Download - Final Manual

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Table of Contents

Program History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

! Vision Statement, Mission Statement, Values

! Program Origins

! Past Directors

! Robin’s Awards

! Other Awards and Recognition

! Major Achievements and Benchmarks

Community Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Committee Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

! Tutoring Chair

! Library Chair

! Community Programs Chair

! Historian/Social Media Chair

Risk Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Volunteer Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

! College Positive Volunteerism

! Tutoring

! Reading

Program Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12! Kids For A Cause Poetry Competition


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! End the “R Word” Essay Competition

! Library Days

! Tutoring

! Adopt-A-Grandparent

Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14! Program Timeline

! Program Budget Sheet

! Volunteer Sign-up Sheet


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Program HistoryVision StatementThe Storytellers program aims to promote literacy in the community.

Mission StatementThe Storytellers program aims to provide effective help to those in need and opportunities for increasing literacy to those who seek it.

Values•Provide encouragement to those struggling to learn how to read

•Prepare students for higher education

•Cultivate a desire to read and write

Program OriginsThe origins of the Storytellers program are hazy at best. A lack of proper documentation has been to blame. What we do know is that the program was begun by speech therapy majors with the help of Professor Sonia Manuel-Dupont. The student volunteers spent time performing and reading stories to children at Aggie Village and at local libraries. They also hosted recess-like activities based on books they were currently reading with the participants on the Quad. This was one of the first college positive activities hosted by the program.

At the beginning of the 2013-14 school year, there were only three volunteer opportunities available for student volunteers at Hyrum City Library, Centro de la Familia, and Sunrise Elementary. By the end of fall semester, the program had increased its volunteer opportunities by 145 percent. Student volunteers began tutoring at Mount Logan Middle School and Bridgerland Elementary; reading at Sunshine Terrace through the Adopt-A-Grandparent program; collecting books for children in Kiribati during our new annual holiday book drive; and working to start a service-learning program for English, education, and theater majors by engaging elementary school students in storytelling workshops. Two writing competitions were created during spring semester: the Kids For A Cause poetry competition and the End the “R Word” essay competition.


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Other highlights during that year included raising awareness of the program during our Valentines Day Val-o-gram event, beginning a social media campaign on Facebook and Twitter, and raising over $1,000 thanks to our one-time partnership with Zombies Versus Humans in March of spring semester.

History last updated: June 27, 2014 By: Amy Dastrup, program director

Past DirectorsName Year(s) Served

Jennifer Dutdut 2014-2015Amy Dastrup 2013-2014Ariel Hendrix 2012-2013Tara Beckert 2011-2012Katie Fredrickson 2009-2011

Robin’s AwardsYear Award Individuals Recognized

2015 Val R. Christensen Service Award Jennifer Dutdut2014 Val R. Christensen Service Award Amy Dastrup

Other Awards and RecognitionYear Award Individuals Recognized

2014 Director of the Year Amy Dastrup


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Major Achievements and Benchmarks• 2015: Storytellers was dissolved and is now part of Aggie Literacy. This merger

combined Storytellers with STAR.

• 2014: Created Kids for a Cause Poetry Competition and coordinating service-learning class

• 2014: Created an essay competition about the harmful effects of the “R word” in collaboration with USU Special Olympic Games and the Utah Miss Amazing Pageant

• 2013: Created an annual holiday book drive to benefit children in underdeveloped countries


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Community Partners

Partner Location Contact Phone Number Email Position Notes

Sunrise Elementary

Smithfield Merry (435) 563-3866 Runs Read America program

Hyrum Library Hyrum Ginny (435) 245-6411 Head LibrarianSunshine Terrace Logan Bekah (435) 752-0411 Runs Adopt-A-

Grandparent program

Mount Logan Middle School

Logan (435) 755-2370 Student volunteers must bring USU ID card to tutoring sessions

Bridgerland Elementary

Logan Peggy (435) 755-2345 Runs Read America program

Centro de la Familia

Providence Tom (435) 787-2328 Runs after-school literacy program

Logan Library Logan (435) 716-9123

Sonia Manuel-Dupont

USU [email protected]


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Committee PositionsTutoring ChairThis chairperson is responsible for the quality of tutoring at each schoolResponsibilities:•Keep a running list of all active volunteers with up-to-date phone numbers• Interview volunteers to assess their effectiveness •Attend all committee meetings• Fill out monthly dashboard•Keep a list of all community partners they attain•Perform any duties as assigned by the director

Library ChairThis chairperson is responsible for the quality and promotion of all activities at each libraryResponsibilities:•Contact local schools and PTA’s in order to advertise for each library activity•Work with the director to create monthly activities and choose coordinating books•Attend all committee meetings• Fill out dashboard for each activity•Keep a list of all community partners they attain•Perform any duties assigned by the director

Community Programs ChairThis chairperson is responsible for the quality of all other community programs, including Adopt-A-Grandparent and any additional programsResponsibilities:•Keep a running list of all active volunteers with up-to-date phone numbers• Interview volunteers to assess their effectiveness •Attend all committee meetings• Fill out monthly dashboard•Keep a list of all community partners they attain•Perform any duties as assigned by the director

Historian/Social Media ChairThis chairperson is responsible for the promotion and documenting of each activity taking place within the Storytellers programResponsibilities:


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•Work with the director to promote each activity on each social media sites•Ensure each social media site looks professional and is up-to-date•Attend at least one activity at each location and each additional event to take pictures•Work with the director to complete the yearly scrapbook•Create fliers for each activity/additional event •Attend all committee meetings•Keep a list of all community partners they attain•Perform any duties as assigned by the director


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Risk ManagementStep One: Recruit VolunteersThe first step in risk management is to recruit volunteers that you feel will be an asset to the program. The Storytellers program recruits volunteers in various settings, including:•Aggie B.L.U.E. leadership training•SOAR/Connections•Day on the Quad•Service Center Kickoff• The semi-annual Volunteer Fair•Service Week•Service Center office hours

Step Two: Background CheckStorytellers volunteers work very closely with persons who are considered to be part of a vulnerable population, including children, the elderly, and the intellectually challenged. These persons often require one-on-one interaction. In order to work with such individuals without parental/caregiver supervision, volunteers must complete and submit a background check. Volunteers will not be required to get a background check for activities where vulnerable populations are involved, but a supervisor is present at all times and an accompaniment form has been signed.

To obtain a background check, volunteers should come to the Service Center to obtain a voucher. Next, they must make an appointment with and take their voucher to the USU Campus Police Department. The department will send each volunteer their completed background check. The volunteer should promptly bring it back to the Storytellers director, Service Vice President, or AmeriCorp VISTA at the Service Center. Step Three: Volunteer TrainingThe Storytellers director and committee will provide semester-based risk management training at each social. Some community partners will provide additional specialized training for volunteers. Each volunteer will be required to attend any additional training provided by any community partner involved with Storytellers.

If any volunteer has additional questions about the program requirements or training, they may talk to the director during his/her office hours.

Step Four: Committed Participation


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Volunteers will select a community partner to volunteer with and will be allowed to select more than one if they so desire.

Each volunteer must provide a valid email address, A number, and phone number, in addition to their background check, in order to participate with Storytellers.

Volunteers that decide to tutor at Bridgerland or Sunrise elementary schools through the Read America program should be aware that they will be required to commit to attending each tutoring session. They will be partnered with one child for an entire semester since familiarity is an important part of the tutoring program. If they are unable to attend a tutoring session, they must find a replacement. Their replacement must have a completed background check.

Volunteers should be aware that they should never, under any circumstance, be alone with a participant at any time. If any participant at any activity tries to seclude themselves with a volunteer, they should immediately leave the participant. If the participant is part of a vulnerable population and leaving them is not an option, they should ask another volunteer to join them.

Step Five: Emergency ProcedureIn the case of an emergency, volunteers should first call 911. Next, they should call the Service Center faculty advisor. The advisor’s phone number will be given to the volunteers during the training sessions held at each social. Volunteers will need to give the advisor a verbal report over the phone and then complete a written report that will be filed with the university. If volunteers cannot reach the advisor, they should call the Storytellers director or AmeriCorp VISTA. Their phone numbers will also be given to the volunteers during the training sessions.

If volunteers are working with a member of a vulnerable population, they should not leave their participant until a community partner advisor/coordinator or a parent/caregiver tells them otherwise or relieves them.


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Volunteer TrainingCollege Positive VolunteerismStorytellers is a volunteer organization that focuses on helping individuals increase their literacy and improve their grades. Because of the nature of this program, volunteers are in a position to encourage students to pursue higher education. Volunteers should always promote higher education without being pushy or abrasive. If participants ask for information on higher education, please refer them to

As part of this initiative, volunteers should encourage participants to attend any and all appropriate activities held at USU. Bringing participants to college campuses is an excellent way to familiarize them with college life and encourage them to attend a university in the future.

TutoringStorytellers works mostly with the Read America tutoring program. An AmeriCorp volunteer will assist Storytellers volunteers in training for the Read America program.

When tutoring with other programs, volunteers should work slowly with students. The goal of tutoring is to make sure the student comprehends what they are reading, not just reciting words. Ask engaging questions about the content they are reading or about illustrations they may be looking at. Volunteers may also want to ask questions about the cover art or context clues. Volunteers should help students understand words students may be struggling with by sounding words out with them.

ReadingWhen reading aloud to groups of students or small children, first perform a walk-through of the story. Ask them questions about the cover art and some of the illustrations inside the publication before reading the book aloud. Volunteers should ask questions about the meaning of words, what students think might happen next in the plot, or characters moods and behaviors to keep them engaged in the story.

When reading to the elderly, volunteers should speak loudly and clearly so that they can be understood. Volunteers should not talk down or in “baby talk” to any participant.


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Program ActivitiesKids For A Cause Poetry CompetitionThe Kids For A Cause poetry competition is focused on getting grade school students (K-12) to improve their writing skills and social awareness by writing a poem about a social issue affecting them or their classmates. Examples include bullying, violence, or being drug-free. Each year the Storytellers director should choose a new theme for the competition and submit it to each local school districts’ superintendent or each schools’ principal.

Poems should be submitted in packets given to the teachers to collect the poems in at least two weeks before the date of the competition.

The Storytellers committee will select five to seven finalists from each of the following devisions: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12.

Each finalist will be invited to read their poem in front of a panel of judges selected from the community and USU. The judges will grade each poem using a rubric to asses their poetry reading based on where each student should be developmentally, artistic elements of a poem, and how well it is performed.

Each winner from each division will receive a prize determined by the Storytellers committee and each finalist will receive a certificate for their participation.

End the “R Word” Essay CompetitionThe End the “R Word” essay competition, in collaboration with Aggie Special Olympics, is for local high school and middle school students. It’s focus is on increasing awareness about the hurtful and negative effects of using the “R word” as a derogatory term, and to improve writing skills.

Submissions should be sent to the Storytellers email account.

The Storytellers committee will select the winner based on how well the author articulates their feelings about eliminating the “R word” from our vocabularies, and how it will improve our communities and relationships with students who have special needs.

The winner will be invited to read their essay at USU’s Spread The Word To End The Word event held during spring semester. They will also be awarded a prize determined by the Storytellers committee.


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Library DaysLibrary Days are held on the last Saturday of each month at the Hyrum and Logan City libraries. All volunteers must pass a background check in order to volunteer at the libraries with Storytellers.

The Library Days Chair, with the help of the Storytellers director, is responsible for selecting the book being read and accompanying learning activity.

The Library Days Chair will teach volunteers how to properly perform a read-through and creating a carpool list for volunteers to go to the libraries.

TutoringStorytellers volunteers tutor at Sunrise Elementary, Bridgerland Elementary, Centro de la Familia, and Mount Logan Middle School. All volunteers must pass a background check in order to tutor with Storytellers.

Dates and times for tutoring sessions vary with each school. Volunteers should be committed to these dates and times. If they are going to be absent, volunteers are expected to find a replacement.

The Tutoring Chair is responsible for creating a carpool list for volunteers and each volunteer tutoring with Storytellers should receive this list via email.

Adopt-A-GrandparentThe Adopt-A-Grandparent program is run through Sunshine Terrace Assisted Living center. Volunteers will be paired with a “grandparent” who would like to be read to. All volunteers must pass a background check in order to volunteer with Storytellers at the center.

Volunteers are expected to visit their “grandparent” for a total of two hours a month. Sunshine Terrace has asked that volunteers not visit during scheduled lunch hours or activities.


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TemplatesProgram Timeline                                                                                                                                       Program Timeline                                                                                                                                       Program Timeline                                                                                                                                       Program Timeline                                                                                                                                       Program Timeline                                                                                                                                       

Date Event/Activity/Meeting/Task Location Time Person(s) Responsible

AugustAugustAugustAugustAugust20 Assemble orientation packets Director

Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!

SeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptember4-5 Service Center Kickoff TSC Auditorium 7pm Service Center

Leadership10 Committee applications due Service Center 5pm Director11 Day on the Quad Quad 10am-2p


11-12 Interview applicants Service Center TBD Director16 Volunteer Fair TSC Lounges 9am-2pm Director17 Committee meeting Service Center 8:30pm Director23 Adopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community

Program Chair24 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/

3:15pmTutoring Chair

26 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

28 SERVICE CENTER RETREAT Bear Lake 10am Service Center Leadership

Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!

OctoberOctoberOctoberOctoberOctober1 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/

3:15pmTutoring Chair

3 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

7 Adopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community Program Chair

8 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

10 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

15 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair


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17 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

18 FALL BREAK21 Adopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community

Program Chair22 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/

3:15pmTutoring Chair

Committee meeting Service Center 8:30pm Director24 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/

3:15pmTutoring Chair

26 Library Day Hyrum Library 10am Library Chair28 Service Center Halloween

CarnivalField House 7pm Director

29 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

31 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!

NovemberNovemberNovemberNovemberNovember4 Adopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community

Program ChairTutoring Mount Logan Middle

School3:20pm Tutoring Chair

5 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


6 Tutoring Mount Logan Middle School

3:20pm Tutoring Chair

7 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


11 Holiday Book Drive begins TSC Hub/Merrill-Cazier Library

10am Director

Tutoring Mount Logan Middle School

3:20pm Tutoring Chair

12 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


13 Tutoring Mount Logan Middle School

3:20pm Tutoring Chair


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14 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


18 Adopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community Program Chair

Tutoring Mount Logan Middle School

3:20pm Tutoring Chair

19 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


Committee meeting Service Center 8:30pm Director20 Tutoring Mount Logan Middle

School3:20pm Tutoring Chair

21 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


23 Library Day Hyrum Library 10am Library Chair25 Tutoring Mount Logan Middle

School3:20pm Tutoring Chair

26 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


27-29 THANKSGIVING BREAKLog in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!

DecemberDecemberDecemberDecemberDecember2 Adopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community

Program ChairTutoring Mount Logan Middle

School3:20pm Tutoring Chair

3 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


4 Tutoring Mount Logan Middle School

3:20pm Tutoring Chair

5 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School



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9-13 FINALS WEEK9 Adopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community

Program ChairTutoring Mount Logan Middle

School3:20pm Tutoring Chair

10 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


11 Tutoring Mount Logan Middle School

3:20pm Tutoring Chair

12 Tutoring Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


13 Holiday Book Drive ends Director14 Library Day Hyrum Library 10am Library Chair16-Jan 3


Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!

JanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuary6 Adopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community

Program ChairTutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


7 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


8 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


9 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School



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13 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


14 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


15 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


Service Center Kickoff Service Center 7pm Service Center Leadership

16 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


20 MLK DAYAdopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community

Program Chair21 Tutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


22 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


23 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School



Bear Lake Training Center

4:50pm Service Center Leadership


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27 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


28 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


Committee meeting Service Center 8:30pm Director29 Tutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


30 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!

FebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruary3 Adopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community

Program ChairTutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


Valentines Day Fundraiser Begins

TSC Hub 10am Director

4 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


5 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


6 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair


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Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


10 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


11 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


12 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


13 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


14 Valentines Day Fundraiser ends

TSC Hub 2pm Director

17 PRESIDENTS DAYAdopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community

Program Chair18 Tutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


19 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


20 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm


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Mount Logan Middle School


22 Library Day Hyrum Library 10am Library Chair24 Tutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


25 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


Committee meeting Service Center 8:30pm Director26 Tutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


27 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


28 Essays Due 11:59pm DirectorPoems Due 4pm Director

Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!

MarchMarchMarchMarchMarch3 Adopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community

Program ChairTutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


4 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


5 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair


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Mount Logan Middle School


6 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


10-14 SPRING BREAK17 Adopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community

Program ChairTutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


Committee select poetry finalists

Service Center TBD Director

Committee select essay winners

Service Center TBD Director

18 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


19 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


20 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


22 Miss Amazing Pageant TSC Auditorium TBA Director24 Tutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


25 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm


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Mount Logan Middle School


Committee meeting Service Center 8:30pm Director26 Tutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


27 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


29 Library Day Hyrum Library 10am Library Chair31 Adopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community

Program ChairTutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!

AprilAprilAprilAprilApril1 Tutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


2 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


3 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


7 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School



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8 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


9 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


10 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


14-18 SERVICE WEEK14 Adopt-A-Grandparent Sunshine Terrace TBD Community

Program ChairTutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


15 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


16 Day on the Quad Quad 10am-2pm


Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


17 Kids for a Cause Poetry Competition

Morgan Theater 11am Director

Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School



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21 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


22 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


23 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


24 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


26 Library Day Hyrum Library 10am Library Chair28 Tutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


29 Tutoring Bridgerland Elementary


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm

Mount Logan Middle School


Committee meeting Service Center 8:30pm Director30 Tutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Mount Logan Middle School


Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!

MayMayMayMayMay1 Tutoring Bridgerland


Tutoring Chair

Sunrise Elementary 8am/3:15pm


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Mount Logan Middle School


5-9 FINALS WEEKLog in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!


Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!


Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!Log in Your Hours on AGS!


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BudgetMonth Expected

ExpensesActual Expenses Income Remaining













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Volunteer SheetName A # Phone # Email


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