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In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of real media


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They have both been placed in the corner of the magazine to allow

space for the main image. They are both

large and stand out on the cover.

Sell Line

Both covers have a list of artists featured in the



Both magazines have barcodes placed in the corner of the magazine

Main Image

The main image have both been placed next to the masthead and both

are standing at an angle.

Cover line

Both cover lines are placed across the main images body

and both involve the artists name.

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Main Image

Both main images have different poses and different clothes. My

Magazine has a hoodie with no jewellery while

the XXl magazine is wearing jewellery.

FooterMy magazine has a footer to provide extra information

which the XXL Magazine does not


BackgroundThe XXL magazine has a

black background but. My magazine has kept in line by

having a dark background but not black

Issue and date the issue number and date have been placed in the top corner of my

magazine to show readers which issue it


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The contents heading is placed at the top to show what page it is

The urban beat website is placed under the heading for readers who want extra information, news and features

The date and issue number placed under the heading for readers to know what issue it is

The content for the magazine has been placed on the left side of the page and has been split into three categories

The two images of the artists who are the main feature for the magazine have been placed down the right side of the magazine

The names of the artists have been placed next to the images to show who they are and also try to show they are the main feature of the magazine

The featured pages of the artist have been placed under the images to show they are the main feature.


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The heading for the article gives the readers a small insight of what is coming up in the article. The heading is also a quote from the artist on his career.

The main image of the artist placed on the next page with dark background to keep in line with the Hip Hop genre the pose of the artist is to show he is a big time artist.

Page number in the corner corresponding with the contents page and also there to help the reader know what page it is. The article is in two columns

and is written in interview format with the questions being asked followed by the artists response the questions are coloured in white to differentiate from the answers which are in a different colour.


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How does your media product represent particular

social groups?

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Hip Hop is generally stereotyped to young Afro Caribbean's who wear baggy trouser, hoodies, baseball caps and jewellery. My media product has changed these conventions by using an Asian artist but I have stuck to the stereotype by using a hoodie to stick to the hip hop vibe. I feel my media product appeals to a wider audience than most hip hop magazine such as vibe and XXL because it appeals to the Afro Caribbean's and now the Asian population. I decides to use an Asian because I feel they are not represented as much as other cultures.

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media

product and why?

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The Media institution I would like to publish my music magazine is IPC Media this is because they already publish one of the UK best music magazines, NME. They do not currently publish Hip Hop magazines which is a disadvantage because they may not want to publish magazines of this genre. However this can also be an advantage because they may want to venture towards different genres and show they are versatile. IPC would be appropriate for my music magazine because it has published many magazines since the 1800s they have also produced magazine which cater for everyone’s taste unlike Bauer who only target certain Genres. They have also produced popular UK magazines such as Chat, Shoot, Nuts, and Golf Monthly.

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Who would the audience be for your media


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My magazine is targeting the hip hop music genre.


My Magazine is targeting 16-24 year olds I feel this is the right age range because the content in the magazine covers these ages because of the type of language and images used. The other reason I chose this age range is because the music of the Hip Hop genre is venturing towards younger people and this why I think people out of this age range may not be able to relate to the artists because of big age gaps.


My magazine is targeted at the working class, the price is £2.00 so it is a affordable magazine for them which can be bought on a weekly basis. Also most fans are of this social class and the artists of this genre started out as working class.


My magazine is mainly targeting males this is because most of the artists in this genre are mainly males. Also the males are easier to target because of the lack of females artists. The male artists and fans of the hip hop genre can be more easily stereotyped e.g. baggy clothes, jewellery are seen a lot on the male artists and fans, but female artists and fans are more unpredictable.


Hip Hop mainly targets Afro-Caribbean people because Hip Hop originated in African-American communities. In my magazine I have still targeted Afro-Caribbean people but I have tried to break the conventions by using a Asian artist on my cover to show the variety in Hip Hop.

The stereo typical audience profile Gender - MaleAge - 16-24Social class – Working classEthnicity – Afro-CaribbeanInterests – Music Dress sense – Jeans, Baseball Cap, Hoodies, and jewellery Why they listen to hip hop – They listen to music to try and remember their ethnic backgrounds.How often – they listen frequently to keep their motivation high

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How did you attract/address your


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The main image of the artist has ‘bad boy’ pose this has been used so the target audience know that he is the main feature. The artists is also wearing a hoodie which is a key type of clothing for a hip hop artist or fan.

The price is at £2.00 so the working class which is part of my target audience know that the price is affordable and it can be brought on a weekly basis.

The background colour is dark this has been done to keep in line with the vibe of the hip hop genre.

I have also tried to attract my audience by having big name hip hop artists on my cover to attract them to the content of the magazine.

The name for the masthead attracts the audience by using the word Urban this has been use because hip hop was formed in urban areas.

The cover line is used to attract the readers by making them want to find out more.

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The images of the two artists attract the audience because they are shown as the main feature for the magazine

The content bar has three main categories News, Music Reviews, and features set out the layout of the magazine. The audience are also attracted by the use of colour because the page numbers and the content are two different colours

The website has been placed under the heading to show there is more information

the contents heading is placed across the top of the page and attracts the reader due to the size

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I used a quote as my main headline in the article to attract the readers. The quote “ my rise to the top” is revealing and people want to find out about the artists fame and information. The article is set out in a interview format with the questions in white and the answers in black so the audience find it simple to read.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the

process of constructing this product?

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I used Adobe Photoshop to create my front cover and also to manipulate images used on my contents page and double page spread. My Original image was manipulated in Photoshop by removing the background, cropping the image and making his Hoodie darker, Photoshop has wide variety of colours which helped me decide what colours I wanted to use for my background and for my sell lines.

Original Image

Final Magazine was completed with the main cover and date and issue number placed on

I added the background colour. I wanted to add a dark background to stick to the vibe of the genre.

The manipulated image was added I manipulated the image by changing the colour of his clothes to make them darker I also removed the background.

The footer, barcode and price were added

Sell Line and the masthead were added

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I used Adobe Indesign to create my contents page and double page spread. On my contents page I used a variety of formatting techniques to design my content bar and my heading.

My two original images for my contents page

The background for my contents page was added

The contents heading has been added along with the website, date and issue number

The content bar on the left side of the page has been created

The content for the magazine has been added

The images has been placed on

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The digital camera was used to get my original images which were used on the front cover, contents page and double page spread. The camera allowed me get shots at different angles and positions

Original images

My double page spread before I started

The background colour and article has been created

The main image has been added of the artist

I used Adobe Indesign to create my double page spread. Indesign help me create my article using the text tool and also helped me edit my font by using colour and also allowing me to add an outline to my text.

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you

feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full


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I feel I have improved on my skills using Adobe Photoshop and indesign. In Photoshop I feel I have improved on my ability to manipulate my images. In my final product I added drop shadow to my text which I didn’t do on my preliminary task. Also in my final magazine I have experimented more with my font while in my preliminary task I had a constant font throughout my magazine. Also in my final magazine I had a constant colour scheme throughout of white and purple while in the preliminary task I have used different colours so a weekly brand for the preliminary product cannot be formed while with the final magazine this can be done.

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