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TUNE: So… for all the people that don’t know who you are, introduce yourself!

SIMMY: As you already know, the name’s Simmy Stacks and I allow my emotions to flow through my lyrics and life experiences to be told over instrumentals.

TUNE: Ok, so it’s fair to say you’re a young rapper telling his story?

SIMMY: That’s the one, however I’d call myself an Artist rather than rapper. As well as rapping, I produce beats, collaborate with differ-ent genres, I don’t just stick to Rap or Hip-Hop I consider myself very versatile and I’ll vocal anything that sounds good to me really.

TUNE: I see I see, interesting! Well it’s the thing that’s all been on our mind, where did you get that unique name from?

SIMMY: Haha, the name, ar alright. To be totally honest it got given to me. Simmy is obviously from Simieon – my name. Stacks is what they call me because as a younger I could make money from anything, from selling pokemon cards back in school to selling my beats to the industries finest! Put them together and this is what I got, and it just kind of stuck I guess.

TUNE: I like it! So tell us who you’ve collaborated with in the past and a couple of your favourite tracks you’ve made…

SIMMY: Erm, I’ve collaborated with the names of Wretch 32, DVS, Chipmunk, quite a variety. A couple of my favourite tracks, haha erm...well i’m not one to toot my own horn, you’d have to tell me your favourite track of mine.

TUNE: Haha, fair enough!

TUNE: Well a few fans have sent in questions for us to ask you so are you ready?

SIMMY: Yeah man, go ahead!

TUNE: Ok, lets go! Who do you wish to collab with in the future

SIMMY: Erm, let me think... anyone?

TUNE: Anyone!

SIMMY: Trey songz, Drake, Rick Ross, you know...the usual.

TUNE: Ok, what made you start music?

SIMMY: Erm, as I said earlier, just life experiences really. I’ve been through things, so has everyone but rather than just hold it in I thought I might aswell just let it out. It helps man

TUNE: Yeah man, you’re very inspiring! If you have any ad-vice to the youngers starting up in the music scene, what is it?

SIMMY: Erm, stay true to yourself!

Written by Shaquille Hunter


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