
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    Based from a speech in Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals. As

    a general rule, drivers are expected to avoid a collision with another vehicle and

    pedestrians. In addition to the rules applicable by default, traffic signs and traffic

    lights must be obeyed, and instructions may be given by a police officer, either

    routinely or as road traffic control around a construction zone, accident, or other

    road disruption. Signs, signals, markings and other features are often used to

    make priority explicit. When there are no signs or markings, different rules are

    observed depending on the location. These default priority rules differ between

    countries, and may even vary within countries. Trends toward uniformity are

    exemplified at an international level by the, which prescribes standardized traffic

    control devices (signs, signals, and markings) for establishing the right of way

    where necessary.

    Effects of Traffic Accidents and Congestion

    Based from study conducted by UP Diliman, Traffic congestion has cost

    the economy quite heavily in terms of the slowdown in the movement of goods

    and delivery of services, increased vehicle operating costs, and otherwise

    productive man-hours consumed as travel time, which may be quantified. The

    daily strain on the quality of life of the urban populace, including the labor force,

    students, and other regular commuters, may be difficult to quantify but they

    cannot be ignored. Moreover, the negative impact of traffic congestion on public

    health and the environment is expected to translate to economic costs in the
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    long run. Therefore there is a need to introduce more efficient alternative public

    transport modes to curb the increasing number of private cars.

    Lim-Quizon revealed in his study that numerous number of death in the

    Philippines is attributed to road traffic accidents. This problem of is expected to

    be more serious for the other types of accidents, namely, injuries and property

    damage only accidents. The record of road accident fatalities revealed different

    factors including the low information dissemination of the traffic rules and


    How to Reduce Traffic Accidents and Congestion

    According to Sigua traffic management is a term used to embody the

    activities undertaken by a highway transportation agency to improve roadway

    system safety, efficiency, and effectiveness for both providers and consumers of

    transportation services. There are two distinct types of traffic management. The

    first one utilizes traditional traffic engineering tools or simple devices to regulate

    or control traffic. The second relies more on advanced technology.

    According to Derek Jensen, there are ten ways in reducing traffic

    fatalities. These are:

    a. Improve signage

    Every motorist is trying to get somewhere, and many of them aren't sure

    how to get there. While interstate signage is more or less uniformly good in that

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    it is more or less uniform, rural highway and suburban signage is often quite


    b. Raise speed limits on safe roads

    This would be cheap and effective. By and large, major interstates are

    broad, well-maintained, smooth-flowing, and well-marked. Raising the speed

    limit on these roads for cars in daytime and good weather, would encourage

    motorists to leave dangerous back roads where they know they can drive fast

    because of limited police patrols. Moving traffic from back roads to major

    highways was a factor in the decrease of traffic accidents.

    c. Get drunk drivers off the road

    Similarly cheap and similarly effective, discouraging people from driving

    drunk or otherwise impaired is a proven method of reducing traffic accidents.

    d. Implement better roadway lighting

    One major factor in motor accidents is poor visibility especially at

    intersections, where most accidents occur. If more rural highway intersections

    were lit, accidents at those intersections would go down. Target intersections

    with a history of accidents first for best effect and least cost.

    e. Create more turn-only lanes

    Every car that is stopped in the road to make a turn is an accident waiting

    to happen. An impaired or inattentive driver colliding with a car preparing for a

    turn is a major percentage of traffic accidents. Turn-only lanes require little extra

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    roadway but can reduce accidents significantly, especially at intersections with

    poor visibility for oncoming traffic.

    f. Improve driving conditions

    Bad weather always causes a spike in traffic accidents and the cause often

    gets labelled as "driving too fast for conditions." State transportation

    departments could greatly reduce accidents by improving crumbling and pot-

    holed roads and clearing roads of debris, snow, and ice more efficiently.

    g. Eliminate stops

    Highways are for driving. Any feature that brings all traffic from 70 MPH

    to 0 MPH is a 10-car pileup waiting to happen as well as a woefully inefficient

    use of roadway. On urban and suburban roads, creating better crosswalks with

    warning lights that pedestrians can activate can reduce pedestrian traffic

    accidents significantly.

    h. Create more divided highways

    Any road in which a median separates oncoming lanes of traffic is far

    safer than ordinary roads. It creates a barrier or buffer that goes a long way

    toward keeping inattentive and impaired drivers from drifting across the center

    line and creating a head-on collision, which is nearly always fatal.

    i. Redesign bad intersections

    If a crosswalk or lighting doesn't do the trick, a troublesome intersection

    may simply be designed badly. Paring back vegetation and signage, changing the

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    angle at which the roads meet, or creating a jug handle or overpass are all

    options that can change the dynamics of traffic at that intersection and save


    j. Redesign bad roads

    Redesigned whenever there is an opportunity and when traffic snarls and

    accidents make it urgent. Just designating a highway as a limited-access

    highway can reduce suburban sprawl around them and avoid the installation of

    stop lights.

    Improvements to vehicle safety, such as side-impact airbags, would also

    help, but are hard to mandate. Teaching young people to drive earlier using go-

    karts would also help by enabling them to better understand the limits of traction

    and the need for attention to the road. And vehicle safety inspections, although

    hard to implement, would help to reduce dangerous highway breakdowns.

    Wenzhe Chen emphasized that analysis for the road traffic accident is the

    dissemination of summary analysis of road traffic accidents. All types of traffic

    into the causes and recommends a system can reduce the effective theory of

    road traffic accidents. Road traffic safety depends on people, vehicles, roads,

    environment and road traffic management in all aspects of an integrated system

    for co-ordination. Characteristics for the occurrence of traffic accidents, road

    traffic accident on an analysis and research of the impact-spread of road traffic

    accident, to investigate the microscopic properties of a traffic accident on the

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    traffic flow, emissions, noise impact and the dissemination of the law, analyzing

    the past, the scene of the accident the speed of other vehicles and drivers of the

    physical distribution psychological reaction to speed up the disposal of road

    traffic accidents, to reduce road traffic accidents on traffic flow and avoid the

    second derivative disasters, the elimination of road accident black spots, build a

    smart urban road traffic command system, to reduce pollutants in automobile

    exhaust emissions to protect the natural ecological environment, thus

    contributing to building a harmonious ecological city transport network.

    Dhilemon wrote that nowadays, the rate of road accidents keeps

    increasing. This may be due to the increase in the number of people using cars.

    This problem can be solved using three steps which are law enforcement,

    education and by improving the road. Road accidents can be reduced and solved

    by enforcing the law. The authorities should make the traffic laws stricter.

    Punishment for those who disobeys the traffic rule should be more threatening.

    The reason people keep disobeying traffic rule is because they do not feel the

    punishment as a threat. More policemen should be assigned for the enforcement

    of these laws. Other than that, the infrastructure on the road can also be

    improved. More overhead bridges should be built. Building overhead bridges can

    reduce traffic jams thus reducing the risk of accidents. Roads could be widened.

    Widening the roads can reduce traffic congestion.

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    Francis Tolentino of Manila Bulletin wrote a news report that for the

    improvement of traffic management in Manila the MMDA, the agency primarily

    responsible in managing the daily concerns of the metropolis, despite of the

    modest budget given to us every year, we still manage to incorporate technology

    in our services which have become integral to the daily lives of Metro Manilans.

    The goal of the project is to create a people-centric metropolis to benefit as

    many people possible through the use of technology that will eventually result in

    the increased productivity, inclusivity, and resiliency of the population. Cities

    around the world use technology to manage urban congestion, maximize energy

    efficiency, enhance public security. The MMDA launched the countrys first

    digitized traffic navigator in partnership with a major TV network. This

    application provides users with real time traffic information. Aside from it, it also

    provides information of on-going construction activities, road accidents and

    flooding that causes heavy traffic congestion in a particular area.

    Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art

    This study is corresponding to the stated related literature and studies

    because they gave stressed on the traffic rules and regulation and suggestive

    measures in reducing traffic accidents and congestion.

    According to Dhilemon, as more people enjoy the freedom afforded by

    having a car, the issue of how to reduce the risk of traffic accidents involving

    reckless drivers has received a lot of attention. He suggests that traffic accidents

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    priorities, lanes flowing in particular directions. The benefit is that it reduces the

    travel time. Rules and regulations have been formulated for an easy driving.

    Gap Bridged of this Study

    This study wanted to create a progress in the level of information

    dissemination of traffic rules and regulation by suggesting a program that will

    enhance it to lessen traffic accidents and congestion.

    This study also intended to boost the positive reception of the communityfor the efforts of the PSO and the other traffic agencies in improving the traffic


    This study also searched for possible measures on the usual problems

    encountered by the PSO in disseminating traffic rules and regulation.

    Theoretical Framework

    The theoretical framework of the study is shown in Figure 1. This study is

    associated with B. F. Skinners Behaviorism theory and Albert Banduras social

    learning theory.

    Behaviorism Theory

    B. F.Skinner believed that the best way to understand behavior is to look

    at the causes of an action and its consequences. He called this approach operant


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    Skinner's theory of operant conditioning was based on E. Thorndike s

    theory known as the ' Law of Effect. Skinner introduced a new term into the Law

    of Effect - Reinforcement. Behavior which is reinforced tends to be repeated;

    behavior which is not reinforced tends to die out-or be extinguished.

    B.F. Skinner coined the term operant conditioning. It means roughly

    changing of behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired


    According to Skinner, positive reinforcement strengthens a behavior by

    providing a consequence an individual finds rewarding. The removal of an

    unpleasant reinforcer can also strengthen behavior. This is known as negative

    reinforcement because it is the removal of an adverse stimulus which is

    rewarding. Negative reinforcement strengthens behavior because it stops or

    removes an unpleasant experience. Punishment is defined as the opposite of

    reinforcement since it is designed to weaken or eliminate a response rather than

    increase it.

    Like reinforcement, punishment can work either by directly applying an

    unpleasant stimulus like a shock after a response or by removing a potentially

    rewarding stimulus. There are different types of positive reinforcements. Primary

    reinforcement is when a reward strengths a behavior by itself. Secondary

    reinforcement is when something strengthens a behavior because it leads to a

    primary reinforce.

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    Social Learning Theory

    In social cognitive/ learning theory of Albert Bandura, human behavior is

    extensively motivated and regulated by the ongoing exercise of self- influence.

    The major self- regulative mechanism operates through three principal

    subfunctions. These include self- monitoring of ones behavior, its determinants

    and its effects; judgment of ones behavior in relation to personal standar ds and

    environmental circumstances; and affective self- reaction. Self- regulation also

    encompasses the self- efficacy mechanism, which plays a central role in the

    exercise of personal agency by its strong impact on thought, affect, motivation,

    and action. The same self-regulative system is involved in moral conduct.

    In social learning system, new patterns of behavior can be acquired

    through direct experience or by observing the behaviors of others. The more

    rudimentary form of learning is rooted in direct experience, is largely governed

    by the rewarding and punishing consequences that follow any given action.

    People are repeatedly confronted with situations wherein they must deal with. It

    commonly believed that responses are automatically and unconsciously

    strengthened by their immediate consequences. Simple performances can be

    altered to some degree through reinforcement without awareness of the

    relationship between one s actions and their outcomes. However, mans cognitive

    skills enable him to profit more extensively from experience than if he were an

    unthinking organism. Within the framework of social learning theory,

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    reinforcement primarily serves informative functions although it also has

    response-strengthening capabilities.

    As used in this study, negative reinforcement strengthens behavior. Traffic

    rules and regulation are implemented to avoid traffic accidents and congestion.

    People are ought to follow these rules or else they will be consequences for the

    violations they will commit. As a result, for them not to do such consequences,

    they will follow the rules and regulations mandated by the law. Another thing is

    positive reinforcement strengthens a behavior by providing a consequence to an

    individual who finds it rewarding and as for the Public Safety Office personnel, it

    is their duty disseminate traffic rules and regulations. Good implementation of

    traffic rules and regulation and high level of information dissemination will

    reduce traffic accident and congestion. This will be rewarding on their part and

    they will continue to effectively do their job.

    People learn by direct experience or by social observation as stated in

    Albert Banduras theory. Drivers and Traffic enforcers learn the causes of

    congestion and traffic accidents through direct experience in driving and

    observation of what things are needed to avoid such results. Following rules or

    disregarding it may cause responses in punishing or rewarding way.

    These theories gave the researchers the ideas to come up with a theory

    about the level of information dissemination of the traffic rules and regulation.

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    Positive and NegativeReinforcement

    Behaviorism Theory

    (B. F Skinner)

    Level of implementation oftraffic rules and regulation

    in Naga City

    Participation in thesuggested

    implementingmeasures to improvethe level of

    implementation oftraffic rules and


    Direct experience and SocialObservation

    Social Learning Theory

    (Albert Bandura)

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    Conceptual Framework

    A conceptual framework present the analytical tool used in the study and

    shows the possible result of this study.


    This study seeks to identify the level of information dissemination of traffic

    rules and regulation in Naga City. There are some factors that the researchers

    thought of in order to attain the objective. One of these is the identification of

    the level of information dissemination of the traffic rules and regulation in Naga

    City to lessen traffic accidents and congestion. Next is how the drivers see the

    traffic rules and regulation. And lastly is the identification of problems

    encountered of the PSO in implementing the traffic rules and regulation.


    The procedure started with a letter sent to the head of the PSO for the

    approval of conducting the study, followed by gathering the data using a

    questionnaire, observations and unstructured interviews. Gathered information

    was calculated through percentage technique and weighted mean. The data

    gathered was interpreted.


    The result of the interpreted data was used to arrive to a suggestive

    measure will be given to improve the implementation of traffic rules and


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    Input Procedure Result


    Implementation ofTraffic Rules and


    1. The level ofinformationdisseminationof the Traffic

    Rules andRegulation bythe PSO

    2. How driversandpedestrianperceive thetraffic rulesand regulation

    1. Gathering ofdata

    Questionnaire Unstructured

    interview Observation2. Processing of

    data Percentage

    technique Weighted mean

    3. Interpretationof data

    Program that willimprove the level ofimplementation ofTraffic Rules and

    Regulation in NagaCity


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    Sigua, R. Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering, University of the

    Philippines Press

    Shopov, M. Assessment of Road Safety in the ASEAN REGION

    Sigua, R. Generation and dissemination of Traffic Information University of

    the Philippines Press

    Jensen, Derek , How to Reduce Traffic Accidents

    Tolentino, Francis People Centric Intelligent Cities, Manila Bulletin

    UP Diliman, Economic Impact of Traffic Congestion in Metro Manila

    Lee, Morgan. The Effects of Traffic Congestion, Demand Media


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    Chapter III


    This chapter presents the research methodology used in this study.

    Methods used

    Descriptive method is used to interpret the data of this study. Descriptive

    in the sense that the present condition related to the level of information

    dissemination of traffic rules and regulation in Naga City is presented indescriptive form.

    Respondents of the Study

    The respondents of this study were the personnel of the Public Safety

    Office of Naga City. There are 47 casual employees 3 contractual, 11 regular

    employees and 23 job order personnel in their department. All of these personnel

    were selected as respondents to this study.

    Table 1Respondents of the Study

    Respondents Frequency PercentageCasual 47 56

    Contractual 3 4Regular 11 13

    Job order 23 27Total 84 100

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    Procedure of Investigation

    A letter was sent to seek for the approval of the head of the Public Safety

    Office for the researchers to conduct the study. A questionnaire was constructed

    by the researchers and given to the respondents to answer. The researchers

    were not able to conduct a sampling procedure because of the insufficient time

    they have in conducting the study. However, the distribution of questionnaire

    was personally done by the researchers to retrieve the data immediately. This

    gave the opportunity to the researchers to conduct an observation and the

    unstructured interview to support the data from the questionnaires. The

    questionnaires were gathered to get the result of the procedure. The result was

    treated and interpreted with an appropriate statistical tool.

    Data Gathering Tools

    There were three tools used the data gathering. These are the

    questionnaire, observation and unconstructed interview.

    Questionnaire . This primary tool in data gathering asked for the level of

    information dissemination of Traffic Rules and Regulation.

    Observation . This method was used to study and take note of the physical

    and mental behavior of the respondents.

    Unstructured Interview . These were the attention-grabbing facts that

    were used by the researchers to supplement the data from the questionnaire.

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    Statistical Tool

    There were two statistical tool used in this study, the percentage

    technique, and the weighted mean.

    Percentage Technique . The frequency of each item is multiplied by 100

    and then divided by the total number of respondents. The formula is:

    P= f X 100n


    P= is the percentage

    f= is the frequency

    n= is the total number of respondents

    Weighted Mean . This tool was used to find out the level of information

    dissemination of the Traffic Rules and Regulation through the responses of the

    respondents The formula is:

    MW= fx n


    MW= is the weighted mean

    = is the summation

    f= frequency

    x= is the total number of the responses

    n=is the total number of respondents

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    Chapter IV


    This chapter presents the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

    gathered by the researchers for this study to answer the following specific

    questions: (1) What is the level of information dissemination of Traffic Rules and

    Regulation in Naga City? (2) How do drivers and pedestrians perceived the

    Traffic Rules and Regulation in reducing traffic accidents and congestion? (3)

    What are the problem encountered by PSO in implementing the Traffic Rules and

    Regulation in Naga City? (4) What measures can be constituted to improve the

    implementation of Traffic Rules and Regulation in Naga City?

    Level of Information Dissemination of Traffic Rules and Regulation

    The table below is the tabular representation of the level of information

    dissemination of traffic rules and regulation. It presents the traffic rules and

    regulations such as speed limit, drivers license suspension for serious offenders,

    penalties for traffic offenders, alcohol breathalyzer test, mandatory headlights,

    bicycle lanes, mandatory helmets, pedestrian path, traffic ights, childrens seat,

    and enforcing tail gating.

    The table below indicates that drivers license suspension for serious

    offenders ranked first with the weighted mean of 2.9 and interpreted highly

    disseminated. The regulation on mandatory helmet ranked second with weighted

    mean of 2.8 and interpreted as high.

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    Table 2Information Dissemination of Traffic Rules and Regulation

    Traffic Rules and Regulation WM Interpretation RankEnforcing Speed Limits 2.6 H 3

    Drivers License Suspension forserious offenders

    2.9 H 1

    Penalties for Traffic Offenders 2.4 MH 4 Alcohol Breathalyzer test 1.8 MH 10

    Mandatory headlights 1.9 MH 9Bicycle lanes 2.2 MH 6

    Mandatory helmets 2.8 H 2Pedestrian path 2.1 MH 7

    Traffic lights for pedestrian crossing 2.0 MH 8Childrens seat 1.7 MH 11

    Enforcing tail gating 2.3 MH 5Total 2.2 MH


    3.26-4.00 Very High (VH)2.51- 3.25 High (H)1.76- 2.50 Moderately High (MH)1.00- 1.75 Low (L)

    Enforcing speed limits ranked third with the weighted mean of 2.6 and

    interpreted as high. Penalties for traffic offenders ranked fourth with the

    weighted mean of 2.4 and interpreted as moderately high. Enforcing tail gating

    ranked fifth with the weighted mean of 2.3 and interpreted as moderately high.

    Bicycle lanes ranked sixth with the weighted mean of 2.2 and interpreted as

    moderately high. Pedestrian path ranked seventh with the weighted mean of 2.1

    and interpreted as moderately high. Traffic lights for pedestrian crossing ranked

    eighth with the weighted mean of 2.0 and interpreted as moderately high.

    Mandatory headlights ranked ninth with the weighted mean of 1.9 and

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    interpreted as moderately high. Alcohol Breathalyzer test ranked tenth with the

    weighted mean of 1.8 with an interpretation of moderately high. Childrens seat

    ranked last with the interpretation of 1.7 and interpreted as moderately high.

    The total of the weighted mean is 2.2 which means that the level of information

    dissemination of traffic rules and regulations in Naga City is moderately high.

    Dhilemon wrote that nowadays, the rate of road accidents keeps

    increasing. This may be due to the increase in the number of people using cars.

    This problem can be solved using three steps which are law enforcement,

    education and by improving the road. Road accidents can be reduced and solved

    by enforcing the law. The authorities should make the traffic laws stricter.

    Punishment for those who disobeys the traffic rule should be more threatening.

    The reason people keep disobeying traffic rule is because they do not feel the

    punishment as a threat. More policemen should be assigned for the enforcement

    of these laws. Other than that, the infrastructure on the road can also be

    improved. More overhead bridges should be built. Building overhead bridges can

    reduce traffic jams thus reducing the risk of accidents. Roads could be widened.

    Widening the roads can reduce traffic congestion.

    Traffic Rules and Regulations as perceived by Drivers and Pedestrians

    The table below is the tabular representation of the traffic rules and

    regulations as perceived by drivers and pedestrians.

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    Table 3Traffic Rules and Regulation as perceived by Drivers and Pedestrians

    Traffic Rules and Regulation as perceived bydrivers and pedestrians

    WM Interpretation Rank

    Cooperation of drivers and pedestrians tothe Traffic Agencies

    2.3 MH 5

    Regular seminars for drivers andpedestrians

    1.7 L 10

    Adequate assistance to drivers andpedestrian with regards to traffic rules and


    1.8 MH 9

    Wearing of helmets and securingof seatbelt of drivers

    2.9 H 1

    Parking restrictions 2.5 H 4Turn restrictions 1.9 MH 8

    Loading restrictions 2.2 MH 6

    Drivers test 2.7 H 3

    Increased traffic enforcers on roads 2.0 MH 7

    Using of pedestrian lanes for pedestrians 1.6 L 11

    Management of Pedicabs on main roads 2.8 H 2

    Total 2.2 MH


    3.26-4.00 Very High (VH)2.51- 3.25 High (H)1.76- 2.50 Moderately High (MH)

    1.00- 1.75 Low (L)

    The table shows that wearing of helmets and securing of seatbelt of

    drivers ranked first with the weighted mean of 2.9 and interpreted as highly

    perceived by drivers and pedestrian. Management of pedicabs on main roads

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    ranked second with the weighted mean of 2.8 an interpreted as high. Drivers

    test ranked third with the weighted mean 2.7 and interpreted as high. Parking

    restrictions ranked fourth with weighted mean of 2.5 and interpreted as highly

    perceived by drivers and pedestrian. Cooperation of drivers and pedestrians to

    the Traffic Agencies ranked fifth with 2.3 weighted mean and interpreted as

    moderately high. Loading restrictions ranked sixth with weighted mean of 2.2

    and interpreted as moderately high. Increased traffic enforcers on roads ranked

    seventh with weighted mean of 2.0 and interpreted as moderately high. Turn

    restrictions ranked eight with 1.9 weighted mean with an interpretation of

    moderately high. Adequate assistance to drivers and pedestrian with regards to

    traffic rules and regulation ranked ninth with 1.8 weighted mean and interpreted

    as moderately high. Regular seminars for drivers and pedestrians ranked tenth

    with 1.7 weighted mean with and interpretation of low. The last is using of

    pedestrian lanes for pedestrians with 1.6 weighted mean and interpreted as low.

    Drivers and pedestrian perceive the traffic rules and regulation as moderately

    high with 2.2 weighted mean.

    Lim-Quizon revealed in his study that numerous number of death in the

    Philippines is attributed to road traffic accidents. This problem of is expected to

    be more serious for the other types of accidents, namely, injuries and property

    damage only accidents. The record of road accident fatalities revealed different

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    factors including the low information dissemination of the traffic rules and


    Problems encountered by PSO in implementing the Traffic Rules andRegulation

    The next table presents the problems encountered by the PSO Naga City

    in implementing the Traffic Rules and Regulations in Naga City.

    Table 4

    Problems encountered by PSO in implementing the Traffic Rules andRegulation

    Problems encountered by PSO WM Interpretation RankInadequate road space especially

    during peak hours2.1 MS 5

    Lack of trainings and seminars fordrivers and pedestrians

    2.6 S 4

    Insufficient trainings and seminarsfor personnel

    3.1 S 2

    Not enough Road signs and signals 2.7 S 3Lack of personnel 3.8 VS 1

    Total 2.9 SLegend:

    3.26-4.00 Very Serious (VS)2.51- 3.25 Serious (S)1.76- 2.50 Moderately Serious (MS)1.00- 1.75 Not a Problem (NP)

    The table revealed that the problem on lack of personnel ranked first with

    the weighted mean of 3.8 and interpreted as very serious. Insufficient trainings

    and seminars for personnel ranked second with weighted mean of 3.1 and

    interpreted as serious. Not enough Road signs and signals ranked third with the

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    weighted mean of 2.7 and interpreted as serious. Lack of trainings and seminars

    for drivers and pedestrians ranked fourth with the weighted mean of 2.6 and

    interpreted as serious. Inadequate road space especially during peak hours

    ranked fifth with the weighted mean of 2.1 and interpreted as moderately

    serious. The researchers deduce from the results that the PSO has serious

    problems in implementing the Traffic Rules and Regulation in Naga City with 2.9

    weighted mean.

    Wenzhe Chen emphasized that analysis for the road traffic accident is the

    dissemination of summary analysis of road traffic accidents. All types of traffic

    into the causes and recommends a system can reduce the effective theory of

    road traffic accidents. Road traffic safety depends on people, vehicles, roads,

    environment and road traffic management in all aspects of an integrated system

    for co-ordination. Characteristics for the occurrence of traffic accidents, road

    traffic accident on an analysis and research of the impact-spread of road traffic

    accident, to investigate the microscopic properties of a traffic accident on the

    traffic flow, emissions, noise impact and the dissemination of the law, analyzing

    the past, the scene of the accident the speed of other vehicles and drivers of the

    physical distribution psychological reaction to speed up the disposal of road

    traffic accidents, to reduce road traffic accidents on traffic flow and avoid the

    second derivative disasters, the elimination of road accident black spots, build a

    smart urban road traffic command system, to reduce pollutants in automobile

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    exhaust emissions to protect the natural ecological environment, thus

    contributing to building a harmonious ecological city transport network.

    Measures that can be constituted to improve the implementation ofTraffic Rules and Regulation in Naga City

    The researchers recommend the following: (1) The Public Safety Office as the

    agency which is in charge of implementing the Traffic Rules and Regulation in

    Naga City should have a strong collaboration through an open communication

    with other agencies such as Land Transportation Office and the Department of

    Public Ways and Highways along with the Local Government of Naga City. (2)

    the Local Government should provide support in implementing the Trafic Rules

    and Regulation by giving out funds for hiring qualified traffic enforcer and

    identify those personnel who are involve in bribery and give them the proper

    sanction to strengthen the manpower of the agency. (3) The PSO along with the

    Local Government should work together with the Department of Education to

    include in their lesson information about Traffic Rules and Reguation. (4) The

    drivers and pedestrian should cooperate with the agencies implementing the

    Traffic Rules and Regulation because it is for their safety and for the benefit of

    the community.

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    Chapter 5


    This chapter represents the summary of findings of this study that arrived

    to the findings, conclusion and recommendation of the researchers.


    The researchers conducted the study to answer the following specific

    questions: (1) What is the level of information dissemination of Traffic Rules and

    Regulation in Naga City? (2) How do drivers and pedestrians perceived the

    Traffic Rules and Regulation in reducing traffic accidents and congestion? (3)

    What are the problem encountered by PSO in implementing the Traffic Rules and

    Regulation in Naga City? (4) What measures can be constituted to improve the

    implementation of Traffic Rules and Regulation in Naga City?

    Descriptive method is used in this study to interpret the data. It is

    descriptive in the sense that the present condition related to the level of

    information dissemination of traffic rules and regulation in Naga City is presented

    in descriptive form.

    A questionnaire was constructed by the researchers and given to the

    respondents to answer. The researchers were not able to conduct a sampling

    procedure because of the insufficient time they have in conducting the study.

    However, the distribution of questionnaire was personally done by the

    researchers to retrieve the data immediately. It gave the researchers the

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    opportunity to conduct an observation and the unstructured interview to support

    the data from the questionnaires. The level of information dissemination and

    how drivers, pedestrian perceived the traffic rules and regulation and the

    problems encountered were treated with weighted mean. Percentage technique

    was used to treat the data of the respondents. The findings were used to draw

    measures that can be constituted to improve the implementation of Traffic Rules

    and Regulation in Naga City

    Problem 1. What is the level of information dissemination of Traffic Rules and

    Regulation in Naga City?


    Findings indicated that drivers license suspension for serious offenders

    ranked first with the weighted mean of 2.9 and interpreted highly disseminated.

    The regulation on mandatory helmet ranked second with weighted mean of 2.8

    and interpreted as high. Enforcing speed limits ranked third with the weighted

    mean of 2.6 and interpreted as high. Penalties for traffic offenders ranked fourth

    with the weighted mean of 2.4 and interpreted as moderately high. Enforcing tail

    gating ranked fifth with the weighted mean of 2.3 and interpreted as moderately

    high. Bicycle lanes ranked sixth with the weighted mean of 2.2 and interpreted

    as moderately high. Pedestrian path ranked seventh with the weighted mean of

    2.1 and interpreted as moderately high. Traffic lights for pedestrian crossing

    ranked eighth with the weighted mean of 2.0 and interpreted as moderately

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    high. Mandatory headlights ranked ninth with the weighted mean of 1.9 and

    interpreted as moderately high. Alcohol Breathalyzer test ranked tenth with the

    weighted mean of 1.8 with an interpretation of moderately high. Childrens seat

    ranked last with the interpretation of 1.7 and interpreted as moderately high.

    The total of the weighted mean is 2.2 which means that the level of information

    dissemination of traffic rules and regulations in Naga City is moderately high.


    The researchers conclude from the findings that that the level of

    information dissemination of traffic rules and regulation in Naga City is

    moderately high.


    The researchers recommend that the PSO as the agency in charge of

    disseminating the traffic rules and regulation should reinforce their agency in

    disseminating the traffic rules and regulation in Naga City. They can do this by

    increasing their manpower and by launching seminars for drivers and pedestrian

    to increase their knowledge about traffic rules and regulation.

    Problem 2 . How do drivers and pedestrians perceived the Traffic Rules and

    Regulation in reducing traffic accidents and congestion?


    The results indicated that wearing of helmets and securing of seatbelt of

    drivers ranked first with the weighted mean of 2.9 and interpreted as highly

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    perceived by drivers and pedestrian. Management of pedicabs on main roads

    ranked second with the weighted mean of 2.8 an interpreted as high. Drivers

    test ranked third with the weighted mean 2.7 and interpreted as high. Parking

    restrictions ranked fourth with weighted mean of 2.5 and interpreted as highly

    perceived by drivers and pedestrian. Cooperation of drivers and pedestrians to

    the Traffic Agencies ranked fifth with 2.3 weighted mean and interpreted as

    moderately high. Loading restrictions ranked sixth with weighted mean of 2.2

    and interpreted as moderately high. Increased traffic enforcers on roads ranked

    seventh with weighted mean of 2.0 and interpreted as moderately high. Turn

    restrictions ranked eight with 1.9 weighted mean with an interpretation of

    moderately high. Adequate assistance to drivers and pedestrian with regards to

    traffic rules and regulation ranked ninth with 1.8 weighted mean and interpreted

    as moderately high. Regular seminars for drivers and pedestrians ranked tenth

    with 1.7 weighted mean with and interpretation of low. The last is using of

    pedestrian lanes for pedestrians with 1.6 weighted mean and interpreted as low.

    Drivers and pedestrian perceive the traffic rules and regulation as moderately

    high with 2.2 weighted mean.


    Findings showed that drivers and pedestrian in Naga City perceive the

    traffic rules and regulation as moderately high. This shows that the PSO lacks

    effectiveness in on how they are going to reduce traffic and congestion.

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    The researchers believe that to increase the knowledge of drivers and

    pedestrian in traffic rules and regulation, the Public Safety Office should be strict

    and firm in implementing it. Seminars for the pedestrian and drivers will also be

    a great help to increase their knowledge and at the same time their cooperation

    in reducing traffic accidents and congestion.

    Problem 3. What are the problem encountered by PSO in implementing the

    Traffic Rules and Regulation in Naga City?


    The table revealed that the problem on lack of personnel ranked first with

    the weighted mean of 3.8 and interpreted as very serious. Insufficient trainings

    and seminars for personnel ranked second with weighted mean of 3.1 and

    interpreted as serious. Not enough Road signs and signals ranked third with the

    weighted mean of 2.7 and interpreted as serious. Lack of trainings and seminars

    for drivers and pedestrians ranked fourth with the weighted mean of 2.6 and

    interpreted as serious. Inadequate road space especially during peak hours

    ranked fifth with the weighted mean of 2.1 and interpreted as moderately

    serious. The researchers deduce from the results that the PSO has serious

    problems in implementing the Traffic Rules and Regulation in Naga City with 2.9

    weighted mean.

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    The researchers conclude from the results that the PSO has serious

    problems in implementing the Traffic Rules and Regulation in Naga City. They

    have insufficient number of personnel, and seminars for them and for drivers

    and pedestrian.


    Since the result of the findings shows that PSO has serious problems in

    implementing the Traffic Rules and Regulation in Naga City, they should increase

    the number of their personnel by hiring qualified traffic officers. And before they

    will be on field work, they should have undergone series of seminars and training

    and assessment which are along with their field of work.

    Problem 4. What measures can be constituted to improve the implementation

    of Traffic Rules and Regulation in Naga City?


    The researchers recommend the following: (1) The Public Safety Office as

    the agency which is in charge of implementing the Traffic Rules and Regulation

    in Naga City should have a strong collaboration through an open communication

    with other agencies such as Land Transportation Office and the Department of

    Public Ways and Highways along with the Local Government of Naga City. (2)

    the Local Government should provide support in implementing the Traffic Rules

    and Regulation by giving out funds for hiring qualified traffic enforcer and

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    identify those personnel who are involve in bribery and give them the proper

    sanction to strengthen the manpower of the agency. (3) The PSO along with the

    Local Government should work together with the Department of Education to

    include in their lesson information about Traffic Rules and Regulation. (4) The

    drivers and pedestrian should cooperate with the agencies implementing the

    Traffic Rules and Regulation because it is for their safety and for the benefit of

    the community.

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    ______________________________ A Thesis

    Presented to the Faculty of the

    College of Criminal Justice Education

    Naga College Foundation

    Naga City


    In Partial Fulfillment

    Of the Requirements for the Degree

    Bachelor of Science in Criminology



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