Page 1: Final Jan 2012 Quality Control of Service Industry Ahmedawad


.,llnsamsUniversir-v,FacultyofEngineering *--fa *

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E}*sigsa a nd I'e'*da:efislxs &;s*#m**r*ng Dept. &i!)PS93 Quality C*ntr*l tlfl, es?$** EsBs*$s*B-$*s 4**.**t d*p'['"ful i":*s {=**;*

The Sxamination consists of (5) Questions in (1) Page

Attempt AII Questions {r il

fuestion ia) What is meant by: "Application of industrial concepts on senSces"? Discuss sCIrne

of the significant'advantages for using this concepf,to quality assurance in services.

b) Mention the main differences between the threo phases of development; pre* ,

industrial, industrial, and postindustrial. (Using a table to illustrate your answer). "- '

Ouestion 2:a) Compare in brief betwween service industries and manufacturing industries aspects. ;-

b) Heterogeneity is one of the characteristics of services. What does it mean? What are

the factors atkibuting to this characteristic? How does this characteristic places a

great burden on the quality control function of a service firm. .. .-

Ouestion 3:a) If service companies stop thinking of service as sewihrde and personal rninistration,

they will be able to affect drastic improvernent in its quality and efficiency.Lil*mrneslt. I

bi Discuss the impact of low productivity on the service organization's survivai.Ouestion 4:

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blDraw a tlowchart for the steps needed in developing an evaluation systern in theservice firms. ', ,;

Ouestiou 5:a) Mention ttre main external and internal factors influence the achievement of s*rvice


ir) "(hrality oi inforrnation" What does it means? Mention the hasic qualiry

, characteristics of the management information system,",,,,. .'' i. ,,.,

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