Page 1: Final case (1) successful presentation will include an innovative solution to the problem at hand, thorough research of

Case Competition

Page 2: Final case (1) successful presentation will include an innovative solution to the problem at hand, thorough research of

Objective Design and create a solution that improves a specific aspect of readiness for and/or response to natural disasters. Your solution can be with

Judging Criteria


respect to the incidents mentioned above, or any other significant disaster of your choice. Construct your remedy with regards to the human health-related impacts of the disasters. Keep in mind the economic situations in your targeted region(s) of implementation. Consider a feasible solution that can be efficiently and effectively implemented, and be sure to include how it will be financially sustainable



during its effective time period. Present and explain how your proposed Solution Implementation: solution mitigates negative effects of the disaster on the quality of human life. Also discuss why your idea is a step up from how this issue was previously handled. Be prepared to refute potential arguments against your solution.

Net Positive Impact

Minimal Ethical and Cultural Effects

Economic and Technical Feasibility

Consider the following: Proposal:

What are some health hazards associated with such disasters? These

could be caused by secondary effects such as pollution and waste.

Ethical dilemmas that could come up regarding fund allocations or distribution of the remedy, etc., and how to circumvent them.

Your solution does not have to be a physical object, it can be something intangible like a new policy; Again, consider feasibility

Business Plan for Implementation

Relevant Financial Information

Long-term Effect

and effectiveness. Quality of Presentation:

s the impact of your solution immediate or long-standing?

Where is the solution to be implemented? Should it be specific to the resources of that area, or generalized so that it may be applied elsewhere?

Be conscious of the "Real World" application (don't use inaccessible materials, unrealistic designs)

Neat and Organized

Smooth Transitions

Contains all Necessary Information

Within Time Constraint

Texas BMES

Page 3: Final case (1) successful presentation will include an innovative solution to the problem at hand, thorough research of

Background The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Hurricane Katrina. The current South Carolina floods. There are many accounts from around the world of major storms devastating densely populated areas. These natural disasters are costly to the regions that they affect, costing millions and even billions and their prevalence and magnitude of these disasters majorly tax the health care infrastructure of the regions. Preparation plans are outdated, rescue and aid during are underequipped, and dealing with the aftermath is a slow and long process. These issues places stress and reduces the amount of resources available to give proper healthcare to the public. When Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast in 2012, there was much worry about a major storm hitting such a densely populated area. Hospitals remained open despite the magnitude of the storm and many people stayed in their homes. Once the storm hit, there were many hospitals that were forced to evacuate their patients due to generators being knocked out, inadequate supplies, etc. While these hospitals had contingency plans in place, there were more resources that were required. Losing lives unnecessarily due to disease and injury strains the recovery process after these natural disasters. Many of the world's major cities are located on the coast or next to a body of water, and weather will never stop becoming severe. The modern healthcare infrastructure must adapt in order to deal with the consequences that come from natural disasters.

Texas BMES

Page 4: Final case (1) successful presentation will include an innovative solution to the problem at hand, thorough research of

Summary A successful presentation will include an innovative solution to the problem at hand, thorough research of the solution, a business plan to implement the solution that includes a thorough understanding of the risks and rewards, potential pitfalls, opportunities for further development, etc., relevant financial information such as business development, marketing, funding and expenses, etc., and the long- term impact of the proposed solution in an organized and aesthetically-pleasing PowerPoint presentation.

2015 Fall

BMES Case Competition

Supported by SEC

Competition Day The competition will be held on November 7, 2015. Teams will be notified of their presentation times beforehand. Each team will have 15 minutes for their presentation, 10 minutes to present their solution and 5 minutes to answer questions from the judges. Dress for presenters is Business Professional. The 1st place team will be awarded $600 and the 2nd Place team will be awarded $400. The third place team will be awarded $100.

Good Luck!

Contact Information:

Deepthi Bannai

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Texas BMES

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